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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mecanisme enzimàtic de la 1,3-1,4-β-glucanasa de Bacillus licheniformis: estudis cinètics en estat estacionari i preestacionari

Abel Lluch, Mireia 22 January 2009 (has links)
Les glicosidases que hidrolitzen els substrats amb retenció de configuració segueixen un mecanisme general en què després d'una primera etapa d'associació enzim-lligand s'encadenen dues etapes catalítiques que porten a la hidròlisi del substrat conservant la configuració del carboni anomèric en el nou extrem generat. En el present treball es comprova a través d'estudis mecanístics, principalment estudis en estat preestacionari i anàlisis de Hammett, que amb aquest mecanisme tan senzill no es pot descriure correctament l'activitat catalítica de la 1,3-1,4-β-glucanasa de Bacillus licheniformis, i es proposa el mecanisme que es mostra a continuació: on els complexos enzim-substrat adopten dues conformacions productives (SES* i SES**) i on el balanç entre aquestes dues conformacions en funció del substrat explica els diferents comportaments cinètics en estat estacionari i preestacionari.Un estudi en profunditat sobre la importància que exerceix la interacció entre l'enzim i l'hidroxil a C2 de la unitat de glucopiranosa que ocupa el subseti -1 demostra que en el cas de la 1,3-1,4-β-glucanasa de Bacillus licheniformis aquesta interacció no juga el paper rellevant que s'ha observat en altres β-glicosidases que actuen amb retenció de configuració.L'estudi de la reacció d'hidratació del glical G4G3G' catalitzada per la 1,3-1,4-β-glucanasa de Bacillus licheniformis permet proposar que hi ha un canvi en el residu que fa el paper d'àcid general. De manera que es proposa que l'Asp136 que en la reacció d'hidròlisi de substrats ajuda al posicionament dels residus catalítics i juga un paper en la regulació dels seus pKa, és el residu que fa d'àcid general en la reacció d'hidratació de glicals. / Las glicosidasas que hidrolizan substratos con retención de configuración siguen un mecanismo general en que después de una primera etapa de asociación enzima-ligando se encadenan dos etapas catalíticas que llevan a la hidrólisis del substrato conservando la configuración del carbono anomérico en el nuevo extremo generado. En el presente trabajo se comprueba a través de estudios mecanísticos, principalmente estudios en estado pre-estacionario y análisis de Hammett, que con este mecanismo tan sencillo no se puede describir correctamente la actividad catalítica de la 1,3-1,4-β-glucanasa de Bacillus licheniformis, y se propone el mecanismo que se muestra a continuación: donde los complejos enzima-substrato adoptan dos conformaciones productivas (SES* y SES**) y donde el balance entre estas dos conformaciones en función del substrato explica los diferentes comportamientos cinéticos en estado estacionario y pre-estacionario.Un estudio en profundidad sobre la importancia que ejerce la interacción entre el enzima y el hidroxilo en C2 de la unidad de glucopiranosa que ocupa el subsitio -1 demuestra que en el caso de la 1,3-1,4-β-glucanasa de Bacillus licheniformis esta interacción no juega el papel relevante que se ha observado en otras β-glicosidasas que actuan con retención de configuración.El estudio de la reacción de hidratación del glical G4G3G' catalizada por la 1,3-1,4-β-glucanasa de Bacillus licheniformis permite proponer que hay un cambio en el residu que ejerce el papel de ácido general. De manera que se propone que el Asp136 que en la reacción de hidrólisis de substratos ayuda en el posicionamiento de los resíduos catalíticos y juega un papel en la regulación de sus pKa, es el resíduo que actúa de ácido general en la reacción de hidratación de glicales. / Retaining glycosidases follow a general mechanism in which the first enzime-ligand association is followed by two catalytic steps that render the product of hydrolysis with the same anomeric configuration as the starting material. In the present work we demonstrate using mechanistic studies, basically pre-steady state kinetics and Hammett analysis, that this mechanism is too simple to properly describe the catalytic activity of Bacillus licheniformis 1,3-1,4-β-glucanase, and the following mechanism is proposed: In this mechanism, the enzim-substrate complexes adopt two productive conformations (SES* and SES**) and the balance between these two conformations depending on the nature of the substrate explains the diferent behaviours observed in pre-steady and steady state kinetics.A deep study on the importance of the interaction between the enzyme and the hydroxyl group at C2 of the glucopyranose residue that occupies the -1 subsite demonstrates that in Bacillus licheniformis 1,3-1,4-β-glucanase this interaction is not the key interaction observed in other retaining β-glycosidases.The study of the G4G3G' glical hydration catalysed by the Bacillus licheniformis 1,3-1,4-β-glucanase let us propose that there is a change in the residue that acts as a general acid. We propose that Asp136, that plays a role positioning the catalytic residues and modulating their pKa in the hydrolysis reaction, acts as the general acid in the hydration of glycals.

