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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The divided consciousness in Charles Dickens' Hard times

Seymour, Earl Paul 01 January 1973 (has links)
What I shall do in this paper is apply Frye’s concept of romance to Hard Times, i.e., Frye's defining romance as a device for using archetypes. The novel, as Frye sees it, is a vehicle whereby “realism” or life-like representation is applied. Hard Times contains “stylized figures” which thematically and formalistically support the dehumanization concept Dickens is portraying. Thus Dickens turned, as it were, toward a potentially revolutionary form within which to accomodate what is in many ways his most original piece of writing.

Das Denkmal für die in den „Deutschen Einigungskriegen“ gefallenen Einwohner Neusalza-Sprembergs und Nieder-Friedersdorfs

Mohr, Lutz 13 January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

A.P. Giannini, Marriner Stoddard Eccles, and the Changing Landscape of American Banking

Weldin, Sandra J. 05 1900 (has links)
The Great Depression elucidated the shortcomings of the banking system and its control by Wall Street. The creation of the Federal Reserve System in 1913 was insufficient to correct flaws in the banking system until the Banking Acts of 1933 and 1935. A.P. Giannini, the American-Italian founder of the Bank of America and Mormon Marriner S. Eccles, chairman of Federal Reserve Board (1935-1949), from California and Utah respectively, successfully worked to restrain the power of the eastern banking establishment. The Banking Act of 1935 was the capstone of their cooperation, a bill that placed open market operations in the hands of the Federal Reserve, thus diminishing the power of the New York Reserve. The creation of the Federal Housing Act, as orchestrated by Eccles, became a source of enormous revenue for Giannini. Giannini's wide use of branch banking and mass advertising was his contribution to American banking. Eccles's promotion of compensatory spending and eventual placement of monetary control in the hands of the Federal Reserve Board with Banking Act of 1935 and the Accord of 1951 and Giannini's branch banking diminished the likelihood of another sustained depression. As the Bank of America grew, and as Eccles became more aggressive in his fight for control of monetary policy, Secretary of State Henry Morgenthau, Jr., became a common enemy to both bankers. Morgenthau caused the Securities and Exchange Commission to launch an investigation of the Bank of America. Later, when Eccles and Giannini were no longer friends, the Board of Governors filed suit under the Clayton Act against Transamerica, a Giannini bank holding company. By 1945, Giannini's bank was the largest in the world. When John W. Snyder replaced Morgenthau, the "freeze" against Giannini's expansion stopped. Eccles was demoted by Truman but served on the Board of Governors until the Accord of 1951 making the Reserve no longer responsible for supporting the pegged interest rates of government bonds.

Pimps and Ferrets: Copyright and Culture in the United States, 1831-1891

Anderson, Eric 02 November 2007 (has links)
No description available.

A Study of the Revolutionary War Novels of William Gilmore Simms

Linton, Esta Louise 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis is a study of William Gilmore Simms' novels that deal with the Revolutionary War.

Mechanisms of translational regulation in bacteria / impact on codon usage and operon organization

