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未婚年輕女性生涯決策歷程的關係脈絡之敘事探討張雅鈴, Chang, Yea-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果以故事敘說的形式呈現,並分析每位受訪者生涯決策的關係脈絡,最後就三位受訪者的情況做綜合討論,與既有之相關文獻和研究進行對話,主要藉助「關係中的自我」模式與「發聲」模式。研究結果發現,整體而言,三位未婚年輕女性的生涯決策歷程有其個別的關係脈絡,且關係脈絡與其生涯決策有緊密的關連,在其生涯歷程中仍可見關係和情感方面的需求,此外,社會文化亦滲入其關係脈絡和生涯決策歷程中,她們的生涯決策可說是在個別特的關係脈絡中共構而成。同時,在這樣的生涯決策歷程中也可以看到她們自我的成長和力量的展現,在關係脈絡下形成生涯決策的歷程似乎也是自我發聲的展現。最後,根據研究結果提出對於女性生涯研究與女性生涯諮商實務之建議。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relational contexts of unmarried young females’ career decision-making processes, and to understand what these means to them and how these influence them. For understanding their subjective experiences, the study conduct in-depth interviews with three unmarried young females, and analyzed the text data by the principles of holistic-content and hermeneutic circle of narrative research.
The findings were presented by the career stories of the three participants and the analysis of the relational contexts of their career decision-making process. Otherwise, the study tried to make discussions about how participants’ experiences show in their career stories reflect the perspectives of some literatures and researches, in that “self-in-relationships” model and ”voice” model provide the main structure. As a whole, the findings were as follows: The three participants have their own relational contexts, which closely correlated to their career decision-making. Meanwhile, their relational needs and affection needs are also important components in their career decision-making processes. In addition, social and cultural influences participate in both of their relational contexts and their career decision-making processes. As a result, it seemed the career decision-making in their relational contexts represented the processes which they are empowered and grow up. Finally, based on the findings of the study, suggestions for female career researches and female career counseling were provided.
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法朵的馬德里想像:西班牙餐廳的創新再脈絡過程 / The Imaging of Fardo: The Process of Innovation Recontextualization from a Spanish Restaurant李雅清 Unknown Date (has links)
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台灣跨族群工具性交友網絡研究 / The research of cross-ethnic friendship and instrumental network in Taiwan唐經硯 Unknown Date (has links)
在本論文中,研究者認為影響受訪者跨族群交友的主要因素主要可從兩方面來看,分別為兩者連繫的同質性、連繫強度、接觸場合、社經地位差序變項,以及受訪者個人的世代、族群、教育程度與跨族群交友偏向程度。透過1997年三期三次「台灣地區社會變遷調查」社會網絡與社區組調查資料,本論文使用階層線性模型(Hierarchical Linear Models,HLM),從受訪者與他人的兩者關係所形成的連繫層次,以及受訪者個人層次來對台灣跨族群交往的現象作進一步的分析。研究結果發現,受訪者個人特質,例如受訪者教育程度、所屬族群,較兩者連繫特質,例如兩者連繫強度、認識場合,更強烈地影響了跨族群連繫形成的可能性,這樣的結果在過去由於方法上的限制,無法得到驗證,透過此研究,可對台灣族群相關網絡研究在建立跨族群連繫的可能因素上,提供了不一樣的看法與解釋。 / In this paper, I argued that what impacts the respondents constructing the cross-ethnicity ties can be treated from two perspectives. One is the tie-level, such as the homogeneity, tie strength, contact contexts, and socio-economical resources variables between two actors. The other is the individual-level, like the generations, ethnicities, levels of education, and the degrees of the preference for making cross-ethnic ties of the egos, that is, the respondents. I tested my hypotheses using the social network data in 1997, called Taiwan Social Change Survey (TSCS). Through building the hierarchical linear models, some advanced analysis could be done for understanding the cross-ethnic interaction phenomenon in Taiwan by considering the tie-level and the individual-level at the same time. The research results showed that when talking about the possibility of making cross-ethnic ties, personal characteristics, like levels of education, and ethnicities, are more important than tie characteristics, such as tie strength and meeting places of the two. However, this outcome cannot be examined in the past because of the methodological restrictions. Through this research, it provides different sights and explanations for discussing the possible reasons for constructing cross-ethnic ties in the social network researching area in Taiwan.
