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Life and death : a study of the wills and testaments of men and women in London and Bury St. Edmunds in the late fourteenth and early fifteenth centuriesWood, Robert January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the lives of men and women living in London and Bury St. Edmunds in the late fourteenth - early fifteenth centuries. Sources studied include the administrative and legal records of the City of London and of the Abbot and Convent of St. Edmund's abbey; legislation and court records of royal government and the wills and testaments of Londoners and Bury St. Edmunds' inhabitants. Considerable research on a wide range of topics on London, but far less work on Bury St. Edmunds, has already been undertaken; however, this thesis is the first systematic comparative study of these two towns. The introduction discusses the historiography and purpose of the thesis; the methodology used, and the shortcomings of using medieval wills and the probate process. Chapter One discusses the testamentary jurisdiction in both towns; who was involved in the will making process, and the role that clerics played as both executors and scribes and how the church courts operated. Chapter Two focuses on testators' preparations for the afterlife, their choices concerning burial location, funeral arrangements and the provisions made for prayers for their souls. Chapter Three examines in detail their pious and charitable bequests and investigates what ‘good works' testators chose to support apart from ‘forgotten tithes'. The family and household relationships, including servants and apprentices, are examined in Chapter Four, exploring the differences in bequests made depending on the testators' marital status, together with evidence for close friendships and social networks. Chapter Five discusses the ownership and types of books referred to in wills and the inter-relationship between the donors and the recipients. Testators' literacy and the provision for education are also investigated.
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The Malatesta of Rimini : a contribution to the history of the Papal States in the later Middle AgesJones, Philip James January 1950 (has links)
No description available.
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A consideration of the nature, methods and practices of fifteenth-century European warfare with particular reference to the Wars of the RosesFlynn, Jeremy Paul January 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Exempla im Kontext : Untersuchungen zur Sammelhandschrift Berlin, Staatsbibliothek, mgf 863 aus dem Strassburger ReuerinnenklosterStuder, Monika Beatrice January 2012 (has links)
The manuscript Berlin, SBB-PK, mgf 863 was written in about 1430 to 1435 and contains more than 600 short narrative texts in German prose (with some Latin insertions). Among them is the collection of the ›Alemannische Vitaspatrum‹ as well as an additional, extensive and multifarious exempla corpus, which mostly contains translations from well-known Latin collections such as – for example and most prominently – Caesarius' of Heisterbach ›Dialogus miraculorum‹. Because of the specific composition of the corpus and its large extent, mgf 863 builds an excellent basis for the investigation of exempla, a text type which has not received much attention in German studies. The manuscript was probably produced in Strasbourg where it belonged to the library of the nuns from the convent of St Mary Magdalen. It contains a large quantity of textual material with close links to Strasbourg in terms of content or history of transmission. My primary interest is in the texts in the manuscript, in their contents and interdependencies, as well as in their history and their contextualization in, for example, groups of manuscripts, exempla tradition and religious practice. The project aims at a contribution to exempla research as well as to literary and religious life in Strasbourg in the late Middle Ages. My approach comes primarily from literary studies, but also uses palaeographical, textualcritical, and historical methods. The thesis combines case studies of the transmission of individual exempla or groups of exempla with general research into the history of texts (›Textgeschichte‹) and the history of transmission (›Überlieferungsgeschichte‹) of German prose exempla. A repertory in the appendix provides an overview of the manuscript's content. It helps to orientate within the study; furthermore, with over 600 entries, it provides a tool for the identification of German exempla.
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A Study of the Secular Music of the Major Composers at the Court of Burgundy in the Fifteenth CenturyCouch, Reginald Leon 01 1900 (has links)
The present work is intended to ascertain the most important stylistic developments of one major composer, Binchois, and several lesser composers: Grenon, Fontaine, Vide, Joye, Constans, Morton and Hayne. All of these musicians were employed by Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy (1420-1467), when he was one of the richest, most powerful and most respected of all the sovereigns of Europe.
