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探討一位幼兒舞蹈教師的教學內涵與其專業發展葉俐均 Unknown Date (has links)
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唐代西域槳舞傳入之研究王維芳, WANG, WEI-FANG Unknown Date (has links)
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創新團隊創意過程之研究—以電影與舞蹈創作團隊為例廖書楷, Shu-Kai, Liao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究個案包括,雲門舞集—《行草》之創作專案、Home Green電影公司—《你那邊幾點》創作專案、紅電影公司—《想飛》創作專案、雨龍三景—《魯賓遜漂流記》創作專案、侯孝賢映象製作公司—《千禧曼波》創作專案。
7. 出色的創意團隊,其團隊內具有中階管理者扮演語言轉譯及聯絡溝通的角色。
8. 實驗和原型試製作為溝通對話的橋樑與載具。
9. 創意團隊透過作中學及師徒制進行技能與知識傳承。
1. 出色的創意團隊,其創作題材之選擇多具獨創性,並與自身生活經驗與社會環境相結合。
2. 在專案正式展開前的事前計劃(pre-project planning),有助於專案的進行。
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動勢場之身體意象預防方案:以女大學生為例 / Dongshi field based body image prevention program for college women馬心怡, Ma, Hsin Yi Unknown Date (has links)
研究方法:研究一採用問卷法,中文化問卷後針對201名女性大學生進行資料搜集,在問卷之信效度檢驗上,採用內部一致性信度、建構效度以及效標關聯效度進行檢驗。研究二招募三組受試者,依次是實驗組(N = 14)、體育課組(N = 15)以及控制組(N = 20),共有49名某國立大學女性大學生參與本研究。實驗組受試者接受每週1次,每次1.5小時,共計8次之團體介入。三組皆採用自陳氏問卷,於介入前、介入後以及三個月追蹤之三個時間點進行資料搜集。
結論:本研究嘗試以舞蹈治療作為基礎,發展身體意象預防方案,結果可有效提升個體的身體覺察程度,但方案內容仍有待改進之空間。最後,提出本研究限制以及未來研究方向。 / Background: Body image concern is one of the important issues of modern women's self-development, and also the risk factors for eating disorders. Thus body image prevention program has been taken seriously, which, in the past the programs were more emphasized on negative factors. In recent years, the concept of "positive body image" has been developing and emphasizing on one's own positive feelings about individual's body and body-mind attunement, but still lacking of practical and well organized method to put into practice. This study aims to develop a body image prevention program based on the concept of Dongshi, to explore the effectiveness of the improvement of body appreciation and body responsiveness, also the effectiveness to decrease the impact of negative body image. Due to the limitations of the Chinese version research tools, Study 1 of this study will focus on examing the reliability and validity of the Chinese version’s body image questionnaires. Study 2 will explore the effectiveness of the prevention program.
Methods: In Study 1, the questionnaires were used to study the data of 201 female college students. On the reliability and the validity of the questionnaires, the internal consistency reliability and construct validity were tested. In Study 2, three groups were recruited as the intervention group (N = 14), the physical education class group (N = 15) and the control group (N = 20), a total of 49 female college students from a national university participated in the study as samples. The intervention group received a weekly intervention, 1.5 hour each time, a total of 8 sessions in group involved. All three groups were collected from the self-reported questionnaire, and data collection from three periods: before the intervention, after the intervention and 3 months follow-up.
Result: It is found that the Chinese edition questionnaires in this study are sufficiently reliable and can be used as a measurement tool. The results of the intervention showed that in comparing with the physical education group and the control group, the intervention group had significant effect on the post-test and the three-month follow-up in the body awareness.
Conclusion: This study attempts to develop a body image prevention program based on dance therapy. The results can effectively improve the individual's body awareness, but the content of the program still has room for improvement. Finally, the limitations of this study and future directions for research are proposed.
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舞蹈建構於酒類廣告再現之研究 / The Research of Dancing Construction and its Representation in Alcohol Drink TV Advertisements許秀珍, Yane Kusuma Unknown Date (has links)
研究發現,藉由舞蹈、舞者、服裝及其顏色,搭配舞者(代言人)的肢體動作、廣告的文字、及鏡頭的一些符號,呈現於酒類廣告,可獲得企業的核心價值、根基、競爭能力等概念;品牌的形象及目標市場;產品的品味、品質、原產地等訊息。此外,不同酒類廣告,傳遞、強調不同的訊息,因此酒商在其廣告中,也設計出不同的舞蹈性質。啤酒類的廣告中,強調年輕的主題,所以啤酒廣告再現了年輕性質的舞蹈風格;烈酒廣告著重有事業成就且有社會地位的成熟男性,因此烈酒類也呈現了屬於正式、成熟性的舞蹈風格;水果酒類的廣告,多以女性為主,因此酒商所引用的舞蹈,也屬於女性演出的舞蹈性質。 / This research discussed dancing construction and its meaning implied on beer, liquor, and wine, example of three different alcohol drinks which can be seen on TV advertisements. By using qualitative research methodology and semiotic theoretical approach, this research tried to analyze five different elements of dancing representation in alcohol drinks TV commercial. These elements are: the resemblance of dance symbols (such as background, type, and its characteristics), factor that contributes to dancing (such as costumes and its colors), advertising elements (such as dancers/endorsers, and texts), non-verbal communication, and visual (camera) language.
