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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Differential invariant signatures and flows in computer vision : a symmetry group approach

January 1993 (has links)
Peter J. Olver, Guillermo Sapiro, Allen Tannenbaum. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 40-44). / Supported by the National Science Foundation. DMS-9204192 DMS-8811084 ECS-9122106 Supported by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. AFOSR-90-0024 Supported by the Rothschild Foundation-Yad Hanadiv and by Image Evolutions, Ltd.

Understanding the Mechanisms Leading to FSW Property Variations to Aid in Defect Formation Identification via Post-Weld Data Processing

Doude, Haley Rubisoff 17 May 2014 (has links)
The study of defect formation and identification is important to the further application of friction stir welding in industry. To better understand the topic, a systematic study was undertaken to describe material flow effects on the formation of defects, to list the various types of defects encountered across a parameter window, and to identify features in the weld force data that can then be used to recognize defects within the weld without destructive testing. Tracer studies were used to determine the impact of the material flow on defect formation with a determination that proper shoulder contact is necessary to obtain sufficient material flow to fully consolidate the weld. A series of welds across a range of rotational speeds was used to identify mechanisms that led to variations in the mechanical properties of the welded panels. A balance between the x- and yorces on the tool is needed to produce robust welds that were defect free. UMF was shown to identify regions of changing material flow conditions; however, the identification of intermittent defects was not as successful.

Investigation of 2195 and 2219 Post Weld Heat Treatments for Additive Friction Stir Lap Welds

Champagne, Matthew 20 December 2017 (has links)
To evaluate potential uses for friction stir welding in additive manufacturing, two separate parts were fabricated, one of 2195-T84 and the other 2219-T87, utilizing fixed pin techniques and additive lap welds. The parts were cut into samples, artificially aged and subjected to Rockwell hardness (HRB), Vickers hardness, micrographic photography, and metallographic imaging on both pre- and post- heat treatment. Additionally, tensile testing was performed on the heat-treated samples. A comparisons of test results showed a minimal increase in the yield strength of the 2195-T84 samples compared to as-welded tensile results obtained from a previous project. The ultimate tensile strength was reduced by approximately 16%. Further testing will be required to determine the nature of this reduction. No previous results were available for the as-welded 2219-T87, but UTS of the artificially aged samples was approximately 91% that of the parent material.

Improving High Temperature Strength of 2219 Al Alloy by Minor Alloying Additions

Mondol, Sukla January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Among Al alloys, 2219 Al alloy possesses highest strength at elevated temperatures. However, the application of this alloy is also restricted to a maximum temperature of 150°C, above which, the strengthening precipitates coarsen rapidly resulting in a steep loss in strength. In the present investigation, an attempt has been made to improve the elevated as well as the room temperature properties of commercial 2219 alloy by the addition of small amounts of Sc & Mg, Sc & Zr, and Nb & Zr, and these are designated as 2219ScMg, 2219ScZr and 2219NbZr alloys, respectively. All the three alloys were cast in the form of strips in a water cooled copper mould using suction casting technique with a cooling rate of 102 to 103 K/s. The as-cast strips of 2219ScMg alloys were naturally aged and cold rolled by following three different routes (a) cold rolling, (b) homogenization and cold rolling and (c) hot rolling and cold rolling. A significant improvement in strength has been achieved by all the three wrought processing routes with greater than 140 MPa increase in 0.2% proof stress at room temperature and greater than 110 MPa increase in 0.2% proof stress at 200°C as compared to 2219-T851 alloy having 0.2% proof stress of 345 MPa at room temperature and 205 MPa at 200°C. Hardness values, measured at room temperature after exposure at 200°C, remain stable up to 1000 h. Microstructural analysis of 2219ScMg alloy reveals that Al3Sc or Al3(Sc,Zr) dispersoids form during casting and GP zones form on {100} and {111} plane during natural ageing. Subsequently, rolling introduces higher dislocation densities in the matrix. All these microstructural features contribute to the improvement of the room temperature strength of the alloy. On exposure at 200°C, GP zones transform to mainly θ′ and a few Ω precipitates. A finer, homogeneous distribution of θ′ and Ωprecipitates yields higher strength. Sc and Mg atoms are segregated at the θ′/matrix interface, which gives rise to slower growth kinetics of θ′ precipitates. As a result, the alloy exhibits better thermal stability at 200°C. For 2219ScZr and 2219NbZr alloys, the processing of the cast strip involves a two stage ageing procedure. This includes first stage ageing at 375°C for 2219ScZr alloy and at 400°C for 2219NbZr alloy. This is followed by solution treatment at 535°C for 30 minutes and second stage ageing at 200°C for both the alloys. For 2219ScZr alloy, tensile tests performed at room temperature, 200°C and 250°C show 0.2% proof stress of 456 ± 22 MPa, 295 ± 20 MPa and 227 ± 2 MPa respectively. The alloy is found to be thermally stable at 200°C. It is found that the addition of Sc and Zr results in the formation of Al3(Sc,Zr) precipitates during ageing at 375°C. These precipitates are fully coherent with the matrix and have a significant precipitation hardening effect. They also stimulate the nucleation of θ′′ and θ′precipitates during ageing at 200°C making them finer, homogeneously distributed and thermally stable. Therefore, the strength of the alloy at ambient and elevated temperature is improved. For 2219NbZr alloy, the tensile tests show that 0.2% proof stress is 409 ± 10 MPa at room temperature and 252 ± 22 MPa at 200°C. Microstructural observations reveal that the increase in strength is mainly due to the high volume fraction of Al3Zr precipitates, which form during ageing at 400°C, and due to the formation of θ′′ and θ′precipitates during ageing at 200°C. It is observed that Al3Zr precipitates facilitate the nucleation of θ′′ and θ′ precipitates making them finer, homogeneously distributed and thermally stable, as in the case of 2219ScZr alloy.