Development of new strategies for the synthesis of radiotracers labeled with short-lived isotopes: application to 11C and 13N

Gómez Vallejo, Vanessa 09 July 2010 (has links)
S'ha desenvolupat una nova estratègia per la síntesi ràpida i eficient de L-[metil-11C]metionina basada en el captive solvent method. La reacció de L-homocisteína (dissolució bàsica en aigua/etanol 1:1) amb [11C]CH3I en un loop de HPLC va permetre la formació del radiotraçador desitjat amb elevat rendiment radioquímic (38.4 ± 4.1%) en un temps curt (< 12 min). Tots el paràmetres analítics compleixen les especificacions requerides per la versió actual de la Farmacopea Espanyola, tot i que els valors d'activitat específica obtinguts van ser relativament baixos. Degut a això, es van estudiar i quantificar les principals fonts que contribueixen a la contaminació de carboni-12 durant les síntesis de [11C]CH3I efectuades segons el "wet" method. Es va observar que la principal font de contaminació de CO2 no radioactiu (contribució>90%) és el propi procés de bombardeig, probablement degut a la combustió (causada per les altes temperatures i pressions assolides durant la irradiació) dels compostos que contenen carboni i que es troben al gas irradiat (o a l'interior del blanc). Es van establir procediments generals per realitzar abans, durant i després de la radiosíntesi per prevenir la contaminació exterior i, d'aquesta manera, augmentar l'activitat específica dels radiotraçadors sintetitzats.En quant al marcatge amb nitrogen-13, s'ha desenvolupat un procés totalment automàtic per a la producció de [13N]NO2- a partir de [13N]NO3- generat en el ciclotró. El precursor radioactiu [13N]NO2- s'ha utilitzat per la radiosíntesi de compostos amb interès biològic com ara S-nitrosotiols (donadors de NO.), N-nitrosamines (molècules amb potencials efectes carcinogènics) i azo compostos (amb possible aplicació com a radiotraçadors per a la detecció in vivo de plaques de &#946;-amiloide). En tots els casos es van obtenir excel·lents conversions radioquímiques (48.7% - 74.5% per S-[13N]nitrosotiols, 45.6% - 53.4% per N-[13N]nitrosamines i 40.0% - 58.3% per 13N-azo compostos) i bons rendiments radioquímics (33.8% - 60.6% per S-[13N]nitrosotiols, 34.0% - 37.8% per N-[13N]nitrosamines i 20.4% - 47.2% per 13N-azo compostos). A més a més, s'ha dissenyat i implementat un mòdul automàtic amb control remot pel marcatge de molècules amb 13N. / Se ha desarrollado una nueva estrategia para la síntesis rápida y eficiente de L-[metil-11C]metionina basada en el captive solvent method. La reacción de L-homocisteína (disolución básica en agua/etanol 1:1) con [11C]CH3I en un loop de HPLC permitió la formación del radiotrazador deseado con elevado rendimiento radioquímico (38.4 ± 4.1%) en un tiempo corto (< 12 min). Todos los parámetros analíticos cumplían las especificaciones requeridas por la versión actual de la Farmacopea Española, aunque los valores de actividad específica obtenidos fueron relativamente bajos. Por ello, se estudiaron y cuantificaron las principales fuentes que contribuyen a la contaminación de carbono-12 durante las síntesis de [11C]CH3I efectuadas según el "wet" method. Se observó que la principal fuente de contaminación de CO2 no radiactivo (contribución>90%) es el propio proceso de bombardeo, probablemente debido a la combustión (causada por las altas temperaturas y presiones alcanzadas durante la irradiación) de los compuestos que contienen carbono y que se encuentran presentes en el gas irradiado (o en el mismo cuerpo del blanco). Se establecieron procedimientos generales para realizar antes, durante y con posterioridad a la radiosíntesis para prevenir la contaminación exterior y, de esta manera, aumentar la actividad específica de los radiotrazadores sintetizados.Respecto al marcaje con nitrógeno-13, se ha desarrollado un proceso totalmente automático para la producción de [13N]NO2- a partir del [13N]NO3- generado en el ciclotrón. El precursor radiactivo [13N]NO2- se ha utilizado para la radiosíntesis de compuestos con interés biológico tales como S-nitrosotioles (donadores de NO.), N-nitrosaminas (moléculas con potenciales efectos carcinogénicos) y azo compuestos (con posible aplicación como radiotrazadores para la detección in vivo de placas de &#946;-amiloide). En todos los casos se obtuvieron excelentes conversiones radioquímicas (48.7% - 74.5% para S-[13N]nitrosotioles, 45.6% - 53.4% para N-[13N]nitrosaminas y 40.0% - 58.3% para 13N-azo compuestos) y buenos rendimientos radioquímicos (33.8% - 60.6% para S-[13N]nitrosotioles, 34.0% - 37.8% para N-[13N]nitrosaminas y 20.4% - 47.2% para 13N-azo compuestos). Además, se ha diseñado e implementado un módulo automático con control remoto para el marcaje de moléculas con 13N. / A new strategy for the fast and efficient synthesis of L-[methyl-11C]methionine based on the captive solvent method has been developed. The in loop reaction of a basic water/ethanol 1:1 solution of L-homocysteine with [11C]CH3I led to the formation of the desired radiotracer with high radiochemical yield (38.4 ± 4.1%) in short production time (< 12 min). All analytical parameters were within the specifications of the current version of the Spanish Pharmacopoeia, although specific radioactivity values were relatively low. Thus, the main sources of carbon-12 during the synthesis of [11C]CH3I by the "wet" method were studied and the contribution attributable to each individual source was quantified. The most relevant contamination of non-radioactive CO2 (contribution>90%) was shown to be generated during the bombardment process, probably due to the combustion (caused by high temperature and pressure during irradiation) of carbon carrier compounds present in the irradiated gas (or target body). General procedures to be performed before, during and after the radiosynthesis were established to prevent external contamination and to improve the specific radioactivity of 11C-labeled radiotracers synthesized from [11C]CH3I produced via the "wet" method. Concerning 13N-labeling, a fully automatic process for the production of [13N]NO2- from cyclotron generated [13N]NO3- has been developed. The radioactive precursor [13N]NO2- has been used for the synthesis of biologically interesting 13N-labeled compounds such as S-nitrosothiols (well-known NO. donors), N-nitrosamines (molecules with potent carcinogenic effects) and azo compounds (with putative application as imaging probes for in vivo detection of &#946;-amyloid plaques). In all cases, excellent radiochemical conversion (48.7% - 74.5% for S-[13N]nitrosothiols, 45.6% - 53.4% for N-[13N]nitrosamines and 40.0% - 58.3% for 13N-labeled azo compounds) and good radiochemical yields (33.8% - 60.6% for S-[13N]nitrosothiols, 34.0% - 37.8% for N-[13N]nitrosamines and 20.4% - 47.2% for 13N-labeled azo compounds) were achieved. An automatic remote controlled synthesis module for the preparation of 13N-labeled structures has been designed and implemented.

