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”Det är mer plus, det måste det ju vara…” : En kvalitativ studie om att förhålla sig till kulturell bakgrund som kompetensBryggare, Anne January 2007 (has links)
Several studies have shown that the Swedish labour market for different reasons is characterized by ethnical discrimination and that people who have another cultural background than Swedish are being excluded. Most studies done within this area have been focused on why it is harder for immigrants to enter the labour market and identifying the contributing mechanisms for this phenomenon. Instead the aim of this study was to see how the immigrants view their own cultural identity and background and how they perceive that their cultural competences are being valued when they apply for a job. To examine this, the following problematic was used: How does a person who has been brought up with both the Swedish culture and another culture look at using this as a cultural competence when they apply for a job. Two different theories were then applied to analyze the problematic, Erving Goffman´s theory about Stigma and Norbert Elias theory about the Established and the Outsiders. To carry out the study, a qualitative method with interviews was used and 8 people from 6 different cultural backgrounds participated. The results show that if the knowledge that had emerged from a persons cultural background turned out to benefit that person in his or her work situation than that person was more likely to see cultural background as a competence. Although if the condition was the opposite then there was no need to see it or to use it as a competence. Therefore cultural competence seems to be useful in specific situations and in interaction with certain people or groups of people rather than being viewed as an overall, general competence. To accentuate cultural competence also proved to be difficult due to the stereotyped conceptions about immigrants that exist in society. The conclusion of this study is that emphasizing cultural competence can sometimes benefit a person although there is always a risk that it could lead to increased stigmatization.
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”Det är mer plus, det måste det ju vara…” : En kvalitativ studie om att förhålla sig till kulturell bakgrund som kompetensBryggare, Anne January 2007 (has links)
<p>Several studies have shown that the Swedish labour market for different reasons is characterized by ethnical discrimination and that people who have another cultural background than Swedish are being excluded. Most studies done within this area have been focused on why it is harder for immigrants to enter the labour market and identifying the contributing mechanisms for this phenomenon. Instead the aim of this study was to see how the immigrants view their own cultural identity and background and how they perceive that their cultural competences are being valued when they apply for a job. To examine this, the following problematic was used: How does a person who has been brought up with both the Swedish culture and another culture look at using this as a cultural competence when they apply for a job. Two different theories were then applied to analyze the problematic, Erving Goffman´s theory about Stigma and Norbert Elias theory about the Established and the Outsiders. To carry out the study, a qualitative method with interviews was used and 8 people from 6 different cultural backgrounds participated. The results show that if the knowledge that had emerged from a persons cultural background turned out to benefit that person in his or her work situation than that person was more likely to see cultural background as a competence. Although if the condition was the opposite then there was no need to see it or to use it as a competence. Therefore cultural competence seems to be useful in specific situations and in interaction with certain people or groups of people rather than being viewed as an overall, general competence. To accentuate cultural competence also proved to be difficult due to the stereotyped conceptions about immigrants that exist in society. The conclusion of this study is that emphasizing cultural competence can sometimes benefit a person although there is always a risk that it could lead to increased stigmatization.</p>
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HIV/AIDS SMITTADE PERSONERS UPPLEVELSER AV STIGMATISERING : En litteraturstudieJohansson, Emma, Batur, Felicia January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hiv/aids är en kronisk infektionssjukdom som drabbar immunförsvaret. Viruset smittar via blod, sädesvätska, slidsekret och via förlossning eller amning. Det är vanligt att hiv/aids smittade utsätts för stigmatisering. Stigmatisering innebär diskriminering och nedvärdering av redan utsatta grupper. