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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modernization And Women In Tunisia: An Analysis Through Selected Films

Coskun, Cicek 01 September 2006 (has links) (PDF)
This study analyzes the representation of women and modernization in Tunisian society by looking at Tunisian films produced in Tunisia after 1980. Study aims to develop a new concept to understand modernization process of women in a non-western, Muslim, and North African society through representations in films. Women&rsquo / s modernization process has been analyzed through the qualitative analyses of five Tunisian films by focusing on conceptualization of women issue as one of the main elements of Tunisian modernization. More presicely, the study examines stages of women&rsquo / s modernization on the one side, and representation of this process in films on the other. In conclusion, I argue that examining written literature alone is not enough to understand women&rsquo / s modernization process in a non-western society. Expansion of modernization is not rapid and equal in the Tunisian society. If taking place in the public sphere, having a paid job and having education are taken as the indicators of women&rsquo / s modernization, it is seen that lower class women face with problems in every stage of Tunisian modernization. At that point, attending to visual sources like cinema which has the ability to reflect the society can give us convenient information about this process.

Ankara, 1923-1950: The Socio-spatial Manifestation Of Republican Will

Tak, Ahmet 01 February 2007 (has links) (PDF)
ANKARA, 1923-1950: THE SOCIO-SPATIAL MANIFESTATION OF REPUBLICAN WILL Tak, Ahmet Ph. D., Department of Sociology Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Yusuf Ziya &Ouml / zcan February 2007, 248 pages The social, cultural, aesthetic, and spatial aspects of the urban transformation in its specific relationship with a certain ideology is examined in the study. Ankara, as the capital city of a new state, is regarded as a materialized reflection of the modernization program of the Kemalist ideology which defined the main foundations of the Republic and shaped its formation. The formation process of Ankara is tried to be understood in a historical deepness. Therefore, in order to comprehend the nature of the social transformation, in a historical context, Istanbul is taken into consideration as a model for the traditional Ottoman city because it had represented the Ottoman urban ideals with its social, cultural and aesthetic aspects. From the Ottoman period to the Republican, the structural transformation of the cities is tried to be studied with referring to a notion of crisis which has covered the cultural area. Ankara had been the most important place where the endeavors of the Republican elite to build a nation and to create a national culture and identity had became manifest explicitly and in the most pure form. Therefore, the creation process of Ankara presents us an important exemple to understand social and cultural dimensions of the Turkish modernization in the Republican period. In the context of Ankara, the process of establishing a modern and national high culture and identity in the tensions between modernity and traditionalism and its consequences are examined in the study.

Caught Between Nationalism And Socialism: The Kazak Alash Orda Movement In Continuity

Gurbuz, Yunus Emre 01 October 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This dissertation aims to discuss the incorporation of the &ldquo / nationalist&rdquo / Kazak intellectuals of Alash Orda to the Soviet Socialist Republics and their role in the establishment of the Kazak ASSR. In the course of events they acted first together with Russian liberal democrats, then they sought to establish a national government and fought against the Bolsheviks, but after 1920 they chose to stay in the USSR and join the modernization process of their homeland alongside the Bolsheviks. In the mainstream academic discourse the local leaders in the republics of the USSR are generally considered as passive victims of the Soviet policies. The members of the Kazak national movement of Alash Orda are also neglected as weak political figures after they had accepted the Soviet rule. But they continued their struggle for enlightening the Kazak people in 1920s. Their collaboration with the Bolsheviks was concomitant to their motives of modernizing the Kazaks. Their role in the Soviet Kazakstan did not come to an end after their acceptance of the Soviet sovereignty but it continued. My argument is that the struggle of the members of Alash Orda was in continuity with their program before the revolution, and their cooperation with the Bolsheviks was a way to realize their objectives, and it opened a sphere for them to have a role in the formation of the Kazak ASSR.

A Critique Of The Histories Of European And Ottoman States: From

Hasdemir, A. Seven 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis two &ldquo / western modern state&rdquo / and three Ottoman &ldquo / state tradition&rdquo / scholars (Gianfranco Poggi, Christopher Pierson, Serif Mardin, Metin Heper and &Ccedil / aglar Keyder) are elaborated in the way how they write the the history for their theorization attempts. The specially emphasized processes in these histories are asserted to be reconstructed as the sources of an &ldquo / idealized&rdquo / -type that is assumed to be fulfilled by &ldquo / the West&rdquo / and should also be followed by &ldquo / the rest&rdquo / . The description of this form of a state entails a covert expectation on the requirement of an effective, limited but primarily strong state. Since the mainstream historical knowledge builds the foundations of both our academic studies and daily political arguments, it should be subjected to a critique. And state theory should be rethought with comparative and alternative perspectives. This work does not only trace the histories of political development constituted on &ldquo / modernization revisionist&rdquo / and &ldquo / state traditional&rdquo / theses, it also aims to cast new perspectives for the theorization of state-formation momentums and mechanisms by making a potpourri from some alternative readings of historical theses. As a result some central debates are brought into the picture on the historical transformation of state-society relationships. Along with the attempts for more comprehensive thinking exersizes on the states, theorization does not deal with two separate states or separate narratives of the the history but rather with the experiences thought together and watched through the different forms they takes in each particular historical momentums.