Vascular aspects of Alzheimer's disease: role of oxidative stress on vascular miocytes B-amyloid production and B-amyloid-induced toxicity in endothelial cells

Coma Camprodón, Mireia 08 June 2007 (has links)
En aquest treball de tesis doctoral s'estudia el paper de l'estrès oxidatiu tant a la etiologia com a la patofisiologia del dany vascular associat a la malaltia d'Alzheimer. Es demostra la capacitat de les cèl·lules musculars llises vasculars de produir pèptid &#946;-amiloide (A&#946;). L'estrès oxidatiu associat a edats avançades, estimula el processament amiloidogènic de l' APP a cèl·lules musculars llises vasculars portant a un augment de producció d' A&#946;1-40 i A&#946;1-42 contribuint així, a la formació dels depòsits amiloides vasculars. Alhora, els depòsits amiloides vasculars indueixen dany vascular a través d'estrès oxidatiu, a on la nitrotirosinació de proteïnes juga un paper clau en la inactivació d'enzimes essencials per la viabilitat cel·lular. La vitamina E i els estrogens tenen un efecte protector a neurones i cèl·lules musculars llises vasculars mentre que la vitamina E, però no els estrogens, és capaç de protegir les cèl·lules endotelials davant la toxicitat induïda pel pèptid A&#946;. / In this thesis we study the effect of oxidative stress in the etiology and pathophysiology of the vascular damage associated to Alzheimer's disease. We demonstrate the production of amyloid-&#946;-peptide (A&#946;) by vascular smooth muscle cells. Oxidative stress related to advance ages, induces the amyloidogenic APP cleavage producing an increase of A&#946;1-40 and A&#946;1-42 by vascular smooth muscle cells, which in tum contribute to vascular amyloid deposits generation. Vascular amyloid deposits induce oxidative stress, in which protein nitrotyrosination plays a key role in essential enzymes inactivation. Vitamin E and estrogens are able to protect neurons and vascular smooth muscle cells while vitamin E, but not estrogens, is able to protect endothelial cells against A&#946;-mediated toxicity.