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Un pont entre les obédiences : expériences normandes du Grand Schisme d'Occident (1378-1417)Brabant, Annick 09 1900 (has links)
Entre 1378 et 1417, l’Église est d’abord divisée entre deux, puis entre trois papes concurrents. Alors qu’Urbain VI et ses successeurs s’installent à Rome, Clément VII et son successeur rentrent en Avignon. Cette thèse répertorie et analyse les différentes expériences normandes en réponse au Grand Schisme d’Occident. Les engagements normands pour résoudre le schisme sont pluriels et s’expriment différemment selon les milieux. S’appuyant sur des sources diverses telles que le Registre des suppliques des archives du Vatican, les archives de l’Université de Paris et les archives locales, elle met en évidence les différents courants qui ont coexisté en Normandie en réaction au Grand Schisme d’Occident. Alors que la noblesse normande était généralement favorable aux papes d’Avignon, reconnus officiellement par le roi de France, d’importants courants de résistance envers cette papauté se sont aussi manifestés dans les milieux universitaires et au sein du clergé normand, poussant même certains à choisir l’exil en terre urbaniste. Ces exilés normands, bien que peu nombreux, ont exercé une influence considérable et ont été peu étudiés en tant que groupe auparavant. Parmi l’importante majorité de ceux qui restèrent dans l’obédience avignonnaise, plusieurs intellectuels normands furent pourtant reconnus comme étant d’acerbes critiques, voire des ennemis de Clément VII et de Benoît XIII. Les liens qu’ont maintenus les exilés normands avec leurs collègues restés en terre clémentiste ont joué un rôle appréciable dans le rapprochement des obédiences opposées au début du XVe siècle.
La présente thèse permet de mettre en lumière les multiples attitudes normandes en réponse au schisme, d’approfondir la connaissance portant sur les milieux normands touchés par la crise, ainsi que sur les débats qui l’ont entourée, et de poursuivre la réflexion sur la question de l’obéissance et des réseaux normands à l’œuvre pendant cette période. / Between 1378 and 1417, the Catholic Church was divided between two, and then three contending popes. While Urban VI and his successors settled in Rome, Clement VII and his successor, Benedict XIII, returned to Avignon. This dissertation documents and analyses the multiple experiences known in Normandy in reaction to the Great Western Schism. Norman commitments to resolve this division were plural and they were expressed in numerous manners. Relying on Vatican archives, University of Paris and local archives, this study demonstrates the different reactions that coexisted in Normandy in response to the Great Western Schism. Although the Norman nobility was generally favourable to the Avignon popes, officially recognized by the King of France, important waves of resistance to that papacy were also expressed amongst Norman clergymen, prelates, as well as university students and professors. This resistance led some to choose exile, in order to recognize the Roman popes. Those Norman exilees, although they formed a modest community, had considerable influence in the Roman obedience, and they have been the object of very little scholarly attention. Amongst the vast majority of those who remained in the obedience of Clement VII, many Norman intellectuals were known for being very critical, even being enemies of the Avignon popes. The relationships that exiled Normans maintained with their colleagues who remained in Clément VII’s obedience played a very important role in the dialogue between obediences that led to the council of Pisa in 1409.
This dissertation highlights the multiplicity of Norman attitudes in response to the Great Western Schism, it deepens our knowledge of the various Norman groups touched by the division and it improves our understanding of the different debates that surrounded the crisis. It also allows to further the reflection on the questions of how the schism affected the notion of obedience, and of the Norman networks at work during that period.
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Jazyková stránka vybrané staročeské památky / Linguistic aspect of the selected old Czech literary textMohlesová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the linguistic analysis of the Apollonius of Tyre novel contained in the Pinvicka collection, which comes from the second half of the 15th century. During the creation of the thesis is used especially the qualitative textual analysis, which is in the major part of the thesis supplemented by the quantitative statistical analysis. Opening parts of the thesis represent general information about the Pinvicka collection, in which is contained the analysed literary landmark, and about the literary landmark itself. Follows the detailed analysis of the orthography and of all linguistic layers, i.e. phonology, morphology, syntax and word formation. Every linguistic layer and the orthography are elaborated in a separate chapter. At the end of each chapter is the summary of the achieved results, which includes also charts and tables. In the chapter, which is devoted to the orthography, is primarily payd attention to the speech sounds, for which is typical disunited way of transcript. In the phonological part are treated phonic changes, which are realized in the text. The morphological part of the thesis is concerned with representation of word classes and particulary with grammatical cathegories of nouns and verbs. In the chapter, which treats syntactic plane, are analysed compound...
