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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


陳佳文, Chen, Jia-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
本論文共一冊。分成六章。估計約四萬伍千字。內容簡述下: 第一章:專賣概論:(一)介紹專賣之意義,目的及組織型態。(二)台灣菸酒專賣 之歷史沿革命及營運現況。 第二章:菸酒收入分析:(一)專賣收入在我國財政中之地位及其未來趨勢。(二) 專賣與課征菸酒稅之比較。(三)菸酒收入之國際比較。 第三章:菸酒需求與價格政策:(一)菸酒需求分析。(二)菸酒價格與專賣政策。 (三)現行價格政策之探討。 第四章:經營績效之比較:(一)由成本控制看公賣局之生產效率。(二)由幾個財 務指標,看公賣局之經營績效。(三)由產品品質看公賣局之經營績效。 第五章:專賣制度改進之途徑:(一)改制之疑慮。(二)幾個可行方案之探討。 第六章:結論。


顏嘉誼, Yen,Chia-Yi Unknown Date (has links)
從GATT到WTO的發展過程中,WTO延伸GATT既有之架構而逐漸朝向法制化與正式化的路徑演進,形成以「規則導向」(rule- oriented)結合「權力導向」(power- oriented)的運作體系;其建構出制度化的遊戲規則,提供會員國透過協商談判追求貿易利益的機會,也限制了會員國追求自利目標與策略手段採行的合理範圍。政府認為加入WTO可使台灣在國際間享有公平合理的貿易對待,也可透過多邊或雙邊貿易諮商藉以在全球競爭過程中取得有利的位置;相對地,加入WTO後政府卻必須面對國內既有制度、規則如何與WTO基本原則、規範聯結的問題。 我國過去採取菸酒專賣制度,政府透過市場干預將國際貿易者、私有廠商排除在競爭的制度外,掌握米酒價格訂定的絕對主導權;民眾一方面可用低廉的價格滿足對紅標米酒消費的需求,同時政府也可從中挹注大量的稅收。然而,WTO是建立在一個以自由開放為目標的全球貿易體系,反市場機制的菸酒專賣制度卻直接與WTO規範相牴觸,造成米酒議題在入會過程中成為美國與歐盟等會員國要求諮商談判的標的。經過多年的入會諮商,我國承諾廢除既有專賣制度且修訂「菸酒稅法」回歸正常稅制,米酒也自民國九十二年起比照蒸餾酒每公升課稅一八五元;但此同時,米酒價格的高漲卻也引發了全台各地米酒囤積與搶購的熱潮,甚至爆發多起民眾喝假酒致死的案件。此談判結果對國內米酒消費市場造成的激烈動盪,促使米酒課徵稅額的合理性議題於焉浮現。 有鑑於此,本研究主要探討在WTO規則結構下其對我國菸酒稅法中有關米酒課徵稅額結果的影響。在理論基礎中,對全球治理下不同研究途徑的辯證過程後,選擇以「規則演進途徑」的觀點作為WTO制度與我國米酒稅額關係間的分析主軸;此途徑在WTO規則結構與台、美兩國家行動者的互動關係,以及針對我國加入WTO後米酒稅額變動的詮釋上提供了合適的分析架構。此外,將從WTO的規則結構、行動者定位、權力互動與諮商協議結果等四個觀察面向去探討與釐清其與米酒課徵稅額之關聯。準此,主要研究的問題焦點如下: 一、在WTO的基本原則與協定規範的拘束下對我國米酒的課徵稅額有何影響;而WTO的爭端解決機制對於台美兩國在有關米酒界定上有何限制? 二、在WTO的規則結構下,台美兩國對米酒課稅方式與課稅分類上有何利益偏好?彼此的主張與立論理由如何影響最後的談判結果? 三、台美兩國在WTO規則下競逐各別的主張與偏好,然而彼此在資訊掌握、對資源的控制、組織合法性權力、以及相對市場規模等權力基礎上的差異,是否影響最後協議的結果以及米酒稅額的課徵標準? 四、在WTO入會工作小組報告書與台、美雙邊貿易談判中,我國在米酒議題上所作的要求與承諾條件為何?此承諾、條件如何影響我國米酒課稅政策的制定? 當我們持續關注WTO所創造的美好憧憬時,也必須體認到入會背後所須付出的若干代價;在符合WTO的協定規範下,我國制度也必須面臨修正與調整。這就是全球化過程中二律背反的現象,期待與現實之間往往存在著意想不到的落差。菸酒入會諮商中的米酒議題是在WTO「規則」與「權力」的互動架構中進行。其異於過去國際化下的雙邊談判,此全球治理下的雙邊談判結果經由認可與制度化過程將成為多邊治理架構之規範,也藉由國內立法認可使其具有法律效力與正當性。米酒議題不僅是經貿上的議題,其處理的過程更是充滿政治權力折衝、競合的運作;對於米酒是否該界定為蒸餾酒,也反映出不同國家彼此對於飲酒與飲食文化上的個別差異。在米酒稅額爭議的分析過程中,本研究試圖找出我國在WTO規則結構下有關米酒課徵稅額有利的結果,以作為未來進一步爭取合理稅額的可行政策建議。