Caracterização e Análise Funcional da Beta -1,3-glicanosiltransferase 2 de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis / Characterization and Functional Analysis of Beta-glucanosyltransferases -1.3 2 of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis

LIMA, Patrícia de Sousa 29 January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T15:16:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 patricia de sousa.pdf: 7071029 bytes, checksum: 82c8213b4442879d206467555a97c3c4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-01-29 / Paracoccidioides brasiliensis is the causative agent of paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM), a systemic disorder geographically restricted to Central and South America, and one of the most important endemic mycoses in these regions, especially among the male rural populations. The disease is most likely caused by the inhalation of asexual spores (conidia) produced by the mycelia form of the fungus, propagules that once in the lungs undergo differentiation towards the parasitic yeast form. The cell wall of P. brasiliensis is a dynamic structure, essentially composed of branched glucan (&#946;-1,3 and &#946;-1,6 glucans), chitin, lipids and mannoproteins. Many enzymes are responsible for cell wall remodeling. One of them is the Beta-1,3- glucanosyltransferase 2 (PbGel2p) presented here. The amino acid deduced sequence of PbGel2p presented similarity to others proteins involved in fungal cell wall biosynthesis and morphogenesis and it was characterized as a member of GH72 family, GH72_ subfamily. The recombinant rPbGel2p was overexpressed in Escherichia coli and the polyclonal antibody was obtained. The PbGel2p mRNA, as well as the protein, were detected at the highest level in the mycelium phase. The potencial role of PbGel2p in cell wall biosynthesis and morphogenesis was analyzed by assessing its ability to rescue the phenotype of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae GAS1&#916;. The results indicated that PbGel2p is a cell wall-associated protein that probably works as a &#946;-1,3-glucan elongase capable of mediating fungal cell wall integrity. In addition, predicted protein-protein interactions between PbGel2p and others proteins of the fungus P. brasiliensis were assessed by using a S. cerevisiae two hybrid system and pull-down assay. The proteins that were found to interact with PbGel2p are: anthranilate synthase component 2 (involved in the tryptophan pathway), MYND domain protein SamB (related to fungal morphogenesis), mitotic spindle checkpoint protein Mad2B (required of the organization of the cytoskeleton and control of cell cycle), G protein complex beta subunit CpcB (organize the cytoskeleton of actin), WD repeat protein (involved in the control of cell cycle), phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate-5-kinase its3 (required of the organization of the actin cytoskeleton), Hsp60 (related of stress conditions like temperature) and ATPase (localized in the plasma membrane / involved in the glucose metabolism). This suggested the relation of PbGel2p in other process to maintenance of cell wall integrity. / Paracoccidioides brasiliensis é o agente causador da paracoccidioidomicose (PCM), prevalente em países da América Central e do Sul sendo considerada uma das mais importantes micoses endêmicas, especialmente entre a população rural masculina. A doença é causada pela inalação dos esporos assexuais (conídios) produzidos pela forma miceliana do fungo. Nos pulmões, os propágulos tendem à diferenciação para a forma leveduriforme parasitária. A parede celular de P. brasiliensis é uma estrutura dinâmica, composta essencialmente por glicanas ramificadas (ligações &#946;-1,3 e &#946;-1,6), quitina, lipídeos e manoproteínas. Muitas enzimas estão envolvidas no seu remodelamento. Uma delas é a Beta-1,3-glicanosiltransferase 2 (PbGel2p), apresentada aqui. A sequência deduzida de aminoácidos de PbGel2p mostrou similaridade com outras proteínas envolvidas na morfogênese e biossíntese da parede celular fúngica e foi caracterizada como parte da família GH72, subfamília GH72_ . A proteína recombinante rPbGel2p foi superexpressa em Escherichia coli e o anticorpo policlonal obtido. Os níveis de transcritos que codificam para PbGel2p, assim como os de proteína, foram detectados em maior teor na fase miceliana do fungo. O papel de PbGel2p na morfogênese e biossíntese da parede celular foi analisado pela habilidade da proteína em resgatar o fenótipo mutante para GAS1&#916; de Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Os resultados indicaram que PbGel2p é uma proteína associada à parede celular que provavelmente atua no alongamento da &#946;-1,3- glicana mediando a integridade da parede celular. Ainda, as interações proteína-proteína preditas entre PbGel2p e outras proteínas de P. brasiliensis usando o sistema de duplo híbrido e pull-down foram: componente 2 da antranilato sintase (envolvida na via do triptofano), proteína SamB com domínio MYND (relacionada com a morfogênese fúngica), proteína Mad2B (requerida na organização do citoesqueleto e controle do ciclo celular), subunidade beta da CpcB (organiza o citoesqueleto de actina), proteína com repetição WD (envolvida no controle do ciclo celular), fosfatidilinositol-4-fosfato-5-quinase (requerida para organização do citoesqueleto de actina), Hsp60 (relacionada à condições de estresse como temperatura) e ATPase (localizada na membrana plasmática/ involvida no metabolismo de glicose). Essas interações sugerem a relação de PbGel2p em outros processos celulares para manutenção da integridade da parede celular.

