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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Landesweites Konzept: Kulturelle Kinder- und Jugendbildung für den Freistaat Sachsen

09 September 2020 (has links)
Das von der Sächsischen Staatsregierung im Oktober 2018 verabschiedete Konzept verbindet konzeptionelle und strategische Überlegungen für die weitere Entwicklung der Kulturellen Kinder- und Jugendbildung. Das Papier wurde in den letzten zwei Jahren unter Führung des Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst innerhalb einer interministeriellen Arbeitsgruppe mit den Staatsministerien für Kultus, Soziales und Verbraucherschutz sowie dem Geschäftsbereich der Staatsministerin für Gleichstellung und Integration er-arbeitet. Kulturräume, Kultureinrichtungen, zuständige Dachverbände und weitere Partner der Kulturellen Bildung sowie Kinder und Jugendliche wurden in diesem Prozess umfang-reich beteiligt und eine Vielzahl an Ideen, Meinungen und Hinweisen aufgenommen. Redaktionsschluss: 01.11.2018

Kulturelle Bildung für Kinder und Jugendliche: Runder Tisch

09 September 2020 (has links)
In der Broschüre wird eine Veranstaltung am 5. November 2015 im Sächsischen Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst zur Kulturellen Bildung dokumentiert. Redaktionsschluss: 31.12.2015

Understanding inter-organisational relationships in public-private partnerships : a study of educational PPPs in Pakistan

Irfan, Sidra January 2015 (has links)
Given the increasing proliferation of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in both developed and developing countries, and the huge challenges that are often associated with establishing and managing them, and ensuring that they achieve their objectives, it is important to understand multiple aspects of their operation. Whilst the structural and economic aspects of PPPs have long been recognised and researched, the relational aspects of PPPs remain under-researched. This thesis is a contribution to addressing this gap in the literature. It uses a dimensional approach to understand the nature of inter-organisations relationships (IORs) in PPPs and considers the factors that shape these relationships. It also investigates whether a particular pattern of relationships is needed for PPPs to deliver more than could have been achieved by each partner working alone (synergistic benefits). These issues are studied empirically in three educational PPP programmes in Pakistan. In two of these, not-for-profit organisations ‘adopt’ state schools. In the third, the state funds private sector schools on the condition that they offer free education to students and achieve threshold quality standards. A case study methodology is used and an integrative conceptual framework, derived from a wide-ranging literature review, is used to guide both data collection and analysis. The research finds that partners’ motives for entering into a PPP play a dominant role in shaping inter-organisational relationships. These motives are, in turn, influenced by a range of contextual and organisational factors. Inter-organisational relationships can be broadly characterised as collaborative, contractual, cooperative or conflictual. Whereas much of the existing literature emphasises that collaborative relationships are a prerequisite for PPPs to deliver synergistic outcomes, this research finds that these outcomes are also present in PPPs characterised by cooperative relationships. However, inter-organisational relationships in PPPs are not static; they develop and change over time. These changes result from a dynamic interplay between contextual factors, organisational factors, partner motives and the perceived outcomes of the partnership. The research reported in the thesis makes a number of contributions to knowledge. It sheds new light on the relational aspects of PPPs and offers a new conceptual framework for explaining and investigating inter-organisational relationships, which integrates insights from the largely separate literatures on PPPs and inter-organisational relations. It counters an apparent pro-collaboration emphasis in the existing PPP literature by documenting and explaining the benefits associated with cooperative relationships. It also offers new empirical evidence on the operation of PPPs in a developing country context, which contributes to redressing the predominance of evidence from developed countries in the existing literature. The insights from the research have theoretical and practical implications for the development and management of PPPs and future research in this area.

