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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Radiation Transport Modelling in a Tokomak Plasma: Application to Performance Prediciton and Design of Future Machines

Albajar Viñas, Ferran 14 June 2001 (has links)
The understanding and modelling of heat and radiation transport in tokamak plasmas is essential in order to progress in the development of thermonuclear fusion towards a practical energy source which meets all the future needs of environment, safety, and fuel inexhaustibility. This activity enables prospective studies and design to be carried out for next step tokamaks. Due to the complexity of the exact calculation, synchrotron losses are usually estimated in such studies, with expressions derived from a plasma description using simplifying assumptions on the geometry, radiation absorption, density and temperature profiles. In this thesis, a complete formulation of the transport of synchrotron radiation is performed for realistic conditions of toroidal plasma geometry with elongated cross-section, using a precise method for the calculation of the absorption coefficients, and for arbitrary shapes of density and temperature profiles. In particular, this formulation is able to describe plasmas with arbitrary aspect ratios and with temperature profiles obtained in internal transport barrier regimes, which cannot be described accurately with the present expressions. As an illustration, we show that in the case of an advanced high-temperature plasma envisaged for a steady state D-T commercial reactor, synchrotron losses represent approximately 20% of the total losses. Considering the quantitative importance of the above effects and the significant magnitude of synchrotron losses in the thermal power balance of a D-T tokamak reactor plasma, a new fit for the fast calculation of the synchrotron radiation loss is proposed. Using this improved model in the thermal balance, prospective and sensitivity studies are performed for future tokamak projects, and the key issues which limit the performance are isolated. It is shown that, the most restrictive constraint for achieving higher plasma performance is the peak heat flux on the divertor plates. In non-inductive steady-state operation, advanced tokamak regimes are required to achieve relevant thermonuclear plasma performance for next step tokamaks and for a commercial reactor. In the frame of a multi-step strategy towards a commercial reactor, a superconducting next step tokamak compatible with the European budget possibilities is optimized. Considering both the plasma physics and the magnetic system technology and for a given aspect ratio, the smallest machine meeting the physical and technological requirements is determined. In a steady state tokamak commercial reactor, we show that there is an optimal value for the confinement enhancement factor which maximizes the plasma performance, for a given and also for the highest electrical power into the network. This highest electrical power meeting the stability requirements steadily decreases with the confinement enhancement factor. This effect is crucial because both a high plasma performance and a high enough electrical power into the network are required to minimize the cost of electricity, and consequently to make fusion energy more competitive.

Calibration Validation and Polarimetry in 2D Aperture Synthesis. Application to MIRAS