Avaliação das lesões de golpe e contragolpe e padrão de lesão axonal difusa nos casos de trauma cranioencefálico em cães e gatos / Evaluation of coup and countercoup and pattern of diffuse axonal injury in cases of traumatic brain injury in dogs and cats

Cuevas, Silvia Elena Campusano 23 March 2017 (has links)
O presente trabalho contempla o estudo das principais alterações macroscópicas e anatomopatológicas do sistema nervoso central (SNC) encontradas em animais que morreram em decorrência de traumatismo cranioencefálico (TCE). Além da determinação das lesões de golpe, contragolpe e padrão de lesão axonal difusa encontradas nesse tipo de trauma. Inicialmente realizou-se a necropsia dos animais com devido registro fotográfico, descrição das lesões macroscópicas e coleta de material para processamento histológico de rotina e confecção das lâminas coradas em hematoxilina-eosina (HE) para avaliação histopatológica. A imunohistoquímica foi realizada a partir dos mesmos segmentos utilizados nas lâminas de HE, com os anticorpos anti-proteína precursora do &#946;-amiloide (APP), para determinação da lesão axonal, e anti-GFAP e anti-vimentina para avaliação de respostas do tecido nervoso à injúria, como astrocitose e astrogliose. Macroscopicamente as principais lesões observadas caracterizaram-se por lesões focais decorrentes de traumatismo direto, com fraturas de ossos do crânio, laceração de neuroparênquima e contusões. No exame histopatológico as lesões principais caracterizaram-se por hemorragia subdural e em neuroparênquima, congestão, edema tecidual e necrose em variados graus de intensidade e regiões do encéfalo. A lesão axonal foi confirmada pela imunomarcação do &#946;APP que revelou marcação multifocal de axônios tumefeitos formando esferoides axonais, bulbos axonais ou axônios varicosos em alguns casos. Astrocitose, astrogliose e neovascularização foram observados na maioria dos casos através dos anticorpos GFAP e vimentina. Conclui-se no presente estudo que cães e gatos com TCE apresentaram lesões histologicamente caracterizadas por hemorragias multifocais em meninge e neuroparênquima em diversas regiões, além de edema, necrose e congestão, principalmente. A lesão axonal caracterizou-se pela formação de esferoides axonais, bulbos axonais e longos axônios varicosos. Esta característica foi observada em apenas 2 animais deste estudo, e destes apenas um animal (caso 6) apresentou um padrão de lesão axonal traumática difusa, confirmada pela presença de acentuada marcação pelo anticorpo &#946;APP. Adicionalmente, foi observada astrocitose e astrogliose em cinco animais, principalmente das áreas próximas às lesões, avaliadas pelos anticorpos GFAP e vimentina. / The present work contemplates the study of the main macroscopic and anatomopathological changes of the central nervous system (CNS) in animals that died due to traumatic brain injury (TBI). Besides the determination of the coup and countercoup and pattern of diffuse axonal injury in this type of trauma. Initially, the animals were necropsied and photographic recorded and macroscopic lesions were described and collect material for histological processing routine and the preparation of slides in hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining for histopathological evaluation. Immunohistochemistry was performed from the same segments used in the HE slides, with anti-(&#946;-amyloid precursor protein antibodies (&#946;APP) for determination of axonal lesion, and anti-GFAP and anti-vimentin for evaluation of tissue responses to injury, such as astrocytosis and astrogliosis. Macroscopically, the main lesions observed were focal lesions due to direct trauma, such as skull fractures, neuroparenchyma laceration and contusions. In the histopathological evaluation, the main lesions were characterized by subdural hemorrhage and in neuroparenchyma, congestion, tissue edema and necrosis in varying degrees of intensity and regions of the encephalon. The axonal injury was confirmed by (&#946;APP immunostaining that revealed multifocal labeled of swellings axons forming axonal spheroids, axonal bulbs or varicose axons in some cases. Astrocytosis, astrogliosis and neovascularization were observed in most cases through the antibodies GFAP and vimentin. In conclusion the present study demonstrate that dogs and cats with TBI presented histologically lesions characterized by multifocal hemorrhage in meninge and neuroparenchyma in different areas, as well as edema, necrosis and congestion, mainly. Axonal injury was determined by axonal swelling, bulbs and varicosities. This characteristic was observed in only 2 animals in this study, and only one of those (case 6) presented pattern of diffuse traumatic axonal injury, confirmed by accentuated (&#946;APP labeling. Addiotionally, astrocytosis and astrogliosis was observed in five animals, mainly in areas close to lesions, evaluated by GFAP and vimentin antibodies.

