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臺灣國中英語重音與語調的教學研究 / The Teaching and Learning of English Stress and Intonation in Taiwan Junior High Schools白宏彬, Bai, Hong Bin Unknown Date (has links)
文末對教學方法、教材以及老師和學生的教學均有建議,期望對英語教學的更臻完善有所幫助。 / This thesis evaluates Taiwan junior high school students' performances in English stress and intonation and uncovers some reasons causing students' learning difficulties. Compared against ten native speakers' performances, forty students' performances in reading two dialogues are evaluated. The results show that the contours with attitudinal meanings are more difficult for students than the contours of special grammatical constructions, which in turn are more difficult than ordinary falling and rising contours. And students have more difficulties in the stress patterns involving English rhythm and discourse knowledge than those that do not.
Through contrastive analysis, we find intralingual and interlingual factors interfering with students' learning. Intralingual factors include the variability of English stress and intonation, and the deficiency in their representation. Interlingual factors include the scope of pitch, the influence of intonation on citation forms, expressions of focus, expressions of attitudes, ranges of pitch, and interference from Mandarin contours. Moreover, the results of two sets of questionnaires answered by fifty teachers and fifty students show some pedagogical factors also come into play.
Suggestions for teaching methods, teaching materials, teachers, and students are also given with a view to helping improve English teaching and learning.
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從語言文化學視角論俄羅斯飲食之民族特色(以普希金作品為例) / Концептуальный анализ русских кулинарных пристрастий в лингвокультурологическом аспекте (На примере произведений А. С. Пушкина)林柏均 Unknown Date (has links)
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從小說文本看台灣華語中的語碼轉換現象:社會語用分析 / Code-switching in a Chinese Novel: Sociopragmatic Analysis林龍吟, Lin, Lung Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的分析框架建立在Gumperz (1972,1982) 提出的情境型語碼轉換 (Situational code-switching )、隱喻型語碼轉換(Metaphorical code-switching)、對話對話型語碼轉換(Conversational code-switching),Poplack(1980)提出的句間語碼轉換(Inter-sentential switching)、句內語碼轉換(Intra-sentential switching)、附加語碼轉換(Tag switching),以及Leech(1983)的語篇修辭(Textual Rhetoric)與人際修辭(Interpersonal Rhetoric )的觀念。
在句間語碼轉換(Inter-sentential switching)、句內語碼轉換(Intra-sentential switching)與附加語碼轉換(Tag switching)中,句間語碼轉換占80.0%比例最高,句內語碼轉換居次(占16.0%),可能是因為句間語碼轉換較不像句內語碼轉換,需要較多文法上的技巧問題,所以對人們來說比較容易。附加語碼轉換在文本出現的比例僅占4.3%。
在情境型語碼轉換 (Situational code-switching )、隱喻型語碼轉換(Metaphorical code-switching)與對話型語碼轉換(Conversational code-switching)中,隱喻型語碼轉換高達80.1%;而情境型和對話型語碼轉換總共僅占19.9%,其中情境型語碼轉換占12.1%,對話型語碼轉換占7.8%。在情境型轉碼中,國語轉閩南語占3.2%,國語轉英語占5.7%,閩南語轉國語占2.5%。隱喻型語碼轉換中,以國語轉閩南語占41.8%及閩南語轉國語占23.0%比例最高。
本研究發現文本中轉碼被運用於語篇修辭的比例略高於人際修辭。就語篇修辭而言,分析結果顯示語碼轉換在語篇修辭中計有:訊息有無(添加訊息、詢問)、全面瞭解(解釋、糾正、確認、澄清)、比較、話題轉換(主題、段落)及指涉(具體、替代)等五類11項功能策略。文本中的語碼轉換大部分是為了要對訊息做入碼運作(Processibility Principle),占34.0%,表達原則(Expressivity Principle)占29.2% ,清晰原則(Clarity Principle)占25.9% ,經濟原則(Economy Principle)占10.9%。
語碼轉換在人際修辭社會情境中的使用大多是為社會面向的目的(占人際修辭總語料的87.4%),比場合面向(12.6%)高出非常多,顯示在人際修辭中,轉碼主要的目的是處理人際關係,而不是應付場合條件之所需。在社會面向中,語碼轉換所占的比例多寡順序為:社會標記(41.5%) > 態度(26.7%) > 社會距離的順應調整(19.3%) 。
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澳門吉祥語研究 / Research of lucky words of Macao周菲凡 January 2007 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese
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韓国語を母語とする日本語学習者の「これじゃない」の発話意図とイントネーション―音響分析と聴取に基づく考察―三木, 理 31 March 2008 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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複合動詞「~続ける」について廖, 紋淑 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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V-N型の漢語動詞の語構成と自他張, 善実 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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日本語を母語とする中国語学習者における中国語の自動詞表現・他動詞表現・受身表現の選択について : 非人為的事態の場合SUGIMURA, Yasushi, 杉村, 泰 10 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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「很X」構式在口語語料之句法語意分析 / The Syntactic and Semantic Analysis of Hěn X Constructions in Spoken Copora陳妍儒, Chen, Yen Ju Unknown Date (has links)
過去相關文獻多集中於構式、詞類的分析,較少使用口語語料作為研究素材,而言談過程常是造成語言變化的重要因素,因此本文應用語法化及詞彙化理論,探討政治大學口語語料庫及公視節目「爸媽囧很大」中「很X」的分布情形,分析詞類結構、句法範疇及字數三個方面。兩個語料來源中「很X」的分布情形一致,「很」的語法化一直演變,「X」可擔任的範疇向其他詞類擴張,也可以由單詞、詞組、句子等字數不同的單位擔任。「很X」也藉由詞彙化持續演變,「很X」凝結為一個單位,用以修飾其他詞組或是句子。「很」除了保有表示高程度的副詞功能外,亦開始具有突顯「X」特性的功能,與特定詞類搭配時,「很X」必須一起出現才足以表達說話者的意思,這些現象顯示了「很X」的主觀性有逐漸提升的趨勢。本文以語法化和詞彙化理論來分析討論口語語料中「很X」的句法語意變化以及分布情形,研究結果可提供華語教學者進行相關學術研究、編撰教材以及實地教學的素材來源。 / The study aims to investigate the syntactic and semantic changes of hěn X constructions in spoken copora. Many studies have discussed the history of hěn, the development of its degree adverb function and the host expansion of X. To understand the gradual changes of hěn X in daily usages, the study, extracting the data from the NCCU Corpus of Spoken Chinese and Taiwan Public Telivision show, examines the grammaticalization and lexicalization patterns of hěn X .
