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Usufructo con facultad de disposición en el Derecho españolSerrano de Nicolás, Ángel 29 September 2005 (has links)
La investigación se centra básicamente, aunque no únicamente por estar, también, referida al Código civil español, en la Ley 13/2000, de 20 de noviembre, reguladora en Cataluña, del usufructo, uso y habitación. Se diferencia -con atención al Derecho histórico y, singularmente, al Derecho comparado- entre el usufructo de disposición y el fideicomiso de residuo, así como con la propiedad temporal (no admisible en el Derecho español), tanto por razones históricas, como dogmáticas y de derecho positivo.
Tras considerar su evolución histórica, y su nacimiento en la práctica de los tabelliones –antecedente de los actuales notarios-, se considera su régimen jurídico en permanente confrontación con el del usufructo en general.
Se consideran las vías, tanto inter vivos, como mortis causa, a título oneroso o gratuito, incluso mediante la usucapión, o como atribución aislada a posteriori de la facultad dispositiva, a través de las que puede constituirse.
Eje central de la investigación es la consideración de la facultad de disposición del usufructuario como un problema de la legitimación dispositiva del usufructuario, para poder afirmar que el usufructo de disposición es un mero usufructo –cualquiera que sea la modalidad dispositiva que se le atribuya- y que la facultad de disposición no es sino un supuesto de legitimación extraordinaria concretada en la posibilidad de disponer (en su sentido más amplio, sin que le pueda convertir en ningún caso en propietario) de un patrimonio, o sus elementos integrantes, formalmente ajeno.
Dado que la singularidad de la figura gira en torno a las facultades dispositivas del usufructuario se presta singular consideración a la atribución a su libre disposición o para caso de necesidad, que en cualquier caso, y salvo que otra cosa se disponga por el constituyente, queda a la libre apreciación del usufructuario, de la misma manera que el que se atribuya con libre disposición no le convierte en propietario, pues el acto dispositivo siempre tendrá que estar inspirado en el menor perjuicio al nudo propietario y, en cualquier caso, siempre acabará consolidándose con la nuda propiedad. Así, la facultad del usufructuario incluso aunque sea libérrima no se puede confundir con la del propietario pues siempre se está disponiendo de bienes ajenos.
También puede modelarse la facultad dispositiva del usufructuario sujetando su facultad bien al mero conocimiento de terceros o a la aprobación o asentimiento de estos, incluso puede ser el propio nudo propietario y, desde luego, puede organizarse con absoluta práctica libertad el modo y forma de consentir la disposición.
La legitimación incide directamente tanto en la validez del acto dispositivo como en su eficacia, será discutible si es un acto de enajenación o de negocio incompleto, pero en cualquier caso impugnable tanto en vida del usufructuario como al extinguirse el usufructo por quienes se puedan ver afectados o perjudicados por el acto dispositivo, singularmente, cuando se realicen actos anómalos o fraudulentos.
Dado que siempre existirá la figura del nudo propietario, a cuyo contenido mínimo de facultades, mientras dure dicho usufructo de disposición, también se dedica especial consideración, se estudian las facultades (dispositivas y de toda índole, singularmente conservativas, así exigir –salvo que se haya excluido- inventario y fianza) y derechos del nudo propietario durante el usufructo y al extinguirse, con especial consideración de las singularidades en el ámbito de la subrogación real (cuya relevancia será manifiestamente distinta según se trate del mero usufructo para caso de necesidad o si es de libe disposición) y de las posibles nulidades de los actos dispositivos o del nacimiento de responsabilidad civil y la necesaria protección de terceros. / The research is primarily centred on differentiating –heeding historic law and, exceptionally, positive and comparative law– usufruct with the power to dispose of the residual trust and temporary property, due to historic reasons, dogmatic reasons and those related to positive law.
After considering its historic development, within general usufruct, the procedures are considered –inter vivos and mortis causa, onerous and gratuitous– through which it can be established and, as a core issue, the problem is addressed of the dispositive legitimisation of the usufructuary, to be able to confirm that testamentary usufruct is a mere mode of usufruct and that the power of disposition is nothing but a case of extraordinary legitimisation specified in the possibility of possessing an estate, or its integrating elements, formally of another.