Comparação entre a biodisponibilidade do &#946;-caroteno sintético e de fonte natural (couve-manteiga): papel de fibra alimentar em animais de laboratório / Comparison between the bioavailability of synthetic and natural source &#946;-carotene (kale-butter): dietary fiber paper in laboratory animals

Zanuto, Marcia Elena 24 November 2000 (has links)
Este trabalho, buscou comparar a biodisponibilidade do &#946;-caroteno sintético e de fonte natural (couve-manteiga), e verificar os efeitos da fibra alimentar (pectina cítrica) sobre a biodisponibilidade do &#946;-caroteno, dentro de 2 experimentos diferentes (ratos e coelhos). No Experimento I (ratos), um grupo de animais recebeu ração com &#946;-caroteno e isenta de pectina cítrica (GC) e outro recebeu ração com &#946;-caroteno e adição de pectina cítrica (GE). No Experimento II (coelhos), um grupo de animais recebeu ração com &#946;-caroteno sintético (GCP), outro recebeu &#946;-caroteno de fonte natural (couve-manteiga) (GV) e ainda outro não recebeu de &#946;-caroteno (GCN); todos os grupos de coelhos receberam pectina cítrica. Após 30 dias de experimento, os animais foram sacrificados para determinações plasmáticas e hepáticas de vitamina A e &#946;-caroteno, por HPLC. Dos resultados obtidos no estudo em ratos pode-se verificar que o grupo de animais que recebeu pectina (GE), apresentou menor (p<0,05) concentração hepática total de vitamina A (&#181;g/peso de fígado) (retinol: GC =47,61 ± 24,24 e GE =23,44 ± 9,68 e palmitato de retinila: GC =935,30 ± 428,19 e GE =282,34 ± 98,86) e &#946;-caroteno (&#181;g/peso de fígado) (GC =9,64 ± 3,07 e GE =1,01 ± 0,66) que o grupo que não recebeu pectina (GC). E dos resultados obtidos no experimento em coelhos, verificou-se que o grupo que recebeu &#946;-caroteno de fonte natural (GV), obteve concentração hepática total de vitamina A (mg/peso de fígado) (retinol: GV = 2,30 ± 0,67, GCP =2,07 ± 0,57 e GCN = 0,11 ± 0,08; palmitato de retinila: GV =4,42 ± 2,17, GCP =2,77 ± 0,73 e GCN =0,04 ± 0,02) e &#946;-caroteno (mg/peso de fígado) (GV =0,04 ± 0,01, GCP =0,03 ± 0,01 e GCN =não detectado), maior (p<0,05) que o grupo que recebeu &#946;-caroteno sintético (GCP). Conclui-se que no Experimento I (ratos), a pectina cítrica provavelmente interferiu na absorção do p-caroteno, e no Experimento II (coelhos), que o &#946;-caroteno de fonte natural (GV), foi melhor absorvido comparando-se com o &#946;-caroteno sintético, na presença de pectina cítrica. / This work, looked for to compare the bioavailability of synthetic p-carotene and of natural source (kale), and to verify the effects of the alimentary fiber (citrus pectin) on the bioavailability of &#946;-carotene, inside of 2 different experiments (rats and rabbits). In the Experiment I (rats), a group of animals received diet with &#946;-carotene and it exempts of citrus pectin (CG) and another received diet with &#946;-carotene and addition of citrus pectin (EG). In the Experiment II (rabbits), a group of animals received diet with synthetic &#946;-carotene (PCG), another received &#946;-carotene of natural source (kale) (VG) and still another didn\'t receive from &#946;-carotene (NCG); all the groups of rabbits received citrus pectin. After 30 days of experiment, the animals were sacrificed for determinations plasmatics and vitamin liverworts A and &#946;-carotene, by HPLC. Of the results obtained in the study in rats it can be verified that the group of animals that received pectin (EG), it presented smaller (p <0,05) concentration hepatic vitamin total A (liver mg/weight) (retinol: CG = 47.61 ± 24.24 and EG = 23.44 ± 9.68 and retinyl palmitate: CG = 935.30 ± 428.19 and EG = 282.34 ± 98.86) and &#946;-carotene (liver mg/weight) (CG = 9.64 ± 3.07 and EG = 1.01 ± 0.66) that the group that didn\'t receive pectin (CG). And of the results obtained in the experiment in rabbits, it was verified that the group that received &#946;-carotene of natural source (VG), obtained concentration hepatic vitamin total A (liver mg/weight) (retinol: VG = 2.30 ± 0.67, PCG = 2.07 ± 0.57 and NCG = 0.11 ± 0.08; retinyl palmitate: VG = 4.42 ± 2.17, PCG = 2.77± 0.73 and NCG = 0.04 ± 0.02) and &#946;-carotene (liver mg/weight) (VG = 0.04 ± 0.01, PCG = 0.03 ± 0.01 and NCG = not detected), larger (p <0,05) that the group that received synthetic &#946;-carotene (PCG). Ended that in the Experiment I (rats), the citrus pectin probably interfered in the absorption of the p-carotene, and in the Experiment II (rabbits), the &#946;-carotene of natural source (VG), it was absorbed being compared with the synthetic &#946;-carotene better, in the presence of citrus pectin.

