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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Écrire "Du fond de cette attente éparpillée partout dans la foule" : édition critique de lettres de Gaston Miron (1949-1965)

Sainte-Marie, Mariloue 17 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse présente une édition critique des lettres qu'a écrites Gaston Miron entre 1949 et 1965. Le corpus comprend deux cent six lettres, pour l'essentiel inédites, se répartissant entre trente-six destinataires. À ce corpus de lettres s'ajoutent quatorze ébauches de lettres. Les destinataires de Gaston Miron se répartissent en deux catégories différentes. La première, celle des amis et des écrivains ? dont font notamment partie les lettres à Guy Carie, Claude Haeffely, Rina Lasnier, Fernand Ouellette, Henri Pichette, Jean-Guy Pilon, Michel van Schendel ?, présente des ensembles de lettres quantitativement plus importants dont le ton est volontiers celui de la confidence. L'épistolier Miron y livre ses doutes sur lui-même et sa poésie, il expose sans pudeur le tâtonnement de sa pensée et débat avec passion de ses idéaux sociaux. Comme il n'a cessé de le faire dans le cadre des entretiens qu'il a donnés tout au long de sa vie ou dans certains textes en prose tel "Un long chemin", Miron réitère, poursuit, peaufine dans ses lettres le récit de son parcours personnel et littéraire. La seconde catégorie de destinataires, celle des interlocuteurs occasionnels ? tels Jean-Charles Falardeau, Claude-Henri Grignon ou André Langevin ?, ne donne souvent à lire qu'une ou deux lettres par destinataire. Ponctuelles, ces lettres répondent souvent à une demande ou à un événement précis. Le corpus de lettres sélectionné souhaite rendre compte tout à la fois de la maturation intellectuelle, politique et poétique de l'écrivain Miron et de l'élaboration de son œuvre. Il comprend les lettres témoignant d'abord de la formation intellectuelle et littéraire du jeune Miron (1949-1953) puis des années d'écriture des grands cycles poétiques (1954-1965) ? "La marche à l'amour", "La batèche" et "La vie agonique" ? dont il publie des fragments dans des revues et journaux. Ces lettres dressent un tableau cohérent et vivant, une sorte de journal où s'entremêlent politique, littérature et confidences. Tantôt fonctionnelles, tantôt polémiques ou intimes, les lettres de Miron éclairent de manière originale l'engagement et la venue à l'écriture d'un jeune éditeur, intellectuel et poète dans le Québec des années 1950 et 1960.

L'absence aura tes yeux suivi de Transformations des poèmes de Miron dans 12 hommes rapaillés chantent Gaston Miron / Transformations des poèmes de Miron dans 12 hommes rapaillés chantent Gaston Miron

Caron Poirier, Arianne 07 March 2024 (has links)
Ce mémoire en recherche-création regroupe une exploration de l’écriture poétique et une étude des transformations permettant le passage du poème vers la chanson dans 12 hommes rapaillés chantent Gaston Miron. La première partie de ce mémoire consiste en un recueil de poèmes, L’absence aura tes yeux, dont l’écriture concorde avec la période la plus active de mon travail de recherche sur Gaston Miron. Dès le début de la rédaction de ce mémoire, j’ai souhaité être attentive à la présence de Miron dans mon travail poétique afin de rendre compte de son influence dans ma démarche créatrice. Mon recueil se veut donc une sorte de témoin de cette relation particulière que j’ai vécue avec le poète et son oeuvre tout au long de mon travail de recherche et d’écriture. En apprivoisant Miron, c’est ma propre expérience de l’écriture que j’ai revisitée, et sa présence a teinté, intimement, ma vision de la poésie et mon rapport personnel à ce genre littéraire. Les passages en italique dans mes poèmes sont par ailleurs des emprunts poétiques à Gaston Miron. L’absence aura tes yeux est le récit de la destruction, celle devant laquelle nous sommes impuissants, mais aussi celle que l’on s’assène à force de rigueur envers soi-même. D’un doux contrepoids, c’est aussi le récit de l’amour incandescent, celui dont la lumière pénètre jusque dans les bas-fonds de l’âme pour réparer les choses que l’on croyait brisées. La deuxième partie de ce mémoire consiste en l’analyse du projet 12 hommes rapaillés chantent Gaston Miron entrepris par Gilles Bélanger et qui a été réalisé à partir des poèmes issus des recueils L’homme rapaillé et Poèmes épars. J’y observe les caractéristiques formelles de la poésie de Miron, mais aussi les manipulations qui ont permis la transformation de certains de ses poèmes en chansons.

