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金控整併之探討-以元大銀行為例張正義 Unknown Date (has links)
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直效行銷加入金控後之經營變革探討-以富邦直效行銷為例莊子明 Unknown Date (has links)
變革(Change),在一個快速變動的金融環境下顯得非常重要;變革管理(Change Management)亦變成現今金融業的一個重要議題。
這個難題可以從美國第一資本金融公司(Capital One Financial Corporation)利用客戶關係管理(CRM Customer Relationship Management )及直效行銷技術(Direct Marketing ),透過資訊、電話與郵件等行銷策略,成功在1991年開始經營。歷經十年努力,在迅速成長的條件下,躍昇為全美第六發卡組織,其創新的行銷模式,是金控共同行銷成功的主要因素之一。
Project One是富邦金控成立四年後,為發揮金控綜效的一個組織重組計畫,目的在透過把九家子公司,依服務客戶之功能重組成為One Firm,並拋棄各子公司之本位,協同一致成為One Team,最後達成獲利倍增之目標One Goal。
本篇論文採用實際案例「富邦直效行銷顧問公司」,以一家專業電話行銷公司,在公司成立第七年後,透過股份轉換方式加入富邦金控。然而在於併入金控後原來獨立經營之富邦直效行銷子公司,如何透過Project One組織重整計畫,結合CRM功能,化解金控業利益重突最多之共同行銷,做到共用客戶、共用資訊及共用處所,成為與金控其他子公司協同合作的好夥伴等,便為本論文主要研究之方向。
Project One對富邦直效而言是期待,複製過去富邦直效利用信用卡客戶共同行銷之成功經驗到其他子公司,來加速推動共同行銷任務,其中除了組織調整外還需要改變什麼?如何改變?這不只是富邦金控管理階層必須面對的問題,也是所有金控業如何運用客戶關係管理及直效行銷技術,來提高共同行銷綜效之重要課題,亦是本論文主要研究的目。
研究方法係透過麥肯錫策略執行的七S理論,從共同目標Super coordinate goal、策略Strategy、組織Structure、技能Skill、風格Style、員工Staff、流程與系統System,研究其在推動共同行銷時碰到哪些問題?如何重新定位?如何調整組織?如何調整目標?如何化解內部衝突?所做之變革等多項議匙為主要做探討方向。
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由證券集團蛻變成金控集團之綜效探討與未來展望--以Y金控為例鐘永導 Unknown Date (has links)
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Web Services 應用模式研究---探討金流系統Web Services化的可行性分析何博仁, B. R., Ho Unknown Date (has links)
2001 年11月台灣於金控法生效後亦緊接著因WTO入會, 金融業走入國際化的趨勢下14家金控公司陸續成立,每一家金控公司的成立幾乎皆相似地訂出藉交叉銷售的策略以發揮綜效、藉資訊整合以節省成本、藉組織合併以精簡內勤人力並進而提升競爭力為目標,資訊科技在此如何扮演提升競爭力的重要角色就變成格外醒目。
新興的網路服務(Web Services)正是可協助企業以「價廉物美」的方式整合,讓企業間資訊自動流通與共享不需大筆預算投入EAI的建置,也是下一個10年資訊科技軟體發展的主流。
本研究即根據此趨勢探討傳統網路服務的金流系統改變為Web Service 的標準,希冀對多通路整合及異業結盟所遭遇的投資浪費,應用系統架構須大幅度更動的缺點提出符合驅勢並能保護投資的最佳方案。 / After passed the FHC law in 2001, the FHC law allow banks to amalgamate their non-bank financial affiliates under one umbrella which is follow the entry into WTO. The trend toward of globalization, fourteen FHC reformed. Every FHC’s almost setting the similar targets to measure the key milestone on cross selling for revenue increase and organization simplified , IT integration for cost reduction. The Information Technology are becoming the key success factor under this situation. How to reduce the investment on EAI implementation ? The new Web Service approach will answer this question and solved the concerns of over budget in EAI projects.
This study are focus on the standards of Web Service and developed a prototyping scenario in corporate payment system to evaluate the developing tools and identify the potential obstacles and workable practices.