酒癮者之酒駕再犯防治對策- 以社會復歸為中心 / A Study on Deterring the reconviction of the drunk driving of Alcohol Use Disorder- Focusing on the Reintegration

張蕙, Chang, Hui Unknown Date (has links)
近年我國刑法第185條之3不能安全駕駛罪受到重大酒駕新聞事件影響倉促修法,然而,嚴罰化不僅無法達到抑制酒駕再犯的效果,立法者亦忽略了行為人的實際樣貌,和媒體渲染並影響人民觀感所生成的犯罪形象具有極大落差,以及隱藏在酒駕再犯議題背後所傳達的社會排除議題,更忽視了酒癮高風險族群與酒駕行為人在勞工階層重合且多數酒駕再犯與累犯患有酒癮的可能性。 尤其,我國對於患有酒癮之酒駕行為人提供的刑事司法處遇制度,無論是轉向處遇或是禁戒處分皆有其侷限,且我國面臨亦嚴重欠缺民間戒酒團體,致使酒駕再犯或累犯陷入無法適用司法處遇與參與民間團體的雙重戒治困境。 有別於我國無法提供適當復歸社會機會的難題,比較法上,美國和日本透過不同的處遇方式,前者以貫徹治療式司法精神的酒駕法庭,後者以官方與民間的協力合作,均達到協助行為人社會復歸的共同目標。 為了改善我國刑事司法制度的缺失,以及幫助這群因酒癮而酒駕的「病犯」得以矯治其酒癮問題,並獲得生活的援助,以順利復歸社會。本文期待透過我國現有禁戒處分制度,實質引入美國酒駕法庭的精髓,作為非拘禁處遇方式,並嘗試從審判階段與矯治計畫進行方式予以調整,建構我國酒駕戒癮治療之藍圖。透過酒癮評估認定制度的改善、禁戒處分期間的延長和使被告享有自願性的保障,使被告在審判過程透過協商程序自願參與禁戒處分,獲得矯治酒癮的機會。並藉由執行處所採取非拘禁處遇、使禁戒處分得由法官主導,或是增加法官定期與被告交換意見、司法監督的有效運作,以及促進戒癮民間團體與社會福利制度,為被告構築穩固的生活環境,降低其再犯的可能性。

小手拉小手?中國新興產業場域結構化分析:以精釀啤酒產業為例 / Hand In Hand? Analysis of China’s Emerging Industries Field Structuration: The Case of Craft Beer Industry

黃俊傑 Unknown Date (has links)


