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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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蔡孟佳, CAI,MENG-JIA Unknown Date (has links)
融資租賃在近幾年來蓬勃發展,現已逾越國界,承作跨國性的融資租賃交易,像近鄰 的日本,便是個中翹楚;反觀國內,因政府法令不甚完備,且各種配合措施亦多闕如 ,獨賴業界胼手胝足,自力開創。至若關於融資租賃的各種問題,學界多有著述加以 探討,惟國際性融資租賃,因跨越國界,牽涉到不同的法律規制,使得問題就更形複 雜,學界對此課題雖或有提議,但都鮮少加以探討,筆者見跨國性之融資租賃,是乃 時勢潮流之所趨,在日後的國際貿易中。必定扮演一重要角色,故雖國內相關資料多 付之闕如,但仍勉力蒐羅,期能提供業界及相關部門一發展及決策的方針,即乃筆者 著此論文之動機。 本論文之研究方法,係循探索性研究,主要文獻探討方式,即就國內外相關論文、研 究報告及著名期刊中之相關資料詳加研析整理作為理論依據。 本論文計分七章: 第一章緒論:包括研究動機與目的、研究方法與限制、論文結構等。 第二章租賃的基本概念:首先介紹租賃的定義、種類、性質,再探討租賃交易雙方當 事人的權益關係及相關的法律問題。 第三章融資性租賃:由融資性租賃的意義開始,並介紹現代融資租賃事業的緣起與發 展,接著說明融資性租賃的功能特性,並探討融資租賃契約問題,最後說明世界及我 國之租賃業發展現況。 第四章國際性融資租賃:首先建立一模型以說明國際融資租賃在學理上的根據,接著 說明國際融資租賃的定義及其發展原因,並探討其對於國際貿易與國際投資間的關係 ,最後指出現行影響國際性融資租賃事定發展的因素。 第五章國際性融資租賃契約:說明國際性融資租賃契約基本原則及其特徵,此外並探 討其交涉之要領。 第六章國際性融資租賃公約草案:簡單介紹公約草案起草背景、宗旨、適用範圍及相 關的法律問題。 第七章結論與建議。


許慶順, Xu, Qing-Shun Unknown Date (has links)
第一章:導論本章內容主要說明本論文之研究動機,研究目的,以及研究設計與研究 限制。 第二章:租賃概述本章敘述租賃之意義,租賃之種類,租賃之功能以及融資性租賃之 發展。 第三章:融資性租賃決策之評估本章是從理財的觀點,探討幾種評估融資租賃決策之 方法。第四章:我國融資租賃業者之經營現況分析本章的以人員訪問方式,實地調查 臺灣地區幾家較具代表性之專業租賃公司,以瞭解我國融資租賃之經營現況及其所面 臨的問題,并對其中的因果關係作一綜合性之分析。 第五章:臺灣企業對融資租賃之認知與利用情形本章內容主要敘述臺灣企業界對融資 租賃之一般看法,以訪織、機械等九個行業的七百家廠商為樣本,採問卷調查方式, 來探討其對融資租賃之認知及評價,并以數量方法分析其差異性。 第六章:結論本章是根據調查之結果,檢討租賃業之經營方式及政府之管制輔導措施 ,并針對以上各項提出若干建議。


蔡炳楠, Tsai, Bing Nan Unknown Date (has links)
融資性租賃是一新興的融資工具,藉由『融物』的方式間接達成『融資』的效果,藉此促進金融市場的資金流通。而所謂融資性租賃,是指企業或機器設備需用者,為了保持營運內部資金的流通,或者由於資金短缺的問題,透過租賃公司或金融機構,由租賃公司或金融機構向機器供應商購買其營運所需的機器設備,再將租賃公司所購得之機器設備租給企業或機器設備需要者的交易活動。故融資性租賃交易是由兩個契約融資性租賃契約與供給契約所組成,但就整個融資性租賃交易而言,是以融資性租器契約為核心,租賃公司與機器設備供應商之間的供給契約不過為輔助融資性租賃契約之達成而存在。 我國在無融資性租賃的直接法律規範下,不僅學說上對於其法律性質及當事人間權利義務關係歧見甚大,實務上對於融資性租賃契約糾紛之處理,更是不知所措,幾乎任由租賃公司魚肉承租人。本文則是嘗試在現行法規範下,探求融資性租賃契約之法律性質,進而去分析檢討其定型化契約條款之有效性,提供實務日後在處理融資性租賃爭議之參考。 本文認為融資性租賃中,租賃公司之主要給付義務係提供物品及交付占有,由承租之企業對標的物為使用、收益。租賃公司雖居於一個融資者之角色,向供應商購入租賃物,出租與承租人,藉此回收其成本、利息、利潤、及相關費用。但承租人之契約目的則是藉由支付租金,在租賃期間內取得租賃物之使用權限,至於租賃物之所有權最後歸屬,並非其所關注之問題。故融資性租賃契約之法律性質判斷上,融資之功能(金融性格)雖然重要,但並不因此影響其契約定性,例如:分期付款買賣契約中,同樣具有融資之功能,但我們仍然認為分期付款買賣法律定性上是『買賣』,而非金錢借貸契約。同樣地,融資性租賃契約中,雖具有融資之功能,但契約目的仍在於藉由金錢之給付取得標的物之使用權限,其性質應屬非典型之租賃契約。 另外,在定型化融資性契約管制上,我國實務上由於對於融資性租賃法律性質定位不清,經常導致租賃公司以似是而非之說法,強調融資性租賃契約之金融性格,將租賃物瑕疵問題及風險完全轉嫁給承租人,顯然不公,本文將融資性租賃定位為『租賃』之前提下,分析檢討實務上定型化融資性租賃契約之效力

