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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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風險基礎資本制實施對產險業資本與風險之影響 / The Impact of RBC on the Captial and Risk in the Property-Liability Insurance Industry

彭郁婷, Peng, Yu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要是探討風險基礎資本額制度施行後對產險公司資本與風險的影響,以作為台灣未來施行風險基礎資本額的參考。我們所使用的方法是二階段最小平方法來分析資本、風險與風險基礎資本額之關係,結果發現,當RBC ratio較低的產險公司會增加資本比率、減少其風險行為,反之,RBC ratio較高的產險公司其行為會受到公司規模大小之影響,若是RBC ratio高的大型保險公司,會減少資本、增加風險,避免過多資本管理沒有效益;小型保險公司則是會增加資本、減少風險,此即可能是為了增加承保能量以減少未來可能發生之巨災所造成的損害。 / This paper examines the simultaneous impact of the RBC regulation on property-liability insurers’ capital ratios and risk including asset risk and product risk. We use a two stage least squares (2SLS) model to analyze the relationship between property-liability insurers’ capitals, risk and RBC ratios. The results suggest that insurers with low RBC ratios increase their capital ratios and decrease their risks, while insurers with high RBC ratios have different risk-taking behavior. This is affected by the insurers’ sizes. Small insurers with high RBC ratios increase capital and decrease risk to enlarge capacity and to prevent any catastrophe happening in the future. Large insurers with high RBC ratios decrease capital and increase risk to avoid management inefficiency.


曾信凱, Tseng Hsin Kai Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要目的在於探索風險基礎資本額監理制度之實施,對於人壽保險公司風險承擔行為(Risk-taking Behaviors)之影響。為了檢視此一議題,本文採用同步方程式模型(Simultaneous Equations Model),並利用二階段最小平方法來分析壽險公司的資本、風險與風險基礎資本額監理制度之間的關係。本文將壽險公司依照其前一年度之風險基礎資本比率(RBC ratio)分成N個等級,藉此來捕捉各種風險基礎資本比率等級下,壽險公司的風險行為異同。本文更進一步的將樣本壽險公司依照公司大小、組織型態以及樣本期間的存活情況分成數個子樣本,加以分析子樣本間壽險公司的風險行為差異。 實證結果顯示,RBC 低的公司不僅會增加公司資本,而且亦會增加產品風險;另一方面,股份保險公司相較於相互保險公司會承擔較多的風險,且相互保險公司不易受風險基礎資本額監理制度的影響。本文更進一步發現,公司規模小且RBC低的壽險公司不僅會增加公司資本,亦會同時增加公司產品風險;反之亦然。此一結果隱含當監理機關要求RBC低之壽險公司增加資本時,壽險公司亦會同時增加其產品面風險。 / This paper explores the impact of Risk-Based Capital regulation on life insurer’s risk-taking behavior. To examine this issue, we use a simultaneous equations model. We employ a two stage least square (2SLS) model to analyze the relationship between life insurer’s capital, risk and RBC requirements. We classify the insurers into N categories to capture the insurers’ behavior with different levels of RBC ratios. Further, we divide the sample into several groups by insurer size, organization form, and status between sample periods. The results suggest that insurers with lower RBC would not only increase their capital ratios but also increase their product risk. Further, life insurers with small sizes and low RBC ratios would not only increase their capital ratios but also increase product risk. The results imply that regulators require insurers with low RBC ratio increase their capital, but insurers would increase product risk at the same time.


