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華語繪本教學設計與實施 ─以《我想起…我可能不會愛你》為例 / Instructional Design and Implementations of A Chinese Picture Book:A Study of “I Recall…In Time With You”廖敏華, Liao, Min Hua Unknown Date (has links)
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針對青少年學習者的電影華語教學- 以「我的少女時代」為例 / Chinese-language teaching for adolescent learners through chinese films: in the example of "Our Times"李佳恆, Li, Jia Heng Unknown Date (has links)
因此本文主要探討如何應用華語電影於青少年華語課程,並分析華語電影教材的學習成效。本研究採用文獻回顧探究電影教學相關研究、中英教學中的電影教學發展、青少年華語教學、教學法與教學模式,以第二章節作為理論架構,依據此架構設計電影華語課程並實際執行。研究結果顯示使用溝通式教學法所延伸的教學活動,同時搭配ADDIE教學模式能有效地將電影教材應用於華語課程中,不僅符合學習者的學習需求,更使教學更具系統性。研究者依電影主題歸納成11種類型,針對青少年學習者選取「愛情類」、「勵志類」類型,以此兩種主題作為框架列舉出20部適合用於華語課程的電影,另外參考電影作為第二語言教材的標準,制定5項華語電影選取原則提供教學者參考。回饋結果顯示,學習者認為電影華語課程能提升聽、說能力,其次為閱讀能力,最後為寫作能力。整體而言,青少年學習者對於電影運用於語言課程中抱持正面的看法,大部分的學習者表示喜愛電影主題和課程中所討論的話題,透過課程中不斷地問答和多元的任務練習活動,學習者溝通時能以自然的表達方式和他人交流想法,並以尊重、包容和分享的情懷欣賞跨文化的議題。最後,研究者於文末提供未來電影華語教學之研究建議。 / Communication is the main purpose of language learning. This research is concerned about how to assist intermediate-level learners in expressing fluently and using the language according to the native speaker's habits. Research shows that using “ Film” can help to improve the communicative ability of the learners, which can also trigger more interest in language learning. However, the use of films for teaching Chinese in Taiwan is limited to culture classes of the adult, not planned for specialized classes.
Hence, the main purpose of this research is to analyze how to apply Chinese films in adolescent Chinese courses, and the effect of Chinese film courses. The method of this research is based on the literature review in both teaching Chinese and English by using film, teaching Chinese for adolescent, teaching method and teaching model. Through this framework, the author has planned and implemented the lesson on teaching Chinese through Chinese films. The result has shown that using Communicative Language Teaching and ADDIE teaching model at the same time can incorporate film materials into courses more effectively. According to the film genre, the author has classified 11 types of films, analyzed romance and inspiration topic for adolescent learners, listed 20 films through which are suitable for Chinese courses. Besides, this research has drawn up 5 criteria for selecting Chinese films. The result of the survey has shown that listening and speaking ability can be increased after courses, but not much practice on reading and writing ability. Overall, using film as class material receives a very positive feedback from adolescent learners. Most of the learners show their high interest in themes and topics of the courses, learners can share ideas and express themselves naturally with others through diverse tasks in the class. Meanwhile learning to show respect to different cultures in cross-cultural issues. Pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research are included at the end of this thesis.
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在臺學習華語的外籍學生對於兩岸華語口音之看法初探 / An Exploratory Study on How CFL Students in Taiwan View the Accent of Mandarin Chinese Produced by Taiwanese and Mainlanders吳艾芸, Wu, Ai Yun Unknown Date (has links)
本論文藉由瞭解在臺學習華語的外籍學生對於兩岸口音的看法,以供臺灣華語教師在教學現場應使用何種口音作為參考。研究對象是臺灣北部某國立大學的華語文教學中心中級班以上的外籍學生。研究方法包含假貌相比測驗法(Matched-Guise technique)、問卷調查和焦點團體訪談三項研究工具,蒐集研究資料,作為分析與討論問題的依據。
最後根據調查結果提出華語教學上的啟發與後續研究建議,以供華語教師、學校行政單位以及教學研究者在兩岸華語口音方面的參考。 / This study aims to investigate how CFL(Chinese as a foreign language) students in Taiwan view the accent of Mandarin Chinese produced by Taiwanese and Mainlanders. The participants of the study are from a university in Taipei city, and they are at intermediate-level and above. The research methods adopted in the study include Matched-Guise technique, questionnaire survey, and focus group interview.
