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論宋太宗朝之趙普. / Lun Song Taizong chao zhi Zhao Pu.January 1979 (has links)
論文(碩士)--香港中文大學研究院歷史學部,1979. / Reprint. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves i-xviii, 4th group). / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue yan jiu yuan Li shi xue bu. / 導論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一章 --- 趙普與宋太宗朝之政爭及繼統紛爭 --- p.15 / Chapter 第一節 --- 金匱之盟於宋代傳述之意義 --- p.18 / Chapter 第二節 --- 趙普與「金匱之盟」考辦 --- p.35 / Chapter 第三節 --- 宋太宗與趙普復相前之關係 --- p.66 / Chapter 第四節 --- 秦王廷美獄之分析 --- p.74 / Chapter 第五節 --- 趙普二度罷相之分析 --- p.83 / Chapter 第六節 --- 趙普與楚王元佐、許王元僖 --- p.94 / Chapter 第七節 --- 端拱復相與政爭 --- p.105 / Chapter 第八節 --- 小結 --- p.117 / 注釋 --- p.120 / Chapter 第二章 --- 趙普與宋太宗朝之中央集權 --- p.172 / Chapter 第一節 --- 趙普與罷藩鎮領支郡 --- p.175 / Chapter 第二節 --- 趙普與宋初參加政事權力消長之關係 --- p.182 / Chapter 第三節 --- 審官院設立與趙普之關係 --- p.193 / Chapter 第四節 --- 趙普與宋太宗朝臺諫之關係 --- p.207 / Chapter 第五節 --- 小結 --- p.228 / 注釋 --- p.231 / Chapter 第三章 --- 趙普與宋太宗朝之遼夏政策 --- p.246 / Chapter 第一節 --- 雍熙北伐前太宗與趙普對遼政策分歧之檢討 --- p.248 / Chapter 第二節 --- 趙普對遼政策及其得以實行之分析 --- p.258 / Chapter 第三節 --- 趙普之西夏政策述評 --- p.284 / Chapter 第四節 --- 小結 --- p.294 / 注釋 --- p.298 / Chapter 第四章 --- 蓋棺定論 --- p.307 / Chapter 第一節 --- 趙普晚年之榮寵及其與宋太宗後期之關係 --- p.309 / Chapter 第二節 --- 趙普之死及對宋太宗之心理影响 --- p.318 / Chapter 第三節 --- 太宗朝趙普功過平議 --- p.328 / Chapter 第四節 --- 小結 --- p.358 / 注釋 --- p.360 / 結論 --- p.368 / Chapter 附錄: --- 《宋太宗箭疾重考》 / 徵引書目
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Paleoseismicity in the Shihkang areaTang, Hou-Shu 29 September 2004 (has links)
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The Effect of Emotional Intelligence on Crisis Management : The Example of Nantou Area School Teachers in 921 Earthquake CatastropheHSUEH, HSU-I 07 June 2001 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and crisis management, and to examine the important effect of emotion implementation on daily life. The study investigates the predictive effect of different background variables of emotional intelligence on crisis management. Further, emotional intelligence can influence the policies or actions taken for any crises.
The subjects were 162 teachers from Nantou Area in 921 Earthquake Catastrophe in Taiwan. The instruments used in the study included ¡uemotional intelligence questionnaire¡vand ¡ucrisis management questionnaire¡v. The data was analyzed by the statistics methods of frequency distribution, person's correlation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, MANOVA, canonical correlation and stepwise multiple regression.
The major findings were as follows:
1.The level of emotional intelligence and crisis management of Earthquake Catastrophe Area School Teachers are medium.
2.For emotional intelligence, emotion management, there were significant differences among variables of faith¡Bteaching experience¡Bthe top academic degrees on emotional intelligence, but gender¡Bage¡Bposition and school scope were not.
3.As to crisis management, there were significant differences among variables of gender¡Bteaching experience¡Bthe top academic degrees on crisis management, but age¡Bfaith¡Bposition and school scope were not .
4.There were significant differences of crisis management due to different emotional intelligence measures.
5.The result of canonical correlation analysis revealed that perceived emotional intelligence was significantly associated with crisis management by a canonical variable. The one
canonical relation coefficient is .294.
6.The variables of emotional intelligence could significantly predict crisis management.
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A Study on Industry Reconstruction Strategy in Area of 921 Earthquake Disaster.Yu, Chi-Wei 22 July 2003 (has links)
Taiwan has been suffering from a series of severe earthquake disaster. Especially in 921 Earthquake. To deal with such a disastrous situation, government implemented the new plans for the quake-ravaged areas, such as the guiding principle of 921 disaster recovery. This study is attempted to program Industry Reconstruction of post- earthquake in the disaster area. The research method of this research is consisted of data analysis and SWOT Analysis.