Several findings are found. First, the syntactic and semantic distributions of both sources are consistent. While adjectives and stative verbs still claim the majority of X, new categories of words are discovered, showing host expansion of hěn X. Second, not only words but also phrases and clauses can play the role of X. The flexibility of the length of hěn X demonstrates the gradual grammaticalization of hěn.On the other hand, hěn X can also be used as a unit to modify other grammatical constittuents, showing lexicalization process is also happening regarding. In particular, when hěn X is regarded as a unit, hěn appears to be obligatory, not only indicating degree but also highlighting the characteristics of X. The analysis of the spoken materials also clearly demonstrates that subjectivity is increasing in hěn X. These findings of hěn X in spoken copora can be applied to linguistic studies and Mandarin teaching.
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漢語兒童請求時的禮貌 / Mandarin-speaking children's politeness in requests陳郁彬, Chen, Yupin Unknown Date (has links)
最後,研究的結果也指出,雖然兒童表達請求時,使用較為間接而有禮的語言形式,未必較能有效地達到他們的溝通目的,但是如果在表達請求的同時,也進一步說明理由者,達到溝通目的的機率則有明顯的增加。另外,從語言形式和表達請求的情境及人際地位的互動中發現,兒童表達請求的基本語言形式極有可能為表達個人的慾望與需求的陳述句,儘管祈使句在所觀察的語料中使用的頻率最高。這樣的論點,不但符合其他文獻中針對兒童語言發展的發現,也貼近兒童語言發展為連續過程的觀點,且也反應了人類語言發展的基本歷程。 / This study aims to investigate Mandarin-speaking children’s requests and their linguistic politeness so as to contribute to the understanding of children’s pragmatic development as well as linguistic development. The present study is mainly concerned with what linguistic devices children utilize to issue requests in spontaneous interactions with their parents and what interpersonal factors may have an influence on children’s uses of request forms. These two issues were discussed through examinations over children’s spontaneous interactions with their parents in family settings.
On the basis of the longitudinal data produced by two children, it has been found that when requesting, children draw upon various linguistic devices, primarily including simple imperatives, WANT statements, imperatives with sentence-final particle, and declaratives. Such a variety of request forms can be observed from an early age on, at around two years old, but demonstrates no remarkable development, judged simply by these formal devices used at different ages. When situational contexts are also taken into account, nevertheless, a developmental pattern regarding the request forms is thus revealed. In terms of situational contexts, children are found to use simple imperatives primarily to convey their requests when involved in interactive activities with their parents, whereas they tend to utilize both simple imperatives and WANT statements when having common talks with their parents. Such a division of labor can be noticeably observed when children are about two and half years old.
As to children’s linguistic politeness when making requests, the results reveal that children are aware of the influence of certain interactional and interpersonal factors on the appropriate use of linguistic forms. Children are inclined to draw upon comparatively more effective forms to issue their requests, and therefore children by and large request with pure imperatives and WANT statements, since these two request forms may effectively obtain the desirable compliance from their parents. In addition to effectiveness, children may also take interpersonal status and request cost into consideration when judging which request forms to use in the immediate context. Such consideration of interpersonal status when determining the appropriate request forms to use may thus reflects children’s awareness of politeness at around the age of three.
In addition to syntactic structures, children are also found to draw upon lexical items to show their deference to politeness. Children may use such lexical forms as qing ‘please’, bang ‘to help with’ and women ‘let’s; we’ to mitigate the illocutionary force in their requests. These forms, despite their low frequencies in the data, may thus reveal children’s sensitivity to politeness when making such a face-threatening act as requests. The use of these polite lexical forms also discloses a comparatively late development in linguistic politeness; children may not use such polite forms until they reach the second half of their second year. A late development is also observed in the respect of children’s use of reasons to justify their requests. The results show that children’s justification may generally increase the effectiveness of their requests, but such use is infrequent and only observed at a later age, around the age of three.
Finally, the results of the investigation into the data may suggest that WANT statements are highly likely an earlier developed request form and the prime linguistic forms children rely on to issue their requests, given the findings that children tend to request with WANT statements when interacting with parents at a lower status as a child and that children’s use of request forms are prone to the effect of interpersonal status. Such a suggestion may not only conform to the findings in previous studies with regard to children’s linguistic development in requests, but also accord with the general developmental pattern of human languages.
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