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka hiv/aids smittade personers upplevelser av stigmatisering. Metod: En litteraturstudie av kvalitativ ansats gjordes och den grundades på fem självbiografier. Innehållsanalysen var baserad på en metod gjord av Dahlborg-Lyckhage (2012). Resultat: I resultatet fann författarna tre huvudkategorier: Hur drabbade stigmatiserar sig själva, Hur hiv/aids drabbade upplevde allmänhetens stigmatisering och Bristande förståelse från omgivningen. Det finns många olika typer av rädslor hos de som lever med hiv/aids, vilket bidrar till självstigmatisering och självvald isolering. Det framkom även att de drabbade utsätts för stigmatisering från allmänheten, t.ex. genom särbehandling, utanförskap och genom andra åtgärder som de drabbade upplevde som kränkande. Detta kunde ofta härledas till bristande förståelse för sjukdomen eller okunskap. Slutsats: Studien visar att självstigmatisering och stigmatisering från allmänheten är vanligt förekommande. Dock krävs det vidare forskning för att kunna styrka studiens resultat och överförbarhet. / Background: HIV/AIDS is a chronic infectious disease of the immune system. The virus is transmitted through blood, semen, vaginal secretions and through childbirth or breastfeeding. It is common that persons living with HIV/AIDS are exposed to stigma. Stigma is defined as discrimination and denigration of already vulnerable groups. Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the HIV/AIDS infected people's experiences of stigma. Method: A literature study of qualitative approach was made and it was based on five autobiographies. The content analysis was based on a methodology made of Dahlborg-Lyckhage (2012). Results: In the results, the authors found three main categories: How persons living with HIV/AIDS stigmatize themselves, how HIV/AIDS infected people sufferers as a result of experienced public stigma and lack of understanding from the environment. There are many different types of fears from those living with HIV/AIDS, which contributes to self-stigma and self-imposed isolation. It also emerged that the victims are subjected to stigmatization by the public, such as special treatment, exclusion and by other measures that the victims experienced as insulting. This could often be traced to a lack of understanding of the disease or ignorance. Conclusion: The study shows that self-stigma and stigma from the public is common. However, it requires further research to justify the study's results and transferability.
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"Man har ju känt sig som en utomjording eller något sådant" : En kvalitativ studie om den subjektiva upplevelsen att leva med Aspergers syndromPantzar, Jenny, Öhlin, Anna-Karin January 2008 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to elucidate how individuals diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome experience stigma as a result of their diagnosis. The paper was based on a qualitative method, consisting of six interviews with booth male and female participants. We took part of previous studies and research as well as existing theories on the subject, in addition to the analysis of our empirical material. Significant in this study was that all participants were relieved when getting the diagnosis, as they finally got an explanation for what was wrong. The results indicated that the majority of the informants felt worried of the possibility to experience stigma and discrimination, which resulted in that the majority of the participants tended to use an avoidance coping strategy. The results also showed that in contact with authorities the participants in general experienced a lack of understanding and knowledge about Aspergers syndrome. For further research it would be interesting to study authorities’ perspective of their own knowledge and competence to meet individuals diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome.
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"Man har ju känt sig som en utomjording eller något sådant" : En kvalitativ studie om den subjektiva upplevelsen att leva med Aspergers syndromPantzar, Jenny, Öhlin, Anna-Karin January 2008 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to elucidate how individuals diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome experience stigma as a result of their diagnosis. The paper was based on a qualitative method, consisting of six interviews with booth male and female participants. We took part of previous studies and research as well as existing theories on the subject, in addition to the analysis of our empirical material. Significant in this study was that all participants were relieved when getting the diagnosis, as they finally got an explanation for what was wrong. The results indicated that the majority of the informants felt worried of the possibility to experience stigma and discrimination, which resulted in that the majority of the participants tended to use an avoidance coping strategy. The results also showed that in contact with authorities the participants in general experienced a lack of understanding and knowledge about Aspergers syndrome. For further research it would be interesting to study authorities’ perspective of their own knowledge and competence to meet individuals diagnosed with Aspergers syndrome.</p>
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Subjetividade das travestis brasileiras: da vulnerabilidade da estigmatização à construção da cidadania / Subjectivity of Brazilian transgender: from the vulnerability due to stigmatization to the construction of citizenshipWiliam Siqueira Peres 17 March 2005 (has links)
A partir de observações etnográficas e entrevistas profundas junto às travestis brasileiras militantes, cartografamos histórias de vida que organizam cenas a respeito de suas relações na infância, adolescência e a vida atual, mapeando processos de estigmatização e suas respostas de enfrentamento que promovem a produção de uma cultura de resistência.