The research results have indicated:
1.The government plays an important role in the process of Industry Reconstruction.
In the entire process of industry reconstruction, from the rescue at the early stage to the replacement of industry reconstruction, it is inevitably that the role of government would be the main influence of industry reconstruction effectiveness. However, in the meanwhile, because of the urge of becoming a member of WTO, it had caused the rate of the unemployment increased and some small businesses closing down. People had economically undertaken all the domestic pressures of becoming a member of WTO, and yet now the government had to face another problem, industry reconstruction in the quake-ravaged areas. It seems that it would be much harder for the government to overcome all at once, therefore, a series of well-related policy is needed, such as the guiding of job-shifted for farmers and style-shifted of agriculture, the strategic alliance of the agriculture association, the promotion of Tourism and the construction of the specific industry in the quake-ravaged areas. Those policies should be concerned in regarding to post-earthquake recovery.
2.The people participation in the reconstruction progress
After 921 earthquake, it is obviously that government had difficulty to undertake all issues domestically and internationally. Therefore, it found that the participation of people in the post earthquake recovery would be necessary. Indeed, with the participation of people, it can speed up the process of the recovery. As a result, the participation of people in the quake- ravaged areas was seriously required to the re-development of the specific local industry.
3.The style-shifted of industry and resource integration
Since Taiwan had put efforts on becoming a member of WTO in order to increase its products more competitive in the atmosphere of international trade, the style-shifted of Industry would be necessary in avoidance to elimination of the potential domestic industry. For example, when the style-shifted, from agriculture to agricultural Industry, had occurred, the needs of machines in Agriculture would be increased in order to reduce the cost of agriculture production. As a consequence, the agriculture production would become more competitive in international trade and it would increase GDP in a sense. Therefore, promoting the number of experts in relation to the knowledge of agriculture from government would be the prior in order to increase the competitiveness in international trade.
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探討九二一地震後資源流失與因應行為對居民災後身心症狀的影響 / The effects of resources loss and coping behavior on psychological / physical symptoms after the 921 earthquake謝孟晃 Unknown Date (has links)
關鍵字:921地震、資源流失、因應行為、組合屋、原住民 / This study used the Conservation of Resources stress model to examine the effects of resources loss and coping behavior on psychological/physical symptoms after the 921 earthquake. And compared with the differences of resources loss, coping behavior and psychological/physical symptoms in different community organizations and races. This study was conducted by questionnaire investigation. 354 participants living in Pu-Li Town completed the questionnaires. The design of samples was distinguished between living in Temporal houses and living in own houses, and aborigines and non-aborigines. The measurements applied in this study included "Posttraumatic Stress Reaction Index Questionnaire", "Resources Loss Inventory" and "Coping Scale". The obtained data was analyzed by Pearson product-moment correlation, path analysis, hierarchical multiple regression analysis and one-way ANCOVA. The results of this study included: (1) resources loss and avoidant coping could predict psychological/physical symptoms, but
resource loss predicted psychological symptoms better than avoidant coping. Personal resources were the strongest predictor among four kinds of resources. (2) In different community organizations. Temporal house's residents reported more resources loss and psychological/physical symptoms. And personal resources and avoidant coping were the strongest predictors. (3) In different races, the level of resources loss and psychological/physical symptoms were no significant differences between aborigines and non-aborigines. But aborigines revealed more avoidant coping and avoidant coping was the strongest predictor. Based on the results, some suggestions to post-earthquake rehabilitation were included: (1) Acting to limit resources loss after disaster and increase resources gain. (2) Considering the intervention of community organization. (3) Enhancing aborigine's coping behavior.