程桑妮 Unknown Date (has links)
啤酒是當今世界上最流行的飲料之一,也與人們的生活息息相關,但隨著世界市場的開放,使得啤酒市場也興起了一股新的競爭力量。 品牌在食品市場中所扮演的角色非常重要,尤其是在流通方面。譬如:知名品牌擁有較多的優待,如與製造者、銷售員、通路商之間有較大的彈性、議價空間和產品陳列位置等好處,所以企業或是投資者會將品牌視為公司最有價值的財產,強勢品牌更可以為企業帶來無窮的利益。 希望可以透過本研究的了解海尼根啤酒品牌形象對於顧客忠誠度和顧客滿意度的影響,並且探討海尼根啤酒品牌權益對顧客忠誠度和顧客滿意度的影響,進而以人口統計變數來區分出消費者和海尼根啤酒的市場區隔。 / Beer now is one of most popular drinks in the world. It also closely linked with people's life. Along with the world market opening, the beer market starts new competition situation. Brand plays an extremely important role in food market, especially in logistics aspect. For example, the well-known brand has many special treatments with manufactures, sellers and wholesalers, such as flexibility, discount and space. Therefore, the enterprise or the investor regard “brand” as the company most valuable asset. Strong brand can bring the infinite benefits to the enterprise. This research is trying to understand the influence of Heineken beer brand image to the customer loyalty and the customer satisfaction. It also discusses the influence of Heineken beer brand equity to the customer loyalty and the customer satisfaction. Moreover, try to use population variables to distinguish consumers and the Heineken beer markets.

商業計劃:韓國米酒在台灣新市場的發展 / Business plan: new market development for Korean rice wine in Taiwan

金民惠, KIM, Minhye Unknown Date (has links)
Bon Ju (本酒) is a company which imports Korean traditional fermented rice wine called Makgeolli to distributors and wholesales in Taiwan. The business plan based on Bon Ju’s experience will target mainly Korean customers in Taiwan that miss the flavor of Korea, as well as Taiwanese who are accustomed to Korean flavor such as the ones employed in Korean companies or the ones that have traveled and spent some time in Korea. Taiwanese rice wine market is monopolized by Taiwan Tobacco and Liquor Corporation for a long time, and other types of wine in Taiwan’s market are completely controlled by the major wine production countries. However, the idea it to position Bon Ju (本酒) with an unique flavor and differential middle price. Our sales projections for the first year are $9,144,000. We are seeking an operating line of $394,000 to finance our first year growth. Our initial investment from co-owners is $210,000 to meet working capital requirements. Bon Ju’s financial statements have demonstrated continuous increases in sales, operating profit and net income growth ratios from year 1 to year 3. Regarding to this business plan, Bon Ju (本酒) will seek for opportunities to acquaint foreigners with Korean culture.

酒精代謝酶ALDH2基因多形性對飲酒後睡眠之影響 / The Effect of ALDH2 Polymorphisms on Sleep after Alcohol Consumption

