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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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黃文鳳 Unknown Date (has links)
我國自1987年陸續開放葡萄酒、水果酒、淡酒、啤酒、威士忌、白蘭地進口以來,酒商歷經多年的洗牌,情勢大已抵定,惟當時因政策考量,而未開放以高梁、米類為原料所製成之中式白酒,在公賣局、金酒公司及馬祖酒廠悉心孕育,及其他廠商無從介入下,於本土酒類市場開花結果。未來為因應國際化與自由化趨勢,台灣即將加入世界貿易組織,白酒市場將於該項政策實施後第二年,開放設廠產製;原酒類專賣期間,所課徵之公賣利益,將以關稅、營業稅及菸酒稅等三種稅予以取代,而導致廠商成本發生變動,再加上與本土白酒同質性高,且品質優良、酒齡充足之大陸白酒,挾其背後廣大市場商機,將導致現行酒類市場、廠商甚或通路商勢力,面臨重整局面。 本研究主要是探討政府加入世界貿易組織後,對於現行尚未開放白酒市場的衝擊、本土白酒廠商如何經營及市場未來展望。為分析該等案例,本研究係以Chandler「結構追隨策略」為分析主軸,即:外在環境的改變,會影響企業的競爭力,進而影響企業的決策方向,並以Porter五力模式及價值鏈兩項分析架構,來評估企業的優勢,進而提供階段性及整體行銷策略建議。最後依據各項市調資料,分析白酒消費者行為,提出未來白酒商機所在,並提供行銷組合建議。 經由各項分析及市調資料佐證,本研究獲得如下結論: 1.台灣白酒市場將因開放產製及進口,導致產業競爭加劇,供應鏈趨於上下游垂直整合,產生經濟規模的現象。 2.本土廠商相較大陸酒廠,資源有限,應著重鞏固現有顧客群,再求發展。 3.市場領導者-金酒公司應發展策略性商品,以阻擋大陸中、低價白酒入侵,並積極與國際知名廠商技術合作,提供多樣化產品。市場挑戰者(追隨者)-公賣局應加強產品線管理與品牌認知,並著重行銷人員培訓。市場利基者-馬祖酒廠應以大麴酒為一個利基市場的產品,並進行該市場之行銷研究,深耕此利基市場。 4.提供「符合國人口味」之白酒產品,及有效整合通路,是廠商可能立於不敗之主要因素。 5.建立產品及通路優勢,有賴整體行銷策略之運用。 6.低酒精度、年輕女性及白酒浸泡市場,是未來商機所在。

尋找可耕地有限國家之生質燃料發展策略的利基-全球可計算一般均衡模型之應用分析 / Find the advantage of biofuel policy for limited arable land countries-global computable general equilibrium model

