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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De “Un peruano como tú” al “Ritmo del Chino”: análisis narratológico de la creación del personaje de Alberto Fujimori en su discurso electoral en 1990 y 2000

Ocampo Salazar, Raymond 24 July 2019 (has links)
En esta investigación se intentará evidenciar la utilización de herramientas narrativas en la elaboración del discurso político de las campañas presidenciales de Alberto Fujimori en 1990 y 2000. Esto permitirá ver que existen estructuras simbólicas que se expresan a través de dispositivos narrativos que operan retóricamente en el discurso político, las mismas que hacen que la finalidad particular de este se enmarque en una lógica de dominación social más amplia: la polarización entre un nosotros y un otros. Así, a través de un marco teórico del análsis del discurso (Teun Van Dijk) y la narratología (Mieke Bal), se mostrará que la efectividad en la caracterización de un personaje en un discurso de campaña trae como consecuencia, más allá de la elección de este para un cargo político, la legitimación de una división simbólica entre el héroe del pueblo y sus antagonistas, lo cual permite la reproducción de una determinada organización social. Específicamente, este trabajo se abocará al análisis del spot televisivo de “Cambio 90”, algunos fragmentos del debate entre Fujimori y Vargas Llosa en 1990, la tecnocumbia “El ritmo del Chino” y algunos titulares y notas del diario El Chato de marzo del 2000. De esta forma, se pretende determinar cómo la elaboración del personaje del Chino no sólo logro que fuera elegido Presidente tres veces consecutivas, sino que cristalizó la polarización de la sociedad peruana en torno a los ejes del nacionalismo, el populismo y la antipolítica. / Tesis

Éthique et herméneutique : une réponse des herméneutiques de Paul Ricoeur et de Hans-Georg Gadamer à l'énigme d'autrui

Sautereau, Cyndie 20 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet l’énigme d’autrui. À cet égard, elle interroge l’opposition entre deux conceptions de l’altérité, celle de Husserl et celle de Levinas. Pour Husserl, autrui est envisagé du point de vue de la connaissance, connaissance d’autrui qui se fait à partir de moi. Autrui est pensé comme alter ego. Levinas, lui, fait éclater cette conception de l’autre : pour lui, autrui ne peut pas être pensé comme l’autre du même. Plutôt, c’est autrui qui, pensé à partir de sa vulnérabilité, oblige le soi à la responsabilité. La relation ne part plus du même mais de l’autre, de l’autre dont l’appel enjoint le soi à ne pas rester indifférent. L’énigme d’autrui semble donc se tenir dans la tension entre le lointain et le proche. Trop proche, son altérité est annihilée. Trop lointain, il devient presque inaccessible. Or, entre familiarité et étrangeté se situe le lieu propre de l’herméneutique, un lieu que tant Ricœur que Gadamer n’ont cessé d’explorer. Quelle(s) réponse(s) les herméneutiques de ces deux penseurs apportent-elles à l’énigme d’autrui ? De quel ordre relève d’abord la relation entre soi et autrui : épistémologique (Husserl) ou éthique (Levinas) ? Nous soutiendrons que c’est principalement la dimension éthique qui est en jeu. C’est par le biais d’un dialogue avec Levinas que nous chercherons à faire ressortir la dimension éthique de l’herméneutique. Ce faisant, nous nous trouverons face à une autre question, celle d’une conception commune de l’herméneutique. Nous serons par conséquent amenée à dégager les aspects sur lesquels les pensées de Ricœur et de Gadamer se rejoignent et ceux sur lesquels elles se différencient, construisant ainsi des ponts entre leurs herméneutiques et inscrivant par là même notre thèse dans la veine des travaux qui les mettent en dialogue.

De la aisthesis al espacio público : hacia una lectura fenomenológica del cultivo del mundo político en Hannah Arendt

Casallo, Víctor 10 April 2017 (has links)
Esta investigación comenzó como el intento de profundizar en las tesis de licenciatura de algunos estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias y Artes de la Comunicación en la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP). Esos trabajos de tesis presentaban y analizaban experiencias creativas y artísticas en poblaciones excluidas, al interior de las cuales se generaron espacios novedosos de reconocimiento entre sus participantes, a menudo con el apoyo de los jóvenes autores de esas investigaciones. Los procesos, las historias y las personas que se dejaban mostrar en sus páginas han informado en los últimos años mis preguntas como profesor, estudiante de doctorado y profesional interesado en temas de desarrollo, ciudadanía e interculturalidad. Me han confirmado también que la investigación académica puede seguir aportando a una comprensión más profunda de estos espacios de nuestra realidad actual y contribuir a su fortalecimiento.

