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生き方を探る : 人との豊かな学び合いから考えよう(中学1年生)(II 1999年度総合人間科の取り組みと公開授業の実践報告)(<特集>総合人間科の発展的展開)藤田, 高弘, 米田, 閏一, 大口, 悦子, 石川, 久美 15 November 2000 (has links)
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社會網絡、媒介使用與政治功效意識之分析連偉廷 Unknown Date (has links)
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教師引導幼兒討論公平分配概念之省思陳盈如 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,針對以上幾點發現以及在研究過程中所遇見的困難與限制提出幾點對幼稚園教師以及未來研究者的一些建議。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the situation of teacher and students use discussion method on distributive-Justice concept. Through reflection on oneself, focuses on how to design distributive-Justice concept curriculum and the teaching skill that the teachers must have.
The writer designs a series of distributive-Justice concept curriculum and teaches myself. The collecting methods included video recording, taping and journal. The study samples are I and 15 children between 5-year-old and 6-year-old.
The main conclusions were drawn as follows:
Designing distributive-Justice concept curriculum must to think about ‘sequence’、‘continuity’ and ‘scope’. Then must to note the contents accord with the objective, and think about the character of child to match activities of daily livings, and use multiple evaluations, and regulate curriculum by children’s learning.
When teaching must to think about arrange of seat and discussion order. On ‘question contents’ , there are four types:‘material discussion’、‘ question discussion’、‘experience discussion’ and ‘creative discussion’, among these, the last two easy to cause conversation among children.
On ‘question concept’ , there are five types:‘memory question’、‘translate question’、‘gathered question’、 ‘explanation question’ and ‘extended question’ , among these, the last two easy to cause conversation among children.
On ‘conversation type’, ‘reask’ easy to cause conversation among children;‘supplement’ provide the chance of the conversation among children ; ‘cue’ and ‘explore’ can accelerate child learning in depth ; ‘estimate’ and ‘summarize’ can make child know which answer is adequately.
According to the conclusions, some suggestions to kindergarten teacher and the future research.
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小組面談中面試官與應徵者性別相似性對面談評分之影響─面談流程與面試官間性別相似性之調節效果 / The influence of interviewer-Applicant gender similarity on interviewer ratings in panel Interviews -- The moderation effects of interview design吳思蓉, Wu, Szu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用準實驗法,為2(面試官與應徵者性別相似與否)× 2(分數公開與否)× 2(小組討論與否)實驗設計,邀請三所大學商學院或管理學院之在職專班或經營管理專班之學生共120人擔任受試者,即為面試官的角色。而後以T檢定進行操弄檢定,以卡方檢定及單因子變異數進行隨機分派檢測,至於假說檢定之分析方法則為迴歸分析。
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開放性、責任與對話—討論作為教育場域中實踐智慧的開展 / Openness, Responsibility, and Dialogue— “Discussion” as a factor in the development of practical wisdom in the educational field劉匡時, Leo, Kwang Shi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究結論包括:一、「有用性」的「無對象性」,需要實踐智之決斷;二、開放性、責任、對話三者需要實踐智之調和;三、討論的經驗是「朝向不確定的預先投身」或「朝向自身的可能性而投企」;四、對於討論場域中常見的「啞然、霎時無法回應」現象給出的一種解釋;五、討論作為教育實踐智慧的具體操作典型。最後研究建議則為:一、加入「語言-身體性」議題之綜合討論,作為後續研究之引線;二、進一步探究開放性、責任、對話三者在時間結構上的實踐意涵,或許可茲回應黑爾德指出實踐智所具有之實踐導向、反思判斷力及其來自「時間偶然性」與「互為主體性」兩項根本難題,給予一種參考路徑。本研究預期貢獻則著眼於闡述討論適可作為教育實踐智慧的具體操作典型,援引理論向度以提供討論實務操作之可能性、前瞻性。 / Having a discussion can play an active role in expanding the knowledge of participants and enhancing their understanding and judgment. However, many discussion-operating strategies have been developed yet a few theoretical interpretations have been made. What is more, whether the essential experience problems discussed in education field can be involved once “discussion is dialogue” is prescribed? Therefore, this study aims to: (I) understand and discuss the arguments relevant to teaching and educational Phrόnesis[practical wisdom]; (II) probe into essential experience problems discussed in the educational field; (III) interpret the implications of discussing educational practices to the educational field; (IV) respond to the possibility of considering “discussion” as a factor in the development of Phrόnesis in the educational field; (V) refer to the theory of dimension in providing insights for practical application.
