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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

潛銷行為研究--以台灣地區藥局UTC產品為例 / The research of niche marketing-- a practical study of the UTC products of pharmacy channel in Taiwan

黃勝利, Huang, Sheng Li Unknown Date (has links)
台灣製藥生技產業,長期面臨市場規模太小,全民健保藥價調降,以及國際大廠的競爭壓力。本研究以供應商對藥局零售商(B to B)的角度深入探討製藥生技產業外在環境及供應商內部條件,分析藥局潛銷行為與相關文獻理論關係,並以現代化藥局中佔營業額比例最高的嬰幼兒營養品市場為例,分析藥局潛銷行為特性及市場運作模式。   本研究歸納出潛銷行為的八項特性,分別為特有性、客製化商品、通路導向、人員銷售、高毛利率、長期關係、市場規模小、商品流動管理。這八項特性符合文獻中行銷組合(4Ps)、STP、關係行銷、競爭行為等相關理論根據。 本研究提出台灣製藥生技產業的W型雙微笑曲線模型,作為產業發展的方向,建議避開新藥研發及代工生產等高風險及低附加價值的曲線底部,以曲隔及利基發展品牌,以及與通路結合。台灣藥局潛銷行為符合中小型供應商作為發展利基及區隔市場的重要策略方向。經由產業環境分析,保健食品及化妝品是台灣醫藥生技產業目前最大也是未來最具潛力的次產業。   本研究結論顯示,最佳的藥局潛銷模式,必須符合行銷組合(4Ps)、PUSH & PULL策略、品牌策略、顧客關係管理及研發創新五大項策略組合,配合改善潛銷基本結構、流貨競價及網路銷售,以及市場競爭問題。本研究也發現,成功的潛銷行為最後會產生『策略轉換點』而面臨挑戰,潛銷行為應該要維持一定規模的市場,以保持區隔及利基的優勢。

因應高齡社會數位行銷策略之研究 -以某連鎖藥妝為例 / The study of the digital marketing strategy in an aging society: a case study of Chain drugstore Y

張志聖 Unknown Date (has links)

高齡社會下 O2O 商業模式之研究 -以某連鎖藥局為例 / The study of O2O business model in aging society- a case of chain drugstore Y

蔡嘉凌 Unknown Date (has links)
聯合國人口基金會(UNFPA) 於 2013 指出,21 世紀最重要的趨 勢之一就是人口老化。台灣也隨著社會進步、醫藥發達,出生率及死 亡率逐年降低,老年人口的比例也大幅增加,進入高齡化社會,人口 老化的問題更是值得重視,高齡社會的醫療服務也受到極大關注;除 了過去傳統的面對面實體藥局服務,因應數位化時代,也發展出以線 上到線下的 O2O (Online to Offline)商業模式,將實體藥局與電子商務 做結合,透過網路無遠弗屆的力量尋找高齡消費者,再藉由行銷活動 或購買行為將高齡消費者帶至實體藥局。在醫療業與科技業的界線越 來越模糊情況下,連鎖藥局的競爭也日益激烈,因此以高齡消費者為 主體的 O2O 商業模式之研究,則是當前連鎖藥局轉型與擴充的機會。 本研究擬以個案藥局為例,分析其商業模式及經營策略,􏰀出在 迎向高齡化社會,個案藥局應如何透過線上行銷及線上購買進而帶動 線下經營和線下消費,並歸納出連鎖藥局產業在 O2O (Online to Offline)之創新商業模式如下: 1.發展熟齡生活支援站,經營客戶關係,􏰀高黏著度。 2.建立銀髮生活照顧資料庫,為照顧者及銀髮者解決生活障礙。 3.透過交流互動聚集平台流量並加強曝光度,進而􏰀高成交。 4.分析醫療大數據,讓醫療服務突破地域限制。 / United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) publicly reported in 2013, one of the most important trends in 21st century is population aging. With developments of society and medicines in Taiwan, both of birth and death rates are declining year by year. The elderly population’s rapid size increase turns Taiwan into an aged society; therefore, the issues of aging population and medical service for aged population are worth our attention. Besides traditional face-to-face service in physical pharmacy, O2O (Online to Offline) business model is emerged for dealing with digital generation. The combination of physical pharmacy and boundless network E-commerce makes it easily to reach aged consumers everywhere, the assistance of E-marketing and purchasing behavior would be a stimulation to impel aged consumers to visit physical pharmacy. The boundary between medical and technology industries is getting blurred so the chain pharmacy industry is getting highly competitive nowadays. Base on aforementioned factors, the study of aged-consumers-targeted O2O business model will be an opportunity which can drive chain pharmacies to do enterprise transformation and expansion. This research takes certain chain pharmacy as an example and analyzes this pharmacy’s business model and competitive strategies, and discusses how to attract aged consumers to do offline purchase behavior through stimulation from online marketing and online purchase behavior. Furthermore, this research also explores O2O (Online to Offline) feasible strategies which can create customer value for enhancing the overall competitive advantages. The purposes of this research are listed below: 1. Enhancing offline stores to be community health centers, which can provide health counseling, for strengthening customer relationship and stickiness of store. 2. Establishing Q&A database to help caregivers and senior citizens get free and correct health answers and tips from existing paramedic-reviewed content. 3. By interacting with customers to increase the flow of online platform, visibility and turnover. 4. Analyzing medical big data to break territorial restrictions of medical service. Keywords:O2O, Aging Society, Chain Pharmacy