鄧壬德, Deng, Ren Der Unknown Date (has links)
許多國家視生質燃料之發展為解決能源安全問題的方法。大部份的國家往往會訂定一個目標年並設定生質燃料的使用量目標。美國設定2008年時要達到90億加侖生質燃料的使用量目標,而2022年時產量要逐步達到360億加侖;歐盟訂定生質燃料占運輸部門總使用燃料比例於2010年時要達到5.75%之目標;日本設定2010年時其生質燃料產量達到50萬公秉油當量;台灣則是設定生質酒精及生質柴油之2010年使用量分別需達到100-300萬公秉及10萬公秉。各國為達成其生質燃料使用量目標,若僅考慮第一代生質燃料技術,勢必需要足夠的土地種植能源作物,方能滿足生質燃料目標量。可耕地有限的國家若執意發展生質燃料,該國是否有充足的耕地可供生產其設定之生質燃料使用量?若透過國外進口生質燃料或是作物以達成其使用量目標,其在能源安全方面仍是依賴國外供給。此外,生質燃料的發展將造成土地利用改變與農產品價格及產量變動,進而影響全球農業貿易。 本研究應用Hertel(1997)全球貿易可計算一般均衡模型(Global Trade Analysis Project,簡稱GTAP),並加入土地利用模型,以探討可耕地受限國家發展生質燃料之利基所在,包括糧食供需、貿易與糧價、土地利用、私人家計單位消費、福利等所受到的影響。同時,我們也設計一個指標(Rij)來衡量一國達成其生質燃料發展目標之潛力,並利用該指標篩選出所謂的「可耕地受限國家」作為本研究分析之重點國家。 本研究模擬結果發現,以第一代生質燃料技術作考量之下,「可耕地受限國家」面對各地區生質燃料的發展,將會造成「可耕地受限國家」的農業市場產出、價格與貿易量的變化,例如:可作為提煉生質燃料作物的小麥、其他穀類作物、油脂作物因應各地區生質燃料發展而使得各地區普遍產出增加,而這些作物作為能源用途之需求增加也普遍導致其價格上升。各地區農作物貿易受到國際間相對價格改變之影響,例如:荷蘭的食品與菸酒部門在各地區發展生質燃料後需面對漲幅較國產為大的小麥進口價格,因此,其對國產小麥的需求增幅相對高於對進口品小麥之需求增幅。 本文模擬結果亦顯示:(1)「可耕地受限國家」也面臨農耕地受限制而有生質燃料「與糧爭地」的現象,例如:荷蘭的小麥部門在增加生產過程中,願意支付更高的地租以吸引更多土地投入小麥之種植,因此,排擠掉其他農業部門的土地使用;(2)「可耕地受限國家」之私人家計單位亦間接受到「與人爭糧」的影響,例如:荷蘭的食品與菸酒部門面對小麥的價格上升,其生產成本增加,進而影響其產品價格,最終造成荷蘭私人家計單位對食品與菸酒的消費減少;(3)各「可耕地受限國家」的福利普遍皆降低,例如:義大利福利水準惡化最為嚴重,減少了276.55百萬美元,其次為德國,其福利減少205.5百萬美元。


張佩慧 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,由於可供訂補、佐證的先秦文物不斷地出土累積,成為研究先秦文化的新材料;藉由文字的訓釋,可與相關的傳世古籍文獻資料相互印證,有助於瞭解先秦文化。因此,本論文以1993年出土之《周家臺秦簡》為研究基礎,共分為五章探討之,各章章旨及其內容如下: 第一章 緒論 說明研究動機、研究範圍、研究方法、文獻探討,並預期研究成果。 第二章 周家臺秦簡之書法風格 在戰國時期即已形成早期的古隸,亦即秦隸,象徵文字體系演變的完成。書寫於秦代末年的《周家臺秦簡》,其文字均為墨書隸體,具備了秦隸在筆畫、結體、章法和用筆方面質樸、簡約、粗實、雄肆、清新氣息和天真爛漫情趣的文字藝術特徵,隨著由篆變隸,傳達出一種趣味獨具的書法藝術之美。 第三章 周家臺秦簡之量詞與虛詞 綜合相關傳世文獻以及出土文獻記載的基礎上,進行《周家臺秦簡》量詞與虛詞的歷時與共時之比較結果,自先秦乃至於六朝,皆是一脈相承,其應用之歷史,可謂由來已久,其影響之深遠,可見一斑。 第四章 周家臺秦簡之治療與養生 《周家臺秦簡》是有秦一代人民日常生活面貌的實錄,其中有關疾病治療與飲食養生的紀錄,對於醫療文明尚處於蒙昧時期的秦帝國人民而言,是解決疾病與促進健康的萬靈丹。 第五章 結論 歸納本論文的研究成果與價值,另提出與本論文相關的研究議題及其展望。

舞蹈建構於酒類廣告再現之研究 / The Research of Dancing Construction and its Representation in Alcohol Drink TV Advertisements

