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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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大數據預測通貨膨脹率 / Forecasting Inflation with Big Data

廖珈燕, Liao, Jia Yan Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是透過 Google trends 網站提供的關鍵字搜尋量資料, 探討網路資料是否能夠提供通貨膨脹率的即時資訊。 透過美國消費者物價指數的組成細項作為依據,蒐集美國2004年1月至2015年12月的 Google trends 關鍵字變數,並藉由最小絕對壓縮挑選機制(Least absolute shrinkage and selection operator)、 彈性網絡(Elastic Net)以及主成分分析法(Principal component analysis)等等變數挑選機制,有效地整合大量的關鍵字資料。實證結果發現,透過適當變數挑選後的 Google trends 關鍵字變數確實可改善美國通貨膨脹率的即時預測表現,並為美國通貨膨脹率提供額外有效的資訊。此外,我們透過台灣的關鍵字資料檢驗,也確認Google trends 關鍵字資料可以幫助台灣通貨膨脹率的即時預測。

一個對單篇中文文章擷取關鍵字之演算法 / A Keyword Extraction Algorithm for Single Chinese Document

吳泰勳, Wu, Tai Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
數位典藏與數位學習國家型科技計畫14年來透過數位化方式典藏國家文物,例如:生物、考古、地質等15項主題,為了能讓數位典藏資料與時事互動故使用關鍵字作為數位典藏資料與時事的橋樑,由於時事資料會出現新字詞,因此,本研究將提出一個演算法在不使用詞庫或字典的情況下對單一篇中文文章擷取主題關鍵字,此演算法是以Bigram的方式斷詞因此字詞最小單位為二個字,例如:「中文」,隨後挑選出頻率詞並採用分群的方式將頻率詞進行分群最後計算每個字詞的卡方值並產生主題關鍵字,在文章中字詞共現的分佈是很重要的,假設一字詞與所有頻率詞的機率分佈中,此字詞與幾個頻率詞的機率分佈偏差較大,則此字詞極有可能為一關鍵字。在字詞的呈現方面,中文句子裡不像英文句子裡有明顯的分隔符號隔開每一個字詞,造成中文在斷詞處理上產生了極大的問題,與英文比較起來中文斷詞明顯比英文來的複雜許多,在本研究將會比較以Bigram、CKIP和史丹佛中文斷詞器為斷詞的工具,分別進行過濾或不過濾字詞與對頻率詞分群或不分群之步驟,再搭配計算卡方值或詞頻後所得到的主題關鍵字之差異,實驗之資料將採用中央研究院數位典藏資源網的文章,文章的標準答案則來自於中央研究院資訊科學研究所電腦系統與通訊實驗室所開發的撈智網。從實驗結果得知使用Bigram斷詞所得到的主題關鍵字部分和使用CKIP或史丹佛中文斷詞器所得到的主題關鍵字相同,且部分關鍵字與文章主題的關聯性更強,而使用Bigram斷詞的主要優點在於不用詞庫。最後,本研究所提出之演算法是基於能將數位典藏資料推廣出去的前提下所發展,希望未來透過此演算法能從當下熱門話題的文章擷取出主題關鍵字,並透過主題關鍵字連結到相關的數位典藏資料,進而帶動新一波「數典潮」。 / In the past 14 years, Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Program has developed digital archives of organism, archaeology, geology, etc. There are 15 topics in the digital archives. The goal of the work presented in this thesis is to automatically extract keyword s in documents in digital archives, and the techniques developed along with the work can be used to build a connection between digital archives and news articles. Because there are always new words or new uses of words in news articles, in this thesis we propose an algorithm that can automatically extract keywords from a single Chinese document without using a corpus or dictionary. Given a document in Chinese, initially the algorithm uses a bigram-based approach to divide it into bigrams of Chinese characters. Next, the algorithm calculates term frequencies of bigrams and filters out those with low term frequencies. Finally, the algorithm calculates chi-square values to produce keywords that are most related to the topic of the given document. The co-occurrence of words can be used as an indicator for the degree of importance of words. If a term and some frequent terms have similar distributions of co-occurrence, it would probably be a keyword. Unlike English word segmentation which can be done by using word delimiters, Chinese word segmentation has been a challenging task because there are no spaces between characters in Chinese. The proposed algorithm performs Chinese word segmentation by using a bigram-based approach, and we compare the segmented words with those given by CKIP and Stanford Chinese Segmenter. In this thesis, we present comparisons for different settings: One considers whether or not infrequent terms are filtered out, and the other considers whether or not frequent terms are clustered by a clustering algorithm. The dataset used in experiments is downloaded from the Academia Sinica Digital Resources and the ground truth is provided by Gainwisdom, which is developed by Computer Systems and Communication Lab in Academia Sinica. According to the experimental results, some of the segmented words given by the bigram-based approach adopted in the proposed algorithm are the same as those given by CKIP or Stanford Chinese Segmenter, while some of the segmented words given by the bigram-based approach have stronger connections to topics of documents. The main advantage of the bigram-based approach is that it does not require a corpus or dictionary.