This study forms a discussion and summarizes the theme using the Phenomenological Method. First, it gives a general description of the discussion and proceeds to discuss and present the relevant theoretical basis for the theme. Later, it probes into three themes related to the discussion in the educational field; namely, openness, responsibility, and dialogue. The results summarized in six points are as follows: I. Openness implies “improvisation”; II. Participants in the discussion create reality through dialogue; III. The aspect of openness in a discussion; IV. To Discuss “being seen” and “seeing” in the concept of “responsibility”; V. The “play concept” provides a theoretical interpretation of the discussion in the educational field; VI. The need to clarify the relationship of openness, responsibility and dialogue in a discussion.
The conclusions of the study are: I. “No-object nature” of “the availability” requires judgment and decision based on Phrόnesis; II. Openness, responsibility and dialogue demand the need for Phrόnesis; III. The discussion of experience is “the pre-projection towards unsure direction”, or “dedication into resoluteness towards the self-feasibility”; IV. An interpretation of the “inanity of immediate response” comes up frequently in the discussion; V. A discussion is perceived as a typical concrete model for educational Phrόnesis. Finally, this study recommends the following: I. Participate in a comprehensive discussion of “language-body”, as a basis for future research; II. Continue to explore the practical implications of openness, responsibility and dialogue to time structure, or promise to respond K. Held on his words that Phrόnesis has practical direction and reflective judgment, and respond to two difficult problems from “time contingency” and “inter-subjectivity”, to give a reference or approach. This study aims to contribute to the idea of “discussion” as a suitable and typical concrete model for educational Phrόnesis. It also refers to the theory of dimension to provide the feasibility and for practical application.
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標章可信度與產品見效時間對產品的安全信賴與態度之影響-觀看產品討論版前後的差異 / The influence of product's label's credibility and time of effect upon its safty trust and attitude - before and afeter revewing forums邱奕端 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Nelson(1970)、Darby & Karni(1973)把商品分類為搜尋品、經驗品、與信任品做為基礎,利用標章做為產品搜尋屬性的操控,立即見效的精油做為經驗屬性高的商品操控,以及長期見效的精油做為信任屬性高的商品操控。研究欲探討標章可信度高低對消費者的安全信賴與態度是否有影響,而產品本身的見效時間是否對消費者的安全信賴有影響。此外,在不同的見效時間下,標章的顯響力是否會有所不同。最後,討論版的影響加入後,原有的標章以及產品見效時間對消費者的安全信賴以及態度會產生怎樣的變化?
