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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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高齡者照顧機構之損害賠償責任 —以臺日照顧事故判決之比較為中心 / The Liability for damages of elder care facilities- focusing on judgments about care accidents in R.O.C and Japan

洪懷舒 Unknown Date (has links)
在高齡化的潮流下,對於高齡者照顧機構的需求與日俱增,受照顧者在照顧機構內發生事故的案例也隨之增加。然而,我國對於高齡者照顧機構損害賠償責任之討論卻相對稀少。本文以事故類型化我國判決,並透過日本法相同類型之判決內容加以比較,得出以下結論:一、各事故類型之主要爭點及照顧機構之具體義務,亦即事故發生前之照顧義務,以及事故發生後之處理、急救義務內容。二、我國有消費者保護法無過失服務責任可資主張,但僅限於非醫療輔助行為之照顧行為。三、照顧機構對於無責任能力之受照顧者所造成之他人損害,日本有成立監督義務者責任之可能。三、與有過失於照顧事故中適用之前提要件,應僅限於受照顧者有積極不為防範之行為之情形。   觀諸我國照顧事故之判決,法院認定照顧機構成立責任者,多為照顧機構實際提供受照顧者之照顧服務行為上有所疏失之情形。因此在涉及受照顧者疾病感染或復發、因其他受照顧者行為所致之事故類型中,法院多以臨床標準為判斷基準,並限縮因果關係之解釋,減輕照顧機構所課與之注意義務,進而否定照顧機構有義務之違反。   相較於此,在日本照顧事故之判決中,法院著眼於照顧契約之保護照顧義務,認定設施方負有確保受照顧者生命、身體安全不致發生損害之義務,進而判斷具體個案中受照顧者方所主張違反之義務是否屬於前述設施方之義務範圍內,再加以審酌設施方有無預見及防免之可能,以認定設施方是否成立責任。又法院雖賦予設施方較高之注意義務,卻將所認定之損害賠償額控制在較低之標準,因此課與設施方之責任亦非過重。   因受照顧者身處設施方緊密控制之封閉組織內,仰賴設施方提供服務,設施方於契約締結、履行,乃至於終結,均處於較受照顧者更為優勢之地位。因此,我國若同日本,採取以保護照顧義務架構設施方之責任依據,並寬認設施方所負確保受照顧者生命、身體安全不致發生損害之義務範圍,再由設施方舉證證明其不具有預見事故發生及防免之可能,對受照顧者之保護應較為周全。

消費者保護法第51條之研究 / The study of Article 51 of Consumer Protection Act

陳柏蓉 Unknown Date (has links)
懲罰性賠償金係透過課予加害人超出被害人損害之賠償,達成制裁加害人,並嚇阻加害人以及其他行為人從事相類行為。該制度係源自於英國,並自英國傳遞自美國,並於美國廣泛盛行。懲罰性賠償金制度具有懲罰、嚇阻、設立典範之功能、執行法律等功能,惟其係私法下之概念,卻帶有懲罰目的之公法性質,跨越兩種領域使其極具爭議性。 消費者保護法第51條將英美法之懲罰性賠償金制度引進,致使我國民刑分立之法體系產生模糊地帶。關於我國實務對於懲罰性賠償金之態度,得以自其就消費者保護法第51條要件之解釋觀察。然實務就要件之解釋未盡統一,如此將導致當事人無所適從。 2015年6月17日修正之消費者保護法第51條,明確將「重大過失」納入規定,顯見立法者對於企業經營者採取更為嚴格之態度。如此修正固解決長久以來「過失」是否應限縮於「重大過失」之爭議,惟關於消費者保護法第51條其他要件之解釋,仍有尚未解決之問題。 觀諸消費者保護法第51條之要件,「依本法所提之訴訟」於「本法」及「訴訟」即存在寬嚴不同之解釋。另關於該條文之責任主體,企業經營者是否就其受僱人之懲罰性賠償金責任負責,又企業經營者間之責任關係為何,皆有釐清之必要。請求權主體之部分,消費者保護法第7條規定之「第三人」並未出現於第51條懲罰性賠償金之規定中,產生消費者以外之「第三人」是否為請求權主體之爭議。另外,被害人死亡時懲罰性賠償金之歸屬,亦為立法者制定該條文規定時,未審慎思考致生之法律漏洞。究竟被害人死亡時,應由間接被害人抑或繼承人請求懲罰性賠償金,無論如何結論之擇採,皆有賴縝密之法律邏輯推演。最後於懲罰性賠償金之計算,2015年6月17日明確懲罰輕過失行為以及提高倍數上限之修正,其妥適性為何;又消費者保護法第51條規定之計算基礎「損害額」之意義、計算時酌定之因素、與有過失之考量等,皆有待解決。本文以整理消費者保護法第51條懲罰性賠償金適用上之爭議,並嘗試透過學說及實務見解之分析歸納出合理之結論,並就結論之推演,參考部分日本法學說,期能對於消費者保護法第51條要件之解釋提供另一種思考方向。 / Punitive damages are extra monetary burdens which make the offender to pay more than those the injured has lost, in order to deter the offender and other offenders from behaving the same. The doctrine of punitive damages is originated from England and swept America. Punitive damages have the functions of punishment, deterrence, setting examples to the society, law enforcement and so on. However, it is controversial that the doctrine of punitive damages is the concept under civil law, but with the function of punishment, which makes the doctrine in the borderland between public and private law. Article 51 of the Consumer Protection Act is the doctrine of punitive damages in Taiwan, which causes a gray area among the separation of civil law and criminal law, and makes Art. 51 controversial. It is not difficult to know the attitude of the judges toward punitive damages by understanding the explanation of Art. 51. But there is no consistency in the explanation of each element of Art. 51, which makes the Article bewildering. On June 17, 2015, gross negligence has been added to the amended Article 51 of the Consumer Protection Act, which shows the strict attitude of the legislators toward the business operators. This amendment solves the problem that whether negligence should be limited to gross negligence or not, but there still are other issues about Art. 51 Which should be solved. Among Art. 51, “this law” and “litigation” in the element of “in a litigation brought in accordance with this law” are explained in both strict and easing ways. About the subject of the legal responsibility of Art. 51, whether the business operators should be responsible for the act of their employees, and whether business operators should be jointly and severally liable for punitive damages are issues should be discussed. About the claimers of Art. 51, comparing Art. 7 to Art. 51, we can find that “third party” isn’t showed in Art. 51, which brings up to the issue that whether third party other than consumer can claim for punitive damages. Also, who can claim for punitive damages when the victim dies is an important issue. The legislators did not think of this kind of situation, which caused legislation imperfection among Art. 51. Whether the indirect victim or the successor should be the claimer of punitive damages in this kind of situation should be explained carefully and logically. Last but not least, in related to the calculation of punitive damages, the amendment of Art. 51 in June, 17, 2015 specifies that objective negligence and subjective negligence should be punished and the maximum limit on the amount of damages has been raised. Whether the amendment is proper or not, and whether “the amount of damages” should be confined to “property damages” should be clarified. It is also necessary to figure out the considerations of determination of the amount. Whether comparative negligence should be considered while deciding the amount of punitive damages is also controversial, which should be investigated prudently. This thesis will focus on Article 51 of the Consumer Protection Act and the issues about it. This thesis will analyze those issues according to the theories and opinions of practice in Taiwan. American theories and Japanese theories will also be discussed in this thesis in order to solve the problems, and to provide a different view of Article 51 of the Consumer Protection Act.


