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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Navigating using 360° Panoramic Video : Design Challenges and Implications

Ulenius, Magnus January 2017 (has links)
In recent years, technological developments have led to the emergence of 360°. Google Street Map has provided panoramic imagery for a number of years, where users can immerse themselves and pan around in scenarios and follow streets of their liking, familiarizing and navigating themselves with the location. However, this service supports neither video nor moving imagery. This paper explores the use of 360° panoramic videos as a navigation aid on two different platforms as well as consider more subjective perspectives from potential users. The study is conducted through a set of interviews and a focus group where the findings reveal a number of design challenges concerning the development of a navigational system based on 360° panoramic videos. Based on these findings, design challenges are presented and later summarized as three design recommendations; 1) Design for navigation in a panoramic scenery, 2) Support overview and traditional navigation, 3) Support custom tailored features and content. The studies also suggest that the use of a head-mounted display (HMD) increase the feeling of presence which is beneficial for navigational purposes however, the users in this study preferred the mobile device based on practicality.

Analysis of 360° Video Viewing Behaviour

Almquist, Mathias, Almquist, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
In this thesis we study users' viewing motions when watching 360° videos in order to provide information that can be used to optimize future view-dependent streaming protocols. More specifically, we develop an application that plays a sequence of 360° videos on an Oculus Rift Head Mounted Display and records the orientation and rotation velocity of the headset during playback. The application is used during an extensive user study in order to collect more than 21 hours of viewing data which is then analysed to expose viewing patterns, useful for optimizing 360° streaming protocols.

A grounded theory study of the role of interpersonal processes in community sexual offending group work programmes from a counselling psychology perspective

Barker, Kimberley January 2015 (has links)
The effectiveness of Sexual Offending Treatment programmes has generally been measured through evaluating intervention content and reoffending rates. In response to the growing call to explore the role of therapeutic process in facilitating meaningful change on these programmes, this thesis considers how interpersonal dynamics may influence programme effectiveness from the perspective of the group member. This offers the opportunity to consider the impact of how we work, rather than what we do. The critical literature review uses a pluralistic framework to present relevant existing research and identify gaps in practice-based knowledge in the field of sexual offending intervention from a Counselling Psychology perspective. While the literature suggests interpersonal ingredients important to this process, it offers little information regarding where, when and how these qualities are effective. Furthermore, little is understood about the impact of relational dynamics between the facilitators and group members in creating a facilitative environment. This reveals broad gaps in research relating to a neglect of the client’s experience of these interactions and how they are conceptualised in their change process. This research therefore uses a social constructivist grounded theory method to generate data exploring these process issues. The results highlight the value of facilitators fostering a dynamic and balanced core interpersonal process that is sensitive to the unique context of these group interventions. This offers a foundation for group member engagement and effective group functioning relevant to subjective change. The implications for theory and practice are discussed, highlighting how a Counselling Psychology presence in this field has the potential to enhance practice. The study is concluded with reflections of the study’s limitations and areas in need of further research.

Die Standortproblematik gefahrengeneigter Betriebsanlagen in Ballungsräumen. Anforderungen an das Risikomanagement und sozioökonomische Analyse der Einstellungen zu potenziellen Gefährdungen in der regionalen Umwelt.

Grabler, Emmerich 03 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Im Zuge der fortschreitenden Industrialisierung, besonders ab der Phase des Wiederaufbaues nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, wurde in Österreich eine große Zahl an neuen Industriebetrieben errichtet, vielfach in Großstädten oder knapp am Rand von derartigen Ballungszentren. Manche der angesiedelten Betriebsanlagen wurden für die Lagerung und Produktion großer Mengen an entzündlichen, giftigen oder anderweitig gefährlichen Stoffen genützt. Durch den regen Zuzug von Arbeitssuchenden aus dem ländlichen Raum in die Großstädte war eine stetig Einwohner- und flächenmäßig wachsende Ausdehnung der Großstädte die Folge. Der städtische Wohnbau förderte eine teilweise Umsiedelung sowie ein Heranrücken von gewerblichen oder industriellen Betriebsanlagen an die Ballungszentren. Mehrere große Industrieunfälle in der zweiten Hälfte des zwanzigsten Jahrhunderts mit hohen Schädigungsausmaßen an Mensch und Umwelt, besonders im Zusammenhang mit gefährlichen Stoffen, führten zu einem Umdenken in Gesellschaft und Politik. Die Diskussionen über gesetzliche Mindeststandards zur Verbesserung des Risikomanagements zwecks Minimierung von Gefährdungspotenzialen und die Konflikte über die Standortfrage von gefahrengeneigten Betriebsanlagen in derartigen Ballungsräumen begannen größere Dimensionen anzunehmen. Immer wieder tauchte dabei in der Diskussion die Frage auf, welche monetären Schadenseinflüsse die Nähe solcher Betriebe für die umgebende Bevölkerung verursachen können. In dieser Dissertation wird dieser Aspekt näher beleuchtet und anhand eines konkreten Falles ein sozioökonomischer Bewertungsversuch des möglichen Einflusses von Gefährdungspotenzialen aus gefahrengeneigten Betriebsanlagen (so genannte "Seveso-Betriebsanlagen") auf regionale Immobilienpreise unternommen. Es wird erwartet, dass auf der Basis empirisch ermittelter Daten eine Aussage über den Grad einer allfälligen Einflussnahme gemacht werden kann.