Sur le seuil, le regard et l'image dans Le vice-consul et India song de Marguerite Duras

Lamontagne, Philippe January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
L'oeuvre de Marguerite Duras montre des personnages placés sur le seuil, entre la vie et la mort. Prisonniers d'un mouvement dialectique, ils sont positionnés dans un entre-deux, sur une frontière, qui les maintient toujours à l'écart de l'objet ou de l'individu qu'ils convoitent. Ce seuil prend de multiples formes dans le corpus durassien. Dans le présent mémoire, nous étudierons le seuil visuel qu'on retrouve dans Le Vice-consul et India Song. Les deux textes abordent la même histoire, celle d'un amour impossible dans une Inde coloniale tout aussi impossible. Dans Le Vice-consul, les protagonistes, incapables d'entrer en relation les uns avec les autres, vivent dans le regard. Puis, dans India Song, des modifications formelles apportées au récit influent sur le rapport visuel. L'objectif du travail est donc d'analyser comment le regard et l'image positionnent les personnages sur ce seuil, et comment le passage d'un livre à l'autre opère des changements dans cette dynamique. Pour appuyer nos recherches, nous utilisons principalement les ouvrages de Georges Didi-Huberman, philosophe et historien de l'art. Ses travaux traitent de problématiques reliées au regard et à l'image. Surtout, le théoricien explique que, lorsque l'objet regardé est porteur de mort, il est apte à instaurer un seuil entre lui et le regardant. Dans de telles conditions, «regarder» signifie être conscient que tout contact direct est exclu. Cependant, même si la frontière interdit tout rapprochement concret, elle représente malgré tout une forme de relation, à distance, le possible dans l'impossible. Dans Le Vice-consul, trois personnages sont dépositaires de la mort: le vice-consul, Anne-Marie Stretter et la mendiante. Ceux-ci créent tous le seuil avec les individus qui les regardent, et ce par divers phénomènes visuels, comme l'apparition et l'empreinte. Dans le roman nous assistons véritablement à une multiplication des regards, qui indiquent que les relations concrètes ne peuvent jamais naître entre ces personnes. Avec India Song, le seuil prend de l'expansion. Maintenant, quatre voix regardent l'histoire des Européens consulaires, désormais un épisode du passé, se dérouler devant elles. La frontière visuelle se forme entre elles et l'image du récit. De même, les changements formels permettent de générer le seuil entre le lecteur et l'oeuvre globale, l'ultime image. En somme le passage d'un texte à l'autre rend toujours l'histoire plus lointaine et inaccessible, affirmant ainsi davantage le seuil. Du Vice-consul, relatant les relations impossibles d'Européens consulaires, on se retrouve, dans India Song, avec une oeuvre dont les caractéristiques formelles permettent d'amener le seuil hors du contexte diégétique, entre l'oeuvre globale et le lecteur. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Marguerite Duras, Georges Didi-Huberman, Regard, Image, Seuil.

Los gritos del desamparo: la novelística de Carlos Droguett

Plaza Atenas, Dino January 2004 (has links)
Tesis para optar al grado de Doctor en Literatura Hispanoamericana y Chilena.