許秀珍, Yane Kusuma Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要為探討討論三種酒類之啤酒(Beer)、烈酒(Liquor)、及紅酒(Wine)的電視廣告中,所呈現的舞蹈及其意義,以質化研究方法之符號學的理論取向,解析舞蹈的符號(舞蹈的建構背景、種類、及特徵);轉借自舞蹈的符號(服裝、服裝的顏色);其他廣告因素的符號(舞者、廣告文字);非語言傳播的符號;及媒介鏡頭語言的相關符號,依據符號具與符號義的概念,及明示義與隱含義的符號分析,便以品牌的角度,討論舞蹈應用於三種酒類的電視廣告,所要傳遞的訊息與意涵,並揣摩酒商設計出其舞蹈呈現在他們的廣告,來代表與宣傳產品的目的。 研究發現,藉由舞蹈、舞者、服裝及其顏色,搭配舞者(代言人)的肢體動作、廣告的文字、及鏡頭的一些符號,呈現於酒類廣告,可獲得企業的核心價值、根基、競爭能力等概念;品牌的形象及目標市場;產品的品味、品質、原產地等訊息。此外,不同酒類廣告,傳遞、強調不同的訊息,因此酒商在其廣告中,也設計出不同的舞蹈性質。啤酒類的廣告中,強調年輕的主題,所以啤酒廣告再現了年輕性質的舞蹈風格;烈酒廣告著重有事業成就且有社會地位的成熟男性,因此烈酒類也呈現了屬於正式、成熟性的舞蹈風格;水果酒類的廣告,多以女性為主,因此酒商所引用的舞蹈,也屬於女性演出的舞蹈性質。 / This research discussed dancing construction and its meaning implied on beer, liquor, and wine, example of three different alcohol drinks which can be seen on TV advertisements. By using qualitative research methodology and semiotic theoretical approach, this research tried to analyze five different elements of dancing representation in alcohol drinks TV commercial. These elements are: the resemblance of dance symbols (such as background, type, and its characteristics), factor that contributes to dancing (such as costumes and its colors), advertising elements (such as dancers/endorsers, and texts), non-verbal communication, and visual (camera) language. This analysis was based on the concepts of signifier/signified and connotation/denotation. Alongside with branding point of view, this study was designed to find out the message and the meaning beyond a particular dance assigned to those advertisements. The research was also tried to identify the reasons why the firms choose to exercise a certain dance in their TV commercial as product representative and moreover to advertise it. The research found that through dance representation, the firms attempt to send the message about company core values, foundation, and its competitiveness, as well as the hint to its brand image and target market. The dancing that represented in the advertisements was also showing the taste, quality, and origin of its particular product. Moreover, as different type of alcohol drinks encompassed various type of messages, therefore the variety of dance generous and style were used also different. For example beer TV commercials were prominences young as a theme, thus the dance style applied within was also appertain youngster dance style. On the other hand, Liquor TV advertisements were more focus on a mature male who has carrier achievements and social statuses hence the dance style used on its advertising was far more formal and mature. Finally, wine TV advertisements were more predominantly for female rank, therefore the dance cited by the wine company was also belong to the nature of female dance performances.


何平生, He, Ping-Sheng Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟的成長,國民所得的提高,菸酒的消費群體不斷的擴大,市場的需求蓬勃的 發展,所以每人每年的消費量與日劇增。在現行煙酒公賣的體制下如何提高行銷效率 ,如何使供需維持均衡并使消費者得到合理的滿足是本研究的主旨。 第一章:導論:導論:說明研究動機、目的與架構。資料的收集與分析方法以及一些 研究上的限制。 第二章:臺灣歷年菸酒消費概況:介紹臺灣煙酒產銷制度的特性與演進。歷年來菸酒 的消費情形。 第三章:理論架構與文獻探討:建立研究假設,解釋及定義研究變數與測量方法。 第四章:個體消費之預測模式:建立與解釋個體模式,評估并說明模式的運用。 第五章:群體消費之預測模式:建立與解釋群體模式,評估并說明模式的運用。 第六章: 結論輿建議: 說明研究的結果並提供菸酒未來產銷的建議及未來研究的方向 。


