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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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證券業之財富管理-以F證券財富管理業務為例 / Wealth management of securities industry-a case of wealth management of F securities

黃虹綺 Unknown Date (has links)
近些年來台灣股市成交量日漸委縮,據證交所統計,2016 年全年台股周轉 率只剩下 64.4%,再破歷史新低紀錄,台股的流動率大降。同業公會資料顯示, 我國證券商主要收入來源,經紀收入佔最大比例,其次為利息收入、自營相關收 入、股利收入及承銷業務等。隨著市場削價競爭,低成交量與破歷史新低的周轉 率,證券商勢必要拓展新的業務收入來源,另謀藍海。國內民眾有很高的儲蓄率, 瑞士信貸銀行(Credit Suisse)近期發表報告指出,與全球數值比較,台灣的均富 比率很高,財富不均的比率為中等;台灣的成年人口中,有 20%的人的財富低於 1 萬美元,但遠低於全球的 73%平均值。此外,台灣有 38%的成人的財富超過 10 萬美元,是全球平均數􏰀(8%)的 5 倍。台灣民眾於 2016 年的人均財富為 17 萬 2800 美元(新台幣 554 萬元),在亞太大多數國家的水準之上,與西歐水準相同。 再者,現在資訊網路發達,國人有許多機會接觸新的金融商品,對新商品的接受 度也較佳。由此見得,證券業應在現階段經紀業務已飽和的情形下,開始發展財 富管理業務,不僅能創造新的收入,亦可為客戶帶來更加多元的投資商品,讓客 戶在投資市場有更多的獲利機會。 本研究首先先探討證券業財富管理現況、現階段主要業務內容及相關法規, 並討論證券業在發展財富管理業務時所面臨之各項困境,以 F 證券公司財富管理 為個案,討論和其同業與銀行競爭對手的優劣勢,並分析其產品的特色與差異化, 以 SWOT 理論基礎,整理其內部優、弱勢和外部之機會與威脅,希望能藉此研究 分析,為 F 證券財富管理發現現有問題及屏頸,思考最適的解決方案,期望能幫 助 F 證券於未來繼續擴展財富管理業務並提高它的知名度。

