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兩漢黃老思想研究鄭國瑞 Unknown Date (has links)
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型變與思辯—《莊子》中的儒者形象分析 / Transformation and Argument-Analyzing in Confucianism Image of Zhaung–zi劉芷瑋, Liu, Chi iWei Unknown Date (has links)
這是一種對此古老問題的新型論述,同時,也是對過往舊說的總合。 / Historically there are already existed decided views about that Confucianism image of Zhaung–zi. These views have flooded in people's cognition, and they were used to know without thinking. For this reason, this article has had to put a query at these views. It is a way to catch the facts through analyzing and the study of predecessors.
The author not only analyzes forty-five conversations of Confucianism image in historical annotations of Zhaung-zi but adopts theories that the opposite of Ranke to explain the changes of Confucianism image. This thesis could be separated into three parts. The first part is about Tao between Zhaung -zi and Confucianism, it includes two chapters. The second part is about a name must be have its actual content or not. In the third part, the author tries to discuss Destiny and tian Dao.
The three subjects of synthetic discussion and four chapters are a form with each other inside. They are extensions of this thesis. It includes image of reality and purely imagination, and the interaction between Confucianism and Taoism. In the ancient issues, we could figure out their mindset and position about Si-Ma-Gian、Chu-His、Lin-His-I. And we could communicate with each other. The author doesn't declare which one is correct or incorrect. All of the right and wrong or true and false get coexistence mutually.
This is a new treatise on the ancient problem, on the other hand, it will be the aggregation of the discussion of the end. Read more
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袁中郎及其文學. / Yuan Zhonglang ji qi wen xue.January 1971 (has links)
手稿本 / 論文(碩士)--香港中文大學,1971. / 參考文獻: p. 1-10(4th group) / 林章新. / 序論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一章 --- 袁中郎之生平 --- p.3 / Chapter 一 --- 中郎事略 --- p.3 / Chapter 二 --- 中郎之生活 --- p.11 / Chapter 三 --- 中郎與政治 --- p.62 / Chapter 四 --- 中郎與佛教 --- p.78 / Chapter 五 --- 中郎與酒 --- p.99 / Chapter 第二章 --- 袁中郎與花道 --- p.113 / Chapter 一 --- 中華瓶花賞鑑述略 --- p.113 / Chapter 二 --- 中郎之花道論 --- p.118 / Chapter 第三章 --- 袁中郎之文學理論 --- p.160 / Chapter 一 --- 中郎文學理論背景 --- p.160 / Chapter 二 --- 中郎文學理論淵源 --- p.174 / Chapter 三 --- 中郎文學理論 --- p.194 / Chapter 甲 --- 通變論 --- p.194 / Chapter 乙 --- 尚質論 --- p.206 / Chapter 丙 --- 韻趣論 --- p.221 / Chapter 第四章 --- 袁中郎之文學 --- p.232 / Chapter 一 --- 中郎之古文 --- p.232 / Chapter 甲 --- 論文 / Chapter 乙 --- 序文 / Chapter 丙 --- 傳文 / Chapter 丁 --- 碑銘文 / Chapter 二 --- 中郎之小品文 --- p.269 / Chapter 甲 --- 小品文釋義 --- p.269 / Chapter 乙 --- 中郎與晚明小品 --- p.278 / Chapter 丙 --- 中郎小品文分論 --- p.308 / Chapter (一) --- 山水小品 / Chapter (二) --- 尺牘小品 / Chapter (三) --- 隨筆 / Chapter (四) --- 瓶史、觴政文論 / Chapter 三 --- 中郎詩論 --- p.439 / Chapter 甲 --- 中郎詩之內容 --- p.439 / Chapter 乙 --- 中郎詩之淵源及其風格 --- p.450 / Chapter 第五章 --- 袁中郎之影響 --- p.511 / Chapter 一 --- 公安派與竟陵派 --- p.511 / Chapter 甲 --- 竟陵派之文學理論 --- p.517 / Chapter 乙 --- 竟陵派之詩文 --- p.537 / Chapter 二 --- 袁中郎與清初文風 --- p.562 / Chapter 1 --- 金聖嘆 / Chapter 2 --- 李漁 / Chapter 3 --- 張潮 / Chapter 4 --- 袁枚 / Chapter 三 --- 袁中郎與東洋文學 --- p.607 / Chapter 第六章 --- 袁中郎昆仲之文學 --- p.645 / Chapter 一 --- 袁宗道 --- p.645 / Chapter 甲 --- 袁宗道事略 --- p.645 / Chapter 乙 --- 袁宗道之文學理論 --- p.649 / Chapter 丙 --- 袁宗道之文學 --- p.655 / Chapter 二 --- 袁中道 --- p.674 / Chapter 甲 --- 袁中道事略 --- p.674 / Chapter 乙 --- 袁中道之文學理論 --- p.674 / Chapter 丙 --- 袁中道之文學 --- p.690 / Chapter 第七章 --- 總評 --- p.717 Read more
