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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

家庭資源、課後學習對閱讀素養影響之研究─以臺灣、韓國、加拿大、芬蘭為例 / The influences of home possessions and out-of-school-time lessons on reading literacy: the cases of Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, and Finland

許瑋珊, Hsu, Wei-Shan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探究臺灣、韓國、加拿大、芬蘭在家庭資源、課後學習與閱讀素養之現況,並分析其關係,進而建構與驗證家庭資源、課後學習對閱讀素養影響之模式,最後依據研究結果提出建議。首先,針對家庭資源、課後學習與閱讀素養進行文獻探討,俾做為研究立論基礎與分析之依據;其次,透過PISA 2009資料庫中學生問卷資料與評量結果進行分析,以了解現況並驗證理論模式;最後,依據研究結果進行綜合討論,以形成結論與建議。茲將本研究之主要結論與建議歸納如下: 壹、各國學生在家庭資源、課後學習與閱讀素養有顯著差異 一、不同國家學生在家庭資源的多寡有顯著差異:加拿大學生所擁有的財富資產、教育資源最為豐富,而在文化資產方面,則以韓國學生為最高。 二、不同國家學生在課後學習的情形有顯著差異:韓國學生參加語文補救課程的比例最高,臺灣學生則在語文加強課程以及學習技巧課程的參加比例最高。 三、不同國家學生在閱讀素養的表現有顯著差異:整體而言,以韓國學生表現最好,芬蘭學生次之,接著為加拿大學生,而以臺灣學生表現為最低。 貳、各國學生在家庭資源、課後學習對閱讀素養影響模式之檢定結果 一、經適配度檢定結果顯示:本研究模式在整體適配度指標、比較適配度指標、精簡適配度指標、基本適配度指標與內在適配度指標皆佳。 二、家庭資源愈豐富,閱讀素養愈高:家庭資源對閱讀素養有顯著的正向影響,亦即各國學生所擁有的家庭資源愈多,則閱讀素養越高。 三、課後課程的學習不必然能提升閱讀素養:臺灣、加拿大、芬蘭學生在課後學習對閱讀素養呈現負向影響,然韓國學生在課後學習對閱讀素養則呈現正向影響。   最後,本研究依據研究結果,提出相關建議,俾供主管教育行政機關、學校教育人員及後續研究之參考。 / The main purpose of this research was to investigate the influences of home possessions and out-of-school-time lessons on reading literacy in Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, and Finland. The research methods included literature review and data analysis from PISA 2009 database. First, the literature review was the basis of argument and for the development of the model. Secondly, the statistical analysis was conducted by using descriptive statistics, analysis of variance, correlation, and structural eduation modeling. Finally, the comprehensive discussion was based on the research findings, and to draw the conclusions which were summarized as follows: A.The path leading from home possessions to reading literacy was positive in Taiwan, South Korea, Canada, and Finland. That is, home possessions have significant influences on reading literacy in this four countries. B.The path leading from out-of-school-time lessons to reading literacy was positive in South Korea. That is, out-of-school-time lessons have significant and positive influences on reading literacy in South Korea. However, the path leading from out-of-school-time lessons to reading literacy was negative in Taiwan, Canada, and Finland. In other words, out-of-school-time lessons have significant and negative influences on reading literacy in Taiwan, Canada, and Finland. In the end, based on the research results, the researcher proposed some suggestions for educational administrative agencies, school personnel, and future research, attempting to benefit the development of secondary school education in the future.