經營財富管理業務的策略思考 / Strategy and business of wealth management in Taiwan

莊哲康 Unknown Date (has links)
分析從瑞士、新加坡、香港等國的財富管理發展經驗一路走來,財富管理業務是人與人關係緊密的業務;是承諾與信任的長期關係;是政府具有先見之明全力支援的具體結果;也是業者戮力以赴兢兢業業的開花結果。根據凱捷顧問公司 (Capgemini) 與美林全球財富管理 (Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management)《2011年全球財富報告》,全球富裕人士人數增加了8.3%,相對2009年17.1%的大幅成長,步伐轉趨溫和,較有利於長遠的穩定成長。同時,亞太區富裕階層的人數達330萬人,是現在全球富裕人士的第二大集中地,緊次於北美之後,並首次超越歐洲。台灣富裕人士數目在2010年底估計達94,100人,較2009年增加13.7%,財富總額年增升14.7%,達3,020億美元,台灣的財富管理市場也逐步邁入成熟市場階段。這是全球財富位移的結果,也為亞洲的財富管理事業開展了新的世紀。然而,過去台灣銀行業在淨利息收入占營業收入平均達到67%的比率下,對比外商銀行的收入項目多元化,未來要如何調整現狀以及增加其他獲利成長來源,藉以分散台灣銀行業收入過度集中的風險、突破目前銀行業經營瓶頸以及如何越過同質性過度相似的潛在經營風險。這些都是未來全力發展財富管理業務的多空條件與時空背景。當然,其中也分析了台灣長期低利率環境的成因與因為信用風險造成嚴重之逾期放款及呆帳率上升等經營風險。還有,銀行業的獲利能力比較與資產利用的好壞、風險未發生時的壓力測試或是風暴發生時的風險抵禦能力等,在在都與經營能力與策略方向有關,在發展財富管理業務時皆必須長遠地納入整合與思考。其次,分析完獲利能力與收入來源後,在擬定未來財富管理業成長的策略為: 一、做好市場區隔,保持其差異性,才能免於被取代。 二、吸引人才回流與培養新一代的區域人才與經理人。 三、營運管理策略下的分行組織設計與改造,銀行要執行明確的願景與策略,需要透過適切的分行端架構才能落實。 四、維有透過不斷地溝通、整體獎酬與績效管理的搭配才能真正使組織動起來,且根本性地改造組織文化,達成策略目標。 五、整體獎酬應該包含金錢性的固定薪酬、短期激勵、長期激勵、與非金錢的獎酬。 六、業務流程創新是企業長期成長的關鍵。愈是先起步發展CRM的企業,愈是能夠領先其他競爭對手在激烈競爭的市場上,搶先建立、維持與客戶較佳的關係。 七、除非您已擁有百分之百完全滿意的顧客,否則您仍有改善的空間...;如果您已擁有百分之百滿意的顧客,仍應隨時傾聽他們的意見,以便在他們想改變時,和他們一起改變。 八、銀行業者因從策略面、組織面到執行績效面,整體思考改善方略,累積與監控服務推動的成果,持續改善、精進,以維繫長期的服務競爭力。 九、找到對的業務代表。 十、當財富管理業的服務面項比重愈來愈重要時,人才的重要性,比以往更迫切,資金與設備都不再是重要問題。 在歷經2008全球金融風暴後的第四年,展望全球總體經濟的險峻局勢與歐洲債務與南歐負債累累的諸國,全球通貨緊縮的蠢蠢欲動,各國進出口的持續下滑,區域與各個國家發展相對停滯,財富管理業面臨的挑戰與經營風險不斷升高。國內國外的經營挑戰需要金融業業者與政府的共同因應與面對,除此,還需要更好的執行力與創新作為才能面對挑戰。以上必須正視其重要性與迫切性,需要業者與政府快速反應問題與加速提出因應具體策略,期望未來在發展財富管理事業上能夠將風險與挑戰減至最低。 / Based on the analysis of the experience of wealth management development in Switzerland, Singapore and Hong Kong, it is the close-ties to people business, it is a long-term relationship between commitment and trustworthy, it is a final result of fully support and throw-all-their-strength of government. Moreover, it is a performance of continuously striving for excellence and join-hands of wealth management business industry itself. On the basis of the 2011 Global wealth report by Capgemini and Merrill Lynch Global Wealth Management, Rich has increased by 8.3% in the world, relatively substantial growth by 17.1% in 2009 and the development pace became a moderate way and became more conducive to stable long-term growth. At the same time, Asia-Pacific wealthy over 3.3 million people is now the world's second-largest concentration of rich which is more close to the North America and beyond Europe for the first time. The number of affluent people estimated in Taiwan reached 94,100 at the end of 2010 which increase by 13.7% over 2009 and the total wealth rise 14.7% with amounted to $302 billion. Taiwan's wealth management market has gradually entered a mature stage. This is the result of movement of global wealth, but also the new century for the wealth management business in Asia-pacific. However, the net interest income over operating revenue reached an average ratio of 67% of Taiwan banking in the past years. In compared with the diversification income sources of foreign banks, how to adjust status for the Taiwan wealth business in the near future as well as to get more other sources of profit growth in order to diversify the revenue concentrating risk of Taiwan wealth business. Besides, it is to break through the current banking operational bottlenecks, and to cross the homogeneous over similar potential business risks as well. Of course, we also analyze the puzzle of the long-term low interest rates in Taiwan and explain the serious operating risk of increased rate of loan loss and loan loss provision. Also, the comparison of profitability of banking and asset utilization, risk stress testing or risk resistance as it occurs which are related to the daily operation and strategic direction, we have to include a long-term consolidation and integration in the wealth management business development. Secondly, after discussion of profitability and income sources, We put more factors into the consideration of future strategic growth including, 1. The wealth management industry should do the market segmentation and maintain their differences which can be exempted from being replaced. 2. Attracting brain gain and develop the next generation of regional personnel and managers. 3. Branch organizations should make a new design and reform to implement the appropriate schema. 4. Through the overall mix of reward and performance management and the constant communication, we can really move and make a fundamental transformation of the organizational culture and achieve strategic objectives. 5. Overall reward should contain money fixed pay, short-term incentives, long-term incentives, and non-pecuniary reward. 6. Business process innovation is the key to long-term growth. More head start CRM Enterprise, more capable of leading competitors in a highly competitive market, the wealth management will be first to establish and maintain better relationships with customers. 7. Unless you have completely 100% satisfied customers, otherwise you still have room for improvement ... If you already have 100% satisfied customers, you should still be ready to listen to their views, so that when they want to change, and change with them. 8. Bankers continuously get improvement, enhancement, maintaining the long-term competitiveness of services through the business performance, organizations, overall thinking on strategy, accumulation and services. 9. Find the right representatives. 10. When the services dimension in the wealth management industry become more and more important, the importance of talents is more urgent than ever, and funding and equipment are no longer important issues. We are now in the fourth year after the 2008 global financial turmoil, as looking to the overall global economic precarious situation with EU and southern European debt-ridden countries, the global deflation is ready to go and the rates of imports and exports continued to decline in many countries. At the same time more regions and international states get stuck and stagnation. We need to confront the domestic and foreign business challenge side by side with each other and we have to boost the ability of execution and innovation. We do emphasize the fact that execution is a discipline to learn, not merely the tactical side of business. Meanwhile, as authors had made as the recommendations for specific risks and challenges, we have to face up to the importance and urgency of mentioned situation, and need to get the rapid response of government and to speed up collecting the response of specific policies, We do expect to be able to minimize the risks and challenges in the development of wealth management business of coming years in Taiwan.