Brain power : the political economy of higher education

Idema, Timo January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation disputes conventional interpretations of the comparative political economy literature on higher education. In particular, I challenge the common assumption that access to higher education is structured by income. Instead, based on insights from the relevant psychology, sociology and economics literature, I argue that a child's probability of entering higher education is predominantly a function of her abilities, and that her abilities are strongly related to her parents' level of education. I develop a theory of the distributive politics of higher education solidly grounded in this relationship. The result of this model is the counter intuitive hypothesis that the initial expansions of higher education benefit the children of more highly educated parents. Moreover, more highly educated families are the net beneficiaries of free higher education and generous subsidies. Extensive survey evidence from Britain, Australia, Canada and Sweden of higher education policy preferences confirms this picture of the politics of higher education as a zero-sum distributive game between highly and lesser educated families. In order to analyse the consequences of these preference patterns for higher education policy, I develop a theoretical and empirical measure of voting power for multi-party systems. Voting power measures how many votes a party stands to gain from converting and mobilising voters by distributing resources from one group to another. Using data from 15 EU countries, I show that parliaments and cabinets, on average, stand to win more votes from pleasing highly educated voters than from targeting less educated voters. Furthermore, the conversion imperative is much stronger than the mobilisation imperative. Statistical analyses show that variations in the voting power of highly educated individuals over the government help to explain variations in higher education policy across countries and within countries over time. All in all, the theoretical and empirical analyses presented in this dissertation represent a significant contribution towards understanding the specific distributive politics of higher education, and the political economy of redistribution more generally.

Assessment reform in Chile : a contested discursive space

Flórez Petour, María Teresa January 2014 (has links)
Despite some evidence of recognition of more complex approaches, research on assessment reform neglects to address some of the problematic aspects of implementation. Such research may acknowledge discursive dissonance between different actors and the broader interests involved but these are not a central object of study. At the same time, contributions from sociology of education, critical policy scholarship and complexity theory have illuminated some dimensions of assessment reform processes, namely, assessment as a technology of power and as connected to broader ideologies and assessment reform processes as complex, messy, and contradictory in nature. Drawing from these sources, this thesis seeks to answer the following research questions: 1) What are the main systems (with their actors, activities and internal relations) and the main interactions between them involved in assessment reform processes in Chile?; 2) How are discourses on assessment produced, how do they circulate in this system, and how does knowledge on assessment relate to power issues? Given the nature of the problem under scrutiny, critical discourse analysis from a Bakhtinian and Foucauldian perspective is selected as the overarching perspective, with polysystems theory (Even-Zohar, 1990), intertextuality (Fairclough, 2009) and the ideological analysis of discourse (Van Dijk, 1999 and 2008) as the main theoretical tools of analysis. The sources of data are documents as well as interviews with policy authorities and practitioners. The thesis makes a case for situating the study of assessment reforms in the context of three broader dimensions, namely the historical dimension, that incorporates the diachronic dimension of assessment reforms both in the short and the long term; the systemic dimension, related to the processes of production, circulation and consumption of discourses around assessment in a complex web of systems, beliefs, interactions and (power) relationships between their actors, and the ideological dimension. The consideration of this broader framework allows for the inclusion of those aspects that are generally left out of research on assessment reforms, filling a relevant research gap and reconceptualising the field through a more complex approach.

Jiaoyu yu xiaoyi: Yi jingjixue wei jichu de jiaoyu lilun guandian

Bank, Volker 15 November 2012 (has links)
鉴于当前学校政策对经济与社会学思维的依赖,本文拟将教育经济学的讨论进行一次角度置换,即让从社会经济学角度进行的讨论回归至教学法角度,但这个教学法的角度不同于传统的纯教学法意义上的教育理论,它将利用经济学的一些方法,关注教育的整体效用,尤其重视个体能力的增强及其与投入的关系。:1.“培养”作为“社会经济”系统的新子系统? 2.关于培养成本与效果的基本问题 3.关于成本和效果关系的经济学核心问题 4.培养经济学的方法特征 5.系统理论基础与培养经济学的方法运用 6.总结 参考文献

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen politischer Steuerung hinsichtlich der Lösung des Inklusionsproblems schulpflichtiger Nachwuchssportler

