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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Longitudinal analysis of eHealth Governance within healthcare organizations as a critical factor in the adaptation to the Information Society in Scotland

Beratarbide Sobrado, Maria Elena 04 May 2016 (has links)
[EN] EHealth plays an essential role in supporting healthcare in today's digital society; it is perceived as crucial for high quality and cost-effective healthcare. However, getting the expected benefits from eHealth has been difficult to demonstrate. There has been a raising interest in adopting eHealth Governance frameworks to obtain re-assurance that investments return the expected results in health care. How IT Governance is implemented within healthcare, the actual impact on strategic alignment and its influence to the information society progress, remains poorly understood. For this purpose we have explored the application of these frameworks within the National Health Service in Scotland and their impact on the following three aspects: eHealth Governance maturity, strategic alignment with healthcare and local progress of digital societies. This research is a longitudinal study (2008-2013), involving an exploratory and explanatory multi-case analysis of three representative organisations across Scotland. A combination of empiric methods has been used: semi-structured interviews with implementers, surveys (Strategic Alignment Model), cross-sectoral/national benchmarking based on a literature review and a qualitative analysis of established eHealth progress indicators. Ninety-two participants have been involved across three case studies. The outcomes of this study have been published over a period of 5 years representing a composite thesis based on relevant publications. Results sustain that EHealth Governance is in its infancy across sectors and countries. 80% of the organisations worldwide are in a transition point between a "committed" and an "established" process. Our results support that the more mature eHealth Governance is, the better the strategic alignment between eHealth and health care organisations (HCOs), hence the better progress of eHealth and the Digital Society. The Strategic alignment is slowly maturing across organisations (15% since 2008), indicating a faster development than the overall Digital Society (Scotland) progress indicators. The National eHealth Strategy shows signs of steady progress and very positive eHealth uptake in society with an overall growth of 12% since 2008, despite the deep economical recession within the period of this research. The conclusions of this study as a longitudinal analysis are limited and more research over the forthcoming years is required. For this purpose, a simplified and adapted method to monitor these trends in future HCOs research has also been provided. / [ES] La eSalud juega un papel esencial en el desarrollo de la asistencia médica en sociedades digitales; se percibe como un elemento crucial en la provisión de servicios médico-sanitarios alta calidad y costo-efectivos. A pesar de ello, hasta ahora ha sido difícil demostrar la materialización de los beneficios esperados de la eSalud, pero hay un interés creciente en la adopción de marcos de referencia basados en buenas prácticas, y estándares profesionales internacionales para la gestión y dirección de la eSalud, con el propósito de asegurar que las inversiones revierten los resultados esperados en el cuidado y servicios de la salud. Hasta ahora se sabe muy poco sobre el fenómeno de cómo la eSalud es integrada en el cuidado y servicios de la salud, y del impacto que esta tiene en la alineación estratégica de la eSalud. Igualmente, sabemos muy poco de la influencia real que estas prácticas tienen en el progreso de sociedades digitales. Este estudio se centra en explorar la aplicación de buenas practicas y estándares internacionales como marco de referencia en el gobierno de la eSalud en el servicio de salud Escocés; también contrastamos y comparamos el fenómeno con otros países y sectores. Esta investigación es un estudio longitudinal (2008-2013) que incorpora un análisis exploratorio y explicativo de casos. Se obtuvieron un total de noventa y dos participantes a lo largo de los tres casos estudiados, con representación de los principales grupos de interés (médicos y no médicos). Los resultados se han divulgado a lo largo