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FUNDING PEACE AT THE GRASSROOTS : Evaluating the Impact of External Funding on Local Peace Committees Capacity to Resolve Pastoral Communal Conflicts in KenyaObote, Clause January 2024 (has links)
Local Peace Committees (LPCs) have emerged as adequate infrastructures for fostering peace in conflict-affected countries. The role of LPCs in facilitating peacebuilding is recognized in countries like Kenya, Burundi and Colombia. However, a significant gap exists in our understanding of the factors that enhance LPCs' capacity to resolve pastoral communal conflicts. This thesis aims to fill this gap by addressing the question: Why are some Local Peace Committees able to resolve pastoral communal conflicts while others are not? I propose that LPCs that receive continuous external funding have an increased capacity to resolve communal conflict compared to those with limited external funding. To test this theoretical argument, I conduct a study on two LPCs in Kenya. The findings of my study provide moderate support to the hypotheses tested. I attribute this moderate support to the small sample size, methodological limitations, and other confounding variables, such as local ownership and the country's supportive political environment. This study underscores the need to investigate additional factors that contribute to the increased capacity of LPCs, such as non-financial support( training and workshops).
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Proyecto de desarrollo local: promoviendo una convivencia saludable en las familias del caserío de Miraflores – Santa Cruz – Cajamarca, 2023Flores Becerra, Rosalina January 2024 (has links)
El presente proyecto de desarrollo nació de la observación directa y estudio de campo en la Institución Educativa Secundaria “Marco Abel Carvajal Atencio” en donde se identificó conflictos familiares, falta de integración y sana convivencia entre los padres y los hijos adolescentes. Es por ello que se propuso poner en práctica el proyecto denominado Promoviendo una convivencia saludable en las familias del caserío de Miraflores de la provincia de Santa Cruz, región Cajamarca, cuya finalidad es contribuir al mejoramiento de la dinámica familiar entre los padres y adolescentes, para ello se promoverá la firma de convenios entre el Centro de Salud Miraflores, ONG Asoc. Ases. Finanzas y Desarrollo Rural, la UGEL Santa Cruz, con la Institución Educativa Secundaria “Marco Abel Carvajal Atencio”, así como, las autoridades del caserío de Miraflores, quienes desde su función permitirán la articulación y asunción de acciones que demanda el proyecto. Para la consecución de los resultados del proyecto se tendrá en cuenta las reuniones técnicas, talleres educativos de resolución de conflictos, dinámicas y sesiones demostrativas, pasacalle. Al final del proyecto se pretende fortalecer las capacidades de los docentes, padres de familia y adolescentes para un manejo adecuado de situaciones que alteran la convivencia familiar en la escuela y en el hogar; así mismo se afianzará la comunicación asertiva y se establecerá formas positivas de convivencia y perspectivas de proyecto de vida personal y familiar. Este proyecto tendrá un costo de S/.83,307.00 / This development project was born from direct observation and field study at the Secondary Educational Institution “Marco Abel Carvajal Atencio” where family conflicts, lack of integration and healthy coexistence between parents and adolescent children were identified. That is why it was proposed to implement the project called Promoting a healthy coexistence in the families of the Miraflores hamlet in the province of Santa Cruz, Cajamarca region, whose purpose is to contribute to the improvement of family dynamics between parents and adolescents, to This will promote the signing of agreements between the Miraflores Health Center, NGO Asoc. Ases. Finance and Rural Development, the UGEL Santa Cruz, with the Secondary Educational Institution “Marco Abel Carvajal Atencio”, as well as the authorities of the Miraflores hamlet, who from their role will allow the articulation and assumption of actions required by the project. To achieve the results of the project, technical meetings, educational conflict resolution workshops, dynamics and demonstration sessions, and parades will be taken into account. At the end of the project, the aim is to strengthen the capacities of teachers, parents and adolescents for adequate management of situations that alter family coexistence at school and at home; Likewise, assertive communication will be strengthened and positive forms of coexistence and perspectives for personal and family life projects will be established. This project will have a cost of S/.83,307.00