Ehnold, Peter 05 August 2013 (has links)
Schulpflichtige Nachwuchssportler sehen sich mit der Problematik konfrontiert, dass sowohl die schulische als auch die spitzensportliche Karriere von ihnen vollen Einsatz verlangt, ohne dass sich die erbrachten Leistungen wechselseitig anrechnen lassen. Die daraus entstehende Doppelbelastung kann dazu führen, dass beide Karriereformen nur mit Abstrichen und Beeinträchtigungen verfolgt werden. Bedenkt man nunmehr, dass bei einer Vernachlässigung der schulischen Ausbildung bereits frühzeitig weiterführende berufliche Karrieren eingeschränkt werden, so verwundert es nicht, dass die Verantwortung für die Lösung dieses Inklusionsproblems gemeinhin dem politischen System zugeschrieben wird. Das darauf aufbauende, übergeordnete Erkenntnisinteresse der Arbeit liegt in der Analyse der Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des politischen Systems eine bessere Vereinbarkeit von Schule und Spitzensport herbeizuführen. Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Problematik erfolgt dabei primär auf theoretischer Ebene und verfolgt das Ziel ein in sich geschlossenes Theoriegebäude unter systemtheoretischen Prämissen zu entwickeln. Dabei zeigt sich einerseits, dass die Möglichkeiten der Politik, auf die Problematik der Doppelbelastung schulpflichtiger Nachwuchssportler einwirken zu können aufgrund der funktionalen Differenzierung moderner Gesellschaften und der operativen Schließung der einzelnen sozialen Systeme, stark reglementiert sind. Andererseits scheinen jedoch, aufgrund der Außenorientierung der Politik in Verbindung mit den spezifischen Steuerungsmedien und den vielfältigen Verbindungen zu anderen Systemen, Wirkungen im Sinne einer Differenzsteuerung denkbar. Bei der Betrachtung konkreter Ansatzpunkte politischer Steuerungsmöglichkeiten kann danach unterschieden werden, ob sich Interventionen primär auf die Ebene der Funktions- bzw. Organisationssysteme beziehen oder aber, ob Interorganisationsbeziehungen fokussiert werden.

La révolution éducative au Chili : histoire de la construction d'un enjeu public (1973-2010) / La revolución educacional en Chile : historia de la construcción de una cuestión pública / Educational revolution in Chile : a history of the construction of a public steak (1973-2010)

