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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


包陽明, James Boyle Unknown Date (has links)
進口啤酒和台灣微型酒場的市場進入策略 / The Taiwan beer market first caught my attention from a consumer’s perspective.Having frequently visited Portland, Oregon, the craft beer capital of the United States with more than 25 brewpubs and microbreweries, I became aware of many exceptional products that were not available in Taiwan. Convinced that these products would be welcome in the market, and that an ongoing business concern could be founded on such products, I chose to research the opportunity in greater detail. The Taiwan Tobacco & Wine Monopoly Bureau held a monopoly over beer, wine and spirits in Taiwan from its founding in the early 1900’s to 1987, when pressure from international trade partners forced Taiwan to open the market to beer imports. In January, 2002, as part of its World Trade Organization accession plans, Taiwan opened the market to local breweries. Since then 18 beer brewing licenses have been given to local entities and imports of a greater variety of beers have increased. The TTL still maintains an approximately 80% market share but the arrival of new players is changing the dynamics of the market and creating substantial profit opportunities for products that can offer both a new taste that is welcomed by the local palate, and are well branded. What strategies should such a brewery, either exporting to Taiwan or locally brewing, consider when seeking to establish its market presence and grow a successful business? The objective of this paper is to analyze the current position of craft or specialty beers in Taiwan, understand existing barriers and challenges to their distribution and acceptance, and to briefly describe strategies that overcome these challenges and allow a craft beer importer or brewer to establish and grow a successful business. Ultimately this thesis will be the foundation of a new company capable of profitably creating, marketing and distributing unique products of high quality to Taiwan’s most discerning beer drinkers whose needs are not currently being met.

品牌再造之代言人策略-以台灣啤酒為例 / Representative strategy as brand image re-creation

劉文琳 Unknown Date (has links)

威士忌類酒品於台灣地區菸酒專賣店通路之市場行銷策略研析 / Taiwan-Liquer store Whisky category marketing strategy

蕭錫卿 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣在2002年調降菸酒稅率之後,威士忌在各家品牌酒商不斷投入台灣市場,使威士忌在台灣持續穩定的成長,並成為亞洲進口第一大國。台灣地區因過去特有酒品銷售管制,形成獨特之「菸酒專賣店」銷售通路,此通路之銷售量佔台灣進口威士忌非即飲市場之總量達二分之一以上,面對多樣的品牌選擇,對消費者而言菸酒專賣店的推薦則非常重要。 面對台灣威士忌市場、消費者的轉變及新型態的通路的出現,菸酒專賣店開始尋求轉型。酒商如何強化威士忌市場行銷活動時,也能助其轉型,提升競爭力。由於菸酒專賣店在通路的重要地位,酒商如何強化菸酒專賣店面對消費者的優勢,轉成為酒商的資產;當策略焦點轉移,資源重新配置,約翰走路品牌的策略除面對消費者市場行銷推廣之外,並思考如何與菸酒專門店合作,透過其對於消費者的影響力,進而又回頭影響了約翰走路的品牌優勢。 本論文針對台灣此通路,以「約翰走路」品牌為主體,進行個案分析,採用質化研究,針對台灣帝亞吉歐主管經營市場及通路經營者之經驗訪談,輔以行銷策略4C理論架構,進行分析比較及歸納。


曾福安 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣地區的菸酒專賣制度,在創辦之初即被賦予「財政收入」、「寓禁於價、抑制消費,維護國民健康」及「社會公平」等三項目標。但根據本論文的分析,菸酒專賣利益的財政地位,逐漸被租稅為取代。「抑制菸酒消費」及「社會公平」二項目標,則因菸酒本身具沉溺性且價格彈性低,而不易達成。 其次,就組織型態而言,菸酒公賣局必須接受上級行政機關及立法院的雙重監督,嚴重影響其經營及管理的成效。其根本解決之道,則是廢止菸酒專賣制度,回歸租稅課徵,並將菸酒公賣局民營化,藉由競爭達到提升其經營效率的目標。 將來菸酒回歸課稅後,菸酒稅法應以單獨立法為宜。其課徵方式則以從量課徵為佳。此外,在菸酒專賣制度下免稅或停徵的各稅,如營利事業所得稅、營業稅、貨物稅、關稅、地價稅、土地增值稅、房屋稅及契稅等,建議暫無須配套修正。