The major findings are: (1) Most CFL students have the ability to distinguish the accent of Mandarin Chinese produced by Taiwanese and Mainlanders; (2) the two accents have their own supporters; (3) CFL students’ impressions of the two accents include not only initials, finals and tones, but also volume, speed and pitch. Another interesting finding is that most CFL students in Taiwan want to learn Mandarin with a Taiwanese accent because (1) Taiwanese accent is easier to learn; (2) CFL students in Taiwan want to interact with Taiwanese and learn Taiwanese culture. When CFL students in Taiwan become high intermediate or advanced students, they also wish to be exposed to Mandarin with mainlander’s accent in order to expand their repertoire of the Chinese language.
At the end of the thesis, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further research are included.
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測量華語的真實溫度:以幻想主題分析方法閱讀臺灣華語熱潮 / Measuring the real temperature of Chinese : a fantasy theme criticism of Chinese trend in Taiwan蔣宗諴 Unknown Date (has links)
自2003年行政院正式核定成立國家對外華語文政策委員會以來,臺灣華語教學迅速發展,不但大學/民間華語中心倍增、華語教學系所林立,相關政策亦持續積極建設,於是可見相關論述逐漸形構出「華語熱潮」的想像。然此「熱」的本質究竟為何? 是Menia,一種病態的狂熱?還是Heat,一種讓人灼傷的溫度?或是Hot,一股令人垂涎的風潮?還是Fever,一波使人昏眩的幻想?
本文試以Bormann Ernest G. 所提出的幻想主題分析方法(fantasy theme criticism)解讀臺灣華語熱潮,針對「華語教學」進行後設的反思與宏觀的檢視,探討在華語教學活動參與者的想像之下:華語教學是什麼?為什麼?臺灣華語熱潮又是如何成形並延燒?這股熱潮且又隱含怎麼樣的魅力,能聚集華語教學活動者參與支持?本文將藉由語藝文本的拆解與重組,呈現團體成員認知中的真實世界,並透過語藝視角理解臺灣華語熱潮現象的運作過程及內在本質,以期為臺灣華語教學明確定位,未來能以更完善的方式規劃臺灣華語教學的走向。同時,也希望透過臺灣華語熱潮論述之語藝梳理,提供國內華語教學發展另一種自我反省與觀看的方式。
以幻想主題分析方法閱讀臺灣華語熱潮,可見全球化、國際化、在地化等機制,皆在「語言」和「教學」的包裝之下巧妙地運作著。語藝文本共同反應出充滿期待、深切期許且積極的世界觀,其中並多強調群我之間的區辨,試圖劃清專業界線並隱約透露出些許的優越感;論述間亦充斥著大我中華的想像,視正統與傳統為唯一價值;敘述中並呈現出模糊空泛的主體,他者需求無限放大,語言及其文化的主體性則受到擠壓。種種臺灣華語熱潮論述所呈現的語藝特色,反映出臺灣華語教學現況以及未來可能走向,值得臺灣華語教學發展反省深思。 / This thesis aims to interpret Chinese trend in Taiwan with fantasy theme criticism theorized by Bormann Ernest G. Moreover, issues such as “What’s TCSL?” “Why do we have to deal with TCSL?” “How is the Chinese trend in Taiwan formed?” and “What kind of attraction does the trend have?” are further discussed. Therefore, this thesis analyzes discourses in TCSL groups to unveil the members’ imagination, thus searching for the proper orientation of TCSL in Taiwan. Meanwhile, this thesis also applies different ways for TCSL groups to examine and reflect on the issue.