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[pt] A interdependência entre Segurança e Desenvolvimento não é uma temática nova no cenário internacional. Por anos atores multilaterais, como a Organização das Nações Unidas, por exemplo, e nacionais vêm se ocupando desta conexão. No caso brasileiro, a temática do desenvolvimento faz parte das preocupações da política externa do País, de forma estruturada, desde a década de 1950. Ressalta-se, no entanto, que ao se falar em desenvolvimento, se pensava no desenvolvimento econômico do Brasil, em um discurso em que a ligação entre esse princípio e o da segurança buscava atrair mais investimentos para o crescimento da Nação. Circunstâncias domésticas e sistêmicas acabaram contribuindo para que, no início do século XXI, os tomadores de decisão da política externa brasileira passassem a defender a exportação da visão brasileira para o exterior, na tentativa de contribuir para que os diversos conflitos que se espalhavam no cenário internacional tivessem alcançassem a paz duradoura. Este é o enfoque principal deste trabalho. / [en] The security-development nexus is not a new topic on the international stage. For many years, multilateral actors, such as the United Nations, as well as many states have been concerned with this connection. Regarding Brazil, the development theme has been a concern for the country’s foreign policy, in a more structured way, since the 1950’s. It must be highlighted, however, that when talking about development this referred to Brazil’s economic development, in a manner where the security-development nexus meant trying to attract more investments to advance national economic expansion. Domestic and systemic circumstances ended up contributing, at the beginning of the 21st Century, to the export of a Brazilian view as an attempt to contribute to the resolution of several international conflicts. This is the main focus of this thesis.
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[pt] A Guerra da Bósnia (1992-1995) foi finalizada com os
Acordos de
Dayton, que garantiram 49 porcento dos territórios aos
bósnios e 51 porcento aos
bósnios muçulmanos e croata-bósnios. O pacto previa a
construção de um
Estado multiétnico, que garantisse a convivência
após a carnificina que
marcou a beligerância entre os três grupos. Apesar de
garantir o fim de um dos
mais sangrentos conflitos europeus desde o fim da
Guerra Mundial, o
acordo de paz parece não ter solucionado de fato os
problemas que levaram os
três grupos étnicos a entrar em conflito durante o
processo de desintegração da
Iugoslávia. Ou seja, o tratado deu fim à guerra, mas
manteve um estado latente
de beligerância entre as partes. Dentro de uma
de modelos de
resolução de conflitos que critica uma abordagem
tradicional e utilitária dos
acordos firmados em Dayton, este trabalho analisa os
acertos e equívocos dos
primeiros sete anos de implementação do plano de paz,
questionando a
transferência da guerra para a arena política e,
principalmente, a necessidade de
manutenção da intermediação internacional para a
convivência pacífica entre as
comunidades formadoras da Bósnia pós-guerra. Para o
desenvolvimento do
trabalho, são questionados os tradicionais modelos de
resolução de conflitos
assim como a rigidez da solução estatal, de modo a
apresentar outras saídas para
a aproximação das partes que guerrearam e a
de uma nova
comunidade política. / [en] The war in Bosnia (1992-1995) was finished with the Dayton
Agreements that gave 49 percent of the territories to the
Serbs and 51 percent to the
Bosniacs and Croatian Serbs. The pact previewed the
creation of a multi-ethnic
State that assured a peaceful living after the bloodshed
that marked the conflict
among the three groups. Despite the accomplishment of
ending one of the most
bloody European conflicts since the end of the Second
World War, the peace
agreement seems not to have really solved the problems
that made the three
ethnic groups confront themselves during the Yugoslavian
process. It means that the accord ended the war, but kept
a latent warring
atmosphere among the parties. In a perspective of conflict
resolutions models
that criticizes a traditional and utilitarian approach of
the agreements signed at
Dayton, this work analyzes the rights and wrongs of the
first seven years of the
implementation process, questioning the transference of
the war to the political
arena and, specially, the prolonged international
interference to keep the
peaceful ambiance among the communities that forms the
post-war Bosnia. For
the development of this work, the traditional models of
conflict resolution as
well as the rigid State response are questioned, with the
aim to present other
outcomes to put the warring parties together, with the
possibility of a new
political community.