del periodo de investigación en un compendio de publicaciones relevantes que conforman la tesis. Los principales hallazgos muestran que el gobierno de la eSalud está en su infancia en los sectores y países analizados: el 80% de las organizaciones a nivel mundial presentan este proceso en un punto de transición entre "comprometido" y "establecido" (Modelo SAM). Los resultados corroboran que cuanto más maduro es el gobierno de la eSalud, mayor alineación estratégica entre la eSalud y la organización, y mayor progreso de la variable eSalud en los indicadores de la sociedad de la información. La alineación estratégica esta madurando lentamente (15% desde 2008), sin embargo este crecimiento es mas rápido que el progreso observado en los indicadores de la sociedad digital (Escocia). La estrategia nacional Escocesa muestra signos de progreso sostenido y de integración (por uso o adopción) de las iniciativas de eSalud en la sociedad (crecimiento del 12% desde 2008), a pesar de la profunda depresión económica durante el periodo de investigación. Las conclusiones de esta investigación, como estudio longitudinal, son limitadas y requieren la captura de más datos y observaciones durante los próximos anos. Con el fin de facilitar este proceso, se ha propuesto un método simplificado y adaptado al sector salud, que permite capturar observaciones, comparar y monitorizar estas tendencias en futuras investigaciones en el sector salud. / [CA] La eSalut juga un paper essencial en el suport a l'assistència sanitària a la societat digital de hui en dia; es percep com crucial per a l'alta qualitat i efectivitat del servicis de salut. No obstant això, ha estat difícil de demostrar la obtenció dels beneficis esperats de la eSalut. Hi ha hagut un interès en augmentar l'adopció de marcs de governança de la eSalut per obtenir re-assegurament que les inversions retornen els resultats esperats en els servicis sanitaris. Com s'implementa la governança de les TIC dins de l'assistència sanitària, l'impacte real en l'alineació estratègica i la seua influència en el progrés de la societat de la informació, continua sent poc conegut. Aquest estudi explora l'aplicació d'aquests estàndards i marcs de referència dins dels Serveis Nacionals de Salut d'Escòcia i el seu impacte en els tres aspectes següents: la maduresa de la governança de la eSalut", l'alineació estratègica amb l'assistència sanitària i, finalment, el progrés local de les societats digitals. Aquesta investigació és un estudi longitudinal (2008-2013), que implica una anàlisi multi cas exploratori i explicatiu de tres organitzacions representatives del servici nacional de salut de Escòcia. S'ha utilitzat una combinació de mètodes empírics: entrevistes semi estructurades, enquestes (Model SAM) comparatives de mercat intersectorial i internacional basat en una revisió bibliogràfica i, finalment, una anàlisi qualitativa dels indicadors de progrés eSalut. Noranta dos participants han informat a través de tres estudis de casos. Els resultats s'han divulgat al llarg del període d'investigació en un compendi de publicacions rellevants que conformen la tesi. Els resultats assenyalen que la governança de la eSalut està en la seua infància en tots els sectors i països. 80% de les organitzacions de tot el món es troben en un punt de transició entre un procés "compromès" i "establint". Els nostres resultats apunten que quan més madur es la governança de la eSalut, millor serà l'alineació estratègica entre la eSalut i les organitzacions d'atenció sanitària (HCOs), per tant el millor progrés de la sanitat electrònica a la Societat Digital. L'alineació estratègica està madurant lentament en les organitzacions (15% des de 2008); aquest desenvolupament és més ràpid que el progrés de la societat digital (Escòcia). L'estratègia Nacional de eSalut mostra signes de progrés constant i l'absorció de la eSalut en la societat es prou positiva, amb un creixement global del 12% des de l'any 2008, tot i la profunda recessió econòmica durant el període de temps d'aquesta investigació. Les conclusions d'aquest estudi com una anàlisi longitudinal són limitades i es requereix més investigació en els propers anys. / Beratarbide Sobrado, ME. (2016). Longitudinal analysis of eHealth Governance within healthcare organizations as a critical factor in the adaptation to the Information Society in Scotland [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/63456