To begin with, we can see “Chinese Century” and “Globalization” in the setting theme highlighting the importance of Chinese. Next, main roles in character theme-TCSL Teachers in Taiwan, TCSL in China, and Markets of the World, interact in business and diplomacy through Chinese teaching and learning. Moreover, various rewarding opportunities and national sentiment in TCSL rationalize all above group fantasies. Apart from that, each fantasy theme is arranged by two fantasy types: “Treasuring Chinese/Taiwan Culture” and “Emphasizing Public/Personal Benefits.” Finally, the rhetorical vision-“Taiwan, Never Absent” is analyzed in detail.
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華語教學中的婚俗文化教學研究 / A Research on Integrating Wedding Culture into Teaching Chinese as a Second Language鄭侑青, Cheng, Yu Ching Unknown Date (has links)
1. 將華語學習者感興趣的婚俗文化與華語教學相結合
2. 編寫可實際執行之婚俗文化教材供學習者與教學者參考使用
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華語繪本研究與教學-以華語成人學習者為例 / Research in Picture Books for Adults in Learning Chinese as a Second Language石伊婷, Shih, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
學習語言主要目的為「溝通」及「運用」,如何使學習者習得更貼近母語者的應答習慣是教學者所關心的。研究顯示「圖像」不但可以幫助學習者在閱讀的過程中理解內容,進而延伸思考、融會貫通,更可以激發自我語言表達能力。然而台灣目前使用繪本於教學主要的對象為華裔青年或新移民配偶及其子女為主。因此,本文主要探討如何運用華語繪本於海外成人華語課程。本研究透過大量的文獻回顧探討中英教學中的繪本教學發展、教學理論與教學法、第二語言學習教材與挑選繪本評量標準,以此建立本文之理論架構,同時依據此架構規劃教學設計並執行。除此之外,也根據第二語言教學理論及挑選繪本之標準,建立一套運用於華語課程的繪本選取與評定原則。研究結果顯示繪本運用於成人華語課堂中不僅可以使得課程更加多元化,更可以透過不同的教學素材來延伸教學活動。研究者亦由6T教學法中讓學習者根據6T各項目進行回饋。回饋結果除了在任務及思緒的部分仍需要修正之外,整體來說,學生對於繪本運用於語言課堂有非常正面的看法。然而受到繪本文本詞彙之限制,較多的繪本是適合中級程度以上的學生使用。本研究一共分析了26本繪本,共得出26個主題,主題則以友情、成長、夢想、創意居多。最後參考了許多學術論述之後,制訂了繪本選取評定標準,評定表共分成教學、心理及藝術三個層面來說明,最後共得出50項標準供學界參考。研究者亦於文末提出了未來使用繪本於教學之研究建議。 / The main purpose of learning the language is to communicate and to use it. Therefore, language teacher concern more on how assisting the learners to use the language according to the native speaker’s habits. Research shows that ‘Picture’ can help to improve learner’s ability to understand the content while reading, which can trigger further critical thinking and ultimately mastering the ability to develop their own learning process. However, the use of picture books for teaching Chinese especially in Taiwan nowadays are limited only to the class of overseas Chinese learners, foreign spouses and their children. Hence, the main purpose of this research will be discussing on how to apply the picture book in adult Chinese language course abroad. The method of this research is based on a great amount of literature review on both teaching Chinese and English language using picture books, teaching method theory and pedagogy, second language acquisition material evaluation and criteria on selecting picture book. Afterthen through this framework, the author has planned and implemented the lesson on using picture book in language course. Besides, this research also intend to create an evaluation framework on how to select picture book in Chinese as a second language course. The result has shown using picture book in the adult Chinese language course can create more diverse classroom activates by applying different teaching materials in the class. The author has also conducted an after-class survey to understand learner’s learning condition. Overall, picture book as a class material receives a very positive feedback. Under the vocabulary restriction from the picture book, a lot of picture book is more suitable for intermediate level students only. Apart from above mentioned, this research also analyzed in total 26 picture books, and received 26 themes. The themes include friendship, growth, dream and creativity. Also this research has drawn up the framework of selecting the picture book for Chinese language learning class. This framework achieved in total 47 entries with three aspects, teaching, psychology and artistry. At the end of the research, there’s also suggestion for the further studies.