劉怡君 Unknown Date (has links)
我國保險業自九十二年七月九日起為與國際接軌正式施行保險業風險資本額制度(Risk-Based Capital),該制度之目的在及早偵測出可能發生失卻清償能力之保險公司。以監理角度而言,如何有效利用監理制度來確保保險公司失卻清償能力在可接受範圍內,一直是一個相當重要的課題。藉由RBC制度,監理機關可以評估保險公司資產面(資產配置)和負債面(險種經營)的風險,並給予保險公司資產與負債不同的權數,加以計算其所需的資本,因此RBC制度實為控制保險公司盈餘的一種財務監理工具。而也因為RBC制度這樣的特性,某種程度來說也可間接引導保險產業的資產配置。 本研究主要探討我國壽險業者於民國九十二年七月實施RBC制之後對於資產配置策略上有無產生影響,藉以驗證是否RBC制對於人身保險業者的資金配置產生影響力。本研究以我國壽險業共二十五家公司年報,比較其八十九年度至九十四年度在實施RBC制前後,其資產配置會因RBC實行會有何改變。本篇的研究方法是以paired sample t test 及Wilcoxon sign-rank test檢定保險公司的各資產配置項目在RBC制實施前後有無明顯改變。實證結果為整體壽險業除股票比例外,每一項投資配置項目在風險基礎資本額實施前後都有顯著地改變。 此外,本研究亦欲檢視在風險基礎資本額實施之後,各保險公司的投資報酬率與風險會有何變化,以了解實施RBC制度後對台灣壽險業投資績效之影響。實證結果為壽險業的投資報酬率及投資風險在RBC實施之後皆有下降的趨勢。 / Risk-Based Capital was implemented as an important regulatory tool in Taiwanese insurance industry in July 9th 2003, which is used to predict the probability of insolvency. From the regulatory point of view, it has always been a highly important section to keep the default risk of the insurers within a certain range. By the means of RBC, the regulators can evaluate the risks of asset and liability, and assign different weights to them in order to know how much capital the insurer need. As a result, RBC can be used to regulate the insurers’ financial earnings. And because of this character, RBC can conduct the asset allocation of the insurers at the second hand. The purpose of this paper is to verify if the implement of RBC in July 2003 had any effects on the asset allocation of the insurance industry. We used the annual reports of 25 Taiwanese insurance companies to compare the differences between 2000 and 2005 to examine how they changed their investment portfolios after RBC. Our research method is paired sample t test and Wilcoxon sign-rank test, and we found that except for the investment ratio of stocks, each ratio has significantly changed after RBC. Furthermore, we also detected the variations of the rate of returns and the risk of insurance companies’ investment portfolios after the implement of RBC. The empirical results are that both the rate of returns and the risk of insurance companies’ investment portfolios decreased after RBC had been carried out.


林宗佑 Unknown Date (has links)
VaR和RBC的差別主要在於風險相關性的結構,RBC以人為的方式設定風險之間為完全相關或完全無關,而VaR則經由歷史資料估計得到相關性的結構,當然也可能因估計的誤差而造成錯誤。 本篇文章的目的為探討相關係數矩陣對於資本需求的設定是否會造成影響,我們將利用產物保險業的資料來作模擬分析,並觀察資本需求制度因為相關性結構的設定是否會影響其效率及有效性。 我們將建立一個模擬中的世界,在這個世界中,產險公司將面臨股票投資風險、利率風險和核保風險等三種風險並根據1999年底美國產險公司的平均值來設定一個起始的保險公司的財務分配狀況,經過模擬後,利用兩種比較標準來比較類似RBC和類似VaR的資本需求,第一種標準為在監理上要求某種程度的型一誤差下所造成的型二誤差,第二種為資本需求的有效性,是否能在面臨相同的破產風險下,要求較低的資本。 我們的結果可以看到因資料點的增加,使得估計誤差減少,但VaR卻未因此而此RBC來得好,經過對股票的市場價值、債券的市場價值和負債三個部位作簡單的分析發現VaR和RBC兩者問的關係約為一個近似於1的比例,而此比例會因假設的相關係數矩陣而改變。因此,當監理機關在選擇監理的制度時,是否估計相關係數矩陣並不會有太大的影響,因為對於相關性作不同假設約兩種制度之間為一個近似於1的比例。 / The major difference between risk-based capital (RBC) and value at risk (VaR) is the specification of the correlation structure among risks. RBC subjectively specifies that risks of insurers are either independent of each other or perfectly and positively correlated. Although VaR attempts to capture the underlying correlation structure through estimation of historical data, it is subject to estimation errors. The purpose of this paper is to examine how the mis-specification or mis-estimation of correlation structure affects the effectiveness of capital requirements in the property-casualty insurance industry. We first construct a representative insurer in a simulated world with stock market risk, interest rate risk, and underwriting risk. RBC-type and VaR-type of capital requirements are then calculated as the financial status of the insurer evolves. All parameters in the simulation are based on historical data to approximate the real world. We then examine the effectiveness of these two capital requirements in terms of their early warning capabilities and the levels of capital needed for various solvency rates. Our results show that the correlation estimation when using annual data has too big errors to bejustified. The capital requirement incorporating estimated correlation matrix was dominated by the one lacking correlation estimation. RBC-type requirement has lower chances to signal false alarms given the desired early warning capabilities and demands less capital for the same solvent probabilities. Insurance regulators therefore should not embrace correlation estimation into capital requirements before they could have insurance companies reported data more frequently.