一個在主從式架構下SSE協議的安全性分析與改良 / Security Analysis and Improvement on the SSE Protocol in Client-Server Model

邱哿振, Chiu, Ko Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
所謂的SSE (Symmetric Searchable Encryption;對稱式可搜尋加密)就是將自己的資料用自己的密鑰加密外包放在一個網路或雲端上的資料庫DB,存放期間使用者能保有向DB搜尋資料的能力,而DB仍然可以在不知道資料明文的情況下,把使用者所欲搜尋的資料回傳給他。2013年林峻立等學者針對上述的雲端環境,提出了具動態維護及合取關鍵字搜尋之無連結性密文搜尋機制,此方案利用SSE的方式能讓雲端上的伺服器快速搜尋到所提交的關鍵字相關檔案,但此方案所提出之協議仍有安全上的弱點。因此,在此篇論文中,我們基於此方案,分析其安全性漏洞,並在兼顧安全性與低成本的特性下,提出新的SSE搜尋機制。

引導式關鍵字行銷-影響消費者搜尋意願因素之研究 / Orienting-marketing-a study of effects of consumers' search intention

張逸婷, Chang, Yi Ting Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字廣告現已成為搜尋引擎最大的收入來源,全球付費搜尋廣告的年增率被預測有37%,並將在2010將達到330億美金的市場。現今,關鍵字廣告已發展成跨媒體的形式。大眾媒體除了以傳統的形式傳達廣告訊息以外,同時誘使消費者進一步上搜尋引擎搜尋商品資訊。並藉由此形式而發展出新型態的「引導式關鍵字行銷」。因此,本研究採用多元性研究方法(Pluralistic Research Methodologies)以探討此種新型態廣告的效果及如何提升消費者的搜尋意願? 本研究結合質化及量化研究。第一階段透過質化研究的焦點團體訪談法(FGD,Focus Group Discussion)蒐集消費者對整合性關鍵字行銷的意見,以釐清本研究之問題核心,並與業界人士進行深入訪談以了解實務運作模式及成功關鍵。第二階段則採實驗法進行研究,將「關鍵字類型」(分為兩層次:品牌名稱相關、產品屬性相關)以及「產品類型」(分為三層次:低度創新產品、中度創新產品、高度創新產品)設為自變項,並將廣告溝通效果作為應變項,分別為「廣告記憶」與「搜尋意願」。除此之外,並將可能干擾實驗結果的兩項因素視為個人差異變項加以分析,分別為「產品涉入度」與「先前產品知識」。 研究結果顯示,消費者產品涉入度及先前產品知識對搜尋意願有顯著的正向影響。同時,消費者在對產品有需求時會有較高的搜尋意願。而關鍵字類型及產品創新性對消費者的搜尋意願並沒有造成顯著影響。 / Keyword advertising has become the largest source of revenue for search engines. Now, keyword advertising has developing into a new cross-media style. Mass media not only release advertising messages but also orient consumers to search more details of merchandise online. As the result, the study use Pluralistic Research Methodologies to investigate how to Increase consumers’ search intention. The first stage we use Focus Group Discussion to clarify the research questions. And do Depth interview with Industry to understand the Practical operation and the Success Factors. In the second stage, the study proceeded in experiment method. Two factors “Keyword Type” and “Product Type” are used to compose a 2X3 factorial design experiment, and then bring “Product involvement” and “Prior Product Knowledge” in as the Moderator. Furthermore, the study adopted “Memory in Advertising Message” and “Search Intention” as the depend variables. Result shows that, product involvement and prior product knowledge have a significant positive effect to the search intention. In addition, results of keyword type and product type are not remarkable overall. Keywords: Orienting-

設計與實作一個針對遊戲論壇的中文文章整合系統 / Design and Implementation of a Chinese Document Integration System for Game Forums