周錫彬 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要是因應零售銀行隨著業務的不斷開展,在內部面對已經往來的客戶數量愈來愈多,同時產品線和服務流程日益複雜;在外部則遇到客戶需求愈來愈多樣化,市場競爭愈來愈激烈,因此傳統以銷售產品為導向的經營方式將難以滿足消費者的需求。 而在財富管理業務興起下,各銀行逐漸發展和應用出以客戶需求為導向的經營方式,同時採用客戶區隔的經營手法,將目標客戶群區分為幾個族群,然後再針對每個客群的不同需求與偏好去規劃和設計出不同的產品與服務流程,以能夠集中企業的資源鎖定目標客群去進行差異化的經營。 研究方法採用質化研究的個案分析法,研究中以個案銀行財富管理的客戶區隔來進行探討,發現個案銀行將財富管理客群的優惠項目和優惠權益已經依不同客群來做區隔,同時再將財富管理客戶區隔為八大客群,依此來擬定不同客群經營的策略與方向,並已經初步達到客群經營差異化的效果,以及在財富管理業務的手續費收入上逐步成長。本研究期望藉由以探討個案銀行客戶區隔規劃與執行的方式,來提供銀行經營管理不同的思考方向。 研究歸納之結論為一、客戶區隔可以讓零售銀行的客群經營更為聚焦,讓銀行內部的資源投入更為集中在目標客群上;二、應用客戶區隔來選定金融機構優先經營的目標客戶群和以客戶需求為導向均與中長期的策略規劃高度相關;三、透過客戶區隔以客戶需求為導向的經營方式可以促進交叉銷售的效果。

從連動債糾紛探討銀行財富管理業務 / A review of structured note investment disputes - impact on the bank wealth management business