Within the power of disposition of the usufructuary, two broad types are essentially considered, such as when free disposition is granted to the usufructuary. Even in this position the party does not become the owner and does not have powers of disposal granted due to this status, even if at a later time he or she will have to establish bare ownership. Moreover, the power of disposition is considered for the case of need left to the freewill of the usufructuary, although this does not mean this party is liable to impugn bare ownership. Other types would be those stemming from those accessions to which the dispositive act could be subject and, consequently, the consequences of its violation, whether related to the validity or not of the dispositive act or in the area of real subrogation. This will therefore be conditioned by the type, determining whether there is free disposition or only a case of need.
Given that there will always be the figure of bare owner, the powers and rights of the bare owner are also studied during usufruct and upon its termination, with particular consideration given to the possible nullities of the dispositive acts or the birth of civil liability and the necessary protection of third parties.
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Homes, terres, cases i masos del Baix Empordà. Estudi de les transformacions socials als segles XVIII i XIXEsteve Torras, Eulàlia 13 January 2011 (has links)
NOTA: Aquesta tesi va acompanyada d'un fitxer amb una base de dades de Capítols matrimonials.RESUM:L'objectiu principal d'aquesta tesi doctoral ha estat aproximar-nos als canvis socials experimentats per la comarca del Baix Empordà durant el segle XVIII i la primera meitat del segle XIX, posant especial èmfasi en els oficis relacionats amb la terra. Com a tesi principal del nostre estudi hem plantejat que la pagesia pobra va poder tenir un paper més important del que se li ha atorgat històricament en els canvis agraris i socials produïts en el transcurs d'aquests dos segles. L'estudi s'ha dut a terme a partir de l'anàlisi de dos tipus de documents principalment; els inventaris post mortem i els capítols matrimonials que ens han permés analitzar l'evolució i els canvis en alguns oficis, mostrant un col·lectiu, el dels treballadors, i posteriorment menestrals que, segons les dades analitzades, va tenir una importància més rellevant en el conjunt de la societat i de les transformacions que es produïren durant els segles XVIII i XIX del que tradicionalment se li ha atorgat. / The main objective of this thesis has been to make an aproximation to the social changes experienced by the Baix Emporda during the eighteenth century and the first half of the nineteenth century, with particular emphasis on agricultural-related professions. As a main thesis of our study we suggest that the poor farmers could have played a more important role in agricultural and social changes produced during these two centuries than historically has been given credit for. The study was carried out from the analysis of mainly two types of documents, post mortem inventories and the marriage chapters. This has enabled us to analyze the evolution and changes in some trades, showing a collective, "treballadors", later called "menestrals", which, according to the data analyzed, had a more important role in the wider society and the transformations that occurred during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries than traditionally has been considered.
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Tribunais de contas do Brasil e controle de constitucionalidadeSchmitt, Rosane Heineck January 2006 (has links)
Analisa-se, nesta monografia, a atuação dos Tribunais de Contas do Brasil, integrantes do Poder Legislativo, e suas imbricações com o controle de constitucionalidade das normas jurídicas exercido, nos termos da Constituição da República, à feição do sistema de check and balances, pelos Poderes Judiciário, Executivo e Legislativo, com suas respectivas peculiaridades. Neste iter, busca-se definir se as Cortes de Contas, encarregadas do controle externo das contas públicas, ao apreciarem a conformidade constitucional dos atos administrativos de gestão pública e, via de conseqüência, das leis e dos atos normativos que os fundamentam, exercem espécie de controle difuso de constitucionalidade ou, tão-somente, realizam seu Dever/ Poder de cumprirem, de forma plena, sua missão institucional, de acordo com os comandos dispostos na Constituição, por sua condição de Custodes in nomine populi (Guardiões em nome do povo). / This monography analises brazilian’s Courts of Account activity, Courts that integrates Legislative Power, and ist’s approach with constitutional control that, in the thermes dictated by Brazilian’s Republic Constitution, shapeed in check and balances system, is performed by Judiciary, Executive and Legislative Powers, with their respectives particularities. In this iter, we intend to define if Brazilian’s Accounts Courts, that have the duty to make public expenses external control, when examine the constitucionality of public’s administration acts and, therefore, of rules and normatives acts that support them, exercite a kind of constitucional control, similar of Unites States judicial review, or just realize its Duty/Power to accomplish, totally, the terms for them assigned by the Constitution, for it’s condition of Custodes in nomine populis.