Analysis of Leadership Perceptions Using Multirater Feedback.

Bradley, Thomas P. 05 1900 (has links)
Performance improvement intervention begins with assessment. How that assessment is interpreted can mean the difference between success and failure. Previous research of 360-degree feedback instruments has tried to reconcile the differences between multiple rater groups. Rather than searching for agreement, this research proposes to understand the meaning of the differences using multirater feedback. Individuals determine ratings based upon their own perspective and building upon the understanding of rater perspective may result in improved assessments. Data from an existing data set was processed using a second-order CFA in structural equation modeling. Covariance between the second-order factors and rater groups determined the difference in how each rater group perceived the leader.

Propuesta de implantación de un modelo de gestión por competencias de liderazgo para los mandos medios y superiores de la empresa Josfel Iluminación S.A.C.

Arango Mayorga, Karol Noemí, Castañeda Reque, Jocelyn, Mansilla Vera, Samuel 11 1900 (has links)
El presente trabajo de suficiencia profesional, se realizó en base a la información obtenida de la empresa Josfel Iluminación SAC, la cual no contaba con un modelo de gestión por competencias aplicado dentro de la organización. El objetivo general fue generar una propuesta de implantación de un modelo de competencias de liderazgo para los mandos medios y superiores. Se utilizó el método descriptivo con una población de 33 colaboradores, las herramientas técnicas utilizadas fueron entrevistas a profundidad y evaluación 360°, esta evaluación fue elaborada en base a la metodología de Martha Alles, especialista en investigar y desarrollar temas sobre recursos humanos, comportamiento organizacional y gestión por competencias dentro de las organizaciones. A través de las evaluaciones 360°, obtuvimos que existen competencias como visión estratégica y sistémica, y empowerment, que no están tan desarrolladas, mientras que otras como dirección de equipos y entrenador, fueron bien valoradas y se encuentran en buen nivel de desarrollo. En base a la metodología aplicada, se recomendó que a partir de las brechas encontradas luego del análisis, se trabaje e implemente en el área de Recursos Humanos la gestión por competencias enfocadas en el liderazgo. Esto se concluyó debido a que el liderazgo es una competencia clave que tiene que tener cada puesto de trabajo dentro de Josfel Iluminación SAC por lo que se recomendó modificaciones en sus procesos de reclutamiento, selección, desarrollo y evaluación. / The present work of professional sufficiency was made based on the information obtained from Josfel Iluminación SAC Company, which did not have a competency management model applied at the organization. The main objective was to generate an implementation proposal for leadership competences model for middle and senior position. We used a descriptive method taking 33 collaborators; in-depth interviews and a 360° evaluation were performed as the technical tools based on the methodology of Martha Alles, a specialist in researching and developing subjects on human resources, organizational behavior and competency management into organizations. By the evaluations results we obtained that such competencies as systematic and strategic vision and empowerment are not fully developed while competences as team management and trainer were well rated and developed. Based on methodology applied it was recommended once the gaps were founds by the analysis, human resource department should work and implement a competency management based on leadership. We conclude leadership is a key competence should have each worker into Josfel Iluminacion SAC Company so we proposed to make some modifications in their recruitment, selection, development and evaluation processes. / Trabajo de Suficiencia Profesional

Simulation of content-aware caching policies for tiled 360 videos / Simulering av content-aware caching policies för 360 videos

