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銷售人員對顧客影響方式之研究粱基岩, LIANG, JI-YAN Unknown Date (has links)
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消費品及工業品銷售人員個別特徵與其銷售績效關係之研究李文璋 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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B2B的銷售管理與策略行銷分析: 以衛普實業為例 / Sales Management & Strategic Marketing Analysis of B2B: A Case Study of Web-Pro Co.龍君宜 Unknown Date (has links)
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以策略行銷架構分析台灣3M 之業務銷售流程 / Strategic Marketing Analysis of Sales Management Procedure : A Case Study of Taiwan 3M蕭筠樺 Unknown Date (has links)
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房地產行銷策略研究~以代銷業銷售成功影響因素之探討 / A study of real estate marketing strategy- investigate of real estate agency marketing success influential factors洪承, Hung, Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
房地產行業俗稱「火車頭工業」,房市的熱絡能帶動上中游非常多的產業蓬勃發展,而房地產代銷業在整體產業鏈當中至關重要,在房價居高不下及政策打房等背景因素下,房市交易轉趨清淡,買賣移轉件數創下近年新低,因此房地產關鍵且重要的行銷策略相形重要。而過去文獻中,多分別探討行銷策略、銷售率、銷售期間,而銷售期間之文獻更多以仲介觀點探討。本研究目的為找出代銷業銷售成功與有利的行銷策略模式、主客觀影響因素,提供房地產業者,成功銷售房地產個案。房地產主要之行銷策略為STP分析、7P理論、4C理論、整合行銷,而規劃合宜的產品定位,制定完善的行銷策略則是銷售成功的主要方程式。銷售成功主客觀因素之研究實證結果顯示,主觀影響因素,依序為地段條件、推案時機、產品條件、品牌因素,但地段條件是先天因素,無法改變,銷售要成功,銷售期間要短,銷售率要高,代銷業者需制定完善的行銷計劃,掌握天時、地利、人和等因素,天時就是推案時機等因素,地利就是地段條件等因素,人合就是產品條件、品牌因素等因素。由銷售期間與銷售率形成銷售成功的實證結果顯示,最重要的因素為產品條件及行銷策略;產品條件的數量、金額,對銷售期間影響較顯著,產品條件的質量如主力產品則對銷售率影響較顯著;行銷策略的成交均價對銷售期間及銷售率影響皆顯著,行銷策略的合作方式則對銷售期間影響較顯著;就區域而言,台北市個案銷售成功,首要因素為行銷策略之成交均價,而新北市個案銷售成功,則著重於產品條件之主力產品。 / The real estate industry, commonly known as "locomotive industry", can up bring many growths in industry development. While in recent years, the housing market becomes dull, and the sales number declining, it’s critical and important for real estate marketing to deliberate strategies at its key point. The real estate agency in the whole industry chain plays an essential part in setting the high prices and policies and other background factors in the market. From the past references, most explored the marketing strategy, sales rate, selling duration, while references on selling duration are more from the real estate agency’s perspective. The objective of this research is to investigate successful marketing and beneficial sales tactics, objective and subjective influential factors, the real estate producers, and the successful real estate selling cases. The STP analysis, the 7P Theory, the 4C Theory, integrated marketing are the main real estate strategies, whereas products positioning planed adequately, and well developed marketing strategy are the fundamental formulation for marketing success.The marketing success objective and subjective influential factors research shown, the objective influential factors are as listed: location attribution, selling timing, product conditions and brand factors. However, location attribution is congenital factor, inevitable, in order to sell successfully, selling duration must be brief, and selling rate must be high, real estate agencies must develop a complete marketing proposal, take control of the right time, the right place, the right social connections and so on. The right time is the selling timing and other factors, the right place is the location attribution and other circumstances, and the right social connections is the product conditions, the brand factors and other elements.From the selling duration and selling rate form subjective influential factors of marketing success, research shown,the product condition and marketing strategy are the most important subjective influential components,product condition quantity and price influences are more indisputable on the selling time, the quality of the product condition as the main product then impact more significantly on the sales rate.Marketing strategy price influences are more indisputable on the selling duration and sales rate, Marketing strategy cooperation influences are more indisputable on the selling duration.About area factors ,taipei City’s success on selling primarily is the price of marketing strategies; as for New Taipei City’s on successful selling is particularly focusing on the main product condition’s square footage.