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Konflikresolusie in 'n transformasiekonteks : 'n vredebouontleding van die Post-Lancaster House tydvak in Zimbabwe : 4 Maart 1980-2002Grundling, Okert Jakobus 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study aims to analyze the conflict resolution process in Zimbabwe after the Lancaster House Agreement and the subsequent elections from March 4, 1980 up until 2002. The objective is to determine what effect this process has had on all the people in Zimbabwe, both nationally and locally. It also endeavours to evaluate their attempts to transform from a violent culture of guerilla warfare, to an all-inclusive sustainable peaceful environment and culture.
The reason for this specific time period of the study lies in the fact that the peace building process of the Zimbabwean conflict resolution process was supposed to be introduced during this time. This is the era during which the root of historic conflict, according to the peace building theory, has had to be transformed. It also implies the start of the implementation of the radical land reform process.
From this perspective the following 5 key questions form the raison d‟être of the study and will be analyzed in the different chapters:
1. The requirements for sustainable peace, according to the conflict resolution and peace building theory, as developed by Galtung, Mitchell, Lederach, Burton and Anstey.
2. The characteristics of the historical conflict structure to be transformed during the post-1980 period.
3. An evaluation of the development of an all inclusive, multi-faceted and integrated program for the transformation of the historical conflict structure.
4. An evaluation of the international managers‟ contributions for laying the foundation for the integration of peace-making and the subsequent phases of
the peace building process. It also questions the degree of reconciliation and peace building.
5. The lessons learnt from the Zimbabwean experience and its implications for conflict resolutions and peace implementation processes in Southern African societies. Included in this question is to seek clarification and to develop proposals about the roles and contributions of internal and external role players on all levels of society in such processes.
Hence the conclusive finding that conflict resolution and peace building is an integrated multi-dimensional process. This conclusion is confirmed in the Zimbabwean situation. Conflict involves the entanglement of needs, unappeased perceptions and codes of conduct during the period of negotiations. In Zimbabwe the escalation and de-escalation of these influences are clearly observed.
The evaluation and manipulation of the history of Zimababwe, of which the manipulation is still continuing, is harming the process of reconciliation and peace building. The absence of an inclusive raison d‟être for all parties involved (regarding differences and diversities on ethnical, social, economical and other levels) implies a strong escalating and de-escalating factor in the irreconcilability in Zimbabwe.
The initiation of an integrated and multi-dimensional process, mechanism and framework of reconciliation and peace is strongly advised. This process, mechanism and framework has to have an integrated structure starting at international level (United Nations Peace Building Commission) decentralizing into regional, national, provincial and local government structures. The process and mechanism must be part of the establishment of conflict resolution and peace building as an generic management style and approach aimed at the political and governing processes of societies in transformation. This is especially important for the current Zimbabwean situation. / Die oogmerk van die studie is „n ontleding van die konflikresolusie-proses in Zimbabwe sedert die Lancaster House-ooreenkoms en die daaropvolgende verkiesings van 4 Maart 1980 tot en met die jaar 2002. Die doelstelling is om te bepaal in watter mate en op welke wyse, daar op alle vlakke van die gemeenskap nasionaal en op plaaslike vlak, gepoog is om die geweldskultuur, wat kenmerkend van die guerrilla-oorlog was, te transformeer tot „n volhoubare inklusiewe vredesomgewing en -kultuur.
„n Primêre motivering vir die keuse van die bepaalde navorsingstydperk is dat dit veronderstel is om die vredebou-periode van die Zimbabwiese konflikresolusie-proses in te lui. Dit is die era waartydens die bronne van die historiese konflik, ooreenkomstig die vredebou-teorie, getransformeer moes word. Dit sluit ook die era in waartydens die eerste stappe van die radikale grondhervormingsproses geïmplementeer is.
In die lig hiervan word die onderstaande 5 kernvraagstukke as raison d‟être van die studie op „n hoofstukbasis ondersoek:
1. Wat is die vereistes vir volhoubare vrede, ooreenkomstig die konflikresolusie- en vredebouteorie soos veral ontwikkel deur Galtung, Mitchell, Lederach, Burton en Anstey?
