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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bürgermeister Otto Bauer - jetzt online

Schönfuß-Krause, Renate 05 February 2021 (has links)
Paul Eduin Otto Bauer (1850 Zwickau - 1916 Radeberg) war der erste Radeberger Bürgermeister, der auf Grund außergewöhnlicher Leistungen und Verdienste zum Wohle der Stadt Radeberg zum „Bürgermeister auf Lebenszeit“ ernannt wurde. Sein Leben bestimmte die Kommunalpolitik, für die er sich mit ganzer Kraft einsetzte. Nach einer Referendarzeit in Leipzig begleitete er das Amt eines Bürgermeisters in Burgstädt und Ronneburg/Thür. und ab 1895 in Radeberg. Radeberg befand sich in der Entwicklung zu einer bedeutenden Industriestadt mit einer stetig anwachsenden Einwohnerzahl. Große Aufgaben standen an, mit Wohnungsbau, Schulneubau, Straßenbau, Neubau eines Städtischen Krankenhauses, einer Realschule, Bau eines Königl. Feuerwerks-Laboratoriums, Entwicklung eines neuen Wohngebietes „Radeberger Süd-Vorstadt“ u.v.a.m. Bauer wirkte ebenfalls überregional zum Wohle Sachsens.

Rhetoric vs practice : a re-examination of the 1916 Arab Revolt's advisers

Esdaile, Michael James January 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Portrait of an Age: The Political Career of Stephen W. Dorsey, 1868-1889

Lowry, Sharon K. 05 1900 (has links)
This study traces the public life of Stephen Dorsey chronologically from his service in the Civil War to the end of his political career, which came with his failure to have a friend appointed governor of New Mexico Territory in 1889. Traditional interpretations of Dorsey are based on a combination of scant evidence, carpetbagger stereotypes, and the assumption that he was guilty of masterminding the monumental swindle of the Star Route Frauds. Closer examination of Dorsey's public life, however, reveals that this traditional view is distorted. A major conclusion of this study is that the assumption on which most traditional views of Dorsey are based, that he was the mastermind behind the Star Route Frauds, is not supported by the evidence. This study shows that it is impossible to study a Gilded Age political figure without also considering his business interests. Many of Dorsey's political activities, for example his involvement in the Compromise of 1877, can be traced to his business enterprises. Although Dorsey was not entirely innocent in the frauds, he was not guilty of the crimes with which the government charged him. This study also concludes that Dorsey was left vulnerable to the prosecution which ended his career in national politics by the peculiarly personal nature of the Republican party in the Gilded Age. That personal control had contributed to Dorsey's rise to power in the Republican party; it also led to his destruction.

L'énonciation de l'exil et de la mémoire dans le roman féminin francophone : Anne Hébert, Aminata Sow Fall, Marguerite Duras

