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Understanding Bicultural Identity and its Impact on the Association between Discrimination and Well-beingKankesan, Tharsni 17 February 2011 (has links)
How one understands their bicultural identity has implications for how one psychologically reacts to discrimination. The three major goals of this thesis were to explore 1) how young adult, bicultural, ethnic minorities understand their cultural identities; 2) how the individual’s understanding of his or her bicultural identity was associated with reactions to real or imagined experiences of discrimination; and 3) the value of the blended/alternating bicultural distinction in understanding bicultural identity and how that might relate to the association between discrimination and well-being. Young adult undergraduates attending a diverse university campus, mainly of East and South Asian background, were interviewed, asked to complete written questionnaires, or asked to participate in an experimental study concerning cultural identity. Results from the three studies of the thesis suggest common themes in participant descriptions of bicultural identity. Results also demonstrate the direct negative effect of discrimination on mood, and suggest that the distinction between understanding one’s bicultural identity as a stable, cohesive blend of two cultures (Blended Biculturalism) vs. as one that switches between two cultural selves (Alternating Biculturalism), may have implications for differential effects of discrimination on psychological well-being. Alternating biculturals in the discrimination condition reported experiencing more negative mood than alternating biculturals in the non-discrimination condition. Blended biculturals did not show this difference. Alternating biculturals in the discrimination condition also reported experiencing more approach thoughts toward their group than alternating biculturals in the non discrimination condition; blended biculturals did not show this difference either, but rather had high levels of approach thoughts in both conditions. Possible explanations for these results are discussed.
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The Structure of Cultural Orientations to the Good Life and their Expression in Personal NarrativesBonn, Gregory 26 March 2012 (has links)
Understanding the rational and ethical sense that people make of their actions and experiences requires understanding the lives they are trying to live. The narrative visions of a good life that are dominant in a society thus represent an important aspect of cultural orientation. To gain insight into the form and function of these visions, two studies were conducted. In Study 1, the various criteria by which people judge their lives as good or worthy were examined using multidimensional scaling of responses from four different cultural groups of students: Chinese, East Asian Canadian, South Asian Canadian, and Western European Canadian. The results revealed two underlying structural dimensions on which both criteria and cultural groups could be differentiated. One reflected the locus of criterial goods and the other their morality. The clearest cultural contrast was between Chinese participants, who tended toward the prudential, materialistic, and hedonistic pole of the morality dimension, and South Asians, who tended more toward the spirituality and beneficence pole. In Study 2, the content of personal narratives produced by Chinese and South Asian students was analyzed to examine whether their contrasting orientations to the good life would be reflected in the kinds of life experiences they recounted. Some evidence of correspondence in this regard was found.
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Social Cognition: Theory and Neuroscience in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum DisordersStevens, Sara 31 August 2012 (has links)
Children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD) have deficits across many cognitive, behaviour and social domains. However, despite social difficulty being proposed as a main deficit following prenatal alcohol exposure, the nature of their deficient social behaviour is largely unknown. One process that may underlie difficulties in social functioning is poor social cognition, which refers to one’s understanding of the self, others and social world. The primary goal of this dissertation was to determine whether social cognitive deficits represent a core disability underlying the socio-behavioural problems of FASD using a bottom-up approach. The first level of this approach is represented by face processing. Global and independent face feature processing was compared between FASD and normal controls (NC) using experimental and clinical measures. Eye gaze processing was investigated next using experimental and clinical tasks. At the highest level of the bottom-up approach, social perspective taking, including theory of mind and empathy were examined, along with how these abilities related to parent-rated behaviour. Finally, the lowest level consisted of specific aspects of the social neural network. White matter in three limbic pathways was investigated using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).
Results generally supported the bottom-up approach of social cognition in FASD. These children showed impaired processing of face features, when matching mouth shapes and partially occluded identity, compared with NC. The FASD group was slower to process gaze and arrow cues, suggesting impaired attention shifting. Children with FASD also showed impairments in social perspective taking, including understanding false beliefs and empathy, and these impairments were related to parent-rated attention and social problems, and autistic-like traits. Deficits in theory of mind got worse with age in FASD and empathy showed distinct sex-related differences. Although no group differences were observed on DTI indices, groups did show different age-related changes in white matter. In conclusion, deficits at each level of the current bottom-up approach may underlie the social impairments in FASD and may contribute to their broader social behavioural phenotype. The results from this dissertation have potential to inform clinical practice and lead to more effective diagnostic and treatment approaches in FASD.