人壽保險市場股權融資與限額風險移轉 / Equity financing and finite risk transfer in Taiwan life insurance market

曾柏馨 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣壽險公司2002年之後面臨股東權益累積不足造成高槓桿比之問題,因此2008年金融危機時資產跌價股東權益大幅減損使風險基礎資本額(RBC)低於法定要求而有限期增資壓力;而業務快速成長之公司易受權益資本侵蝕(Surplus strain)造成RBC不足,壽險公司必須在增資及業務發展上取得平衡;此外歐盟於2013年實施SolvencyⅡ對資本也將有更嚴格要求,因此壽險公司如何增資成為重要議題。壽險公司增加自有資本的方式除普通股現金增資和盈餘轉增資之外,2008年金管會增列具資本性質之債券可計入自有資本,提供業者多元融資管道。本研究提供壽險公司除上述增資方式以外之選擇,即透過限額再保險以強化財務結構。壽險公司將風險移轉再保險人後,就分出業務之責任準備金金額於再保險資產項提列分出責任準備,在負債不變情形下增加自有資本也提升RBC。此外,初期盈餘佣金收入也可同時提升自有資本。因此,限額再保險的安排與規劃,對於提升壽險公司RBC有相當程度的影響。限額再保險交易的優點手續簡便,只需要分保人與再保險人議約,並經監理官核准即成立,對於改善公司財務及強化資本結構立即見效。然而其缺點是淪為粉飾財報工具誤導投資人及保戶。為避免限額再保險交易衍生弊端,監理機關訂立保險業辦理再保險分出分入及其他危險分散機制管理辦法涉及「交易規範」、 「公司治理」及「資訊揭露」。本研究證實限額再保險確實能提升分保人隱含報酬率,並降低其增資壓力,但應加強其資訊揭露,讓外部人瞭解公司財務之真實狀況。

相關係數對於風險基礎資本有效性之影響 / The Impact of Correlation on the Effectiveness of Risk-Based Capital