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Étude iconographique d'une relation : Saints, disciples et compagnons (XIe-fin du XVe siècle) / An Iconographic study of a relation : the saints, the disciples and the companions (11th-end of the 15th century)Lupant, Chrystel 19 November 2011 (has links)
Les liens entre le saint, son disciple ou son compagnon s’observent dans l’iconographie par la mise en scène d’une relation privilégiée. Fondée sur l’analyse d’un corpus d’œuvres produites entre le XIe et la fin du XVe siècle, majoritairement en France et en Italie, l’étude a la volonté de déterminer comment se sont exprimés les liens dans la filiation et la parenté spirituelle, construite autour d’une relation unissant les saints (grands saints de la chrétienté comme ceux honorés localement), à leurs disciples ou compagnons privilégiés. Depuis la naissance de la relation jusqu’à son aboutissement, elle détermine les fonctions respectives des personnages à la lumière de leur élection, de leurs actions et de leurs comportements. L’analyse s’interroge également sur la finalité du « discipulat » ou du compagnonnage et sur la représentation de la dimension affective entre les personnages. Rappelant le modèle christique et apostolique, la représentation de la relation est un thème distinct, dont l’analyse révèle l’importance d’un genre de parenté spirituelle souvent oublié. / The links between the saint, his disciple or his companion can be observed in the iconography by the representation of a privileged relation. Based on the analysis of a corpus of works produced between the 11th and the end of the 15th century, mainly produced in France and Italy, the study will determine how the links in the filiation and the spiritual relationship (built on a relation uniting Major saints of the Christendom, as to those honored locally, to their privileged disciples or companions) were expressed. Since the origin of the relation until outcome, the analysis determines the respective functions of the characters through the lens of their election, their actions and their behavior. The analysis also wonders about the purpose of the disciple-or companionship and about the representation of the emotional dimension between protagonists. Reminding the Christ and apostolic model, the representation of the relation is a different theme, which reveals the importance of a spiritual relationship often forgotten.
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La production manuscrite à Chiraz sous les Aq Qoyunlu entre 1467 et 1503Rettig, Simon 20 December 2011 (has links)
La production de copies littéraires connaît un important développement à Chirâz en Iran sous la dynastie des Turkmènes Aq Qoyyûnlû entre 1467 et 1503. Peut-on cerner des caractéristiques de cette production ? Se différencie-t-elle de celles d’autres centres contemporains, notamment Tabrîz et Hérât ? En examinant un corpus de soixante manuscrits datés, cette étude vise à analyser les différentes composantes du codex de Chirâz (papier, mise en page et réglure, écritures, reliure, …) ainsi que les décors (enluminures et illustrations) mis en œuvre afin d’en dégager les spécificités. Héritiers de la tradition de livres décorés timourides, des artisans du livre deviennent les experts de ce qu’il convient une production en série d’items finement calligraphiés, toujours enluminés et souvent ornés d’illustrations. La présente étude permet de montrer l’évolution d’une production de cour à une conception de copies par des ateliers privés, à un moment où la gestion du pouvoir passe d’un système princier à un gouvernorat de généraux turkmènes vers 1480. Cette période est alors marquée par des changements visuels importants, notamment l’usage d’un style particulier d’écriture nasta‘lîq, employé par les copistes de la ville, des formes d’enluminures stéréotypées, ainsi que l’emploi de styles de peintures qualifiés de « commerciaux ». Il en résulte une forte identité visuelle des manuscrits réalisés à Chirâz dans le dernier tiers du XVe siècle, qui sont largement exportés à travers le monde iranien. La pérennité sera assurée au cours du siècle suivant sous la dynastie safavide par les mêmes familles d’artisans, mais aussi sur une plus grande échelle, dans le domaine ottoman notamment. / The production of belletristic copies encountered an important development in the city of Shiraz in Iran between 1467 and 1503. Is it possible to determine characteristics of this production? Are differences visible with manuscripts made in other