王依凡 Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:以酒助眠是許多人認為可幫助睡眠的一種方式,但許多研究發現,飲酒後雖然在睡眠初期似有鎮靜鬆弛、縮短入睡時間的效果,但在入睡後的睡眠品質卻不一定良好,出現淺眠易醒的現象。但人體對酒精的反應存有明顯的個別差異,部分會對酒精產生敏感反應,出現頭暈、臉紅、心悸、噁心和嘔吐等不舒服的症狀,研究認為造成此種酒精敏感性(alcohol sensitivity)差異的原因主要來自一種乙醛脫氫酶(ALDH2)的基因型變異,導致個體在酒精代謝的過程中形成不同程度的乙醛堆積,進而影響到酒精攝取行為上的差異。然而不同個體對酒精敏感反應上的差異,是否也會影響到酒精造成睡眠狀況的變化,進而影響到個體對於酒精助眠效果的主觀感受的個別差異。因此,本研究的目的在於比較不同ALDH2基因型者,在飲酒和未飲酒的情境下,對睡眠的主觀知覺和實質睡眠參數測量的改變程度是否有差異,以了解ALDH2基因型對於酒精作用於睡眠歷程的影響。 研究方法:本研究共募集20位受試者,經基因型鑑定排除對酒精過於敏感的ALDH2*2/*2者和睡眠品質不佳者後,共14位納入正式分析。分別在睡前飲用中低劑量酒精(每公斤體重0.3克酒精)和非酒精飲料的情境下,採用多頻道睡眠記錄儀等儀器測量客觀的各項生理和睡眠指標,以及使用自填式量表評估睡前和早晨主觀的生理與心理感受。 研究結果:研究發現ALDH2*1/*1者飲酒後有入睡耗時、醒覺指數增加,以及Stage 2 睡眠潛伏期縮短的現象;ALDH2*1/*2者則有REM睡眠潛伏期延後的現象。在主觀感受上,飲酒後兩者皆在睡前誘發了明顯的生理負向感覺,早晨醒後則僅ALDH2*1/*2者有較高的生理激發程度。 結論:在給予中低劑量的酒精後,不同ALDH2基因型者其睡眠型態呈現不同的特性,也產生了生理心理反應上的差異,未來可再與睡眠相關的神經系統測量結合,釐清酒精和乙醛在影響人體睡眠中的角色,進一步了解酒精代謝對中樞神經的影響。 / Background: The effects of alcohol on sleep have been well documented. While alcohol consumption may decrease sleep onset latency, it may also lower sleep quality. Sleep problems, including prolonged sleep latency and decreased total sleep time, are more common among alcoholics than among nonalcoholics. But the effect of alcohol consumption has individual difference in the sensitivity of physiological reaction to alcohol, as reflected in facial flushing, palpitation, nausea, and other uncomfortable symptoms. The degree of physiological reaction was found to be associated with the efficiency in ethanol metabolism. Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) is the major enzymes involved in ethanol metabolism in humans. Homozygosity of the variant ALDH2*2 allele almost fully protects East Asian populations against the development of alcoholism. However, how the individual difference of alcohol sensitivity influence sleep pattern after alcohol consumption remains unknown. In this study, we aim to compare the changes of subjective report and objective measure of sleep following alcohol ingestion on variant ALDH2 genotypes. Methods: Fourteen nonalcohol-dependent subjects were recruited. After passing screening tests for ALDH2*2/*2 genotype and poor-sleep quality on PSG, subjects were required to complete two nights of PSG recording under the controlled condition (nonalcoholic beverage) and experimental condition (alcoholic beverage). Questionnaires were also used to evaluate subjective feelings before sleep and in the morning. Results: Decreased sleep onset latency and stage 2 latency as well as higher arousal index were observed in ALDH2*1/*1 subjects after challenge with a moderate dose of ethanol (0.3 g/kg of body weight), while only longer REM latency was showed in ALDH2*1/*2 individuals. As for subjective feelings, both genotypes showed more intense negative physiological responses before sleep, while only ALDH2*1/*2 individuals showed increased physical arousal the next morning. Conclusions: The variation of ALDH2*2 allele contributes to individual differences of alcohol sensitivity. The results indicate that sleep patterns and subjective perceptions following by alcohol administration were also affected by ALDH2 genotypes. This study suggests that sleep-related psychological factors may be crucial for the development of alcoholism.

創新酒店式親子樂園經營模式之研究 / A study on the business model management of the innovation hotel with parent-child recreational activities

宋雲飛 Unknown Date (has links)
在少子化社會發展的趨勢影響下,父母對於下一代的教養態度也隨之改變, 父母投資在孩子身上的成本比重更高,除了教育花費之外,近幾年來的父母也十 分注重家庭休閒的安排。現代父母往往希望透過參與家庭休閒活動,除了達到放 鬆身心、解除工作壓力的效果外,也藉著在與孩子在進行休閒活動時,能享受天 倫之樂、暢通親子關係。近年來也因為周休二日的實施及連續假期的增加,使得 在進行親子旅遊時,常需考慮到住宿問題,從近幾年來無論是飯店或是民宿相繼 推出親子房型,可知有其一定的消費市場,而酒店結合親子樂園的整合作法,更 是一項創新的概念。 國內的親子酒店市場已成立多年,其經營方向不外乎是內含有親子遊戲空間 等的方式去營運,或包含餐飲服務和住宿服務的經營等方式,然而傳統的商業經 營模式已逐漸開始無法滿足多元化的消費者的需求,故為能瞭解創新酒店式親子 樂園經營模式是否可以滿足多數消費者的需求與期望,同時也是因為想透過創新 酒店式親子樂園經營模式的研究,探討酒店式親子樂園整合之經營模式的可行性 及優劣,據以作為投資該產業的依據。因此,本研究根據分析的結果,獲得了以 下幾項研究發現且概述如下:(1)國內親子飯店的未來是具有發展潛力;(2) 內部 組織應著重於優質服務品質與創新能力的培養;(3)外部環境應強高提高競爭門 檻之經營理念。

