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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etude d'un modèle abstrait pour une machine LISP et de son implantation

Lux, Augustin 19 March 1975 (has links) (PDF)

Système couplé PDP-8/IBM-360 pour l'assemblage et la transmission de programmes

Jones, Peter 28 September 1970 (has links) (PDF)

Sexuality and considering motherhood after an HIV diagnosis : an IPA exploration of the experiences of European, childless women

Biggs, Melissa January 2015 (has links)
Research in the field of HIV acknowledges the existence of social constructs, including the incongruity between HIV, motherhood and sexuality, which may add to the psychosocial burden of an HIV diagnosis (Blystad and Moland, 2009; Long, 2006; Stinon & Myer, 2012). However the research is fragmented, and addresses the concepts of motherhood and sexuality in the presence of HIV independently. There has been little consideration of how the opposing constructs may be simultaneously experienced and negotiated by positive woman. Additionally existing research focuses on pregnant women or mothers, it does not explore the impact of an HIV diagnosis before entering into motherhood. Despite adopting a philosophy of holism and valuing the creation of environments that sustain mental well-being, Counselling Psychology literature is relatively silent on women’s adaptation to HIV. This qualitative study explores how European, childless women who have been historically underrepresented in the literature experience sexuality, and feelings of motherhood following an HIV-diagnosis. Interpretative phenomenological analysis of five women’s experiences produced superordinate themes of, ‘The even worse than undateable woman’, ‘Nothing can spark my sexuality’ and ‘You have to adapt…I owe it something’. The women speak of experiencing a continued psychological impact of an HIV-diagnosis, despite the advances in medication, which precipitates multiple psychosocial crises related to sexuality, identity, femininity and concepts of motherhood. There is a dominant experience of distress, confirming previous research on HIV-trauma. However there are also experiences of resistance, successful negotiation, and personal growth. Clinical implications are discussed in light of counselling psychology’s multidisciplinary approach, including therapeutic recommendations to explore and challenge women’s definitions of sexuality, femininity and motherhood.

Racisme et discrimination à l'université : lectures croisées des sociétés française et colombienne à partir de l'expérience vécue des étudiants noirs à Paris et Bogota / Racism and discrimination in University : Cross readings of French and Colombian societies from the experience of Black students in Paris and Bogota / Racismo y discriminación en la universidad : lecturas cruzadas de las sociedades francesa y colombiana a partir de la experiencia vivida por estudiantes negros en París y Bogotá

Quintero, Oscar 28 February 2013 (has links)
L’étude sociologique des inégalités sociales dans l’enseignement supérieur a été principalement développée à partir de catégories classiques comme celle de « classe sociale ». L’étude de l’enseignement supérieur à partir d’une approche « ethno-raciale » est toujours inédite, en France comme en Colombie. Le propos de cette thèse est d’étudier les discriminations raciales et le racisme dans l’enseignement supérieur, ainsi que leur influence sur la (re)production des inégalités sociales et éducatives qui affectent les minorités racialisées dans les deux pays. Il s’agit d’une enquête sociologique qualitative, avec une approche comparative entre deux sociétés différentes, en France et en Colombie, à partir de l’étude du vécu d’étudiant.e.s noirs, hommes et femmes, à Paris et à Bogota. La thèse cherche à identifier les processus de discrimination systémique auxquels doivent faire face les étudiant.e.s noir.e.s, comment le racisme quotidien se manifeste dans les universités françaises et colombiennes, comment les expériences de discrimination raciale sont vécues et appropriées par les étudiant.e.s interviewé.e.s, et comment elles influent sur leurs trajectoires éducatives et sociales. Enfin, les différences ou similitudes identifiables entre la France et la Colombie constituent un autreenjeu majeur de la thèse / The sociological study of inequalities in higher education has been mainly developed from traditional categories such as "social class." The analysis of higher education from an "ethno-racial" standpoint has been emerging as much in France as in Colombia. For that reason, the purpose of this thesis is to research racial discrimination and racism in higher education in order to identify how they influence the re-production of educational and social inequalities that affect racialized minorities in both countries.This is a qualitative sociological research, with a comparative approach between two contrasting societies like France and Colombia, from the analysis of the experience of black college students, men and women, in Paris and Bogota. It aims to identify the processes of systemic discrimination students must face, how everyday racism manifests in French and Colombian universities, how interviewed students live and cope with the experiences of racial discrimination, how these experiences impact their educational and social trajectories, and what similarities or differences can be identified between France and Colombia / El estudio sociológico de las desigualdades en la educación superior se ha desarrollado principalmente a partir de categorías clásicas como “clase social”. Tanto en Francia como en Colombia, el desarrollo de análisis sobre la educación superior desde una perspectiva “étnico-racial” ha sido hasta ahora bastante incipiente. De acuerdo con esto, el propósito de la presente tesis es investigar sobre las discriminaciones raciales y el racismo en la educación superior y cómo influyen en la re-producción de las desigualdades educativas y sociales que afectan a las distintas minorías racializadas de los dos países.Se trata de un estudio sociológico de tipo cualitativo, con un enfoque comparativo entre dos sociedades contrastantes como Francia y Colombia, a partir del estudio de la experiencia vivida por estudiantes universitarios negros, hombres y mujeres, en París y Bogotá. Se propone identificar cuáles son los procesos de discriminación sistémica a los cuales se deben enfrentar los estudiantes, cómo se manifiesta el racismo cotidiano en las universidades francesas y colombianas, cómo son vividas y asimiladas las experiencias de discriminación racial por los estudiantes entrevistados, y cómo influyen estas en sus trayectorias educativas y sociales. En últimas, qué similitudes o diferencias se logran identificar entre Francia y Colombia

