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上市公司股權結構與即時性資訊揭露品質對公司發生財務危機之研究張廖年任 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
本研究藉由分析台灣上市公司的控制權與現金流量請求權偏離程度,以及上市公司違反「重大訊息處理程序」的情況,探討上市公司發生財務危機與股權結構及即時性資訊揭露品質間的關聯性。在其他條件不變的情況下,上市公司控制股東的控制權越高,代理問題愈小,上市公司發生財務危機的可能性較低;當控制股東的現金流量請求權較高時,公司發生財務危機的可能性較低。當控制股東的現金流量請求權佔控制權的比率較低時,控制權與現金流量請求權的偏離程度較高,公司發生財務危機的可能性較高。上市公司違反「重大訊息處理程序」被罰款金額越高,表示公司即時性揭露品質越差,這類公司發生財務危機的可能性較高。本研究結果顯示上市公司的股權結構對於發生財務危機有顯著的關聯性;而發生財務危機的上市公司,其控制股東操縱即時性資訊揭露品質的情形較為嚴重,此結果和過去國內財務危機公司利用即時性資訊揭露品質的操縱介入股市的實際案例相符。 / Abstract
By analyzing the deviation of control rights from cash flow rights, and the violation against ‘’Taiwan Stock Exchange Corporation Procedures for Verification and Disclosure of Material Information of Listed Companies’’ of listed firms, we investigate the relationship between financial distress and ownership structures, and that between financial distress and the quality of immediate disclosures. We find (1) the higher the control rights of controlling stockholders, the lower the possibility of financial distress, (2) the higher the cash flow rights of controlling stockholders, the lower the possibility of financial distress and (3) the greater the deviation of control rights from cash flow rights, the higher the possibility of financial distress. Besides, the more frequent the violation of listed firms against TSEC’s regulation, the worse the immediate disclosure qualities and the higher the possibility of financial distress. The ownership structure of TSEC listed firms has significant impact on financial condition and the controlling shareholders in financial distress firms tend to defer disclosure material information. The findings are consistent with the real cases investigated in TSEC reports.
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台灣上市公司股權結構與資本結構之關聯性研究高國霖 Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要
在集團企業因素的影響方面,實證結果指出當上市公司屬於集團企業時,其控制權與現金流量請求權之偏離程度較之非集團企業者為大,且集團企業的組織型態越複雜,控制股東之控制權與現金流量請求權的偏離程度將越大,代表控制股東更可能透過金字塔結構及交叉持股的方式來加強對公司的控制,進而產生侵犯少數股東權益的動機。 / Abstract
This study investigates if the controlling shareholders of firms in Taiwan expropriate the minority shareholders through raising debt. Two cutoff levels of ultimate control right, 10% and 20%, are applied to find out the fact that the listed companies in Taiwan are not widely held but mostly in the control of families. On top of this fact, the result indicates that the deviation of control rights from cash flow rights of the controlling shareholders has positive effect on the debt ratio. It also reveals that the more the block shareholders’ control rights deviates from cash flow rights, the more the debt corporate would raise. Furthermore, the deviation is larger for conglomerate companies than their counterparties. For conglomerate companies, the deviation is positively related to the complexity of the conglomerate structure.
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金控公司合併銀行子公司前後控制權,盈餘分配權-以富邦金控,國泰金控,中國信託金控為例 / The Governance Structure of Three Financial Holding Companies Before and After Mergers-Applications of Cash Flow Rights and Voting Rights呂雅菁, Lu, Ya-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
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銀行治理與盈餘管理陳呈祿 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究建立銀行業四大財務決策:放款、票券買賣、壞帳費用提列以及股利發放之聯立方程式,並使用台灣地區36家上市櫃商業銀行的財務報表資料,實證分析上述財務行為間的互動關係。本文首先利用時間面之切割,分析1991-1996、1997-2001年間銀行業盈餘管理程度之差異;其後更利用La Porta et. al.,(1999)所提出的股權偏離概念作為衡量銀行管理當局的道德風險指標,依此檢測「盈餘管理」程度是否因為道德風險的提升而隨之增加。實證結果顯示在1991-1996年間,非操弄性(原始)盈餘越高的銀行,反而會再增加票券買賣利益與降低壞帳費用提列,進一步提高營業利益;然而,原始盈餘為負的銀行,損益平滑化的現象顯著。在加入道德風險指標後,可以發現利用票券買賣進行盈餘管理,是銀行界普遍的狀況,而盈餘管理的程度會隨著道德風險的增加而提升,但是原始盈餘為負的銀行則較不傾向利用票券的買賣進行盈餘管理。在壞帳費用提列方面,可以發現銀行普遍利用壞帳費用的提列來進行損益平滑化的動作,但是道德風險之差異卻對原始盈餘為負的銀行之影響較為明顯。
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Financial Holding Company and Corporate Governance from the Perspective of Ownership and Control: Case Study of SinoPac Holdings Co., LTD.Yeh,Jessie Unknown Date (has links)
In response to the changing financial environment both internally and externally, the government endeavored to pass the Financial Holding Company Act, which is intended to provide an environment conducive to financial integrations. According to the Principal-Agent theory, agency problems tend to take place when misalignment occurs between an ultimate owner’s cash flow rights and voting power. It is of interest whether the financial holding company structure actually increases or decreases such misalignment. The shareholdings of the Hong family of SinoPac Holdings is the subject of this research, and the essence of the research is to examine the Hong family’s shareholding and their actual control based on the one-share-one-vote principle before and after the holding company structure. The findings conclude that the misalignment between the Hong family’s ownership and control in fact increases under the holding company structure, which is generally viewed as a negative sign of corporate governance. Notwithstanding, the Hong family has adopted some measures to strengthen corporate governance despite the widening misalignment.
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