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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


賴佑昀 Unknown Date (has links)
人力資源的優劣為決定企業經營績效的成敗關鍵,而人壽保險業的業務人員更為其最重要的生產力,因此加強業務人員的教育訓練則是壽險業的重要課題之一,實關係著人壽保險業之企業形象及其業務上的銷售績效。 研究內容包含下列各點: 一、探討業務人員在受過教育訓練後,保險專業知識、工作態度、行銷技巧及工作習慣上的成果認同度以統計分析方法歸納出與銷售績效構面之間的關係。 二、分析壽險業務人員各人口統計變數與銷售績效之差異化。 三、探討壽險業務人員各人口統計變數與教育訓練成效中,保險專業知識、工作態度、行銷技巧及工作習慣有何差異性。 四、統計出業務人員最想參加的教育訓練課程、受訓方式、上課時數與時段,如此可了解業務人員最欠缺的訓練,進而落實教育訓練的實施與檢討評估。 本研究主要探討壽險業務人員教育訓練與銷售績效之相關性;對於不同背景業務同仁提供更符合業務人員需要的訓練課程,進一步了解業務人員最需要接受的是何種課程與訓練方式,也依各種狀況及需要規劃不同的上課時段,提供更適當的訓練課程,進而提高業務人員生產力及定著率。並歸納出教育訓練、銷售績效、人口統計變項之相關性分析,希望可以有效協助業務人員及業務主管,在增員選才上選擇適合人才,以減少人員流失及增員輔導成本。以某人壽保險公司外勤業務人員為研究樣本,共發出850份問卷,回收686 份,有效問卷608 份。研究方法包括了基本統計分析之次數分配及均質分析、差異性分析之單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本T 檢定、卡方檢定、Pearson 積差相關分析來了解業務人員教育訓練成效、業務人員績效與人口統計變項等三者之間的關聯性。 本研究發現:一、業務人員職級與知識、技巧、態度與習慣皆有差異性,年齡及每天工作時間長短與知識、技巧及態度有顯著差異性。二、是否從事過其他工作與知識及習慣有顯著差異性。三、職級、年資與近三個月業績及去年年所得有顯著差異。四、業務人員最想參加的教育訓練課程是:財稅、投資等專業知識、銷售技巧、話術、人際溝通以及消費者心理學;訓練方式以:個案研討、實例解說,反覆模擬銷售技巧role play 話術,角色扮演與問與答Q&A雙向溝通-互動式座談討論為主。

衛浴設備在亞太市場的策略分析和銷售計劃 / Strategic analysis and sales planning in Asia-Pacific's sanitary market

夏衍, Schwab, Yannick Unknown Date (has links)
衛浴設備在亞太市場的策略分析和銷售計劃 / In the past decades many economies in the Asia-Pacific region have shown impressive growth rates, leading to an unprecedented level of new construction. Across the region many new hotels and resorts, apartment buildings and private houses have been built. For Fima Carlo Frattini, an Italy-based medium-sized manufacturer in the sanitary industry, supplying fittings for private and commercial bathroom applications, this development has been an enticing business opportunity. However the markets and clients of Asia-Pacific are far away and the company is considering the establishment of its own regional office in order to improve its sales revenue. The target of this paper has been to conduct the strategic analysis of the markets in Asia-Pacific and assess the company’s revenue potential, further on to develop the appropriate sales and market strategy. However the final conclusion drawn is that the company should not engage in opening its own regional office, as the required financial investments are likely to outweigh the gained sales results.

商業智慧在精品級機車的銷售成效上之應用 / The Application of Business Intelligence on the Sales Effectiveness of Advanced Motorcycle

簡偉哲 Unknown Date (has links)
在小型和輕型機車市場逐漸式微下,目前市場訴求重型化及休閒化,各大車廠無不積極拓展國際的重型機車市場。而台灣機車產業實力雄厚,上、中、下游產業供應鏈完整,擁有超過50年的機車製造技術與研發創新能力,加上機車零配件具高品質的製造技術、安全性、售價合理等特性,出口到全球各地,以歐美及日本等國為主要的出口大宗國,吸引知名歐、美、日系車廠使用台灣的零配件,獲得海外公司的青睞,深具全球競爭力。因此,我國機車零件廠商在出口貿易的銷售成效是值得深入探討的課題。 本研究以C公司為研究個案,C公司為台灣汽、機車零件製造廠,將利用該公司所提供的交易資料進行研究,其中,交易資料包含客戶別、產品編號、產品品名規格、訂單日期、數量、單價及金額等資料,針對其在四家代表性外銷客戶之精品級機車零件的銷售成效進行探討,透過敘述性統計、變異數分析及RFM分析等方法的應用,研析精品級機車零件之銷售成效佳的客戶及產品規格,本研究的結果分述如下: 一、第4季為外銷的銷售旺季。 二、四大外銷客戶的銷售數量及銷售金額有顯著差異。 三、T客戶的銷售成效最佳。 四、四大外銷客戶之銷售成效最佳的產品規格皆不相同。

