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企業併購對勞資關係的影響:以金控公司的併購為例白憶綺 Unknown Date (has links)
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移轉訂價課稅新規定對金控公司移轉訂價之影響何靜芳, Ho, Ching-fang Unknown Date (has links)
研究結果發現國泰金控公司與外部關係企業、外部關係人之交易,分為有形資產移轉及使用、無形資產移轉及使用、資金使用,均採市價計算。合於OECD規定之可比較非受控制價格法 (CUP)及我國營利事業所得稅不合常規移轉訂價查核準則第五條規定之可比較未受控價格法。
另外,國泰金控母公司與金控子公司間之垂直交易,與金控子公司間之交易亦是採市價作計算。有關國泰金控內部跨售之行為,則是採取給付佣金之方式。然而,此一跨售之行為,應由銀行計算出投入各項銷售之成本,再將各銷售成本納入該當之子公司損益表項下,以充份反映銷壽產險之總成本,以檢視其金控集團是否有達其成本節省之綜效。若未來國內金控集團勢布局亞太地區或是全球,則金控公司不能忽視此一移轉訂價問題,必須準備移轉訂價報告,或是與各國之稅務機關簽訂預先訂價協議,避免重覆課稅。 / Nowadays, many multinational enterprises set up paper companies in the tax heaven, then they can increase income of the paper company. Because tax heaven impose lower tax rate or nil tax rate, they can reduce tax expenses. Many countries had set up transfer pricing regulation to avoid the companies have non-arm’s length transaction.
We had issued transfer pricing regulation in Dec. 28, 2004 in Taiwan, and the financial holding company law had come into force for 3 years. The research make a study of transfer pricing policy of the intra-holding company and transfer pricing policy between holding company and related parties.
The results of the research are that transaction prices between Cathay Holding Company and the related parties are according with the market prices, and this fit in with the comparable uncontrolled price method.
In addition, transaction prices within the intra-holding company are according with the market prices, too. The cross selling between bank and insurance company, the insurance company will give bank appropriate commission fees. But bank should calculate the cost to sell the insurance, then the insurance company can summarize the total cost of selling insurance, to see that if they had achieve the goal of synergetic benefits. If the financial holding companies had become a world-wide companies, they should pay much attention to transfer pricing issue to avoid double taxation.
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金融機構跨業合併與合併議價之實證研究陳嘉桓, Chen, Chia-Huan Unknown Date (has links)
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金融控股公司之資本配置與績效評估胡涵棻 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究引用Myers and Read(2001)邊際違約價值相等原則進行資本配置。以金融控股公司為對象,考慮市場資產及負債,將金融控股公司各子公司資產負債之加總。利用Margrabe(1978)交換選擇權評價模型計算違約價值,推導各子公司邊際違約價值公式,利用邊際違約價值相等計算資本配置。由Cummins and Phillips(2005)估計產險公司各個險種之資本成本,利用CAPM及Fama-French三因子模型估算beta值,估計充分資訊下各子公司beta值與資本成本,最終利用風險調整報酬(RAROC)比較配置資本報酬與資本成本,進行績效評估。
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以銀行為主體之金控價值研究─ 以台灣之金控為例吳坤榮 Unknown Date (has links)
花旗集團(Citigroup)的跨業經營金控架構原為台灣各金融控股公司(以下簡稱金控公司)所追求的典範,但近來花旗的經營策略卻有重大轉變,如將旗下保險業務部門賣給大都會人壽(MetLife),另以其資產管理公司交換投資業者雷格梅森公司(Legg Mason)的證券部門及股票,這其中策略的轉變對台灣金融業者有何啟示?
Stern Steward & Co.財務顧問公司於1989年推出用於衡量企業經營績效的經濟附加價值(Economic Value Added,EVA®)後,許多知名企業開始採用EVA®進行績效評估,然而銀行業在採用時卻有諸多不同於一般製造業之處,本文試圖藉由以銀行為主體之金控公司個案研究比較來加以釐清,並以EVA®來檢視個案公司之財務決策品質。
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Financial Holding Company and Corporate Governance from the Perspective of Ownership and Control: Case Study of SinoPac Holdings Co., LTD.Yeh,Jessie Unknown Date (has links)
In response to the changing financial environment both internally and externally, the government endeavored to pass the Financial Holding Company Act, which is intended to provide an environment conducive to financial integrations. According to the Principal-Agent theory, agency problems tend to take place when misalignment occurs between an ultimate owner’s cash flow rights and voting power. It is of interest whether the financial holding company structure actually increases or decreases such misalignment. The shareholdings of the Hong family of SinoPac Holdings is the subject of this research, and the essence of the research is to examine the Hong family’s shareholding and their actual control based on the one-share-one-vote principle before and after the holding company structure. The findings conclude that the misalignment between the Hong family’s ownership and control in fact increases under the holding company structure, which is generally viewed as a negative sign of corporate governance. Notwithstanding, the Hong family has adopted some measures to strengthen corporate governance despite the widening misalignment.
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Google Trends關鍵字搜尋與台灣上市金控公司股價之探討 / A study on Google Trends keyword search and share price of financial holding companies in Taiwan彭怡娟, Peng, Yi Chuan Unknown Date (has links)
2015~2016年間台灣金融業發生許多重大新聞事件,隨著資訊科技普及,網路搜尋已成為大眾獲取資訊的重要管道。本文利用Google Trends關鍵字搜尋指數作為網路關注度的代理變數,進行與台灣上市金控公司股價報酬相關之研究。
本文使用三種研究方法進行探討,首先利用圖表式比對法,初步觀察異常搜尋指數與異常報酬出現時間之關聯性,結果並未發現搜尋指數與台灣上市金控股價報酬間有明顯且一致的關係;接著套用向量自我迴歸模型進行分析,然而14家台灣上市金控公司中,僅從兆豐金數據可發現前一期搜尋指數的異常變動量增加1%將使下一期異常報酬率下降約2.67%;最後參考相關文獻使用Fama Macbeth兩階段迴歸模型,結果發現平均而言搜尋指數的異常變動量每上升一個標準差會顯著影響兩週後股價的異常報酬率下降約0.17%,SVI對於股價報酬影響為負向符合本文研究動機與背景,且有相關文獻指出投資人對於壞消息的反應較慢,因此使股價報酬有延後反應的現象,但無法解釋兩週的反應時間,因此對於這樣的研究結果持保留的態度。
總結三種研究方法所得結果,本文認為網路關注度對於目前台灣上市金控公司股價的影響仍然有限。 / It’s unquiet for Taiwanese Financial industry between 2015 and 2016. There has been a lot of major news. With the popularity of information technology, Internet search has become an important channel for public access to information. Therefore, we use Search Volume Index (SVI) as a proxy for public online attention and conducts research related to the stock returns of listed financial holding companies in Taiwan.
In this paper, three kinds of research methods are used. The first way is chart comparison method for preliminary data analysis. The results couldn’t show a clear and consistent relationship between SVI and stock returns. The second method is vector self-regression model. However, only Mega financial holding company’s result indicates abnormal search volume index(ASVI) increase 1% will decrease next week abnormal return by 2.67%. At last, we use Fama Macbeth two-stage regression model and find that on average 1 standard deviation increased in ASVI will decrease abnormal return by 0.17% after two weeks. The negative impact of SVI on the stock returns of financial holding companies is in line with the research motivation and background, and some relevant literatures prove that investors’ response to the bad news is slow, which leads to the delayed response of stock returns. However, the two weeks of reaction time for stock returns is unknown.
In conclusion, this paper finds out that the impact of public online attention on share price of listed financial holding companies in Taiwan is still limited currently.
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