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Understanding Substance Use Treatment Motivation: The Role of Social Network Pressure in Emerging AdulthoodGoodman, Ilana R. 11 December 2009 (has links)
Research has shown that social pressure is related to treatment motivation and plays an important role in treatment engagement in adults with problematic substance use. Despite the shifts in autonomy and decision-making in emerging adulthood, the factors affecting treatment motivation (e.g., readiness to comply with treatment) and motivation to change (e.g., problem recognition and taking steps towards change) during this period have been largely ignored. In this study, 134 youth presenting to an outpatient substance abuse program completed questionnaires investigating substance use history, mental health, social pressure to reduce use and enter treatment, and motivation. Results indicated that peer pressure accounted for significant variance in internal positive and internal negative treatment motivation. Family pressure was related only to external treatment motivation. Neither social network source had a significant impact on motivation to change. Limitations, directions for future research and treatment implications are discussed.
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Birds of a Convergent Feather: The Interrelationship between Similarity, Conflict and Cross-group Friendship PotentialDanyluck, Chad 21 November 2012 (has links)
I examined whether perceptions of intergroup similarity and conflict interact to predict prejudice and facilitation of an intergroup social interaction as a consequence of physiological linkage – a state correlated with successful social interactions wherein two people's autonomic nervous
systems synch-up in time. Studies 1 and 2a, revealed an association between similarity, conflict and low prejudice. In Study 2b participants completed essays priming similarity and conflict in order to test the indirect effect of their interaction with participants' physiological reactivity on
the success of a dyadic social interaction. Similarity, conflict and physiological reactivity interacted to predict physiological linkage, which in turn moderated the effects of conflict on the success of the social interaction. These results suggest that physiological and social cognitive
processes play key roles in determining the important moment when an outgroup stranger becomes a potential friend.
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In it for the Long Run: An Ethnography of Psychological and Social Benefits of Distance RunningWay, Dan 27 November 2012 (has links)
Recreational running is an activity increasing in popularity (Running USA, 2012). The current study sought to gain an ‘insiders’ perspective into the ‘lived experiences’ and social world of distance running so to explore the meaning, value and significance of the activity to the lives of ‘highly committed’ runners in Toronto (Canada). Ethnography of running club participants was used to inform the research. Findings suggest that commitment to distance running was effective for fulfilling a number of human ‘needs’, including for health, fitness, acceptance, belonging, self-esteem, autonomy, competence, relatedness and perhaps self-actualization as proposed by Maslow (1954) and Deci and Ryan (2000). Running was further conceptualized as a “serious leisure” (Stebbins, 1982) which helps explain the process of adaptively incorporating physical activity into one’s life and committing long-term. This research highlights some oft ignored psychological and social benefits of physical activity adherence which may contribute to improved overall health and well-being.
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Birds of a Convergent Feather: The Interrelationship between Similarity, Conflict and Cross-group Friendship PotentialDanyluck, Chad 21 November 2012 (has links)
I examined whether perceptions of intergroup similarity and conflict interact to predict prejudice and facilitation of an intergroup social interaction as a consequence of physiological linkage – a state correlated with successful social interactions wherein two people's autonomic nervous
systems synch-up in time. Studies 1 and 2a, revealed an association between similarity, conflict and low prejudice. In Study 2b participants completed essays priming similarity and conflict in order to test the indirect effect of their interaction with participants' physiological reactivity on
the success of a dyadic social interaction. Similarity, conflict and physiological reactivity interacted to predict physiological linkage, which in turn moderated the effects of conflict on the success of the social interaction. These results suggest that physiological and social cognitive
processes play key roles in determining the important moment when an outgroup stranger becomes a potential friend.