Slachevsky Aguilera, Nathalie 17 November 2017 (has links)
Durant les quarante dernières années, le Chili a été le scénario de profonds changements, notamment dans le domaine de l'éducation : une révolution néolibérale s'y est opérée. Depuis le régime dictatorial (1973-1990), un marché éducatif se développe en effet à tous les niveaux d'enseignement. Après le retour à la démocratie en 1990, deux décennies de gouvernements présidés par une coalition de centre-gauche finissent de consolider ce marché éducatif, en renforçant l'engagement actif de l'État. Ce dernier introduit dans le modèle de multiples ajustements qui encadrent le développement d'un système d'enseignement dont la morphologie est définitivement hybride. Dans ce contexte, l'éducation va s'imposer progressivement comme un enjeu public majeur au point que, en 2011, la crise sociale deviendra incontournable. La remise en question de l'architecture éducative dévoile les fissures d'une société où prédominent les régulations néolibérales. Elle engage une phase de révisions, de discussions et de propositions axées sur une autre manière de penser l'éducation. Cette thèse retrace le parcours des politiques éducatives mises en place depuis l'irruption dictatoriale jusqu'en 2010, date qui marque la fin de vingt années de récupération démocratique sous la direction du même conglomérat, la Concertación. Notre objectif est de comprendre l'évolution de cette thématique en étudiant l'interface entre l'administration institutionnelle, les partis politiques et la société civile. Cette vue d'ensemble nous permettra de saisir les enjeux des décisions politiques et de comprendre les tenants et les aboutissants des querelles éducatives. La perspective analytique est celle d'une reconstruction socio-historique de la politique éducative, articulée à partir de la triangulation de l'analyse de textes historiques, d'entretiens avec acteurs (politiques ou administratifs) et d'étude de textes législatifs. Cette démarche nous permettra de comprendre comment l'éducation s'impose comme la pierre angulaire d'un processus de modernisation du Chili qui se traduit par des avancées significatives et indéniables en termes de développement, notamment en ce qui concerne l'élargissement de l'accès à tous les niveaux d'enseignement. L'État s'investit certes de plus en plus dans le domaine de l'éducation, mais dans une perspective d'arbitrage et de surveillance du fonctionnement du marché, renforçant et complexifiant par là même la structure néolibérale. Ainsi, un nouvel ordre éducatif finit par prendre forme, dans lequel l'éducation est définie comme un bien individuel dans un contexte de concurrence générale et de culture de l'évaluation. Pourtant ce modèle va se heurter aux demandes croissantes de démocratisation de l'enseignement d'une société qui, d'une part, dénonce la ségrégation scolaire mais, d'une autre, utilise des stratégies de positionnement personnel dont les choix légitiment et renforcent la privatisation éducative. / In the last four decades, Chile's education system has experienced a deep transformation, a neoliberal revolution. Since the dictatorship (1973-1990), an education market developed in the different levels of education. After the restoration of democracy in 1990 and during the following two decades government, led by a centre-left coalition, the education market was consolidated with an active engagement of the State. This period introduced multiple adjustments to the model, which ultimately developed an education system of hybrid morphology. Education stood out progressively as a major public issue and, in 2011, a social crisis became unavoidable. The questioning of the educational architecture reveals the fissures of the Chilean society concerning the predominance of neoliberal regulations. This event motivated a phase of revision, discussion, and proposition around another form of thinking education. This thesis traces the course of the educational policies implemented since the dictatorial irruption until 2010 when 20 years of democratic recovery under the direction of the same conglomerate, the Concertación, ends. The objective of this study is to understand the evolution of this issue, in the interface between the institutional administration, political parties, and civil society. This overview will allow us to grasp the maze of policy making and to understand how the educational disagreements arise. This analytical perspective consists in a socio-historical reconstruction of the educational policy, which triangulates the analysis of historical texts, legislative texts, and interviews with both political and administrative actors. This analytical lens will enable us to understand how education is the cornerstone of the modernization process in Chile. This is characterized by significant and undeniable advances in development, especially those concerning the educational expansion at all levels. The State is increasingly involved in education, from a role of arbitrator and supervisor of the market functioning, reinforcing and increasing the complexity of the neoliberal structure. Thus, a new order emerges, in which the education becomes a private good under the protection of a generalized competition and a culture of evaluation. This model clashes with society's increasing demands for democratization of education. The education system deploys strategies of individual positioning that legitimize and reinforce the privatization of education, while society denounces the systemic school segregation while, on the other side. / Durante las cuatro últimas décadas, Chile ha sido escenario de profundos cambios en su sistema educativo: una revolución neoliberal. Desde el régimen dictatorial (1973-1990), un mercado educativo se desarrolló en los distintos niveles de educación. Luego del retorno de la democracia en 1990, y en el curso de dos decenios de gobiernos dirigidos por una coalición de centro-izquierda, el mercado educativo terminó por consolidarse con el compromiso activo del Estado. Este último, introdujo múltiples ajustes al modelo, que finalmente termina por desarrollar un sistema educativo de morfología híbrida. Luego de ese periodo, y de manera progresiva, la educación va a imponerse como un tema público, y en 2011 la crisis social va a ser ineludible. El cuestionamiento a la arquitectura educativa va a develar las fisuras de la sociedad chilena en cuanto a la preponderancia de las regulaciones neoliberales, dando paso a una fase de revisión, discusión y proposición alrededor de una nueva forma de pensar la educación. Esta tesis describe el recorrido de las políticas educativas adoptadas desde la irrupción dictatorial hasta el año 2010, momento en que terminan 20 años de recuperación democrática bajo la dirección de la coalición Concertación de Partidos por la Democracia. El objetivo de este trabajo es entender la evolución de este proceso, en la interfaz entre la administración institucional, los partidos políticos y la sociedad civil. La visión de conjunto nos permitirá discernir el entramado de las decisiones políticas y entender cómo se construyen las controversias educativas. La perspectiva analítica es una reconstrucción socio-histórica de la política educativa, que triangula el análisis de textos históricos, textos legislativos y entrevista a actores (políticos o administrativos). Este enfoque nos permitirá comprender cómo la educación devino el pilar fundamental del proceso de modernización en Chile, en el que se observan avances significativos e innegables de desarrollo, particularmente en relación a la expansión educativa en todos los niveles. El Estado se involucra cada vez más en la educación, con un rol de árbitro y supervisor del funcionamiento del mercado, reforzando y complejizando la estructura neoliberal. De esta forma, un nuevo orden educativo termina de plasmarse, en el que la educación deviene un bien individual bajo la égida de la competencia generalizada y la cultura de la evaluación. Este modelo termina por chocar con las demandas crecientes de democratización por parte de la población, que denuncia la segregación escolar del sistema, pero que paralelamente actúa con estrategias de posicionamiento individual que legitiman y refuerzan la privatización educativa.