黃重鈞, Huang, Chung Chun Unknown Date (has links)
現今網路發達便利,人們資訊交換的方式更多元,取得資訊的方式,不再僅是透過新聞,透過論壇任何人都可以快速地、較沒有門檻地分享資訊。也因為這個特性造成資訊量暴增,就算透過搜尋引擎,使用者仍需要花費許多精力蒐集、過濾與處理特定的主題。本研究以巴哈姆特電玩資訊站─英雄聯盟哈拉討論板為例,期望可以為使用者提供一個全面且精要的遊戲角色描述,讓使用者至少對該角色有大概的認知。 本研究參考網路論壇探勘及新聞文件摘要系統,設計適用於論壇多篇文章的摘要系統。首先必須了解並分析論壇的特性,實驗如何從論壇挖掘出潛藏的資訊,並認識探勘論壇會遭遇的困難。根據前面的論壇分析再設計系統架構大致可分為三階段:1. 資料前處理:論壇文章與新聞文章不同,很難直接將名詞、動詞作為關鍵字,因此使用TF-IDF篩選出論壇文章中有代表性的詞彙,作為句子的向量空間維度。2. 分群:使用K-Means分群法分辨哪些句子是比較相似的,並將相似的句子分在同一群。 3. 句子挑選:根據句子的分群結果,依句子的關鍵字含量及TF-IDF選擇出最能代表文件集的句子。 我們發現實驗分析過程中可以看到一些有用的相關資訊,在論文的最後提出可能的改善方法,期望未來可以開發更好的論壇文章分類方式。 / With the establishment of network infrastructure, forum users can provide information fast and easily. However, users can have information retrieved through search engines, but they still have difficulty handling the articles. This is usually beyond the ability of human processing. In this study, we design a tool to automate retrieval of information from each topic in a Chinese game forum. We analyze the characteristics of the game forum, and refer to English news summary system. Our method is divided into three phases. The first phase attempts to discover the keywords in documents by TF-IDF instead of part of speech, and builds a vector space model. The second phase distinguishes the sentences by the vector space model built in the first phase. Also in the second phase, K-means clustering algorithm is exploited to gather sentences with the same sense into the same cluster. In the third phase, we choose two features to weight sentences and order sentences according to their weights. The two features are keywords of a sentence and TF-IDF. We conduct an experiment with data collected from the game forum, and find useful information through the experiment. We believe the developed techniques and the results of the analysis can be used to design a better system in the future.

高齡化與老人生涯規劃`生活適應之研究 / Reserch advanced age and old person profession plan life adaption