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In it for the Long Run: An Ethnography of Psychological and Social Benefits of Distance RunningWay, Dan 27 November 2012 (has links)
Recreational running is an activity increasing in popularity (Running USA, 2012). The current study sought to gain an ‘insiders’ perspective into the ‘lived experiences’ and social world of distance running so to explore the meaning, value and significance of the activity to the lives of ‘highly committed’ runners in Toronto (Canada). Ethnography of running club participants was used to inform the research. Findings suggest that commitment to distance running was effective for fulfilling a number of human ‘needs’, including for health, fitness, acceptance, belonging, self-esteem, autonomy, competence, relatedness and perhaps self-actualization as proposed by Maslow (1954) and Deci and Ryan (2000). Running was further conceptualized as a “serious leisure” (Stebbins, 1982) which helps explain the process of adaptively incorporating physical activity into one’s life and committing long-term. This research highlights some oft ignored psychological and social benefits of physical activity adherence which may contribute to improved overall health and well-being.
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The Malleability of Music Preferences: Effects of Individual Differences and the Listening ContextHunter, Patrick G. 31 August 2011 (has links)
Despite the ubiquity of music and its importance to one’s identity, there has been limited research on individual differences in music preferences. The aim of this dissertation was to examine how music preferences vary across individual differences in stable traits (e.g., gender, personality) and states (e.g., mood) over three studies. The focus of Study 1 was on the influence of the listener’s mood on emotion-based music preferences. The typical preference for happy- over sad-sounding music was found to be mood-dependent, evident after happy and neutral but not sad mood inductions. When the music was emotionally ambiguous (i.e., with cues to both happiness and sadness), happy listeners liked the music more than other listeners, whereas sad listeners perceived it to be more sad-sounding.
Study 2 examined how emotion-based music preferences develop. Adults and children 5, 8, and 11 years of age listened to short pieces expressing emotions that varied in arousal and valence: happiness (high, positive), scariness (high, negative), peacefulness (low, positive), or sadness (low, negative). Adults preferred pieces with a positive valence (happy and peaceful), whereas children preferred excerpts depicting high-arousal emotions (happy and scary). Identification accuracy was predictive of a positive-valence bias among 5- and 8-year-olds. A number of other findings related to accuracy and gender differences were also evident.
Study 3 examined whether personality differences affect the influence of exposure on liking. Undergraduates completed the Big Five Inventory and provided liking ratings for novel music excerpts as well as for excerpts they heard 2, 8, or 32 times. Higher scores on Openness-to-Experience were related to greater liking for novel excerpts and more rapid satiation. In sum, these three studies highlight that music preferences vary as a function of individual differences and the listening context.
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The Web of Care: A Multi-method Study Examining the Role of Online Communities as a Source of Peer-to-peer Supportive Care for Breast Cancer SurvivorsBender, Jacqueline Lorene 05 January 2012 (has links)
This dissertation uses a multi-method approach to examine the role of online communities as a source of peer-to-peer supportive care for breast cancer survivors. A collection of four studies is presented.
Study 1) A systematic search of the Internet identified 111 active online communities for breast cancer survivors with extensive archives of personal health experiences (one third had over 100,000 posts each as of 2010-10-26). More than one-third (36.0%) were initiated by breast cancer survivors or loved ones, and more than two-thirds (69.5%) were maintained with little or no professional input.
Study 2) An analysis of Facebook (www.Facebook.com) identified 620 public breast cancer groups containing a total of 1,090,397 members as of 2008-11-23. The majority of groups were created for fundraising and awareness purposes (92.6%), rather than supportive care (7.4%).
Study 3) One hundred breast cancer survivors, known to provide peer support were surveyed on their supportive care needs and use of online communities. Two-thirds (68.6%) of the 73 respondents reported at least one unmet need, most frequently (30 to 40%) concerning sexual problems, stress, survivor identity, fear of recurrence, and ongoing symptoms or side effects. About one-third (31.5%) used online communities predominantly during and while recovering from treatment. Reasons for non-use included lack of need, self-efficacy, trust and awareness.
Study 4) Twelve breast cancer survivors who participated in the previous study were interviewed on how and why they used online communities. Unmet needs drove use, particularly during periods of stress, uncertainty or insufficient local support. Online communities served as a unique supportive care resource due to their quality of information, reassurance from similar others, availability, anonymity, and limited commitment. Social support, technology adoption and health behaviour theories help to explain use.
Online communities have the potential to fill gaps in health care services by addressing the supportive care needs of breast cancer survivors in a way that may not be available elsewhere, and survivors may play an increasingly important role as care providers. Future research must focus on overcoming barriers to use, and identifying factors that enhance their effectiveness among diverse groups.
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