Keywords: 921 earthquake, resource loss, coping behavior. Temporal houses, aborigines
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921震災後校園重建過程與經驗之研究—以南投縣一所國中為例馬惠娣 Unknown Date (has links)
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Problematika výkonu státního požárního dozoru na úseku zjišťování příčin vzniku požárů u případů výbuchů. / The problems of the State Fire Inspection in the Fire Cause Investigation Section in cases of explosions.ŠÍDA, Miroslav January 2013 (has links)
One of the activities conducted by state fire supervision authorities is the investigation of the cause of fires (ZPP) and one of its areas is explosions. These cases are requiring investigators to have very specific knowledge. The intention of the MV-GŘ HZS ČR is to create updated methodological material for ZPP, which will include a section devoted to the investigation of explosions. A major source of information for the creation of this material was the American guide NFPA 921. My goal was to collect Czech and foreign material dealing with different aspects of explosions, to compare this information with the content of NFPA 921 and determine the usability of these sources for the planned methodological manual. The research question was whether current conditions for ZPP and its procedures are adequate for HZS ČR investigators in the case of explosions. I also processed data on explosions using the Incident Statistics/Response Reports (SSU/ZOZ) program. Processed data created a picture of the development of these cases in ČR. The following findings emerged from that process: the number of cases has continued to increase and the dominant area where explosions occur in, is housing. In all areas the dominant cause is human negligence. The most frequent types of explosions are gas explosions. Explosions of flammable liquid vapour dominate the number of deaths as a direct consequence. When comparing the information in Czech material with NFPA 921, discrepancies were found in the values of the properties in the tables. With the modification the information in NFPA 921 is usable for the Czech manual. When confronted with statistical outputs, the shortcomings of the topics in NFPA 921 emerge. The investigative procedures are focus largely on explosions of considerable scope. These cases form a tiny percentage in ČR and their application is limited. There is a lack of concrete information on their most common causes. Thus NFPA 921, together with Czech material, is primarily of use as a general overview. In view of these facts, I have concluded that the information base and conditions required for ZPP are not adequate for HZS ČR investigators. The text presented in the results section of this work is designed to fill this gap of ZPP and can be used as the basis for the creation of the planned methodological manual.
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政府與民眾危機溝通之研究∼九二一地震個案分析閻立泰, Yen, Lig-Tai Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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一九二一年至一九七一年之中共內部鬥爭提要吳鎮龍, WU, ZHEN-LONG Unknown Date (has links)
,權力爭奪的矛盾才是一切鬥爭之本質;而路線的不同是次要的。 /
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自然災害、遷移選擇與社會環境影響─以雲林縣古坑鄉為例 / Natural Disasters, Migration Decisions, and Social Environmental Impact:A Case Study In Gukeng, Yunlin鍾宛君, Chung, Wan Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的重要發現包括以下幾點:第一,在自然災害發生後,多數的居民會選擇留下,這是基於本身的災害識覺排除了立即性、短時間內的生命威脅。同時,大部分的居民也會因為在地性的資源(如社會關係、在地知識、與在地的不動產)較多,而傾向選擇留在原地。同時,有一些社經弱勢家庭會因為非在地性資源的缺乏,也使他們不得不做出留下來的選擇。從生命史的觀點,本研究發現這些遷移決策往往是鑲嵌在長期累積的地方經驗與生活脈絡中的。第二,家庭的遷移往往是家庭成員整體的決定,或考量家庭整體需要後做出的決定。不同的家庭可能採取不同的方式來完成他們在地重建或者是遷移的目標。第三,個人和家庭的慣習往往在選擇的傾向或行動的方式中成為核心。多數人希望能在自然災害發生後恢復既有的生活慣習,但慣習的維持不僅在於個人能力,也與他所在環境中是否有足夠的社會支持有關。當社區中的社會安全網可以提供足夠的支持時,個人與家庭的慣習則得以被維持,而社區社會安全網又和地方產業型態具有緊密關聯。以觀光為主要發展的草嶺村,和在921大地震後轉型為觀光農業的華山村就是兩個極佳的對比案例。研究資料也顯示當地居民改變社會環境的可能,證明了人不是單向地受到社會環境的影響,也可以反向影響社會環境。 / This study aims at understanding how people make migration decisions after drastic environmental changes brought by natural disasters and exploring the social factors influencing these decisions. Gukeng was chosen as a case for this study due to its encounters of the Chichi earthquake and several landslides. The study utilizes qualitative research methods and collects field data, mainly through participant observation, in-depth interviewing techniques and text analysis.
The main findings of this study are summarized as follows. First, most residents tend to stay after natural disasters, and such choice is based on their hazard perception that excludes immediate and short-term threats to their lives. The majority of residents prefer to stay due to more local resources(including social relationships, local knowledge, and ownership of real estate property). Those families in lower social-economic status also tend to stay for the lack of non-local resources. From the perspective of life history, these decisions are embedded in local contexts contructed and experiences accumulated throughout the years. Second, family’s migration decision is usually made by all family members or based on the needs of all members. Different families may use different ways to reach their goals of migration or rebuilding on the same ground. Third, the habitus of individuals and families often become the core element in the modes of choice and action. Most people want to be able to recover their habitus after the natural disasters. However, the maintenance of the habitus is based not only on personal capacity, but also on the social support drawn from the his environment. People can maintain their habitus when the local community safety net can provide enough support, and the local community safety net is highly related to the development of local industries. The comparative study of Caoling Villege and Huashan Villege provides an illustrative example, in which the former is based on tourism and the latter was transformed into eco-tourism and tourist agriculture after the Chichi earthquake. The findings also show the possibility of people changing the environment, proving the mutual influence between individuals and the environment.
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