2. Wat was die kenmerke van die historiese konflikstruktuur wat in die post-1980- periode moes transformeer?
3. Het daar in die post-1980-periode „n inklusiewe, multi-vlakkige en geïntegreerde program vir die transformasie van die historiese konflikstruktuur, ontwikkel?
4. Het die internasionale bestuurders van die proses die grondslag gelê vir „n integrering van vredevestiging met die verdere fases van vredebou? In watter mate was versoening en vredebou enigsins „n prioriteit? Indien nie, waarom nie?
5. Watter lesse kan vanuit die Zimbabwiese ervaring geleer word wat kan bydra tot 'n beter begrip van praktiese konflikresolusie en vredebou-implementeringsprosesse in veral Suider-Afrikaanse gemeenskappe? Watter bydraes kan en moet interne en eksterne rolspelers speel? Voortspruitend hieruit word daar ook aanbevelings aan die hand gedoen oor die integrasie van internasionale en nasionale (eerste, tweede en derde vlakke) rolspelers in hierdie verband.
Teen hierdie agtergrond word samevattend bevind dat konflikresolusie en vredebou, „n geïntegreerde multi-dimensionele en multi-vlakkige proses is. Vanuit die Zimbabwe situasie word bevind en bevestig dat konflik uit „n geïntegreerde wisselwerking van behoefte- en doel-onversoenbaarheidspersepsies met voort-spruitende konflikterende gesindhede en gedragspatroon-verskynsels, bestaan. Daar word ook aangetoon dat daar duidelike eskalerende en de-eskalerende invloede teenwoordig is.
Daar is ook bevind dat die wyse hoe die geskiedenis van Zimbabwe evalueer en hanteer is en steeds word, die bou van versoening en langtermyn vrede benadeel. Die afwesigheid van „n inklusiewe raison d‟être wat alle rolspelers inbind tot een Zimbabwiese sentiment, ten spyte van diepliggende verskille en diversiteite op etniese, stam, sosiale, ekonomiese, klas en ander terreine, is „n sterk eskalerende faktor en gevolg in hierdie verband. Die loodsing van „n diepliggende en veelvlakkige versoeningsproses, sal die identifisering van sódanige sentiment – die aorta van Zimbabwe se konstruktiewe, volhoubare voortbestaan – as primêre samebindende prioriteit moet neem.
Teen hierdie agtergrond word „n geïntegreede versoenings- en vredebou meganisme en raamwerk ontwikkel en voorgestel. „n Meganisme en proses wat multi-vlakkige deelname vanaf „n internasionale (United Nations Peace Building Commission) tot en met „n streeks, nasionale, provinsiale en plaaslike fokusvlak, verseker. „n Proses en meganisme wat ook deel uitmaak van die meer prominente vestiging en institusionalisering van konflikresolusie en vredebou as „n generiese bestuurstyl en program in die politieke en regeerprosesse in oorgangsamelewings, maar veral ook in die Zimbabwe situasie. / Political Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrika-Politiek)
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Corporate warriors : scourge or solution in African conflict resolutionJohnson, Jade Nichole 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Political Science. International Studies))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Private Military and Security Companies (PMSCs) are fast becoming a permanent structure in international security. PMSCs are made up of two groups, namely Private Military Companies (PMCs) and Private Security Companies (PSCs). Antagonism towards their existence and involvement in African civil wars is the result of some damaging effects of PMSCs- more specifically PMCs- including misconceptions. Both PMCs and PSCs are compared to mercenaries and definitional issues plague the private security industry. Private Military and Security Companies however are legal entities, different to mercenaries. This is why PMCs are sometimes referred to as "corporate warriors". As private companies PMCs often fill the security gaps left by international responses to African civil wars. Their contracts with legitimate governments offer a cheap and effective end to the violence of civil war.