Diouf, Mbaye 16 April 2018 (has links)
Peut-on envisager une analyse des productions littéraires des femmes au lendemain des années 60 affranchie de la tutelle féministe? Quelles (ré)flexions des problématiques de l'exil et de la ·mémoire·dans le roman féminin francophone? Quels lieux de rencontre entre le texte africain et le texte occidental? Ces questions ont toute leur pertinence dans la perspective d'un travail qui associe dans une même étude des auteures aussi différentes de style, de parcours, d'objets et de cultures que Anne Hébert, Aminata Sow Fall et Marguerite Duras, et provenant de pays aussi éloignés et différents que le Québec, le Sénégal et la France. Questions pertinentes, mais édulcorées par des aspects communs aux trois auteures tels que la langue d'écriture, les liens coloniaux avec la France, une vague de changements sociaux à partir des années 60 et, surtout, une pratique littéraire inscrite dans un contexte de modernité historique et esthétique. S'appuyant sur une approche sociopragmatique, cette recherche démontre qu'un certain nombre de romans d'Anne Hébert, d'Aminata Sow Fall et de Marguerite Duras, publiés à partir des années 70, interrogent une condition humaine déterminée par l'exil intérieur de l'être, et réécrivent des discours sociaux dominants de l'époque et.encrés dans la mémoire commune. L'approche sociopragmatique, qui inspire les trois parties de la thèse, réunit la sociologie institutionnelle et des théories du discours, et établit une interrelation dynamique entre le texte et son contexte de production. La première partie retrace la trajectoire sociale des trois auteures en termes de dispositions, de positions et de prises de positions. Elle met à jour les éléments majeurs de leurs habitus, notamment la jouissance d'un capital social et symbolique élevé, un décentrement prudent vis-à-vis des pôles dominants et un investissement esthétique total. La Deuxième partie analyse le fonctionnement narratif et énonciatif de l'exil intérieur dans les romans. Les personnages sont d'abord des sujets clivés, intérieurement divisés et socialement décalés. Les indices de leur exil sont perceptibles dans les discours autoréférentiels (ou prodomiques), les incipits et les monologues intérieurs. Ils dévoilent une écriture auto graphique qui dégénère dans une polyphonie énonciative, obscurcie la fonction onomastique et défait les bases du roman. La Troisième Partie étudie les figurations du "discours social" tel que défini par Marc Angenot. Ayant partie liée avec les faits de mémoire, le discours social se spécifie par ses caractères "polysémique", "polémique" et "dialogique", et emploie des relais médiatiques et institutionnels réels à travers lequels il occupe la sphère sociale pendant un temps donné. Cependant, la mise en texte des discours de la charité musulmane et de l'immigration (Sow Fall), de la Shoa (Duras) et de l'aliénation identitaire (Hébert) s' effectue de "manière spécifique". Elle dévoile tour à tour une refiguration intertextuelle, une resémantisation ironique et une déstructuration narrativeé En conclusion, la recherche prouve qu'une analyse comparée des productions littéraires francophones est possible, à condition qu'elle transcende tout préjugé lié au genre ou à l'essence. Pour se faire, la romancière francophone et son roman appellent à être considérés pour ce qu'ils sont d'abord: une écrivaine et un texte littéraire.

Las lágrimas del bosque. La construcción de modelos de alteridad a través de la experiencia de Roger Casement en el Putumayo

Bi, Yuting 26 March 2019 (has links)
Este trabajo busca analizar la construcción de la noción de alteridad a través de la experiencia del cónsul británico, el irlandés Roger Casement, en las áreas que rodean las dos riberas del Putumayo, acercamiento para el cual nos hemos basado tanto en sus escritos como en sus informes, correspondencia y, sobre todo, sus diarios personales. En primer lugar, se pasa revista a la realidad social y al imaginario del poblador de la Amazonía peruana, particularmente en la época de la explotación del caucho, surgida cuando la zona era de muy difícil acceso. La economía cauchera provocó en la Amazonía una prosperidad impresionante pero efímera, debido a la gran competencia del caucho asiático, de modo que la economía basada en este producto natural desapareció rápidamente, apareciendo una gran desocupación, acompañada de desaceleración económica, emigración masiva, destrucción del medio ambiente y reducción demográfica, entre otros graves problemas. En la historia de la producción del caucho lo más escandaloso fueron los abusos, maltratos y crímenes en contra de los indígenas, por medio de acciones tan crueles como la tortura, el asesinato, los castigos con látigo, incluso el genocidio. En esta tesis se utilizan como fuentes primarias fundamentales los textos del propio Casement, Diario del Amazonas y el informe Libro Azul Británico: informe de Roger Casement y otras cartas sobre las atrocidades en el Putumayo. Sobre la base de ellos, analizaremos cómo se construyeron las nociones de alteridad respecto de la población autóctona en la zona del Putumayo, lo cual se traducía, entre otros puntos, en su constante reclamo por los derechos humanos de los indígenas. En efecto, el cónsul británico guardaba simpatía por las poblaciones aborígenes, lo que se evidenciaba ya desde la época de su estancia en el Congo, y se concretaría al llegar a la Amazonía peruana. Roger Casement era un católico tradicional irlandés, lo que, a la postre, fue factor determinante en su simpatía por los explotados y desposeídos. Casement veía las cosas desde un punto de vista religioso, lo que en su caso lo empujaba a denunciar los crímenes ocurridos en el Putumayo, enfrentando asimismo muchos obstáculos y arriesgando su propia vida con sus reclamos. Sin embargo, Casement, un luchador y héroe de su época, no era perfecto. Muchas veces su manera de comportarse lo mostraba como un hombre contradictorio. Como católico el cónsul Casement consideraba que todos los seres humanos, sean europeos o indígenas, eran iguales, porque todos eran hijos de Dios. Por otro lado, estaba de acuerdo en que hay razas más civilizadas, menos civilizadas y razas salvajes. Respecto de la civilización, observaba con beneplácito la civilización y modernidad de Alemania y pensaba que, en vez de España e Inglaterra, Alemania sería la única esperanza para los “salvajes” indígenas de poder salir adelante. Otra contradicción consistía en que Casement apoyaba la expansión capitalista hacia todo el mundo, para conquistar y civilizar las regiones “salvajes”. No solo lo apoyaba, también hizo un gran esfuerzo en favor de dicha expansión. Podría afirmarse, por tanto, que Casement era un hombre ambigüo: por una parte, un católico bondadoso, muy generoso con su prójimo, pero al mismo tiempo un entusiasta de las ideas eurocéntricas etnicistas y eugenésicas de la época, un “racista” en buena cuenta quizás sería más apropiado decir, aunque siempre tomando en consideración los criterios positivistas de la época, que fusionaban ambas caras, un “representante de civilización”, es decir, un buen cristiano victoriano, un paternalista “defensor y protector de los más débiles”. / Tesis

