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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


丘才廉, Qiu, Cai Lian Unknown Date (has links)

英語教師身份認知的掙扎:一位英語教師的敘事探究 / Language Teacher Identity as a Site of Struggle for Recognition: A Narrative Understanding of an English Teacher’s Identity Construction

朱家鈺, Chu, Chia Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本論文透過敘事探究的方式,探討一位補教業英文老師之身份認知與建構。經由半 結構訪談、分析此教師社群網站發表之文章,以及筆者之研究筆記,本論文意圖呈現補教英語老師之身份認知與建構,是一段持續掙扎、探索進而取得認同(recognition)的過程。 經由分析、探討此個案的人生經驗與自我敘述後,本研究發現,教師遭逢之人、事、物,以及言談敘述背後所隱含的思維與價值,皆影響教師之自我身份認知與建構。教師在教學歷程中,往往具有多重的身分認同選項(不論此選項是教師堅信或是外在加諸),這些身分認同的差異選項可能相互牴觸,並由於自身內部之認知與外部價值思維的衝突,進而引發一連串的「不被認同」(misrecognition and misacknowledgment)。本研究呈現出過去英語師資培育之相關研究往往忽略教師個人身分認同選項的現象,因此,如何敘述、協調個人的身分認同選項與衝突,並應用於英語師資的培養與自我調適,是本論文著眼 之處。 透過本論文之研究,亦希望提供英語師資培育課程不同的視野。第一,相關課程如 何透過介紹不同言談思維價值,使教師能夠適當運用多種身分認同選項;第二 ,如何 將敘事概念融入相關課程,協助教師解讀其教學中遭遇之人、事、物之關係與衝突,並 進一步思考對教師本身之影響。

現代俄語中的英語仿造成語研究 / Phrasal Calques from English to Russian

王上豪 Unknown Date (has links)

選擇台灣兒童美語補習班之關鍵因素探討 / Taiwanese Children’s English Cram Schools:

吳曉怡, Wu,Hsiao Yi Sylvia Unknown Date (has links)
選擇台灣兒童美語補習班之關鍵因素探討 / We all know that English is the most spoken language all over the world. Students in Taiwan are required to learn English in elementary school. Parents notice the importance of English and start sending children to English cram schools. However, how should parents pick a school that is suitable for the children? The objective of this research is to indentify the key factors that influence parent’s decision while picking English cram schools for children in Taiwan. The methodologies used in this research are focus group, mystery shopper, and online survey. The goal of the focus group is to find out what factors parents consider while choosing English cram schools. The mystery shopper would visit different schools and act as a parent searching for school for the child. To verify the analysis one step closer and to find out the public’s recognition of English cram schools, an online survey was conducted. After analyzing the data, this research indicates a conclusion that the main factors that influence parent’s decision are the learning environment, teaching quality and attitude, long-term management and commitment, and price. Bigger chain stores have strong marketing positioning and brand recognition, however, that doesn’t mean better service and quality or the final decision to pick the cram school. In the short run, large chain stores not only gain the business opportunity, but also earn the profit as they wished. Nevertheless, in the long run, parents would notice the inconsistency and unsatisfying services and eventually switched to a smaller privately owned schools that hires experienced and professional teachers. The relationship between the cram schools, parents, and teachers are very important. Therefore the best outcome for the children and for the parents to find the best school is to get a balance of all these factors. This research pointed out problems that most parents might not have noticed before. Parents put a lot of effort in their children’s education and a large portion of the household income goes to the children’s tuition. There is a big market for English cram schools in Taiwan, and large chain schools have done well on marketing the school. In order to keep and maintain the walk-in customers’ business, the larger chain stores could focus more on the quality control and provide a survey or questionnaire for the parents periodically to get their feedback or suggestions. Thus for the smaller privately owned schools to differentiate themselves and get the public’s attention, they could spend more on advertising and selling the school by showing parents that they only hire experienced and professional teachers from North America or Canada. Then the children and the parents will get the best outcome in learning English and getting the services and quality they paid for.