周紹偉 Unknown Date (has links)
歐美葡萄酒貿易協定於2006年3月10日經歐美雙方簽署後,對於延宕多年之數項關於雙方葡萄酒貿易上之爭議,達成了一定程度之妥協。然雙方所妥協之內容均與WTO協定之規範有衝突之處;然從另一方面觀之,該協定卻有助於美國在其葡萄酒產品使用歐盟地理標示之爭議上,朝向與TRIPS協定較為合致之方向去修正。 歐美葡萄酒貿易協定最主要之爭議可分為兩大部分,一為歐盟關於葡萄酒釀造製程上之規範;另一是美國葡萄酒產品使用歐盟地理標示,本文主要將針對此二議題與WTO協定間之合致性進行探討,以了解該協定所妥協之部分與WTO協定間之合致性。由於歐盟與美國係為WTO內最具影響力之兩大會員,本文最後將探討該協定對於WTO多邊架構以及爭端解決機制上之所衝擊與影響。 / The EU-US agreement on trade in wine was signed on March 10, 2006, marking the end of a first phase in wine trading discussions began in 1983. The Agreement addresses several key issues, such as oenological practices, import certification, the use of European geographical indication on the wine label which produced in US and other labeling issues. This thesis is to analyze the most controversial parts of this agreement. This agreement compromises 17 provisions, there are two parts most controversial: one is the mutual acceptance of the EU-US oenological practice regulations, which would facilitate the trading of wine between the two parties. And the other is that finally U.S. agreed to prohibit new brands from using these names on non-European wine and grandfather those existing uses. The oenological regulation of EU is more strictly and conservative compare to the related international standard. Moreover, EU ban the import of wine which is not conform with its oenological regulation unless the exporting country meet the Derogation requirement to allow the wine to be imported and circulated in the territory of EU. This article is to analyses the consistency of the EU oenological regulation with the TBT agreement, and the MFN treatment with this derogation. And the U.S. had allowed the use of specific EU geographical indications, which is called semi-generic names in U.S. regulation, on the wine label for the wine producing in the U.S in its labeling regulation. According to the TRIPS Agreement, the use of EU’s GI is in a continuous matter before 1994 can be excepted from the regulation of additional for GI. This thesis would like to clarify which part of the use of those semi-generic names may or may not except from the context of TRIPS agreement about GI. Since the wine agreement settle down several issues which violate the WTO agreement, this thesis would like to discuss the impact of the wine agreement to the WTO multilateral system.