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探討Facebook、網路論壇、官方討論區不同社群成員在虛擬品牌社群互動關係之比較 / The relationship between users and website: An comparison of official website, internet forum, and facebook王崇軒 Unknown Date (has links)
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新教科群② : 心と身体の科学 (Ⅲ. 中学選択プロジェクト・高校新教科群)佐藤, 喜世恵, Sato, K., 石川, 久美, Ishikawa, K., 中村, 明彦, Nakamura, A., 山本, 裕二, Yamamoto, Y. 30 November 2004 (has links)
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以社會資本探討虛擬社群成員交流互動行為特性–Facebook與Mobile01之初探 / A study of interaction behavior between members in virtual community based on social capital–focusing on facebook and mobile01吳銘峻, Wu, Ming Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以探究社會群體活動特性的社會資本為基礎,將過去學者所定義的社會資本三構面:認知面(cognitive dimension)、結構面(structural dimension)、關係面(relational dimension),應用至虛擬社群成員交流互動的參與行為探討,並選擇在台灣具有代表性的虛擬社群–Facebook 和Mobile01 作為研究對象,Facebook 是讓參與成員和朋友維持社交友誼的社群,Mobile01 則是讓對相同主題有興趣的成員一起交流討論的社群,兩個虛擬社群主要內容和群聚成員參與的動機和目的都不盡相同,各代表了不同性質種類的虛擬社群。研究結果發現不同構面的社會資本對於成員在社群內交流互動的參與行為有不同程度的影響,而不同性質的虛擬社群在同一構面的社會資本下對於參與成員的行為債向也會有不同程度的影響。 / With the rapid development of internet, much more people have spent much more time surfing through internet. The concept of community in the real life also extends to the virtual network. There are so many kinds of virtual community in the virtual network space that it provide different content and benefit for members, including social contacts and common topic discussion. Actually, the information sharing and interpersonal social interactions are the core activities for members in the virtual communities. Therefore, it is important to form a good environment in the virtual communities.
This research uses social capital, constituting cognitive dimension, structural dimension and relational dimension, to examine the behavior of members in virtual communities. We choose two different types of virtual community, Facebook and Mobile01, as our sampling source. Facebook provides members to stay in touch with their friends, and Mobile01 provides members to discuss common topic of conversation and interest. Therefore, members in these virtual community have different purpose and motivation. The results found that different social capital can influence members’ behavior in different ways. Also, different types of virtual communities can influence members’ behavior in different ways through the same social capital dimension.
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臺灣前五百大服務業企業網站之公關效果評估指標研究 / The Effectiveness of Public Relations on Online Media— A Study of Taiwan's Top 500 Corporations of Service Industry in 2010葉育瑋, Yeh, Yu-wei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Esrock & Leichty對企業網站內容之架構為基礎,將功能與技術指標合併,並新增互動性指標,共分為目標公眾內容、網站功能與互動性三構面,與組織性因素(產業別、員工人數、營業額、有無上市等)進行交叉研究,以了解組織性因素對於網站公關效果可能的影響。
研究發現,時間因素不影響組織性因素與網站建置之關係,但公共議題討論之發展隨時間影響有所改變。本研究推估營業額較小的企業,因其所擁有媒體資源較少,故更積極大膽運用網路媒體。而大企業在資訊發佈上考量較多,在網路策略上則較為保守。整體言,企業越來越重視網路媒體,各種內容與運用形式隨時間與科技發展更趨完善。 / With advances in technology, the terrain of public relations practices needs to be re-defined as new media bring about substantial changes in communication patterns. Based on the framework Hsiu-hui Sun had established in 2003, which attempts to measure the effectiveness of corporate website, this study used quantitative content analysis to assess current Taiwan's top 500 corporate of service industry's effectiveness of public relations on online media which are defined as the degree of performance level for corporations’ internet communication. In addition, a case study is conducted to understand the rationale and operational details of the online corporate public relations.
Adopting the theoretical framework from Esrock & Leichty, this study combines the functional and technical indicators and categorizes them into three dimensions, including target audience contents, interface features, and degree of interaction. Because past research found that the size and resources of organizations were positively related to their overall performance, including the quality of public relations efforts. Therefore, in the present study we posit that target audience contents, interface features, and degree of interaction as indicators of public relations effectiveness are associated with organizational resourcefulness (i.e., factors).
Findings suggest that time factor does not affect the relationship between organizational factors and the presence of website. However, time factor is relevant to the awareness of the importance of corporate social responsibility. We conclude that small business with fewer media resources tends to leverage internet media more progressively. On the contrary, big corporations are more conservative toward utilizing the Internet. To sum up, corporations nowadays take the role of the Internet media more seriously. The content and applications of the Internet become more important for business communication as time and technology evolves.
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