Bentele, Kajetan 21 August 2013 (has links)
Diese Arbeit untersucht den Zusammenhang zwischen Mechanismen der translationalen Regulation und der Genomorganisation in Bakterien. Der erste Teil der Arbeit analysiert die Beziehung zwischen der Translationseffizienz von Genen und der Häufigkeit bestimmter Codons am Genanfang. Es ist bekannt, dass die Häufigkeitsverteilung der Codons am Anfang der Gene bei einigen Organismen eine andere ist als sonst im Genom. Durch die systematische Analyse von ungefähr 400 bakteriellen Genomen, evolutionären Simulationen und experimentellen Untersuchungen sind wir zu dem Schluss gekommen, dass die beobachtete Abweichung der Codonhäufigkeiten wohl eine Konsequenz der Notwendigkeit ist, RNA Sekundärstruktur in der Nähe des Translationsstarts zu vermeiden und somit eine effiziente Initiation der Translation zu gewährleisten. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit untersuchen wir den Einfluss der Genreihenfolge innerhalb eines Operons auf die Fitness von E. coli. In bakteriellen Genomen vereint ein Operon funktionell zusammengehörige Gene, die in einer mRNA zusammen transkribiert werden und somit in der Expression stark korreliert sind. Daneben kann die translationale Kopplung, d. h. die Interdependenz der Translationseffizienz zwischen benachbarten Genen innerhalb einer solchen mRNA, eine bestimmte Proteinstöchiometrie weiter stabilisieren. Mithilfe eines Modells für die translationale Kopplung sowie für den Chemotaxis Signalweg konnten wir zeigen, dass die native Genreihenfolge eine der Permutationen ist, die am meisten zur Robustheit der Chemotaxis beitragen. Die translationale Kopplung ist daher ein wichtiger Faktor, der die Anordnung der Gene innerhalb des Chemotaxis Operon bestimmt. Diese Arbeit zeigt, dass die Anforderungen einer effizienten Genexpression sowie die Robustheit wichtiger zellulärer Funktionen einen Einfluss auf die Organisation eines Genoms haben können: einerseits bei der Wahl der Codons am Anfang der Gene, andererseits auf die Ordnung der Gene innerhalb eines Operons. / This work investigates the relationship between mechanisms of translational regulation and genome organization in bacteria. The first part analyzes the connection between translational efficiency and codon usage at the beginning of genes. It is known for some organisms that usage of synonymous codons at the gene start deviates from the codon usage elsewhere in the genome. By analyzing about 400 bacterial genomes, evolutionary simulations and experimental investigations, we conclude that the observed deviation of codon usage at the beginning of genes is most likely a consequence of the need to suppress mRNA structure around the ribosome binding site, thereby allowing efficient initiation of translation. We investigate further driving forces for genome organization by studying the impact of gene order within an operon on the fitness of bacterial cells. Operons group functionally related genes which are transcribed together as single mRNAs in E. coli and other bacteria. Correlation of protein levels is thus to a large extent attributed to this coupling on the transcriptional level. In addition, translational coupling, i.e. the interdependence of translational efficiency between neighboring genes within such a mRNA, can stabilize a desired stoichiometry between proteins. Here, we study the role of translational coupling in robustness of E. coli chemotaxis. By employing a model of translational coupling and simulating the underlying signal transduction network we show that the native gene order ranks among the permutations contributing most to robustness of chemotaxis. We therefore conclude that translational coupling is an important determinant of the gene order within the chemotaxis operon. Both these findings show that requirements for efficient gene expression and robustness of cellular function have a pronounced impact on the genomic organization, influencing the local codon usage at the beginning of genes and the order of genes within operons.

From scandalisation to normalisation / An explorative study of the local negotiation of far-right contestations in Cottbus, Germany

Freiin von Nettelbladt, Gala Susanne 14 December 2023 (has links)
Die vorliegende kumulative Arbeit untersucht, inwiefern lokale Aushandlungsprozesse im Umgang mit extrem rechten Mobilisierungen zu deren Normalisierung beitragen. Die Studie adressiert zwei Forschungsdesiderate: Erstens externalisieren viele Beiträge die extrem Rechte von städtischen Demokratien. Folglich ist die Literatur nicht in der Lage zu erfassen, wie extrem rechte Agenden und Ideologien innerhalb lokaler partizipativer Prozesse in liberalen Demokratien normalisiert werden. Zweitens sind die Akteure und Prozesse, welchen diesen lokalen Aushandlungen zugrunde liegen, nicht ausreichend untersucht. Um diese Lücken zu schließen, verbindet die Studie Theoriestränge aus der Urban Governance - Literatur mit sozialwissenschaftlichen Debatten über den Aufstieg der extrem Rechten. Der methodische Rahmen der Arbeit besteht aus einem qualitativen Forschungsdesign in Form einer explorativen Einzelfallstudie in der Stadt Cottbus. Die Analyse zeigt, dass das Narrativ der Externalisierung in dreierlei Hinsicht eine falsche Dichotomie zwischen der extremen Rechten und lokalen Aushandlungsprozessen schafft: Erstens ignoriert es, dass deliberative Prozessen zwar das Versprechen auf Demokratisierung innewohnt, dieses aber durch bestehende gesellschaftliche Machtverhältnisse durchkreuzt wird, die Näherböden für autoritäre Mobilisierung bieten können. Zweitens übersieht es die Verflechtung zwischen Rassismus und den städtischen Institutionen, die auf extrem rechte Mobilisierung reagieren, und oftmals Anknüpfungspunkte für extrem rechte Ideologien bieten. Drittens wird argumentiert, dass dies auf den lokalen Staat als umkämpftes Terrain hinweist. / This doctoral dissertation explores to what extent local negotiations of far-right contestations contribute to the latter’s normalisation. The project is prompted by the crux that even though the central role of cities and local participatory planning processes in countering far-right contestations is widely acknowledged, far-right contestations have hardly been challenged. It seeks to address two scholarly blind spots: First, mainstream accounts engaging with the question of how municipalities deal with far-right contestations have largely externalised the far right from urban democracy. Consequently, the current literature is not able to grasp how far-right agendas and ideologies can indeed be normalised within local participatory processes. Second, the actors and processes involved in the local negotiation of far-right contestations remain understudied. To fill these gaps, the cumulative dissertation connects discussions on urban governance with recent debates on the rise of the far right. The methodological framework of this thesis consists of a qualitative, explorative single-case study in the city of Cottbus, Germany. The analysis reveals that the liberal narratives of externalisation create a false dichotomy between far-right contestations and local negotiations in liberal democracies in a threefold way. First, they ignore how far-right contestations can be strengthened within traditional deliberative processes, as their promise of equal participation for all citizens is juxtaposed with the inability of such processes to re-negotiate the power relations aggravating the social inequalities giving rise to the far right in the first place. Second, by externalising the divisiveness propagated by far-right contestations, they overlook the interconnectedness between racism and the institutions governing cities, which offers points of contact for far-right ideology. Third, it is argued that this points to the local state as contested terrain.