施育堯 Unknown Date (has links)
一般啤酒包裝不外乎是玻璃瓶及鋁罐,長期以來,玻璃瓶包裝有氣爆之風險及運輸成本之不利因素,而鋁罐則因啤酒新鮮度無法長期保存之問題,此兩種包裝對市場消費者而言,皆有無法滿足之缺點。 因此,針對滿足消費者需求上,相關業者看準新包裝技術的發展將有很大之突破空間,進而發展出新型PET瓶包裝來應用於啤酒產業,經過技術的改良後,經奈米塗膜技術處理過的PET瓶,強化了對氧氣及二氧化碳的阻隔性質,因此可以達到啤酒6個月保鮮期的包裝要求。 除此之外,品牌、價格、口味及保存期限為消費者最重視的四大因素,本研究將針對啤酒產業的現況及整體發展趨勢,試圖以個案的方式來探討特定企業的經營策略制定的流程,以及了解企業如何使策略的制訂更能符合消費者需求。 經本研究發現,合資公司選擇以企業核心能力為其行銷策略制定之最大考量因素,並在結合無差異市場區隔下之產品定位,以無品牌代工經營模式為公司之行銷策略,提供包括代工啤酒釀造、代工充填包裝及on-site充填包裝等產品/服務。


林謙 Unknown Date (has links)
啤酒是當今世界最多人飲用的飲料之一,台灣自2002年解除了禁錮80年的菸酒專賣制度後,民間業者學習國外釀造啤酒的知識,開始生產口味豐富、品質優良的精釀啤酒。經歷了六年的發展後,雖然精釀啤酒產業的成長較為緩慢,但是仍有精釀啤酒業者在營運上持續成長,尤其是北台灣麥酒、Jolly以及金色三麥三家業者,依循著各自獨特的經營理念與策略,在國內精釀啤酒業中表現十分優異。 因此本研究以北台灣麥酒、Jolly以及金色三麥三家業者為研究個案,希望藉由個案研究的方式,以Hamel提出的企業經營架構,檢視業者之經營模式,並且探討個案中核心策略,策略性資源、顧客介面三個要素對顧客利益、活動構造之影響關係,以及對於利潤推進器中報酬遞增以及策略彈性兩項變數的影響。本研究的問題如下:  探討精釀啤酒業者之核心策略,策略性資源、顧客介面三個要素對顧客利益、活動構造之影響。  找出核心策略、策略性資源與顧客介面三者對於利潤推進器中報酬遞增以及策略彈性兩項變數的影響。 個案研究顯示,在精釀啤酒產業的事業經營模式中,當核心策略、策略性資源以及顧客介面三構面均能互相配合強化時,就能建構出獨特的活動構造以及提供更完整的顧客利益,為事業創造持續成長的機會。從報酬遞增以及策略彈性的角度來看,精釀啤酒業者的報酬遞增程度受到核心策略的差異化程度、策略性資源累積之多寡以及網路型式的顧客介面三項因素所影響。精釀啤酒業者的策略彈性大小則受到核心策略的營運規模及顧客介面的消費者資訊回饋程度兩項因素影響。


劉肇牡 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.


黃瀚毅 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究希望透過三家外國啤酒廠商進入台灣市場的企業策略,探討其相關的國際進入策略以及如何運用其本身的優劣勢進入海外市場,尤其對於文化面向的國際化進入策略議題有較深入的探討,提供給日後有意或是已經在從事國際化的企業在決定企業策略時一個參考的指標。 本研究發現結論整理如下: 一、國外市場進入策略之發現 1.初期致力與代理商一同和通路商建立關係導向,對於國外市場進入具有長期效益。 2.採全球化消費者文化定位(GCCP),行銷溝通上傾向採微調的因地制宜。採外國化消費者文化定位(FCCP),行銷溝通上傾向要適度因地制宜。採在地化消費者文化定位(LCCP),行銷溝通上傾向採高度因地制宜。 3.以來源國效應作為品質象徵,產品傾向從母國製造或由母國直接進口。 二、當地環境與國外市場進入策略之關聯性發現 1.母國環境與當地環境在文化面向上差異越小的企業,傾向考慮利用當地化消費者文化定位(LCCP)做為主要行銷溝通手法。 2.面對強大在地領導廠商,傾向以集中差異化策略站穩市場地位。 三、公司內部環境與國外市場進入策略之關聯性發現 1.挑選當地代理商合作,除了在地通路方面的考量之外,傾向在組織文化和背景挑選與母公司的企業文化相符。 2.國際行銷中的管理導向對於採取何種消費者文化定位有著決定性的影響。全球中心導向偏向GCCP,母國中心導向偏向FCCP,多元中心導向偏向LCCP。