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銷售人員對顧客影響方法之研究梁基岩 Unknown Date (has links)
5. 各種影響方法使用效果與銷售員人口特質有關,大體上,男性、銷售經驗多者分別比女性、銷售經驗少者更能有效使用各種方法。
6.63個方法中,銷售員認為對異性顧客較有效的方法有“哀兵博取同情”、“耐心進行使對方不好意思拒絕”、“撒嬌、獻殷勤”、“注意儀表風度”和“利用性別魅力”。而銷售人員認為較適用於同性顧客的有“身體語言拉近距離”、“銷售外再替對方做顧問工作”、 “給?扣”及“聽對方發牢騷”。
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銷售技術諮詢服務給台灣微軟的合作伙伴與客戶 / Since the late 1990’s, Microsoft IT has been putting a great deal of effort into transforming its globally decentralized organization into to a highly centralized one. From years of experience in executing IT projects and initiatives, the organization has acquired extensive technical competency and competitive strength in managing global IT operations.
As part of this global organization, Microsoft Taiwan IT team has also evolved from functioning in a purely operational role to playing a strategically important role in the local subsidiary. As Microsoft IT continues to seek new business opportunities that enable it to sell its technical expertise more aggressively to external customers, Microsoft Taiwan IT team as well as its regional headquarter managers are looking for creative and practical ideas to expand its business to any high potential areas.
This thesis consists of three sections: a business plan for launching a new IT technical service to external customers, a case study of Microsoft IT’s transformation during the last decade, and a final discussion and conclusion about the feasibility of implementing the business plan. Firstly, the proposed business plan uses the author’s work experience in Microsoft IT to elaborate on a practical business model, its business scope, and the necessary steps of launching a new IT technical service to external business partners and customers in Taiwan. Secondly, the case study describes Microsoft IT’s role at different stages in its history by using the IT Strategic Grid to identify each stage of the organization’s transformation and further identifies the root causes of Microsoft IT’s past success and failure in its efforts to explore new external business opportunities. The conclusion uses Porter’s Five Forces Analysis to identify the current market situation and provide suggestions for Microsoft Taiwan IT organization in preparation for launching this new business plan.
In addition to secondary information collected from the Microsoft and other internet websites, a few interviews were also conducted with several Microsoft Regional IT former and incumbent staff members to collect authentic information for the history and background section presented in the case study. A survey was also used to get feedback from local business partners and identify their interest in the proposed IT Technical Advisory service.
Keyword List:
Decentralized organization, centralized organization, supportive role, global direction, technical service, transformation, new business opportunities, stages, history background, analysis, market situation, suggestion.
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考慮隱藏的產品關聯性之CPFR銷售預測模型 / A CPFR Sale Forecasting Model Based on Hidden Relevance Products柯鶴聰 Unknown Date (has links)
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汽車召回事件對汽車銷售的影響─以中國為例 / The impact of recall on car sales-The case of Chinese automobile market鄭羽庭, Cheng, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在評估召回效果,運用中國汽車工業協會數據中心的汽車銷售資料以及國家質檢總局缺陷產品管理中心的汽車召回公告資料,研究方法採用自然實驗方法中的差異中之差異法(Difference in Difference,簡稱DID方法),估計汽車召回事件對於汽車銷售的影響、可能的外部效果。
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負面銷售互動行為對衝動購買之影響:以高級精品銷售為例邱倬彬 Unknown Date (has links)
銷售人員透過良好的銷售互動,搭配合適的銷售影響策略,將能有效地影響消費者的購物目標。Hoch & Loewenstein (1991)的研究中發現,在購物過程中,當消費者對於渴望獲得的商品產生情感上的吸引時,若再經由與銷售人員的互動,能夠刺激買者接受突然或未預期的購物計畫,產生衝動消費。
1. 消費者可能因基於「教訓店員」的報復念頭,或是「為維護自我形象」之目的,對於銷售人員不友善的服務態度,激起其產生購買衝動。
2. 衝動性購買傾向越強烈,消費者感受負面銷售互動之購買衝動也越強烈;其次,在單獨購物時,消費者的成就虛榮程度越高,相對也越容易產生購買衝動;最後,與同儕購物時,自尊程度較低者,為避免自我評價的下降甚至提升其自尊,容易因負面銷售互動而產生購買衝動。
3. 當消費者與同儕逛街購物而遭遇負面的銷售態度時,其產生的購買衝動並不會顯著高於單獨購物,可能因為負面銷售互動使同儕鼓勵自發性、及享樂目標追求之影響力無法發揮。除此之外,規範性評估使消費者可能為符合社會規範而使降低社會影響之作用。
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