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Tribunais de contas do Brasil e controle de constitucionalidadeSchmitt, Rosane Heineck January 2006 (has links)
Analisa-se, nesta monografia, a atuação dos Tribunais de Contas do Brasil, integrantes do Poder Legislativo, e suas imbricações com o controle de constitucionalidade das normas jurídicas exercido, nos termos da Constituição da República, à feição do sistema de check and balances, pelos Poderes Judiciário, Executivo e Legislativo, com suas respectivas peculiaridades. Neste iter, busca-se definir se as Cortes de Contas, encarregadas do controle externo das contas públicas, ao apreciarem a conformidade constitucional dos atos administrativos de gestão pública e, via de conseqüência, das leis e dos atos normativos que os fundamentam, exercem espécie de controle difuso de constitucionalidade ou, tão-somente, realizam seu Dever/ Poder de cumprirem, de forma plena, sua missão institucional, de acordo com os comandos dispostos na Constituição, por sua condição de Custodes in nomine populi (Guardiões em nome do povo). / This monography analises brazilian’s Courts of Account activity, Courts that integrates Legislative Power, and ist’s approach with constitutional control that, in the thermes dictated by Brazilian’s Republic Constitution, shapeed in check and balances system, is performed by Judiciary, Executive and Legislative Powers, with their respectives particularities. In this iter, we intend to define if Brazilian’s Accounts Courts, that have the duty to make public expenses external control, when examine the constitucionality of public’s administration acts and, therefore, of rules and normatives acts that support them, exercite a kind of constitucional control, similar of Unites States judicial review, or just realize its Duty/Power to accomplish, totally, the terms for them assigned by the Constitution, for it’s condition of Custodes in nomine populis.
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Tribunais de contas do Brasil e controle de constitucionalidadeSchmitt, Rosane Heineck January 2006 (has links)
Analisa-se, nesta monografia, a atuação dos Tribunais de Contas do Brasil, integrantes do Poder Legislativo, e suas imbricações com o controle de constitucionalidade das normas jurídicas exercido, nos termos da Constituição da República, à feição do sistema de check and balances, pelos Poderes Judiciário, Executivo e Legislativo, com suas respectivas peculiaridades. Neste iter, busca-se definir se as Cortes de Contas, encarregadas do controle externo das contas públicas, ao apreciarem a conformidade constitucional dos atos administrativos de gestão pública e, via de conseqüência, das leis e dos atos normativos que os fundamentam, exercem espécie de controle difuso de constitucionalidade ou, tão-somente, realizam seu Dever/ Poder de cumprirem, de forma plena, sua missão institucional, de acordo com os comandos dispostos na Constituição, por sua condição de Custodes in nomine populi (Guardiões em nome do povo). / This monography analises brazilian’s Courts of Account activity, Courts that integrates Legislative Power, and ist’s approach with constitutional control that, in the thermes dictated by Brazilian’s Republic Constitution, shapeed in check and balances system, is performed by Judiciary, Executive and Legislative Powers, with their respectives particularities. In this iter, we intend to define if Brazilian’s Accounts Courts, that have the duty to make public expenses external control, when examine the constitucionality of public’s administration acts and, therefore, of rules and normatives acts that support them, exercite a kind of constitucional control, similar of Unites States judicial review, or just realize its Duty/Power to accomplish, totally, the terms for them assigned by the Constitution, for it’s condition of Custodes in nomine populis.