袁美華, Yuan, Mei Hwa Unknown Date (has links)
Wealth Management Business had become a popular business sector to the Taiwan Financial Institution in recent year. The Law governing Bank Conducting Wealth Management Business and Operating Guidelines were promulgated by Financial Supervisory Commission in year 2005, since then most of the Bank in Taiwan stepped into the wealth management business categories and commence to provide wealth management services to their customer. Through the wealth management services and trust platform channel, foreign Structured Note products were largely introduced by Investment Bank through Banks in local to their wealth management customers or even non-wealth management customers in year 2006. The broke out of the European financial tsunami, primarily the sub-prime issues in the United States, the announcement of the bankruptcy of Leman Brothers aroused the Structured Note Investment disputes in local financial market. The disputes in Structured Note Investment had roused high attention of the local regulators as the numbers of customer complaints received by FSC were more than ten thousands in year 2007 and 2008. Bank in Local were forced by public and local governing regulators to settle the disputes with customers. Eventually banks were ban by local regulators to cease foreign structured notes transactions in mid of 2009 and the Bank wealth-management business has slumped since then and impact directly to the performance of the Bank Wealth Management Business. The objective of the thesis is to focus on the analysis of the Structured Notes disputes and from the studies of the types of disputes models, we will further conduct a review on regulatory trends on the governing of the relevant business and hopefully, we aim to provide some of the recommendation on the ways that Bank may adopt for its Wealth Management Business for the selling of the investment products, in particularly on the Structured Investment Products in the future.

台灣財富管理頂尖業務人員銷售成功關鍵因素-以D銀行為例 / The key factors to be on the top in Taiwan consumer banking wealth management – the case of D bank

蔡坤達, Tsai, Kun Ta Unknown Date (has links)
2008年全球金融海嘯與近年持續動盪的歐債危機,使得多數民眾在這兩次金融風暴中遭受鉅額損失,對於金融商品及銀行也產生了疑慮,導致出許多投資者與銀行端之間的消費糾紛,經過多次險峻的經濟波動及金融危機,投資市場中仍然有許多頂尖財富管理業務人員,他們歷經多次金融危機仍屹立不搖,績效穩定及深受客戶信賴,這其中差異值得深入研究探討。 本文主要探討台灣財富管理頂尖業務銷售成功關鍵因素,利用「三特質」問卷方式收集資訊並分析,藉此了解頂尖業務平日的工作內容、專業能力、人格特質、銷售行為及投資決策模式。研究最終可得知以下幾點結論:(1)透過MBTI性格分類法,頂尖業務以發明家、記者型、學者型為最多。(2)頂尖業務特質若具備積極負責、誠信、易於溝通,較容易與高端客戶產生長久互動與黏著度。(3)頂尖業務多具備強烈企圖心,不斷設定目標突破自我極限。(4)歷經過1~2次金融危機及景氣循環的頂尖業務,相對危機處理能力較強,能適時判斷投資進出時機,協助客戶完成理財目標機率也會比較高。 / Due to the global financial disasters in 2008 and the recent European debt crisis, domestic investors had suffered tremendous losses in investment. Consequently, concerns of financial products' profitability have raised drastically among investors and occasionally led to disputes between banks and investors. However, there are still many wealth managers who excelled at their job and were trusted by their customers even after going through several devastating economic events. The purpose of this paper is to determine the distinguishing characteristics of the top asset managers in D bank. With Myers-Briggs Type Indicator questionnaire we would portray and analyze their personalities, work capabilities, sales methods, and investment process. In conclusion, most elite financial advisors have characteristics of an inventor, a journalist, or a scholar. They also tend to have a proactive mindset toward their job and communicate with compassion. Because of these qualities, clients would deem their advisor as trustworthy and were satisfied with the services that they received. And most of all, they have the ability to support clients through financial difficulties and reach their financial goals.