藥品廣告之法規範與健康素養 / The regulation of pharmaceutical advertising and health literacy

林承宇, Lin, Cheng-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
為國民的健康把關,通常是政府作為實現國民健康權的一種具體作為,有關國民的用藥安全更是政府責無旁貸的責任。本論文著眼於「虛擬藥房」的藥品廣告刺激一般常民用藥的消費過程,政府基於保護國民健康所採取的介入方式是「法規範」對藥品廣告的管理,此種管理方式隨著藥品本身與商業言論的時空變遷會有緊縮或放寬的變革,然而易侷限於專業精英討論的上層層次;後有主管機關意識到常民健康的落實須直達正確的用藥觀念,以健康促進作為彌補上層可能無法下達困境的下層層次。 本論文以為,此二層次對應的概念仍屬「由上對下」的意識,亦即「政府」下對「常民」的概念。這種由上而下的把關做法,在維護國民「健康權」的國家、社會與個人法益上固然有其必要;惟欲落實整體健康權的實踐,仍須回歸「健康素養」的具體貫徹。亦即,本論文主張政府所主導的法規範或健康促進的作為,必須同時伴隨常民健康素養的賦權,兼顧「由下而上」的作法,不斷促使法規範與社會現實互為主體,則法規範才能真實維護與實踐國民的「健康權」。 / It is the constitutional and legal responsibility of the State to protect people’s health and achieve “the right to health” via, among others, the provision of safe medicines. The vast amounts of advertisings have challenged the State to providing safety access to medicines. This thesis focuses on the advertisings of “virtual pharmacies”, and attempts to investigate how they stimulate consumer behaviors. Legally, the State controls pharmaceutical advertising by means of various different legislative and administrative measures. Nonetheless, this “top-down” process has had only limited effects due to rapid social change and the evolution of the protection of commercial speech. This thesis argues that, to fill the gap, the promotion and development of “health literacy”, i.e. a “bottom-up” way, could be the answer to a meaningful control of pharmaceutical advertisings. This thesis conducts empirical analyses and applies them to various theories of political economy regarding pharmaceutical advertising. Moreover, the relationships between “health literacy” and “the right to health” are also elaborated. It is argued that to substantiate the constitutional “right to health”, the best way is to promote and develop the concept of “health literacy”. Only through empowering the consumers with the proper knowledge of “health literacy” can the State, assisted by the implementation of relevant laws, fulfills its responsibility. “Health literacy” is as important as law itself, and the latter cannot satisfactorily operate to arrive at the desired results without the construction of the former.

基於語意框架之讀者情緒偵測研究 / Semantic Frame-based Approach for Reader-Emotion Detection

陳聖傑, Chen, Cen Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
過往對於情緒分析的研究顯少聚焦在讀者情緒,往往著眼於筆者情緒之研究。讀者情緒是指讀者閱讀文章後產生之情緒感受。然而相同一篇文章可能會引起讀者多種情緒反應,甚至產生與筆者迥異之情緒感受,也突顯其讀者情緒分析存在更複雜的問題。本研究之目的在於辨識讀者閱讀文章後之切確情緒,而文件分類的方法能有效地應用於讀者情緒偵測的研究,除了能辨識出正確的讀者情緒之外,並且能保留讀者情緒文件之相關內容。然而,目前的資訊檢索系統仍缺乏對隱含情緒之文件有效的辨識能力,特別是對於讀者情緒的辨識。除此之外,基於機器學習的方法難以讓人類理解,也很難查明辨識失敗的原因,進而無法了解何種文章引發讀者切確的情緒感受。有鑑於此,本研究提出一套基於語意框架(frame-based approach, FBA)之讀者情緒偵測研究的方法,FBA能模擬人類閱讀文章的方式外,並且可以有效地建構讀者情緒之基礎知識,以形成讀者情緒的知識庫。FBA具備高自動化抽取語意概念的基礎知識,除了利用語法結構的特徵,我們進一步考量周邊語境和語義關聯,將相似的知識整合成具有鑑別力之語意框架,並且透過序列比對(sequence alignment)的方式進行讀者情緒文件之匹配。經實驗結果顯示證明,本研究方法能有效地運用於讀者情緒偵測之相關研究。 / Previous studies on emotion classification mainly focus on the writer's emotional state. By contrast, this research emphasizes emotion detection from the readers' perspective. The classification of documents into reader-emotion categories can be applied in several ways, and one of the applications is to retain only the documents that cause desired emotions for enabling users to retrieve documents that contain relevant contents and at the same time instill proper emotions. However, current IR systems lack of ability to discern emotion within texts, reader-emotion has yet to achieve comparable performance. Moreover, the pervious machine learning-based approaches are generally not human understandable, thereby, it is difficult to pinpoint the reason for recognition failures and understand what emotions do articles trigger in their readers. We propose a flexible semantic frame-based approach (FBA) for reader's emotion detection that simulates such process in human perception. FBA is a highly automated process that incorporates various knowledge sources to learn semantic frames that characterize an emotion and is comprehensible for humans from raw text. Generated frames are adopted to predict readers' emotion through an alignment-based matching algorithm that allows a semantic frame to be partially matched through a statistical scoring scheme. Experiment results demonstrate that our approach can effectively detect readers' emotion by exploiting the syntactic structures and semantic associations in the context as well as outperforms currently well-known statistical text classification methods and the stat-of-the-art reader-emotion detection method.