Kommunigate: 展示與銷售之可能方案 / Kommunigate – Presentation and Sales Enabling Solution

馬戴維, Puthanangady, Martin David Unknown Date (has links)
Kommunigate: 展示與銷售之可能方案 / The marketing automation tools that are primarily web-based are a rapidly growing sector today. The competition in web-based platform offering a presentation tool and a repository of marketing collaterals with analytics to track the sales performance is currently limited. Tapping into this opportunity, owners of ideakitchen, the parent company that is primarily a hybrid communication design and strategy firm based in India, is launching a new web-based product called Kommunigate to enable the sales process. Launching the new product, as part of an existing company will allow the startup to initiate its operations with several sunk costs that will reduce the initial investment required to launch the service. Synergies between the existing design and marketing strategy services and the new presentation and storing web application will allow each individual business to leverage costs and increase profits. The financial analysis, which includes the expansion plan, proves the project to be profitable and desirable under its assumptions, based on the initial investment scheme.

銷售管理實務之案例研究 -以W電子公司為例 / The Case Study of Selling Management-W Company

陳煖妮 Unknown Date (has links)
「銷售」(selling),是企業獲利的主要方式,也是許多就讀商學院的學生進入職場後所從事的工作,如何使銷售行為在銷售過程能更加順利,銷售管理的知識與能力對於企業或個人而言相當重要。尤其是在企業對企業(Business-to-business, B to B)的交易中,工業性的產品屬於高涉入且複雜度較高的產品,買賣雙方所需花費的時間、精神與金錢成本較高,銷售過程中如何找到買方的真正需求,提出解決方案滿足需求,更需仰賴銷售人員的努力。 本研究透過「銷售管理程序」為主,「策略行銷4C架構」為輔,針對一間成立近四十年的中小型企業-W電子公司,探討該公司如何在公司規模不大,且品牌知名度並未如其他國際競爭對手高的情況下,首次成功打入日本市場,取代客戶過去合作二十幾年的國際知名供應商,成功贏得一筆大訂單。 研究結果顯示銷售案的成功,需因應環境的變化,配合本身的條件及組織與銷售人員的目標一致。當銷售人員在執行銷售管理程序的每一個步驟時,同時間也在降低S公司(此案例中W電子公司的客戶)各種交易成本。在此工控產品案例之所以能夠成功,是由於W電子公司的產品具有競爭力,因此S公司著重的外顯單位效益成本(C1)低,且產品相容性高,降低S公司對於原有供應商的專屬陷入成本(C4)。此外,W電子公司透過許多作為,極力取得S公司的信任,降低道德危機成本(C3)。基於上述的努力,順利爭取到訂單。此外,工控產品在銷售管理程序的最後一個階段具有一特性,由於工控產品較為複雜,雙方在交易過後投入更多的時間、精神與金錢成本,因此交易後S公司的專屬陷入成本(C4)提升。

中小企業在LED照明市場顧客關係管理策略之研究-以T公司為例 / A Study on Strategies of Customer Relationship Management in Small businesses of LED Lighting Industry - An example of T-Company