銀行財富管理業務經營策略之研究-以S銀行為例 / Research wealth management business strategy-Taking S bank case

陳靜恕 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣銀行在1991年開放新銀行設立後,國內銀行家數快速增加,競爭激烈,銀行用優惠放款利率搶市占,存放款利差縮小,壓縮銀行獲利。銀行業者為維持銀行獲利性,積極拓展無風險的手續費收入,即現今財富管理業務。 財富管理業務是近期銀行業發展最為快速的業務,由於國內國民所得與儲蓄提升,國人資產大幅成長,民眾對投資理財、資產增值及稅務規劃需求增加,銀行財富管理業務蓬勃發展,財富管理收入占銀行營收比重逐年提高,成為銀行重要獲利來源。 近年銀行財富管理業務面臨到很大的衝擊,一是主管機關政策性開放,新競爭者加入,有證券商及基金平台加入財富管理市場競爭行列;再者是金融科技業者帶來的大威脅,金融科技正在全球挑戰各地傳統的銀行及保險業商業模式,重塑金融服務為當前首要之務。 本研究採個案研究與質化訪談法,以S銀行為研究對象,S銀行為銀行業界商品線最齊全的銀行,如:境內外全系列基金、海外債、ETF、SI等等,另外保險產品由S銀行人身保險代理公司代理各大壽險業及產險業之優質保險商品,其商品競爭力較其他銀行業者強。本案透過資料蒐集整理及高階主管的訪談,對S銀行2012-2015年財富管理業務營運成效與其他五家同業加以研究分析,探討S銀行財富管理業務面臨的問題及發展成效。 S銀行在財富管理業務上,規模日益擴大,手續費收入亦逐年成長,經營成效佳,但同時面臨市占下滑、理財專員斷層之困境,建議S銀行的財富管理業務在科技創新及同業的競爭雙重壓力下,應重新定位,思考新的營運策略,提供一種新的方式能夠給予客戶建議、處理交易訊息、分析數據、幫助客戶做出更好的選擇,有效管理產品組合、更充份利用行動科技技術等,這些創新的改變最大的影響就是提升銀行營運能力、獲利能力,同時降低成本結構,創造S銀行價值。


劉怡廷 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著金控公司充斥、國內購併風潮流行,傳統銀行存放款利潤日益微薄的情況下,國內銀行業者也開始警覺到富裕客群是目前利潤及未來生存的重要依靠。加上近年來金融自由化、國際化之腳步加快,國內主管機關頒布多項法規,其目的亦為國內金融機構或外商銀行在台分行提供良好發展之財富管理業務平台。 金融市場如今以合併為趨勢,因此銀行在個人金融業務方面必須有優異的表現,才能衝分發揮企業合併的綜效。而分行是服務大眾市場的核心單位,台灣目前的分行數太多,且過於集中某些區域,這些分行當初設立目的與重點發展業務和現今業務面大不相同,許多分行在一九九0年代設立時,還是以舊式公營行庫過時的程序為主在營運,因此,如何在客層經營面滿足各類客戶需求與銀行收益面進行類似利潤改善是分行營運目前重要的課題。 本文將以財富管理業務經營績效為優先考量,在分行通路設置時,營運策略的訂定、分行經營之持續獲利,滿足多數分行客群的需求為探討方向。


吳淑芬 Unknown Date (has links)
面對資本市場快速變遷,金融產業自由化與國際化的發展,以及富裕人士對於「財富管理」的需求日趨增加,政府為了因應國際金融產業激烈的競爭,相繼對我國證券商在管理上的鬆綁及在業務上的開放,以期證券商能創新產品、拓展市場、加速與國際接軌,提昇自我並立足國際市場。 本研究將探討我國證券商於「財富管理」業務中,如何在競爭激烈的環境下,有效因應面臨問題的解決之道,以及尋求差異化策略,進而創造競爭優勢。藉由國內外財富管理業者的經營策略以五力分析、SWOT 分析、競爭優勢等進行資料蒐集並加以整理,提供我國證券商具體產業發展與建議,可歸納如下: 一、 我國證券商須面臨經營之壓力與轉型之需求 二、 發展差異化的經營業務並逐步轉型為投資銀行 三、 主管機關對證券商管理法令之鬆綁與監理政策之調整