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繪本為初級成人華語閱讀教學輔助教材之研究 / Picture Book as Assisted Reading Materials in Teaching Chinese for Adult Beginners張郁笙, Chang, Yu Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
學習者認為中文為困難的語言,學習評量成效不佳,此外受限每週課時,自學時間受專業課程壓縮,動機不足,故藉由兼具圖像與故事情節的繪本製作輔助教材,提高自學能力和興趣,增進閱讀理解,開展交際話題,促進觀點交流。製作繪本輔助教材作為課程材料,教授生詞、語法,從圖文創作:互證、互補、互釋和互斥四項模式教學,並且分析原創作中的圖像,示範教學方式。研究者自側面觀察紀錄教師教學,提供學習者心得回饋表,深入訪談教師和學習者經驗。結果指出學習者藉圖文教材提高學習樂趣,教學前的引導使其提前適應內容,故事討論加強全文組織、理解,增加話題,圖文模式應用於教學後更能掌握圖像互動,讀出其言外之意。最後討論動機的引起及維持、圖文模式和閱讀理解、教學目標和學習收穫,並提出未來華語教學之方向。 / Picture books enjoy great attention today. The readership of more sophisticated picture books like graphic novels increased in the last decade. Illustrated narratives are not confined to manga or children books anymore. Although Chinese teaching materials, too, made great advances in the last ten years and layout and design became more attractive than before, recent developments of teaching materials do not get catch up with the increased popularity of picture books, especially with graphic novels and other picture books for adults.
The present study aims to explore the conditions we should care about when we want to use picture books in classroom teaching. A focus is laid on teaching Chinese reading and character acquisition for beginners (A2) who only have a very limited knowledge of Chinese. Can picture books facilitate the learning process of reading? Can illustrations help to comprehend textual meaning? To answer questions like this, the present study examines various theories and research results about the interaction between the illustrations and the reading processes and reflects these theories with their didactic significance.
The background for the present study is a half year teaching experience using different picture books to teach reading and Chinese character acquisition to beginners who did not have much time in Taiwan for study and who are not very motivated to learn reading Chinese. At the beginning, the use of picture books as teaching materials aimed to motivate students to learn Chinese characters and to encourage them to read Chinese not only in the classroom, but also to apply their knowledge to their own activities in their leisure time. Later, the author deliberately used picture books as teaching materials to learn more about the advances and shortcomings of these materials.
Thus, the present study is the theoretical reflection of this teaching experience. It investigates picture books not only from the perspective how picture books can facilitate learning processes of Chinese reading competence, but also from the perspective how can picture books contribute to motivate students to read Chinese inside and outside of the classroom. Teaching materials based on three picture books are presented in this study.
These materials first were used for teaching beginners and become later more and more developed, evaluated and revised in accordance to teaching experience, learning outcome and students’ opinions. Course designs based on these materials are added at the end of the present study.
