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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

探索演講比賽的挑戰與收穫─以一所台灣的高中為例 / Exploring the challenges and personal growth from speech contests : a case of a senior high school in Taiwan

黃毓培, Huang, Yu-Pei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨從台灣高中生的觀點探討準備英語演講的過程中所遇到的挑戰與其相關對策以及個人成長收穫。本研究採取質性個案研究,研究對象為兩位有不同語言程度的台灣高一學生。分析資料由多重管道蒐集,包含與學生的半結構式訪談,練習時的觀察記錄以及其他相關文件,最後經由對比原始資料得出研究結果。 研究結果顯示,兩位研究對象所面臨的挑戰可分成四大類,分別為單句內的問題、跨句間的問題、口語表達與演說焦慮,其中又以口語表達與演說焦慮為兩大首要挑戰。以語言焦慮而言,焦慮的確對口說有負面影響,然而,它也能對於學習者的表現有正面的影響,如能促使學習者更認真面對比賽。此外,焦慮程度也與語言熟練度有關,擁有較高語言程度的學習者傾向擁有較低程度的焦慮。以口語表達的挑戰而言,兩位學習者所面臨的挑戰皆是與非語言方面的困難,例如站姿、手勢、聲音與面部表情等。此外,學生的個人收穫分別如下所列:(一) 開拓眼界的經驗;(二) 成就感;(三) 其他同儕的認同感;(四)自我實現。研究者根據這些發現,提出相關教學建議及未來研究方向,以期對未來有興趣參與英語演講的師生更多建設性的研究貢獻。 / This study aims to examine what challenges would be confronted, how those challenges were dealt with and what personal growth reaped during the process of preparing for an English speech contest from the perspectives of high school students in Taiwan. A qualitative research method was employed in this case study. Two first-year high school students with different proficiency levels were invited to be the participants of this study. Data were collected through multiple sources, including semi-structured interviews with students, observations of each practice, and other related artifacts. Data were analyzed by constant comparative method. The results showed that the challenges the two participants faced could be divided into four categories, including the intra-sentence level challenges, inter-sentence level challenges, oral delivery and anxiety. Among these challenges, the top two challenges they faced were anxiety and oral delivery. In terms of language anxiety, anxiety did have debilitating effects on speaking; however, it can also have some facilitating influence on learner’s performance such as compelling the participant to face the contest more seriously. Also, the degrees of anxiety have to do with language proficiency. Learners with higher proficiency tended to have lower degree of anxiety. As for the challenges in oral delivery, what the two participants faced is associated with other non-linguistic aspects of speaking, such as posture, gesture, and voice and facial expression. In addition, the personal growth gained from such experience can be listed as below: (a) horizons-broadening experience, (b) a sense of achievement, (c) a sense of recognition from his peers, and (d) a sense of self-actualization. Based on the findings, pedagogical suggestions and direction for future research are provided. It is hoped more insights could be offered to both instructors and students who are interested in taking part in English speech contests.

華語繪本教學設計與實施 ─以《我想起…我可能不會愛你》為例 / Instructional Design and Implementations of A Chinese Picture Book:A Study of “I Recall…In Time With You”

廖敏華, Liao, Min Hua Unknown Date (has links)
繪本為華語學習者學習華語的教材之一,透過繪本的趣味性、圖像與文字之間的連結,來提升學習者的學習動機,也使得語言教材更加豐富、生動,亦期能讓學習者理解繪本中的文化知識等,讓學習者不只學習到語言,也能夠培養多元的文化觀念及內涵。 本研究為「華語繪本教學設計與實施─以《我想起…我可能不會愛你》為例」,研究對象為臺北某大學華語文中心之中高級華語學習者。研究目的有二,一為發展繪本於成人華語選修課之教學設計;二為探討繪本於成人華語選修課之教學成效。教學設計以此繪本為主要教材,並自行編寫課堂講義,以作為教學實施時的教材輔助,編寫原則以劉珣(2000)所提出的教材編寫特性為依據。本文以ADDIE模式之五大步驟,包括分析、設計、發展、實施、評鑑,作為本研究之課程設計模型,並採用行動研究、訪問與問卷調查法,以影音資料、課堂日誌、問卷與訪談等研究工具來作為評估教學成效與修正教學之依據。 研究結果如下:一為教學設計方面,本研究採用ADDIE教學設計模式作為課程設計模式,有助於使教學更加系統化,另外,在應用繪本於華語教學,需考量幾點,包括故事主題、學習者的語言程度是否與繪本相符合、教學者是否能掌握繪本意涵、輔助繪本之教材設計;二為教學成效方面,繪本教學能提升教師活用不同材料來進行華語教學,並能夠增進學習者的語言技能、學習動機與對於文化觀念的認知等層面。 本研究以繪本應用於成人華語教學,來提升學習者的華語學習動機,並使學習者能夠理解繪本中的語言、文化和圖片意涵,希望本研究能夠提供日後繪本應用於華語教學之相關建議及幫助。

基於公開視頻語料的粵語聲調變異研究 =A study on the variation of Cantonese tones with public media videos / Study on the variation of Cantonese tones with public media videos

解端寧 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

香港粤語音變的個案式硏究 : 以-ng音變為-n為例

譚詠儀, 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.