Recombinant Therapeutic Protease Production By Bacillus Sp.

Korkmaz, Nuriye 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The first aim of this study is the development of extracellular recombinant therapeutic protease streptokinase producing Bacillus sp., and the second aim is to determine fermentation characteristics for streptokinase production. In this context, the signal (pre-) DNA sequence of B.licheniformis (DSM1969) extracellular serine alkaline protease enzyme gene (subC: Acc. No. X03341) was ligated to 5&rsquo / end of the streptokinase gene (skc: Acc. No. S46536) by SOE (Gene Splicing by Overlap Extension) method through PCR. The resulting hybrid gene pre(subC)::skc was cloned into the pUC19 plasmid. Then, the hybrid gene was sub-cloned to pMK4 plasmid which is an E. coli-Bacillus shuttle vector with high copy number and high stability. Recombinant plasmid pMK4::pre(subC)::skc was finally transferred into B. subtilis (npr- apr-) and B. licheniformis 749/C (ATCC 25972) species. Streptokinase production capacities of these two recombinant Bacillus species were compared. The highest production was observed in recombinant B. lichenifomis 749/C (ATCC 25972) strain in a defined medium which was optimized in terms of carbon and nitrogen sources by a statistical approach, namely Response Surface Methodology (RSM). RSM evaluated the streptokinase concentration as the response and the medium components as the independent variables. The highest recombinant streptokinase concentration was found as 0.0237 kgm-3 at glucose and (NH4)2HPO4 concentrations of 4.530 and 4.838 kgm-3 respectively. The fermentation and oxygen transfer characteristics of the streptokinase production were investigated in a 3 dm3 pilot scale batch bioreactor (Braun CT2-2) equipped with temperature, pH, foam, air inlet and agitation rate controls having a working volume of VR=1.65 dm3 using the production medium optimized for the recombinant B. lichenifomis 749/C (ATCC 25972) strain. Streptokinase and &amp / #946 / -lactamase activities, cell, glucose and organic acid concentrations, dissolved oxygen, pH, oxygen uptake rate, overall liquid phase mass transfer coefficient for oxygen, maintenance coefficient for oxygen, specific cell growth rate and yield coefficients were determined through the bioprocess. The bioprocess of recombinant streptokinase production was performed at uncontrolled pH of these bioreactor operation conditions: air inlet rate of Q0/VR=0.5 vvm, and the agitation rate of N=400min-1. The resulting streptokinase volumetric activity reached its maximum as 1.16 PUml-1 (0.0026 g/l streptokinase) at t=20 h.

Bicyclic Strained Allenes: Incorporation Of An Allene Unit Into Alpha-pinene And Benzonorbornadiene

Kilbas, Benan 01 January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The synthesis of cyclic allenes with eight or less skeletal C-atoms, known as highly strained organic compounds, has for the past decades attracted increasing interest. The first part of study describes an investigation aimed at the incorporation of an allene unit into a natural compound, being &amp / #945 / -pinene, by using &amp / #946 / -elimination method. The two double-bond isomers 310 and 299b were synthesized as key compounds. Treatment of 310 with t-BuOK resulted in the formation of ketone 308 and diene 313. For the formation of 308, the cyclic allene 300 was proposed as an intermediate. Treatment of 299b, with t-BuOK gave arise to the diene 313 and the dimerization product 322. On the basis of density-functional-theory (DFT) calculations on the allene 300 and the alkyne 320, the formation of the latter as the intermediate was excluded. In the second part of study, the stability of endo-carbene 304 was investigated. Previous studies indicated, during the formation of intermediate 264, no exo-carbene 330 structure could be optimized in its free carbene form. At this point, we were curious about the stability of endo-cyclopropylidene 304 not discussed before in literature. First, addition of bromofluorocarbene to anti-7-ethylbenzonorbornadiene (352) was aimed to isolate the endo-adduct 302b. However, no carbene addition reaction was observed caused by pyramidalization on double bond respect to the methoxy derivative, 363b. Therefore, the bromine was introduced to C-7 carbon atom. Treatment of 302a with MeLi in the presence of furan, gave furan adduct 306a confirmed the formation of allene 305a as a reactive intermediate. Theoretical calculations showed endo-carbene 304a was optimized in the free carbene form . However, it readily isomerizes to allene 305a afforded furan adduct 306a.