臺灣生質燃料產業發展策略之研究 / Development Strategies in Biofuel Industry:Taiwan’s Experience

張宗顯, Chang,Tsung Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
石化能源逐漸耗竭引人關注,再加上「京都議定書」對溫室氣體排放之全球性管制,促使世界各國重視各種新能源與替代性能源,並積極投入應用與研究開發。生質燃料已成為全球許多國家的戰略性資源,其發展除可開發自產綠色能源,提高能源自主比例,並能結合能源、農業、環保、產業等共同發展。面對全球生質燃料產業急速成長,台灣自不能自外於節能減碳的永續發展趨勢。 為驗證政府推動生質燃料政策的環境條件及業界投入狀況,本研究以次級資料分析方法進行國內、外之發展現況及趨勢分析;透過學者、專家、政府業務執行主管及業者之深度訪談,藉由訪談之資料歸納國內發展情形,對照現有生質燃料政策推動目標之發展模式,並以五力分析架構及SWOT評估方法評估生質燃料產業發展之競爭力。 本研究的主要發現包括:1.影響我國生質燃料的發展,最主要的關鍵要素是料源成本、價格補貼及市場保證;2.在推廣生質燃料的策略作法上,絕大多數主張應依政府政策規劃目標循序漸進推動;3.業者在發展生質燃料過程中,面臨最大的困難在於政策的不確定及原料的掌握不足;4.產業發展初期仍應以國內產製優先,不足部分再開放進口;5.生質柴油料源中,目前以廢食用油最具價格競爭力,麻瘋果油次之,藻類則是長期看好的料源。生質酒精部分,依國內廠商最可行技術而言,以甘蔗酒精較具價格競爭力,狼尾草居次,纖維素作物則是長期看好者。6.現階段的政策目標,在生質柴油部分的推廣比例仍以B2為佳,生質酒精則以E3為國產料原的最大量。長期來看,生質燃料產業的擴展,一定要以非糧食作物為優先,關鍵環節在於纖維酒精技術及藻類開發技術有突破,推廣比例及市場規模才有再擴張的空間。 就研究分析所得,提供下述政策建議:1、政府需訂定明確的政策目標;2.成立再生能源國家型計畫,加速推動生質燃料發展;3.政府率先投資第二代生質燃料產業;4.需建構生質燃料永續發展的制度性設計;5.確立以本國產製為優先之政策宣示;6.強化節能減碳教育宣導,讓消費者建立信心並接受。在業界策略上建議:1.必須提升料源掌握度與開發多元料源,並降低生產成本;2.業者須加強與通路商籌組供油策略聯盟;3.生質酒精業者可採合資或合作生產方式切入市場,取得先占地位;4.積極參與第二代生質燃料的研發與技術銜接。 / Petrochemical energy shortage is an issue that has been gradually gaining attention. Global regulation of greenhouse gases emission set by the Kyoto Protocol has also called attention to new and alternative energy sources, as well as the active involvement of individual countries in new energy application and research development. Biofuel has now become a strategic resource in many countries. Additional development of alternative energy can not only help increase the amount of domestic green energy and its ratio to traditional energy, synergy is also created causing the equal development of energy, agriculture, environmental production, and industrial growth. In face of the rapid growth of the biofuel industry worldwide, Taiwan must not exclude itself from the trend of sustainable development in energy conservation and CO2 reduction. To access the conditions of government policy in biofuel promotion and industry involvement, this study used secondary data analysis methods to analyze the current trend and status of national and international development. Through information gathered from in-depth interviews with academics, experts, government executives, and industry members, current domestic developments are compared to existing models of biofuel policy, promotion, and objectives. The competitiveness of biofuel industry development is further evaluated using SWOT assessment and Five Power Analysis. The main findings of this study include the following: 1) The key elements affecting national biofuel development are raw material costs, price subsidies, and market guarantees. 2) In biofuel promotion strategies, a vast majority should be made gradually and according to government policy planning objectives. 3) In biofuel development, the biggest challenges the industry faces are policy uncertainties and the lack of raw materials. 4) In initial industry development, domestic production should be a priority, allowing imports only when in demand. 5) In raw materials for bio-diesel, recycled oils are currently the most competitive in value, followed by Jatropha oil, while algae is seen as having long-term potential. According to the most viable technology offered by domestic manufacturers, sugarcane ethanol is the most competitive in value for bio-ethanol, followed by Chinese Pennisetum, while agricultural waste is seen as having long-term potential. 6) In the current stage of policy objectives, B2 is still more adequate in the promotion of bio-diesel, and E3 is the main domestic raw material for bio-ethanol. In the expansion of biofuel industry in the long run, priority must be given to non staple crops, while the key lies in cellulosic ethanol and algae oil development technology. Only then can there be room for further expansion in promotional proportion and market scale. The following policy recommendations are provided based on analysis of the study: 1) Clear policy goals must be set by the government. 2) Establish nation-wide plans for renewable energy, and accelerate the promotion of biofuel development. 3) Government must take initiatives in second-generation feedstock investments. 4) A systematic design must be built for the sustainable development of biofuel. 5) Policy declarations must be made to ensure the priority of domestic production. 6) Strengthen education in energy conservation and CO2 reduction, and build consumer confidence and acceptance. Recommendations for industry strategies: 1) It is essential to increase control of raw materials, develop multi-source materials, and lower production costs. 2) The industry must strengthen its strategic alliances with distributor in oil supply. 3) The biofuel industry may partake in joint ventures or cooperative efforts to get a head start when entering the market. 4) Actively participate in the research and development and technology adaptation of second-generation feedstock.

彩券與娛樂性消費支出關係之研究 / A Study on the Relationship between Lottery and Recreation Expenditure