亂世人才學:動盪環境中人力管理的組織作為 / Talent Retention in Turbulent Environment : Organizing Practices for Human Resource Management within Constraints

王琳, Wang, Lin Unknown Date (has links)
全球的經營環境詭譎多變,對企業而言「變」是唯一的不變。在競爭環境中,大者恆大,資源集中在強勢企業身上,而弱勢企業只能以手邊僅有的資源去面對困境。過去的隨創(bricolage)文獻多半是分析資源匱乏時,如何重新拼湊而找到創新方案,以扭轉局勢。可是我們卻忽略,在獲取、拼湊或重組資源時,弱勢企業正遭遇重重的制約,使得資源拼湊的過程面臨各種障礙。當企業身處動盪的環境中,如何以不足的資源翻轉局勢,是劣勢創新的新課題。本研究將由人力資源的情境中去分析這個新課題。人力資源的重點是找人才、留人才、用人才,讓企業能於競爭中存活,或幸運勝出。在太平盛世時,企業會祭出各種誘因去吸引人才;可是在亂世時,強勢競爭對手各出奇招,以重金禮聘英雄,弱勢企業的誘因就不再誘人。此時,弱勢企業應如何突圍。本研究分析一家位於深圳的互聯網新創公司,在遭遇到「搶人才」的環境中,如何憑藉著有限的資源而發展出一套組織作為因應。在學術貢獻上,本案例分析企業解除人才制約的作為,跳脫誘因設計的理論,思考如何由制度的設計去產生延攬人才的激勵因子。同時,理解隨創過程中,資源拼湊之前弱勢者是如何有嶄新的角度去解讀制約,思考出化阻力為助力的解決方案,設計出回應制約的組織作為。在實務貢獻上,本研究提出在身處動盪環境之際,如何以不足的資源設計出創新的人才管理機制,由選才、育才和評量等層面去設計留才的機制。這些作為不但能做為人力資源管理的參考,其因應制約的方式更可為各類型身處劣勢的企業提供創新的思路。 / Nowadays, the global business environment becomes more and more complex and changeful. For business, ‘change’ is the fact of constant. In the competition environment, the big ones get bigger. Most resources are centralized in a few of powerful enterprises, and vulnerable others can only use less resource at hand to face the difficulty. In the past, bricolage literatures were mostly talking about how to break through dilemma and reverse the status under limited resources. However, we overlook those weak enterprises which encounter constraints when trying to obtain, integrate, or reorganize resources. That makes them confront various barriers when getting piece of resources. When the enterprise is in a turbulent situation, how to turn the tables with limited resources is a new topic. This study would analyze this new theme through the context of human resources. The key point of human resources is to find the talents, retain the talents, and assign the talents, so to make enterprises survive or lucky win from the competition. In the times of peace and order, the enterprises resort kinds of incentives to attract the talents. However, in the troubled times, strong competitors would leave no stone unturned, pay high for hiring hero. Therefore, weak enterprises’ incentives are no longer attractive. At this point, how vulnerable enterprises break through? This study analyzes how a new Internet company in Shenzhen they rely on the limited resources to develop an organization action in the "headhunting” environment. In the academic contribution, this case analysis of how the enterprise remove human resource conduct limitation, get rid of the incentive design theory, and then thinking about how to encourage the talents through the system programming. Meanwhile, to understand in the process of implement create, before piece of resources putting together, how the weak explain the constraints with a new perspective, thinking of the solution by transforming obstacles into benefits, and designed an organized behavior to respond the constraints. In the practical contribution, this study presents how to design an innovative human resource management via selecting, training, and assess employees with insufficient resources when in the turbulent environment. Not only can be the reference of human resources management, these ideas can also bring the innovative thoughts for all types of disadvantaged enterprises

