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韓國語補助用言與中文對應表現研究─以去、來為中心 / A Contrastive Study on Korean Auxiliary Verb and Their Equivalent Expressions in Chinese : Focused on '-a/e kata' and '-a/e ota'張祐瑄 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的在於能讓以中文為母語的韓語學習者,能夠更快速且深刻理解韓語補助用言‘(-어)가다’和‘(-어) 오다’,並進一步期許藉由本研究的結果,學習者們得以將此文法表現確實的應用於日常生活與對話當中。
「補助用言」是中文母語者學習韓語時,感到困難且容易出現誤用情況的文法範疇之一,尤其韓語之中「補助用言」的運用相當發達,而中文之中雖然亦有與其對應之「補語 」的概念,但與韓語的「補助用言」相較之下,兩種文法概念雖然相似,但分別屬於兩個語言的框架之中,仔戲相比,兩者概念的判別基準與定義以及使用情況分佈,有著相當程度的落差。韓語「補助用言」之中的‘(-어)가다’和‘(-어)오다’,若將其直接認知為中文的「趨向補語」,而翻譯為「動詞+去」和「動詞+來」的話,反而容易產生誤用,甚至在某些特殊的用法時,是找不到韓中兩語言的對應關係的。
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日本語のアスペクト形式「テイル」の習得に関する横断研究 : 動詞の語彙的アスペクトによる影響について陳, 建瑋 25 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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類義語ミトオス・ミヌクの意味分析-心はどこに隠れているのか-鷲見, 幸美, SUMI, YUKIMI 31 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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動詞「信じる」とその周辺高橋, 圭介 31 March 2005 (has links)
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副詞の類義語分析李, 澤熊, LEE, TACK UNG 10 March 2006 (has links)
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漢語兒童情態動詞「會」的使用 / The Use of the Modal Verb Hui in Mandarin Child Language王薏淩, Wang, Yi Ling Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討漢語母子對話中,兒童使用情態動詞(modal verb)「會」的類別、人稱主詞及語用功能。受試者分成第一組(平均兩歲十一個月)與第二組(平均四歲十個月)。研究結果發現認知(epistemic)情態動詞的「會」比動力(dynamic)情態動詞的「會」晚習得,而義務(deontic)情態動詞的「會」則很少出現。其指出不同的習得順序與認知發展有關,即認知上易理解的概念比認知上較不易理解的早習得。在情態動詞「會」的人稱主詞上,兒童在動力和義務情態動詞「會」主要是使用第一人稱當主詞,然而兒童傾向使用第三人稱當認知情態動詞「會」的主詞。而兒童很少使用第二人稱當情態動詞「會」的主詞。情態動詞「會」語句的語用功能方面,動力情態動詞「會」語句包含請求、拒絕、描述、誇耀;義務情態動詞「會」語句只發現承諾的功能;而認知情態動詞「會」語句有爭辯、疑惑、推論的功能。研究結果顯示兒童能掌握情態動詞「會」語句不同的語用功能。 / This study examined Mandarin-speaking children’s different types, person subjects, and pragmatic functions of the modal hui utterances in mother-child conversations. Children were divided into Group I (mean age= 2;11) and Group II (mean age= 4;10). The results showed that the epistemic modal hui was acquired relatively late, compared with the dynamic modal hui. The deontic modal hui was a marginal use. It suggests that the different acquisition order seems to involve cognitive development, which means that the cognitively accessible concept may be acquired earlier than the less cognitively accessible one. As for the person subjects of the modal hui, children mainly used the dynamic and deontic modal hui with the first person subject; however, they tended to use the epistemic modal hui with the third person subject. Children rarely used the modal hui with the second person subject. With regard to the pragmatic functions of the modal hui utterances, it was found that the functions of the dynamic hui utterances included request, refusal, reporting, and boasting. In the deontic hui utterances, only the function of promise was found. The epistemic hui utterances served the functions of argument, puzzlement, and reasoning. The results suggest that children are sensitive to the pragmatic functional aspects of the modal hui utterances.