謝永定, Hsieh, Yung-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
人類社會隨著文明的發展,教育的普及與醫療科技的進步,台灣社會的老年人口比率逐年提高形成高齡化社會,且國民平均壽命延長,老人退休後之生活安排,含蓋老人安養、居住、飲食、醫療、休閒旅遊、高齡者人力資源運用,這些都是我們即將或未來極需面對的嚴肅議題。 為瞭解退休老人的生涯規劃與適應的歷程,事涉受訪者的主觀經驗與詮釋,本文採用深度訪談15位已退休之55~81歲及1位62歲即將退休之較高齡長者。 本研究結果發現受訪者的規劃,大多以經濟的角度做為思考的重心,其生活方面的安排,是以延續退休前之生活模式為主要方式;老人退休後以健康活動、收集文物、擔任義工、接受終身教育、參予社區活動、以及迎向大自然為主要安排,也有以放空心情的安排做為生活的哲學。 在生活適應的物質方面,研究顯示受訪者退休前在財務方面已做安排,居住與生活支應無虞;親友互動良好,選擇獨居或與子女同住方面,維持傳統觀念的受訪者大有人在,而必須要面對事實獨居的受訪者也不少,顯見目前家庭生活形態已成趨勢;人際網路之維持、接受終身教育之自我提昇、以及興趣都會帶給老人快樂,研究也顯示旅遊活動已成為退休老人主要興趣之一。 從退休規劃與生活適應之關聯性觀察,發現老人退休後,在生理機能的迅速退化、生活的結構改變而產生衝突的矛盾與不適,有的受訪者採「先放空,再思考出發」的放空哲學頗有「歸零」的禪意,也有在生理方面仍然保有簡單溫飽即能滿足的傳統觀念。 生活有目標、有規劃、有準備的退休老人適應都很好,研究顯示受訪者之中仍然保有「積穀防饑」之傳統觀念,但因為年歲的增長,難免在生理狀況會產生變化,對於醫療保健的安排都很重視,惟傳統家庭價值的需求殷切,在心靈上隱約感受到退休老人極待子女能多予關懷與照顧。 少子高齡化的社會來臨,己經是世界各先進國家的發展趨勢,台灣老人問題也已成為社會問題的一項重要指標,本研究存望未來老人年金制度更加完整、老人安養機構及活動中心之設施完善、企業規劃設置長壽村、醫療照護普及化、各區境內自然資源充分運用、家庭傳統價值能夠再現、重新思考跳脫家庭傳統組織概念,設置傳統家庭組織以外之家庭、老人早日規劃因應未來生活、政府推動的老人福利項目,不知道或一知半解的人還是不少人,宜再加強宣導;根據研究針對以上有關老人的期待與需求之意見,提出建議做為政府未來施政規劃「老人福利政策」的參考。 / Due to the human society along with the civilized development, the education popularization and the medical science and technology progress, ageing of the population in Taiwan, also the national mean lifetime lengthens, after the elderly retires the arrangements for daily life, contains covers elder care, the housing, the diet, medical, the leisure traveling, the ageing human resources utilization, these all are the serious issues which we soon or the future extremely will have to face. In order to understand the retired elderly's career planning and the life adjustment process, the matter fords participant's subjective experience and the annotation, This article uses the electron particle materialization research orientation, face-to- face depth dialogue 55~81 of years old 15 already retired the elderly and one of 62 years old the elderly of soon retirements. The research found participant's plan, mostly does take the economical angle as the ponder center of gravity, its life aspect arrangement, is take continues before the retirement the mode of life as the fundamental mode; After the elderly retires take the health activity, the collection cultural relic, holds the post of will labor, accepts the lifelong education, participates the community to move, as well as welcomes to the nature as the main arrangement, also has take blows off the mood the arrangement to do as the life philosophy. The material aspect of life adjustment, the result of this research found before demonstrated the participant retires has made the arrangement in the financial aspect, lives with the daily life balances income and expenses, The relatives and friends interact good, the choice lives alone or lives together the aspect with the children, the maintenance traditional ideas participant there are plenty of such people, but must have to face the participant which the fact lives alone also many, the obvious at present family life shape has become the tendency; Maintenance the interpersonal network, accepts the lifelong education the self-promotion, as well as the interest can take to the elderly to be joyful, the research also demonstrated the traveling activity has become one of the retired elderly major interests. Planned from the retirement and lives connection observation the adjustment, after discovered the elderly retires, in the physiological function rapid degeneration, the life structural change has the conflict contradiction and is ill, some participants pick "first blow off, then pondered embarks" blows off the philosophy quite to have "the nulling operation" imperial sacrifices Italy, also had in the physiological aspect still holds the traditional ideas which the simple warm and sufficient condition namely could satisfy. The life has the goal, has the retired the elderly which the plan, has the preparation to adapt all very well, the research demonstrated in the participant still held " Provides for a rainy day?" the traditional ideas, but because of the ageing, unavoidably could have the change in the physiological condition, all very much took regarding the medical health care arrangement, the traditional family value demand was only earnest, indistinctly felt the retired elderly in the mind extremely to wait the children to be able to give the concern and the attendance. Delining birth rate and aging society approaches, the oneself after is the world each advanced countries development tendency, in Taiwan the elderly question has also become the social problem an important target, this research will save looks the future the elderly annuity system to be more complete, the elderly peacefully raises the organization and facility of the activity center consummates, the business planning establishment longevity village, the medical service according to protects the universalization, Within the boundaries of various areas the natural resource full utilization, the family tradition value can reappearance, reponder the family tradition organization concept, outside the establishment tradition family organization the family, the elderly soon plans in accordance to the future lives the elderly welfare project which, the government will impel, did not know or will smatter the person or many people, suitably again will strengthen the guidance; According to studies in view of the above concerned the elderly anticipation and the demand opinion of, proposed the suggestion to provides administer for the government to plan " welfare policy for the elderly " in the future.