合作式數位閱讀標註系統對於數學應用問題學習成效的影響研究 / The effects of solving mathematics problems with the support of collaborative digital reading annotation system on learning performance

郭芙秀, Kuo, Fu Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著網路學習的發展,能夠透過網路輔以學習者進行線上合作閱讀學習的合作數位閱讀標註系統興起,並已發展出多媒體的標註模式,不但可以由學生自己針對閱讀文本進行合作閱讀標註,更可以在閱讀文本上進行標註互動討論,具有提昇閱讀理解成效的效益。而數學應用問題的閱讀理解,影響學習者對於數學應用問題的解題甚巨,但是長久以來並無好的提升數學應用問題閱讀理解策略。本研究比較採用合作數位閱讀標註系統及使用傳統同儕面對面合作學習數學應用問題的實驗組與控制組學習者,在解決數學應用問題的學習成效及學習動機上是否具有顯著差異。此外,亦探討場地獨立/場地依賴型不同認知風格及高/低不同學習能力的學習者,採用上述兩種不同學習方法進行數學應用問題學習之學習成效與學習動機是否具有顯著的差異,最後探討實驗學習者使用此合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔以數學應用問題學習之學習滿意度。 研究結果發現:(1)採用合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題學習,在學習成效與學習動機上均顯著優於傳統同儕面對面合作學習數學一元一次方程式應用問題;(2)採用合作式數位閱讀標註系統以及傳統同儕面對面合作學習輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題學習的實驗組與控制組學習者,在回歸到一般學習後,實驗組在學習成效上仍顯著優於控制組學習者;(3)無論是場地獨立或場地相依認知風格學習者,採用合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題的標註學習後,在學習動機上均顯著優於採用傳統同儕面對面合作學習輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題學習的控制組學習者;(4)無論是高低不同能力學習者,採用合作式數位閱讀標註系統輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題的標註學習後,在學習動機上均顯著優於採用傳統同儕面對面合作學習輔以進行數學一元一次方程式應用問題學習的控制組學習者;(5)實驗組場地獨立學習者在使用合作式數位閱讀標註系統後的學習動機優於場地相依學習者;(6)實驗組高學習能力學習者在使用合作式數位閱讀標註系統後的學習動機優於低能力學習者。 綜合以上,本研究所提出採用合作數位閱讀標註系統輔以數學應用問題閱讀理解的學習模式,具有提升學習動機與閱讀理解成效的效益,可推廣至解決更複雜數學單元之閱讀理解,甚至發展為創新數學教學之翻轉教學模式。 / Along with the development of web-based learning in past years, cooperative digital reading annotation systems, which could assist learners in online cooperative reading learning through the Internet, are emerged. Besides, multimedia annotation models are also developed for students, aiming at the reading texts, proceeding cooperative reading annotation as well as annotation interactive discussion on the reading texts. It presents the benefit to enhance the reading comprehension efficiency. The reading comprehension of mathematical application problems would largely affect learners’ mathematical application problem solving. However, there has not been a good strategy to enhance the reading comprehension of mathematical application problems. In comparison with the experimental group and the control group, which respectively apply the cooperative digital reading annotation system and traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning to solve mathematical application problems, the differences in the learning outcome and learning motivation are discussed in this study. Furthermore, learners with field independent/field dependent cognitive styles and high/low learning abilities are preceded above two different learning approaches for learning mathematical application problems to discuss the differences in the learning outcome and learning motivation. Finally, learners learning mathematical application problems with the cooperative digital reading annotation system in the experiment are discussed the learning satisfaction. The research findings are summarized as below. (1) Learners applying the cooperative digital reading annotation system to learn the mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown present better learning outcome and learning motivation than those using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning for the mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown. (2) The experimental group, applying the cooperative digital reading annotation system to learn mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown, still outperforms the experimental group, using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning, on the learning outcome after return to general learning. (3) Learners with either field independent or field dependent cognitive style present significant better learning motivation, after learning mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown with the cooperative digital reading annotation system, than those applying traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning. (4) Learners with either high or low ability show remarkably better learning motivation, after learning mathematical application problems in linear equation with one unknown with the cooperative digital reading annotation system, than those using traditional peers’ face-to-face cooperative learning. (5) Field independent learners in the experimental group present better learning motivation than field dependent learners after using the cooperative digital reading annotation system. (6) Learners with high learning ability in the experimental group reveal better learning motivation than those with low ability after using the cooperative digital reading annotation system. In sum, the learning model for the reading comprehension of mathematical application problems with the cooperative digital reading annotation system proposed in this study could enhance the benefits of learning motivation and reading comprehension. It could be promoted to solve the reading comprehension of more complicated mathematical units and even to become the flipped teaching model for innovative mathematics teaching.