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「余裕」と「ゆとり」の意味分析 : ベースとプロファイルの観点からLEE, Tack Ung, 李, 澤熊 10 November 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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中国人日本語学習者の日本語漢字語の処理における母語の影響Tamaoka, Katsuo, Yamato, Yuko, 玉岡, 賀津雄, 大和, 祐子 15 December 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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語音表義教學對國中生英語字彙記憶之效益研究 / The effects of sound symbolism instruction on junior high school students’ English vocabulary memorization王靜鴻, Wang, Ching Hung Unknown Date (has links)
研究對象為台灣北部一所公立國中九年級兩個班的七十二位學生。此均質的兩個班級被隨機指定為實驗組與控制組,實驗組施予語音表義教學法學習八十個標的單字,而控制組則施予傳統翻譯式教學法學習相同的單字。接受歷時十六週的字彙教學後,以兩組學生在認字測驗上的成績以及實驗組學生個別訪談之結果作為資料分析來源。本研究主要發現如下:(1)接受語音表義教學的實驗組學生在認字測驗的表現上顯著優於接受傳統翻譯法的控制組學生。(2)實驗組中,高分群組與低分群組在接受語音表義教學後,在認字測驗的表現上皆呈現出顯著性進步,顯示出語音表義教學對不同程度的學生皆有成效。(3)受試者對語音表義教學持正面態度,且認為語音表義教學特別是在認字方面有助於英語字彙之記憶。研究最後進一步對語音表義教學在實際教學上之應用提供建議,作為教育學者們參考。 / Although the instruction of sound symbolism has been advocated for word learning for years, it is not clear whether it is empirically effective in classroom vocabulary teaching. This study first adopted a quantitative research method to investigate the effectiveness of the instruction of sound symbolism on junior high school students’ English vocabulary memorization, and then a qualitative research method to explore the participants’ perspectives on the instruction of sound symbolism.
Participants of the study were two classes of 72 ninth-grade students in a public junior high school in northern Taiwan. With homogeneity in terms of English language proficiency, the two classes were randomly assigned as the experimental and control group. The former was instructed 80 target words by the instruction of sound symbolism, while the latter was taught the same target words by the traditional translation-based approach. Vocabulary instruction lasted for 16 weeks, and the data analysis was based on their performances on the word recognition test and the results of the individual interviews. The major findings are as follows. (1)The participants who received the instruction of sound symbolism performed significantly better on the word recognition test than those who were taught the traditional translation-based approach. (2) In the experimental group, both the high and low proficiency learners made significant progress, indicating the instruction of sound symbolism was effective in different proficiency groups. (3) The participants held positive attitude toward the instruction of sound symbolism and felt that the instruction was helpful for vocabulary memorization, especially on the aspect of word recognition. Some pedagogical implications and recommendations for future research were presented at the end of the thesis.
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從經濟活動的角度探討戒嚴時期台灣語言結構的轉變 / Transformation of Taiwan language structure under martial law in terms of economic activities蘇豐文, Su, Feng Wen Unknown Date (has links)
The main purpose of this thesis is to find out the economic factors that contributed to the successful promotion of Mandarin during martial law period, and serve as a reference for future language planning. Taiwan used to be ruled by Dutch, Koxinga, Qing dynasty, Japan, and the Republic of China (ROC) government. Thus, Taiwanese society gradually becomes multiethnic, multicultural, and, to my greatest concern, multilingual. Each ruling power had tried to impose different degrees of language policies on Taiwan, particularly Japan and the ROC government that were eager to establish an official language. Eventually, the successful popularization of Mandarin is overwhelming.
A number of theories and materials regarding the relationship between language and economy have been reviewed. First of all, it is argued that language could be objectified and valued. Thus, different language varieties contain different values. Second, according to rational choice theory, people make choices that would maximize their benefits. The implication is that people choose to learn a certain language variety that benefits them most. Third, as an economy becomes more and more advanced, linguistic diversity might be reduced.
The ethnolinguistic groups, language varieties, and language history of Taiwan are also discussed. There are four major ethnolinguistic groups in Taiwan: Hoklo, Hakka, aboriginal people, and Chinese Mainlanders. As for language varieties, Hoklo, Hakka, Mandarin, Taiwan Guoyu, and aboriginal languages are separately dealt with. The language history of Taiwan is divided into the evolution of spoken and written language of Taiwan.
Then, the economic value of each language varieties in Taiwan during martial law period is assessed. The result is that Mandarin possessed the highest economic value. Besides, some features of economic development, such as structural change, the emergence of social classes, the desire to gain upward social mobility, expansion in education, and examination systems that favored Mandarin, also facilitated the spread of Mandarin. And through a comparison between the Japan-led and ROC-led island-wide language directives, this thesis argues that political factors alone could not sufficiently explain the successful promotion of an official language. Economic factors must be taken into account as well.
Finally, some suggestions are proposed for the maintenance and revitalization of Hoklo, Hakka, and aboriginal languages.
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