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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verlorene Kirchen: Dresdens zerstörte Gotteshäuser: Eine Dokumentation seit 1938

Dubbers, Annette, Posselt, Claudia, Schumann, Dirk, Berndt, Andreas 26 June 2023 (has links)
Die besonderen ideellen und psychologischen Folgen gezielter Zerstörung von Menschenwerk sind hinlänglich beschrieben. Die Beseitigung seiner Behausung trifft den Einzelnen in seiner Existenz. Stürzen die Gotteshäuser ein, verlieren die Menschen einen wichtigen Teil ihrer Gemeinschaft. Sie an dieser Stelle zu treffen ist schon seit Menschengedenken ein bewusst eingesetztes Mittel zur Demütigung und Unterwerfung. Die Betrachtung der „Verlorenen Kirchen“ in Dresden beschränkt sich deshalb in der vorliegenden Publikation nicht auf die baulichen und stadtgestalterischen Verluste, wenngleich schon diese allein von hoher Bedeutung sind. Mit der Vernichtung der Synagoge im November 1938 begann auch in Dresden die gezielte Zerstörung kultureller Werte. Redaktionsschluss: Dezember 2018

La palabra secreta : cuentos fatales como alegoría literaria del mito del eterno retorno para el funcionamiento de lo fantástico

Ugarelli Risi, Mariangela 31 August 2018 (has links)
Esta tesis explora el poco estudiado libro Cuentos Fatales de Leopoldo Lugones, enfocándose en el eterno retorno de lo mismo en relación a las posibilidades de lo fantástico. Si bien el autor es frecuentemente recordado no por su escritura sino por su oscura historia y linaje, esto no desluce su trabajo, que debe ser apreciado por su valor. Se plantea repensar los cuentos para entender que el hecho de que la colección obedezca a ideas de la construcción del cuento fantástico clásico del siglo XIX no es un retroceso, como cierta crítica ha pretendido enmarcarlo, sino una exploración de las posibilidades de lo fantástico. Esto se logra mediante una repetición de temas, ideas y personajes, descolocados de su contexto original, haciendo evidente la repetición que ya se evidencia en las estructuras narrativas de los cuentos, las cuales son casi idénticas. Después de plantear el contexto y marco teórico, se demostrará esto esquematizando las estructuras de los relatos y, posteriormente, analizando cada uno de manera independiente, resaltando los elementos iterados que pertenecen a sendas tradiciones. De este modo, se demostrará que los espejos empleados por Lugones sirven como herramienta para reflexionar acerca de la combinatoria de posibilidades de lo fantástico.

Lecoq a través de Stnislavski: la trasposición de la secuencia de los 20 movimientos en la ejecución de acciones dramáticas

Pajares Lazarte, Álvaro André 21 August 2020 (has links)
El sistema Stanislavski y la pedagogía de Lecoq son ramas actorales que han sido investigadas y trabajadas exhaustivamente por separado, pero no existen estudios que propongan el posible diálogo entre ellas dentro de la práctica actoral. En ese sentido, la presente investigación establece las bases del encuentro entre el proceso analítico que propone el sistema Stanislavski y el trabajo de entrenamiento físico de la pedagogía de Lecoq encontrando así un método de trabajo donde el actor abarca la práctica actoral con mayores herramientas y efectividad. Los pilares bibliográficos de esta investigación parten de los escritos de los mismos creadores – Konstantín Stanislavski y Jacques Lecoq – y se profundizará en la información con los estudios de quienes continuaron con sus investigaciones. A partir del diseño de un laboratorio, la investigación hace principal enfoque en el diálogo entre los conceptos de acciones físicas y las 7 preguntas transversales que se plantean dentro del sistema Stanislavski y la secuencia de los 20 movimientos y la trasposición de la pedagogía de Lecoq. Como resultado, el entrenamiento físico, la neutralidad, la escucha y la trasposición de los principios de los 20 movimientos generan estados internos que ayudan al actor a afianzar el compromiso psicofísico con las acciones físicas propuestas en el trabajo analítico y las circunstancias dadas en una obra.

From Alfred Schutz to Machine Learning: Temporal Orientation, Meaning and Social Action