韻尾類比訓練對國小六年級學生英文讀字能力之成效研究 / The effects of rime analogy training on word reading for efl sixth graders

黃秀玉, Huang, Shiu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討韻尾類比訓練對國小六年級學生英文讀字能力、讀字態度之影響及其學習困難。研究分兩階段進行:第一階段為小規模之預試研究,第二階段則為正式實驗。預試研究後,研究者在教法、試題做修正改進,並經由了解學生之思考過程及學習困難後,再進一步設計更完整之訪談。 在正式實驗中,對象為桃園縣某國小二個六年級班級,並從二班各挑出25人做為實驗組及對照組。實驗組施以韻尾類比策略訓練,教材來源為學生二至五年級之教科書字彙以做為類比策略運用之基礎。對照組雖使用相同之教材,但教法則僅限於字母與音的對應關係。實驗時間為每週20分鐘(每週兩節英語之前10分鐘),持續十週。兩組學生在教學前後各施以讀字測驗及唸讀英文字態度問卷調查,訓練後則二組各選6名做為訪談對象以進一步了解他們的學習困難。 結果發現,二組學生在讀字能力上並無顯著差別,但在讀字態度上只有實驗組有顯著正向改變。比較二組學習困難則發現對照組之困難較為複雜。此外,實驗組之低程度學生在接受類比訓練後,在讀字能力及讀字態度上相較於對照組之低程度學生有非常明顯之進步。 以上研究結果顯示,韻尾類比策略訓練可以提升國小六年級學生英文認字能力亦能正向改變學生之讀字態度,尤其對低程度學生更為有效。最後根據本研究之結果及學生之學習困難提出教學建議,供未來國小英語教師英文讀字教學時之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of rime analogy training on sixth graders with respect to their decoding skills, attitudinal changes towards reading English words, and perceived difficulties with word reading. The present study comprised 2 phases: the first being a small-scale pilot study, the second a formal study. The pilot functioned as a preparatory work for the formal study. In the pilot, the testing materials, instruments, and activities of the training were tested and revised to be more suitable for the formal study. From the students’ responses, the researcher obtained some insights about their thinking process and learning difficulties and this allowed for designing a more complete interview for the formal study. In the formal study, there was an experimental group and a control group, each comprised of 25 sixth graders from two classes in one elementary school in Tao Yuan county. The experimental group received rime analogy training. The teaching materials were selected from the participants’ textbooks word bank, from the second grade to the fifth grade, as a basis for making analogy. The control group was taught with the same materials but received phonics instruction that focused only on grapheme-phoneme correspondences rules. Both groups received two 10-minute training sessions a week for 10 weeks, and were administered the same pre-and post-test (generalization test) to assess decoding skills, and a pre-and post-training questionnaire on attitudes toward reading English words. After the training, six participants from each group were further interviewed to understand their thinking process and perceived difficulties. The findings are as follows. In terms of the decoding skills, the post generalization test showed that no significant statistical difference was found between the two groups. In light of the attitudinal changes, only within-group comparisons of the experimental group were significantly different. In view of perceived difficulties, the interviews revealed that the difficulties in the control group were more complicated than those in the experimental group. The most noteworthy finding is that the lowest-proficiency participants in the experimental group not only outperformed their counterparts in the control group in decoding skills, but also demonstrated far more positive attitudinal changes after the training. The findings provide supporting evidence for the value of rime analogy training in promoting students’ decoding abilities and positively changing students’ learning attitudes. The nature of students’ perceived difficulties is also discussed, in respect of which several pedagogical implications and suggestions for future studies are outlined.