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全民健保新制部分負擔對不同社會群體影響之探討洪明皇 Unknown Date (has links)
1. 新制部分負擔的實施,並不影響民眾之就醫機率。
2. 男、女性新制前後之醫療利用變動並無明顯差異。
3. 低所得者新制實施後,醫療資源利用率下降之程度較高。
4. 老人及慢性病群體在新制實施後,各項醫療利用指標上之變動程度普遍較大。而且,此兩群體部分負擔金額佔所得比重又相對高於非老年及非慢性病群體。
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六朝道教上清經派存思法研究張超然 Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機與理論架構
第二節 研究素材與前人研究成果
第三節 研究方法
第二章 宇宙論與末世情境
第一節 宇宙圖式
第二節 真靈、經典、宮府及其解救論意義
第三章 生成、罪穢與身神
第一節 生成論
第二節 胞結、尸鬼與魂魄
第三節 尊神與形軀
第四章 修法的形式結構:入室-存思
第一節 靜室構造與入室儀軌
第二節 與存思配套的儀式行為
第五章 修法的類型與內容
第一節 通神:連繫宇宙的本體之一
第二節 記名:連繫宇宙本體之二
第三節 辟邪:抗拒生命中的負面力量
第四節 固真:增強生命中的正面力量
第六章 結論
引用書目 Read more
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《無上祕要》之編纂及道經分類考李麗涼 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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數據進入難民的夢想:社會責任與人道主義的業務流程外包之三方夥伴關係 / “Data Entry Refugees Dreams”: A Socially Responsible and Humanitarian Business Process Outsourcing Partnership Business Plan柯承恩, Gonzalez, Emmanuel Escoto Unknown Date (has links)
數據進入難民的夢想:社會責任與人道主義的業務流程外包之三方夥伴關係 / Data Entry Refugees Dreams is to sign a long-term tripartite partnership agreement with Digital Divide Data (DDD) and the Thai-Burma Border Consortium (TBBC). Data Entry Refugees’ Dreams will offer data entry services to customers outside the borders of the refugee camp with no need for them to go outside of the camp thanks to the internet and communication technology. As its name states, Refugees Dreams will represent an opportunity to make the dreams of refugees come true. Its employees will be 100% refugees who are living in Mae La Refugee Camp in Mae Sot, Thailand.
To be recruited, the potential employees of Data Entry Refugees Dreams will have to possess basic Computing and English skills and have already obtained a high school diploma, which are the basic academic requisites for this kind of job. Also, they will have to convince the Management Team that they deserve to work for this company and that they are striving to make their dreams come true. They will have to write and present their dreams to the recruiters. The selected candidates will be those that have a clear plan to achieve their dreams, and those whose dreams will benefit the refugee community in general.
The market size of data entry services is worldwide; there are not borders or limits for this kind of industry. Customers come from all over the world. According to a 2010 report prepared by the Asian-Oceanian Computing Industry Organization (ASOCIO) and the accounting firm Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler (KPMG), only India's IT-BPO market, which accounts for 51% of the global market shares, could be valued at as much as US $285 billion in the year 2020. Global demand for outsourcing services has been in constant rise at an average of 4.9% per annum since 2008, and is expected to continue until 2020, if not more. There is gross potential for a productive skilled work force, especially those at very low cost.