Ribó i Vedrilla, Serni 30 June 2005 (has links)
La missió SMOS de l'Agència Europea de l'Espai (ESA) té com a objectiu mesurar la humitat del sòl i la salinitat dels oceans, paràmetres fonamentals per tal d'entendre el canvi climàtic global.MIRAS (Radiòmetre de microones generador d'imatges pel mètode de síntesi d'obertura) és un tipus d'instrument nou per a l'observació de la terra i és l'únic instrument de la missió SMOS. Consisteix en un agrupació aprimada (thinned array) en forma d'i grega amb 21 elements per braç. Amb aquesta tècnica s'aconsegueixen grans obertures sintètiques amb una massa relativament reduida.Aquesta nova tecnologia ha estat triada per a la missió SMOS, per tal d'acomplir els criteris de resolució espacial (30-50km) i de temps de revisita (3 dies). En el camp de la radioastronomia ja es fan servir instruments similars a MIRAS, però en aquest cas les fontsobservades tenen una mida angular reduïda (estrelles i galàxies). En el cas de MIRAS, la terra és una font extensa que cobreix pràcticament tot el camp de visió de MIRAS, de tal manera que les tècniques de calibració desenvolupades per a radioastronomia no sónvàlides per a la missió SMOS.Aquesta tesi es concentra principalment en comprovar experimentalment diferents tècniques de calibració i demostrar la capacitat de MIRAS per a generar imatges. La segona part està dedicada al mode polarimètric de MIRAS i a la capacitat d'aquest a millorar el rendiment de MIRAS. Aquest tesi es va iniciar l'any 2000 gràcies a una beca de dos anys (de l'estiu de 2000 a l'estiu de 2002) al centre ESTEC de l'Agència Europea de l'Espai als Països Baixos. Durant aquesta estada es van realitzar les primeres campanyes de mesura per tal de comprovar els mètodes de calibració i les capacitats de generar imatge de MIRAS. En aquests tests de validació d'imatge es va utilitzar un primer prototipus de MIRAS. La realització, planificació, preparació, execució i processament de les dades són part d'aquesta tesi. Aquelles campanyes van demostrar la capacitat dels mètodes de calibració indicant, a més en quina direcció calia continuar treballant per tal de refinar-los. També van demostrar la capacitat de MIRAS per a generar imatges,mitjançant la mesura de la seva resposta impulsional. En aquesta tesi se'n presenten els resultats més importants. Durant l'estada a ESTEC també es va realitzar treball teòric i simulacions sobre interferometria polarimètrica, contribuint d'aquesta manera a la formulació de la funció de visibilitat polarimètrica i a la definició del mode de funcionament polarimetric de MIRAS.La tesi es va continuar al Laboratori de Tecnologia Espacial (LST) de la Universitat Tecnològica de Hèlsinki (HUT) durant tres mesos (agost 2002 a octubre 2002) com a investigador convidat. Els coneixements adquirits prèviament van servir per a contribuir al desenvolupament de HUT-2D, el radiòmetre interferomètric aerotransportat de LST pensatcom a demostrador de la tecnologia emprada a MIRAS, confirmant els resultats obtinguts a les campanyes prèvies a ESTEC.El febrer de 2003 es va continuar la tesi a l'Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) amb un contracte de recerca del ministeri d'Educació i Ciència. Es va estudiar l'efecte dela rotació de Faraday a MIRAS. El resultat és una proposta de solució per a compensar-la fent servir el mode polarimètric de MIRAS. En el tram final de la tesi s'ha fet l'electrònica de control (EGSE) d'un demostrador aerotransportat de MIRAS (SAM), per a l'ESA. Aquest instrument permet fer ús del mètode de calibració per injecció de soroll a dues temperatures, que és un refinament dels anteriors mètodes de calibració dels prototipus de MIRAS. La tesi presenta resultats experimentals preliminars d'aquest mètode de calibració. / The SMOS mission of the European Space Agency (scheduled 2007) is devoted to measure Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity, which are key parameters on the understanding of global climate change. The single instrument of this mission is the MIRAS (Microwave Imaging Radiometer using Aperture Synthesis), a new kind of instrument devoted to Earth observation. It is a thinned Y-shaped array with 21 elements per arm. With this technique a large synthetic aperture antenna with relative low weight can be obtained. This novel technique has been selected for the SMOS mission in order to fulfil both criteria ground resolution (35-50km) and revisit time (3 days). Similar instruments to MIRAS have already been used for radio astronomy but in that case only sources with a narrow angular size (stars and galaxies) were observed. In the case of MIRAS, the Earth is an extended source of thermal radiation, which almost fills up the complete field of view of MIRAS. The consequence of it is that the calibration techniques developed for radio astronomy may not be used in the SMOS mission. This thesis is mainly focused to experimentally test several calibration techniques and to prove the imaging properties of MIRAS. A second part is devoted to the polarimetric mode of MIRAS and its capability to improve its performance. This thesis was started thanks to a two year grant (from summer 2000 to summer 2002) at the ESTEC centre of the European Space Agency in the Netherlands. During this time the first experimental campaigns aimed to test calibration methods and imaging capabilities of MIRAS were done. In these so called image validation tests a first MIRAS prototype was used. The planning, preparation, execution and data processing for different tests was done. The capability of the calibration methods was demonstrated, showing also in which direction further research should be undertaken in order to refine them. The imaging properties of MIRAS were also demonstrated with the measurement of its impulsional response. The most important results are presented here. At the ESTEC centre theoretical work and simulations on polarimetric interferometry have also been done. This research contributed to the formulation of the polarimetric visibility function and the definition of the polarimetric operation mode of MIRAS. After the two years stage at ESTEC, the thesis was continued at the Laboratory of Space Technology (LST) of the Helsinki University of Technology (HUT) for three months (August 2002 to October 2002), as an invited researcher. There the HUT-2D interferometric radiometer, an airborne demonstrator instrument for MIRAS, was being constructed. The experience gained in the previous campaigns was shared with the HUT-2D team and the calibration methods were tested in a different instrument, confirming the previous results. In February 2003 this thesis was continued at the Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC) under a research contract of the Spanish ministry of research. There the effect of Faraday rotation on MIRAS was studied. A solution for compensating it was proposed, making use of the polarimteric operation mode of MIRAS. The thesis was continued at IEEC, designing and manufacturing the Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) of an airborne demonstrator of MIRAS, known as SAM (Small Airborne MIRAS). This work was done for ESA. This instrument implements the complete calibration scheme with two-level noise injection, which is arefinement of the calibration schemes used in previous MIRAS prototypes. Preliminary experimental results of this novel calibration technique are also presented in this thesis.