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中高級華語電影教學設計 / Instructional design in Chinese Language teaching through Chinese films for high-intermediate level students周韋伶, Chou, Wei Ling Unknown Date (has links)
華語電影作為一種真實的教學材料,提供了自然的華語語言資源,並且能夠增強學習者動機與教學成效,然而過去關於此議題的論文研究大多缺乏實際教學驗證,故本篇論文的目的在於,針對中高級華語學習者,以華語電影進行教學設計,並進行教學實施,探究如何應用電影使學生提升聽說能力。本研究採用發展研究法以及調查研究法,結合理論探討與實際狀況分析,發展出符合本研究教學目標之課程設計。首先從兩大方面綜觀過去的研究,一為影片教學的相關理論,指出影片教學之立論與特色,並歸納影片應用於語言教學中的優勢,再探究其應用於教學中的設計理論與教學模式。第二部份則探究電影應用於華語教學上的成果,統整出教學特點、選擇電影的原則以及教學流程等重點。接著,基於以上研究基礎,以ARCS動機理論與ASSURE教學模式為本研究教學架構設計與實踐步驟之參考,設計電影教學課程與活動。課程實施後,以問卷與訪談方式調查課程實施成效、了解學習者的評估與反饋,並結合研究者自身觀察紀錄進行分析與討論。本研究教學實施普遍獲得學習者肯定,認為課程設計符合其學習興趣:學習口語詞彙與表達以及提升聽說能力,兼具實用性與趣味性。根據本研究教學實施,得出幾項研究成果:一、課程設計發展模式 二、教學目標訂定之依據 三、教學實施與驗證。最後,綜合討論成果,作為未來相關教學研究之參考與建議。 / The purpose of the study is to design and implement a Chinese Language curriculum with the use of Chinese films to high-intermediate level students, with the primary gaol of enhancing students’ listening and speaking skills whilist also increasing Chinese colloquial knowledge. The main method used in this paper is known as development research. It provides a model for instructional design; questionnaires and interview research are also adopted for gathering students’ reviews following the proposed teaching implementations. The emphasis of this study lies in examing the model for developing instructional design in teaching via Chinese films by implementing two teaching demonstrations and providing criteria for setting teaching objectives. The results of the two teaching implementations indicate that Chinese movies are valuable and practical teaching materials in spoken Chinese and it is important to incorporate the teaching activities in sequence into the class. Moreover, students’ enjoy the interesting and productive learning evironment. The study findings may serve as a reference for further research on relative Chinese teaching curriculum design.
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跨文化華語教學中的現代文學課程設計與實踐 / Modern Chinese literature course design and practice in intercultural Chinese teaching許鐘尹, Hsu, Chung Yin Unknown Date (has links)
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華語遠距混成式之課程模式構建與教學實施 / An action research and lesson model construction of Mandarin distance learning in a blended learning context蔡雨芹, Tsai, Yu Chin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結果發現,在非同步學習活動設計中,若能提升學生的自主學習願望、細部經營遠距的人際互動方式,並關注回饋機制的設計,並運用同步課程在科技問題、學習內容上輔助非同步的學習活動,如此能有效調動學習者的學習動機。提升自主學習願望的方式包含運用競爭心理、社交願望,並透過資源整合增加學生感知的活動學習效率。在遠距人際互動方面,需仔細經營互動氣氛,提供恰當的工具,在回饋機制的設計上,關注獎勵的間隔時間、及回饋的即時性。 / There are more and more adult learners who require time flexibility for Mandarin learning. The demand for distant learning has increased. There are various online technological tools to assist learning, however, the features on the various websites are often disorganized. This study collects different kinds of technology assisted digital learning websites, and applies their features - such as multimedia players, timers, scoring systems, social interaction, role playing, and speech recognition - into Mandarin teaching. It is designed for adult learners who have fewer learning hours and require time flexibility to learn Mandarin. It aims to create asynchronous learning activities, with high interaction, in order to increase students’ motivation, interest, and communication willingness along with synchronous lessons. It applies the ADDIE model for systematic instructional design and concludes with the most efficient distance lesson model that could best encourage students’ motivation. It draws conclusions from the students’ interview about their learning experience, the teacher’s observations during the lessons, and from the recordings of the experimental lessons.
The study result reveals the keys to foster motivation in distance Mandarin lessons: raising learner autonomy, undertaking distant social interaction, focusing on the design of a feedback mechanism, and utilizing synchronous lessons to help solve their learning or technical problems during asynchronous self-learning time. Making good use of students’ tendency for competition, willingness to socialize, and increasing the students’ awareness of learning efficiency, effectively fosters motivation for self-learning in distance Mandarin lessons.
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