A Critique Of The Histories Of European And Ottoman States: From

Hasdemir, A. Seven 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis two &ldquo / western modern state&rdquo / and three Ottoman &ldquo / state tradition&rdquo / scholars (Gianfranco Poggi, Christopher Pierson, Serif Mardin, Metin Heper and &Ccedil / aglar Keyder) are elaborated in the way how they write the the history for their theorization attempts. The specially emphasized processes in these histories are asserted to be reconstructed as the sources of an &ldquo / idealized&rdquo / -type that is assumed to be fulfilled by &ldquo / the West&rdquo / and should also be followed by &ldquo / the rest&rdquo / . The description of this form of a state entails a covert expectation on the requirement of an effective, limited but primarily strong state. Since the mainstream historical knowledge builds the foundations of both our academic studies and daily political arguments, it should be subjected to a critique. And state theory should be rethought with comparative and alternative perspectives. This work does not only trace the histories of political development constituted on &ldquo / modernization revisionist&rdquo / and &ldquo / state traditional&rdquo / theses, it also aims to cast new perspectives for the theorization of state-formation momentums and mechanisms by making a potpourri from some alternative readings of historical theses. As a result some central debates are brought into the picture on the historical transformation of state-society relationships. Along with the attempts for more comprehensive thinking exersizes on the states, theorization does not deal with two separate states or separate narratives of the the history but rather with the experiences thought together and watched through the different forms they takes in each particular historical momentums.

Eine explorative Studie des chinesischen Bio-Konsums / Megatrend: Nachhaltiger Konsum - Eine vergleichende Betrachtung mit Deutschland / An exploratory study of chinese organic consumption

Yang, Xiling 17 July 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Information literacy in modernization of university education / Informacinis raštingumas modernizuojant universitetines studijas

Vaičiūnienė, Vilhelmina 09 November 2007 (has links)
Innovations and changes in higher education paradigm are related to the idea of lifelong learning and application of information communication technologies in learning process. Information literacy is a phenomenon conditioned by modern life realia, related to the newest technologies and abundance of information. It appears to be one of the means of modernization of university education. The issue of information literacy at the university level in Lithuania has not been researched in more depth so far. Integration of information literacy into the curriculum of higher education is a key question closely related to the shift in the idea of the university mission and to the transformations of being and functioning in the knowledge-based society. The dissertation addresses the issue of information literacy integration into the curriculum of higher education. The integration of information literacy into university curriculum creates preconditions for quality improvement in teaching and learning processes. The research reveals the topicality of standardization of information literacy at university education as the way to modernize it. The dissertation presents a phenomenographic research into students’ information literacy conception. The expert study results reveal university teachers and librarians’ attitude towards information literacy and its need at university. The comparative analysis based on the mode of study and gender reflects differences in students’ information literacy... [to full text] / Universiteto struktūra, strategija, mokymo tikslai ir mokymo(si) metodai keičiasi drauge su visuomenėje vykstančia pažanga, kai šalia kitų funkcijų universitetui patikėta mokymosi visą gyvenimą misija. Plačios ir sparčios kaitos kontekste naujas ugdymo turinys skatina naujai pažvelgti į studijų procesą, ieškoti būdų ir priemonių kaip jį tobulinti. Siekį keisti studijų paradigmą lemia: a) išoriniai (globalizacija, informacinių technologijų plitimas) ir b) vidiniai (noras tobulėti, kelti kvalifikaciją, siekti žinių) veiksniai. Lietuvos tyrėjai, analizavę universitetinių studijų procesą, skiria didelį dėmesį kompetencijų apibrėžčiai, jų sandarai, kuri glaudžiai siejama su mokymo ir mokymosi strategijomis universitetinėse studijose, universitetinių studijų kokybe ir jos vertinimu, inovacinių mokymosi metodų taikymu universitetinėse studijose, suaugusiųjų mokymosi ir mokymosi visą gyvenimą dimensijomis, mokymosi ir universitetinių studijų santykiu. Šie klausimai neabejotinai yra glaudžiai tarpusavyje susiję, papildo vienas kitą, sudarydami visuminį šiandieninio mokymosi universitete paveikslą. Lietuvoje informacinio raštingumo problematika universitetinėse studijose mažai tyrinėta. Informacinio raštingumo integravimas į aukštojo mokslo turinį yra aktuali problema, glaudžiai susijusi su kintančia universiteto misijos samprata, bei pakitusiais visuomenės, grindžiamos žiniomis, funkcionavimo principais. Užsienio patirtis rodo, kad informacinio raštingumo gebėjimų įgijimas turi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Daugiabučių namų atnaujinimo programos įgyvendinimo Lietuvoje tyrimas / The Research of Renovation Program of Multistory Buildings Implemention in Lithuania