Mécanique de la rupture et endommagement d’un alliage d’aluminium 2219 T87 pour application aérospatiale / Fracture mechanics and damage of 2219 T87 aluminum alloy for aerospace application

Le Guyader, Christophe 16 December 2014 (has links)
L'objectif de ce travail est la mise en oeuvre de la mécanique de la rupture et d'un modèle d'endommagement afin de vérifier l'intégrité du réservoir cryotechnique d'ARIANE 5 en présence de défauts. Ces derniers sont généralement assimilés à des fissures surfaciques semi-elliptiques. L'approche globale basée sur l'analyse FAD fournit une prédiction trop conservative lorsque cette méthode utilise le facteur d'intensité K et la ténacité KIc. Ce conservatisme peut toutefois être partiellement levé à condition d'introduire la notion d'intégrale J et d'utiliser une ténacité dérivée de la courbe JR - ∆a afin d'autoriser une légère avancée de la fissure dans le cas d'un matériau ductile. Cette courbe JR - ∆a s'obtient à partir d'essais sur des éprouvettes fissurées de différentes géométries (CT, SENT et SCT). L'approche locale de la rupture constitue cependant la seule alternative possible afin de statuer sur l'acceptabilité d'un défaut suffisamment important pour générer une plasticité étendue. Cette approche nécessite alors de décrire précisément les champs de contrainte et déformation en pointe de fissure. Par conséquent il est nécessaire de tenir compte du caractère anisotrope de la plasticité, lié au procédé de laminage, lors de la modélisation du comportement élasto-plastique del'alliage d'aluminium 2219 T87. Dans cette étude un critère phénoménologique est utilisé pour modéliser la plasticité dont l'anisotropie est décrite par différents coefficients. L'optimisation de ces paramètres repose sur la comparaison entre les résultats issus de simulations numériques et ceux obtenus par des essais sur des éprouvettes lisses et entaillées. L'approche local de la rupture repose également sur la compréhension des micromécanismes de rupture. L'alliage d'aluminium 2219 T87 étudié dans le cadre de cette thèse présenteune rupture ductile dont la phase de germination s'effectue sur les inclusions Al2Cu et constitue le mécanisme prépondérant de la rupture. L'endommagement est modélisé par le modèle de Gurson modifié par Needleman et Tvergaard (GTN). L'anisotopie de rupture est simulée par deux lois de germination différentes selon le sens de laminage et le sens transverse. / The purpose of this work is to use fracture mechanics and damage model to assess the structural integrity of the ARIANE 5 tank containing defects. These flaws are usually assumed to be semi-elliptical surface cracks.This situation can be analysed using the FAD (Failure Assessment Diagram) approach. This method is based on the stress intensity factor K and a material fracture toughness (Kmat) which can be the plane strain fracture toughness (KIC) for a conservative prediction. A more realistic prediction is achieved by employing the integral J and a material parameter derived from crack resistance curve JR - ∆a . This curve is obtained by using cracked test samples with different geometries (CT, SENT and SCT). The local approach to fractureis an alternative method to assess failure in particular in the case of large scale plasticity. In this case, the previous method is not able to give accurate predictions. Analyses based on local approach concepts requirean accurate evaluation of strain and stress fields near the crack tip. It is therefore important to take plastic anisotropy into account to model the plastic behavior of the rolled sheets. In this work this is done using amacroscopic phenomenological model. The parameters of this model are determined by minimizing of the difference between the simulation results and the test measurements for smooth and notched tensile test samples. The local approach to fracture is also based on the understanding of the failure micromechanismsof materials. Ductile fracture of metallic materials can be described as a three stage process. The first is void initiation at inclusions, the second is void growth and the third is void coalescence. Nucleation of defectsat Al2Cu inclusions is the main damage mechanism. In this work, the proposed model for ductile fracture is based on the Gurson model modified by Needleman and Tvergaard (GTN). This model is extended to account for fracture anisotropic by considering two nucleation gaussian laws respectively for rolling andtransverse directions.