An exploration of men's subjective experiences of vitiligo : a qualitative study

Khalid, Sarah Jane January 2014 (has links)
Vitiligo is a chronic skin disorder, which de-pigments parts or all of the skin. This disfiguring condition presents individual sufferers with many challenges. Studies have shown an adverse psychological impact of living with such a skin condition. However, no studies to date have explored the experience of vitiligo from a purely male perspective. This study sought to provide some preliminary understanding of and insight into men’s experience of vitiligo. A qualitative design was employed and the study was conducted using semi-structured interviews with six participants from a white British background who were all members of the Vitiligo Society UK. Three arching themes were found: processing the vitiligo diagnosis, focus on self and managing relationships. These findings are relevant to the theoretical understanding of the psychological impact that skin disorders can have on men. The applicability of these findings for Counselling Psychology practice in the management of vitiligo is discussed and future areas for research are suggested.

The relationship between client work and personal and professional development in Counselling Psychology training

Gallagher, Rebecca January 2014 (has links)
Personal and professional development activities are a central component of Counselling Psychology training due to regulatory requirements and the high value Counselling Psychology places on the therapist’s "self". Most research on the facilitation of personal and professional development focuses on specific training activities such as personal therapy and personal development groups. However, it is widely acknowledged that personal and professional development are also facilitated by aspects of training and life that are not designed for their facilitation. This research explores the relationship between trainee Counselling Psychologists’ personal and professional development and their client work. Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) was used to analyse semi-structured interviews with six final year trainee Counselling Psychologists. Two main findings were identified: firstly, participants were unable to discuss their personal and professional development in relation to client work specifically; personal and professional development were facilitated by the relevance of specific experiences to individuals’ needs and preferences rather than activities having a direct facilitative effect themselves. Secondly, participants did not engage in active personal development work, and this was not explicitly discussed or structured in training. These findings imply that trainees may not develop optimally: as personal and professional development are highly individualised and complex processes, research and training that focuses on specific training activities may fail to interrogate the complexity of why and how personal and professional development are facilitated. Regulatory and ethical implications are discussed alongside existing literature to suggest the beginnings of a personal development curriculum for Counselling Psychology training.

En studie för en förbättrad besiktningsprocess inom bostadsproduktion / A study for an improved inspection process within the housing industry