Polarimetric differential SAR Interferometry with ground-based sensors

Pipia, Luca 18 September 2009 (has links)
Las técnicas de Interferometría Diferencial se basan en la combinación de varias imágenes SAR con distinta separación temporal y permiten la recuperación de las componentes lineales y no-lineales del proceso de deformación ocurrida en el entorno de interés durante el entero periodo de observación. Condición imprescindible para una correcta estimación de los fenómenos geodéticos es la elevada estabilidad de la plataforma que embarca el sensor SAR. Por esta razón, a nivel operativo se utilizan datos SAR satelitales.El objetivo de la Polarimetría SAR es describir el entorno de interés analizando las propiedades de la señal que éste dispersa cuando se utilizan diferentes combinaciones de polarización de las antenas transmisora y receptora, definidas canales polarimétricos. La polarimetría interferométrica SAR junta la capacidad de la polarimetría de separar mecanismos de dispersión independientes con la sensibilidad de la Interferometría a la altura de los correspondientes centros de fase, y permite describir la distribución volumétrica de los dispersores dentro de la escena observada. Debido a la falta de conjuntos de datos polarimétricos SAR satelitales que cubran tramos temporales suficientemente largos, hay aún un gran interés en las mejoras que la polarimetría podría aportar a técnicas ya consolidadas como las de Interferometría Diferencial.La actividad de investigación que se presentará en esta tesis doctoral abarca, por primera vez conjuntamente, las dos áreas de la Polarimetría SAR y de la Interferometría Diferencial utilizando el sensor radar terrestre de corto alcance (gbSAR) desarrollado por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunyua (UPC). El trabajo constará de dos bloques principales.El primer bloque describirá las técnicas que se han desarrollado para convertir el sistema UPC gbSAR en un instrumento operativo y simplificar la utilización de sus adquisiciones, incluyendo la formulación matemática de los principios de funcionamiento del sistema, la cadena de procesado de los raw data y su calibración polarimétrica, los procedimientos de georeferenciación, y las técnicas de compensación de los artefactos atmosféricos presentes en sus medidas diferenciales.La segunda parte se ocupará de demostrar los beneficios que los datos SAR polarimétricos ofrecen respecto a la medición de un único canal polarimétrico para aplicaciones diferenciales. A fin de llevar a cabo esta tarea, se analizarán los datos gbSAR adquiridos durante una campaña de medidas de un año realizada en el pueblo de Sallent, en Cataluña, afectado por un fenómeno de subsidencia. En esta parte se analizarán tres temas principales. El primero es el comportamiento no estacionario en tiempo del entorno urbano bajo la geometría de observación del sensor terrestre. Se estudiarán en detalle los efectos de su inestabilidad y se propondrá una técnica de filtrado novedosa entallada a las propiedades de los blancos deterministas con el fin de preservar la información de la fase diferencial. El segundo tema abarca el problema de los efectos de troposfera en datos diferenciales con separación temporal superior al mes y de su separación de las variaciones de fase inducidas por el proceso de deformación. El tercer tema es la utilización de toda la información polarimétrica diferencial. Con fin de superar las limitaciones propias de las técnicas DInSAR clásicas, se propondrá un nuevo modelo polarimétrico de dispersión y se demostrarán las ventajas de la nueva formulación enseñando la mejor estimación del proceso de subsidencia en Sallent. En la parte final de este apartado se explorará también el potencial de las técnicas polarimétricas de optimización de la coherencia para aplicaciones diferenciales. / Differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR) deals with the combination of multi-temporal SAR images for the estimation of the linear and non-linear components of the deformation process within an area of interest during the whole observation period. A high stability of the platform is required for a reliable estimation of the geodetic phenomena. Accordingly, space-borne SAR images are operatively employed for DInSAR estimation, air-borne DInSAR still constituting a challenging research issue. SARPolarimetry aims at charactering the illuminated area through the analysis of its response under different combinations of transmitting and receiving antennas polarization, called polarimetric channels. The Polarimetric SAR Interferometry joins the capability of Polarimetry to separate independent scattering mechanisms and the sensitivity of Interferometry to the corresponding phase centers' elevation, making it possible to describe the volumetric distribution of the scatterers within the observed area. Owing to the lack of long-time collections of polarimetric space-borne SAR data, the studies carried out in this research field have been mainly based on air-borne acquisitions. Yet, there is a great expectation for the improvements that polarimetry may bring to assessed single-polarization techniques such as the DinSAR.The research described in this PhD dissertation fills for the first time the gap between SAR Polarimetry and SAR Differential Interferometry through the employment of an X-band ground-based SAR (gbSAR) sensor developed by the Remote Sensing Lab of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC).The work is divided into two main blocks. The first part deals with the algorithms that have been developed to make the UPC system operative and its acquisitions easy to use. Summarily, they include the mathematical formulation of the sensor's working principles, the raw data processing chain and the polarimetric calibration method, the geocoding procedures, and the techniques compensating for the atmospheric artefacts affecting gbSAR zero-baseline acquisitions.The second part is concerned with demonstrating the benefits that polarimetric SAR measurements provide with respect to single-polarization data for differential applications. In order to cope with this task, the data sets acquired during a one-year measurement campaign carried out in the village of Sallent, northeastern Spain, are analyzed. The experiment was focused on monitoring the subsidence phenomenon affecting a district of the village with the UPC gbSAR sensor. Three main issues are here argued. The first one is the time non-stationary behaviors characterizing the urban environment at X-band in the gbSAR observation geometry. Their effects are analyzed in detail and a novel non-stationary filtering technique tailored to deterministic scatterers' properties is introduced to preserve the differential phase information. The second one is the compensation of the troposphere changes in long-time span gbSAR differential interferograms. A new technique is worked out to effectively separate the differential phase variations due to the atmospheric artefacts from the deformation components. The third one is the use of the whole polarimetric differential information. A novel polarimetric differential scattering model is put forward to relax the constraints of an advanced DInSAR technique, the Coherent Pixel Technique, and to propose an innovative polarimetric approach. The advantages offered by Polarimetric DInSAR are demonstrated in terms of quality of the deformation-rate map describing the subsidence phenomenon in Sallent. In the end, the potentials of coherence-optimization techniques for the further improvement of the deformation process estimation are stressed.