O metateatro de Renato Russo : dramaturgo solitário

Leon, Diego Chehin Ponce de 15 August 2018 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes, 2018. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES). / Esta pesquisa investiga Renato Russo (1960-1996) como dramaturgo, faceta até então inédita do músico, poeta, rock star e líder da banda Legião Urbana. A dissertação apresenta a peça A verdadeira desorganização do desespero, escrita por Russo em setembro de 1982 e desconhecida do grande público por ter sido engavetada por 31 anos, e consequentemente jamais montada. A peça foi trazida à tona pela primeira vez em uma série de reportagens escrita por este pesquisador no jornal Correio Braziliense, em 2013. Esta investigação desdobra e analisa elementos do metateatro como hipotética ferramenta principal e de maior recorrência na dramaturgia de A verdadeira desorganização do desespero. A metodologia de abordagem dialoga com a cartografia, oestudo de caso e o trabalho de campo, dentro do recorte e objetos selecionados dometateatro, que traz a intervenção da personagem Carmela Veloso de Beauvoir – construída e motivada por esta pesquisa – para propor uma interferência performativa e metalinguística ao longo de todo o material, dividido em três partes principais. No primeiro capítulo, a pesquisa retrata uma breve perspectiva histórica da cena teatral brasiliense no final da década de 1970 e primeiros anos da década seguinte, para estabelecer um marco contextual do período no qual Renato teve maior contato com o teatro produzido em Brasília e reconstruir seus primeiros passos na prática da linguagem teatral. O segundo capítulo examina o marco conceitual do metateatro, enquanto o terceiro e último capítulo apura os achados do laboratório prático instigado pela primeira leitura dramática da peça de Renato Russo, promovida por este pesquisador em 2017, com alunos do Departamento de Artes Cênicas da Universidade de Brasília, de forma a permitir esta investigação sobre a metateatralidade de Renato Russo, assim como favorecer um olhar crítico sobre o material jamais encenado. / This research investigates Renato Russo (1960 – 1996) as a playwright, an unknown side of him, widely recognized as a musician, poet, rock star and lead singer of the band Legião Urbana. The dissertation presents the play A verdadeira desorganização do desespero (The true disorganization of despair), written by Renato Russo in September, 1982 and unknown to the general public, as it had been shelved for 31 years, and consequently never staged. The play was brought up to the public eye, for the first time, throughout a series of articles written by this researcher and published in Correio Braziliense, in 2013. This investigation unfolds and analyzes elements from metatheatre as hypothetical main and most recurrent tool in the dramaturgy of A verdadeira desorganização do desespero. The methodology of approach dialogues with cartography, the study case and the field work, within the scope and selected matters of metatheatre, which brings out the character Carmela Veloso de Beauvoir – framed and motivated by this research – to propose a metalinguistic and performative interference throughout the material. In the first chapter, the research portrays a brief historical perspective of the theatre panorama in the end of the 1970‟s and the first years of the following decade, to establish a contextual framework of the period in which Renato had a greater contact with the theatre produced in Brasília and to rebuild his first steps in the practice of theatrical language. The second chapter examines the conceptual framework of metatheatre, while the third and final chapter scans the findings of the practical laboratory instigated by the first dramatic reading of Renato Russo's play, promoted by this researcher in 2017, with students from the Department of Performing Arts of the University of Brasília, in order to allow this investigation on the metatheatry of Renato Russo, as well as to favor a critical eye on the never staged material.

The role and impact of Shaykh Shakier Gamieldien in the establishment of modern Rational Islam in the Western Cape, with specific reference to his educational endeavours, 1950 - 1996

Behardien, Eghsaan January 2012 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / This thesis discusses the impact of modern Rational Islam on the Muslim community of the Western Cape between 1950 and 1996. It is particularly concerned with the role of Shaykh Shakier Gamieldien in establishing and propagating this discourse in the region through the use of education as his means of propagation. The study defines modern Rational Islam as a discourse that emerged as a response to the incursion of modern Western culture into traditional Muslim regions during the 19th Century. The study further reflects on the local conditions in the Western Cape and assesses the progress that modern Rational Islam had made under Gamieldien’s guidance in the period immediately after the Second World War. It investigates the negative impact that the forced removals of the community of District 6 from their urban homes in Cape Town had on Rational Islam who had lived in this area. It explores the emergence of alternative interpretive and discursive tendencies in the Townships and the apathy of the rationalists during this period. Two issues come under critical scrutiny in the thesis in order to provide clarity on the changing strategy used by Rational Islam during period of forced removals. First, the creation of new structures that could be employed for purposes of Islamic education within the rational discourse. The second was its attempt to reach a wider audience because of the destruction of its primary base in District 6. In assessing the impact of Rational Islam on the community of the Western Cape consideration is given to the changing contexts that existed between 1950 and 1996. The thesis examines the effect of the disintegration of the Muslim community and then the emergence of other discursive tendencies in the townships on Rational Islam. It also considers the indirect influence that Gamieldien’s discourse had on the other Islamic discursive tendencies in its assessment of Rational Islam’s impact. The study is based on qualitative research methods, mostly oral interviews with groups of students who studied and worked with Gamieldien as well as with individual informants such as family members, friends and his leading students. This thesis investigates the emergence and impact of Rational Islam in the Western Cape and the contribution made by Shaykh Shakier Gamieldien in its establishment in this region. It further investigates the role of education as used by Gamieldien as a means of propagating modern Rational Islam as an accepted local Islamic discourse.