Bliander, Malin, Nyström, Viktor January 2017 (has links)
Inom byggindustrin genomförs besiktningar för att säkerställa att en entreprenad har levereratden beställda slutprodukten enligt de krav som beställaren angivit angående kvalitet ochfunktion. För att säkerhetsställa att besiktningsanmärkningar undviks i entreprenaden syftar denhär studien till att söka hjälpmedel som kan användas för att uppnå en förbättradbesiktningsprocess inom byggindustrin. För att undersöka hur och var en förbättring är möjligatt genomföra har en kartläggning över besiktningsanmärkningar utförts. Kartläggningenkompletterades med intervjuer för att få yrkesverksamma personer hos Skanska att ge sin synpå hur Skanska kan förbättra sin besiktningsprocess. Skanska har nyligen infört en nybesiktningsrutin i slutskedet av byggprocessen i syfte att minska antalet anmärkningar och fånöjdare kunder.I studien har effekten av den nya besiktningsrutinen undersökts och resultatet visar att de är pågod väg att nå sina mål men att det fortfarande finns förbättringspotential. Med den nya rutinenupptäcks anmärkningarna i ett tidigare skede än vad som gjordes tidigare, vilket skapar tid föratt avhjälpa dem innan slutbesiktningen. Det medför att anmärkningarna bli färre påslutbesiktningen även om det totala antalet fel fördelat över hela besiktningsprocessenfortfarande är detsamma.Resultatet från både kartläggningen och intervjuerna gav tydliga indikationer på var fokus börläggas för att uppnå en förbättrad besiktningsprocess. De bidragande faktorerna till det visaderesultatet diskuteras och förslag på förbättringsåtgärder presenteras.Förhoppningsvis kan rapporten bidra med en förståelse för hur besiktningsprocessen ibyggindustrin går till samt vilka de största felkällorna till att entreprenader får mångabesiktningsanmärkningar är och hur dessa skulle kunna undvikas. / Within the construction industry, inspections of the construction are made to secure that thequality and its functions are accurate according to the demands from the purchaser of theproject. This study examines different tools that can be helpful to use in order to secure a lowrange of inspection remarks to achieve an improved inspection process within the constructionindustry. To investigate how and where an improvement can be made, a survey of inspectionremarks were performed. The survey was supplemented by an interview to gain employersaspect on how Skanska could achieve an improved inspection process. Skanska has recentlyintroduced a new routine of the inspections, with the purpose of reducing the number of remarksand getting satisfied customer.The effect of the new routine has been studied and the result shows that Skanska is not far fromreaching the goal, however improvements can still be made. The new routine provides a betteropportunity to locate the remarks earlier in the construction process and there for more time torepair the remarks is gained. Thus there will be fewer remarks on the final inspection eventhough the overall numbers of remarks during the whole inspection process will remain thesame.Both the survey and interview manifested the areas where focus should be directed in order toimprove the inspection process. The contributing factors to the results are discussed andproposals for improvements are presented.This study will hopefully contribute to an understanding for the inspection process within theconstruction industry. Also bring understanding for the reasons why construction often gets alarge number of inspection remarks and how they could be avoided.

Analysing collective action : intersections of power, government and resistance

Meade, Rosemary Raphael January 2018 (has links)
This research takes the form of ten journal articles and book chapters that were published between June 2008 and February 2018. This body of work encompasses outputs that are focused on community development, community arts, youth work and social movement praxis. These fields of praxis are understood as constituting a vital part of a variegated and differentiated Irish civil society and, while acknowledging their specificities, the body of work situates them together within the contested terrain of collective action. The Covering Document elucidates how, across the ten outputs, collective action is theorised: as the site of and target for complex and dynamic power relationships; as imbricated with various governmental projects through which multiple societal actors seek to mobilise citizens; as a potential site of and resource for resistance to particular expressions of government, ideology and power; and as developing alternative social relationships, organisational forms and modes of communication. The boundaries between the state and civil society are imprecise and fluid: civil society and state actors seek to induce desired forms of conduct and relationships from each other. This research exposes and critically interrogates associated power dynamics, overlaps, and contestations, and how they in turn shape expectations of collective action. Drawing together findings from youth work, community development, social movement, and community arts praxis, the research illuminates; how and by whom collective action is rationalised and (de)legitimised; the changing role of the state in governing civil society; and the potential for collective action to prefigure alternative forms of relationships and to resist particular forms of government. Therefore, the body of work analyses how the meanings, forms and purposes of collective action are constantly reworked, just as they give expression to important societal struggles. The Covering Document details the theory, methodology and methods that have underpinned the research. It offers an integrated thematic overview of the ten research outputs, highlighting their coherence, originality, and relevance for a critical analysis of the dynamics of collective action in contemporary Ireland. The research analyses the discourses of collective action as they have been expressed in key policy documents, in newspapers such as the Irish Independent and in the documents of protest of social movement organisations. It highlights and interrogates the political, economic and cultural context for collective action in 21st Century Ireland, paying particular attention to the ways though which the recent regime of austerity has impacted on civil society, the state and on relations between these spheres. The research is critical in orientation, but it draws upon and articulates diverse critical traditions as it analyses the power dynamics associated with collective action. Gramscian style, cultural materialist and Foucauldian governmentality perspectives are variously adopted and adapted within specific outputs. The Covering Document also outlines how and why the body of work troubles the boundaries between community development, community arts, youth work and social movement research and praxis. It calls for an articulated and dialogical theory and practice that challenge the assumed estrangement of these fields. As the Covering Document outlines, the research records how state policy now seeks to govern youth work, community development and community arts organisations through an increasingly intrusive and prescriptive set of policy ordinances, self-reporting techniques, and accountability measures. Against that, it also points to the potential for collective action to re-politicise issues otherwise framed as non-political by policy-makers and media, to build and be based upon reflexive forms of solidarity, and to reclaim the arts and tactics of protest.