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金控變革對金融軟體A公司經營模式創新暨專案研究呂克毅 Unknown Date (has links)
After the law makers in Taiwan passed the bills of “Act of Financial Holding Company” in 2000, the banking industry has been facing tremendous challenges, threats and opportunities caused by internal and external micro economical changes.
By applying Michael Porter’s “Five Forces Analysis”, every participant including commercial banks, investment banks, and securities, insurance companies and financial institutions, and stakeholders including regulators, foreign financial institutions, scholars as well as system service providers, has realized that this industry has been changed; the state of the situation will only evolve faster and reinforced tighter in the future.
The internal market changes are influenced by the rapid mergers and acquisitions. 14 Financial Holding Companies (FHC) have established since early 2001 in Taiwan. The evidence of saturation can be seen from the number of existing FHCs, when it is compared with the market size in both Japan and the United States and their number of FHCs, the density is too high to create the scale of economy. FHC does understand that the essential target is to compete in global financial business. If every FHC’s mission and definition to the “globe competence” is to be the leading financial services company in world only for Chinese society, unfortunately, China, the most risky but last potential emerging market, denied it due to political issues, it is not possible to build a globe competence capabilities like Taiwan’s IT manufacturing does. The base market is too small to sustain these 14 competitors, there is no significant segmentation in market, product and services difference, consequently, only competes in price.
The external threats are from top Fortune 100 companies, which include numerous of the largest financial companies in the world; such as Citigroup, HSBC, ABN AMRO Bank, Credit Suisse First Bank (CSFB). These influential banks can take WTO and financial market deregulations into their advantages in order to penetrate into any countries they are interested including Taiwan. If under no regulatory issues and obstacles, these companies may buy out targeted local banks easily. Subsequently, they can deploy their new products more quickly through the acquired local channels. They can deploy their existing advanced systems in the bases of the bank’s Assets Book which is in compliance with Basel II.
To adequately utilize a minimal amount of capital and allocate properly the risk-weighted economical capital, the banking book addresses new applications in core banking system and the trading book requires sophistic STP systems. This will have a tremendous impact over local bankers, who are eager to start on business reforming and reengineering, and can work in alliance with world-class consulting and technology management firms, such as Accenture and McKinsey. However, there is a trend that consulting firms usually deliver almost identical solutions to all of their clients, because in order to provide clients with a quick solution, firms tend to use the existing business models as the solution. Therefore, reengineering organization structure is based on Citibank or other large financial institutions, and their new plans for investment in technology and assets are also being copied by these banks.
As for building a new core competence in the future, FHCs have made similar strategies. However, one has to ask that does this new core competence have differentiated their services? The answer is no. In the lower margin of the competitive market, banks and FHCs are struggling to develop a new fee-based business which has to be in alignment of goals, and give incentives with adequate business workflow. However, there will be no fruitful yields to the bank, if the top executives’ decision is to acquire a system which has been used in the world-class banks or recruiting an executive officer who may have the expertise and experience working with foreign banks.
The purpose of this paper is trying to analyze an existing solution provider, which will be called “A” company. “A” company has been faced with rapid changes and uncertainties brought by FHCs. A new set of strategies, business objectives and business models have to be developed simultaneously. It is very hard since “A” company’s current core competence has become its core rigidity. “A” company realizes that it needs to prove that it is capable of delivering their tomorrow needs sooner in today. How to develop a new core competence within an existing organization? Although this new core competence aligns with the new organization, new technology, new business flow and new customers, “A” company proceeds to take on the Bills Online Clearing and Settlement Systems (BOSS) to build its next generation business model. According to pervious references and documents, if any initiatives were to project as innovations in the company, it could not be successful unless separating this project from the core business. It seems the uncertain result to be merely expected its return. There are lots of problems in front of the project, a loosely couple project-based matrix organization, unfamiliar technology and an often change specifications and so on, that are all new to “A” company..