Changes in floristic and functional composition on a complex of gold tailings dams near Carletonville, North West Province, from 1996 to 2014

Maguranyanga, Mike January 2016 (has links)
A research report submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science by Coursework and Research Report. Johannesburg, March 2016. / A vegetation survey was carried out in July 2014 on the substrates of 5 tailings dams by selecting 10 sampling sites which were previously used as sampling plots during the 1996/97 survey of Weiersbye et al. (2006). At each sampling site a 100m transect horizontally across the substrate and covering all levels of the tailings dam from the flat top to the toe paddock was established. Each transect was surveyed for the frequency of the species occurring and these were categorized based on their mode of colonization (natural, intentionally introduced and persisting) while tailings were collected by digging approximately 20cm into the ground for soil sample collection per substrate. The recorded species were then divided using Raunkier’s classification categories into growth forms and a comparison was done between the two surveys (2014 versus 1996/7) to identify the species that were lost, those that were still persisting and the new ones that had colonized over time. A total of 51 species (over 15ha) in 36 genera within 14 families were recorded on the tailings dams, compared to 168 species (over 765ha), 98 genera and 59 families found in the previous study. Families with the most species in 2014 were similar to those of the 1996/97 survey, following the dominance order of Poaceae >Asteraceae >Fabaceae >Anacardiaceae, with the percentage frequency of grasses (Poaceae) noted to have almost doubled over this period. Compared to 6 species common across the substrates in the previous study, the later survey recorded 12 common species (6 of the species occurring on all substrates) but overall both studies found vegetation cover to be high (above 65%) on flat tops and berms with species richness being high on the toe paddock>slopes>tops and berms and substrates susceptible to low nutritional (N,P,K,C) value. Indigenous plant species (54.9%) were dominating the tailing dams and were mostly perennials (82.3%) that were naturally colonizing and persisting (72.5%) on the tailings dams (similar to the 1996/97 survey), while alien (45.1%) plant species comprised annuals/biennials (17.7%) that were intentionally introduced (27.5%) prior to the 1996/97 survey by contractors. The ceased ameliorative initiatives since the first survey are believed to have significantly contributed to a decrease in herbaceous species richness, which formed the majority of the introduced species in the former survey (58.8% compared to 29.4%) as they depended on the supplementary additions of fertilizers and lime. Approximately 117 species, 62 genera and 45 families (including Chenopodiaceae, which was dominant) were lost over the 17 years period, the majority of these were introduced prior to the 1996/97 vegetation survey, while only Ficus sp. was the only new species colonizing apart from the increase noted in alien species (some invasive in nature). The decrease in species richness has encouraged woody and semi-woody (35.3%) and grasses (35.3%) to dominate the slimes reaffirming their potential as temporal and long term rehabilitation species that have developed physiological tolerance to acidic conditions, salinity and heavy metal pollution. In conclusion, this study has identified the species that can be used for phytoremediation to provide long terms solutions for dust, air and water pollution and soil erosion suppression for rehabilitation of these contaminated lands (Appendix 8). The survey also helps to identify species that are able to naturally colonize and persist on the tailings dams without supplements, making them ideal economic species to use for rehabilitation. Results also highlight the negative impacts of the lack of ameliorative supplementations, which in turn affects the floristic composition and structure on these tailings dams over time. Keywords: Aerial cover, Macronutrients, Tailings dams, Species richness, Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs) and Vegetation survey / LG2017