The Investigation Of Srebp And C/ebp Expression During Global Ischemia/reperfusion Induced Oxidative Stress In Rat Brain Cortex And Cerebellum

Dagdeviren, Melih 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ischemic brain injury causes neurodegeneration. In this study, the mechanism of neurodegeneration was investigated by examining the role of sterol regulatory element binding protein-1 (SREBP-1), CCAAT enhancer binding protein&amp / #946 / (C/EBP&amp / #946 / ), glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Carotid artery occlusion (CAO) plus hypotension was produced for 10 minutes. Control groups were sham operated. Animals were sacrificed after 24 hours, 1 week, 2 and 4 weeks of reperfusion periods. The expression of C/EBP&amp / #946 / and SREBP-1 in rat brain cortex and cerebellum were examined by western blotting. C/EBP&amp / #946 / expressions significantly increased in both cytosolic (1.19, 1.58 fold) and nuclear (1.73, 1.81 fold) extracts of brain cortex at 24 hours and 1 week CAO groups, respectively. In cerebellum, C/EBP&amp / #946 / expression significantly increased in 1 week, cytosolic (1.63 fold), and nuclear (1.35 fold) extracts. SREBP-1 expression increased significantly in both cytosolic (2.07 fold) and nuclear (1.41 fold) extracts of brain cortex in 1 week. SREBP-1 expression significantly increased in cytosolic (2.15 fold) and nuclear (1.79 fold) extracts of cerebellum in 1 week. There were no significant alterations in SREBP-1 C/EBP&amp / #946 / expressions for 2 and 4 weeks in both cytosolic and nuclear extracts of brain cortex and cerebellum. There were insignificant changes in GSH and GST levels in cortex. However, MDA and SOD levels significantly increased by 43.0 % and 47.3 %, respectively, in 24 hours. Our findings indicate that increase in SREBP-1 and C/EBP&amp / #946 / expressions may be related to oxidative stress during ischemic neurodegenerative processes.

Investigations On The Properties And Drug Releases Of Biodegradable Polymer Coatings On Metal Substrates As Drug Carriers

Baydemir, Tuncay 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The use of various biodegradable polymers for the improvement of different controlled and long-lasting drug release systems is an active research area in recent years. The application of different metal prostheses, especially titanium based ones, to the human body is also very common. A most important disadvantage of these prostheses is the risk of infection at the application areas that necessitates the removing of the prosthesis with a second surgical operation and reapplication of it after recovery. One of the best ways to solve this problem is to render metal prostheses infection free with controlled and sustainable drug (antibiotic) release systems. The long term sustained release of relevant antibiotics from the various biodegradable polymer coated metal implants is studied in this thesis. Virtual fatigue analysis and drug loading capacities of titanium and stainless steel samples with different surface pattern and modifications were studied. Various biodegradable polymer and drug combinations were examined and used for coating of metal prosthesis. The aim is to design polymer-drug coated metal implants that are capable of releasing a feasible amount of drug up to a period of at least 1 month. Various coating techniques and surface modifications were also employed to improve the adhesional properties of the drug containing polymers. Their adhesion abilities on the metal substrates were tested by Lap-shear and T-peel tests. Polymer degradation kinetics was followed by viscosity studies. Calibration lines for different drugs were obtained and drug releases on different systems were followed by using UV spectroscopy and microbial antibiotic sensitivity tests. Among the techniques applied to prevent fast release of drugs initially, the coatings of Vancomycin absorbed &amp / #946 / -TCP (&amp / #946 / -tricalcium phosphate) homogeneously distributed in poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide) solution in chloroform followed by an inert coating with poly(L-lactide) system proved to be feasible. By this technique, initial burst release was minimized and drug release from implants lasted nearly 2 months. Multiple coatings on polymer plus drug coating layer also gave promising results. In vivo studies on dorsal muscles of native rabbits with antibiotic loaded implants gave no negative effect on the surrounding tissues with high compatibility free of infection.

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