centres, such as Tabriz and Herat? By examining a corpus of sixty dated manuscripts, this study aims to analyse the physical components of the Shiraz codex (paper, layout and ruling, binding…) as well as decorations (illuminations and illustrations) in order to identify specificities.The book craftsmen inherited their skills and the styles they use from the former Timurid period. They specialized in a mass production of neatly copied items, always adorned with illuminations, and often illustrated. The present research underlines the interactions between this manuscript production and the historical events in Shiraz, in a time when the governorate of Turkmen generals replaced the rule of the prince. The transfer of production from the court atelier to private workshops echoes this change of power. At the same time profound visual changes distinguish the book production, notably a peculiar writing style of nasta‘lîq, only used by Shiraz copyists, as well as stereotyped forms of illuminations and various “commercial” styles of paintings.As a result, a strong visual identity characterises the Chiraz manuscripts. As they were exported to various parts of the Persianate sphere, they had a strong impact on local productions, notably in the Ottoman realm. Furthermore, the same artisans families in Shiraz ensured the permanency of Aq Qoyyunlu models in the first third of the 16th century under the Safavid dynasty.
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Cultura de corte no Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (BnF, ms. Fr. 2695) de René d\'Anjou / Court Culture in the Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (BnF, ms. fr. 2695) by René dAnjouRoma, Barbara Lopes 02 September 2016 (has links)
O Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, ms. Français 2695) escrito por volta de 1460 pelo duque René dAnjou (1409-1480) merece destaque por sintetizar em um único trabalho práticas da cultura de corte principesca tardo-medieval e pela originalidade em combinar material textual e iconográfico para transmitir a mensagem pretendida pelo autor. Optamos pelo trabalho com o códice em questão devido à difusão de documentos através dos meios eletrônicos, pela singularidade da obra e carência de edições modernas. Manuscritos medievais são objetos foco de diferentes campos de pesquisa, o que nos leva a restringir o escopo do nosso trabalho à análise textual a partir da nossa transcrição paleográfica. O objetivo desse trabalho será examinar a dupla funcionalidade do ms. Fr. 2695 por meio da análise do discurso. Mediante o exame qualitativo e quantitativo do corpus lexical, e da comparação com fontes externas, investigaremos primeiramente a função do códice em registrar a prática do torneio para estabelecer como seria o combate idealizado pelo duque e quão longe estaria da prática corrente. Em seguida, procuraremos decifrar o influxo de escritos corteses, cavaleirescos e principescos no interior do tratado para determinar a construção ideológica, de maneira a persuadir o leitor a adotar um determinado comportamento frente à sociedade. / The Traicitié de la forme et devis comme on fait les tournois (Paris, Bibliothèque nationale de France, ms. Français 2695) written around 1460 by the Duke René d\'Anjou (1409-1480) is noteworthy for synthesizing in a single work practices from princely court culture of the Late Middle Ages and the originality of combining textual and iconographic material in order to convey a message intended by the author. We opted for working with the codex in question due to the dissemination of documents by electronic means, by the uniqueness of the work and lack of modern editions. Medieval manuscripts are objects focus of different research fields, which leads us to narrow the scope of our work to textual analysis from our paleographic transcription. The aim of this study is to examine the dual functionality of the ms. Fr. 2695 through discourse analysis. Through qualitative and quantitative examination of the lexical corpus, and the comparison with external sources, first we will investigate the function of the codex to record the practice of the tournament, and then establish how the fight would be devised by the Duke and how far was from current practice. Second, we will try to decipher the influence of courtly, knightly and princely literature within the treatise in order to determine the ideological construction to persuade the reader to adopt a certain behavior in society.
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