The partnership with Digital Divide Data (DDD), will not only give Refugees’ Dream access to technology, equipment, experience and training but will also give access to a huge range of customers that choose DDD among other outsourcing companies because they want to make a difference and have identified that job creation is a good contribution to the solution to poverty and lack of development in some countries. TBBC will have a supporting role, in the sense that they will manage the budget of Refugees Dreams, will give management and legal support, and will manage the grants that will be possible thanks to the revenues generated by Refugees Dreams.
Refugees Dreams will offer to its partners not only the access to a qualified, low cost, and in need of humanitarian assistance workforce, but also the accomplishment of their common goal of helping and assisting disadvantaged people By doing this, DDD will expand its social impact to a humanitarian impact since unlike its employees in Cambodia and Laos, refugees have no freedom of movement or transit in Thailand, or legal documents to apply for jobs. They have to remain within the borders of the camp where the humanitarian conditions are harsh; there is not enough food, medicine, education and opportunities. They are 100% dependent on humanitarian aid.
The revenue that will be generated by Refugees Dreams will also benefit the other member of the tripartite agreement, the TBBC, because it will also support the efforts of TBBC in developing the refugee community of Mae La, which is part of their main objectives. The TBBC will manage the revenues obtained by the partnership to be distributed in the form of grants to the refugees who at the same time will receive training about entrepreneurship and savings from TBBC, as already implemented by their Entrepreneurship and saving project.
Giving jobs to the refugees would have not only a social, but also a humanitarian impact which is recognized worldwide. With jobs, they not only gain economic independence, they gain dignity and the psychological effect of being productive and having a purpose in their life. They will also have a hope of change in their situation, since by receiving grants they will strive to see their dreams come true.
Refugees Dreams is seeking seed capital of 113,650 USD, mostly to guarantee enough cash to assume the investment of equipment and the training required to start operations. Running cost cash expenditures are not required because the company will generate enough cash from the first month of operations to assume those payments. Refugees Dream projects a gross surplus of 425,211 USD in year one, representing a net surplus of USD 175,135 and an accumulated net income of USD 900, 035 after year five, with a NPV of USD 409,852.54 a payback within one year and an IRR of 175.51%.
By establishing Data Entry Refugees Dreams, not only the 100 employees that are planned to be hired will be benefited. Take into consideration the Entrepreneurship Development, Grant and Savings project implemented by the Thailand Burma Border Consortium (TBBC) which grants USD 80.00 to each selected and trained refugee to start their own business. With the surplus of USD 175,135 Refugees Dreams would benefit 2,189 refugee families in the first year and as consequence motivate the development of their community.
With the 179,063 USD of net income projected for year two, another 2238 refugee’ families would be benefited. By the end of year 5, the accumulated number of direct beneficiaries would amount to a total of 11, 350 families and a total of 22,700 indirect beneficiaries, summing 34,050 potential beneficiaries which represent more than 60% of the total refugee population of Mae La. Realizing the dreams of the refugees living in Mae La Camp is the main purpose of Refugees Dreams and that is how the success and impact will be measured. The number of dreams started will be the indicators, but the ones that will be achieved will represent the accomplishments and the fulfilment of Refugees Dreams’ Mission. Read more
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跆拳道五種不同類型旋踢攻擊動作之運動學與動力學分析比較 / A Comparative Analysis of the Kinetics and Kinematics of Five Different Roundhouse Kicks in Taekwondo湯惠雯, Hui-Wen Tang January 1990 (has links)
摘 要
二、五種不同類型旋踢動作在動力學(相對力量)上具有差異,力量最大為360 o背轉旋踢,最小為空中兩腳旋踢。
六、以比較優秀組與一般組的五種不同類型旋踢動作在動力學(相對力量)上則無差異,但以優秀組的五種旋踢力量大於一般組選手。 / Abstract
At the present stage of Taekwondo competition, the Roundhouse Kick, with its speed and diversity, is the mostoften used and highest-scoring attacking technique, The main objective of this study was to make a comparative analysis of the kinetics and kinematics of five different roundhouse kicks in Taekwondo, which are the Lead Leg Roundhouse Kicks, the Slide Roundhouse Kicks, the Rear Leg Step Roundhouse Kicks, the Jump Double Roundhouse Kicks, and the Backward Turn Roundhouse Kicks. A secondary objective was to compare the difference between the weight divisions. Sixteen male Taekwondo athletes participated in the study, split into the two groups of lightweights and heavyweights, with eight athletes in each group, which were further divided according to ability into two sub-groups of four athletes each; top-level athletes in one group and athletes of average ability in the other. The reaction time, attack speed and relative force of the test subjects for the five different Roundhouse Kicks were measured using reaction equipment, accelerometers, and Bio-pac system. The data obtained were analyzed using GLM-Repeated Measures and an independent-Sample T Test. The results were summarized as followed:
1. Differences were observed in reaction times of the five different roundhouse kicks. The Slide Roundhouse Kicks showed the fastest reaction time and the Backward Turn Roundhouse Kicks was the slowest. Differences were also observed in the attack speed of the five kicks, the Lead Leg Roundhouse Kick was the quickest and the Rear Leg Step Roundhouse Kicks was the slowest.