音節覺識結合拼讀教學對七年級學生拼字能力成效之研究 / The Effects of Syllable-awareness Based Phonics on Spelling Multi-syllable Words for 7th Grade Junior High School Students

張陳平, Chang, Chen Ping Unknown Date (has links)
本行動研究旨在探討音節覺識(syllable awareness)與字母拼讀法(phonics)合併教學對台灣國中7年級生(國一學生)拼寫多音節字及英文學習態度的影響。實驗分兩階段進行。第一階段進行小規模的前測,作為正式研究的準備,其目的在測試音節覺識與字母拼讀法合併教學是否適切、教學活動是否可行,以及7年級生在運用此方法拼多音節字是否有困難等等,並根據初探結果修定正式實驗之規劃。第二階段的正式實驗,根據第一階段的結果改良拼字測驗生字、延長教學時間,並加入小測驗以期教學更能適切,以利評估該教學法對學生拼字能力及學習態度的影響。 在正式實驗中,實驗對象為基隆市某國中66名7年級學生,首先進行學習背景調查、音節計數、單音節字、多音節字拼字測驗,之後,篩選出44名程度、背景相近的學生。研究者將此44名學生隨機平均分配為實驗組及對照組兩組,每組各22名學生。對實驗組先施以音節覺識與字母拼讀法合併教學,將音節覺識及字母拼讀等技巧融入英語拼字訓練中;而對照組則單獨採用字母拼讀法教學,教授字母字音的對應關係。實驗組及對照組每週均安排兩節英語課實施上述教學法,每節課15分鐘(每週30分鐘),持續11週。兩組學生在教學後各施以多音節字拼字測驗、學習態度調查,以評量受試者在拼字技巧上的發展及學習態度上的改變情形。 組間比較結果顯示,在十一週實驗教學後,實驗組及對照組二組學生在拼多音節字測驗上無顯著差異。此外,只有實驗組學生在生字及英語學習態度上有顯著的正向改變。 以上研究結果顯示,運用音節覺識與字母拼讀法合併教學能降低學生對拼字的焦慮,改善其學習英語的態度。本研究之結果及教學建議,可供未來國小、國中拼字教學的參考。 / The purpose of this action research was to explore the effects of syllable-awareness based phonics instruction in Taiwanese 7th EFL graders on spelling multi-syllable words. The present study involved two stages: a one-group design pilot study and a formal study. The purpose of the pilot study was to evaluate the feasibility of the syllable-awareness based phonics instruction designed by the researcher. According to the result of the pilot study, the formal research was modified in changing the multi-syllable test words, lengthening the instruction time, and the usage of a quiz. Moreover, in the formal study, two groups will be implemented with different instructions to explore the effects in spelling multi-syllable words and learning attitude. In the formal research, sixty-six 7th graders in two intact classes were chosen as potential subjects. After they filled out a background questionnaire, took three tests: a syllable counting test, a mono-syllable word spelling test, and a multi-syllable word spelling test, forty-four homogeneous subjects were selected. The researcher randomly assigned these 44 subjects into two groups: an experimental group and a control group, each comprised of 22 subjects. The experimental group received syllable-awareness based phonics instruction while the control group received phonics instruction only. All subjects were instructed for 11 weeks, two 15-minute classes per week (thirty minutes per week). After the instruction, the researcher carried out a multi-syllable spelling word posttest and a learning attitude questionnaire to estimate the effects of the instruction and their attitude changes. The result of the multi-syllable word spelling tests revealed that there was no significant difference between the two groups. However, the experimental group showed more positive attitude change than the control group toward vocabulary and English learning. The findings from this study indicate that syllable-awareness based phonics instruction can not only ease the anxiety of spelling multi-syllable words for 7th graders, but also reinforce a more positive attitude toward spelling vocabulary and learning English. According to the results, pedagogical implications and suggestions for further studies are offered.