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Independence and accountability of the Indian higher judiciarySengupta, Arghya January 2014 (has links)
There is currently no satisfactory account of how judges of the Supreme Court of India and High Courts in the states are appointed, transferred, impeached or employed postretirement. For a higher judiciary commanding immense public attention, enjoying wide constitutional powers of judicial review, this is a conspicuous gulf in academic literature. This thesis intends to bridge this gulf by providing such an account. Part I extracts the Constituent Assembly Debates pertaining to these four facets of judicial functioning, describes key developments over time and analyses the extant processes in operation today. On this basis it makes three arguments: first, appointments to the higher judiciary and transfer of judges between High Courts follow processes that are indefensible as a matter of constitutional law; second, impeachment operates in an excessively slow and inefficacious manner; third, the pervasiveness of post-retirement employment of judges in government-appointed positions demonstrates inadequate attention to institutional design. Most crucially, each of these four aspects gives rise to significant concerns pertaining to judicial independence, accountability or both. This is not a peculiarly Indian problem— in several countries, the values of judicial independence and accountability have been deemed to be in tension, often irreconcilably. Part II tackles this widely articulated tension by providing a conceptual framework to understand these concepts. Its main argument is that both judicial independence and accountability are necessary for 'an effective judiciary'. Whether indeed the processes governing the four selected facets of judicial functioning in India lead to an effective judiciary is assessed in Part III. Where they are found lacking, appropriate reform is suggested. Such reform is intended to ensure that the selected processes operate in a manner that is justifiable in terms of judicial independence and accountability in principle and is efficacious in practice.
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La modélisation du procès civil. : émergence d'un schéma procédural en droit interne / Modelling civil litigations : emergence of a procedural plan in France's domestic lawMaugain, Géraldine 13 November 2010 (has links)
Le XXème siècle a marqué le réveil de la procédure, instrument de défense des droits du justiciable, notamment en raison de l’influence des garanties du modèle supranational du procès équitable. Avec la fin du siècle, des enjeux plus économiques sont également apparus. L’efficacité de la justice a fait corps avec la qualité de la décision judiciaire dans un concept de bonne administration de la justice. Cette communauté de valeurs explique l’émergence d’un schéma procédural, qui préfigure la justice civile du XXIème siècle. Au niveau de la structure procédurale, la scission de la phase contentieuse aboutit à une mise en état forte et une phase de jugement complémentaire. Ces deux temps doivent maintenant être précédés d’une phase consensuelle, recherchée par tous, mais qui peine à s’imposer. Au plan décisionnel, l’office du juge doit rester de dire le droit. L’objectif est alors de donner au juge les moyens de sa fonction par une régression de ses offices secondaires, afin de redessiner ce qui constitue son office originel. / The 20th century has initiated a new dawn for procedure as a tool to defend the rights of the persons subject to trial, a change motivated by a constant care to guarantee the supranational pattern of due process of law. At the end of the century, new stakes focused on more financial aspects also emerged. The efficiency of justice merged with the quality of the judicial decision to create a concept of smooth-running of justice. These common values generated an emerging procedural pattern reflecting the civil justice of the 21st century. At the level of procedural structure, a schism in the contentious stage developed into a strong readiness for trial and a complementary judgment stage. Now, both phases must be preceded by a consensual phase, which is still scarcely used though everyone seeks it. Regarding decision-making, the judge’s role must remain the same, stating the legal position. The main goal is then to give the judge what it takes to fulfil his function through the regression of his minor roles, thus defining more accurately what his original role is.