搜尋結果之預期一致性與關聯性對關鍵字廣告效果之影響 / The Influence of Expected Consistency and Relevancy of Search Results on the Effects of Keyword Advertising

郭怡吟, Kuo, I Yin Unknown Date (has links)
隨著消費者對網路使用習慣與依賴度提升,網路廣告目前在消費者端的發展日趨成熟,尤其是關鍵字廣告;因其更能精準的鎖定目標顧客,以及成本相對低廉,受到廣告主的青睞與重視,在廣告市場的規模明顯成長。近年來更有許多企業藉由搭便車(piggybacking)的關鍵字廣告方式,購買競爭對手、通路品牌或非企業本身的產品名稱等關鍵字詞組,作為自己的關鍵字廣告,增加企業廣告的曝光機會。 本研究以實驗法操弄消費者使用不同的搜尋策略,產生的搜尋結果與品牌預期一致性及類別關聯探討關鍵字廣告的效果,共計發放642份問卷經由多變量變異數分析等方法,得出研究結論如下: 1. 以產品名稱搜尋,消費者對知名品牌的廣告產品態度與廣告品牌態度明顯優於不知名品牌。 2. 以品牌名稱搜尋,消費者對與預期一致的品牌的廣告注意、正面廣告態度、廣告產品態度、廣告品牌態度皆明顯優於非預期的品牌。 3. 關鍵字廣告產品與消費者預期搜尋的產品關聯高時,則消費者對廣告注意與瞭解程度顯著高於產品類別關聯低之產品;同時,對關鍵字之正面廣告態度、產品及品牌態度皆優於產品關聯低的廣告。 4. 認知需求會增強消費者對廣告產品類別關聯高的關鍵字廣告的瞭解能力與提升對廣告產品的態度。 5. 認知需求對搜尋結果是否與預期一致或知名品牌之廣告效果的調節效果不顯著。 / As consumers are relying more and more on the internet, web advertising has become more mature on the consumers’ side, especially for keywords advertising. Advertisers have favored keywords advertising due to its ability to precisely target its customer and relatively low cost, which resulted in a significant growth in the advertising market. Recently, many companies started to use piggybacking as a keyword advertising method, buying keyword phrases of competitors, channel brands or product names to use as their own keyword advertisement, in order to increase the exposure of their corporate advertisement. This study used an experimental method to manipulate consumers using different search strategies, and investigated the influence of brand expected consistency and category relevancy. A total of 642 questionaires were analyzed by using MANCOVA analysis, and resulted in the following conclusions: 1. Search by product name: Consumers’ attitude toward advertising product and advertising brand were significantly better for well-known brands compared to unknown brands. 2. Search by brand name: Consumers’ advertising notice, attitude towards positive advertising, advertising product and advertising brand attitudes were significantly better for the expected consistency brand compared to inconsistency brands. 3. Consumers’ advertising notice, understanding, attitude towards positive advertising, advertising product and advertising brand were significantly better for highly relevant product categories compared to low relevant product categories of consumers’ search. 4. Consumers’ need for cognition enhanced the ability for consumers to understand the keyword advertising and raised their attitude towards the advertised product. 5. Consumers’ need for cognition regarding search results on the brand expected consistency or brand familiarity towards advertising effect was not significant to become a moderator.

以型態組合為主的關鍵詞擷取技術在學術寫作字彙上的研究 / A pattern approach to keyword extraction for academic writing vocabulary

邵智捷, Shao, Chih Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
隨著時間的推移演進,人們瞭解到將知識經驗著作成文獻典籍保存下來供後人研究開發的重要性。時至今日,以英語為主的學術寫作論文成為全世界最主要的研究交流媒介。而對於英語為非母語的研究專家而言,在進行英語學術寫作上常常會遇到用了不適當的字彙或搭配詞導致無法確切的傳達自己的研究成果,或是在表達上過於貧乏的問題,因此英語學術寫作字彙與搭配詞的學習與使用就顯得相當重要。 在本研究中,我們藉由收集大量不同國家以及不同研究領域的學術論文為基礎,建構現實中實際使用的語料庫,並且建立數種詞性標籤型態,使用關鍵詞擷取關鍵詞擷取(Keyword Extraction)技術從中擷取出學術著作中常用的學術寫作字彙候選詞,當作是學術常用寫作字彙之初步結果,隨即將候選詞導入關鍵詞分析的指標形態模型,將候選詞依照指標特徵選出具有代表指標意義的進一步候選詞。 在實驗方面,透過對不同範圍的樣本資料進行篩選,並導入統計上的方法對字彙進行不同領域共通性的分析檢證,再加上輔助篩選的機制後,最後求得名詞和動詞分別在學術寫作中常用的字彙,也以此字彙為基礎,發掘出語料庫中常用的搭配詞組合,提出以英語為外國語的研究學者以及學生在學術寫作上的常用字彙與搭配詞組合作為參考,在學術寫作上能夠提供更多樣性且正確的研究論述的協助。 / With the evolution over time, people start to know the importance of taking their knowledge and experience into literature texts and preserving them for future research. Until now, academic writing research papers mainly in English become the world’s leading communication media all over the world. For those non-native English researchers, they often encounter with the inappropriate vocabularies or collocations which causes them not to pass on their idea accurately or to express their research poorly. As a result, it’s very important to know how to learn or to use the correct academic writing in English vocabularies and collocations. In this study, we constructed the real academic thesis corpus which includes different countries and fields of academic research. The keyword extraction technique based on the several Part-of-Speech tag patterns is used for capturing the common academic writing vocabulary candidates in the academic works to be the initial result of the common vocabulary of academic writing. The candidate words would be introduced to the index analysis model of keyword and be picked out to the further meaningful candidate words according to the index characteristics. For the experiments, the sample data with different fields would be filtered and the vocabularies on different fields of commonality would be analyzed and verified through statistical methods. Moreover, the auxiliary filter mechanism would also be applied to get the common vocabularies in academic writing with nouns and verbs. Based on these vocabularies, we could discover the common combination with the words in the academic thesis corpus and provide them to the non-native English researchers and students as a reference with the common vocabularies and collocations in academic writing. Hopefully the study could help them to write more rich and correct research papers in the future.