周雪梅 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究乃以台北市63所市立國中之中的7所國中一年級學生為施測對象,本研究旨在探討國小英語學習經驗對國中英語學習表現的影響,其中,國小英語學習經驗除了已學習與未學習兩種經驗外,尚包括初學年齡、學習年數、授課教師、學習感受、學習內容與學習地點等不同之學習經驗;國中英語學習表現則函括了認知、情意與技能三層面的英語學習表現。本研究之主要發現如下: 一、國小已學習英語與未學習英語的學生在英語認知、情意與技能方面的差異: (一)英語認知層面:國小已學習英語的學生在英語認知策略與英語後設認知策略的使用上均顯著優於國小未學習英語的學生。 (二)英語情意層面:國小已學習英語的學生在英語學習態度、英語學習動機與英語學習焦慮上均顯著優於國小未學習英語的學生。 (三)英語技能層面:國小已學習英語的學生在英語聽力精熟程度、英語閱讀精熟程度、英語寫作精熟程度以及英語口語精熟程度上均顯著優於國小未學習英語的學生。 二、國小已學習英語的不同經驗在英語認知、情意與技能三層面的差異: (一)英語認知層面:學生的初學年齡與學習地點在英語認知層面均無顯著差異;學習年數則愈長、學習感受愈有趣、學習內容愈完整在認知層面上的表現則愈佳;而授課教師則在認知策略上無顯著差異,在後設認知策略上則外國教師與中外聯合教學顯著優於中國老師教學。 (二)英語情意層面:學生的學習地點在情意層面上無顯著差異;學習年數愈長、學習內容愈完整在情意層面的表現則愈佳;初學年齡則僅於英語學習動機上有顯著差異,且年齡愈低,英語學習動機愈強;授課教師則僅於英語學習無焦慮上有顯著差異,外國教師與中外聯合教學者顯著優於中國教師;學習感受則在英語學習態度與動機上均有顯著差異,且對國小英語學習愈感到有趣者,英語情意表現則愈佳。 (三)英語技能層面:學生的初學年齡在英語閱讀精熟程度上有顯著差異,且初學年齡愈小,英語閱讀程度的表現愈佳;學習年數在英語聽力精熟程度、閱讀精熟程度以及寫作精熟程度上均有顯著差異,且學習年數愈長表現愈佳;授課教師則僅於閱讀精熟程度上有顯著差異,授課教師為外國老師與中外聯合教學者顯著優於中國老師;學習感受亦僅於閱讀精熟程度上有顯著差異,學習感受為有趣者在英語閱讀精熟程度上的表現較佳;學習地點則僅於口語精熟程度上有顯著差異,學習地點為家教式者在英語口語程度上的表現較佳。 / The study is based on the 1<sub>st</sub> grade students in junior high school, which are 7 municipal junior high schools among 63 ones in Taipei. The goal of this study is to explore the influence of elementary school's English learning experience includes not noly 'the learned' and 'unlearned', but also the 'starting age','learning years','teachers','feeling about learning','learning contents' and 'learning places'; as to English learning performance, it includes the cognitive, affective and psychomotor stages. The main findings of this study list as below: Ⅰ. The differences between the learned and unlearned students at elementary school period in cognitive, affective and psychomotor stages are: (i) English cognitive stage: the learned ones who use English cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies are superior to the unlearned. (ii) English affective stage: the learned ones whose English learning attitude, English learning motivation and English learning anxiety are superior to the unlearned. (iii) English psychomotor stage: the learned ones whose skills of English listening proficiency, reading proficiency, writing proficiency and oral proficiency are superior to the unlearned. Ⅱ. The different experiences of the learned in Enlgish cognitive, affective and psychomotor stages are: (i) English cognitive stage: the starting 'age' and learning 'places' at elementary school period in English cognitive stage make no sighnificant difference. The loger 'years', the more interesting 'feeling' and more complete 'content'the students had the better cognitive performance they make. The 'teachers' who taught the students in childhood make no significant difference is using cognitive strategies, but the foreign teacher and the united teaching are superior to the Chinese teacher while the students use metacognitive strategies. (ii) English affective stage: the learning 'places' at elementary school period make no significant difference on English affective stage. The loger 'years' and the more complete 'content' they learned the better performance the students make. The starting 'age' of learning English merely makes difference on English learning motivation-- the younger the learning age started the stronger motivation the students have. The 'teachers' only make significant difference in English learning anxiety-- the foreign teacher and the united teaching are superior to the Chinese teacher. Learning 'feeling' makes significant difference in Enlgish learnging attitude and motivation-- the more interesting they felt about calsses the better affective performance they make. (iii) The psychomotor stage: the starting 'age' makes significant difference in English reading proficiency-- the younger the learning age started the better English reading proficiency the students make. The learning 'years' make significant difference in English listening, reading and writing proficiency-- the longer years the students learned the better performance they make. The 'teachers' merely make significant difference in English reading proficiency-- the foreign teacher and the united teaching are superior to the Chinese teacher. Learning 'feeling' make significant difference in English reading proficiency-- the more interesting the students felt the better English reading proficiency they have. The learning 'places' make significant difference in English oral proficiency-- the tutor style makes better performance in English oral proficiency.