陳慧琪, Chen, Hui-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
世界各國政府為了廣開籌措財源的管道,對於各類博彩事業已從過去的嚴格禁止到「寓禁於徵」,一方面可使賭博透明化便於監督,防止犯罪行為糾纏;另一方面又可讓財政困窘的政府藉以獲得相當稅收;博彩事業的合法化及加入娛樂趣味性就成為現今休閒產業發展的潮流之一。故本研究針對國內近期發行的公益彩券進行上述之相關探討,研究內容包含: 1.透過文獻探討菸、酒及彩券三種財貨「寓禁於徵」之效果, 2.透過問券分析,公益彩券發行後、公益彩券價格改變及發行電腦彩券對六合彩購買者影響之關聯性分析及比例性分析, 3.透過問券分析,公益彩券發行後、公益彩券價格改變及民眾所得水準提昇對民眾日常娛樂性消費支出的影響,並分析公益彩券與一般娛樂性消費支出為替代或互補關係。 透過文獻探討及問券分析後,本研究主要發現及結論如下: 1.菸、酒、彩券之長期價格彈性大於短期價格彈性;彩券較菸、酒富於彈性,彩券價格彈性通常大於1而菸酒價格彈性通常小於1,故對彩券「寓禁於徵」之效果會較菸、酒為佳, 2.透過問卷模擬公益彩券價格調降後發現,除了唱歌之外,一般娛樂性消費支出與公益彩券為互補關係,可能是由於彩券價格調降後,民眾實質所得增加的效益,使民眾同時增加彩券及其他娛樂性消費支出,故呈現互補現象。然而公益彩券價格調降後,娛樂性消費支出金額不變的民眾也不算少,約佔樣本的59.32%,可見不受公益彩券影響的民眾也不算少, 3.由問卷模擬所得增加後發現,一般娛樂性消費支出(不含六合彩及彩券)為正常財;彩券與六合彩隨著所得增加而減少消費,故彩券與六合彩在本研究發現為劣等財。

紅酒進口商營運策略之研究-以小型進口商為例 / Business strategies of red wine importers-the case of small-sized frims