屬性組合影響B2B網路廣告效果之研究-以關鍵字廣告及橫幅廣告為例 / How Attributes Combination Affects the Advertising Effect of B2B Internet Marketing-The Case of Advertising Copies and Banner Advertisements

歐陽而美, Ouyang, Erh Mei Unknown Date (has links)
2009年全球廣告總量將會降低 6.9%,而網路則會是唯一廣告量成長的媒體。網路廣告中又以關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)所佔總體網路廣告營收的比例最高。關鍵字廣告為當網路使用者搜尋資訊時,鍵入關鍵字,文字廣告即會出現在搜尋結果的網頁中,與網路使用者的搜尋意圖互相連結;而橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)為靜態或動態之圖像式廣告,網路使用者點擊後可連至廣告主網頁。 本研究探討屬性組合如何影響關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)之廣告效果,與B2B企業研華股份有限公司(Advantech Corporation)之數位行銷中心(Digital Marketing Center)合作,配合Google AdWords平台進行廣告投放之實證研究,觀察廣告之點擊率。為了解屬性組合如何影響廣告效果,本研究分為兩個部分:關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)。關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)部分,以「文化差異」與心理學理論之「自由需求(自由感)」之有無為自變項;橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)部分以「廣告尺寸」、「訴求導向」與「廣告主題」為自變項,兩種類型廣告之研究皆以廣告「點擊率」為應變項,試圖觀察不同屬性組合之下的廣告效果,以供B2B企業在執行網路行銷時之參考。 研究結果發現,在具「文化差異」之國家下投放「自由需求(自由感)」之有無的關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy),其廣告點擊率具顯著差異;而「廣告尺寸」、「訴求導向」與「廣告主題」此三屬性組合下,「方型(300 x 250) x 應用領域資訊 x USP」此一廣告屬性組合獲得最佳之廣告點擊率。透過研究觀察,B2B企業可以此為未來關鍵字廣告(Ad Copy)文案撰寫與橫幅廣告(Banner Ad)文案設計之方向。 / Internet has become the second large media in recent years. For B2B company, Internet Advertising is an important channel to promote brand image and products as well. The most popular formats of Internet Advertising, according to Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), are Ad Copies and Banner Ads, which the revenue accounts for 43% and 19% respectively in 2013. The purpose of this study is to explore, for B2B company, how attributes combination affects the advertising effect. We cooperated with Advantech Corporation, a leading B2B company in providing innovative embedded and automation products and solutions, and used Google AdWords platform to advertise. In this study, we have two parts: Ad Copy and Banner Ad. For Ad Copy, we proposed two attributes: cultural differences and free-will choices; for Banner Ad, we selected three: banner size, appeal orientation, and advertising theme as attributes to verify the effects on ads clicking behavior. Click-through Rate dada were collected and analyzed from Google AdWords tracking system and campaign report. The results showed that Ad copies with free-will choices targeted in both Western and Eastern countries, Banner Ads with rectangle design, solution-oriented and unique selling point created better advertising effects. Furthermore, we also had discussion on the impact from product features and Ad positions to advertising effects. Finally, based on our findings, we provided B2B company marketers further suggestions for Ad Copy and Banner Ad execution and Ad content design.

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