Essas relações são marcadas por mediações denominadas encontros com o poder, que a partir da afirmação da diferença, inauguram um novo campo de investigação na saúde coletiva, mostrando a importância da organização social e política da comunidade transgênero no Brasil, como estratégia de promoção do cuidado de si e do exercício da cidadania. As
cartografias existenciais sugerem elementos que recontam as histórias coletivas das travestis, solicitando novas possibilidades de diálogos entre os órgãos governamentais e demais setores da sociedade civil, de modo a favorecer o surgimento de novas políticas públicas. / From ethnographic observations and deep interviews with Brazilian transgender prostitutes we were able to trace life histories that organize scenes related to their relationships in their childhood, adolescence, and present life, mapping stigmatization process and confrontation responses that bring about a culture of resistance. Those relationships are marked by mediations called meetings with the power that, from the statement of the difference, open a new field of investigation of the transgender prostitute community in Brazil as a promotion strategy of self-care and of the exercising of citizenship. Existential mapping suggest elements
that retell collective histories of transgender prostitutes, requesting new opportunities for discussion between governmental organizations and other sectors of our civil society in order to favor the elaboration of new public policies.
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Den inre konflikten : Sjuksköterskors förhållningssätt till och upplevelser av att vårda individer med substansbrukssyndrom. / The inner conflict : Nurses’ approach to and experiences of caring for individuals with substance use syndromeBoström, Malin, Runge, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
Background: Previous research shows that individuals with substance use disorder experience stigmatization in society, close relationships and even negative attitudes in health care. These individuals increase in number and are a patient group that general nurses can meet in their daily work. It has also been shown that nursing treatment with regard to these individuals may be crucial for seeking and maintaining treatment. This study therefore focuses on nurses’ attitudes towards these individuals but also on their experiences when caring for them. Aim: To investigate the nurse’s attitudes to and experiences of care of individuals with substance abuse disorder. Method: The method used was a systematic literature study with basic qualitative analysis. Result: The results is presented in two domains; "Nurses’ approach" and "Nurses’ experiences" with seven categories. What turned out was a link between high level of knowledge and awareness and good care. The results also showed that some nurses had negative expectations for this patient group, which negatively affected nursing care. We could also discern an inner conflict within the nurses, who often felt insufficient and unable to provide the care the individual was entitled to. Conclusion: Nursing approaches and experiences varied. A link between knowledge and awareness and provision of good care and preventing or reducing prejudice, was found. Society and its culture tend to affect the nurses’ views of individuals with substance abuse disorder. The inner conflicts occurred when nurses did not give the individual the care that he or she were entitled to.
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Subjetividade das travestis brasileiras: da vulnerabilidade da estigmatização à construção da cidadania / Subjectivity of Brazilian transgender: from the vulnerability due to stigmatization to the construction of citizenshipWiliam Siqueira Peres 17 March 2005 (has links)
A partir de observações etnográficas e entrevistas profundas junto às travestis brasileiras militantes, cartografamos histórias de vida que organizam cenas a respeito de suas relações na infância, adolescência e a vida atual, mapeando processos de estigmatização e suas respostas de enfrentamento que promovem a produção de uma cultura de resistência.