張綺芬, Chang, Chii Fen Unknown Date (has links)
隨著國人對紅酒的品飲需求的增加,大街小巷林立的酒鋪也增加許多,從進口商的角度而言,進口商要用甚麼樣的方式才可以讓自己的酒銷售的好呢?如何才可以在這酒海中殺出重圍呢?要怎樣才可以讓消費者青睞呢?要進什麼地方的酒才有競爭力?要進什麼樣口味的酒呢? 目前國內對於葡萄酒相關方面的研究並不多,針對一個「贏」的策略是需要比較全面性的思考與架構,這也就是本研究所想要達到的目的。本研究的目的即在探討進口商是否能在一開始就可以做出正確的進口策略的選擇,以達到事倍功半的效果;當然這其中就包括了目標市場、產品、通路、 行銷方式以及價格的選擇與制定。 本文想探討的是小型或初進入台灣市場的葡萄酒專門進口商,希望從特定的目標市場客群來進行分析,從而找出其中的基本要素, 提供進口商在做進口策略規劃時有更明確的思考模式與方向。因此,本研究之問題可以歸納為:紅酒進口商之營運策略(包含進口國與進口酒品的選擇、定價、 推廣以及通路等相關策略)為何? 本研究為探討性個案研究,所採取的研究架構是從進口的環節開始,探討在現有市場環境下,一個專業葡萄酒進口商或是初進入市場的小型貿易商要如何進入市場,其進入市場之進口策略應該如何選擇,從何處開始會較有勝算,藉由研究架構來探討進入之規則。研究方法乃採用文獻探討與個案訪談,試圖厘清其中成功立足於市場之重要原理原則。 從進口商的資源開始,逐步探討其進口策略的各個重要面向,檢視其行銷組合與策略面的契合度,最後再確認其績效與策略面及行銷組合的結果是否與原定目標相符;希望能在這樣的研究架構下找出各不同類型進口商採用的策略與搭配的行銷組合,期能讓市場新進者有所參考。 本研究乃以個案研究(Case Study)為主要的研究方式。研究對象為本國內的 專業葡萄酒進口商,藉由不同型態的廠商來比較分析。因此,選擇廠商的標準為:(a)業界已有知名度,(b)進口並販賣多種葡萄酒,(c)有直營的店頭或門市,(d)有配合訪談之意願,(e)有網路推廣之經驗。 本研究發現作為一個小型的初階紅酒進口商之營運策略有幾個基本要件 : 1.專業知識的必要性高。 2.與國外溝通語言能力,英文是基本必要條件,若能有生產國當地語言幫忙如法文、 西班牙文、葡文、德文則是錦上添花。 3.資金是最重要的。 4.除以上三點外,業內經驗是加分但非必要性,擁有客群是加分會讓初期營運較快速順利,產品的品質則是基本必要條件無庸贅述,若品質不佳反而會遭致麻煩。 5.進口國與進口對象的選擇與掌握是一個關鍵因子。 6.目標市場的準確性,要就自己所處的環境先分析優劣勢,再來做市場的區隔而後訂出目標市場並定位之。 7.行銷組合(產品、價格、通路、推廣)是要互相搭配的,要看自己手上有甚麼市場需求來建立組合,彼此之間有高度的關聯性,不可以多頭馬車,信手拈來。 8.客戶關係的維護是很重要的。 作為一個專業的紅酒進口商,不只是將酒進口到國內就算了事,進口的動作只是其中的一個環節,最重要是事前的規劃,也就是將前前後後營運的所有環節全部要連貫起來,如此在貨品進口以後才能順利銷售出去,達到營運獲利的目標。 本節所提之八點研究結論或許不是創新的理論,但是經個案分析的結果, 很多的企業之所以成功或失敗,往往都不知道成在何處或敗在何方,在時勢環境變遷之後,還沿用過去的經驗從事,因此往往雷聲大雨點小,最後只有收場一途; 本研究之發現希望能為紅酒進口商在起始之初就設定了一個明確的方向與檢查表,讓許多的事情能事先就思考透徹,如此才易於邁向成功的坦途。 關鍵字:營運策略、資源基礎論、市場區隔、目標市場、產品定位、行銷組合、客戶關係管理、紅酒、進口商、進口國、進口對象。 / From the needs of wine increased in Taiwan area, many stores opened everywhere in the city, the importers wondered how they can sell better? What are the customers’ want? What wine has highly competition power? How is the market taste? There are less studies of wine in local, the purpose of this study is to find out a win-win strategy that can be told as thinking logics and frames. This study is trying to figure out can importers make the right import strategies from the initial stage, that means the choose and setting of Target Markets, Products, Promotions, Marketing Mix and Pricing. The questions of this study can be told as: Business Strategies of Red Wine Importers(including choose of import countries, wine varieties, pricing, promotion and place).This study analyze the specific target market of small sized firms or the beginners in Taiwan wine market, trying to get some key elements for the importers when doing import’s strategies; The case study start from the import stage, how a small sized firm or beginner wants to enter into local market, what is the enter strategies, from where will be the best, use the frame setting in Chapter Three to check the rules of enter, use the Literature brought in Chapter two and cases interview to find some important key factors. First, check the resources they have, check every faces of their import strategies, and see how the marketing mix fit or not, finally reconfirm is the performance meet with their strategies and marketing mix? Case study is the main research method of this study, interview objects set as local importers in Taiwan, selection criteria is :(a)named firms, (b)import many different wines, (c)has own shop, (d)willing to accept our interview, (e)experience of internet sell. We found eight points as a small sized Red Wine importers’ business strategies as following: 1.Professional knowledge is essential. 2.Language as communication tools, English is only the basic, others would be plus like French, Spanish, German, … 3.Funds are the most important. 4.Past experience in wine is good but not necessary, customer base will more helper in initial stage’s business running, products without quality will be a disaster. 5.Control and choose of import countries and objects is the key factor. 6.Accuracy of Target Market. 7.The smooth and correlation of the Marketing mix is high. 8.Customer Relationship Maintenance is important. To be a professional wine importers not only import the wine into the country but also needs the pre-planning when import, that means every step of business need highly coherent with,then the goods can be sold easily and smoothly to make money as purposed. This eight conclusions may not the first innovation, but it’s the analysis result of the real cases, most of the firms do not know the points where they success or failed, sometimes they use the old experiences as strategies and do not look at the now situation they faced, that’s why they lost the games; this study hope to use the eight basic elements that verified in the study to help the red wine importers from the very beginning, set them a right direction and a check list to help make things better. Key Words: business strategy, resource based view(RBV), market segmentation, target market, positioning, marketing mix, customer relationship management(CRM), red wine, importers, import country, import objective.


Ukai, Kazuyo, Nakazawa, Takahiro, Namikoshi, Michio, 鵜飼, 和代, 中澤, 孝浩, 浪越, 通夫 03 1900 (has links)
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