兒童英語教室教師語言之分析 / An Analysis of Teacher Talk in Child EFL Classroom

王瑋鍾, Wang, Wei-Chung Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主旨在探討教師在不同層級的兒童英語教室所具有語言的特徵。文中從二個角度來分析教師語言:句法及言談功能。藉著分析教師語言的形式及功能,期能暸解教師語言的內涵,幫助學生語言學習。 有三位兒童英語老師及三個不同層級的班級參與本研究,分別為初級,中級及高級。每位教師分別接受四節課之錄音,每一個層級選擇錄音最清晰的二節課予以轉成文字稿。經仔細檢視文稿後,每一層級選擇十五分鐘之語料做分析比較。以二項句法特徵及十一項言談功能來分析,記出其頻率,算出百分比及相關的統計方法。本研究的主要發現如下: (1) 教師語言平均語句的長度隨著層級愈高而增加。教師在初級的兒童 英語教室之平均句長為2.95,在中級教室為3.47,在高級教室為4.53。此顯示,教師隨著學生程度的增加而調整其語句長度。 (2) 教師語言的語法正確率在三個層級都很高。教師在初級教室的語法正確率最高為99.52%,其次為中級教室96.20%,最低為高級教室為94.21%。此顯示,教師給予學生相當正確的語言輸入(Input)。 (3) 教師語言的言談功能隨著層級的增加而不同。在十一項言談功能中,初級教室教師最常用的是練習(Drill),中級教室教師最常用的功能是講解(Informative),而高級教室教師用的最多的是發問(Elicitation)。 本研究亦提據結果提供以下的教學建議:教師應依學生程度的不同,調整其言談功能,同時教師需提供學生更多語言溝通的機會,培養學生語言溝通的能力。 / This study aims to investigate the characteristics of teacher talk in child EFL classrooms of different levels. Teacher talk is analyzed from two perspectives:syntactic and discourse. Three child language teachers and three classes of different levels participate in this study: the elementary, intermediate and advanced levels. Four units of each level are recorded. After initial screening, two units of each level are transcribed on the basis of intelligibility. By careful examination, only a portion lasting about ten to fifteen minutes at each level is selected for data analysis. Two formal characteristics--MLU (mean length of utterance) and grammaticality--are measured in syntactic analysis; and in discourse analysis, the function of teacher talk is analyzed. For syntactic analysis, teachers' MLU is counted; the grammaticality of teachers’speech is measured in the proportion of correct utterances to the total amount of utterances. For discourse analysis, teachers’utterances are categorized according to a discourse model adopted from Tsui (1985). Three major findings are found in this study. Firstly, teachers’ MLU increases as students’ proficiency increases. Teacher’ MLU at the elementary level is 2.95, at the intermediate level 3.47 and at the advanced level 4.53. It shows that teachers adjust their length of utterances to the proficiency level of students. Secondly, the grammaticality of teachers’ speech is very high in all the three classrooms. The grammaticality is 99.52% at the elementary level, 96.20% at the intermediate level and 94.21% at the advanced level. It shows that teachers provide students a very correct target language input. Thirdly, the functions of teacher talk are different at different levels. Among eleven functions, teachers use the function “Drill” most frequently in the elementary classroom, “Informative” in the intermediate classroom and“ Elicitation” in the advanced classroom. Two factors may be attributed as the cause the differences of teachers’ functions:the learners’ stage of development and the teaching method. Pedagogical implications are suggested according to the findings. Teachers are suggested to speak in such a way as to provide students with opportunities to speak in the target language if the purpose of teaching is to develop communicative ability.


周綺玲, 01 January 1994 (has links)
No description available.

ラオスの国民形成と言語ナショナリズム : 植民地時代から社会主義革命まで(1893-1975年) / National Formation and Language Nationalism in Laos : From The Colonial Period to The Socialist Revolution 1893-1975 / ラオス ノ コクミン ケイセイ ト ゲンゴ ナショナリズム : ショクミンチ ジダイ カラ シャカイ シュギ カクメイ マデ 1893 1975ネン

矢野, 順子, Yano, Junko 11 April 2010 (has links)
博士(学術) / 甲第534号 / 184p / Hitotsubashi University(一橋大学)

イソップの寓話における翻訳の問題 / イソップ ノ グウワ ニオケル ホンヤク ノ モンダイ

コバニ, マリア, Kovani, Maria 23 March 2011 (has links)
博士(学術) / 甲第635号 / 156p / Hitotsubashi University(一橋大学)

多言語社会ブータン王国における言語生活研究 複言語話者の言語社会化と言語認識 / Language Life Research in the Kingdom of Bhutan, a Multilingual Society: Language Socialization and Language Recognition of Plurilingual Speakers

佐藤, 美奈子 23 March 2021 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第23259号 / 人博第974号 / 新制||人||231(附属図書館) / 2020||人博||974(吉田南総合図書館) / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 西山 教行, 教授 風間 計博, 教授 柳瀬 陽介 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM


大山, 万容 24 March 2014 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(人間・環境学) / 甲第18369号 / 人博第682号 / 新制||人||163(附属図書館) / 25||人博||682(吉田南総合図書館) / 31227 / 京都大学大学院人間・環境学研究科共生人間学専攻 / (主査)教授 西山 教行, 教授 東郷 雄二, 准教授 塩塚 秀一郎 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Human and Environmental Studies / Kyoto University / DGAM

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