Las vanguardias en Trilce : una concepción de la creatividad y del ser humano

Palma Melena, Martín Fidel 10 April 2013 (has links)
Al ser publicado en 1922, el poemario Trilce resulta siendo un fenómeno vanguardista demasiado desproporcionado para toda la vanguardia por entonces existente en el Perú; un fenómeno demasiado desproporcionado también para la poca o ninguna vanguardia conocida por Vallejo (como después veremos, en el mejor de los casos, el poeta peruano tenía un conocimiento muy precario de estos movimientos artísticos). Entonces, ¿cómo Vallejo consigue en Trilce ser tan vanguardista si conocía poca o ninguna vanguardia y si en el Perú de 1922 la vanguardia existente era muy escasa? Nuestra tesis responde a esta pregunta proponiendo lo siguiente: Vallejo sintoniza en Trilce con las vanguardias (no por tópicos sino por sensibilidad) porque tenía bien interiorizada una creatividad concebida como libérrima. Sin embargo, debemos hacer una aclaración: en Vallejo, tal concepción de la creatividad no es un simple propuesta estética o una simple definición o idea; más bien, es parte de su estructura mental; de su matriz mental; de su forma mentis… Vallejo era un hombre de muchas contradicciones en lo político, en lo religioso, en lo existencial y en lo artístico. Por ende, en medio de tanta contradicción, si algo permanente existe debe buscarse no en sus ideas (acaso muy volubles y contradictorias a lo largo de la vida del vate liberteño); debe buscarse más bien en la matriz mental donde anidaban tales ideas… / Tesis

Ústředí tiskové dozorčí služby a jeho činnost ve vybraných případových studiích v letech 1938 až 1945 / The press office of the supervisory service and its activities in selected case studies in the years 1938-1945

Ludvík, Matěj January 2014 (has links)
In the period of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia between years 1939 - 1945 media, as well as the whole society, were controlled by the government of Nazi Germany. The control also included censorship of the press that operated for the benefit of the occupying power. Its essential component, Central Press Supervisory Service, had to approve every issue before it released to the press. But it also published daily instructions for the newsrooms, where two censors operated together with working journalists and their editors in chief. Our work uses four case studies to show how censor's directives influenced the final form of the selected newspapers.

Pravda vítězí 1938 protičeskoslovenské vysílání vídeňského rozhlasu / The Truth Will Win 1938 anti-Czechoslovak broadcast of Vienna radio

Cvachovcová, Klára January 2016 (has links)
This thesis concentrates on 1938 radio broadcast Pravda vítězí (The Truth Will Win), broadcasted from Vienna in both Czech and Slovak languages in the two months preceding and following the signing of the Munich agreement. Its theoretical part follows the genesis of the two broadcasts, the personalities involved and also the connection between Pravda vítězí and Vlajka, the infamous Czech fascist movement. In the practical part, Nazi propaganda themes are being analyzed in both broadcasts during October 1938. Main focus is on the campaigns against president Beneš, against freemasonry and bolshevism, pro-German campaign and antisemitism. In the Slovak language broadcast, anti-Czech campaign was a significant part of the Nazi propaganda, along with the support of Slovak separatism. Comparison of the ideological focus and goals of both broadcasts is supported by numerous quotations. In the final part, the thesis offers a brief look at the reactions to the broadcasts. Also, it attempts to evaluate the broadcasts' possible effects on both Czech and Slovak audience in the light of its primary goal - the disintegration of Czechoslovakia.

上海紳商居士的宗教生活與佛教現代化轉型: 以王一亭(1867-1938)為個案 = Religious lives of Shanghai's lay buddhist business elites and the modernization of Chinese buddhism : a case study of Wang Yiting (1867-1938). / Religious lives of Shanghai's lay buddhist business elites and the modernization of Chinese buddhism: a case study of Wang Yiting (1867-1938) / Shanghai shen shang ju shi de zong jiao sheng huo yu fo jiao xian dai hua zhuan xing: yi Wang Yiting (1867-1938) wai ge an = Religious lives of Shanghai's lay buddhist business elites and the modernization of Chinese buddhism : a case study of Wang Yiting (1867-1938).