Historicko-sociologické aspekty sebeprezentace na internetu (zaměření na sociální síť Instagram) / Historical and sociological aspects of self-presentation on the internet (focus on the social network Instagram)

Petrová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to find out what motives lead Internet users to self-representation in public space. My thesis is focused on the application Instagram, which has not been given much space. The age range of users is from 18 years, divided into free age groups, with the assumption of differences that arise in the course of the investigation. The work has a theoretical and empirical character, where the theoretical part is devoted to gradual changes in society with the advent of new technologies. Qualitative research that answers the main research question and the other partial research questions, was conducted by semistructured interviews. The results can serve as a theoretical basis for future research in the field of social networking, especially the application Instagram. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)

Bibliotekariers utbildande praktiker i arbetet mot digital ojämlikhet : Den nya bibliotekarierollen / Librarians educational practices in their work against digital inequality : The new role of librarians

Nilsson, Maja, Karlsson, Mikaela January 2022 (has links)
This paper aims to identify and bring light to librarians different educational practices in their work to fight digital inequality in society. The study uses methods such as observations and interviews to identify which practices the librarians most commonly use when providing digital aid and how these can be understood, how the librarians themselves reflect on these practices, and what differs in their reflections and their actions. After collecting our empirical data we conducted a qualitative content analysis using concepts from Säljös theory of sociocultural perspective on learning, where we identified concepts such as  awareness, tools, and communication as the most central aspects of these educational practices. By doing this we identified three different sub-practices which together make up what we define as an educational practice. These  were approaching practices, conveying practices and outreach practices. These practices were heavily influenced by the concepts of awareness and communication, and as such we could also see how the librarians showed a great deal of awareness concerning the different existing inequalities in society, and thus emphasised the democratic importance of their work. We also found that there were no greater differences in the way they reflected about their practices, and the way in which they actually conducted their work. However, we did find that the main differences instead were in regard to the amount of reflection that they did. Finally we could also see how the librarians mostly had to make do with what they had in terms of their own competencies due to this educational role being relatively new to the librarian. It is therefore our hope that this essay can help inspire future research and endeavours in this field to help develop these practices, and strengthen the role of librarians to better combat digital inequality.

Addressing Digital Barriers : A Case Study: Exploring how adults with mental health disorders perceive digitalization and the digital divide

Ersgården, Emelie, Sinha, John January 2023 (has links)
Digitalization has posed challenges for individuals with mental health disorders, creating a digital divide that hinders their integration into the digital society. This case study delved into the experiences of members at the Fountain House in Lund, a group of people diagnosed with mental health disorders. The study aimed to uncover the digital barriers they faced, thus contributing to the discussion on digital inclusion and the divide. Through extensive research, the study examined the digital divide comprehensively, emphasizing the role of social sustainability in achieving digital inclusion. Barriers such as missing skills, technical, external, and individual were meticulously analyzed. Based on these findings, a prototype was developed to bridge the digital divide and foster digital inclusion. The study's efforts in addressing digital barriers at the intersection of digitalization and mental health disorders offer insights into the digital divide and practical strategies for achieving social sustainability in the digital age.

“En känsla av frihet eller ensamhet?” : En sociologisk studie om distansundervisning och desseffekter till följd av pandemin covid-19