Conception of an integrated optical waveguide amplifier / Konzeption eines integriert-optischen Wellenleiterverstärkers

Wächtler, Thomas 12 July 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The work provides an overview of different integrated optical amplifiers. Semiconductor optical amplifiers and fiber amplifiers are described, as well as devices that utilize non-linear effects, nanocrystalline materials, or photonic crystals. Dielectric materials that are doped with rare-earth ions are considered more thoroughly. After a review of the principles of their optical activity the general mechanisms of excitation and emission are described. Materials aspects regarding the spectral range, their fabrication and the solubility of the dopants follow. An erbium-doped alumina waveguide amplifier, reported earlier in the literature, is chosen as an example to demonstrate the feasibility of such components. A theoretical model of the population densities of the energy levels is derived for the simulation. By numerical methods the non-linear system of the rate equations is solved and the stability of the steady state is shown. The simulation of the amplifier demonstrates the dependence of the gain of both the excitation energy and the z-coordinate. Moreover, the superiority of an excitation wavelength of 980 nm compared to 1530 nm is shown. With the model the literature data could be reproduced. / Die Arbeit gibt einen Überblick über verschiedene Möglichkeiten der Realisierung integriert-optischer Wellenleiterverstärker. Ausgehend von optischen Halbleiter- und Faserverstärkern werden einführend ebenso Anordnungen beschrieben, die nichtlineare Effekte sowie nanokristalline Materialien und photonische Kristalle nutzen. Besondere Bedeutung kommt dielektrischen Materialien zu, die mit optisch aktiven Dotanden, bevorzugt Seltenerdionen, versehen sind. Hierbei werden die Ursachen für die optische Aktivität der Lanthanide sowie die generellen Mechanismen der Anregungs- und Emissionsprozesse beschrieben. Aspekte der Materialauswahl, vor allem hinsichtlich des verwendeten Spektralbereiches sowie bezüglich ihrer Herstellung und der Löslichkeit der Dotanden schließen sich an. Anhand eines Literaturbeispiels wird die Realisierbarkeit eines erbiumdotierten Aluminiumoxid-Wellenleiterverstärkers demonstriert. Hierfür wird ein Modell zur Simulation der Besetzungsdichten der angeregten Energieniveaus abgeleitet und mittels numerischer Methoden das sich ergebende, nichtlineare System der Ratengleichungen gelöst, wobei besonders die Stabilität des stationären Besetzungszustandes herausgearbeitet wird. Die Simulation der Verstärkeranordnung zeigt zum einen die Abhängigkeit der Verstärkung von der z-Koordinate sowie der Pumpleistung; zum anderen wird deutlich, dass die Anregung bei 980 nm der Variante bei 1530 nm überlegen ist. Mit dem verwendeten Modell konnten die Literaturdaten reproduziert werden.