This analysis was based on the concepts of signifier/signified and connotation/denotation. Alongside with branding point of view, this study was designed to find out the message and the meaning beyond a particular dance assigned to those advertisements. The research was also tried to identify the reasons why the firms choose to exercise a certain dance in their TV commercial as product representative and moreover to advertise it.
The research found that through dance representation, the firms attempt to send the message about company core values, foundation, and its competitiveness, as well as the hint to its brand image and target market. The dancing that represented in the advertisements was also showing the taste, quality, and origin of its particular product. Moreover, as different type of alcohol drinks encompassed various type of messages, therefore the variety of dance generous and style were used also different. For example beer TV commercials were prominences young as a theme, thus the dance style applied within was also appertain youngster dance style. On the other hand, Liquor TV advertisements were more focus on a mature male who has carrier achievements and social statuses hence the dance style used on its advertising was far more formal and mature. Finally, wine TV advertisements were more predominantly for female rank, therefore the dance cited by the wine company was also belong to the nature of female dance performances.
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台灣中學舞蹈班女學生身體意象形塑與認同 / Body Image Formulation and Identities of High School Dance Class Girls in Taiwan廖翊廷, Liao, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之研究發現如下:一、舞蹈班女學生對規訓並非全然接受,並以意識到自己的需求為前提,有著對抗規訓的策略;二、舞蹈班女學生可經由「舞者認同」的建立而形成自我規訓,進而塑造身體;三、因「舞者認同」受到舞蹈類型的偏好影響,而發展出多元的舞者認同。 / The girls in dance classes in Taiwan strictly conform to the social standard of beauty. Their bodies are ideal beauty according to society. In order to deliver the best visual performance, they would keep fit from strict diet control and body training (Jin Chenxuan, 2010). To find out how dance class follows body disciplinary method and how the girls in dance classes discipline themselves, semi-structured interviews were used when interviewing 11 experienced female dancers from dance classes. I would also like to figure out whether “dancer identities” and body images support them when they are trying to shape their bodies.
Here are the findings:
1. The girls in dance classes may resist the body discipline in dance classes, because they are also aware of their own demand.
2. The girls in dance classes may build self-disciplinary and shape their body through the construction of “dancer identities”.
3. “Dancer identitiy” is influenced by various dance types, therefore we can conclude that “dancer identity” is diversified.
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重省女性主義對梅洛龐蒂的批判:以楊〈像女孩那樣丟球〉為例 / Rethinking feminist's critique on merleau-ponty: by example of Young's "Throwing like a girl"劉芝吟, Liu, Chih Yin Unknown Date (has links)
本研究選擇楊 (Iris Marion Young) 在1977年首次發表的文章〈像女孩那樣丟球—論女性身體經驗〉為主要藍本,對梅洛龐蒂《知覺現象學》的身體主體概念進行討論。楊在文章中採用梅洛龐蒂活生生身體做為核心,以《知覺現象學》中〈身體本身的空間性和運動機能〉此篇章做為對照架構,置入性別化的反思,重新編織由女性主體經驗出發的身體模態。
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由學名藥侵權訴訟評估均等論在生物相似藥侵權訴訟的影響—以美國為例 / A Study of the Doctrine of Equivalence on Biosimilars Based on the Patent Infringement in the context of Generics –From U.S. Perspectives沈雅慧, Shen , Yea Huei Unknown Date (has links)
雖然BPCIA給出了解決專利糾紛的框架,俗稱專利舞蹈(patent dance),依照目前聯邦巡迴上訴法院對BPCIA的解釋,認為BPCIA法案不強制生物相似藥申請者遵循其規定之專利糾紛解決程序,雖然就目前的最新發展來看,迴避專利舞蹈可以避免一些程序上的麻煩,但真正參照藥品廠商和生物相似藥公司的輸贏仍是在訴訟戰場上見真章。
美國FDA在2015年3月6日核准了的一個生物相似藥-Zarxio( filgrastim-sndz),目前尚不清楚均等論這種不確定性在生物相似藥上影響的程度,但藉由簡化新藥申請上市的小分子藥物所涉入的侵權訴訟做有限度的推論可以發現,小分子藥物的均等謬論案件是牽涉到外圍專利,當專利不再提供足夠的誘因去激勵專利權人時,學名藥廠商就會贏得均等論謬論案件。因為生物製劑是一種製程決定的產物,因此其專利通常是集中在製程。以BPCIA和專利法為框架來分析過去的相關侵權訴訟,可以預測生物相似藥廠商在轉化前步驟、轉化步驟、調劑、或包裝做改變,其成功的機會較大,而在細胞培養會純化步驟做改變,成功的機會最小。然而,最終還是要看法院將來如何解決生物相似藥的侵權問題,各方都要意識到科學與法律議題的複雜性,及妥適解決侵權訴訟的重要性。
台灣廠商要進入生物相似藥的領域,是困難重重的。生物相似藥的開發及法規成本,不如想像中低,鑒於蛋白質藥『產能』一直被看作是市場發展受阻的主要原因,藥廠委外合作(CRO、CMO或NRDO) 的模式能快速與國際藥廠接軌,逐步奠定台灣在藥物開發的供應鏈合作利基並提昇國際知名度。 / The Biologics Price Competition and Innovation of 2009 was activated on March in 2010. Now the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can approve biosimilars and was empowered to how to practice. Given the known issues with lack of comparability between different biologics preparations, and the Agency’s strong interest in protecting public safety, it is probable that, until it has developed a body of experience with regards to the amount and kind of data needed to make comparability evaluations, the FDA will adopt a conservative approach and require at least some clinical studies before approving biologics under BPCIA.