In recent years the use of PMSCs has increased among both weak and strong states. Antipathy however remains the prominent attitude in the international community, thus challenging the use of PMSCs. From this point of view, they are a ¡°scourge¡± because PMCs are not only likened to mercenaries of old who fight for private gain, but the arguments are also that they undermine the sovereignty of weak states, that they are unaccountable to the citizens of these states, that they violate human rights, that they don't solve root causes and that they contribute to militarization.
The increase of civil conflicts in Africa and the surplus of military professionals after the Second World War meant that mercenaries became involved in African liberation struggles. By the end of the Cold War however- in an era that favours liberal economic practices and privatisation- professional legal Private Military and Security Companies were established to supplement the security gap left at the end of the Cold War. As mentioned, these are legal companies that don.t breach international conventions; are accountable to some home state legislation's and brought peace to Angola and Sierra Leone.
International responses to security concerns- especially those in Africa- are burdened by the plethora of complex civil conflicts that simultaneously demand attention from the United Nations. PMCs may be equipped to execute Chapter VII mandates of the UN Charter, as these deal with robust enforcement functions at a time when the West is reluctant to intervene. What is perhaps required is more accountability (also to host state legislation) and oversight.
The services of PMCs are beneficial to a number of stakeholders. These include the states in which they are registered, the states in which they operate, the citizenry that they protect, and they are profitable to the shareholders of the PMCs and diamond and oil companies they are contracted to.
It is thus the conclusion of this thesis that Private Military Companies provide a faster and more cost- effective option for peacemaking in Africa. As private companies they are not bound by protocols and conventions but they must satisfy the company and its shareholders. And although the use of Private Military Companies is not dependent on the regulation of the industry, the PMSC industry would benefit from more self- regulation in the market place. Thus with relevant and more effective regulation, PMCs could become Africa's solution to her civil conflicts. Unlike in the Ballesteros report, the UN has to recognise this role. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Private Militere- en Sekuriteitsmaatskappye (PMSMe) is vinnig besig om 'n permanente struktuur in privaatsekuriteit te word. Skadelike uitwerkings van hierdie PMSMe, wanpersepsies ingesluit, is 'n gevolg van die antagonisme teenoor die maatskappye en hul betrokkenheid in burgeroorloë. PMSMe word met huursoldate vergelyk en gevolglik word die privaatsekuriteitsindustrie met kwessies rondom definiering gekwel. PMSMe, anders as huursoldate, is egter wettige entiteite. Om hierdie rede word PMSMe dikwels as "korporatiewe krygsmanne" (corporate warriors) beskryf. PMSMe, as private maatksappye, vul dikwels die sekuriteitsgapings wat deur die internasionale reaksies tot burgeroorloë in Afrika gelaat is. Hul kontrakte met legitieme regerings bied 'n goedkoop en effektiewe middel om die geweld van burgeroorloë te beëindig.
Die gebruik van PMSMe het, gedurende die afgelope jare, in beide swak- en sterk state toegeneem. Antipatie dien steeds as in vername afkeur in die internasionale gemeenskap. Dit daag dus die gebruik van PMSMe uit. Hulle word steeds met huursoldate in die internasionale gemeenskap verwar. Terselfdertyd word geargumenteer dat PMSMe die soewereiniteit van swak regerings ondermyn, dat hulle nie verantwoordbaar aan die burgers van hierdie state is nie, dat hulle inbreuk maak op menseregte, dat hulle nie die kernoorsake van konflik oplos nie, en dat hulle tot militarisering bydra.
Die toename in burgerlike konflikte in Afrika, tesame met die oorskot militêre vakkundiges na die Tweede Wereldoorlog, het gemaak dat huursoldate in Afrika se vryheidstryde betrokke geraak het. Teen die einde van die Koue Oorlog - gedurende 'n tydperk waar liberale ekonomiese praktyke en privatisering voorrang geniet het - was professionele wettige PMSMe byderhand om die sekuriteitsgaping aan te vul. Hierdie is dus wettige maatskappye wat nie internasionale konvensies skend nie, wat verantwoordbaar is aan sekere tuisstaatwetgewing, en wat vrede in Angola en Sierra Leone meegebring het.