On the embryonic and post-embryonic development of Pseudopallene sp. (Arthropoda, Pycnogonida) with special focus on neurogenesis and nervous system differentiation

Brenneis, Georg 13 March 2013 (has links)
Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit der Entwicklung der Asselspinne Pseudopallene sp. (Arthropoda, Pycnogonida). Die Morphogenese und Nervensystementwicklung werden mithilfe von Rasterelektronenmikroskopie, Histologie, Immunhistochemie und Genexpressionsstudien untersucht. Während der Proboscisbildung lassen sich keine Anzeichen für ein Labrum erkennen. Aufgrund des Fehlens von Palpen- und Ovigeranlagen und der frühen Entwicklung der Laufbeinsegmente ist kein embryonales Protonymphon-Stadium identifizierbar. Die Evolution verschiedener Larvenformen der Pycnogoniden wird im Hinblick auf phylogenetische Studien diskutiert. Die frühen Prozesse im Neuroektoderm zeigen Ähnlichkeiten zu Eucheliceraten und Myriapoden. Hierzu zählen das Fehlen morphologisch distinkter Zelltypen, die Bildung von Zellinternalisierungszentren, die Immigration vorwiegend post-mitotischer Ganglionzellen mit erhöhter Delta-Genexpression und fast ausschließlich tangentiale Zellteilungen. Anschließend bilden sich pro Neuromer ein Paar Invaginationen, was durch Vergrößerung der apikalen Zellen begleitet wird. Letztere sind aufgrund ihrer hohen Mitoseaktivität, ihres asymmetrischen Teilungsmodus und des anhaltenden Zuwachses der basalen Ganglionzellen als stammzellartige neuronale Vorläuferzellen identifizierbar. Hierauf basierend wird die Validität von stammzellartigen neuronalen Vorläuferzellen als Synapomorphie der Krebse und Insekten diskutiert. Zwei evolutionäre Szenarien zur Arthropoden-Neurogenese werden erörtert. In der post-embryonalen Phase lösen sich die invaginierten Zellregionen vom Ektoderm ab. Sie bilden apikal auf den Ganglien paarige Zellcluster und bleiben mit deren Somacortex über fibrilläre ‚cell streams‘ verbunden. Der weitere Zuwachs an Ganglionzellen und die exklusive Zellproliferation in den cluster-stream-Systemen weisen letztere als post-embryonale neurogenetische Nischen aus. Ähnlichkeiten zu der neurogenetischen Nische im Deutocerebrum der decapoden Krebse werden aufgezeigt. / This study addresses aspects of the development of the sea spider Pseudopallene sp. (Arthropoda, Pycnogonida). In order to investigate morphogenesis and nervous system development, a combination of scanning electron microscopy, histology, immunohistochemistry and gene expression studies is used. Embryonic proboscis development shows no signs of a labrum. The lack of palpal and ovigeral limbs and the early anlagen of the walking leg segments lead to the rejection of an embryonized protonymphon stage during Pseudopallene development. The evolution of pycnogonid hatching stages is evaluated in light of recent phylogenetic analyses. Early neurogenesis shares similarities with euchelicerates and myriapods, including the lack of morphologically distinct neuroectodermal cell types, formation of transient cell internalization sites, immigration of mostly post-mitotic ganglion cells with elevated levels of Delta gene expression and predominantly tangentially oriented cell divisions in the neuroectoderm. Subsequently, paired invaginations form in each neuromere, being accompanied by marked enlargement of the apical cells. Due to their high mitotic activity, their asymmetric division mode and a marked cell number increase in the ganglia, the big cells are identified as stem cell-like neuronal precursors. Based on this, the validity of stem cell-like neuronal precursors as synapomorphy of crustaceans and hexapods is discussed. Two scenarios on the evolution of arthropod neurogenesis are presented. During the post-embryonic phase, the invaginating cell regions detach internally and form paired cell clusters at the apical ganglion sides. Each cluster remains connected to the ganglion soma cortex via fibrous cell streams. Increasing ganglion cell numbers and exclusive occurrence of mitoses within the cluster-stream-systems characterize the latter as post-embryonic neurogenic niches. Similarities to the neurogenic niche in the deutocerebrum of decapod crustaceans are discussed.