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Imperium et jurisdictio en droit judiciaire privé / Imperium and jurisdictio in private judicial lawLaher, Rudy 17 November 2014 (has links)
La distinction de l'imperium et de la jurisdictio est une des plus anciennes distinctions de la science juridique européenne. Entre les mains du souverain, la jurisdictio est le pouvoir de rendre la justice et l'imperium celui d'user de la force. Cette souplesse notionnelle permet à la distinction de structurer l'intégralité du droit judiciaire privé. Dans ce cadre, la jurisdictio se présente alors comme le pouvoir de réalisation formelle du Droit – le Droit est dit – alors que l'imperium vise sa réalisation matérielle – le Droit est fait –. Cette perspective fonctionnelle permet de recouvrir les différents pouvoirs des organes judiciaires, le juge, bien sûr, mais aussi l'arbitre, l'huissier de justice, le greffier, le notaire ou le commissaire-priseur judiciaire. Mais l'intérêt de la distinction ne s'arrête pas là. À l'échelle du jugement, d'abord, la jurisdictio se présente comme la source de l'autorité de la chose jugée ou de l'authenticité alors que l'imperium est à l'origine de sa force, obligatoire ou exécutoire. À l'échelle de l'office du juge, ensuite, le succès de la procédure de référé ou les transformations des contentieux familiaux et économiques se traduisent par un renforcement de l'imperium au détriment de la jurisdictio et par le glissement de la judicature vers la magistrature. À l'échelle de l'exécution forcée, enfin, le juge de l'exécution ou la procédure d'exequatur illustrent la nécessité d'un encadrement de l'imperium par la jurisdictio. Et c'est ainsi, par un jeu dialectique permanent entre intelligence et volonté, entre autorité et contrainte, bref, entre jurisdictio et imperium, que le droit processuel garantit au droit substantiel sa sanction et son triomphe. / The distinction between imperium and jurisdictio is one of the most ancient distinctions in European juridical science. In the hands of the sovereign, jurisdictio is the power to dispense justice, and imperium is the power to use force. This notional flexibility enables the distinction to structure the whole private judicial law. In this specific frame, jurisdictio is the power to formalize law – law is pronounced – while imperium aims at its concrete realization – law is materialized. This functional perspective can include all the powers of the judge, and also the powers of the arbitrator, the bailiff, the court clerk, the notary or the judicial auctioneer. But this is not the only interest of the distinction. Firstly, when it comes to the judgment, jurisdictio is the source of the authority of res judicata, or of the authenticity, while imperium is the origin of its force, whether in the binding force or the enforceability. Then, concerning the function of the judge, we can see that the success of the summary procedures, or the transformations of family and commercial litigations, present as a reinforcement of imperium at the cost of jurisidictio, and as a shift from judicature to magistrature. Finally, when it comes to the enforcement, the judge of execution or the procedure of exequatur show the necessity to supervise imperium with jurisdictio. Thus, through a constant interaction between intelligence and willpower, between authority and coercion, that is, in short, between jurisdictio and imperium, the procedural law guarantees the triumph of substantive law.
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Impact des ligands de PPARs, et leurs dérivés, sur les cellules cancéreuses coliques humaines : modifications des statuts redox et glycolytique / Impact of PPAR ligands treatment and their derivatives on human colorectal cancer cells : modifications of redox and glycolytic statusHuber-Villaume, Sophie 25 November 2014 (has links)
La Pioglitazone appartient à la famille des thiazolidinédiones et le Fénofibrate à la famille des fibrates. Ces molécules sont, respectivement, des agonistes synthétiques du récepteur activable par les proliférateurs de peroxysomes γ (PPARγ) et PPARα, membres de la famille des récepteurs nucléaires aux hormones. Le traitement de cellules cancéreuses humaines par ces molécules limite la croissance et peut induire leur apoptose. Cependant, l’impact de ces traitements sur les cellules cancéreuses est en partie dû à une action indépendante de l’activation du récepteur et met en cause la génération d'un stress oxydant. Au cours de ces travaux, un analogue de la Pioglitazone, la ΔPioglitazone, qui ne permet pas l’activation de PPARγ, a été synthétisé. Les effets de ces molécules ont été testés sur deux lignées cellulaires établies à partir de cancer colique, HT29 et HCT116. Ces traitements limitent la croissance des cellules cancéreuses sans induire de processus apoptotique. La production d’espèces réactives est responsable d’une diminution du contenu en glutathion intracellulaire. Le