Internasionale reaksies tot sekuriteitskwessies - veral die sigbaar in Afrika - word deur 'n oormaat van komplekse burgerlike konflikte, wat gelyktydig aandag van die Verenigde Nasies (VN) verg, belas. Hiervolgens is dit moontlik dat PMSMe wel toegerus mag wees om Hoofstuk II-mandate van die VN Handves uit te voer. Die rede hiervoor is dat die PMSMe wel toegerus is om robuuste toepassings funksies te verrig. Dit het veral vorendag gekom gedurende 'n tydperk toe die Weste huiwerig was om by sekuriteitskwessies in te meng. Hoer vlakke van verantwoordbaarheid en oorsig word moontlik meer vereis.
Die dienste van PMSMe is voordelig vir vele belanghebbendes. Hierdie sluit die state in waar hul gekontrakteer het, die state waarin hulle optree, die burgers wat hulle beskerm, die winsgewendherd vir aandeelhouers van die PMSMe en die diamant- en oliemaatskappye deur wie hul gekontrakteer mag wees om installasies te beskerm.
Die gevolgtrekking van hierdie tesis is dus dat PMSMe 'n vinniger en meer koste-effektiewe opsie vir vredemaking in Afrika bied. Al is die gebruik van PMSMe nie afhanklik van die regulering van die industrie nie, sal die PMSMe-industrie by 'n verhoging in self-regulering in daardie sektore baat vind. Met relevante en meer effektiewe markregulering, kan PMSMe dus as 'n oplossing in Afrika se burgerlike konflik dien. Anders as in die Ballesteros verslag, sal die VN dit moet erken.
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The impact of the private security industry on peace-building efforts in Africa : an assessment of Executive Outcomes, MPRI and DynCorpHolager, Emma 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The emergence and rapid growth of the private security industry in the 1990s followed from
the downsizing of the armed forces in the aftermath of the Cold War and the development of
new security threats which increased demand for military manpower and expertise. This has
led to a redefinition of security strategies and the restructuring of armed forces by Western
governments, which has resulted in the elimination of non-core activities from the functions
of many armed forces. Recently it has been argued that the private security industry can
challenge what previously was believed to be a primary responsibility of states, namely to
take on peacebuilding initiatives and support to other peace operations.
This study seeks to assess the impact of the private security industry in peacebuilding efforts
in African conflicts. The study suggests that the private security industry have taken on a
much stronger role in conflicts world wide since the 1990s, and that its activities have
significantly changed. Companies such as MPRI and DynCorp have managed to keep close
contact with their home governments, which arguably has been a crucial factor to their
growing business. Furthermore, the private security industry have sought to distance itself
from the negative connotations associated with mercenaries and the activities of companies
such as Executive Outcomes in the 1990s, by avoiding operations involving elements of direct
combat. This has been illustrated through the extensive case study of the activities of three
private military and security companies: Executive Outcomes, MPRI and DynCorp.
Furthermore, this thesis has confirmed an increased presence of the United States on the
African continent post-9/11, illustrated by the presence of American-based private military
and security companies which arguably are being used as proxies for US foreign policy
Furthermore, this study has discussed the various implications the private security industry
has on the traditional notion of the state’s monopoly on the legitimate use of force. This thesis
has argued that the legitimate use to exercise violence is in the process of devolution from
governments to other actors, which the extensive growth of the private security industry
illustrates. Additionally, it has been argued that the privatisation of military and security
services can harm the reliable delivery of essential services in conflict. Furthermore, the
findings of this thesis has highlighted the dilemma that many countries do not want stricter
regulation or elimination of the private security industry for the reason that these companies are viewed as valuable assets in fulfilling foreign policy objectives that for various reasons
cannot be fulfilled by national armies. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die opkoms en vinnige groei van die privaatsekuriteitsbedryf in die 1990s was die gevolg van
die afskaling van gewapende magte in die nasleep van die Koue Oorlog en die ontwikkeling
van nuwe sekuriteitsbedreigings, wat die aanvraag na militêre arbeidskragte en kundigheid
verhoog het. Dit het aanleiding gegee tot ’n herdefiniëring van sekuriteitstrategieë en die
herstrukturering van gewapende magte deur Westerse regerings, met die gevolg dat niekernaktiwiteite
van die funksies van talle gewapende magte uitgesluit is. Daar is onlangs
aangevoer dat die privaatsekuriteitsbedryf aanspraak kan maak op ’n funksie wat voorheen as
die primêre verantwoordelikheid van regerings beskou is, naamlik om vredesinisiatiewe en
steun aan ander vredesverrigtinge te onderneem.