潘原至, Pan Yuan Chih Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文指出風險基礎資本對於保險公司的清償能力,並不是一個有效的預測工具。其中一個無效的理由可能是對於各個風險之間的相關係數矩陣沒有做正確的假設,但這個說法從未被證實。因此,本篇論文藉由一個模擬的產物保險公司資料,透過不同的共變數調整後總和風險基礎資本(Total RBC)的相關係數矩陣假設來檢測不同的相關係數矩陣對於風險基礎資本預測產險公司清償能力的有效性為何。我們建構了一個模擬模型來比較相關係數的設定對於資本要求有效性的影響。模擬結果證實,相關係數的設定對於預測產險公司清償能力的有效性並無影響。可能的原因是在模擬的過程中,計算風險基礎資本的風險類別的數量不夠多,所以造成相關係數並沒有顯著的影響。因此,調整風險基礎資本中共變異數的計算公式並不會增加風險基礎資本預測的有效性。 / From past work, it is believed that RBC is ineffective in predicting solvency. One of the possible reasons for causing ineffectiveness may be the unrealistic assumption about correlations among risks, but it is not yet confirmed. Thus, in this paper we investigate how the correlation specification in obtaining Total RBC after covariance affects the effectiveness of RBC for property-casualty insurers. We conduct simulations to compare the effectiveness of capital requirements with assorted correlation specifications. Simulation results confirm that correlation specification has no influence on effectiveness. Our conjuncture is that the number of risk categories in RBC is probably not large enough for correlation to have significant impact. Therefore, modifying the covariance formula alone will not improve the effectiveness of RBC.


胡家熀, HU,CHIA-HUANG Unknown Date (has links)
美國全國保險監理協會為了確保產險公司的清償能力,及當產險公司資本比率低於某一定比率時監理機關可以實施某些管制措施,而於1994於產險業實施風險基礎資本額(RBC)制度。但由於提供金融服務的功能性障礙逐漸降低,以及產險產業的競爭日趨激烈。因此,產險公司必須在清償能力和效率目標間找出一個平衡點,在符合成本效率的情況之下持有適切的非風險性資產並提高股東權益比率。因此,本研究主要在探討RBC之實施是否會對美國產險公司之成本效率帶來影響。 本研究以美國產險業的RBC實施年度,也就是1994年為分界,檢測372家美國產險公司在1990至1998年間成本效率之趨勢變化。 研究結果指出,在RBC實施之後,產險公司的成本效率及配置效率都有明顯的下降趨勢,但技術效率卻沒有太大的變動趨勢。此外研究結果也顯示產品集中程度與成本效率及配置效率呈顯著負向關係。市佔率與成本效率、技術效率以及配置效率呈現負相關。股份公司在成本效率與配置效率高於相互公司。另外,總資產規模與各項效率呈現顯著正相關,代表規模愈大的公司愈能有效率地經營。研究結論顯示RBC實施之後,產險公司為因應RBC之要求,可能會調整風險性之投資,但也導致產險業者成本效率及配置效率之降低。 / The risk-based capital (RBC) requirements developed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) were intended to raise the safety net for insurers and to provide regulators with the authority to intervene when capital falls below a minimum standard of capital adequacy that is related to risk. Since the less functional barrier of financial service and the greater competition among the property-liability insurers which forced the property-liability insurers to find a balance between solvency and efficiency so that the insurers can have enough cost efficiency and keep maintaining adequate non risk assets as well as rising shareholders’ equity. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine the cost efficiency change after property-liability insurers applied RBC standards. To do this, we examine 372 property-liability insurers’ data from 1990-1998 and compare the efficiency change before and after 1994, the RBC standards effective year. This study applies Data Envelopment Analysis and uses the grand frontier approach to measure the cost, allocative and technical efficiency. The statistical results reveal that after applied RBC standards cost and allocative efficiency had significant decline, but no change in technical efficiency. The Tobit regression statistical results indicate that the product concentration has a negative effect on cost efficiency and allocative efficiency; and the market share has a negative relationship with cost efficiency, technical efficiency and allocative efficiency. Cost efficiency and allocative efficiency of incorporate companies are higher than that of mutual companies. Furthermore, the positive relationship between the firm size and efficiency suggested that the larger the size the better efficiency. Overall results imply property-liability insurers may be forced to adjust their investments risk, however, such adjustment might be contributed to less cost and allocative efficiency after applied to RBC standards requirements.