Though BPCIA provide the frame for resolving patent issues, that is so-called patent dance, Federal Circuit said that parties were not compelled to dance. Thus the law uncertainty was shifted to patent infringement.
FDA approved the first biosimilar, Zarxio (filgrastim-sndz), on 6, March, 2015. It is unclear how biosimilar will be treated in court based on doctrine of equivalence. Based on the experience from generics, courts tends to adjust the scope of equivalents to improve the correspondence between patent scope and desired patent incentives. In contrast, biologics is path depended. That is to say process decided what biologics would be. Both the BPCIA and patent law guide the shape of infringement suits. Follow-on biologics companies will be most successful when they make a change in the pretransformation process, the transformation process, the formulation, or the packaging. They will be least successful when they make a change in the cell culture conditions or the purification process. It remains to be seen how courts will address issues of infringement for follow-on biologics, but all parties should be aware of the complexity of the scientific and legal issues and the importance of addressing them properly.
The cost for development and the complexity of regulation in biosimilars were tremendously high. Thus it is difficult for biopharmaceutical industries in Taiwan to enter this field. In the light of unmet production capacity in protein drug, pharmaceutical industries in Taiwan could apply the mode of CRO, CMO or NRDO to integrate into global biopharmaceutical community.
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生物相似性藥品之產業分析與法律評估: 以上市許可規範與智慧財產權為核心 / The industry analysis and legal assessment of biosimilars: focusing on approval regulations and intellectual property rights李昕彥, Li, Hsin Yen Unknown Date (has links)
本文試圖透過對生物相似性藥品的全方位綜合研究成果,提出可行的市場進入方案及善用專利和營業祕密優勢之智慧財產權保護佈局策略。 / Biologics represent many of the most promising novel therapies for previously deadly and intractable disease areas like cancer, autoimmune disease and neurological disorders. As discovery of breakthrough small-molecule drugs becomes more difficult, together with lower attrition rate and higher productivity of biologics in the new drug research and development (R&D) process, pharmaceutical companies are increasingly turning to develop lucrative large-molecule biological products in recent years. In addition, the patents on numerous blockbuster biologics treatments will soon expire, bringing soaring demand for relatively inexpensive generic versions of originator biologics, generally known as “biosimilars.” However, due to contrasting characteristics and natural differences in terms of size and structural complexity between biologics and small-molecule drugs, it is necessary to create a regulatory pathway solely for biosimilars.
As part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act which was officially signed into law on March 23, 2010, the U.S. Congress passed the Biologics Price Competition and Innovation Act (BPCIA). The BPCIA is considered one of the more significant overhauls to the pharmaceutical industry, aiming to strike a proper balance among securing public interests, stimulating biotechnology innovation and controlling healthcare expenditure through competition. It established an abbreviated approval pathway for biosimilars modeled closely after the Hatch-Waxman Act’s approval process for generic chemical drugs.
The structure of this thesis is divided into two major parts, of which the first part provides an overview of pharmaceutical industry and trends in the global biologics market, whereas the second part focuses on the legal assessment and intellectual property management of biosimilars under BPCIA’s new pre-approval patent dispute resolution process, the “patent dance”.
The first part starts from the in-depth systematic introduction of global pharmaceutical industry based on statistics collected from various market research reports, then analyzes the market opportunities and potential concerns for biosimilars. Moreover, this part illustrates the physiological properties, the relationship between “knowledge gap”and manufacturing path-dependence, the insufficieny of analytical techniques in fully characterizing biological products, and the development process of biosimilars in details.
The second part discusses key provisions of the BPCIA, including the patent dance procedures and regulatory requirements, such as demonstrating biosimilarity, interchangeability and extrapolation. Other relevant issues include the length of statutory exclusivities granted to reference products, legislations on biosimilar automatic substitution, potential abuses of patent information exchange mechanism and risks of reaching anti-competitive agreements between pioneers and biosimilar manufacturers will be further discussed. Besides, this part describes the timeline and status quo of EU and Taiwan’s biosimilar approval regulations.
With comprehensive study on multiple aspects of biosimilars, this article tries to propose feasible market access plans and robust intellectual property protection strategies capitalizing upon patents and trade secrets.
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