藥師對藥局經營型態之選擇--交易成本實證之研究 / The choice of the business styles between pharmacists -- the transaction cost analysis research

鄭明麒, Jane, Minky Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要針藥師對藥局經營型態的選擇,以交易成本及人格特質作一分析,探討職業藥師對交易成本的認知及其所具備的人格特質,在經營型態上,是否有影響。 本研究以社區藥局藥師為研究對象,包括康是美、屈臣氏、華特、博登及傳統藥局等,共郵寄936份問卷,回收有效問卷127份。經資料分析,所得重要結論為當藥師認為資產特殊性、交易頻率、環境多樣性愈低者,其所選擇經營型態傾向於市場型的結構,亦即獨立自營與會員店;當藥師認為資產特殊性、交易頻率、環境多樣性愈高者,經營型態傾向於階層型的結構,亦即加盟連鎖與直營受聘。隨著「藥事法」與「全民健保法」先後落實「醫藥分業」制度的規定,面對未來可能的發展,經營型態的選擇依據,可供藥師做參考。 目錄 第一章緒論……………………………………………………………………….1 第一節研究背景與動機…………………………………………………..1 第二節研究目的…………………………………………………………..4 第三節研究範圍…………………………………………………………..5 第二章文獻探討…………………………………………………………………7 第一節產業現況…………………………………………………………..7 第二節連鎖體系………………………………………………………….12 第三節交易成本………………………………………………………….32 第四節人格特質………………………………………………………….55 第三章研究方法…………………………………………………………………58 第一節研究架構………………………………………………………….58 第二節模式發展與假說推演與建立…………………………………….59 第三節研究設計………………………………………………………….74 第四節信度效度檢定…………………………………………………….79 第四章統計分析…………………………………………………………………80 第一節交易成本與藥局選擇型態之分析……………………………….80 第二節個人特質與藥局選擇型態之分析……………………………….83 第三節鑑別分析………………………………………………………….85 第五章研究結論與建議…………………………………………………………89 第一節研究結論………………………………………………………….89 第二節研究限制………………………………………………………….93 第三節研究建議………………………………………………………….94 第四節後續研究建議…………………………………………………….96 附錄一:台灣藥局產業的概況………………………………………………..102 附錄二:問卷…………………………………………………………………...114 表次 表2.2連鎖店之分類………………………………………………………….15 表2.3傳統式與垂直式行銷通路特性的比較……………………………….17 表2.4四種經營型態的比較………………………………………………….21 表2.3.1交易成本的來源與類型……………………………………………..34 表2.3.2交易成本分析研究摘要……………………………………………..43 表3.2.1交易成本之操作型定義……………………………………………..64 表3.2.2經營型態操作型定義………………………………………………..69 表3.3.1有效母體統計表……………………………………………………..75 表3.3.2問卷回收率之狀況表………………………………………………..77 表3.3.3各研究階段之資料分析方法………………………………………..78 表3.4.1本研究各項衡量變數信度值表……………………………………..79 表4.1.1交易成本與經營型態………………………………………………..81 表4.2.1個人特質與經營型態選擇…………………………………………..83 表4.2.2不同經營型態間藥師經驗年數的比較分析………………………..84 表4.3.1經營型態之理論分群與實際分群交叉表…………………………..86 表4.3.1.1經營型態重新分群之理論分群與實際分群交叉表……………...86 表4.3.2分群誤差比率………………………………………………………..86 表4.3.2.1分群誤差比率……………………………………………………...86 表4.3.3區別函數變數相對重要性…………………………………………..87 表5.1假設檢定彙總表………………………………………………………91 表5.2藥局經營型態選擇模式………………………………………………92 圖次 圖1.1研究流程圖…………………………………………………………….6 圖2.1製藥產業上、中、下游產業體系圖…………………………………7 圖2.2垂直行銷系統…………………………………………………………16 圖2.3.1組織市場失靈架構………………………………………………….37 圖3.1本研究觀念性架構……………………………………………………58 圖4.3.1區域圖………………………………………………………………..88 / The thesis investigates the business styles of pharmacists, by considering the difference of transaction cost and personality between pharmacists. The subjects of this research are mainly the pharmacists of the community drugstore, including Cosmed, Watsons, Walts, Medicine Shoppe and traditional drugstores. Questionnaires were sent to 936 sample drugstores, out of which 127 were valid.. The result of survey indicates that pharmacists perceive the lower of asset specificity, transaction frequency and environmental diversity, the higher chance they will choice the market structure, for example, wholly-owned or voluntary chain. On the other hand, the higher the asset specificity, transaction frequency and environmental diversity, they tend to choose hierarchical structure, such as franchise or regular chain. Due to the medical practice in the Law of Pharmaceutical Affairs and the NHI Act, implication from this study could be beneficial to the pharmacists in choosing an appropriate organization structure.