Les dépossessions romanesques : lecture de la négativité dans le roman moderne québécois (Anne Hébert, Gabrielle Roy, Réjean Ducharme)

Noël, Alex 26 April 2021 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat propose de relire par le biais de la dépossession la façon dont certains romans modernes québécois expriment leur négativité. Notre recherche part du constat que le roman qui s’est écrit au Québec a souvent détenu un statut problématique aux yeux de la critique, comme si, pour être pleinement romanesque, il lui manquait sans cesse une composante essentielle du genre, que ce soit l’amour (Michel van Schendel), la maturité (Gilles Marcotte) ou encore l’aventure (Isabelle Daunais). Malgré leur diversité, certaines des critiques adressées au roman québécois auraient en commun d’avancer qu’au contraire de ce que l’on observe dans le roman européen, la transformation serait absente du corpus. Pour notre part, nous nous sommes demandé si la transformation du personnage, qui est souvent annoncée, mais que les oeuvres évitent effectivement, serait liée à autre chose qu’à l’ascension sociale propre au roman réaliste, à partir duquel on a beaucoup lu le roman écrit au Québec. L’hypothèse principale de cette étude est que si le personnage de certains romans ne se transforme pas entre le début et la fin des oeuvres, c’est parce que sa transformation n’est pas présentée comme un idéal à atteindre, mais qu’elle incarnerait plutôt une étape dans le processus de dépossession qui est le sien et que, dès lors, l’enjeu des oeuvres serait justement de raconter sa résistance. La thèse entend montrer que la situation existentielle explorée par le roman moderne québécois est presque toujours celle de la dépossession comme condition humaine, que c’est une question que le roman travaille de façon ontologique plutôt que sociohistorique. Après avoir passé en revue quelques romans canadiens-français d’avant 1945, l’analyse se concentre sur trois romanciers de la modernité québécoise : Anne Hébert, Gabrielle Roy et Réjean Ducharme, dont les oeuvres problématisent différents aspects de la question sous l’angle existentiel. Dans les romans autodiégétiques de Hébert, les narrateurs luttent contre la dépossession en prenant la parole, dans le but de se réapproprier leur histoire, mais ils se butent au dialogisme du roman : leur récit est toujours contaminé, envahi par la voix du dépossesseur, même lorsque ce dernier s’est retiré de l’histoire. Chez Roy, c’est le réalisme de la vie ordinaire, associé au temps, qui dépossède les héros moins de ce qu’ils sont que de ce qu’ils auraient pu être. Face à ce processus, les personnages cherchent à se ménager des espaces qui seraient épargnés, en ce sens que ces espaces enchantés où ils projettent leurs rêves et leurs souvenirs sont les seuls éléments qui échappent au processus de dépossession qui les affecte. Dans les romans de Ducharme, c’est le passage de l’enfance au conformisme du monde adulte qui menace de déposséder les personnages de leur identité, et les héros y résistent en élaborant des utopies négatives, par lesquelles ils défendent leur unicité face au roman qui cherche à faire d’eux des « types ». Enfin, l’analyse de la dépossession par le biais de l’ontologie romanesque aura aussi permis de constater que dans les oeuvres à l’étude la question se double d’une dimension formelle : la dépossession se rejoue constamment entre l’oeuvre et ses personnages, lesquels sont en lutte contre les romans, qui inscrivent ainsi cette négativité au coeur de leur poétique pour en faire une dépossession romanesque. / This doctoral dissertation seeks to revisit, through the lens of dispossession, the ways in which certain modern novels by Quebec authors express negativity. This research stems from the observation that novels written in Quebec have often been viewed as problematic by critics, who tend to deem them lacking in an essential element to be truly novelistic—be it love (Michel van Schendel), maturity (Gilles Marcotte), or adventure (Isabelle Daunais). Though diverse, some of the criticisms aimed at the Quebec novel seem to share a common thread: they all suggest that contrary to what can be observed in the European novel, the corpus is devoid of the concept of transformation. This thesis, on the other hand, wishes to examine whether character transformation—often impending but indeed ultimately skirted in these works—could be found elsewhere than in the social climb that is central to realist novels, which have long served as a reference against which novels written in Quebec are read. The central argument of this study is that the reason why the protagonists of several novels fail to transform between the beginning and the ending is that transformation isn’t an ideal they covet, but rather a stage in their journey towards dispossession. From this perspective, it becomes apparent that the fundamental issue underlying these works is the protagonist’s resistance itself. This thesis aims to show that the existential predicament investigated by the modern Quebec novel—from an ontological rather than a sociohistorical point of view—is almost always that of dispossession as a human condition. After surveying several French-Canadian novels published before 1945, three modern Quebec novelists will be examined more closely: Anne Hébert, Gabrielle Roy, and Réjean Ducharme, whose works bring into play various aspects of the question from an existential standpoint. In Hébert’s autodiegetic novels, the narrators struggle against dispossession by speaking up, in the hopes of reclaiming their narrative, but they are undermined by the novel’s dialogic nature: their account is constantly tainted by the voice of the dispossessor, even one who has withdrawn from the story. In Roy’s work, the realism of everyday life and its relation to time is what dispossesses theprotagonists, not so much of what they are, but of what they might have been. Faced with this threat,the characters attempt to create spaces that will be spared. The enchanted spaces where they project their dreams and memories are the only ones that will remain sheltered from the dispossession that falls upon them. In the novels of Ducharme, the transition from childhood to the conformity of adult life is what threatens to dispossess the characters of their identity. His protagonists resist this by developing negative utopias where they defend their singularity against the novel, which attempts to reduce them to “types.” This analysis of dispossession through the lens of novelistic ontology leads to the observation that in the studied works, the issue pertains to literary form: dispossession is constantly reiterated between the work and its characters, who struggle against the novel itself, thus placing this negativity at the very heart of the genre and making it a specifically novelistic dispossession.