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台灣政論節目的考古與拓璞──談十年流變與初探大選期間集體收視升降的文化解釋紀佩君 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究先與過去十年政論節目的相關研究對話,統整出台灣政論節目的流變趨勢和研究成果。本研究繼而以 James Coleman集體層次觀點和Ann Swidler的文化社會學論點,從全新的角度探討政論節目集體收視升高與生活不穩定程度的關係。在認定「報紙」為呈現生活脈絡的較適媒體之前提下,本研究透過2004年三月到四月總統大選期間報紙議題的質化分析,分類出報紙呈現的政治不穩定程度。進而以QCA(Qualitative Comparative Analysis)之方法,探索政治系統不穩定程度與政論節目在大選期間集體收視率升降的關係。
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Incidence of central serous chorioretinopathy (2011-2018): a nationwide population-based cohort study of Japan / 中心性漿液性脈絡網膜症の発症(2011-2018): 日本における全国規模の人口ベースコホート研究Kido, Ai 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第23792号 / 医博第4838号 / 新制||医||1057(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 近藤 尚己, 教授 佐藤 俊哉, 教授 藤渕 航 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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マウス側脳室脈絡叢からのSonic hedgehogの分泌が側脳室脈絡叢の肥大と大脳新皮質表面積の拡大をもたらす木下, 晃 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(生命科学) / 甲第24047号 / 生博第473号 / 新制||生||63(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院生命科学研究科高次生命科学専攻 / (主査)教授 今吉 格, 教授 見学 美根子, 教授 原田 浩 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Philosophy in Life Sciences / Kyoto University / DFAM
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不同脈絡下,青少年的認同策略與適應問題之關係 / The relationship between adolescents’ identity strategies and adjustment problems in different contexts曾幼涵, Tseng Yu Han Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果說明了,有關認青少年同策略之使用與適應問題之關係,需放在脈絡下來探討;不同脈絡下,認同策略可能帶來不同的適應結果。而在特定脈絡下,青少年的個別差異則可調節認同策略與適應問題之關係。根據研究結果,我們進一步從研究者與實務者的角度來討論三種認同策略對於青少年之功能。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between the ways in which adolescents approach identity issues (i.e. the three identity strategies: information-oriented, norm-oriented, and diffuse/avoidant-oriented) and adjustment problems. The relationship between identity strategies and adolescents adjustment problems has not been consistently replicated. Two reasons were considered: one was the limit of the Identity Style Inventory (ISI), which was extensively used to measure identity strategies. However, ISI could only measure the individuals’ “preference” of specific identity strategy, it ignored that people may use different identity strategies in different contexts. The other reason was the limit of theoretical view. In the past, such research issue was executed by the Western researchers; they didn’t consider the effects of culture differences. Our assumption was that one specific identity strategy will not necessary bring a specific adjustment outcome, but be influenced by “contexts”. For testing this assumption, we first identified two important identity domains in adolescence: learning domain and life-activity domain. Then, the new measurement tool named the Identity Strategy Inventory for Adolescence (ISI-A) was developed which measure three identity strategies in the two identity domains. Then, we used ISI-A to explore the relationship between adolescents’ identity strategies and adjustment problems in Taiwan. Furthermore, we explore how the individual differences (gender difference and different developmental stage) moderate the relationship between identity strategies and adolescent’s adjustment problems.
946 students (487 males, 456 junior high school students) in junior and senior high schools in Taipei were recruited. All students completed questionnaires on personal and family background, ISI-A, and Youth Self-Report Checklist (YSR) which measured externalizing and internalizing problem behaviors. Results indicated that the relationship between identity strategies and adjustment problems is different in different context. Information-oriented was considered the beneficial identity strategy in Western culture, but we found norm-oriented was more beneficial to adolescents’ adjustment than information-oriented. Like the findings in Western culture, we found diffuse/avoidant-oriented was detrimental to adolescents’ adjustment. Different identity domains determine the values of information-oriented. In learning domain, information-oriented was somewhat beneficial to adjustment, but in life-activity domain, information-oriented was detrimental to adjustment.
Gender differences and developmental stages in adolescence moderate the relationship between identity strategies and adjustment problems. In the two identity domains, norm-oriented reduce and diffuse/avoidant-oriented increase adolescents’ adjustment problems across different genders, but information-oriented influence only male’s adjustment problems. For junior high school’s students, adjustment problem was influenced by norm- and diffuse/avoidant-oriented in learning domain, but wasn’t by any identity strategies in life-activity domain. For senior high school’s students, however, identity strategies in the two identity domains have effect on adjustment problems. Furthermore, the influence of information-oriented was highlighted in senior high school students.
These findings indicate that it’s necessary to consider the relationship between adolescents’ identity strategies and adjustment problems in “contexts”. A specific identity strategy brings to different adjustment outcomes in different context. In a specific context, individual differences in adolescence moderate the relationship between identity strategies and adjustment problems. Based on these findings, we further discussed the three identity strategies’ function from the viewpoint of researcher and practitioner.
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