Essas relações são marcadas por mediações denominadas encontros com o poder, que a partir da afirmação da diferença, inauguram um novo campo de investigação na saúde coletiva, mostrando a importância da organização social e política da comunidade transgênero no Brasil, como estratégia de promoção do cuidado de si e do exercício da cidadania. As
cartografias existenciais sugerem elementos que recontam as histórias coletivas das travestis, solicitando novas possibilidades de diálogos entre os órgãos governamentais e demais setores da sociedade civil, de modo a favorecer o surgimento de novas políticas públicas. / From ethnographic observations and deep interviews with Brazilian transgender prostitutes we were able to trace life histories that organize scenes related to their relationships in their childhood, adolescence, and present life, mapping stigmatization process and confrontation responses that bring about a culture of resistance. Those relationships are marked by mediations called meetings with the power that, from the statement of the difference, open a new field of investigation of the transgender prostitute community in Brazil as a promotion strategy of self-care and of the exercising of citizenship. Existential mapping suggest elements
that retell collective histories of transgender prostitutes, requesting new opportunities for discussion between governmental organizations and other sectors of our civil society in order to favor the elaboration of new public policies.
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Personal Perceptions and Experiences of Methadone Maintenance Treatment: A Qualitative Descriptive Research StudyPearson, Courtney January 2015 (has links)
Over the past ten years, there has been a consistent increase in opioid use, which has resulted in an increase in enrolment in methadone maintenance therapy [MMT]. With retention in MMT being a key factor, in order to understand the process of retention, it is important to gain an understanding of individual perceptions and experiences. No research in Ottawa, Ontario has addressed the perspective of MMT from people enrolled in MMT; therefore, nursing based research was undertaken. The objective was to understand the process and experiences associated with MMT from the perspective of persons who are enrolled in treatment. Twelve participants were engaged in semi-structured interviews. These participants described that, although MMT can positively affect the people who use such a treatment option, it continues to have a negative impact that repeatedly affects MMT initiation and delivery. The theoretical framework of Hardt and Negri’s “Triple Imperative of Empire” was used to analyze the research participants’ interviews within the current MMT program, to help develop a more inclusive healthcare service that addressed the current barriers hindering access and retention in treatment. The integration of this framework can help engage persons in treatment, tailor treatment to patient specific needs, and as a result increase access and retention in MMT programs.
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Examining an Acute Environmental Trigger for Dysfunctional Eating: Measuring the Immediate Impact of Fat Disparagement Media Exposure and its Effects on Body Dissatisfaction, Negative Affect, Weight Control Practice Intentions, and Sub-Clinical Binge Eating Behavior in College WomenHimes, Susan 11 May 2009 (has links)
Binge eating is a maladaptive eating practice associated with unhealthy weight control methods (vomiting, laxative abuse) and the development of weight gain and obesity. Isolating psychological and environmental variables that trigger binge eating can prevent or potentially moderate eating disturbance. Previous research implicates media exposure as an environmental contributor to psychological and eating disturbance. The current study sought to uncover whether fat stigmatization media exposure is an acute environmental trigger for psychological disturbance and binge initiation by dismantling fat media messages and experimentally manipulating messages. Undergraduate women (N=197) were assigned to one of four media message conditions: a fat negative interaction, fat comedy, control stigmatization, or control comedy condition. Psychological functioning and weight control variables were assessed at baseline, pre-test, and post-test. Results indicated that fat message exposure resulted in significantly greater post-test perceived pressure to lose weight, negative affect, guilt, and anger than control conditions. Participants exposed to fat messages were significantly more likely to restrict food intake. Two subjects engaged in an analogue binge. Weight control intentions were similar across conditions at post-test. BMI was found to moderate the relationship between fat message exposure and negative affect and hostility, with overweight and obese women more vulnerable to negative psychological consequences of fat media exposure. A history of weight related teasing moderated the relationship between fat message exposure and negative mood dependent variables (negative affect, guilt, sadness, fear), with those who had a history of teasing more vulnerable to negative mood induction. The primary significant mediator between fat message exposure and body dissatisfaction was appearance activation. Eating disorder theories were upheld, with suggested minor modifications specific to the context of fat media exposure. Findings are discussed in the context of weight loss and eating disorders treatment. Limitations of the study and directions for future research are discussed.
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