Personagens do contestado : os turmeiros da estrada de ferro São Paulo-Rio Grande (1908-1915)

Espig, Marcia Janete January 2008 (has links)
A presente tese objetiva estudar os “turmeiros”, trabalhadores envolvidos na construção da Linha Sul da Estrada de Ferro São Paulo – Rio Grande (1908-1910), especificamente no trecho em que mais tarde ocorreu o Movimento do Contestado (1912- 1916). A historiografia sobre este, via de regra, retrata tais personagens de maneira depreciativa e sugere sua liderança no conflito. Após um profundo estudo historiográfico, constatou-se que esta representação encontrava-se amparada por única fonte, partindo-se então para a coleta de outros documentos. Os estudos demonstraram que a construção da ferrovia em questão envolveu o uso constante de corrupção e negociatas. Recorreu ainda ao desgastado discurso da modernidade, que não correspondeu à experiência desfrutada pelos moradores locais e pelos construtores, que sofreram as conseqüências de uma intensa exploração. O próprio Movimento do Contestado, se por um lado causou perdas à Companhia, por outro resgatou a ferrovia de um constante déficit, levando-a a um curto período de superávit. Ao aproximar-se o foco investigativo, constatou-se a imprecisão de afirmações categóricas feitas pela historiografia sobre os trabalhadores da construção da Linha Sul. Segundo esta, tratava-se de homens desclassificados, vindos do centro do país e que teriam permanecido na região, tornando-a mais violenta. Os estudos demonstraram que um contingente muito significativo, talvez mesmo a maioria dos trabalhadores, era composto de imigrantes. Parte destes foi trazida especialmente pela Companhia, outros abandonaram temporariamente as regiões coloniais dos estados do sul, especialmente do Paraná, para auferir ganhos provisórios com a construção. Tudo indica que a maioria não permaneceu na região ao final dos trabalhos, que se deu se forma paulatina e possibilitou uma lenta retirada. Questiona-se, desta maneira, a participação em grande número destes homens no Movimento do Contestado, apontando para uma permanência bem menos expressiva que afirma a historiografia. A investigação teve seus pressupostos teóricos tomados da micro-história, através do recorte preciso do objeto, do uso intensivo de fontes e do método indiciário. / The present thesis aims to study the workers, known as “turmeiros”, who were hired to work in the construction of the south line of the railroad that connected São Paulo to Rio Grande (1908-1910) specifically in the part that was later called the Contestado Movement (1912-1916). The historiography about this movement gives a depreciative idea of these workers and suggests their leadership in the conflict. After a deep historigraphic study, it was observed that this representation was supported by only one source so other documents were collected. The study showed that the railway construction was involved with corruption and shady business. A worn out speech of modernity was used but it did not correspond the experience the locals and the constructors had, who suffered the consequences of intense exploration. The Contestado Movement itself had caused some loss to the Company but on the other side rescued the railway from a constant deficit taking it to a short period of surplus. Getting closer to the investigative focus, it was noted the imprecision of some categorical affirmations that were done by the historiography about the construction workers of the South Line. According to them, they were discredited people who came from the center of the country and who stayed in the region making it more violent. Studies showed that a very significant contingent or perhaps even the majority of the workers were immigrants. Some of those workers were brought by the Railway Company; others left some colonial regions temporarily in the south states, especially from Paraná, to obtain some provisional money with the construction of the railroad. There was some indication that most of them did not stay in the region when the work was finished, it happened gradually and the withdrawal was slow. The participation of a great number of these men in the Contestado Movement is questioned and it points to permanence much less expressive than what was affirmed in the historiography. The investigation had its theoretical suppositions that were taken from the microhistory, through the precise clipping of the object and also from the intensive use of sources and evidentiary method.