Cleveland, Jonathan January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation offers a novel quantitative method for assessing an actor's subjective temporal orientation. Our method involves the use of supervised machine learning techniques in concert with natural language processing tools and linguistic principles. We suggest our method may offer a clandestine technique for extracting aspects of an actor’s temporal orientations from right behind their back. This capacity occurs because of the unique ways time references are reflected in language syntax. This reflection does not simply occur in face-to-face spoken interactions, but also resides in recorded vocal transcripts and within textual documents articulated by speakers for a social audience (e.g., political speeches). . From a social theory point of view, we argue that our technique can help objectify some of the major links theorists have long made between the temporal features of mind, subjective meaning, and social processes. Temporal orientation has long been defined as a tripartite mental process. Edmund Husserl famously defined this process as involving retention (a mental focus on past), presentation (a mental focus on the present) or protention (a mental envisioning of the future). From a pure phenomenology perspective, Husserl’s innovation was to link this mental interlocking process with meaning-making. For Husserl, it was directly through an actor’s temporal orientation that meaning became variably constituted and the problem of subjectivity emerged. From a sociological point of view, it is primarily through Alfred Schutz’s formulation of social phenomenology that Husserl’s tripartite system was opened to accommodate the influence of the social in meaning-making. This opening has possessed a long-standing contradiction. For Schutz, endogenous social structure could affect where an actor temporally orients. The resulting implication is that social structure could have a direct effect on how actors assign specific meanings in social systems. Even more, social structure could facilitate shared temporal orientations among actors. However, Schutz also promoted the idea that different temporal orientations could explain how different meanings could be assigned to the same social object by disparate actors. This possibility served as the centerpiece of Schutz’s well-known methodological critique of Max Weber’s direct linkage between subjective meaning, motive, and empathetic based interpretations of social action. To carry out our efforts to quantify how the subjective processes of temporal orientation appear to be influenced by endogenous social processes, we employed our algorithm on three different text-based data sets. We suggest these datasets possess strong reflections of the social world. The first dataset entails a collection of matched twitter tweets that correspond to Trump’s reelection bid and Biden’s challenge during the 2020 period. In this dataset, our method illustrates how both candidates appear to have different temporal orientations despite being bounded by a similar social event. We suggest this finding may reflect the relationship between what Schütz called inner duration and the influence of external stocks of knowledge (i.e., external structures.) The second dataset corresponds to a recorded conversational transcript of the Cuban missile crisis, taken from President Kennedy’s Executive Committee of the National Security Council (ExComm) on the 6th of October in 1962. Using our algorithm, we offer objective measures of homogenous temporal orientations of committee members that are consistent with meso-group conformity. We suggest that our method may offer a novel way of measuring group conformity in general. The third dataset consists of the State of the Union Corpora (SOU). In this dataset, we apply our algorithm to identify changes in temporal orientation occurring among a single President’s entire collection of SOU speeches. Furthermore, we compare the average temporal orientation of the Presidents in relation to various social categories, such as party affiliation and societal events. The scope of the Presidents inventoried for temporal orientation is restricted from Eisenhower to Biden.

Cyberespace & cybermonde : réflexion philosophique sur le rapport au monde & la technique / Cyberespace et cybermonde

Mussi, Sébastien 12 November 2021 (has links)
Le rapport que l'être humain entretient avec son monde est modifié par l'apparition de nouveaux savoirs, la réalisation de nouveaux exploits ou l'utilisation de nouvelles techniques. Le cyberespace, cette hallucination consensuelle comme le définit le romancier américain William Gibson, et déjà maintenant l'Internet, mettent en jeu des bouleversements de ce genre. La notion philosophique d'espace, perçue à travers Descartes, Kant et Husserl, nous permettra de comprendre comment s'établit et se modifie pour une subjectivité la relation à une objectivité et une extériorité. Elle nous servira d'outil conceptuel pour envisager les conséquences de l'avènement du cyberespace sur notre incarnation dans le monde.

La conservación y restauración de las obras de Hermann Nitsch: el Teatro de las Orgías y Misterios como obra de arte total