農漁會家政推廣人員使用圖書館資源之研究 / A study of library resources using on the home economics extension agent

柯文仁, Ke, Wen Jen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來我國致力於改善公共圖書館的資源與環境,希望能夠提供更好的服務給讀者,且提升公共圖書館的使用率,但從一些圖書館使用者的相關統計獲知,農業背景使用圖書館的比例皆不達百分之一。另外對於許多政策上的變革,增添農業推廣發展的難度,其中農業推廣人員,也因自認專業知識的不足,無法完善服務農民多變的需求,產生工作上的許多壓力。 基於以上的原因,且在農業推廣的體系中,家政推廣的內容較貼近於一般民眾,所以本研究針對家政推廣人員進行探討,瞭解其資訊需求,以及圖書館要如何提供良好的服務與館藏,吸引並協助家政推廣人員為主要的目的。 問卷調查的對象,以我國農會與漁會的家政推廣人員為主,分作資訊需求、閱讀習慣以及圖書館使用狀況三方面,根據問卷調查結果,發現到家政推廣人員,多基於工作上的需求,透過網際網路獲取所需資訊,所需的資訊內容也多與工作相關;最多家政推廣人員選擇閱讀的地點,是自家與工作的場所,閱讀資料的來源多是農漁會機構所提供,另外在每週閱讀的平均時數以及每年夠書金額,都高於我國國民平均。分析有使用圖書館習慣的家政推廣人員,大部分是平均每週去圖書館一次、一個月平均借書量為1-5本,鄉鎮圖書館是最多人使用的,使用圖書館的主要目是借還圖書,而一般圖書也是最多人使用的館藏,對於圖書館的最滿意的地方是地點設立的便利性,最不滿意的是圖書館的檢索系統。 依據問卷所得結果,提出鄉鎮圖書館改進的項目,以提升家政推廣人員的圖書館使用率,例如:改善開閉館時間、根據家政人員的推廣活動提供適當館藏、加強宣導圖書館服務項目、舉辦兒童教育與醫療保健相關的推廣活動、改善圖書館的檢索系統、與家政推廣人員合辦社區活動。並且建議我國能夠設立農業專門圖書館以及博物館、農業資訊服務中心應彙整網路資源以及農業推廣充電站可導入知識管理的技術,藉以提昇我國農業推廣的發展。 / In recent years, Taiwan government makes efforts to improve public libraries, and hopes to provide better services and environment to the readers for promoting library usage, but a number of library users studies showed that the users with agriculture background did not reach to 1%. Many policy changes make developments of agricultural extensions harder. Even some agricultural extension staffs feel lacking of professional knowledge to serve farmers, and that results in their pressure at agricultural extension work. Based on the above reasons, and the Home Economics’ services are closer to the general public’s life, so this study aimed at Home Economics Extension agents to explore and understand their information needs, and find out how to provide good library services and collections, in order to attract and assist in Home Economics Extension agents. The questionnaires survey aimed at the home economics extension agents in the framers’ association and fishers’ association. It includes three parts: information needs, reading habits and library usage. According to survey findings, the home economics extension agents would like to obtain the required information about working via the internet, most Home Economics workers prefer reading at home or the offices, and the most sources are from the farmers’ associations or fishers’ associations. Home economics extension agents’ average reading hours per week and spending on buying books every year are above the average of Taiwan populace. Analysis of the home economics extension agents with the habit of using libraries demonstrates that most of them go to the library once per week, every month borrow 1 to 5 books from the library, and primarily use the township libraries. They go to the libraries for the circulations as mainly goal, and feel most satisfied with the location of the library, and most dissatisfied with the library's OPAC system. Based on the results of the questionnaire, the township libraries could improve the following to attract and assist in Home Economics Extension agents: regulating the open hour, according to agents’ needs to provide adequate collections, enforcing marketing the services, conducting extension activities about education and health, improving the OPAC system, and organizing community activities with home economics extension agents. The study makes final suggestions to enhance the promotion of Taiwan's agricultural development as follows: establish the agricultural libraries and museums, agriculture science information center shall collect network resources about agriculture, and use knowledge management technology to manage agricultural resources in Council of Agriculture.