Personagens do contestado : os turmeiros da estrada de ferro São Paulo-Rio Grande (1908-1915)

Espig, Marcia Janete January 2008 (has links)
A presente tese objetiva estudar os “turmeiros”, trabalhadores envolvidos na construção da Linha Sul da Estrada de Ferro São Paulo – Rio Grande (1908-1910), especificamente no trecho em que mais tarde ocorreu o Movimento do Contestado (1912- 1916). A historiografia sobre este, via de regra, retrata tais personagens de maneira depreciativa e sugere sua liderança no conflito. Após um profundo estudo historiográfico, constatou-se que esta representação encontrava-se amparada por única fonte, partindo-se então para a coleta de outros documentos. Os estudos demonstraram que a construção da ferrovia em questão envolveu o uso constante de corrupção e negociatas. Recorreu ainda ao desgastado discurso da modernidade, que não correspondeu à experiência desfrutada pelos moradores locais e pelos construtores, que sofreram as conseqüências de uma intensa exploração. O próprio Movimento do Contestado, se por um lado causou perdas à Companhia, por outro resgatou a ferrovia de um constante déficit, levando-a a um curto período de superávit. Ao aproximar-se o foco investigativo, constatou-se a imprecisão de afirmações categóricas feitas pela historiografia sobre os trabalhadores da construção da Linha Sul. Segundo esta, tratava-se de homens desclassificados, vindos do centro do país e que teriam permanecido na região, tornando-a mais violenta. Os estudos demonstraram que um contingente muito significativo, talvez mesmo a maioria dos trabalhadores, era composto de imigrantes. Parte destes foi trazida especialmente pela Companhia, outros abandonaram temporariamente as regiões coloniais dos estados do sul, especialmente do Paraná, para auferir ganhos provisórios com a construção. Tudo indica que a maioria não permaneceu na região ao final dos trabalhos, que se deu se forma paulatina e possibilitou uma lenta retirada. Questiona-se, desta maneira, a participação em grande número destes homens no Movimento do Contestado, apontando para uma permanência bem menos expressiva que afirma a historiografia. A investigação teve seus pressupostos teóricos tomados da micro-história, através do recorte preciso do objeto, do uso intensivo de fontes e do método indiciário. / The present thesis aims to study the workers, known as “turmeiros”, who were hired to work in the construction of the south line of the railroad that connected São Paulo to Rio Grande (1908-1910) specifically in the part that was later called the Contestado Movement (1912-1916). The historiography about this movement gives a depreciative idea of these workers and suggests their leadership in the conflict. After a deep historigraphic study, it was observed that this representation was supported by only one source so other documents were collected. The study showed that the railway construction was involved with corruption and shady business. A worn out speech of modernity was used but it did not correspond the experience the locals and the constructors had, who suffered the consequences of intense exploration. The Contestado Movement itself had caused some loss to the Company but on the other side rescued the railway from a constant deficit taking it to a short period of surplus. Getting closer to the investigative focus, it was noted the imprecision of some categorical affirmations that were done by the historiography about the construction workers of the South Line. According to them, they were discredited people who came from the center of the country and who stayed in the region making it more violent. Studies showed that a very significant contingent or perhaps even the majority of the workers were immigrants. Some of those workers were brought by the Railway Company; others left some colonial regions temporarily in the south states, especially from Paraná, to obtain some provisional money with the construction of the railroad. There was some indication that most of them did not stay in the region when the work was finished, it happened gradually and the withdrawal was slow. The participation of a great number of these men in the Contestado Movement is questioned and it points to permanence much less expressive than what was affirmed in the historiography. The investigation had its theoretical suppositions that were taken from the microhistory, through the precise clipping of the object and also from the intensive use of sources and evidentiary method.