Karlström, Louise, Sernbrant, Bianca January 2022 (has links)
As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, society was facing major changes. To slow down the spread of infection, restrictions were introduced that forced people to work and study digitally from home. This essay examines the mental state of lecturers and students, and whether they have a positive or negative attitude toward distance education. The purpose is to create an in-depth understanding of the effects of distance education on individuals’ interactions, which have arisen as a result of the pandemic. The research questions the study is based on are about what the existing research says about what effects distance education has on people’s social interactions and the quality of education. The study is based on a systematic literature review where the results are based on previous research. A total of 22 scientific articles were selected that were considered relevant based on the purpose of the study. The empiric is presented through four different perspectives in a results section which is then analyzed with the help of concepts from George Herbert Mead and Georg Simmel. The essay shows that there are divided opinions about how distance education works as a teaching method. Some believe that distance learning gives more freedom, and facilities and is more comfortable. While others think it is lonely and feel isolated from society. The results of the study indicate that how individuals choose to accept and adapt to the new society, determines what effects it has on the new teaching method. It is all about a new way of shaping identity. / Till följd av pandemin Covid-19 ställdes samhället inför stora förändringar. För att bromsa smittspridningen infördes restriktioner som tvingar människor till att arbeta och studera på distans. Denna uppsats undersöker lektorers och studenters mående, samt om de har en positiv eller negativ inställning till distansundervisning. Syftet med studien är att skapa en fördjupad förståelse för vilka effekter distansundervisningen har för individers interaktioner, som uppkommit till följd av pandemin. Forskningsfrågorna studien utgår från handlar om vad den befintliga forskningen säger om vilka effekter distansundervisningen har för människors sociala interaktioner samt för utbildningskvalitén. Studien utgår från en systematisk litteraturstudie där resultatet grundar sig i tidigare forskning. Totalt valdes 22 vetenskapliga artiklar efter utvalda teman. Empirin presenteras genom fyra olika perspektiv i ett resultatavsnitt som därefter analyseras med hjälp av begrepp från George Herbert Mead och Georg Simmel. Uppsatsen visar att det finns delade åsikter om hur distansundervisning fungerar som undervisningsmetod. En del anser att distansundervisning ger mer frihet och är mer bekvämt. Medan andra känner sig ensamma och isolerade från samhället. Studiens resultat indikerar på att hur individer väljer att acceptera och anpassa sig till det nya samhället, avgör vilka effekter det får på den nya undervisningsmetoden. Allt handlar om ett nytt sätt att forma identitet.

Modernisation and innovation management : developing a digital society : an investigation into public sector modernisation and innovation management in its introduction of wireless technology

Ubiebor, Merhedia Ricardo January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents an exploratory study into the development of digital societies and it examines public sector modernization and innovation from a technology management perspective. The study presents reasons why most city-wide or council-wide development of wireless broadband access networks currently end in failure or are unsustainable. It also suggests its links with wider problems of innovation management and the commercial failure of otherwise technically competent solutions It explores the modernisation of society, government, the underlying theories that influence it as well as the innovations triggered by its wake. The exercise reveals a myriad of innovations; firstly in the modernisation of the infrastructure of government and secondly in the development of societal infrastructure in the form of broadband networks.

Modernisation and Innovation Management: Developing a Digital Society. An investigation into public sector modernisation and innovation management in its introduction of wireless technology.

Ubiebor, Merhedia R. January 2011 (has links)
This thesis presents an exploratory study into the development of digital societies and it examines public sector modernization and innovation from a technology management perspective. The study presents reasons why most city-wide or council-wide development of wireless broadband access networks currently end in failure or are unsustainable. It also suggests its links with wider problems of innovation management and the commercial failure of otherwise technically competent solutions It explores the modernisation of society, government, the underlying theories that influence it as well as the innovations triggered by its wake. The exercise reveals a myriad of innovations; firstly in the modernisation of the infrastructure of government and secondly in the development of societal infrastructure in the form of broadband networks.

L'impossible éducation critique et politique au numérique : territoires, dispositifs, métiers et acteurs / The impossible critical and political digital education : territories, devices, professions and actors