風險基礎資本與涉險值運用在保險監理上之比較 / The Comparison of RBC and VaR in the Insurance Regulation

林姿婷, Lin, Tzy-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
確保保險公司之清償能力是保險監理單位之首要目標,監理單位使用各種不同的監理制度以確保保險公司的財務體質,並防止保單持有人因為保險公司失去清償能力所遭致之損失。在各種監理制度中,RBC監理制度主要是衡量保險公司的資本適足性並且提供監理單位採取相關監理行動的準則;VaR監理制度則是目前銀行業之監理所嘗試採取的新監理方式,而且VaR也被廣泛運用在銀行內部的風險管理系統中,由銀行監理的發展趨勢看來,可以預期保險監理將來也會以VaR監理制度為主。 本研究的主要目的在於探討VaR監理制度適用在保險監理制度上的可行性以及與現行RBC監理制度的比較。在探討VaR監理制度的可行性前,本研究先就VaR監理制度運用在保險監理的前提以及影響保險公司失去清償能力的原因進行探討。 在瞭解影響保險公司失去清償能力的原因後,本研究分別對於在VaR監理制度下保險公司如何分別針對各種不同的風險因子決定所需持有的資本額度。經過相關文獻的探討以及考慮保險業的行業特性,本研究建議市場風險與核保風險可以用VaR計算其資本額度;信用風險由於尚未有十分完善的量化模型,所以本研究建議應以徵信方式因應此一風險,而業務風險則是以規定一固定比率的資本額度因應之。本研究也建議待保險公司累積足夠的VaR使用經驗後,保險監理制度可以開放使用預先承諾法。 在運用VaR於保險監理上時,本研究也建議監理單位必須注意有關VaR的實行風險與模型風險的影響,同時也強調監理單位的檢核與市場制度的力量是VaR監理制度能夠充分運作的必要條件;此外,由於制度實施的初期,無法驗證模型與資料的可用性,所以仍必須輔以最低固定比率的要求,以確保保險公司的清償能力。 在探討VaR運用在保險監理制度上的可行性後,本研究將進一步比較VaR與現行RBC監理制度的比較。本研究主要是由制度實行的難易程度、衡量資本適足的準確性,以及監理的成本三方面進行比較。制度實行的難易程度主要是比較VaR與RBC制度的複雜度與可行性,以及與公司內部風險管理和全球金融監理趨勢的整合程度。衡量資本適足的準確性主要是比較二種制度何者更可以衡量保險公司所面臨的各種風險、清償能力的效力,以及保險公司投資組合的風險分散效果。至於監理的成本則可分為監理者、保險公司與社會成本三方面來探討。 透過本研究的比較結果發現VaR監理制度除了在制度的複雜度與可行性較RBC制度差以外,其他項目皆優於RBC監理制度。除此之外,VaR與RBC都各自有其監理上的道德風險。本研究建議如同銀行監理一般,保險監理制度應朝向VaR監理制度的趨勢前進,以更可以確保保險公司的清償能力以及投保大眾的權益。 / Assuring insurance company solvency has always been the focal point of insurance regulation. Regulators use various methods to promote insurers' financial strength and protect policyholders from losses due to insolvency. Among these methods, risk-based capital (RBC) is used to measure the insurer's capital adequacy and provide the relative action rule for the regulator, and the VaR (value-at-risk) regulation is new regulatory type the bank regulator attempt to adopt. Besides the regulatory application, VaR is also used in bank's risk management system broadly. We can expect the VaR-type regulation will be the new insurance regulation in the future according to the development of bank's regulation. The methodology of this study adopt is literature review. The most important purpose of this study is to explore the feasibility of VaR-type insurance regulation and compare the VaR regulation with current RBC regulation. Before the regulation system examination, this study firstly discusses the presupposition of the VaR regulation application and the causes of insurer insolvency. For the purpose of developing the VaR-type capital requirement in insurance regulation, this study proposes that market and underwriting risk capital requirement can be directly calculated in VaR; credit and business risk capital requirement should be regulated a fixed-rate capital amount. This study also proposes the application of precommitment approach when the regulator assure the insurer accumulate good experience in VaR. In addition, this study also addresses some points for attention of VaR insurance regulation. The other purpose of this study is to compare the RBC and VaR through the regulatory implementation, solvency measurement, and regulatory cost. The result of this study indicates that VaR is superior to RBC in any aspect, besides the complexity and feasibility. In addition, VaR and RBC both have their own regulatory moral hazard. This study suggests VaR should be used in the insurance regulation as other financial regulation in the future.

