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資產負債管理--平均存續期間在壽險監理運用上之研究 / The assest - liability management on the regulation of life insurance company賴幸瑜, Lai, Shin-Yu Unknown Date (has links)
而資產負債管理係維持現金流入與現金流出量相等Cash Flow Matching,避免利率風險、流動性風險及再投資風險;資產負債管理有別於傳統財務管理方法,其具有下列特色:□重視資產負債表資產與負債二方面的關連性;□在達成可接受的投資報酬之際,同時兼顧利率風險;□促使資產管理人員(投資部門)及保險商品管理人員(精算及行銷部門)的連繫協調,進而使投資策略及商品策略之運作能相互配合;□有益於新產品開發及管理;□最終可促使獲利能力提昇,進而穩定獲利模式並促使公司穩定成長。
資產負債管理方法,包括獲利力分析(Profitability Analysis)、利率分析(Rate / Volume Analysis)、期間分析(Duration Analysis)、Gap Analysis 等,其中較廣為使用者為:□平均存續期間(Duration) ;□利率期貨(Interest RateFutures);□股價指數期貨(Stock Index Futures);□息票內化法(Internal Coupon Stripping);□利率交換( Interest Rate Swaps );□資產負債的區隔(Segmentation of Assets/Liabilities);□現金流量情境分析(Cash Flow Projection under Multiple Economic Scenarios)。以監理立場考量,選擇採用的資產負債管理方□k除須顧及壽險公司之利率風險外,尚須考慮其流動性及收益性,在我國正漸漸鬆綁金融政策及邁進國際化之際,不宜對壽險公司之監理政策採取過於嚴謹手段,而平均存續期間之方法除可包融其他資產負債管理方法並可加以綜合運用,故便針對平均存續期間方法詳加介紹。
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投資型人身保險商品之評價與風險管理之研究黃國祥 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究首先探討目前人壽保險市場之現況,詳細定義投資型人壽保險,探討發展過程,並實際進行試算與評價分析,列舉說明精算之規範,資產負債管理、風險資本額制度下之定位及外匯等問題,以個案討論台灣及中國大陸市場之投資型商品,並提出現況之建議。 / Due to the monetary policy in the banking sector and the global economic uncertainty, the solvency issue for the life insurer becomes crucial. In Japan life insurance market, five insurers have declared their bankruptcy since 1996, six insurers had been merged, and the others have suffered serious financial press. Preventing the ruin crisis of life insurers and strengthen their financial abilities through innovation products and risk management techniques in Taiwan have become an important issue for the management.
Owing to the high leverage ratio in life insurer's capital structure, the reserve adequacy plays a vital role in shielding the policyholder's rights. Since the uncertainty of the interest rate affects the reserve and surplus of the insurer, asset-liability risk management becomes an important subject. Adding the investment-linked life insurance policies in the insurer's liability portfolio is an innovative strategy in managing the low interest risk. Combining with the mutual fund or the bank certificates in early stage has advanced to integrate with the equity indexed products. The investment-linked products vary from the traditional ones allowing the participation in the financial risks. Owing to the complexity of its design, the valuation becomes essential.
This study analyzes investment-linked life insurance policies and their historical evolutions. The financial valuation processes are illustrated explicitly. The regulations in the reserve valuation, the asset-liability management, the connection with risk-based capital (RBC) and the related hedging issues are also explored. Finally, the product designs and managerial issues in operating the investment-linked life insurance policies in Taiwan and Mainland China are discussed.
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會計制度對壽險公司資產負債管理之影響 / The impact of international financial reporting standards on life insurance company's asset-liability management廖伯軒, Liao, Po Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
本研究採用模擬的方式,比較不同投資策略的壽險公司在不同會計制度之下的財務狀況,進而探討資產負債管理的策略是否確實能讓保險人在公平價值準備金下較不受利率波動之影響。本研究的結果顯示在公平價值準備金的架構下,採用資產負債管理的壽險公司其損益會較沒採用資產負債管理的壽險公司穩定;若是在帳面價值準備金的架構下,採用資產負債管理的公司反而因為做出了多餘的避險行為致使其損益較不穩定。另外,本研究發現若是保險公司在資產負債策略下所採用的避險指標不符合目前法規,對公司的損益也會造成不必要的波動。因此本研究認為保險公司在實行資產負債管理策略時,應該參照目前會計制度下所給定的方式來做避險,進而達到最大的效益。 / Life insurers' liability value is relatively sensitive to interest rate due to the long term characteristic of the policies. The high leverage ratio strengthens the impact on how interest rate can influence solvency.. Life insurer therefore should manage their assets and liability in a prudent way.