January 2015 (has links)
學界一致肯定近代上海紳商居士在中國佛教現代化轉型過程中發揮了巨大的作用,對此的研究卻明顯不足,不但與紳商居士的歷史重要性極不相稱,也正因缺乏具體研究而導致對該群體的特徵描述並不準確,繼而對近代佛教的樣貌還原亦有所失真。本文試圖通過研究王一亭同時兼具紳商與佛教徒雙重身份的典型個案,探討上海紳商居士的宗教生活與近代佛教轉型之間的互動與糾葛,進而填補近代紳商居士研究領域的空白,並對既有佛教現代化轉型研究進行一定的補充和修正。 / 本文在參考一般近代佛教研究常論及的教內著述和報刊文獻基礎上,還以大量的王一亭書畫作品、教外報刊、方誌檔案和其他散見資料為一手史料。通過運用史料學、文獻分析和圖像學研究等方法,並結合布迪厄的社會實踐理論,全文共分四章全面考察王一亭的宗教信仰與佛教實踐。第一章主要梳理王一亭躋身紳商界後進入佛教場域的詳細歷程,及其平日對傳統佛教活動的參與情況。第二章聚焦建制化佛教場域,通過對比僧寺叢林等傳統佛教組織,探討王一亭與其他上海紳商居士創辦、參與各類新型佛教組織時對佛教再生產的影響、及其對佛教內部權力關係的重構。第三章基於藝術場域,論述王一亭將宗教信仰帶入藝術創作和交往活動時憑藉藝術和社會資本兌換、積累佛教文化和經濟資本的情形,及其以此進行社會慈善活動、獲得象徵資本的經過。第四章關注慈善場域中王一亭等上海紳商居士在居士慈善組織中對扶乩、佛教和慈善資源的融攝,考察紳商居士慈善的特點、以及由此為制度化佛教發展帶來之資本和權力關係的變化。 / 王一亭的個案和相關活動中其他上海紳商居士的參與反映出近代佛教轉型呈現出以下特徵:其一,上海紳商居士創辦出新型居士組織,其根本特色和成功原因在於對傳統寺院經濟模式的傳承與創新;其二,社會慈善活動成為佛教發展的關鍵,而上海紳商居士發起之居士慈善不但給佛教帶來更多理性化的資本與運作,亦使佛教慈善出現扶乩化的傾向;其三,近代佛教的領導權力逐漸由高僧部份轉向紳商名流居士,而這種轉向既有傳統寺院經濟、文化資本削弱的原因,又與這批名流居士自身紳商權力的擴張密切關聯。 / Despite their significant role in the history of modern Chinese Buddhism, focused study on the Shanghai’s lay Buddhist business elites is insufficient for a full understanding on them. This thesis is a case study of a representative Shanghai’s lay Buddhist business elite called Wang Yiting(1867~1938). We aim at analyzing his religious practices and his involvement in the modernization of Chinese Buddhism in Shanghai. Making use of first-hand resources including local chronicles, archives, Wang’s artworks and his non-Buddhist writings, this thesis applies the methodology of iconography and the theory on social practice of Pierre Bourdieu to analyze the religious practices of Wang Yiting and his reproduction and representation of modern Chinese Buddhism. / Chapter one traces the experience of Wang’s taking refuge in Buddhism and his daily Buddhist practices. Chapter two discusses the lay Buddhist movement led by Wang and his friends and compares it with traditional monastic organizations. Chapter three analyzes Wang’s religious beliefs as revealed in his art works. We also study how Wang has utilized Buddhist art for charity work and education of the mass. Chapter four studies the Association of Chinese Philanthropy of Aiding Life in Shanghai. We will study how the popular practices of spirit writing and of the Jigong cult was introduced into the Buddhism by Wang Yiting. / Through the case study of Wang we intend to show (1) how the Shanghai Buddhist lay merchants had successfully transformed the traditional monastic economy, (2) how they had integrated the popular practice of spirit writing and charity work into modern Buddhism, and finally (3) how the leadership of modern Buddhism has transferred from eminent monks to these lay Buddhist merchants. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 張佳. / Thesis submitted: December 2014. / Thesis (Ph.D.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 248-263). / Abstracts also in Chinese. / Zhang Jia.

當代澳門民眾戲劇先行者 : 周樹利 = The forerunner of contemporary Macau community theatre : Chow Shui Lee / 周樹利;"Forerunner of contemporary Macau community theatre : Chow Shui Lee"

韋明月 January 2009 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

O Limoeiro da educação: a história da criação da Diocese e a ação educacional de Dom Aureliano Matos em Limoeiro do Norte (1938-1968) / The Limoeiro of Education – The history of diocese’s criation and educational action of Dom Aureliano Matos in Limoeiro do Norte (1938-1968)