Educação para as relações de gênero no ensino fundamental I (1996-2017) /

Ramos, Janaine Braga. January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Julio Cesar Torres / Banca: Tânia Suely Antonelli Marcelino Brabo / Banca: Ana Maria Klein / Resumo: O presente trabalho teve como objeto de estudo investigar as orientações curriculares nacionais no tocante à educação para as relações de gênero para o Ensino Fundamental I, de 1996 a 2017. Buscou-se compreender as políticas curriculares relacionadas à educação para as relações de gênero formuladas neste período. O referencial teórico deste trabalho fundamentou-se em: Apple (2006) e Macedo (2017) embasando os estudos quanto ao currículo educacional; Cisne (2014) no que tange às perspectivas feministas; Draibe (2003) para a compreensão das políticas públicas; Frigotto e Ciavatta (2003) no tocante à Educação Básica no Brasil na década de 1990; Mészaros (1981) e Saviani (2006) para o entendimento da educação; Paro (2011) subsidiando o estudo do currículo do Ensino Fundamental I; Vianna e Unbehaum (2004) baseando o estudo de gênero nas políticas públicas de educação no Brasil; Shiroma, Moraes e Evangelista (2007) referenciando as políticas educacionais; Souza (2006) para o entendimento das políticas públicas; Torres (2017) para a compreensão da Reforma do Estado no Brasil recente, administração pública e sociedade civil; dentre outras (os) autoras (es) e documentos pertinentes à realização da pesquisa. Sendo assim, apreende-se que estas áreas de conhecimento político-sociais são inerentes à organização social, ao passo que direcionam as políticas públicas e, por conseguinte, as políticas curriculares. Destarte, partiu-se da perspectiva da macroesfera para a microesfera. Nesse sen... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The present study had as object of study to investigate the national curricular guidelines regarding education for the gender relations for Elementary School I, from 1996 to 2017. It was sought to understand the curricular policies related to education for the gender relations formulated in this period. The theoretical framework of this work was based on: Apple (2006) and Macedo (2017), basing the studies on the educational curriculum; Swan (2014) regarding feminist perspectives; Draibe (2003) for the understanding of public policies; Frigotto and Ciavatta (2003) regarding basic education in Brazil in the 1990s; Mészaros (1981) and Saviani (2006) for the understanding of education; Paro (2011) subsidizing the study of the primary school curriculum I; Vianna and Unbehaum (2004) basing the study of gender in public education policies in Brazil; Shiroma and Moraes (2007) referencing educational policies; Souza (2006) for the understanding of public policies; Torres (2017), for understanding about State Reform, public administration and civil society; among other authors and documents pertinent to the research. Thus, it is understood that these areas of social-political knowledge are inherent in social organization, while directing public policies and, consequently, curricular policies. From this perspective, we started from the perspective of the macrosphere to the microsphere. In this sense, understanding the historicity of the political and socioeconomic facts occurred in the ... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Escalation of Commitment in Temporary Organisations : A Case Study of the 1996 Mt. Everest Disaster

Pustina, Aferdita, Aegerter Alvarez, Juan Felipe January 2010 (has links)
<p> </p><p>In an organisation, escalation of commitment represents behaviour of decision makers who become committed to failing courses of action. This behaviour usually derives from the decision makers’ reluctance to acknowledge their failed action in the initial allotment of time and resources, and thus taking actions to manifest their prior decision were correct and they will be achieving the planned goal.</p><p> </p><p>In a single day of 1996 during a climbing expedition destined to summit Mt Everest, eight people lost their lives, including the climbing team leaders, in part due to the decision made that led to the teams to engage in escalation behaviour.  The climbing teams in the 1996 Mt Everest expedition serve as examples of temporary organisations in an extreme setting. The purpose of the research is to explore insights on the aspects promoting escalation on the Mt Everest tragedy and shed some light into how escalation manifests in temporary organisations. The factors that might be found will be applicable only to this particular case; nevertheless they might contribute on the overall development of how escalation comes about in temporary organisations. The research question of this study is how aspects promoting escalation where present in the 1996 Mt. Everest expedition?</p><p> </p><p>For many years different theories attempted to explain the factors that promote escalation behaviour. The most important theories were combined together into a theoretical framework developed by Staw and Ross (1987a), which contains four major determinants of commitment in escalation: project, psychological, social and organisational. This framework is applied in this qualitative study based on the 1996 Mt Everest case. The study was executed through the analysis of the firsthand accounts of the survivors and observers present on the mountain that year as well as mass media outputs, the framework of escalation was used as an assistance tool for making sense of the findings the research may produce.</p><p> </p><p>The results of the study managed to place the line of events in the determinants framework and identified all four types of determinants of commitment taking place through the progress of the expedition. A new organisational determinant of commitment was found (<em>pursuit of enterprise growth</em>) which yielded significant practical implications and might also lead the way for future research on escalation of commitment in temporary organisations.</p>

論蘩漪形象的典型性及其深層意蘊 = The typicalness and essense of the character Fan-Yi / Typicalness and essense of the character Fan-Yi

譚炳棠 January 2000 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities / Department of Chinese

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