Turet, Amélie 15 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet d’identifier les degrés d’implication de l’État en faveur de l’éducation critique et politique au numérique. Elle analyse les dispositifs publics liés à la diffusion des usages du numérique et les caractéristiques des acteurs professionnels et bénévoles chargés de leur mise en œuvre : leurs appellations, leurs lieux d’exercices, leurs qualifications et les représentations de leurs missions prioritaires. Les questions de recherche sont : En quoi l’enchevêtrement de dispositifs d’action et de formation constitue-t-il une aide ou un empêchement au travail des acteurs pour former la population à une compréhension critique et politique du développement du numérique ? Ces acteurs développent-ils des stratégies d’adoption ou de contournement de ces dispositifs pour assurer leurs actions de formation et d’éducation ? Le corpus est composé de 5 sources complémentaires : les textes réglementaires au niveau français et européen ; 699 offres d’emploi et les référentiels de compétences des formations ; une enquête par questionnaire auprès d’un échantillon de 140 médiateurs numériques ; 10 entretiens d’experts sur la médiation numérique ; 2 monographies issues de 2 périodes d’observation participante au sein de deux entités d’animation de réseaux d’Espaces Publics Numériques. La thèse montre que l’éducation critique et politique est minoritaire, supplantée par l’initiation aux « bonnes pratiques » des usages de l’Internet, fondée sur la prise en main des outils. L’enchevêtrement par le haut des dispositifs conduit à un empêchement de la formation de la population aux enjeux de la société numérique : il produit une double contrainte indépassable entre la recherche de performances comportementales pour répondre aux exigences économiques et la recherche de recul critique en faveur de l’intérêt sociétal du numérique. Seuls les cas de subversion et l’engagement militant notamment sur les logiciels libres, le développement durable, l’anti GAFAM,… résistent à cette injonction de développement normatif. La thèse fait apparaître quatre grandes phases de cette évolution, en lien avec les modes de diffusion des innovations informatiques dans la population française : de 1967 à 1984, le temps de la genèse des méthodes pour la massification des usages de l’informatique : l’éducation scientifique et technique et les clubs informatiques. de 1985 à 1999, le temps des méthodologies de l’appropriation des outils et des usages : l’éducation nationale et le Minitel. de 2000 à 2011, le temps de l’accès public à l’Internet : emplois jeunes et Espaces Publics Numériques. de 2012 à 2016, le temps de la réduction de la fracture culturelle au numérique : les emplois d’avenir numériques, les fablabs et les tiers lieux. Après les tâtonnements des débuts (phase 1), le système d’initiation aux usages du numérique engendre la disqualification des animateurs des clubs informatiques (phase 2) ; il empêche l’offre des systèmes préexistants de l’éducation nationale et de l’éducation populaire (phase 3) ; il provoque l’autocensure des animateurs territoriaux, peu encouragés à une pensée réflexive sur la société numérique (phases 3 et 4). Toutefois, il produit une éducation critique en résistance à travers certaines figures de l’animateur multimédia en emploi jeune (phase 3), et de l’animateur « hackers » ou « systémiste » (phase 4), plus militant et entrepreneur inspiré par les modèles du libre qui détournent les dispositifs en maniant avec agilité les innovations sociales et numériques. Il en résulte que l’éducation critique au numérique reste un point aveugle de la réglementation (aucun texte n’encourage à y réfléchir), sans qualifications ou flux financiers pour la soutenir. Le risque demeure que le numérique soit un nouvel instrument au service de la reproduction et de la distinction sociale. / This thesis aims to identify the degree of state involvement in critical and political digital literacy. It analyzes the public mechanisms linked to the dissemination of digital uses and the characteristics of the professional and volunteer actors responsible for their implementation: their titles, their places of practice, their qualifications and the representations of their priority missions. The research questions are: • How does the interweaving of action and training “devices” (dispositifs) help or hinder the work of actors to train people in a critical and political understanding of digital development?• Do these actors develop strategies to adopt or circumvent these devices to ensure their training and education activities? The corpus is composed of 5 complementary sources: regulatory texts at French and European level; 699 job vacancies and training skills benchmarks; a questionnaire survey of a sample of 140 digital mediators; 10 interviews of experts in digital mediation; 2 monographs from 2 periods of participant observation in 2 networks of digital public spaces. The thesis shows that critical and political digital literacy education is not prevalent, supplanted by the introduction of "good practices" concerning the uses of the Internet, based on the handling of tools. The top-down entanglement of the devices leads to an impediment of the training of the population to the stakes of the digital society: it produces an impenetrable double bind between the search for behavioural performances to answer the economic exigencies and the search for a critical stance in favour of the societal interest of the digital. Only some cases of subversion and militant commitment of individuals in particular those supporting free software, sustainable development and anti GAFAM policies, show a degree of resistance to this injunction of normative development. The thesis shows four major phases of this evolution, in connection with the diffusion modes of computer innovations among the French population: 1. from 1967 to 1984, the time of the genesis of the methods for the massification of the uses of informatics: the scientific and technical education and the computer clubs. 2. from 1985 to 1999, the time of the methodologies for the appropriation of the tools and the uses: the national education and the Minitel. 3. From 2000 to 2011, the time of public access to the Internet: youth jobs and Public Digital Spaces. 4. from 2012 to 2016, the time of reduction of the cultural and digital divide: digital jobs of the future, fablabs and third places. After initial trial and error (phase 1), the initiation system for digital uses leads to the disqualification of computer club leaders (phase 2); it prevents the supply of pre-existing systems of national education and popular education (phase 3); it provokes the self-censorship of local animators, who are not encouraged to think reflexively about the digital society (phases 3 and 4). However, it produces a critical education in resistance through certain figures, such as the multimedia animators for youth employment (phase 3), and the "hacker" or "systemist" animators (phase 4), who are more activist and entrepreneurial, as they are inspired by the free models that hijack devices with agile handling of social and digital innovations. As a result, critical and political digital literacy remains a blind spot of regulation (no text encourages or discourages it), without qualifications or financial flows to support it. The risk remains that the digital transition could be a new instrument at the service of social reproduction and cultural distinction.