“A” company’s challenge is that they knew it is not an incremental, but a radical, business innovation; nevertheless they had no other alternatives. This story describes the mission and vision they have, and how the BOSS project may affect the implementation of their strategies in each phase. Also, to show how the implementation which includes monitoring and check points align with their strategic objectives through the BOSS project.
The final section is to apply the Economy Value-added (EVA) to survey this proceeded project and to see what tangible and intangible values this project brought to the company.
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銀行加入金控前後的盈餘管理比較賴敏敏 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究係以台灣證券交易所公開發行上市,並於民國九十二年前加入金控之銀行為研究對象,研究期間為民國八十三年至民國九十三年,並排除非歷年制、當年度資料不全、中途下市或有合併事件者,最後共十一家銀行符合條件作為樣本。假說以Bhattacharya et al.(2003)研究企業盈餘管理動機,及Anne L. Beatty, Bin Ke, and Kathy R. Petroni(2002)對操弄盈餘的呆帳,其是否與不良債權及備抵呆帳呈現正相關之研究為基礎,探討銀行是否因加入金控後有操弄盈餘,亦即避免負盈餘、盈於平穩化、盈餘積極性、當不良債權或備抵呆帳增加時提列呆帳亦增加,以及裁決性呆帳增加等現象。
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企業併購對勞資關係的影響:以金控公司的併購為例白憶綺 Unknown Date (has links)
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移轉訂價課稅新規定對金控公司移轉訂價之影響何靜芳, Ho, Ching-fang Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現國泰金控公司與外部關係企業、外部關係人之交易,分為有形資產移轉及使用、無形資產移轉及使用、資金使用,均採市價計算。合於OECD規定之可比較非受控制價格法 (CUP)及我國營利事業所得稅不合常規移轉訂價查核準則第五條規定之可比較未受控價格法。
另外,國泰金控母公司與金控子公司間之垂直交易,與金控子公司間之交易亦是採市價作計算。有關國泰金控內部跨售之行為,則是採取給付佣金之方式。然而,此一跨售之行為,應由銀行計算出投入各項銷售之成本,再將各銷售成本納入該當之子公司損益表項下,以充份反映銷壽產險之總成本,以檢視其金控集團是否有達其成本節省之綜效。若未來國內金控集團勢布局亞太地區或是全球,則金控公司不能忽視此一移轉訂價問題,必須準備移轉訂價報告,或是與各國之稅務機關簽訂預先訂價協議,避免重覆課稅。 / Nowadays, many multinational enterprises set up paper companies in the tax heaven, then they can increase income of the paper company. Because tax heaven impose lower tax rate or nil tax rate, they can reduce tax expenses. Many countries had set up transfer pricing regulation to avoid the companies have non-arm’s length transaction.
We had issued transfer pricing regulation in Dec. 28, 2004 in Taiwan, and the financial holding company law had come into force for 3 years. The research make a study of transfer pricing policy of the intra-holding company and transfer pricing policy between holding company and related parties.
The results of the research are that transaction prices between Cathay Holding Company and the related parties are according with the market prices, and this fit in with the comparable uncontrolled price method.
In addition, transaction prices within the intra-holding company are according with the market prices, too. The cross selling between bank and insurance company, the insurance company will give bank appropriate commission fees. But bank should calculate the cost to sell the insurance, then the insurance company can summarize the total cost of selling insurance, to see that if they had achieve the goal of synergetic benefits. If the financial holding companies had become a world-wide companies, they should pay much attention to transfer pricing issue to avoid double taxation.
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以L-G模型評價金控合併之換股比率何自強 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將焦點放在合併議題中有關換股比率的決定進行實證研究。對於換股比率的探討,Kermit D. Larson and Nicholas J. Gonedes(1969)所提出的換股比率模型(以下簡稱L-G模型)算是首開先例的研究,之後亦陸續有學者針對此模型進行實證研究。因此本研究除了採用L-G模型作為實證研究的理論依據之外,還使用現金流量折現法、淨值法與市價法,提供換股比率實證研究更紮實的理論基礎。
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金融機構跨業合併與合併議價之實證研究陳嘉桓, Chen, Chia-Huan Unknown Date (has links)
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