Latif, Rami January 2020 (has links)
Video streaming is used daily by people around the world, plays a big role in many Internet users daily lives, and are today responsible for the majority of the Internet traffic. As 360 video streaming services become increasingly popular and each such user session requires much higher bandwidths than traditional video streaming, optimized solutions for this type of video is becoming increasingly important. One method that has been proposed to reduce the bandwidth usage is the usage of proxy servers. In this thesis, we evaluate custom-adapted prefetching policies that tries to improve the users Quality of Experience (QoE). Defining a prefetching policy for something adaptive as 360 video brings challenges that need to be simulated before release in the real world. Without proper testing the prefetch policy can do more harm than good by flooding the network with unnecessary amount of transmissions. Prior research has shown that the QoE of HTTP-based adaptive streaming (HAS) clients can be improved with content-aware prefetching (e.g., Krishnamoothi et al. 2013). However, there have been limited prior work adapting and evaluating such policies in the context of 360 streaming. This thesis presents a simulation-based evaluation of proxy-assisted 360solutions that includes custom designed prefetching polices. The main contributions of the thesis are as follows:First, we implement four types of proxy-assisted prefetching policies and simulate these under two scenarios with different networks conditions. One scenario simulate a network environment with a bottleneck located between the client and proxy while the other scenario simulates a network environment with the bottleneck located between the proxy and server. The cooperation between the client and proxy is evaluated for each scenario and prefetching policy. Second, we evaluate the proxy-assisted prefetching policies in comparison with baselines and each other, in regards of their ability to improve the viewers QoE. Our results show that the bottleneck location has major impact on proxy-performance and that simple prefetching policies can enable clients to download bigger loads of data, which have a significant effect on viewers QoE. Considering that 360 videos require much higher bandwidth then traditional video streaming, service providers may consider integrating prefetching policies for 360 video streaming.

Určení prostorového tvaru stavební konstrukce pomocí laserového skenování / Determination the spatial shape structures using laser scanning

Sikorová, Lucie January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this work is to create a 3D models of the structures of data acquired by laser scanning. The tracking data are elaborated by software Scene and models were created in AutoCAD, Revit and SketchUP. The main output of this work are three models of the two structures.

Modelo de evaluación de 360° para el personal de la gerencia de recursos humanos de la empresa Sedapal

Acosta Rojas, Cecilia Margarita Natalia, Aliaga Surichaqui, Karina Sheyla 28 October 2017 (has links)
Proponer un modelo de evaluación 360° por competencias para los colaboradores de la gerencia de recursos humanos de la empresa SEDAPAL. En el primer capítulo, se investiga y resume el marco teórico en donde se desarrolla la información teórica sobre los antecedentes y base del modelo de evaluación de desempeño 360°. En el segundo capítulo se desarrolla la metodología de la investigación, resaltando los pasos que se siguieron para el desarrollo de la investigación: la metodología de estudio, el método de investigación y las técnicas e instrumentos de recopilación de datos y su tratamiento. En el tercer capítulo, se realiza el análisis de los resultados para dar respuesta a la pregunta de investigación planteada: ¿Un modelo de evaluación de 360° mejorará el desempeño de los trabajadores de la gerencia de recursos humanos de la empresa SEDAPAL? En el cuarto capítulo se presentan los hallazgos, brechas y las barreras encontradas. Finalmente, en el quinto capítulo se brindan las conclusiones y de recomendaciones a partir de los resultados de la investigación desarrollada. / Purpose of proposing a 360° evaluation model for competencies, to the collaborators of the management of human resources of the company Sedapal. The 360° evaluation system can serve as a model of management to increase the competitiveness of the collaborators of the human resource management of the entity. In the first chapter, it investigates and summarizes the theoretical framework in which develops the theoretical information on the background and basis of the model 360° performance evaluation. In the second chapter develops the methodology of research, highlighting the steps followed for the development of the research: the study methodology, the research method and the techniques and instruments of data collection and its treatment. In the third chapter, the analysis is performed of the results to give answer to the research question raised: a model for the evaluation of 360° will improve the performance of the workers in the management of human resources of the company SEDAPAL? In the fourth chapter presents the findings, gaps and barriers encountered. Finally, in the fifth chapter provides conclusions and recommendations based on the results of the research. / Tesis

Návrh vyhřívaného atypického stolu pro 3D tiskárnu / Design of atypical heated bed for 3D printer

Strnad, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an atypical heated bed for FDM 3D printer. It presents the most commonly used ways of heating and the chosen variant of the heated beds are realized by powerful resistors. There are also discussed three ways of placement of resistors on the desktop motherboards that are modeled in Autodesk Inventor Professional 2016 and exported to Autodesk Fusion 360, where FEM calculations are made. Optimal alternative is made and tested. The test results are compared with the results of thermal simulations in Autodesk Fusion 360.

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