酒醉駕車之酒精測試檢定與檢查身體 / Alcohol concentration testing and physical examination for drunken driving

楊汝滿, Yang, Ju Man Unknown Date (has links)
酒醉駕車可能同時涉及行政違序行為及刑事犯罪行為,而血液中酒精濃度更為判定行為責任之重要準據,現行警察職權行使法、道路交通管理處罰條例及刑事訴訟法就呼氣或抽血取得行為人酒精濃度數值固有相關規範,惟並未確切掌握其為干預基本權之性質,以致規範不完備而有違反正當法律程序之虞。本文第一章即先就問題之緣起、研究目的、研究方法及研究範圍作一全面性之概述。    第二章探討酒醉駕車所涉及之行政責任及刑事責任。按道路交通管理處罰條例自民國57年立法以來,迄今已六度修正提高酒醉駕車之裁罰標準,88年4月間刑法增訂185條之3不能安全駕駛罪,將酒醉駕車入罪化;而授權警察得下命強制抽血檢測酒精濃度之規定則係於90年1月間增訂,而92年間警察職權行使法之修訂,使警察發動酒測得有較為明確之授權依據,然而實務運作上仍存有諸多爭議,並因酒駕可能僅為行政責任、亦可能同時涉及刑事責任,致使強制抽血檢測酒精濃度措施究屬警察的行政調查手段,抑或已屬犯罪偵查領域而應適用更為嚴謹的程序規範,即應加以釐清以杜合法性之爭議。    第三章探討強制抽血檢測酒精濃度所涉及之基本權,就人身自由權、身體不受傷害權、隱私權及不自證己罪原則逐一探討。首先概述上開基本權之權利內涵,確認其是否屬我國憲法所保障之基本權,如為肯定,再探討強制抽血檢測酒精濃度是否侵害該基本權。而依本文之觀察,強制抽血酒測應已侵及人身自由權、身體完整不受侵犯權及隱私權。    第四章採用比較法研究,探討強制採血以取得血液中酒精濃度數值作為刑事犯罪證據使用,在刑事訴訟法之體系定位為何,並比較92年1月刑事訴訟法就侵入體內取證之行為在修法前後之法規依據、相關學說爭議及實務運作情況。其次,基於鑑定之檢查身體規定係繼受自德國刑事訴訟法第81條a,因此本章中除著重於追本溯源,以德國立法例作為主要的外文文獻參考資料,透過對於德國法的立法解釋、學說見解及實務案例的分析,希望能對檢查身體制度在我國制度定位上有一定的幫助外,並輔以美國法上對於檢查身體的相關案例與見解,期能進一步釐清檢查身體制度的意義及定位。    第五章探討現行檢查身體在我國刑事訴訟法的體系定位,以其乃為具有強制處分性質之措施,惟在現行法卻有定位不明之憾,形式上固符合法律保留原則,惟在實質合法性上則似不盡符合正當法律程序原則,未來修法上實應明確訂定該等強制處分發動的程序與實體要件、執行規範、事後審查與救濟規定,期能同時兼顧人權保障與實體真實之發現。    第六章則綜合整理歸納各章論述重點,並認未來檢查身體在刑事訴訟法上有明確規範後,現行道路交通管理處罰條例授權警察得逕為下命移送醫療檢驗院所強制抽血之規定則亦有相應調整之必要性,期以程序正義保障實體之正義,落實法治國原則保障人民權益之價值理念。 / Driving while intoxicated (DWI) may involve in disordering administrative law or committing criminal crime, which mainly depends on the person's blood alcohol concentration (BAC). According to the Police Act, the Act Governing the Punishment of Violation of Road Traffic Regulations and the Code of Criminal Procedure, we have relevant regulations for BAC measurement (a mass of alcohol per volume of blood) through breath alcohol testing or blood testing. These regulations, however, are fragmented and against due process because of violating the fundamental rights of the people. Therefore, I begin at overview of the origin of the studies, the purpose of studies, the methodology of studies and the range of studies in Chapter 1. In Chapter 2, I discuss responsibility of DWI in administrative code and criminal code. According to the Act Governing the Punishment of Violation of Road Traffic Regulations (which enacts in 1968), we have revised standard and raised the penalty on DWI. In April 1999, the Criminal Code revised and augmented Article 185-3- not safety driving crime. That is, criminalization of DWI. In January 2001, the police are authorized to implement BAC testing due to law augment. The revises of the Police Act grant the police to enforce BAC testing while there are disputes in practice. DWI maybe just against administrative liability or involve criminal liability at the same time. Thus, the enforcement of BAC testing belongs to either the methods of the police administrative investigation or the field of delinquency investigation. If it belongs to the latter, we should adapt due process more strictly so that we could prevent legality from disputes In Chapter 3, I discuss the enforcement of BAC testing in accordance with fundamental rights of the people, including personal freedom, defense of bodily harm, privacy right and Principle of privilege against self-incrimination. First of all, we should make sure whether the content of nature rights corresponds to Constitution or not. When it is approval, we will discuss whether the enforcement of BAC testing trespasses on nature rights. According to the article, the enforcement of BAC testing against personal freedom, defense of bodily harm and privacy right.     In Chapter 4, I use comparative studies in order to obtain a mandatory BAC value as criminal evidence in Code of Criminal Procedure. Besides, I compare the evidence obtained by body invasion before and after amending the Code of Criminal Procedure in January 2003, the disputes of relevant theories and the practical operation. Secondly, based on the identification of the physical examination provided by the German Code of Criminal Procedure Article 81 a, we not only use the German legislation as major reference but also analyze the legislative interpretation, insights and practical cases of German Law. We are eager to anchor our system of physical examination associated with relevant the US cases and insights so that we can further advance the significance of the physical examination. In Chapter 5, I discuss the present physical inspection in our Code of Criminal Procedure due to its compulsory measure. It is a pity that, however, the present criterion for physical inspection is invalid. Although it conforms to principle of legal reservation, it does not consist with due process of law on the real legitimacy. We should consider due process of compulsory measure as well as substantive requirements, execution regulations, retrospective review and remedy when we amend the law in the future. By doing so, we not only protect human rights but also discover the substantive reality. In Chapter 6, I summarize the keynotes of all chapters and consider clearly definition of physical examination in the Code of Criminal Procedure. The Act Governing the Punishment of Violation of Road Traffic Regulations, which empowers the police to transfer the suspects to the medical institutions for blood testing, should adjust accordingly. By doing so, we can protect the entity of justice through due process and implement the principle of constitutional state. That is, to secure the interest of human rights.