Personagens do contestado : os turmeiros da estrada de ferro São Paulo-Rio Grande (1908-1915)

Espig, Marcia Janete January 2008 (has links)
A presente tese objetiva estudar os “turmeiros”, trabalhadores envolvidos na construção da Linha Sul da Estrada de Ferro São Paulo – Rio Grande (1908-1910), especificamente no trecho em que mais tarde ocorreu o Movimento do Contestado (1912- 1916). A historiografia sobre este, via de regra, retrata tais personagens de maneira depreciativa e sugere sua liderança no conflito. Após um profundo estudo historiográfico, constatou-se que esta representação encontrava-se amparada por única fonte, partindo-se então para a coleta de outros documentos. Os estudos demonstraram que a construção da ferrovia em questão envolveu o uso constante de corrupção e negociatas. Recorreu ainda ao desgastado discurso da modernidade, que não correspondeu à experiência desfrutada pelos moradores locais e pelos construtores, que sofreram as conseqüências de uma intensa exploração. O próprio Movimento do Contestado, se por um lado causou perdas à Companhia, por outro resgatou a ferrovia de um constante déficit, levando-a a um curto período de superávit. Ao aproximar-se o foco investigativo, constatou-se a imprecisão de afirmações categóricas feitas pela historiografia sobre os trabalhadores da construção da Linha Sul. Segundo esta, tratava-se de homens desclassificados, vindos do centro do país e que teriam permanecido na região, tornando-a mais violenta. Os estudos demonstraram que um contingente muito significativo, talvez mesmo a maioria dos trabalhadores, era composto de imigrantes. Parte destes foi trazida especialmente pela Companhia, outros abandonaram temporariamente as regiões coloniais dos estados do sul, especialmente do Paraná, para auferir ganhos provisórios com a construção. Tudo indica que a maioria não permaneceu na região ao final dos trabalhos, que se deu se forma paulatina e possibilitou uma lenta retirada. Questiona-se, desta maneira, a participação em grande número destes homens no Movimento do Contestado, apontando para uma permanência bem menos expressiva que afirma a historiografia. A investigação teve seus pressupostos teóricos tomados da micro-história, através do recorte preciso do objeto, do uso intensivo de fontes e do método indiciário. / The present thesis aims to study the workers, known as “turmeiros”, who were hired to work in the construction of the south line of the railroad that connected São Paulo to Rio Grande (1908-1910) specifically in the part that was later called the Contestado Movement (1912-1916). The historiography about this movement gives a depreciative idea of these workers and suggests their leadership in the conflict. After a deep historigraphic study, it was observed that this representation was supported by only one source so other documents were collected. The study showed that the railway construction was involved with corruption and shady business. A worn out speech of modernity was used but it did not correspond the experience the locals and the constructors had, who suffered the consequences of intense exploration. The Contestado Movement itself had caused some loss to the Company but on the other side rescued the railway from a constant deficit taking it to a short period of surplus. Getting closer to the investigative focus, it was noted the imprecision of some categorical affirmations that were done by the historiography about the construction workers of the South Line. According to them, they were discredited people who came from the center of the country and who stayed in the region making it more violent. Studies showed that a very significant contingent or perhaps even the majority of the workers were immigrants. Some of those workers were brought by the Railway Company; others left some colonial regions temporarily in the south states, especially from Paraná, to obtain some provisional money with the construction of the railroad. There was some indication that most of them did not stay in the region when the work was finished, it happened gradually and the withdrawal was slow. The participation of a great number of these men in the Contestado Movement is questioned and it points to permanence much less expressive than what was affirmed in the historiography. The investigation had its theoretical suppositions that were taken from the microhistory, through the precise clipping of the object and also from the intensive use of sources and evidentiary method.