In the past, supervisory authorities used to regulate the insurer to recognize their liabilities in book value, which makes the benefits of ALM insignificant. Under such regulation, the main purpose of asset allocation for most of the life insurers was to generate higher investment return instead of matching asset with the liability, nor to maintain risk at acceptable level under book-value reserving. The international financial report standard No.4 (IFRS4) suggests that insurers should measure their liability under fair value in the future. The new regulation may increases the volatility of the life insurer's liability and emerges the benefit of ALM
The objective of this article is to compare the effect of ALM strategy on life insurer's financial statement under both accounting standards via simulation methods. The result shows that the insurers with ALM face more stable financial statement if they manage their interest rate decently.
One of the results shows that the insurers who manage their asset based on fair value duration faces more volatility than insurers without ALM under book value reserve. This implies that the insurer with ALM still suffers higher volatility if the regulations do not support such behavior. We therefore suggest that the insurers should manage their asset based on their liability interest rate risk under the condition that they choose the appropriate interest rate risk indicator to fit different regulations.
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從政府監管角度論我國資產管理公司的運作葉聞 January 2004 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Government and Public Administration
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公務人員退休制度資產負債管理與退休所得替代率之模擬分析—以双層式現金餘額兼採確定提撥計劃為例陳麗如, Chen, Lih-Ru Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以現金餘額計劃(Cash Balance Plan)及確定提撥退休金計劃(Defined Contribution Pension Plan)建構出公務人員退撫基金之建議機制,建構之主要目的在於透過第一層現金餘額計劃之利息給付機制降低退休基金利率風險,同時由第二層確定提撥計劃獲取額外退休所得,使雇主與員工在双層式退休金計劃下,同時承擔投資風險,以降低基金利率風險並同時滿足適當退休所得保障。本文在現金餘額計劃不同控管年限及利息給付假設下,模擬超額積蓄(Overfunded)基金與不足額積蓄(Underfunded)基金執行資產負債管理(Asset Liability Management)所需存續期間,同時模擬双層式退休金計劃提供員工之退休所得替代率,研究結果發現:
4、現金餘額計劃執行百分之百免疫策略情況下,45歲以下公務人員採行自動選擇投資基金(Default Fund)為高風險投資基金,自動選擇提撥率(Default Rate)為每月薪資5.08﹪,可使員工達到適當所得替代率保障水準。 / Abstract
This thesis proposes an new alternative two-tier pension composed of Cash Balance Plan (CBP ) and defined contribution pension plan to the traditional defined benefit pension plan of Taiwan Public Employee Retirement System(TPERS). In order to decrease the interest-rate risk of the pension fund and to provide additional retirement income protection, we utilize the credit rate mechanism of CBP and supplement CBP with additional defined contribution plan. We investigate the Asset-Liability Management (ALM) for TPERS and calculate the liability duration under different time horizons, interest credits of CBP. We also simulate the replacement rate of the two-tier pension plan under different contribution rates, and investment returns. The results are as follows:
1、Given the twenty-year time horizons, the asset duration of overfunded plan ranges between –1.71 years and 0.39 years, whereas that of underfunded plan varies from 4.68 years to 8.31 years. In this case, the requirements of asset duration can be satisfied in the Taiwan Capital Market.
2、The overfunded pension plan has higher probabilities to meet the requirements of asset duration. Therefore, we suggest that the fund manager can increase the asset allocation percentage of external fund management in order to improve the long-term returns.
3、Perfect matching of pension fund can be achieved by matching the yield of securities to interest credit under CBP . In addition, we suggest that the interest credit of the new labor contracts should take the trend of the current interest rate into consideration.
4、Replacement rates provided by CBP for woman range from 19.05﹪ to 45.70﹪and from 20.86﹪to 50.05﹪for man assuming the interest credit rate is 5.2%. To increase the retirement income, the defined contribution plan provide additional replacement rate between 13.56﹪and 162.96﹪for woman and between 14.85﹪and 178.42﹪for man assuming the employee can contribute 3.08 percent to 13.37 percent of regular salaries and investment returns are from 4 percent to 8 percent .