Die doel van hierdie studie was om die impak van die privaatsekuriteitsbedryf in
vredesinisiatiewe in Afrika-konflikte te assesseer. Daar word aan die hand gedoen dat die
privaatsekuriteitsbedryf sedert die 1990’s ’n baie groter rol in wêreldwye konflikte gespeel
het, en dat die aktiwiteite van hierdie bedryf aanmerklik verander het. Maatskappye soos
MPRI en DynCorp was suksesvol daarin om nabye kontak met hul tuisregerings te behou, wat
stellig ’n deurslaggewende faktor in hul groeiende besighede was. Voorts het die
privaatsekuriteitsbedryf gepoog om hom te distansieer van die negatiewe konnotasies wat met
huursoldate en die aktiwiteite van maatskappye soos Executive Outcomes in die 1990’s
geassosieer is deur bedrywighede wat elemente van direkte stryd inhou, te vermy. Hierdie
poging is geïllustreer deur die omvattende gevallestudie van die aktiwiteite van drie privaat
militêre en sekuriteitsmaatskappye: EO, MPRI en DynCorp. Die bevindinge van die studie
bevestig voorts die Verenigde State van Amerika (VSA) se toenemende teenwoordigheid op
die Afrika-vasteland ná 9/11, wat duidelik blyk uit die teenwoordigheid van Amerikaansgebaseerde
privaat militêre en sekuriteitsmaatskappye wat stellig as volmag gebruik word vir
die VSA se buitelandsebeleidsdoelstellings.
Die verskeie implikasies van die privaatsekuriteitsbedryf vir die tradisionele siening van die
regerings se monopolie ten opsigte van die wettige gebruik van magte word ook in die studie
bespreek. Daar word aangevoer dat die wettige gebruik van geweld in die proses van
devolusie is vanaf regerings na ander rolspelers, wat deur die omvattende groei van die
privaatsekuriteitsbedryf bevestig word. Daar word verder ook beweer dat die privatisering van militêre en sekuriteitsdienste die betroubare lewering van noodsaaklike dienste tydens konflik
kan benadeel. Die studie se bevindinge werp ook lig op die dilemma dat talle lande strenger
regulering of uitskakeling van die privaatsekuriteitsbedryf teëstaan omdat hierdie
maatskappye beskou word as waardevolle bates in die bereiking van
buitelandsebeleidsdoelwitte, wat vir verskeie redes nie deur nasionale leërs bereik kan word
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Cyclical Violence in Jonglei State: The Deadly Shift in the Practice of Cattle RaidingLegassicke, Michelle January 2013 (has links)
One of the greatest post-conflict problems in South Sudan, which has emerged as a threat to the nation’s security, has been the deadly clashes between tribes during cattle raids. This thesis examines why cattle raiding shifted from a relatively non-violent rite of passage to the primary manifestation of tribal conflict in South Sudan, and whether it is possible to reverse this shift. This thesis proposes a unique approach to the topic by analyzing two underlying causes: insecurity in Jonglei State and a breakdown of traditional governance structures – as well as how their combination has led to the shift. This thesis focuses on a case study of Jonglei State, as it has experienced the largest number of instances of conflict attributed to cattle raiding in South Sudan. Furthermore, current attempts to reduce conflict through increased security and disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration programs have failed as they only address problems of insecurity. I will be comparing two periods of cattle raiding in Jonglei: the current conflict from 2009 until the present, and a historical review of cattle raids focusing on governance of the raids. The review will not cover any specific time period as it aims to identify what aspects of the tradition contributed to a reduced scale of violence before the shift in 2009. Insecurity has caused the increase in clashes, while disconnections to traditions have caused the increase in violence. To address these problems, traditional leadership structures and the de facto rules that structured raids must be re-established in order to produce a long-term solution.