stress oxydant généré suite au traitement par la Pioglitazone et la ΔPioglitazone induit l’activation de la voie de signalisation antioxydante Nrf2/Keap1 et l’expression de ses gènes-cibles HO-1 et NQO1. En revanche, bien qu’il induise la production d’un stress oxydant, le Fénofibrate n’entraîne aucune activation de cette voie. De plus, ces trois composés sont responsables d’une modification du métabolisme cellulaire en faveur de la glycolyse. Parallèlement, l’impact de dérivés 4-thiazolidinones, analogues des thiazolidinédione, synthétisés au laboratoire, a été testé. L’effet de ces molécules a été évalué sur la survie cellulaire et le statut redox des cellules HT29. Plusieurs composés présentent une activité antiproliférative et sont capables de générer un stress oxydant sans activer la voie Nrf2/Keap1 / Peroxisome Proliferator-activated Receptors (PPAR) are members of the nuclear receptor family. Pioglitazone and Fenofibrate belong respectively to the thiazolidinedione and fibrate family. Pioglitazone is an agonist of PPARγ isotype whereas Fenofibrate is an agonist of PPARα isotype. Cancer cell exposure to each ligand inhibits cell growth and triggers apoptosis cell death. However, the effects of respective PPAR ligand on cell survival were found to be independent of receptor activation and were associated to redox changes within the cells. In order to discriminate PPAR independent from PPAR dependent activation, an analogue of Pioglitazone, Δ-Pioglitazone was synthesized. The molecule binds to PPARγ without activating it. Two cancer cell lines established from human colon adenocarcinoma, HT29 and HCT116 were tested. Cell exposure to each molecule inhibited cell growth but cells did not undergo apoptosis cell death. Cell treatment induced the production of reactive species and the decrease of intracellular glutathione content. Pioglitazone or [delta]-Pioglitazone-mediated oxidative stress triggered the activation of the Nrf2/Keap1 pathway as assessed by the increases of Nrf2 target genes expression such as HO-1 and NQO1. In contrast, Fenofibrate treatment increased reactive species production but did no activate this pathway. Moreover, cell exposure to Pioglitazone, Δ-Pioglitazone or Fenofibrate modulated cell metabolism, notably by enhancing glycolysis. In parallel, impact of 4-thiazolidinone derivatives synthesized in the laboratory was tested. These molecules are analogues of thiazolidinedione. Effect of 4-thiazolidinone treatments was assessed to cell growth arrest and redox changes within the HT29 cells. Several molecules have anti-proliferative effect and are able to generate oxidative stress without Nrf2/Keap1 pathway activation
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A Study of Sonata a Quattro K. 347 and Alma Redemptoris Mater K. 186 by Johann Joseph Fux: the Historical Significance as Works for Alto Trombone and Performance Considerations, a Lecture Recital together with Three Recitals of Selected Works by J. Albrechtsberger, R. Gregson, W. Hartley, E. Bozza, Lars-Erik Larsson, A. Pryor and OthersBabcock, Ronald D. (Ronald Dean) 05 1900 (has links)
Johann Joseph Fux's influence on the development of eighteenth-century alto trombone literature is significant. His music, when compared with that of other composers who wrote for the alto trombone before 1730, reveals a more elaborate and frequent use of the instrument. Many of Fux's compositions call for alto, tenor, or bass trombone, but his Sonata a Quattro K. 347 and Alma Redemptoris Mater K. 186 are of particular interest in regard to the composer's treatment of the alto trombone. This study points out the technical demands placed on the trombonist in Fux's works as compared to such contemporary composers as Antonio Caldara and Marc'Antonio Ziani. The primary goal of this study is to substantiate the importance of Fux's role in the development of the alto trombone repertoire. Published and unpublished works by Fux that significantly incorporate the instrument have been studied and compared to compositions of his contemporaries. A thorough discussion of Sonata a Quattro and Alma Redemptoris Mater illustrates the technical aspects of his alto trombone writing. The secondary goal of this study is to create a performing edition of Sonata a Quattro and Alma Redemptoris Mater. The existing editions in Denkmaler der Tonkunst in Osterreich and Johann Joseph Fux, Samtliche Werke are less than complete. There are no individual parts for performers, and tempo indications for several movements are missing. Mistakes in the parts of Sonata a Quattro and discrepancies between the figured bass and continuo realization have been corrected for the creation of a new edition. Tempo, ornamentation, instruments, and articulation are also discussed to assist in the presentation of an historically informed performance of the Sonata a Quattro and Alma Redemptoris Mater.
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