2. Differences were observed in the relative force of the different roundhouse kicks, the most powerful movement was the Backward Turn Roundhouse Kick and the weakest being the Jump Double Roundhouse Kick.
3. In comparing the differences of reaction time between the lightweights and the heavyweights for the roundhouse kicks. Only the Lead Leg Roundhouse Kick showed a significant difference, with the reaction time of the lightweights being quicker than that of the heavyweights. No significant difference was found as regards attack speed between the two weight divisions. Although the heavyweights were generally quicker than the lightweights.
4. In comparing the differences of relative force between the lightweights and the heavyweights for the five roundhouse kicks. Only the Lead Leg Roundhouse Kick and the Backward Turn Roundhouse Kick showed a significant difference, with the lightweights showing more power than the heavyweights.
5. In comparing the differences of reaction time between the top-level group and the average-ability group for the five roundhouse kicks, there was no significant difference observed, although the athletes of average ability were slightly quicker than the top level athletes. No significant difference was observed as regards attack speed between the groups, although the speed of the top level athletes was generally quicker than the average-ability athletes.
6. In comparing the differences of reaction time between the top level athletes an those of average ability for the five roundhouse kicks, no significant difference was observed, although the top level athletes generally showed greater power than those of average ability. / 目 錄
中文摘要------------------------------------------------------------ Ⅰ
英文摘要------------------------------------------------------------ Ⅲ
誌謝------------------------------------------------------------------ Ⅴ
目錄------------------------------------------------------------------ Ⅵ
表目錄--------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅷ
圖目錄--------------------------------------------------------------- Ⅸ
第壹章 緒 論
第一節 前言--------------------------------------------- 01
第二節 研究動機--------------------------------------- 03
第三節 研究目的--------------------------------------- 05
第四節 研究假設--------------------------------------- 06
第五節 研究範圍--------------------------------------- 07
第六節 研究限制--------------------------------------- 07
第七節 名詞解釋--------------------------------------- 08
第貳章 文獻探討
第一節 有關跆拳道賽場攻擊動作型態分析之研究-- 14
第二節 有關跆拳道動作技能測試之研究------------- 16
第參章 實驗方法與步驟
第一節 實驗對象--------------------------------------- 21
第二節 實驗時間與地點------------------------------- 22
第三節 實驗儀器及功能------------------------------ 22
第四節 實驗設計--------------------------------------- 25
第五節 場地佈置圖------------------------------------- 26
第六節 實驗步驟與流程------------------------------- 27
第七節 資料收集與處理------------------------------- 30
第肆章 結果與討論
第一節 五種旋踢攻擊動作之比較--------------------- 33
第二節 輕量級與重量級之比較----------------------- 42
第三節 優秀組與一般組之比較----------------------- 50
第伍章 結論與建議
第一節 結論--------------------------------------------- 58
第二節 建議--------------------------------------------- 59
中英文參考文獻------------------------------------------ 62
附錄一 受試者各種旋踢攻擊動作之相關資料資料-- 65
附錄二 受試者基本資料------------------------------- 70
附錄三 受試者須知------------------------------------- 72
附錄四 受試者同意書---------------------------------- 73
表 目 錄
表3-1 受試者基本資料------------------------------------------ 21
表4-1 不同組別在五種旋踢攻擊動作之相關資料------------ 32