中國融資租賃業之研究 / The Study of China's Financial Leasing Industry

林其泰, Lin, Chi-Tai Unknown Date (has links)
non / Statistics in the 2008 World Leasing Yearbook showed that China’s leasing volume was only US$5.35 billion for the year 2006, lagging far behind that of other high-GDP countries. However, leasing in China did experience extraordinary high growth rates over the past few years and seems to have ample room for growth in the future. As we know, each industry has its own set of critical success factors (CSFs) and a match between these factors and a firm’s strengths may ensure the firm’s successful performance. Thus, the main purpose of this paper is to explore CSFs for leasing in China and explain the major influences behind these factors. This research is analyzed based on the PEST analysis framework and Porter’s five forces model. The CSFs identified in this study can provide guidelines to develop leasing in China as well as for those planning to enter China’s leasing market. Based on the findings, the business environment for leasing in China, though better than it has ever been, still leaves much to be desired. For leasing to further develop, the following CSFs must be handled with care: Public awareness and understanding; An enabling legal framework; Credit risk management capabilities; Diversified funding sources; Qualified and well-trained staff; A vibrant second-hand equipment market, and Information technology infrastructure and know-how. The identified CSFs also lead to several strong policy recommendations. Among these are the following: Embarking on campaigns promoting leasing; Passing the Financial Leasing Law as soon as possible; Removing tax disincentives to leasing; Establishing a national credit information center; Providing funding support and credit guarantee schemes in favor of SME leasing; and Strengthening information technology infrastructure. Without improvement of these critical elements, the outlook for China’s leasing sector may not be so promising after all.

企業報表的管理意涵–以汽車財務服務業為例 / The insight into management reporting from vehicle financial services

杜明玲 Unknown Date (has links)
對於資金的大量需求是汽車行業維持生產和銷售的主要特徵;運用消費金融業務擴大汽車廠家的產銷規模,成為了汽車消費財務服務產生的基礎。 最早的汽車消費財務服務業務,起源於1907年的美國,伴隨著汽車在美國、德國、日本等汽車行業發達國家的普及,汽車消費財務服務的業務規模也急劇擴大。在汽車消費財務服務的沿革過程中,汽車製造廠商藉助自身獨有的專業化和規模化優勢, 投資了汽車財務服務公司,逐漸成為國際汽車消費財務服務的經營主體。 汽車消費信貸 (Hire Purchase) 和汽車融資租賃 (Operating Lease) 是汽車財務服務的主要業務型式。隨著消費觀念的改變,汽車財務服務的業務重心也漸漸從消費信貸移轉到融資租賃。 融資租賃是將傳統的租賃提升到貿易與金融相結合的方式,透過「融物形式」達到「融資目的」的一種交易方式。融資租賃逐漸成為現代企業設備融資的重要形式之一,甚至在面對金融海嘯的衝擊時,扮演「拉動內需導航儀」的角色,對現代經濟的影響越來越大。 本文以多國籍企業的國際型車廠角度,闡釋消費財務服務的業務以及功能,並進一步分析汽車財務服務公司的快速發展現狀,以及多元化和產業化的發展趨勢。在內容的編寫上,先針對過去臺灣地區,對於提高汽車產業競爭力之歷史做回顧,並說明目前臺灣地區,汽車產業的現狀與優勢,再以企業五力分析,研究政策制定與產業趨勢的關係,並強調政策推動之方向與管理資訊的內容及其重要性。 最後,本文結合了不同發展階段和時期的國內經濟和汽車產業的發展特徵,剖析了當前限制汽車消費財務服務進一步發展原因,提出了推動汽車消費財務服務在我國發展繁榮的條件和建議。 / Capital intensive is the key character of vehicle industry in its production and sales cycle. Employ consumer finance to expand sales and manufacture scale is the strategic intent among vehicle industry which paved the way to flourish the Vehicle Financial Services (VFS) Business. VFS Business was originally from America in 1907. Like emergent market, VFS extends the business along with the vehicle universalism in USA, Germany, Japan and even other developed countries. Through the pipeline control, the Vehicle Manufactures fully take the advantage from their core competence, get involved into Financial Services business and then earn the operating ownership accordingly. Hire Purchase (HP) and Operating Lease (OL) both are the major business models for VFS. Time is changed. The business was mainly focus on HP, but shift to OL followed by the Consumption Concept changed. OL is a kind of transaction which develops the traditional leasing into trading and financing, by pass the purely money financing. OL is currently playing the key role for cooperate equipment leasing. Further more, OL was also the key driver to pull the domestic demand, great help to Economy Status. This article is trying to illustrate the consumer financial services and features from Multinational Vehicle Manufacture point of view. Meanwhile, it also further analyzes the strong growth on VFS business as well as diversification and industrialization trends. Structure wise, we started out the historical review for improving competitiveness on Taiwan market, got on the current SWOT, and then turned point to Porter's 5 Forces Analysis. We went through all the way from “country policy development linked with vehicle industry trends” to stress “the importance on cooperate policy and information management”. Eventually, this article lists down the market development from different stages, profiles the domestic economy together with industry characteristic, dissects the obstructions on VFS from further development, ends up with movement proposal.

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