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人壽保險公司之資產配置迷思 / Asset allocation puzzle in Taiwan life insurance industry許雅鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究著重於分析發行大量長年期利率敏感型契約、高財務槓桿比例的人壽保險業中公司經理人之投資決策,發現台灣壽險業亦存在Canner et al.(1997)提出之資產配置迷思,亦即風險性資產中債券與股票之比率於不同壽險公司間有差異,與共同基金分離理論中陳述之風險態度不同之投資人所持有之債券與股票比率應相同不相符。本文嘗試以Sorensen(1999)提出之擬似動態規劃法(Quasi- dynamic Programming)最適化到期之效用函數,試算經理人於股票及不同到期固定收益債券之最適持有比例。且詳細探討不同風險偏好及投資期限對於壽險公司投資組合之影響。將業主權益之最適投資策略加上負債之複製投資組合成為策略性資產配置結果,並將其與目前台灣壽險公司之資產配置做比較。研究結果顯示:
本研究最後以Bajeux-Besnainou et al. (2001)提出之資產配置迷思解釋說明本資公司與外資公司持有之債券與股票比率之所以不同非因資產配置迷思之存在,本資公司與外資公司於風險性資產中持有之債券與股票比率是相同的,但因風險態度較為趨避之公司,投資於風險性資產比率下降、提高避險部位之配置,導致整體之股票與債券比率增加。
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壽險公司資產與負債管理:時間序列模型應用 / Asset and liability management of life insurance:the application of time series model楊家寧 Unknown Date (has links)
整體而言,在本研究中,將資產配置偏重台幣的投資策略擁有較穩定的業主權益價值,並在短期擁有較佳的風險轉換報酬能力;另一方面,將資產配置偏重美元的投資策略在長期擁有較佳的風險轉換報酬能力,然而,也因其擁有較高的風險值,壽險公司可能面臨較嚴重的損失。本研究建議壽險公司在進行海外資產配置時,應謹慎地將利率風險與匯率風險納入考量。 / This article uses Monte Carlo simulation method to forecast the random walk process of Taiwan interest rate, US interest rate, and Taiwan US dollar exchange rate between next five years. The simulation base on three time series model:Vasecik, ARMA and VEC. Through the random walk process, this article aims to analyze the influence in asset, liability and equity by the change of interest rate and exchange rate.
In this paper, we find that the Vasicek interest rate model has a more stable stochastic process than the VEC model, which because of the effect by mean reversion. On the other hand, because the VEC exchange rate model takes both long-term and short-term impact in concern, it has a more robust stochastic process than the ARMA model.
Through the simulation results of the liabilities, we find that when the interest rate fell, the reserve value of insurance policy will rise faster, which makes life insurance companies face more severe capital requirements in the low interest rate environment. Besides, we also find that the interest rate term structure in the Vasicek Bond Pricing Model displays negative slopes with concave upward, which means the value of short-term interest rate higher than the value of long-term interest rate. In this situation, the reserve value of insurance policy will become much higher than the value original priced.
In the long-term low interest rate environment, the impact of interest rate risk has more effect in the long-term insurance policy. This paper suggests that when pricing the costs of insurance policy, we should not only use one interest rate as the full term discount factor. The better way is to discount with the interest rate term structure.
Overall, in this paper, the asset allocation strategy, which focus on Taiwan commercial bonds, has both better performances in value at risk and better ability to covert risk into revenue in the short term. On the other hand, the asset allocation strategy, which focus on US commercial bonds, has better ability to covert risk into revenue in the long run. When conducting overseas asset allocation, we suggest that life insurance companies should carefully consider interest rate risk and exchange rate risk.