Die Lukasevangelien auf Caló. Die Ursachen ihrer Sprachinterferenz und der Anteil des Spanischen

Dietze, Markus 08 October 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit behandelt die beiden Übersetzungsversionen des Lukasevangeliums ins Caló, die George Borrow 1837 und 1872 anfertigte. Sie hat mehrere Zielstellungen. Der erste Teil geht der Frage nach: Wie kam es zu den beiden Schriften? Er legt dar, welche Einflussfaktoren das authentische Caló im Spanien der 1830er Jahre herausgeprägt haben konnten und welche Einflüsse durch den Übersetzer George Borrow auf die Übersetzungen wirkten. Als extralinguistische Faktoren wird dafür die (Kultur-)Geschichte der Gitanos herangezogen, werden Borrows Biographie sowie seine Sprachkenntnisse untersucht und werden die Aufsätze namhafter Autoren über die Entstehung des Calós diskutiert und gegeneinander abgewogen. So entsteht zum ersten Mal eine komplexe Zusammenfassung der Vorgeschichte des Calós der Evangelien. Der zweite Teil der Arbeit ist einerseits eine Anleitung, die das Caló anhand von Textbeispielen für Hispanisten lesbar macht, und prüft andererseits, ob und wie die Aussage zutrifft, dass Borrows Purifizierungsbestrebungen in der zweiten Übersetzungsversion ein Caló schufen, das einen wesentlich geringeren Anteil an spanischer Sprache hat als in der ersten Version. Die Frage nach der Purifizierung erscheint vor dem Hintergrund der damaligen verklärenden Zigeunermode, der Afición, in Spanien sowie angesichts des Polyglotten Borrow bedeutsam. Um ihr nachzugehen, werden die ersten siebeneinhalb Kapitel beider Übersetzungen mit Hilfe von Textanalyseprogrammen wortartenspezifisch untersucht. Das Ergebnis bestätigt die Annahme bei zehn von sechzehn Wortarten und zeigt auf, dass besonders bei den Autosemantika Purifizierungsversuche unternommen wurden. Wahrscheinlich war aber schon die erste Übersetzungsversion purifiziert. Die Arbeit liefert einen ersten detaillierten linguistischen Vergleich eines Teiles der beiden Versionen und stellt das Caló der Evangelien in einem sehr umfassenden Kontext vor, wodurch sich eine Vernetzung linguistischer, kulturwissenschaftlicher und literaturwissenschaftlich interessanter Aspekte ergibt.

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