Ropaitė, Guoda 23 July 2012 (has links)
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama Daugiabučių namų atnaujinimo programa, atliekama jos įgyvendinimo Lietuvoje analizė, siekiant identifikuoti pagrindines problemas, bei pateikiami pasiūlymus dėl jų sprendimo. Taip pat apžvelgiamas Lietuvos būsto fondas, analizuojama užsienio šalių patirtis daugiabučių namų modernizavimo srityje bei atliekama 2010 m. modernizavimo programoje dalyvavusių atnaujintų daugiabučių namų analizę, apskaičiuojant panaudotų energiją taupančių modernizavimo priemonių investicinį efektyvumą energetiniu požiūriu. Darbą sudaro 4 dalys: įvadas, analitinė dalis, apimanti Lietuvos būsto sektoriaus apžvalgą, Daugiabučių namų modernizavimo programos analizę ir užsienio šalių patirtį daugiabučių namų atnaujinimo srityje, tiriamoji dalis – Lietuvos miestuose renovuotų daugiabučių analizę, išvados ir pasiūlymai, literatūros sąrašas bei priedai. Darbo apimtis – 97 p. teksto be priedų, 23 iliustr., 14 lent., 67 bibliografiniai šaltiniai. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / The master thesis analizes the blocks of flats renovation programme, indentifies the main problems in implementing the programme and lists offers for its solution. Also are carried out the overview of the housing stock in Lithuania and analyzed foreing countries experience in modernization of the blocks of flats. The research of blocks of flats which 2010 participate in the modernization programme are carried out calculating the energy-saving modernization measures in terms of energy efficiency investment. This thesis consist of four parts: an introduction, the analytical part which includes the Lithuanian housing sector review, the blocks of flats modernization programme analysis and foreing countries experience in modernization of the blocks of flats, the research part – the analysis of foreing experience in modernization of the blocks of flats, a conclusion and recommendations, a reference and annexes. Thesis contains 97 pages of text (without annexes). There are 23 figures, 14 tables, 67 bibliographical sources. Appendixes included.

Biodiversity loss and climate change: an eco-social analysis

Church, Daniel 22 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the global ecological crisis. It divides the global ecological crisis in to two major components: Climate change and biodiversity loss. Using a theoretical methodology based on comparing and applying a variety of lenses from within environmental sociology, the thesis asks and answers two questions: What are the causes of the global ecological crisis, and how can we solve it? Drawing on the perspectives of ecological modernization theory, ecological Marxism and deep ecology, the causes of and solutions to the global ecological crisis are identified. The primary causes of the crisis are found to be inefficient industrial technology, capitalism and an instrumentalist and anthropocentric view of the natural world. The primary solutions, therefore, must include a widespread shift towards clean and green technology, a transformative social revolution, and a new ecocentric respect for the intrinsic value of non-human life. The study offers many recommendations for policy makers.

Biodiversity loss and climate change: an eco-social analysis

Church, Daniel 22 August 2013 (has links)
This thesis analyzes the global ecological crisis. It divides the global ecological crisis in to two major components: Climate change and biodiversity loss. Using a theoretical methodology based on comparing and applying a variety of lenses from within environmental sociology, the thesis asks and answers two questions: What are the causes of the global ecological crisis, and how can we solve it? Drawing on the perspectives of ecological modernization theory, ecological Marxism and deep ecology, the causes of and solutions to the global ecological crisis are identified. The primary causes of the crisis are found to be inefficient industrial technology, capitalism and an instrumentalist and anthropocentric view of the natural world. The primary solutions, therefore, must include a widespread shift towards clean and green technology, a transformative social revolution, and a new ecocentric respect for the intrinsic value of non-human life. The study offers many recommendations for policy makers.

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