徘徊於營利與慈善之間──論惠民藥局的興起與沒落(1072-1644) / Fluctuate between commerce and charity: The rise and decline of Imperial Pharmacy(1072-1644)

黃敦為, Huang, Tun Wei Unknown Date (has links)

應用資料採礦於連鎖藥局商品 / The Application of Data Mining on the Association of Pharmaceutical Products Through the Chain Pharmacies

王詠立, Wang YungLi Unknown Date (has links)
台灣連鎖藥通路已逐漸轉型為複合式藥局,除了購買處方藥以外,現今藥局銷售商品種類眾多且逐漸成為社區商店之型態,讓民眾一次性購足藥品、化妝品、食品及生活日用品等。顧客於門市消費後累積了大筆的顧客會員銷售資料,本研究結合大數據資料採礦之技術,應用在顧客購買行為與行銷策略之間的相應關係,並藉此了解顧客在藥局通路的消費型態,進而衍生出符合顧客需求的行銷組合方案。 本研究藉由台灣某家連鎖藥局的銷售時點情報系統(POINT OF SALE, POS)資料分析顧客會員之購買行為,依據會員之購買日期、購買品項、購買金額等,應用資料採礦分析方法,先利用RFM模型分析顧客價值群的特性概況,再利用APRIORI演算法針對該連鎖藥局的八大類別商品銷售資料探討顧客會員購買產品的關聯規則,依照結果衍生出不同的商品銷售組合,並在門市執行有效的行銷策略以提升營業額。最後,依據研究結果對該家連鎖藥局提供銷售的策略及建議,作為該連鎖藥局業者後續經營之參考。 / The development of the domestic pharmacies in Taiwan has influenced by the government policy and logistics. Gradually, the traditional pharmacy had been replaced by the chain pharmacies to face the demands of products variety, customized and the consumer information. The members' purchase behaviors were analyzed in this study through the Point of Sale(POS) data from chain pharmacy headquarters. The purchase behaviors of the pharmacy members were analyzed based on purchase date, purchase item, amount of purchase etc. First, data regarding customer purchasing records are collected and widely known RFM model is used to evaluate the value for each customer. Second, an association rule mining tool, the Apriori algorithm, is used to analyze the relationship between customer purchasing records and products, to obtain hidden and useful purchasing rules for each product category. The association rules obtained can help the decision managers plan their new cross-selling strategies for products in future.