Strategies for Optimizing Organic Solar Cells

Wynands, David 14 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This work investigates organic solar cells made of small molecules. Using the material system α,ω-bis(dicyanovinylene)-sexithiophene (DCV6T) - C60 as model, the correlation between the photovoltaic active layer morphology and performance of the solar cell is studied. The chosen method for controlling the layer morphology is applying different substrate temperatures (Tsub ) during the deposition of the layer. In neat DCV6T layers, substrate heating induces higher crystallinity as is shown by X-ray diffraction and atomic force microscopy (AFM). The absorption spectrum displays a more distinct fine structure, a redshift of the absorption peaks by up to 11 nm and a significant increase of the low energy absorption band at Tsub = 120°C compared to Tsub = 30°C. Contrary to general expectations, the hole mobility as measured in field effect transistors and with the method of charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage (CELIV) does not increase in samples with higher crystallinity. In mixed layers, investigations by AFM and UV-Vis spectroscopy reveal a stronger phase separation induced by substrate heating, leading to larger domains of DCV6T. This is indicated by an increased grain size and roughness of the topography, the increase of the DCV6T luminescence signal, and the more distinct fine structure of the DCV6T related absorption. Based on the results of the morphology analysis, the effect of different substrate temperatures on the performance of solar cells with flat and mixed DCV6T - C60 heterojunctions is investigated. In flat heterojunction solar cells, a slight increase of the photocurrent by about 10% is observed upon substrate heating, attributed to the increase of DCV6T absorption. In mixed DCV6T : C60 heterojunction solar cells, much more pronounced enhancements are achieved. By varying the substrate temperature from -7°C to 120°C, it is shown that the stronger phase separation upon substrate heating facilitates the charge transport, leading to a significant increase of the internal quantum efficiency (IQE), photocurrent, and fill factor. Consequently, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) increases from 0.5% at Tsub = -7°C to about 3.0 % at Tsub ≥ 77°C. Subsequent optimization of the DCV6T : C60 mixing ratio and the stack design of the solar cell lead to devices with PCE of 4.9±0.2 %. Using optical simulations, the IQE of these devices is studied in more detail to identify major remaining loss mechanisms. The evaluation of the absorption pattern in the wavelength range from 300 to 750 nm shows that only 77 % of the absorbed photons contribute to the exciton generation in photovoltaic active layers, while the rest is lost in passive layers. Furthermore, the IQE of the photovoltaic active layers, consisting of an intrinsic C60 layer and a mixed DCV6T : C60 layer, exhibits a lower exciton diffusion efficiency for C60 excitons compared to DCV6T excitons, attributed to exciton migration into the adjacent electron transport layer. / Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit organischen Solarzellen aus kleinen Molekülen. Anhand des Materialsystems α,ω-bis(Dicyanovinylen)-Sexithiophen (DCV6T) - C60 wird der Zusammenhang zwischen Morphologie der photovoltaisch aktiven Schicht und dem Leistungverhalten der Solarzellen untersucht. Zur Beeinflussung der Morphologie werden verschiedene Substrattemperaturen (Tsub ) während des Schichtwachstums der aktiven Schicht eingestellt. Beim Heizen des Substrates weisen DCV6T Einzelschichten eine erhöhte Kristallinität auf, die mittels Röntgenbeugung und Rasterkraftmikroskopie (AFM) erkennbar ist. Zudem bewirkt die Erhöhung der Substrattemperatur von 30°C auf 120°C eine ausgeprägtere Feinstrukturierung des Absorptionsspektrums, eine Rotverschiebung um bis zu 11 nm und eine Verstärkung der niederenergetischen Absorptionsbande. Entgegen den Erwartungen wird weder in Feldeffekttransistoren noch mit der Methode der Ladungsextraktion bei linear steigenden Spannungspulsen (CELIV) eine Verbesserung der Löcherbeweglichkeit in Zusammenhang mit der erhöhten Kristallinität gemessen. Mischschichten mit C60 weisen bei erhöhten Substrattemperaturen eine stärkere Phasentrennung auf, die zu größeren DCV6T Domänen innerhalb der Schicht führt. Dieser Effekt wird zum Einen durch größere Körnung und Rauigkeit der Topographie, zum Anderen durch die Erhöhung des Lumineszenzsignals von DCV6T sowie der Ausprägung der Feinstruktur im Absorptionsspektrum nachgewiesen. Ausgehend von den Ergebnissen der Morphologieuntersuchung werden die Auswirkungen von verschiedenen Substrattemperaturen auf das Leistungsverhalten von DCV6T - C60 Solarzellen mit planarem und Volumen-Heteroübergang analysiert. Solarzellen mit planarem Heteroübergang weisen eine geringe Verbesserung des Photostromes von etwa 10 % beim Heizen des Substrates auf. Diese wird durch die Erhöhung der DCV6T Absorption verursacht. In Volumen-Heteroübergängen führt die stärkere Phasentrennung bei steigender Substrattemperatur im untersuchten Temperaturbereich von -7°C bis 120°C zu einer Verbesserung des Ladungsträgertransports. Dadurch verbessern sich die interne Quanteneffizienz (IQE), der Photostrom und der Füllfaktor. Der Wirkungsgrad der Solarzellen erhöht sich von 0.5 % bei Tsub = -7°C auf 3.0 % bei Tsub ≥ 77°C. Eine weitere Optimierung des DCV6T : C60 Mischverhältnisses und des Schichtaufbaus ermöglicht Solarzellen mit Wirkungsgraden von 4.9±0.2 %. Mittels optischer Simulationen wird die IQE dieser Solarzellen näher untersucht, um verbleibende Verlustmechanismen zu identifizieren. Es ergibt sich, dass innerhalb des Wellenlängenbereichs von 300 bis 750 nm nur 77 % der absorbierten Photonen tatsächlich in den photovoltaisch aktiven Schichten absorbiert werden, während der Rest in nicht aktiven Schichten verloren geht. Des Weiteren kann nachgewiesen werden, dass C60 Exzitonen aus der aktiven Schicht, bestehend as einer intrinsischen C60 Schicht und einer DCV6T : C60 Mischschicht, durch Diffusion in die angrenzende Elektronentransportschicht verloren gehen.