Spatial protein interaction networks of the intrinsically disordered transcription factor CEBPA

Ramberger, Evelyn 02 October 2020 (has links)
Der Transkriptionsfaktor CEBPA reguliert Differenzierung und Proliferation in verschiedenen Zelltypen und spielt eine herausragende Rolle in der Hämatopoese. Die CEBPA RNA kann in die lange P42-Isoform oder die N-terminal verkürzte P30-Isoform translatiert werden. Während P42-CEBPA differenzierungsinduzierend wirkt, ist P30 als Inhibitor von P42 und als Onkogen in akuter myeloider Leukämie beschrieben. Die Modularität und Multifunktionalität von CEBPA, die ihn zahlreichen Studien beobachtet wurde, lässt sich möglicherweise durch differentielle Protein–Protein-Interaktionen erklären. Zahlreiche post-translationale Modifikationen (PTMs) und die intrinsisch ungeordnete, flexible Struktur von CEBPA stellen jedoch eine Herausforderung für traditionelle Ansätze in Proteininteraktionsstudien dar. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein neuer, alternativer Ansatz präsentiert, der auf einem in vitro Proteininteraktions-screen auf einer Peptidmatrix (PRISMA) und Biotinligase proximity labelling (BioID) in lebenden Zellen basiert. In einem PRISMA-screen wurden 120 CEBPA Peptide auf Proteininteraktionen mit Proteinextrakt aus myeloiden Zellen untersucht. Im Screen wurden 40 verschiedene CEBPA PTMs inkludiert, unter anderem auch die hier erstmals neu beschriebenen Methylierungen der CEBPA Argininreste R12 und R142. Daten aus dem PRISMA-screen wurden mit BioID Experimenten in myeloiden Zellen validiert, um eine Proteininteraktionslandkarte von CEBPA zu generieren, die 52 bekannte und 68 neue CEBPA Proteininteraktoren umfasst. Hotspots für Proteininteraktionen fallen in evolutionär konservierte CEBPA Regionen und der Vergleich des Bindungsprofils mit publizierten Daten zeigt Ähnlichkeiten zu verwandten Transkriptionsfaktoren der CEBP Familie. Die Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass die Multifunktionalität von CEBPA von multivalenten Proteininteraktionen in Abhängigkeit von PTMs koordiniert wird, um CEBPA mit dem epigenetischen und transkriptionellen Apparat der Zelle verknüpfen. / The pioneering transcription factor CEBPA plays a lineage-instructing role during haematopoiesis and also regulates proliferation and differentiation in many other cell types. The CEBPA RNA can be translated into a full length (P42-CEBPA) or N-terminally truncated isoform (P30-CEBPA). While P42 induces differentiation in various cell types, the P30 isoform is mostly regarded as a dominant inhibitor of P42-CEBPA and acts as an oncogene in acute myeloid leukaemia. Protein interactions may be the key to explaining the functional plasticity and modularity of CEBPA that has been demonstrated in diverse experimental settings. However, the disordered structure and the numerous post-translational modification sites (PTMs) of CEBPA pose a challenge to traditional protein interaction studies. In the present work, a novel alternative approach is presented that combines an in vitro protein interaction screen on a peptide matrix (PRISMA) with biotin ligase proximity labelling (BioID) in living cells. To this end, 120 CEBPA peptides were probed for protein interactions with PRISMA. The screen comprised 40 different PTMs, including newly identified CEBPA arginine methylation sites. PRISMA data was validated with BioID experiments and generated a detailed CEBPA protein interaction map in myeloid cells. The interactome presented here contains 52 known and 68 novel CEBPA interactors that can now be mapped across the CEBPA sequence in a PTM dependent fashion. Hotspots of protein interaction correlated with conserved regions and comparison with previously published data revealed related binding profiles of homologous CEBP regions. Taken together, the data indicates that the functional plasticity of CEBPs is orchestrated by multivalent protein interactions and PTMs to configure a dynamic CEBP hub that interacts with many partners of the transcriptional and epigenetic machinery.