Limatola, Laura 16 November 2023 (has links)
[ES] El presente trabajo de doctorado se centra en el artista, accionista, intelectual, compositor, escenógrafo y filósofo austriaco Hermann Nitsch y en su controvertida producción artística de mediados del siglo XX. Esta investigación se ha realizado desde la perspectiva de la conservación y tutela de obras de arte contemporáneas de naturaleza mutable y polimatéricas. La peculiaridad de este tipo de obras y los problemas derivados de su conservación son un tema que se entrelaza con los valores filosóficos intrínsecos a cada pieza. La investigación y el análisis de todos los factores implicados, tanto materiales como inmateriales, son los que hacen especialmente compleja la función del restaurador. Esta tesis propone, en primer lugar, un análisis de la compleja obra de Hermann Nitsch que, a menudo, se desarrolla con dinamismo, asumiendo la connotación de lo que él mismo considera Gesamtkunstwerk, es decir, Obra de Arte Total. A continuación, se analiza el "Museo Archivio Laboratorio per le Arti Contemporanee Hermann Nitsch" de Nápoles, donde se alojan las obras del artista vienés, llevando a cabo una catalogación de las tipologías de obras, de los materiales que las componen y del papel que cada objeto adquiere en las instalaciones artísticas. A partir de este análisis de la conservación de las obras de Nitsch, el objetivo final es articular el concepto general de conservación preventiva, incluyendo la fase de documentación y los criterios de prevención de daños, para garantizar la correcta conservación a largo plazo durante el almacenamiento. / [CA] El present treball de doctorat se centra en l'artista, accionista, intel·lectual, compositor, escenògraf i filòsof austríac Hermann Nitsch i en la seua controvertida producció artística de mitjan segle XX. Aquesta investigació s'ha dut a terme des de la perspectiva de la conservació i tutela d'obres d'art contemporànies de naturalesa mutable i polimaitericas. La peculiaritat d'aquesta mena d'obres i els problemes derivats de la seua conservació són un tema que s'entrellaça amb els valors filosòfics intrínsecs a cada peça. La investigació i l'anàlisi de tots els factors implicats, tant materials com immaterials, són els que fan especialment complexa la funció del restaurador. Aquesta Tesi proposa en primer lloc una anàlisi de les complexes obres d'Hermann Nitsch, que sovint es desenvolupen dinàmicament, adoptant les característiques del que ell denomina Gesamtkunstwerk, o Obra d'Art Total. A continuació s'analitza el "Museo Archivio Laboratorio per le Arti Contemporanee Hermann Nitsch" de Nàpols, on s'allotgen les obres del mestre vienés, duent a terme una catalogació de les tipologies d'obres, dels materials que les componen i del paper que cada objecte adquireix en les instal·lacions artístiques. A partir d'aquesta anàlisi de la conservació de les obres de Nitsch, l'objectiu final és articular el concepte general de conservació preventiva, incloent-hi la fase de documentació i els criteris de prevenció de danys, per a garantir la correcta conservació a llarg termini durant l'emmagatzematge. / [EN] This doctoral Thesis focuses on the Austrian artist, intellectual, composer, philosopher Hermann Nitsch and his controversial artistic production which started in the mid-twentieth century. The research is carried out from the perspective of the conservation of contemporary artworks of unstable and multi-material nature. The peculiarity of this kind of artwork and the problems resulting from their conservation are subjects which relate to the philosophical values intrinsic of each piece. The investigation and analysis of all the involved factors, both material and immaterial, represent a particularly challenging task for the conservator. This Thesis proposes at first an analysis of Hermann Nitsch's complex work, which often develops with dynamics, assuming the connotation of what he calls Gesamtkunstwerk, i.e. Total Work of Art. This is followed by the study of the "Museo Archivio Laboratorio per le Arti Contemporanee Hermann Nitsch" in Naples, where several works of the Viennese artist are collected, characterizing the different typologies of artworks, the used materials as well as the role that each object holds during the art installations. On the basis of these investigations, the final goal is to articulate the general concept of preventive conservation, including the documentation phase and the criteria for damage prevention, in order to ensure proper long-term conservation during storage. / Limatola, L. (2023). La conservación y restauración de las obras de Hermann Nitsch: el Teatro de las Orgías y Misterios como obra de arte total [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/199856

Fictions of Development: Decolonization, Development Economics, and the African Novel

Horst, Lauren January 2023 (has links)
This dissertation, “Fictions of Development: Decolonization, Development Economics, and the African Novel,” maps the tensions as well as the surprising resonances and interdependencies between development institutions and African literary production. The arc of the dissertation begins in the early 1960s, as many postcolonial countries marked their independence by embarking on ambitious national development programs. It extends through the turbulent 1970s, during which the Global South agitated for a New International Economic Order that would deliver “trade, not aid,” and the reactionary 1980s, in which the World Bank and the IMF pressured governments across the Global South into adopting a series of macroeconomic reforms known as structural adjustment. The dissertation ends in the present moment, as pressing social and environmental concerns have given rise to a (supposedly) new era of “sustainable” development. Taken as a whole, “Fictions of Development” unsettles received notions about both development and African literature. Scholars working in and around postcolonial studies have long understood development as the contemporary counterpart to, and outgrowth of, the “civilizing mission” that once underwrote centuries of European conquest and colonization. Such close ties between colonialism and development have given rise to the widespread assumption that postcolonial writers, in rejecting colonialism, also rejected development. However, by turning to the historical interactions between writers from “developing” countries and the organizations charged with the task of “developing” those countries, this dissertation tells a more complex story. Applying the tools and methods of literary criticism to a wide range of materials—from novels, plays, and memoirs to national economic planning documents, World Bank mission reports, and tourist brochures—this dissertation traces some of the ways that western development institutions use narrative form to stake their claims to knowledge of (and therefore power over) the so-called “developing” world. It also shows how four African writers—Botswana’s Bessie Head, Ghana’s Ama Ata Aidoo, Kenya’s Ngũgĩ wa Thiong’o, and Zimbabwe’s Tsitsi Dangarembga—use the narrative form of the novel to propose alternative visions of development grounded in the principles of social and economic wellbeing.