Genèse et Apocalypse dans la poésie de Pierre Jean Jouve, de Pierre Emmanuel et d'Odysséas Elytis / Genesis and Apocalypse in the poetry of Pierre Jean Jouve, Pierre Emmanuel and Odysseus Elytis

Nikou, Christos 19 January 2015 (has links)
Relier le premier livre de la Bible au dernier, la Genèse à l’Apocalypse, c’est suivre toutes les étapes du dessein divin, de ce qu’on appelle en mythocritique biblique un ur-mythos (création, chute, rédemption), la Bible, cet immense réservoir d’images, de récits et de mythes, ayant nourri, selon Northrop Frye, l’imagination de l’Occident comme une unité. Dans un premier temps, nous examinerons, au niveau structural, l’articulation de la Genèse et de l’Apocalypse en nous intéressant aux convergences et aux divergences des textes génésiaque et johannique afin d’interroger leur sens, leur contenu et leur nature, la Genèse annonçant l’Apocalypse et l’Apocalypse réécrivant la Genèse. Lors des lectures transversales des deux livres bibliques, nous verrons comment s’opère l’interaction entre le texte biblique et le texte poétique dans le but de mettre en évidence les conditions des différentes réécritures poétiques.Dans un deuxième temps, nous étudierons la rémanence de ces deux livres bibliques dans l’oeuvre poétique de trois poètes majeurs du XXe siècle et dont les affinités sont nombreuses : Pierre Jean Jouve, Pierre Emmanuel et Odysséas Elytis (Prix Nobel de littérature en 1979). Révéler les éléments significatifs, les mythes, les épisodes et les images de la Genèse et de l’Apocalypse dans leur poésie et amorcer une réflexion sur la manière dont ces poètes s’approprient et réactivent l’union étroite du début à la fin, de la création et du péché à la fin des temps et à la rédemption, c’est l’enjeu de ce travail. Comment et pour quelles raisons les poètes s’inspirent-t-ils de ces livres bibliques ? Comment et par quels moyens les poètes évoquent-ils l’expérience poétique ou même l’histoire à travers ces deux mythes d’origine biblique ? En guise de réponse, Mallarmé disait à René Ghil qu’« on ne peut se passer d’Éden ». En effet, nous ne saurons nous passer de notre Éden... ni de notre Apocalypse. / Connecting the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, is to follow the steps of the divine purposem so-called ur-mythos (creation, fall, redemption) in biblical mythocriticism, the Bible, this huge reservoir of images, stories and myths, having influenced, according to Northrop Frye, the Western imagination as a unity. As part of this work, we examine at a structural level, the linking of Genesis and Revelation by evaluating the convergences and divergences in the text to explore their meaning, content and nature. Genesis announces the coming of the Apocalypse and Revelation re-writes Genesis. Traverse reading of the Bible shows how the interaction takes place between the biblical text and the poetic text, thus highlight the different conditions of poetic rewritings.We will emphasize the convincing presence of these two biblical books, in the poetic works of Pierre Jean Jouve, Pierre Emmanuel and Odysseus Elytis (Nobel Prize in Literature in 1979), major poets of the twenthieth century whose affinities are many, by revealing the significant biblical elements, myths, images and episodes from Genesis and Revelation in their poetry, then investigate how theses poets appropriated and galvanize this unity from the beginning of the creation to the end of time, from the original sin to the redemption. The question is how and why are these poets inspired from these two books of the Bible? How and by what methods do these poets evoke the poetic experience or even the history through these two biblical myths? Mallarmé said to René Ghil that ’’one cannot get beyond Eden’’. After all, we cannot go beyond our Eden... and our Apocalypse.

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