Società digitale e libertà religiosa / Digital Society and Religious Freedom

RESTA, VALENTINA 13 March 2008 (has links)
Gli sviluppi tecnologici vissuti nell'ultimo quarto di secolo hanno determinato forti mutamenti non solo nella materialità dell'esistere, ma anche nella dimensione spirituale della persona. L'avvento della cittadinanza digitale ha obbligato ad un ripensamento del catalogo dei diritti e delle forme di esercizio degli stessi. La libertà religiosa, tanto nella sua dimensione individuale quanto in quella associata non solo ha subito l'influenza di tali cambiamenti, ma si è dimostrata in molti casi settore privilegiato per verificare la validità delle nuove forme di governo derivanti dallo sviluppo sempre più massiccio delle tecnologie informatiche. A partire, dunque, da un ripensamento dei rapporti tra diritto e religione sono stati individuati alcuni settori specifici di analisi al cui interno saggiare le nuove forme di governo elettronico, per comprendere le nuove declinazioni del diritto di libertà religiosa nella società digitale. Tali settori sono: la presenza delle confessioni nel sistema della stampa nazionale; il nuovo mondo di Internet e le problematiche connesse alla tutela dei marchi e del sentimento religioso; la presenza delle confessioni religiose nel sistema radio televisivo; la tutela dei dati sensibili religiosi nel nuovo Codice sulla privacy. / Last 25 years, technological developments have determined very important changes both on the material side and on the spiritual one of the people. The introduction of digital citizenship has obliged to rethink the bunch of rights and the way to apply them. The religious freedom, both individually and in association, has suffered the effects of these changes, but moreover has been a preferred sector where testing new governance rules needed to manage the innovations due to constantly increasing presence of information technologies in day by day life. Therefore, starting from a deep rethinking of the relationships between law and religion, some sectors of analysis, where testing new electronic governance rules, has been identified, in order to understand new evolutions of religious freedom rights in the digital society. These sectors are: presence of religious denominations in the national press; Internet world and issues related both to the trademark management and to religious sentiments; presence of religious denominations in radio-TV system; protection of religious sensitive personal data in agreement with the new privacy Code.

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