風險基礎資本制實施對壽險業資本與風險之影響 / The Impact of RBC on the Capital and Risk in the Life Insurance Industry

郭純芳, Kuo, Chun Fang Unknown Date (has links)
行政院會於民國八十八年十二月十六日通過保險法修正草案,修正草案中針對強化之監理機制與增進保戶大眾之權益係以強化其資本適足性為其修法目標,所採之方法即建立風險基礎資本額制(Risk-based Capital, RBC)。而保險法修正案於民國九十年六月二十六日業已經立法院三讀通過,然RBC制度將於民國九十二年中實施。台灣保險監理機關的確有必要對於壽險公司之投資效率及經營上的安全作一考量,所以便引入美國監理關協會(National Association of Insurance Commissioners, NAIC)早於1993年便推動的風險基礎資本額制。   本文檢視美國壽險業者在風險基礎資本額制實施後,其資本結構與資產風險是否產生顯著之變化,研究保險公司之冒險行為之增減,以作為台灣監理機關未來施行RBC制度的參考。然基於此,本文利用三階段最小平方法來分析壽險業者其風險、資本與風險基礎資本制度的關係,實證結果發現RBC ratio較高的業者在風險基礎資本額制實施後,雖然增加風險但也同時調高資本比率,另一方面,RBC ratio較低之保險公司不僅僅增加公司整體風險外,也降低資本比率。 / The risk-based capital requirements developed by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) were intended to raise the safety net for insurers and provide regulators with the authority to intervene when capital falls below a minimum standard of capital adequacy that is related to risk. The paper examines the simultaneous impact of RBC had on life insurer’s both capital and risk. We employed a three stage least squares (3SLS) model to analyze the relationship between life insurer’s capital, risk and the risk-based capital requirements. The results suggest that life insurers with lower RBC ratio would not only increase their capital ratio but also increase their company-wide risk. Besides, the life insurers with higher RBC ratio would reduce the capital ratio and increase the risk.

台灣保險業資產風險係數之探討 / The study on the asset risk factor of insurance industry in Taiwan

曾于芳 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣風險基礎資本額制度實施至今已將近七年,但風險係數卻從未調整,本研究主要針對股票指數與匯率之風險係數探討其是否有更新之必要,藉由1986年12月至2009年12月之資料,利用GARCH模型及EGARCH模型進行風險係數之估計,除了和風險基礎資本額制度相同,以風險值為考量外,另外加入條件尾端期望值,並比較其與風險值之差別。 實證結果發現,僅部分財務時間序列有顯著之槓桿效果,因此使用GARCH模型估計風險係數較為合適;所估計之風險係數,無論是股價指數或是匯率,其估計結果皆比現行標準高出許多。 / In Taiwan, Risk-based capital (RBC) is set up in 2003. From 2003 until now, no matter how the economical environment has changed, the risk factors have remained all the same.This research mainly focuses on the risk factors of stock index and foreign exchange and wants to know if the risk factors need to be changed. The data this research encompasses is from December 1986 to December 2009.The risk factors are estimated by GARCH model and EGARCH model, utilizing not only the VaR but also the conditional tail expectation (CTE). From the result, only a few financial time series have shown leverage effect, therefore it is indeed more appropriate to apply GARCH model in risk factors estimation. Moreover, the risk factors from the result of this research, whether it is stock index or foreign exchange rate, are significantly higher than the risk factors standard applicable in Taiwan at the present.

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