On Fast, Polarimetric Non-Reciprocal Calibration and Multipolarization Measurements on Weather Radars / Schnelle polarimetrische, nicht-reziproke Kalibrierung und Mehrpolarisationsmessungen an Wetterradaren

Reimann, Jens 05 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
In this study a calibration concept for a multi-polarimetric weather radar is developed. Several common calibration techniques are analysed, but many are insufficient due to the non-reciprocal behaviour of the employed radar. Hence, an electronic calibration device was developed, which was designed for fast polarization determination of any polarization (including elliptical ones). The non-reciprocal behaviour was overcome by splitting receive and transmit calibration, which virtually uses the radar as a communication system. Beside the calibration a new and exible signal processing system was implemented on that radar which allows interleaved measurements using several polarimetric modes. This capability was used to analyse the STAR (hybrid basis with linear 45° transmit and horizontal/vertical receive) mode and the alternating H/V mode with respect to depolarization. Although it is known that depolarization causes errors in STAR mode, it is used in most commercial weather radars. / In dieser Arbeit wird ein Kalibrierkonzept für ein Multipolarisation-Radar entwickelt. Dazu wurden verschiedene gebräuchliche Techniken untersucht. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass dieses Verfahren für das untersuchte nichtreziproke Radar unzureichend sind. Deshalb wurde ein elektronisches Kalibriergerät entwickelt, welches speziell der schnellen Messung von beliebigen Polarisationen - einschließlich Elliptischer - dient. Das nichtreziproke Verhalten wurde durch die Aufteilung in eine Sende- und eine Empfangskalibrierung umgangen, wodurch das Radar praktisch als Kommunikationssystem verwendet wird. Des Weiteren wurde eine neue, fexible Signalverarbeitung an dem Radar entwickelt, welches gemischte Messungen mit mehreren Polarisationsmoden erlaubt. Diese neuartige Möglichkeit wurde benutzt um den STAR-Modus, welches eine hybride Polarisationsbasis (linear 45° senden, horizontal/vertikal empfangen) benutzt, mit dem alternierende H/V-Modus zu vergleichen. Dabei wurde speziell das Verhalten des STAR-Modus im Hinblick auf Depolarisation untersucht, da dies bekanntermaßen zu Fehlern in den Messgrößenführen kann. Dies ist von besonderem Interesse, da der STAR-Modus in den meisten kommerziellen Wetterradarsystemen eingesetzt wird.

Ein Beitrag zum Entladungsverhalten langer Luftfunkenstrecken bei Blitzspannung / A Contribution to the Breakdown of Long Air Gaps by Lightning Voltages

Shirvani Boroujeni, Ali 26 February 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Für die Menschen zählen Gewitter mit Donner und Blitz zu den ältesten bekannten Phänomenen der Natur. Die Tatsache, dass Blitze dennoch bis heute nicht abschließend erforscht sind, liegt in dem äußerst komplexen, schnellen und stochastischen Verhalten der Blitzentladung begründet. Der Autor befasste sich in Rahmen dieser Arbeit u.a. mit der Entwicklung eines modernen Messsystems, durch das die Erfassung von sowohl elektrischen als auch optischen Parametern der im Nanosekundenbereich ablaufenden Prozesse der Entladungen möglich wurde. Es handelt sich um technisch anspruchsvolle Messungen von hohen Stoßspannungen und schwachen Vorentladungsströmen in einem großen Frequenzbereich. Außerdem gelang es durch eine geschickte Synchronisation, die Entladungsprozesse präzise und erstmalig in einer Fotosequenz aufzunehmen. Auf Grundlage der Messergebnisse konnte der Entladungsprozess in mehrere Phasen der Vorentladung unterteilt und beschrieben werden. Vor allem beweisen die Messergebnisse die Existenz einer kanalartigen Vorentladung, die nicht zwingend zu einem Durchschlag führt. Dieser Mechanismus, der bei langsam ansteigenden Spannungen als stabile Leaderentladung benannt und mit Thermoionisation gekennzeichnet ist, war bei Blitzstoßspannungen bisher umstritten. / The breakdown behavior of long air gaps by Lightning Voltages has been investigated and the results of a new measurement system are reported. A series of up to eight photos (made by a high-speed camera) have recorded the expansion of discharge activities during the breakdown process. The pre-discharge current and voltage have been measured as well. The modern measurement techniques have made possible the synchronization of the photos with the current and voltage measurements in nanosecond-ranges. The combination of the measured current, voltage, and photos can precisely explain the breakdown process. The experiments have been carried out with the lightning impulses up to 2.4 MV and the air gaps up to 4 m. Despite of such high voltages, the experimental system has been verified to be appropriate for measuring the pre-discharge current in mA-ranges.