表4-2 五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之變異數摘要表------ 34
表4-3 五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之成對比較摘要表----- 35
表4-4 五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之變異數摘要表------ 36
表4-5 五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之成對比較摘要表----- 37
表4-6 五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之變異數摘要表------ 38
表4-7 五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之成對比較摘要表----- 39
表4-8 輕、重量級在五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之比較- 42
表4-9 輕、重量級在五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之比較- 44
表4-10 輕、重量級在五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之比較- 46
表4-11 優秀、一般組在五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之比較 50
表4-12 優秀、一般組在五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之比較 52
表4-13 優秀、一般組在五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之比較 54
圖 目 錄
圖1-1 旋踢攻擊動作分解圖------------------------------------- 08
圖1-2 前腳旋踢攻擊動作分解圖------------------------------- 08
圖1-3 滑步旋踢攻擊動作分解圖------------------------------- 09
圖1-4 上步旋踢攻擊動作分解圖------------------------------- 09
圖1-5 空中兩腳旋踢攻擊動作分解圖-------------------------- 10
圖1-6 360o背轉旋踢攻擊動作分解圖-------------------------- 11
圖3-1 聲光反應器------------------------------------------------ 22
圖3-2 三軸加速規------------------------------------------------ 23
圖3-3 電腦&MP100、多功能擷取系統------------------------ 23
圖3-4 測試靶----------------------------------------------------- 24
圖3-5 皮尺-------------------------------------------------------- 24
圖3-6 測驗項目及步驟------------------------------------------ 25
圖3-7 實驗場地佈置圖------------------------------------------ 26
圖3-8 實驗流程圖------------------------------------------------ 29
圖3-9 各訊號與時間相關圖------------------------------------- 31
圖4-1 五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之比較----------------- 34
圖4-2 五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之比較----------------- 36
圖4-3 五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之比較----------------- 38
圖4-4 輕、重量級在五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之比較- 43
圖4-5 輕、重量級在五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之比較- 45
圖4-6 輕、重量級在五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之比較- 47
圖4-7 優秀、一般組在五種旋踢攻擊動作的反應時間之比較 51
圖4-8 優秀、一般組在五種旋踢攻擊動作的攻擊速度之比較 53
圖4-9 優秀、一般組在五種旋踢攻擊動作的相對力量之比較 55 Read more
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A Test for the Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy in Taiwan孫慎明, Sun, Shen-Ming Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文旨在探討台灣貨幣政策的銀行借貸傳遞管道,著重在銀行行為的分析,我們為銀行在借貸管道中所扮演的行為提供了一個理論的解釋架構。實證上利用共整合與衝擊反應函數分析貨幣政策的影響,結果發現因銀行會調整資產負債的組合來抵銷貨幣政策的影響,所以銀行借貸管道在台灣並不是一個重要的貨幣政策傳遞管道。 / This paper investigates the role of the bank lending channel in the monetary policy transmission process in Taiwan.
Particularly, we provide a theoretical framework to describe the effect of banks' behaviors on the bank lending channel.
In the empirical study, we perform cointegrated relation and impulse response to analyze the effect of monetary policy on bank loans.
We find that a bank lending channel is not a relevant transmission mechanism of monetary policy, which can be due to banks' buffer behaviors.
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品牌社群關係與公司關係品質對產品知識及品牌忠誠的影響 / 品牌社群構念之結構模式廖棟樑, Liao, Dreven Unknown Date (has links)
本研究引用McAlexander, Schouten, and Koenig (2002)的品牌社群關係模式為基礎,希望以社群成員的角度對國內目前品牌社群的狀況做進一步的探討,研究利用問卷調查方式衡量社群認同、社群信任、社群承諾、道德責任等品牌社群關係及公司關係品質,並探討前述構念間的交互關係及其對產品知識與品牌忠誠的影響。
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