EFG銀行的商業模式 / A business model of "EFG" bank

吳曉雲 Unknown Date (has links)
在2008年首先由次貸風暴帶動的金融大海濤,造成了世界金融市場紊亂,信用市場緊縮,經濟景氣急凍,追究其原因為在2008年金融海嘯爆發前的世界經濟大環境是由太寬鬆的資金政策所主導,所以造成了過多市場資金亂竄,同時信用過度膨脹之後,而造成了風險的增加; 而且同時期,各金融機構為了搶食市場充裕的資金,無不努力的進行金融創新,而產生了許多複雜的金融商品,包括次貸後面所包裝的各種證券化商品,結構債及連動債等等,這些商品在一連串包裝之後,變或多重環結,使得投資人根本不容易了解並掌握其背後可能的風險,而一般金融機構及其從業人員在財富管理這一領域中為了能增加手續費收入,或礙於本身的金融知識不足,而草率的推銷給不適合的投資人,現在在次貸風暴暴發後,不僅已造成許多銀行本身嚴重的虧損,甚至到破產的程度,而且也造成許多投資人和金融機構的訴訟與紛爭,現在已經有些國內銀行紛紛更改其公司組織架構,使得財富管理四個字,在銀行新組織下都不見了,例如永豐銀及中信銀就是這種情形,他們不再只做300萬以上的財富管理客群,而且不再強調VIP專屬的財富管理服務,而是著重維繫大小客戶的觀係。 財富管理產業在這幾十年來,隨著經濟及股巿的成長而快速成長,而其中所謂的私人銀行理財服務,專門服務針對擁有可投資金融資產超過一百萬美元的富裕人士,這些富裕人士,在2007年達到一仟零一十萬人,較2006年增加8.3%,而富裕人士的財富總值,在2007年達到40.7兆美元,較2006年增加9.4%。如此篷勃成長的產業,2008金融海嘯中,竟也有許多銀行發生了巨大虧損。 財富管理服務以瑞士最為悠久及正統,其中三大瑞士銀行的第一大之瑞銀(UBS)及第二大的瑞士信貸銀行( CREDlT SUISSE) ,都在這波金融風暴中,產生巨大虧損,而第三大的EFG銀行(個案公司) ,卻能持續維持獲利及高成長,所以本研究將以此個案公司的特有之企業經營模式探討其成功的關鍵因素。

金融海嘯後的台灣銀行業財富管理業務發展 / Wealth management business of the Taiwan banking industry after the 2008 financial crisis

譚克明 Unknown Date (has links)
在雷曼兄弟公司於2008年9月15日宣布破產引發全球性的金融危機以來,經過二年多的時間,對全世界金融領域引起一番震撼性的連鎖反應。全球投資人不論公司機構或個人在此波金融海嘯中莫不受到重創,繼而各國政府用盡各項法令緊縮及干預政策,使得在全球經濟衰退的大環境下,銀行經營及獲利能力面臨更加嚴峻的挑戰。 台灣的銀行業中財富管理業務首當其衝,過去認為以收取手續費為主,被視為無風險業務,但因客戶投資失利,引發風險控管、商品適合度及不當銷售過程等的爭議。這些衝擊除了讓財管業務獲利大幅下跌外,法令限制及規範讓競爭激烈的財富管理業務不得不面臨轉型並重新思考新的經營及獲利模式。 觀察海嘯前後台灣銀行業財富管理業務產生之議題,金融海嘯危機前後財富管理業務的比較可從全球經濟環境、金融商品設計及銷售流程、客戶投資行為等幾個方向討論,本研究將從各項金融管理策略中探討是否可將危機化為轉機,重新檢討財富管理的本質,提出可行的策略並找尋新的獲利模式。

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