林偉人 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,隨著台灣燈具照明最大輸出國「美國」經濟的委靡不振,使得市場嚴重萎縮,再者,中國與東南亞廉價勞力的作用下,也讓燈具產業製造廠大量外移,種種大環境的不利因素,無疑對燈具出口值雪上加霜。然而,幸運地是在全球環保意識大幅提升下,各國紛紛倡導綠能生活,因此顧客對燈具照明之需求已從白熾燈轉為具節能減碳效果之LED光源,加上台灣經濟部推出「五八五白熾燈汰換計劃」更是為本研究個案公司創造新的轉型契機。 綜合上述,本研究個案公司藉此一波「綠能生活」趨勢轉折點,重新尋求企業定位以調整公司營運方向,利用顧客對燈具照明需求之轉變,藉此將企業文化導入顧客關係管理之經營理念,讓行銷聚焦於核心顧客關係管理模式,透過主動式之行銷策略,打造一隻堅強之顧問式銷售團隊,深入瞭解金字塔最上層之1%核心顧客需求並提供解決方案,增進顧客價值最大化,讓雙方合作形成牢不可破之「核心顧客管理協同階段」,孕育雙方命運共同體之革命情感,達成買賣雙方之雙贏策略。 有鑑於此,本研究個案公司利用個案公司中小企業特性,在資源有限的前提下,推廣顧客關係管理的過程。首先,運用Barrett(1986)提出80/20法則定律的行銷手法,搭配Zeithaml et al.(2001)將顧客分成四階層之「顧客金字塔」模型,尋求金字塔頂端的1%顧客創造企業99%的營收。接著,再透過Cheverton(2001)識別與選擇矩陣分類個案公司之顧客等級,藉由「顧客吸引力」與「相對優勢」雙軸之交叉找尋出真正的核心顧客。最後,依據上述個案公司所定義出之核心顧客,進行Hanan(2011)顧問式銷售的七大流程,並導入Rackham(2004)提出的SPIN理論,以顛覆傳統行銷的推式策略改為拉式策略,達到真正「以顧客為中心」之服務理念。 / The export to the USA that has played an important role in supporting the Taiwanese lighting industry has been impacted seriously by the worst American economy in these years. Meanwhile, it has also brought about shrinking LED lighting market sales badly in the USA. Moreover, low cost labors from China and Eastern Asia have forced the Taiwanese lighting industry to move abroad. Because of these disadvantage factors, the total values of export in the Taiwanese lighting products have been plummeting than ever. However, the concept of green life has been prevailing all around the world; therefore, each country has promoted and launched green life gradually. Consequently, customer demands for lighting equipment have changed to the LED lighting which could decrease emission of carbon compared with the white lighting. In addition, the best turning point for the company in the case study to transform is that Taiwanese Ministry of Economic Affairs launched a project for replacing white lighting. As mentioned above, the company in the discussion aimed to seize a new position and set up the direction of operation under the trend of green life. Moreover, the transformation of customer demands would inspire T-Company to execute the customer relationship management as a brand-new mission. It created a new module of focusing on key account management. In order to gain key customer loyalty permanently and understand particularly one percent of the top of the customers, T-company developed a consultative selling skill to provide appropriate solutions and created a pull marketing strategy to enhance customer values maximum. Both of those crucial methods not only built up the collaboration between T-company and customers firmly, but also have T-company to wear customer shoes to reach win-win situations. The company in the discussion which is classified as small and medium-size enterprises is restricted by limited resources; therefore, paper aimed to probe how this kind of company could guide into the customer relationship management to maintain long-term relationship. Firstly, the paper applied the theory of 80/20 rule and the customer pyramid proposed by Barrett in 1986 and Zeithaml et al. in 2001 respectively, creating and serving profitable customers. Secondly, T-company used the theory of investments and returns from the customer portfolio, the two axes of the identification and selection matrix are customer alternativeness and relative strength, segmenting the key account (Cheverton, 2001). Finally, in order to highlight the concept of customer service, T-company should promote 7 steps of consultative selling and SPIN theory to create the pull strategy that subverts the traditional marketing model.

用消費者行為改進銷售預測 / Improved sales forecasting with consumer behavior

馬克斯, zur Muehlen, Maximilian Unknown Date (has links)
本篇目的---對於精實企業來說資訊預測的能力扮演舉足輕重的角色,如汽車製造商須要有可靠的資訊來完成各項重要的決策以保持企業競爭力,市場以及消費者的活動提供了新型態的資料可以透過現代科技來處理分,本篇論文希望從2008年至2016年整合的Google 搜尋趨勢資料來建構預測模型。 設計/方法論/方法---基於五階段消費者購買行為,此研究檢視整個過程中合適的Google關鍵字,並利用滯後變數模型和Google搜尋趨勢來驗證銷售和各種經濟變數之間的關係,預測的銷售會更進一步檢視其正確性。 結論與發現---用來檢視預測正確性的兩種最常見的方法指出Google搜尋趨勢可以作為有效的銷售預測依據,研究發現總體經濟變數和時間序列在預測上相較於Google搜尋趨勢在短期相對有效性小。 研究貢獻---僅有少許在汽車銷量預測上的研究將Google搜尋趨勢和合適的時間滯留列入考量,本篇研究提供消費者行為和銷售資料關係的新視角。 / Purpose – The role of forecasting in a lean enterprise is immense. It is crucial for car manufacturers to have reliable information about the future to make important decisions and stay competitive. Developing markets and consumers provide new types of data that demand modern approaches to be handled. This paper aims to create reliable forecasting models through integration of Google Trends data from 2008 to 2016. Design/methodology/approach – Building on the 5-stage-model of consumer buying behavior, the study identifies suitable Google keywords for this process. Autoregressive distributed lag models are used to examine the relationship between sales and macro-economic variables as well as Google Trends. Predicted sales are used to test for accuracy. Findings – Two most common evaluation measurements for forecasting accuracy suggest the use of Google Trends, as predictors for future sales, is outstanding. The finding concludes that macro-economic variables and seasonality are not as valuable as Google Trends in short-term, up to one year, forecasting. Value – Only little research on car sales forecasting takes Google Trends and their appropriate time lags into account. This analysis provides new insights into the linkage of consumer behavior and sales data.