L'enseignement des fractions à l'école primaire en Chine : approches pédagogiques, didactiques et ethnomathématiques / The teaching of fractions in primary school in China : pedagogical, didactic and ethnomathematical approaches

Hu, Jiayi 19 September 2017 (has links)
Dans cette étude de recherche, nous nous intéressons particulièrement au concept mathématique de fraction et à son enseignement-apprentissage dans un contexte de culture chinoise. Le concept de fraction est abstrait et difficile à comprendre par les élèves, en Chine, il est enseigné formellement en Classe Niveau 3 et Classe Niveau 5 à l’école primaire.L’objectif de notre recherche est, dans un premier lieu, de faire une introduction sur l’origine et le développement du concept de fraction en Chine ancienne et de montrer les représenations concernant la fraction dans les textes historiques.Dans un deuxième lieu, est d’analyser les représenations et les arrangements des contenus concernant le concept de fraction dans les manuels scolaires chinois selon le Standard du curriculum de mathématiques pour l’instruction obligatoire 2011. Pour cela, nous avons analysé deux éditions de manuels scolaires de mathématiques qui sont utilisés par les écoles publiques dans les trois provinces du nord-est de la Chine.Dans un troième lieu, nous voullons connaître la conception pédagogique et les méthodes d’enseignement des enseignants dans l’enseignement du concept de fraction en salle de classe. Ainsi, nous avons construit les données vidéographiques à travers des observations sur terrain et les vidéos enreginstrés par maison d’édition.Les analyses des données construites sur les manuels scolaires et les vidéos du cours de fraction nous montrent que, d’une part, la signification de la fraction la plus présente dans les manuels scolaires de Classe Niveau 3 et Classe Niveau 5 à travers les activités analysées est Partie d’un tout. D’autre part, la représenation des contenus concernant le concept de fraction dans les manuels soclaires et les arrangements du cours dans l’enseignement de fraction sont bien respectés les suggestions du Stadard du curriculum pour l’instruction obligatoire. / In this study, we are particularly interested in both the mathematical concept of fraction and such concept’s teaching-learning in Chinese culture terms. The concept of fraction is more than abstract and thus difficult for students to understand. Accordingly, this certain notion is designed for Grade 3 and Grade 5 in primary school.The first aim of our research is to make an introduction to the origin and development of the concept of fraction in ancient China and to present the various representations of the fraction in historical record.We also plan to analyze the representations and content arrangements in terms of the concept of fraction in Chinese textbooks, based on the Curriculum standard of mathematics for compulsory education 2011. In this part we analyzed two editions of mathematical textbooks which are used by public schools in the three northeastern provinces of China.In addition, we want to know the designs and practices of pedagogy by teachers in teaching the concept of fraction in the classrooms. Thus, we constructed the video-graphic data through field observations and the videos documented by the publishing company.By reviewing the data gleaned from the textbooks and the videos of the mathematical classes, we find that the the most prevalent concept under the name of fraction in the textbooks of Grade 3 and Grade5 is “part-whole”. Another finding is that the contents of the concept of fraction in the textbooks and the pedagogy of fraction in the mathematical classrooms are in agreement with the Curriculum standard of mathematics for the compulsory education.

The doctrinal preaching and teaching of Saint Basil the Great

Orphanos, Markos A. January 1966 (has links)
No description available.

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