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Parliamentary majorities and national minorities : Moldova's accommodation of the GagauzWebster, John A. January 2008 (has links)
This thesis provides an institutional explanation for the peaceful solution of the conflict between the Moldovan state and its small Gagauz minority in the period from 1988 to 1995. The central argument is that different institutional arrangements during this time had a direct effect on the Moldovan state’s capacity to bring about autonomy for the Gagauz. I show how Gagauz leaders, conditioned by the territorial-based structures of the Soviet Union, mobilized a political movement to push for the creation of an autonomous republic, and how this preference for autonomy remained the consistent demand of the Gagauz throughout the early years of post-communist transition. This finding supports the contention that Gagauz preferences cannot be used to explain the rich variation in political outcomes during this period. I assert that the critical changes were essentially institutional: new electoral laws; revised parliamentary rules and procedures; and a complete rewriting of Moldova’s constitution. These innovations were crucial in enabling the inclusive-minded majority in the Moldovan parliament to overcome the power of nationalist veto players by increasing the majority’s control of the legislative agenda. The importance of these institutional factors is examined by careful analysis of the different stages of the Moldovan parliament’s accommodation of the Gagauz: from separatism and stalemate to compromise. Furthermore, I reassert the central role of institutional arrangements by discounting the external influence of Turkey as a patron state on the successful negotiations between Moldova and the Gagauz. Using previously unresearched archival material, unstructured interviews with many of the key actors, and local media reporting, this thesis challenges existing accounts of the Gagauz conflict in Moldova. These accounts assert that either the Gagauz reaction to titular nationalism or the shifting preferences of strategic-thinking elites was the key causal factor of the political outcomes observed during this period. In contrast, this thesis shows that institutional design played a decisive role in the resolution of this conflict. The findings of this research offer useful lessons for other ethnically-divided states with mobilized minorities.
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The role of the educational psychologist in promoting effective multi-agency collaborationsEaton, Andrew David January 2010 (has links)
Service integration is central to current government strategy for promoting positive outcomes for young people with educational and additional needs, yet evidence to support the efficacy of this strategy remains elusive. A review of the literature finds that many of the facilitators of successful multi-agency working are at the intra-group level. These barriers and facilitating factors are organised into an Eco-systemic Model of Multi-Agency Working (EMMA) which addresses leadership processes, group-level interactions and problem-solving processes. The first stage of the study generates data for intervention materials to be used in the second stage. This is achieved by comparing the purposes and practices of each group at different systemic levels. This stage of the study also provides baseline questionnaire data for the second stage of the study. Consideration is given to the sources of conflict within each group, the strategies used to resolve these conflicts and the levels of hierarchical and systemic thinking within the participating multi-agency groups. The resulting analysis is found to fit well within the EMMA model and the distinctiveness of each of the systemic levels as well as their interdependence is discussed. Suggestions are made for improved multi-agency practices and new directions for the educational psychologist in facilitating improved practice are explored. Paper II Abstract In the first phase of this two-stage study, self-organised learning principles were proposed as a useful knowledge base upon which to draw when facilitating change in multi-agency groups. In this second phase, this hypothesis is put to the test. Data from the first phase is used in combination with wider research findings to design feedback materials for participating groups. Evidence gathered from ensuing meeting transcripts, interviews and questionnaire data is compared with baseline data gathered in the first phase to assess the impact of this intervention on group functioning. Evidence is presented of improved clarity of purpose, improved group functioning and early signs of improved outcomes, though results are highly variable between groups. Different levels of group functioning were found to be inter-dependent, lending support to an eco-systemic model of multi-agency working. Trait-based models of leadership and conflict resolution are challenged. It is argued that improving outcomes for young people is dependent upon the healthy functioning of multi-agency groups and that investing resources in reflective learning in multi-agency groups is a worthwhile step towards securing better outcomes for young people.
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