邱毓嫺, Ciou, Yu Sian Unknown Date (has links)
違約金酌減並非一個自行運作之制度,而必須與其他制度相配套方能妥善運作,故本文首先進行違約金類型認定之說明,以期與比較法上有抑或是沒有違約金制度之國法加以相較,如此方更能說明我國法沒有如同英美法之違約金法則(penalty rule)之原因,換言之,違約金之認定與酌減,並非是二個獨立之制度,研究國內外之法會發現,二者是相牽連的制度,故僅單獨進行違約金酌減制度之說明,不足以完整敘明,必定要兼明辨如何認定違約金之類型。 再者,違約金條款之酌減在實務上遭遇的問題甚多,本文將先提供思考面向的五個層次(權利主體、發生要件、行使方式、斟酌因素、舉證責任),再以實體面以及程序面加以分析細部問題,實體問題最為重要者,即為法院為酌減時應審酌之諸事項,亦是本文強烈建議立法的部分;而程序部分最為重要者有涉及處分權主義之發動權限問題,以及涉及辯論主義(協同主義)的舉證責任事項。希冀在有體系之研討下,可以作為實務遇有違約金酌減相關問題時之參考。 此外,違約金過低是否應酌加,抑或有其他配套可供解決,亦是比較法上饒富興味之疑問,本文亦將會說明解決方法。


吳俊達, Wu,Chun Ta Unknown Date (has links)
在醫療糾紛與日俱增的趨勢下,醫療損害民事責任之研究,無疑是法學研究所必須面對的重要課題。除了在實體法層面上,建構適當的醫療損害賠償歸責體系外,程序法上發展出一套特別適用於醫療訴訟的舉證責任分配規則,對於司法審判實務尤具實益。此一舉證責任分配規則具有適當緩和過失責任與無過失責任爭論之作用,使民事損害賠償法面對醫療糾紛得以發揮功能,進一步正當化醫療傷害去刑化努力,並能減少體制外抗爭上演。 關於醫療行為所生損害賠償責任可概分為:基於「醫療瑕疵行為」與基於「自我決定告知義務違反」兩種類型之損害賠償責任。在一般舉證責任分配的基本原則—規範說之適用下,病患(或家屬)原則上仍必須就「醫療疏失行為」、「受有損害」、「兩者間存在因果關係」等要件負舉證責任,惟鑑於醫療資訊上的高度專業性、證據的構造性偏在情況及醫界組織上的專業自律性,不論在醫療疏失或因果關係之舉證上,病患都遭遇舉證上的困難。因此,有必要在一定條件下,適當修正規範說於醫療訴訟之適用,發展出醫療訴訟之舉證責任分配特別規則,以減輕病患的舉證責任。 就醫療瑕疵類型之舉證責任分配特別規則,實包括以下各種舉證責任減輕之制度:表見證明、民法第二二七條之舉證責任減輕、重大醫療瑕疵之舉證責任減輕、證明妨礙、違反文件義務與診斷報告作成及確保義務之舉證責任減輕、可完全控制危險領域之舉證責任減輕、損害賠償之舉證責任減輕等,及證明度之降低等制度。關此,本論文整理德國及我國學理看法、實務案例,並就上述各項制度逐一詳細討論,俾使讀者瞭解各項舉證責任減輕制度之實際運作功能。 另在「病患自我決定告知義務違反」之類型上,根據目前多數見解,每一個侵害身體完整性的醫療行為,都是構成要件該當的身體侵害,此一侵害本身即表徵出違法性,唯有存在「病患有效的同意」,始得排除之。因此,關於「對病患已善盡告知義務」且「已取得病患之同意」,醫師或醫院則負有舉證責任。關此,本論文乃以「醫師告知」、「病患同意」為主軸,分析「告知後同意」原則所衍生之舉證責任問題。 最後,本論文除了回顧歸納各章節之重要結論外,並再就醫療訴訟上之舉證責任分配規則體系,重新作一建構。

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