A gênese do arquivo fotográfico de Sebastião Leme : uma leitura da acumulação /

Lima, Maria de Lourdes. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Eduardo Ismael Murguia Marañon / Banca: Telma Capanha de Carvalho Madio / Banca: Maria Leandra Bizello / Banca: Johanna W. Smith / Banca: Miriam Paula Manini / Resumo: A gênese e a acumulação do arquivo fotográfico de Sebastião Leme estão localizadas em uma das extremidades dos fluxos internos de informação, concebidos enquanto canais por onde a informação se propaga no circuito das instituições com competência para administrá-la. Portanto, é na extremidade esquerda que está localizada o lugar da criação da informação, do ponto de vista autoral, desvinculado, pois, da dinâmica onde se operam os fluxos internos de informação constitutivos dos espaços institucionais de informação. Logo, a qualificação de espaço se deve à capacidade que eles têm de superação de seus próprios limites de organização, recuperação e acesso da informação, em escala pública. O problema consiste na existência de um arquivo de imagens, restrito apenas ao ciclo pessoal, como referência exclusiva da memória afetiva familiar, indistinto e atado a sua precária condição de suporte informacional, em estado de latência. O que nos leva a formular a hipótese de que o arquivo fotográfico - enquanto gênese e acumulação − requer que a sua passagem se dê do âmbito pessoal para a esfera pública, o que implica o reconhecimento da sua condição de informação que só se efetiva quando for absorvido pelos fluxos de informação. É quando esse arquivo passará a cumprir a sua função existencial e informacional, como representação e valor. Os enquadramentos teóricos e metodológicos da pesquisa, no âmbito da ciência da informação, nos levam a: 1) examinar a imagem fotográfica, no instante da sua gênese, com base na sua representação indiciária, icônica e simbólica, sob o ponto de vista da sua condição de informação visual; 2) considerar a fotografia como um processo de criação individual, que se expressa a partir de uma acumulação que também pode agregar outros tipos de produção, a exemplo do testemunho... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The genesis and the accumulation of Sebastião Leme's photographic archive are located in one of the extremities of the internal flows of information, designed as channels through where the information spreads in the circuit of the institutions with competence to administer it. Therefore, it is in the left extremity that is located the place of the creation of the information, from a copyright point of view, released, then, of the dynamics where the constituent internal flows of information of the institutional spaces of information are operated. Thus, the qualification of space is the ability they have to overcome their own limits of organization, retrieval and access of information, in public scale. The problem consists of the existence of a archive of images, restricted just to the personal cycle, as exclusive reference of the family affectionate memory, indistinct and tied to their precarious condition of informational support, in a state of latency. Which brings us to formulate the hypothesis that the photographic archive - as genesis and accumulation - requires that its passage is from the personal context to the public sphere, which implies the recognition of its condition of information that is only effective when absorbed by the flow of information.It is when this file will fulfill its existential and informational function, as representation and value. The theoretical and methodological frameworks of research, in the context of information science, lead us to: 1) examine the photographic image at the moment of its genesis, based on its index, icon and symbolic representation, from the point of view of its condition of visual information, 2) consider the photography as a process of individual creation, that expressed its starting from an accumulation that can also join other production types, to example of the testimony and of the autobiographical textual narrative... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Gender Stereotypes of Citizenship Performance and Their Influence on Organizational Rewards

Wilkinson, Lisa 23 September 2005 (has links)
Gender differences were investigated on ratings of citizenship performance (altruistic behaviors in the workplace). Self, peer, and supervisor ratings were collected on the three dimensions of citizenship performance (personal support, organizational support, and conscientious initiative) with scale type and gender as possible moderators of citizenship performance ratings. Two hundred and twenty-four individuals performance ratings were collected, from different companies across the United States. The majority of these participants were white and female, and the largest industry sampled was the customer service industry. Participants were asked to complete a performance rating about themselves and have their peers and supervisor evaluate their performance. It was found that peers and supervisors rated women significantly higher on citizenship performance than they rated men. No gender differences were found on self ratings. Scale type was found to moderate the findings for peer ratings, but not supervisor ratings. The difference between men and women was larger on the objective scale than on the subjective scale. Further, a significant relationship was found between supervisor ratings of citizenship performance and salary for men, but not for women. Implications are discussed for men and women in the workplace in regards to women receiving higher citizenship performance than men and women not being rewarded equally with a higher salary for performance citizenship performance as were men.

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