進口祕魯傳統酒精飲料Pisco至台灣 / Introducing Peruvian Pisco to the Taiwan Market

羅賓, Ruben Honores Unknown Date (has links)
進口祕魯傳統酒精飲料Pisco至台灣 / INTRODUCING PERUVIAN PISCO TO THE TAIWAN MARKET By Ruben Honores From the mysterious lands of Peru and its ancient culture, the world is in the process of discovering one of Peru’s finest products, a spirit known locally with the name of Pisco. Pisco is a distilled beverage, a kind of brandy made of special grapes that grow in certain regions of Peru. Its fame has already become international and not only me but the whole alcohol connoisseurs community are certain it will become one of the newest top exotic spirits in the world in the near future. Having won several international awards locally and in foreign countries in continents like Europe, Peruvian Pisco has already built a good reputation among the connoisseurs. With an exotic aroma, unique taste and historical background, this distilled beverage is one of the nicest and most popular memories foreigners take back to their countries once they visit Peru or after they had the luck to visit one of the few Peruvian food restaurants in the world. It is no wonder that despite the not aggressive exporting initiatives of Pisco producers in Peru, its fame has been continuously growing mostly due to the positive word of mouth a quality and unique beverage like Pisco enjoys. And if we want to talk specifically about the Taiwanese market, taking in consideration the results of the tasting I did myself during the 2008 Taipei Food International Fair and the famous Elle Taiwan magazine quotating Pisco Sour (a derived cocktail) as one of the next “In” things in the near future, mainly reinforced the idea that a well executed strategy for introducing Pisco in the Taiwan market would be extremely rewarding. The following business plan aims to show the potential success of introducing Peruvian Pisco to the Taiwanese market. Making use of efficient marketing tools and strategies like social media and word of mouth advertising, a bottom-up sales approach that keeps the initial costs on the line and low up-front capital requirements, strong networking, and by using realistic bottom-up financial assumptions, this plan makes use of practicality, efficiency and the uniqueness of this Peruvian spirit to successfully show the viability and great success this endeavor would enjoy in the Taiwan market.

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