Nanomembrane-based hybrid semiconductor-superconductor heterostructures

Thurmer, Dominic J. 05 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The combination of modern self-assembly techniques with well-established top-down processing methods pioneered in the electronics industry is paving the way for increasingly sophisticated devices in the future[1]. Nanomembranes, made from a variety of materials, can provide the necessary framework for a diverse range of device structures incorporating wrinkling, buckling, folding, and rolling of thin films[2, 3]. Over the past decade, an elegant symbiosis of bottom-up and top-down methods has been developed, allowing the fabrica- tion of hybrid layer systems via the controlled release and rearrangement of inherently strained layers [4]. Self-assembled rolled-up structures[4, 5] have become increasingly at- tractive in a number of fields including micro/nano uidics[6], optics[7](including metama- terial optical fibers[8]), Lab on a Chip applications[9], and micro- and nanoelectronics[10]. The use of such structures for microelectronic applications has been driven by the versatility in contacting geometries and the abundance of material combinations that these devices offer. By allowing devices to expand in the third dimension, certain obstacles that inhibit 2D structuring can be overcome in elegant ways. Similarly, recent progress in nanostructured superconducting electronic structures has been receiving increased attention[11]. The advancement of such devices has been mo- tivated by their use in quantum computation[12], high sensitivity radiation sensors[13], precision voltage standards[14] and superconducting spintronics[15] to name a few. Combining semiconductor with superconductor materials to create new hybrid geometries is advantageous because it adds the functionalities of the semiconductor, including high charge carrier mobilities, gating possibilities, and refined processing technologies. The main focus of the work presented in this thesis is the development of new methods for controlling strain behavior and its applications toward novel semiconduc- tor/superconductor heterostructures based on nanomembranes. More specifically, the goal is to integrate inherently strained semiconductor layer structures with superconducting materials to create innovative electronic devices by the controlled releasing and rearrangement of thin films. By rolling up pre-patterned semiconductor/superconductor layers, device geometries have been realized that are not feasible using any other technique. In this way, superconducting hybrid junctions, or Josephson junctions, have been created and their basic properties investigated. The Josephson effect, and junctions displaying this quantum coherent behavior, have found many essential uses in diverse areas of science and technology. Many research groups around the world are involved in finding new materials and fabrication methods to tune the properties and structure of such Josephson devices further[11]. The inclusion of semi- conductors, for example, allows for a greater control of the charge carrier density within the junction area, thus allowing for "transistor-like" behavior in these superconducting devices. By rolling up the superconductor contacts using a strained semiconductor as scaffolding, the fabrication of hybrid nano-junctions is simplified drastically, removing the need for complicated processing steps such as electron-beam or nano-imprint lithography. Furthermore, the technique allows many nanometer-sized devices to be created in parallel on a single chip which has the advantage that it can be scaled up to full-wafer processing. First, post-growth processing techniques of epitaxial layers are developed in order to extend the control of hybrid device fabrication. Here, three unique concepts for controlling the rolling behavior of strained semiconductor nanomembranes are presented. First an optical method for inhibiting the rolling of the strained layers is described. Next, a selective etching method for destroying the inherent strain within the semiconductor layer is introduced. Finally, a method by which the strain gradient across a trilayer stack is altered in situ during rolling is presented. Next, the fabrication of a hybrid nanomembrane-based superconducting device is presented. Various experimental details of the fabrication process are analyzed, and the electronic properties of the completed device are investigated. The devices created here highlight the fabrication process in which nanometer-sized structures are created using self-assembly techniques and standard microelectronics fabrication methods, presenting a new method to circumvent more complicated processing techniques. References [1] G. M. Whitesides and B. Grzybowski. Self-assembly at all scales. Science 295, 2418{2421 (2002). [2] Y. G. Sun, W. M. Choi, H. Q. Jiang, Y. G. Y. Huang and J. A. Rogers. Controlled buckling of semiconductor nanoribbons for stretchable electronics. Nature Nanotechnology 1, 201{207 (2006). [3] O. G. Schmidt and K. Eberl. Nanotechnology - Thin solid films roll up into nanotubes. Nature 410, 168 (2001). [4] O. G. Schmidt, C. Deneke, Y. Nakamura, R. Zapf-Gottwick, C. Mller and N. Y. Jin-Phillipp. Nanotechnology { Bottom-up meets top-down. Advanced Solid State Physics 42, 231 (2002). [5] V. Ya. Prinz, V. A. Seleznev, A. K. Gutakovsky, A. V. Chehovskiy, V. V. Preobrazhenskii, M. A. Putyato and T. A. Gavrilova. Free-standing and overgrown InGaAs/GaAs nanotubes, nanohelices and their arrays. Physica E 6, 828 (2000). [6] D. J. Thurmer, C. Deneke, Y. F. Mei and O. G. Schmidt. Process integration of microtubes for uidic applications. Applied Physics Letters 89, 223507 (2006). [7] R. Songmuang, A. Rastelli, S. Mendach and O. G. Schmidt. SiOx/Si radial superlattices and microtube optical ring resonators. Applied Physics Letters 90, 091905 (2007). [8] E. J. Smith, Z. W. Liu, Y. F. Mei and O. G. Schmidt. Combined surface plasmon and classical waveguiding through metamaterial fiber design. Nano Letters 10, 1{5 (2010). [9] G. S. Huang, Y. F. Mei, D. J. Thurmer, E. Coric and O. G. Schmidt. Rolled-up transparent microtubes as two-dimensionally confined culture scaffolds of individual yeast cells. Lab on a Chip 9, 263{268 (2009). [10] C. C. B. Bufon, J. D. C. Gonzalez, D. J. Thurmer, D. Grimm, M. Bauer and O. G. Schmidt. Self-assembled ultra-compact energy storage elements based on hybrid nanomembranes. Nano Letters 10, 2506{2510 (2010). [11] G. Katsaros, P. Spathis, M. Stoffel, F. Fournel, M. Mongillo, V. Bouchiat, F. Lefloch, A. Rastelli, O. G. Schmidt and S. De Franceschi. Hybrid superconductor-semiconductor devices made from self-assembled SiGe nanocrystals on silicon. Nature Nanotechnology 5, 458{464 (2010). [12] Y. J. Doh, J. A. van Dam, A. L. Roest, E. P. A. M. Bakkers, L. P. Kouwenhoven and S. De Franceschi. Tunable supercurrent through semiconductor nanowires. Science 309, 272{275 (2005). [13] F. Giazotto, T. T. Heikkila, G. P. Pepe, P. Helisto, A. Luukanen and J. P. Pekola. Ultrasensitive proximity Josephson sensor with kinetic inductance readout. Applied Physics Letters 92, 162507 (2008). [14] S. P. Benz. Superconductor-normal-superconductor junctions for programmable voltage standards. Applied Physics Letters 67, 2714{2716 (1995). [15] Y. C. Tao and J. G. Hu. Superconducting spintronics: Spin-polarized transport in superconducting junctions with ferromagnetic semiconducting contact. Journal of Applied Physics 107, 041101 (2010).