Les restaurations du décor sculpté du château de Blois au XIXe siècle à travers l'étude de son fonds lapidaire / The restorations of the decorative patterns of the Château de Blois in the 19 th [nineteenth] century through the analysis of its lapidary collection

Chaumier-Bouron, Morgane 22 March 2016 (has links)
Classé sur la première liste des monuments historiques et premier édifice civil à bénéficier d’une restauration ordonnée et financée par l’État, le château de Blois voit se succéder, dès 1843, deux chantiers de réhabilitation respectivement dirigés par Félix Duban (1797-1870) et Anatole de Baudot (1834-1915). Remarquable synthèse de l’histoire de l’architecture française, le château est aussi le terrain d’expérimentation de diverses conceptions, méthodes et techniques de restauration qui, apparaissant au XIXe siècle, animent le débat national au centre duquel se place Viollet-le-Duc. L’inventaire et l’analyse inédits du fonds lapidaire du château de Blois, collection à laquelle sont associés les études, modèles avant exécution et moulages en plâtre des motifs décoratifs avant restauration, permettent de renouveler les connaissances sur le décor sculpté des ailes Louis XII et François Ier. Grâce à la mise en perspective des plâtres, des pierres déposées, des façades actuelles, des sources manuscrites et iconographiques, cette étude révèle les spécificités de chacune des deux restaurations, leur opposition et leur complémentarité. Elle met en évidence deux perceptions différentes de la Renaissance et la façon dont elles sont traduites dans la pierre par les architectes du XIXe siècle. Le château de Blois est ainsi un chantier-modèle, tant par l’exemplarité des restaurations dont il est l’objet que par l’intégration, assumée, du XIXe siècle à son histoire / Classified on the first list of “Historic Monuments” and the first civil building to have its restoration requested and funded by the French State, the Chateau of Blois was the object of two renovation programmes starting in 1843 and respectively supervised by Félix Duban (1797-1870) and Anatole de Baudot (1834-1915). An outstanding synthesis of the history of French architecture, the chateau was also the experimenting field for various techniques, methods and approaches of restoration appearing in the 19th century and stimulating the national debate, in which Viollet-le-Duc played a major role. These unique inventory and analysis of the lapidary collection of the Chateau of Blois, to which are added the studies, the mock models, and the plaster casts of the decorative patterns before their restoration, allow to renew the knowledge about the carved décor of the Louis XII’s and the Francis I’s wings. This study puts into perspective the plaster casts, the stones taken off the facades, the present facades, the manuscript and iconographic sources, and it hereby brings to light the specificities of each restoration campaign, their differences and their complementarity. It highlights two different perceptions of the Renaissance and the way they were expressed in the stone by the 19th-century architects. Thus, thanks to its exemplary restoration and the way it integrated the 19th century into its own history, the Chateau of Blois acts as a true model for restoration campaigns

The Victorians and role performance : the middle class gentleman in John Halifax, gentleman and Great expectations

Bird, Barbara January 2001 (has links)
This project investigates the social role of gentleman in Victorian England as defined in two Victorian novels, Dinah Maria Mulock's John Halifax, Gentleman and Charles Dickens's Great Expectations. Mulock and Dickens promote the middle-class gentleman as a role that prioritizes the fulfillment of duty. Mulock's protagonist, John Halifax, displays this gentlemanliness throughout his social and economic rise. He bridges the upper and lower classes and embodies both a model and a pathway to middleclass gentlemanliness. Dickens's protagonist, Pip, develops this middle-class gentlemanliness as he learns from his own and four other characters' experiences. Dickens separates the inward, duty-focused gentleman and the outward, appearance-focused gentleman in the four characters that influence Pip, thus emphasizing their relationship and the power of social role encoding. These two novels reveal the performances of roles as social constructions that utilize the power of group definitions and the role writers play in shaping those definitions. / Department of English

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