Retour à la 5e méditation cartésienne : la théorie husserlienne de l'empathie et la question de l'intersubjectivité transcendantale

Otabe, Martin 12 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2007-2008. / En tant qu'introduction à sa pensée philosophique, les Méditations Cartésiennes de Edmund Husserl constituent l'un de ses ouvrages les plus lus. Par ailleurs, la 5e Méditation Cartésienne resta pendant longtemps l'un des rares textes où Husserl nous présentait de façon systématique sa théorie de l'empathie (Einfiïhlung) et sa conception de l'intersubjectivité transcendantale, et fut à ce titre la cible de plusieurs critiques bien connues de nos jours. Toutefois, depuis la parution dans les années 1970 des volumes XIII, XIV et XV des Husserliana portant sur la question de l'intersubjectivité, notre compréhension de cet aspect de la pensée husserlienne s'est grandement améliorée. Ce mémoire de maîtrise constitue donc une relecture de la 5e Méditation Cartésienne à la lumière de ces connaissances élargies, en vue de mieux saisir son propos, et la confronter à neuf à certaines des critiques classiques (Schutz, Ricœur) formulées à son égard.

Aproximaciones al concepto de "Mundo de la vida" en la crisis de la ciencias europeas y la fenomenología trascendental de Edmund Husserl (1936)

Monteagudo Valdez, Cecilia 30 September 2016 (has links)
El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo principal alcanzar una aproximación al concepto de "mundo de la vida" a partir del análisis de sus principales significados, tal como ellos se exponen fundalmentamente en la. parte IIIA de la obra de Edmund Husserl, La Crisis de las ciencias europeas y la fenomenología trascendental. Una introducción a filosofía fenomenológica - (1936)

Some properties of Washington County soils and their relation to soil type and plant growth

O'Brien, Robert Emmett January 1938 (has links)
1. Seventy-five samples of soils were taken in Washington County, Virginia. These samples were taken while the soil survey was in progress. In this group thirty-one different soil types were included. The samples were taken from all parts of the county. Notes were made of the soil type, slope of the land, drainage conditions, erosion, and land utilization. When samples were taken from cultivated fields, the yield of the crop was estimated. When samples were taken from pasture, notes were made of the type and condition of the vegetation. 2. The following properties were determined and studied in relation to soil type and plant growth: pH, available phosphate, available potash, percent organic matter, percent colloids, base exchange capacity, exchangeable hydrogen and present base saturation. The results of these determinations were used in conjunction with the physical properties, which had been determined by the soil survey, in studying the various relationships. 3. The laboratory methods of determination were devised by soil investigators. The reliability of these methods was discussed by means of reference to literature. 4. Soils of the same textural class varied widely in percentage colloids. 5. Soils that are relatively high in available potash varied widely in base exchange capacity, pH, percent base saturation, and available phosphate. 6. Soils at like pH values showed no relationship of percent organic matter to percent base saturation. 7. Soils above pH 6.0 contained 125 pounds per acre or more available potash; they were above 65 percent base saturation and were widely variable in available phosphate and organic matter. Soils at similar pH values showed wide variations in available phosphate. 8. Within the same textural class, and under similar conditions of land utilization, soils varied widely in percent organic matter. 9. There was some variation in pH values of residual soils of limestone origin. However, the average values of five samples of each were very close together. The average for Dunmore was 5.4, Hagerstown 5.5, and Clarkesville 5.6. 10. Available phosphate and potash, as well as pH, were closely related to yield of corn and tobacco. 11. Available phosphate and closely related to quality of meadow. In soils where available phosphate was above 50 pounds per acre quality of meadow was good. Potash was present in sufficient quantity not to be a limiting factor. 12. A close relationship was found between some of the soil properties studied. The coefficient of correlation between base exchange capacity and percent organic matter was .7191 ± .0376; between pH and exchangeable hydrogen -.6500 ± .0450; between pH and percent base saturation .9008 ± .0147. This high degree of correlation of pH and percent base saturation, it appears, would hold only for a large number of soils. Within this group, soils at like pH values vary considerably in percent base saturation. There was little relationship between percent colloids and base exchange capacity. 13. In all cases, in pasture soils, where available phosphate was below nine pounds per acre, pastures were of poor quality. There was a gradual decline in the minimum range of available phosphate and potash in the soils from the good, medium and poor quality pastures. There is also a gradual decline in the average pH values as quality of pasture declines. 14. Evidence is shown that, within a soil type, the properties of the soil, under varying conditions of soil management vary widely. The soil type name gives no indication of the fertility of the soil at the present time. However, associated with the type name are certain physical properties which determine, largely, the possibilities or limitations of that soil type, or the degree of productivity that the type may be built up to under ideal conditions of soil management. / Master of Science

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