台灣遠端醫療的商機之研究 – 遠端藥事為例 / The business opportunities of telepharmacy in taiwan

賴宗佑, Lai, Tsung Yu Unknown Date (has links)
全球遠端醫療產業蓬勃發展,各國家的法規也越來越明朗化,未來醫療需求將隨人口老化而大幅上升,如何利用新型態的醫療方式來解決醫療問題,便成為國際上討論的趨勢。本文以遠端藥事做為研究目標,透過「iHealth政昇處方宅配藥局」服務全台的經營模式,以及「春森藥局」服務社區式的經營模式,比較兩家藥局的施行歷程,如何以不同的形態達成遠端藥事。 本研究以Osterwalder提出之經營模式圖(Business Model Canvas)做為基礎,論文以商業畫布、市場機會的發掘與辨識、興業的商業概念、興業的執行、興業的成果呈現,探討機構的獲利方式、民眾的營收方式、藥事服務的形式、慢性病照護,以及政策性的醫療網絡建構等…議題,皆可做為政府規劃醫療政策之參考,本研究有別於其他遠端醫療研究多半選擇科技之論述,以藥局經營做為研究對象,探討產業商機所在。 研究結果顯示,台灣遠端藥事可以符合在現有的法規之上,藥局經由的通訊科技聯繫到病患,提供連續處方箋獲利,不需要依靠業外收入,達成藥事服務營利。比較特別的事,不同藥局要施行遠端藥事的動機不同,分別有企業藥局的經營導向,協助機構評鑑、提供民眾的宅配,此模式下的遠端藥事僅為企業願景的一部分,最終以平台建製作為目標;另一種模式為個人藥局的經營導向,藥師透過政策接觸到社區病患,提供居家服務、甚至安寧服務,實現全人照護之目標。 本研究認為,台灣的遠端藥事尚有發展之潛能。企業經營的方向,需要以機構做為穩定現金流的基礎;個人經營的方向,依然以自身的使命感為主,然而配合「遠端醫療法案」鬆綁、「居家照護政策」的補助,建製完善的社區醫療網絡,將有助於提升社區藥局參與遠端藥事服務之意願,形成新型的產業模式。 / As the telemedicine industry flourishing, the regulations became clear among the countries, the medical needs will also increase in the future. As the goal of the research, this dissertation focused on telepharmacy, the research compared two pharmacies with two different models: serves-the-entire-Taiwan bussiness model from 「iHealth政昇處方宅配藥局」, and serves-the-community bussiness model from 「春森藥局」, hoping to be able to present the telepharmacy with different forms and conditions. This research used the Business Model Canvas which was presented by Osterwalder as the foundation, Unlike other telemedicine researches, this research explored the industry opportunities, and focused on the pharmacy management perspective, instead of the science perspective. The result shows that the telepharmacy in Taiwan can be consistent with the existing regulations. What is more special is that, different pharmacies have different motivations for telepharmacy, and the telepharmacy under this model is only part of the enterprise vision, and creates Platform as the final goal; another model is the business directoin of personal pharmacy, pharmacist contacts patients in the communities through policies, provide home services, and hospice home care to achieve the goal of holistic care. This study considers that telepharmacy still has the potential for development. The direction of enterprise management needs to be based on institutions as the basis of stable cash flow; the direction of personal management sill based on their sense of mission. However, with the help of telepharmacy laws and home care policies, through building the well rounded community medical network, can help increasing the wills of the community pharmacies to participate in telepharmacy.

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