酒井抱一研究 ―その画業と作品の特徴―

宮崎, もも 23 March 2022 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・論文博士 / 博士(文学) / 乙第13467号 / 論文博第658号 / 新制||文||717(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院文学研究科思想文化学専攻 / (主査)教授 根立 研介, 准教授 筒井 忠仁, 准教授 河村 瑛子, 教授 井田 太郎 / 学位規則第4条第2項該当 / Doctor of Letters / Kyoto University / DGAM

臺灣飲酒家庭特性的長期變遷分析 / A Study on Characteristics of Alcohol-drinking Households in Taiwan

楊佳青, Yang, Chia Chin Unknown Date (has links)
依衛生福利部國民健康署指出,飲酒會導致如車禍、家暴、肝癌及肝硬化等事故與疾病,這些都是少量卻有顯著危害。目前臺灣的酒品隨處可購得,但國人及整個社會卻尚未學會到如何正確與「酒」相處;而臺灣特有的拚酒文化更是常拚出一身病來,許多人因酒而失業、家庭失和,甚至喪命。更可怕的是,飲酒還會造成無辜大眾平白犧牲。有鑒於飲酒過量所帶來的危害,酒害的防制已是世界各國共同的議題。 本研究從長時間來回顧臺灣飲酒消費的情況及變化,同時觀察臺灣飲酒家庭戶長與家庭成員的特性,及各縣市飲酒消費的情形,以作為我國未來在制定酒害防制政策時之參考。本文利用行政院主計總處提供之1990至2012年「家庭收支調查報告」資料來進行分析,結果發現飲酒消費支出金額與所得呈現正向關係,惟所得低的家庭,其飲酒消費支出占可支配所得的比重,較所得高的家庭大。另飲酒消費支出較高的家庭,其教育程度及平均年齡相對較低,且男性成員比率偏高,倘若針對教育程度較低者、年輕及男性族群,透過教育及政策行銷,加強渠等對飲酒危害的風險認知,進而減少飲酒量,將有利提升國民健康。 / It is published that traffic accidents, certain social problems or body illnesses are often the results of alcohol drinking events; such as car accident, family abuse, liver cancer or cirrhosis etc., reported by Health Promotion Administration Ministry of Health and Welfare. Such alcohol problems are rare, but serious once happened. Alcohols can be bought everywhere in Taiwan, but still Taiwanese don’t know how to deal with drinking. One of the Taiwanese drinking features, the bottom-up, also adds to the alcohol problems. Many unemployment, family quarrels or even the human lives are caused or jeopardized by over-drinking. Sometimes, even an innocent people could be hurt through a drinking event. Due to the endangerment that is developed by over drinking, that how to prevent it is now a common issue to discuss with all over the world. This essay examines the long-term alcohol consumption changes in Taiwan, observes, at the same time, the characteristics of alcohol-drinking families and the family head of the household, and compares the alcohol consumption situation in different town, county areas in Taiwan. Based on the data form the year 1990 to 2012 in the “Report on the Survey of Family Income and Expenditure in Taiwan Area”, it is found that the expenditure on alcohols and the income of a family are positively related. If we compare the alcohol expenditure to the total disposable income, it is found that the ratio is higher for the poor family than those rich ones. For those families with higher alcohol expenditures, we find their family members are comparatively younger, less educated, and consisted of more male than female members. If we aimed at those classified groups of less educated, younger and male to strengthen their awareness of the alcohol risks through education and policy advocacy to reduce their drinking, our national health will be enhanced.

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