二十世紀末二十一世紀初之俄語電腦詞彙研究 / The analysis of Russian computer words in the late 20th century and in the beginning of the 21th century

陳依玲 Unknown Date (has links)


木田, 充洋, 外池, 昌嗣, 宇津呂, 武仁, 佐藤, 理史 01 November 2006 (has links)
No description available.

「たちまち、あっという間に、またたく間に」の意味分析 : ベースとプロファイルの観点から

李, 澤熊 16 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.


加藤, 恵梨 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.

台灣地區國語二聲的聲調變異之語音學研究:閩南語/國語雙語語者和國語單語語者之比較 / The Tonal Variation of Mandarin Tone 2 in Taiwan: A Phonetic Study on Taiwanese-Taiwan Mandarin Bilinguals and Taiwan Mandarin Monolinguals

許書瑜, Hsu, Shu-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
國語二聲在文獻上多被描述為一調值35的高升調。然而近來不少學者發現台灣地區的國語二聲在閩南語/國語雙語語者族群中有變異的現象:一是323的降升調,二是接近31的低降調。文獻顯示這可能與語言背景(Lo, 2004)和地區(H. J. Hsu,2004)有關。然而對於國語單語語者的研究並不多。此外,性別、母音、聲調環境和句中位置也有可能影響聲調的變異。因此,本研究旨在調查台灣地區的聲調變異現象,藉由語音學實驗的方式,探究國語二聲的變異和語言背景(閩語/國語雙語語者或國語單語語者)的關係。並進一步探討其與社會因素:地區(北、中、南)、性別和語言學因素:母音、聲調環境和句中位置的關係。受試者以17-27歲的年輕族群為主。結果發現台灣地區的年輕人普遍以平調(中平調或低平調)(level)作為二聲變異的主要變體,另一較少數的變體則為低升調(low-rising),低降調在本研究中並不明顯。這些二聲變體有可能是受到整體調域向下縮窄的影響。而閩語/國語雙語語者的確發出較多的聲調變異,特別是低升調,這可能是受到閩語聲調系統的影響。地區、性別,以及母音、聲調環境和句中位置都會影響二聲變異。本研究進一步證實二聲的聲調變異在台灣年輕族群中的發展,支持了台灣地區國語的調域縮窄的現況。 / Mandarin Tone 2 is canonically described as a high rising tone. However, recently, T2 in Taiwan was found to have other contour types: the dipping contour (323) and falling (31) variants (Fon, 1997; H. J. Hsu, 2004), with the former being considered as a normal rising tone, but the later totally losing the rising feature. Those were all found in Taiwanese (Tw)-Taiwan Mandarin(TM) bilinguals. The reasons causing this tonal variation is supposed to be relating to the language backgrounds and other social and linguistic factors from previous studies. However, no study has confirmed those correlated factors, especially the comparison between Tw-TM bilinguals and TM monolinguals. This study thus aims to discover what the T2 variation is and where it occurs. By sampling 24 subjects, aged 17-27, with half Tw-TM bilinguals and half TM monolinguals, we conducted three experiments to test the T2 in different contexts. Results showed that instead of the falling variant, more speakers produced a level variant and a small amount of low-rising variant. Besides, the bilinguals did produce more T2 variations than the monolinguals. The results indicated that language background does affect the T2 variation among young speakers in Taiwan. Moreover, the high percentage of the Level variant support the finding of a narrower tonal range of TM, compared to the standard Mandarin. Other factors, such as genders, regions, vowels, tonal environments and sentence positions were also found to have influence on T2 variations.

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