Technologie und pysikalische Eigenschaften strahlungsinduzierter Zentren in Silizium

Klug, Jan N. 24 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Erzeugung und den Eigenschaften strahlungsinduzierter Defekte in Silizium. Zur Erzeugung der untersuchten Zentren werden Wasserstoff- und Helium-Ionenstrahlen im MeV-Bereich verwendet. Die Untersuchung erfolgt mittels Spreading-Resistance- und temperaturabhängiger Hall-Messungen. Betrachtet wird zunächst die Erzeugung einer n-Dotierung durch Wasserstoff-Implantation in Abhängigkeit von Implantationsparametern, - bedingungen und dem Ausheilprozess. Für Helium-bestrahltes Silizium werden die Auswirkungen der Bestrahlung auf Widerstand, Ladungsträgerkonzentration und Beweglichkeit untersucht.

Entwurf von physikalischen und chemischen Modellen für die Impedanzspektroskopie / Design of physical and chemical models for impedance spectroscopy

Tröltzsch, Uwe 12 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Modellierung natürlicher und technischer Systeme spielt eine wichtige Rolle, um deren Verhalten zu simulieren und vorherzusagen. Die Impedanzspektroskopie ist in diesem Zusammenhang eine interessante Methode, da die Impedanz oft einfach messbar ist. Die herausfordernde Aufgabe ist die Interpretation gemessener Daten. Das Verständnis des Zusammenhanges zwischen realen Effekten und gemessener Impedanz anhand eines Impedanzmodells ist eine zentrale Problemstellung. Die Herleitung solcher Modelle wird in dieser Arbeit anhand drei verschiedenartiger Beispiele aus dem Gebiet der Messtechnik untersucht. Wirbelstromsensoren werden allgemein zur Messung von Abstand und Materialeigenschaften eingesetzt. Anhand eines Modells wird untersucht, wie diese Größen simultan bestimmbar sind. Die Messung der Zusammensetzung von Materialgemischen ist vielfach technisch relevant. Am Beispiel von Waschlaugen und Dispersionen mit Carbon Nano Tubes wird gezeigt, wie deren Zusammensetzung die Impedanz beeinflusst und welche Eigenschaften messbar sind. Batterien spielen eine wichtige Rolle zur Speicherung elektrischer Energie. Mit einem fraktionalen Differentialgleichungsmodell erfolgt eine Simulation der Batteriespannung unter wechselnden Einsatzbedingungen. Anhand der Anwendungen wird deutlich, dass es keinen Automatismus zur Modellerstellung und kein Modell für alles geben kann. Um so mehr liefert das vorgeschlagene Vorgehen einen Einstieg in die Modellerstellung. / Modeling natural and technical systems is important in order to simulate and predict their behavior. Impedance spectroscopy is an interesting method in the field of modeling because the impedance often is easily measurable. Nevertheless, interpretation of measured data is the challenging task in this field. The fundamental problem is understanding the relationship between real physical effects, measured impedance and impedance model. Fundamentals and advanced methods for deriving impedance models are investigated for three different problems in the field of measurement and sensor technology in this work. Eddy current sensors are commonly used to measure distance and material properties. Based on a model, it is investigated how these quantities can be determined simultaneously. Measuring the composition of material mixtures has many technical applications. Using the example of dispersions containing laundry detergents and dispersions with carbon nanotubes shows how their composition effects the impedance and measurable quantities. Batteries play an important role for storing electrical energy. Applying a fractional differential equation model allows a simulation of the battery voltage under varying operating conditions. Based on these applications it becomes clear, there can be no fully automated model creation method. A scientific analysis of the underlying problem is always required. The more the proposed approach provides an introduction to modeling.

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