以優選理論分析兩個客語方言之連讀變調 / An Optimality Theory Approach to the Tone Sandhi in Two Hakka Dialects

陳煒翰, Chen, Wei Han Unknown Date (has links)
本論文以優選理論分析六家饒平客語和寧都田頭客語雙音節詞之連讀變調,並藉由聲調內部結構說明變調的動機。在六家饒平客語方面,主要是呈現位置變調(positional tone sandhi),較有標(more marked)的聲調位於前字時發生變調。另外,此方言的陽平和陽去因歷史演變,兩者的本調(citation tone)同為HH,但兩者因不同的變調形式而產生不同的變調(sandhi tone)。陽去的變調形式為位置變調,而陽平的變調形式為環境變調(contextual tone sandhi)。本文採用聯合制約(Local Constraint Conjunction)捕捉環境變調制約運作的環境。另外,運用「詞素特定音韻」(morpheme-specific phonology)標記聯合制約,解釋陽平和陽去不同的變調規則。在寧都田頭客語方面,變調受詞法結構影響,且兩個音節皆有可能發生變調。本文利用標記制約理論(indexed constraints approach)解釋不同結構的變調情形。另藉由位置信實制約不同的排序,嘗試說明聲調的保留屬於類型差異(typological differences)。而此方言的變調類型包含位置變調和環境變調,同樣要求較有標的聲調改變,並使用聯合制約說明在環境變調的情況下制約運作的環境。 / This thesis investigates the tone sandhi in Liujia Raoping Hakka and Ningdu Tiantou Hakka under the framework of Optimality Theory. The internal structure of the tone reveals the motivation and the mechanism of tone sandhi. In terms of the tone sandhi in Liujia Raoping Hakka, the universal tonal markedness tendency could be regarded as the motivation triggering the positional tone sandhi in the left syllable. Moreover, the morpheme-specific phonology is adapted to account for the tone sandhi of historical merged tones, Yangping and Yangqu. Yangping and Yangqu are both high level tones; however, they display different tone sandhi patterns. Yangping displays the contextual tone sandhi whereas Yangqu displays the positional tone sandhi. Local conjunction constraints are posited to restrict markedness constraints to specific contexts in order to account for the mechanism of contextual tone sandhi. On the other hand, in terms of the tone sandhi in Ningdu Tiantou Hakka, the tone sandhi is construction sensitive and takes place in both syllables. The indexed constraint approach is adopted to explain the tone sandhi in different constructions. In addition, the preservation of tone is argued to be the typological difference according to different rankings of the positional faithfulness constraints. Finally, the tonal markedness tendency motivates the positional tone sandhi and the conjoined constraints are posited to govern the contextual tone sandhi in this dialect.


嚴吳嬋霞 January 1987 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

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