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資產負債管理中模式整合問題之探討 / Model integration for asset liability management陳政裕, Chen, Cheng Yuh Unknown Date (has links)
傳統的資產負債管理(Asset-Liability Management,ALM)研究大多強調數量分析方法,並未考慮資料來源的問題。然而在銀行實務上,資產負債管理人員卻必須根據現有內外部資料來釐定資產負債組合的整体政策。在決策支援系統中,模式整合的功能包含模式之組合及連結等,可用以整合數量分析模式與相關資料。本研究運用人工智慧技術來探討資產負債管理中模式整合之問題。藉此可以明瞭ALM的分析流程,以作為銀行人員訓練之參考。另一方面由於應用黑板架構發展系統,也可以提供一個有彈性的整合環境,以反應使用者需求及資料異動狀況,亦可彈性新增、刪除及修改模式整合過程中的資料結構與知識內涵,以為未來連接理論技巧與實務環境之參考。 / The computer support for Asset Liability Management (ALM) in the literature emphasizes on the mathematical analysis and does not address the data source problems. In the practical banking environment, however, ALM decisions are made based on the dynamic internal and external data changes. Therefore, an ideal ALM decision support system has to consider the integration of data sources and mathematical analysis. Traditional Decision Support Systems (DSS) rely on the expert's assistance to understand the problem and formulate or integrate appropriate models. There is a growing recognition that incorporates Artificial Intelligence techniques (Al) into the DSS can enhance the acceptance of these decision aids by management.
This paper intends to develop an Intelligent Decision Support System (TDSS) and addresses the model integration concept for the ALM. In the paper, model integration is defined as a series of processes from which important decision making information is inferred through automatic data model mapping and mathematical model conversion. The investigation of model integration concept helps the ALM analysis process understanding which can be useful for baaldng personnel training. On the other hand, the IDSS provides a flexible integration environment in which the system can flexibly response to the user's analysis request with the updated data situations. Since the blackboard architecture used for the system development supports the modularization structure, its inherent maintainability aLows a flexible update of the domain knowledge and data structure, and can therefore serve as a testbed to evaluate the potential integration approaches of various ALM data and mathematical models.
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投資模型之建構以因應退休基金之投資避險策略 / A Study of Model Building in Investment Hedging Strategy of Pension Fund黃彥富 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的目的是針對退休金的長期負債以資產負債管理的方式提出有效的投資避險策略建議。在過去,傳統精算的資產負債管理大多採用確定投資模型(Deterministic Model),即以過去的經驗設立「精算假設」,但是這樣的假設無法精確的呈現未來的趨勢,所以本文的第一部份,便是根據過去的台灣總體經濟資料,建構一個退休基金的隨機投資模型(Stochastic Investment Model)。首先,我們以ECM(Error Correlation Model)模式建構出第一個投資模型,之後在精簡參數的考量下,建構第二個以因果關係為基礎的Causality投資模型,再以模型配適能力與預測能力比較兩模型,結果顯示Causality投資模型優於ECM投資模型。
有了投資模型,我們設定不同的退休金負債形式,如固定成長型負債MF、隨通貨膨脹成長M<sup>R</sup>負債及隨max{固定成長比例,通貨膨脹}而成長的退休金負債M<sup>L</sup>,以靜態避險的方式去求得各資產的最適配適比例。從模擬的結果中發現隨著到期日的增長,投資在風險性高報酬率佳的投資標的物上的比例也越來越高。另外,隨著負債固定成長比例f的增加,其M<sup>L</sup>負債之期初資產配置額便越接近M<sup>F</sup>負債之期初資產配置額。整體而言,我們由模擬中可得出,使用投資組合的投資方式優於單一資產投資的結論。 / In this study, we investigate the hedging strategies for pension liabilities by using Asset-Liability Management method. In the past, the traditional actuarial valuation usually does not take account of market value for both assets and liabilities. Most of the traditional actuarial valuation adopted the Deterministic Model, that is, setting the assumptions based on the experiences. However, it can not exactly show the trend in the future. In part one of this study, we build a stochastic investment model for the pension funds based on Taiwan Market data. First, we apply the first model : ECM( Error Correlation Model ). And then, we apply the second model : Causality Model under considering parsimonious parameterization. Finally, we compare the results of ECM with Causality Model on fitting and forecasting efficiency, and we find that Causality Model is better than ECM. With the investment model, we set some formulas of pension liabilities calculated to obtain the best fit proportion of each valuation by the static hedging. This involves finding optimal static hedging strategies to minimize riskiness of the investment portfolio relative to the liability. Overall, from the simulation results, for static hedging in these kinds of liabilities, investing in all three assets is a better strategy than investing in a single asset class. This confirms that the more assets we use, the more effectively we can hedge.
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資產負債管理的隨機規劃模型在退休基金上的應用 / A stochastic programming model for asset liability management with an application of pension fund陳煌林 Unknown Date (has links)
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