從廣達與LGE案看專利權耗盡之專利授權管理策略 / From Quanta v. LGE to patent licensing management strategies

黃苑菱, Cynthia Huang Unknown Date (has links)
自從美國最高法院在廣達與LGE案中作出解釋後,便將權利耗盡理論亦稱為第一次銷售理論帶往另一個層次。此案已被普遍認為對於美國過去的判例影響甚鉅,對於產業界的商業活動發展更是具有深遠的影響。智慧財產權旨在保護發明及創造公眾利益間取得一平衡點,權利耗盡理論長久以來已被視為專利法中重要的一環,並藉以杜絕專利權人的過當控制。而最高法院對於第一次銷售理論的解釋,則進而撼動專利權人長此以往對限制性銷售策略的仰賴。 即便銷售後限制(Post-sale restriction)確實提供了專利權人避免耗盡其權利的好方法,但專利權範圍則限縮了專利權人所享有的權利控制範圍,換言之,專利權人僅能擁有專利法所賦予的權利,且其加諸於被授權人的購買條件限制僅限於該專利之功能及使用目的。而超越該專利功能及使用目的的過分限制,則可能導致專利權濫用。而在開放WTO框架下,國際貿易的頻繁也使得權利耗盡衍生出了在散佈等方面的相關討論,平行輸入/輸出的議題亦隨著跨國交易的興盛而隨之重要。 故此篇論文的研究目的不僅僅探討權利耗盡理論及其相關議題,更旨在藉由廣達案的啟發,提供台灣的IT產業一有效的專利授權策略,並提供不論專利權人或被授權人於制定授權契約時,能有一更具有策略性的思考方向。 / The Supreme Court’s current decision in Quanta Computer, Inc. v. LG Electronics, Inc. brings the exhaustion doctrine also known as first sale doctrine up to a new phase. This case is believed significantly overcome quite a lot of past precedents and will effectively influent industry business operations in the future. The core goal of intellectual property right aims to find a balance between protecting the incentives to create and innovate, and providing the benefits to public interests. Exhaustion doctrine has been long standing as part of patent law to prevent patentees’ over control. The interpretation made by Supreme Court regarding the first sale doctrine does vibrate the conditional sale strategies long believed by patentees. Now the Supreme Court brings the issue from the phase of patent law down to the contract law level. Subsequently, the litigations of antitrust and fair trade are therefore involved while patentees are tempting to make an “end-run” control over the downstream purchasers. Though applying post-sale restriction provides a way out for intellectual property owner from triggering the exhaustion, however, the scope of the patent claims determine how far the privilege is given to the inventors. A patent owner or licenser can only enforce its patent right while the right is truly granted by the patent law. Subsequently, the restriction set forth to limit the licensees or purchasers must be accordance with the function or feature of the patent claims for. On the contrary, the patentee intends to restrict its purchasers by holding the exclusive right which beyond the scope of the patent granted may result to patent misuse, for instance, the resale price maintenance, prohibition of manufacturing the competing products, the conditional license which incorporates another license, and overwhelming royalties on the price of the whole product instead of the actual usage of the patented article. Under WTO, the concern of intellectual property protection has become more critical in the perspective of international trade, different issues and disputes regarding exhaustion have also been generated. Not alike the traditional domestic exhaustion, the discussion regarding distribution has therefore been derived. Moreover, the issues related to parallel import/export are generated in accordance with the frequent cross-border transaction. The purpose of this research does not merely lead us look into the doctrine and restriction patentees used to impose for avoiding exhaustion. But I intend to further illustrate a guideline based on the inspiration from Quanta and the explanation of the Courts. This guideline should provide both patentees and licensees an orientation while considering making a licensing agreement.