VASCONCELOS JÚNIOR, Raimundo Elmo de Paula January 2006 (has links)
VASCONCELOS JÚNIOR, Raimundo Elmo de Paula. O Limoeiro da educação: a história da criação da Diocese e a ação educacional de Dom Aureliano Matos em Limoeiro do Norte (1938-1968). 2006. 279f. Tese (Doutorado em Educação) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza-CE, 2006. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-13T13:16:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Tese_REPVASCONCELOSJUNIOR.pdf: 3271060 bytes, checksum: b52e3e026b6235662a66347b9661e830 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Josineide Góis(josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-07-17T13:36:15Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Tese_REPVASCONCELOSJUNIOR.pdf: 3271060 bytes, checksum: b52e3e026b6235662a66347b9661e830 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-17T13:36:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2006_Tese_REPVASCONCELOSJUNIOR.pdf: 3271060 bytes, checksum: b52e3e026b6235662a66347b9661e830 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / The centralization’s process of the Catholic Church’s leadership in Santa Sé in Rome, mainly after Republic’s Proclamation IN 1889 and the end of the clergyman in Brazil, produced the creation’s possibilities of more dioceses in the national territory, turning possible a better Brazilian ecclesiastic province’s administration. That process named Romanization. In this perspective, in 1938, was created one more diocese in Ceará. The history of the creation ant the choice of Limoeiro do Norte as the headquarter municipality of this new episcopate and the educational project of its first bishop, remain us to a local history’s research starting with a referential, that has as a grounding analysis a micro-history and the biography in historygraphical production; the oral history and the written source as methodological resources in the production of the historical knowledge, in a recognition’s contribution relationship of each other as a methodology and alternative or supplement one by another, don’t forgetting the reality of the world that surrounded the diocese. The thesis is structured in three chapters: in the firs, a general view about the instructional reality of Limoeiro do Norte city as the bishopric’s creation; the history of Limoeiro do Norte diocese’s creation and Dom Aureliano Matos biography. In the second chapter an analysis of the main written source: the six ministerial letters, most of them written by hand by Dom Aureliano Matos. The third chapter relates about an instructional action of Dom Aureliano Matos in Limoeiro do Norte, analyzing each institution created by himself. It’s an analysis point in this same chapter, in an evaluative spatial perspective, the changing of the municipality, in educational reference, in a downtown-suburb relationship with the other municipalities of Vale do Jaguaribe. Therefore the church and its alliances with other society sections, from the diocese’s creation in the Vale do Jaguaribe, turned possible the “Limoeiro of the Education.” / O processo de centralização do comando da Igreja Católica na Santa Sé em Roma, principalmente depois da Proclamação da República em 1889 e o término do Padroado no Brasil, viabilizaram a criação de mais dioceses no território nacional, possibilitando uma melhor administração da província eclesiástica brasileira. Processo este, denominado de Romanização. Dentro desta perspectiva, em 1938, foi criada mais uma diocese no Ceará. A história da criação e da escolha do município de Limoeiro do Norte como sede deste novo episcopado e o projeto educacional do seu primeiro bispo, nos remete a uma pesquisa da história local, a partir de um referencial, que tem como base de análise a micro-história e a biografia na produção historiográfica e da história oral e das fontes escritas como recursos metodológicos na produção do conhecimento histórico, numa relação de contribuição e reconhecimento de cada uma como metodologia e de alternativa ou complemento uma da outra, não esquecendo a realidade do mundo que cercava a diocese. A tese está estruturada em três capítulos: no primeiro, uma visão geral da realidade instrucional da cidade de Limoeiro do Norte quando da criação do bispado; a história da criação da diocese em Limoeiro do Norte e a biografia de Dom Aureliano Matos. No segundo capítulo uma análise da principal fonte escrita: as seis Cartas Pastorais, a maioria escritas à mão por Dom Aureliano Matos. O terceiro capítulo versa sobre a ação instrucional de Dom Aureliano Matos em Limoeiro do Norte, analisando cada instituição criada por ele. É ponto de análise, neste capítulo também, numa perspectiva espacial evolutiva, a transformação do município em referência educacional, numa relação centro-periferia com os outros municípios do Vale do Jaguaribe. Portanto, a partir da criação da Diocese no Vale do Jaguaribe e a aliança da Igreja com outros setores da sociedade, viabilizaram o “Limoeiro da Educação.”

Závěr 2. světové války v Prachaticích a okolí (očima literatury, pramenů a pamětníků) / The End World war 2 in Prachatice and surrounding (on the basis of literature, repositories and eyewitness memories)

ŠTUDLAR, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
The thesis targets at events which took place in the town of Prachatice and its surroundings at the end of the Second World War. It is based on written sources (filed in the State District Archives Prachatice), as well as on literature sources focusing on this topic and eyewitness memories. The first part presents a brief characterization of the town from geographical, social and economic point of view. The second chapter deals with events taking place in September 1938 when Prachatice was occupied by Nazi Germans. The third part shortly depicts the process of front war situations in Europe. The main part of the thesis consists of chapter 4 and 5 which present the way of living and events happening in the town from January 1945 to May 1945 when Prachatice was liberated by the US army. The thesis aims to connect general relations with events that happened in Prachatice and its surroundings not only to illustrate the topic from literature sources but also from people{\crq}s own memories. It tends to depict this period full of worries and hope. It is hoped to contribute to completion of the town history.

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