莊坤榮 Unknown Date (has links)
在全球持續電子化的過程中,台灣一路扮演著落實有效製造與實現設計的推手,無論從主機板、被動元件、面板、晶片設計、晶圓製造以及封裝甚至高精密組裝無所不包,在如此資本密集產業,如何操作才能達到供需平衡,為整體產業經濟創造出良性的競爭平台,避免惡性競爭,就成了不可輕忽的課題。 本文以晶圓產業為探討對象。全球產能平均利用率多年來總維持於中檔 (88%), 且平均銷售單價只能緩降而無強勢反彈,近年企業無不減少資本支出來度過低潮,整合元件製造廠(IDM)相繼喊出工廠資產輕化(fab-lite)的營運策略,這時我們的命題即是:要不要繼續投資?如何調整價值鏈? 本研究中,我們會先檢視目前市場對半導體成長預測的準確度,再經由產業價值活動代表性指標回歸分析法對相關參數做一整合之解析,對晶圓需求量與銷售價建立配適之模型,找出先行指標來達到預測,並定義上下限以供快速比對分析,最後再根據分析結果提出可能之產業趨勢議題。 / This thesis analyzes the semiconductor industry growth worldwide. The leading index via regressions has been established to achieve a reliable forecast on worldwide ASP, wafer demand and revenue. In the long run, we expect the semiconductor demand will continue to grow at CAGR 8% (compound annual growth rate) and display less extreme cycles than past decade. However, revenue’s CAGR might be diluted to around 5%, lower than demand’s growth. Moreover, it might go down to zero-growth for some times since the ASP still slightly trend down before emerging market demand really expanded. Continuous outsourcing is one possible solution for IDM to be fab-lite, since fab’s fix charge is billion- base that needs high utilization to maintain break-even operation. But what is the solution for foundry side to avoid ASP erosion all the way down? Our analysis identifies a need for executive managers to well predict the demand on capital expenditure when making decision.

通路價格整合與銷售檔期對於品牌態度和購買意願之影響 / The impact of omni-channel price integration and promotion period on brand attitude and purchase intention - The case of skincare product

許鈺欣, Hsu, Yu Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
近年來隨著網際網路和智慧型裝置的蓬勃發展,網路購物已成為了民眾日常生活的一部分,消費者的購物習慣也逐漸從實體商店轉向虛擬商城交易,為了因應這樣的購物需求,過往擁有傳統通路優勢的零售品牌商開始積極佈局線上購物市場,紛紛建立自有網路通路或者是與虛擬通路商合作,開闢新的虛擬通路以開創新商機和新客群。本研究想要了解不同種類的產品是否皆適合建立虛擬通路,以涉入程度較高的專櫃保養品做為主要研究產品類別,探討有無虛擬通路對於品牌態度的影響,並且能否藉由正面的品牌態度替品牌商帶來實際的銷售。 此外,當消費者能夠自由的選擇任一通路進行交易時,對於跨通路的購物體驗需求也就越高,因此,本研究將進一步探討實體和虛擬通路之整合議題,且依據專櫃保養品的通路策略,選擇通路價格整合程度和銷售檔期作為主要的操控變數,藉以了解不同的通路價格整合程度搭配不同的銷售檔期對於品牌態度的影響是否有所差異。 本研究採2(通路價格整合程度:高、低) x 2(銷售檔期:平日、特殊檔期)的兩因子實驗設計,再加上無虛擬通路的控制組,共分五組。 研究結果和部分假設吻合,本研究發現建立虛擬通路對於品牌態度有正面影響的假設僅部分成立,而品牌態度對於購買意願確實有正向的影響。此外,當不同的通路價格整合程度搭配不同的銷售檔期,對於品牌整體感觀和通路配置喜好程度有顯著的影響效果,而不論在平日或是特殊檔期,通路價格整合程度越一致,消費者對於品牌態度皆會越好,但特殊檔期相較於平日對於品牌態度的改變程度則沒那麼顯著,也就是說,本研究發現,專櫃保養品牌在思考通路策略時,在平日應盡量保持各通路價格一致,但在特殊檔期時,則可以因應通路檔期活動,讓價格有所差異,對於品牌態度的影響也沒有平日來的顯著。

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