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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Becoming sovereign in post-Soviet Central Asia : 'discursive encounters' between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan

Suyarkulova, Mohira January 2011 (has links)
In 1991 republics of Soviet Central Asia were reluctantly ‘launched' into independence. The central puzzle of this dissertation is: “How has sovereign statehood been ‘constructed' in the post-independence period in the absence of history of anti-colonial struggle?” This is an analysis of state sovereignty as a practice that is performative and interactive through the examination of ‘discursive encounters' between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Such analysis traces temporal and spatial dimensions of dialogical sovereign identity construction. In post-Soviet Tajikistan and Uzbekistan sovereignties have been performed in a dialogue, through dynamic interactions with one another. The work of asserting state sovereignty is performed by various actors who claim to impersonate the state and speak on its behalf. Multiple narratives of the self are articulated in relation to the relevant “interlocutor”, whose reactions and counter-articulations are “fed back” into the narrative of the self. The right to existence of these states as agents of international relations is justified through such ‘discursive encounters' that simulate sovereignty. I propose the Möbius strip as a conceptual model for understanding the process of sovereignty-assertion. Competing historiographies present two irreconcilable narratives: history of an ethnic group and history of the territory of the current state. These are consistent with the nature of nationalisms in each state. While Tajik nationalists long for ‘historical Tajikistan', Uzbek nationalism is inherently conservative and defensive of territorial sovereignty. The controversy surrounding the Roghun HPP is an example of the daily construction and maintenance a state. Competing principles of water sharing contributed to an ongoing crisis in Tajik-Uzbek relations. Sovereignty is simulated within the periods and zones of ‘exception' via a Möbian mechanism of dialogical meaning-making, whereby each side strives to exploit the inherent ambiguity of signifiers in order to advance their own narrative of the self and other.

Political frailty, national integration and external interference : causes and consequences of the Communist coup and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan

Misdaq, Nabi January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

On the microeconomic theory of investment under uncertainty

January 1977 (has links)
by Robert C. Merton. / "A revised version to appear in K.J. Arrow and M.D. Intriligator (eds.), Handbook of mathematical economics. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company (1978)." / Includes bibliography.

The stochastic analysis of dynamic systems moving through random fields

January 1979 (has links)
by A. S. Willsky, N. R. Sandell. / Grants AFOSR-77-3281B and ONR-N00014-76-C-0346. / Bibliography: leaf 34.

Talking about Internal Migration, Displacement, and Getting by in the City of Mazar-e Sharif, Afghanistan

Wenzel, Christoph 12 July 2023 (has links)
Dieses Buch gibt durch eine Zusammenstellung von Interviews Einblicke in die Erzählungen von Menschen, die als Binnenmigranten in die afghanische Stadt Mazar-i Sharif gekommen sind. Mazar-i Sharif ist eine wichtige Metropole im Norden Afghanistans. Die Stadt ist ein wichtiges Handelszentrum. Es gibt dort mehrere private und staatliche Universitäten. Mazar-i Sharif wurde durch die vergleichsweise gute Sicherheitslage zur Zeit dieser Forschung Sitz vieler internationaler Organisationen und NGOs und war ein attraktives Reiseziel mit viele Restaurants, Hotels, Freizeit- und Sporteinrichtungen. Gleichzeitig ist Mazar-i Sharif der Anlaufpunkt für viele arme Binnenmigranten. Die Migration in die Stadt wird durch die schlechten wirtschaftlichen Perspektiven in den ländlichen Regionen Afghanistans aber auch durch die Flucht vor Gewalt, Bedrohung und Unsicherheit verursacht. Doch auch in der Stadt sind viele der meist armen Migranten mit prekären Lebensverhältnissen, Arbeitslosigkeit und Rechtsunsicherheit, Armut und fehlender Unterstützung konfrontiert. Vor diesem Hintergrund zeigen die in diesem Buch vereinten Interviews was die Menschen über ihre Umsiedlung in die Stadt erzählen und wie sie dies tun. Es wird herausgestellt, dass auch das Erzählen selbst eine wichtige Funktion hat und ein Teil der verschiedenen Lebenssicherungsstrategien der Menschen in diesem schwierigen Umfeld wird. / As a compilation of interviews this book provides insight into the narrations of internal migrants who have come to the Afghan city Mazar-e Sharif, a metropolis located in the north of the country. Mazar-e Sharif is an important commercial center with lively bazaars. It is home to both private and state universities and, due to a comparatively good security situation, Mazar-e Sharif became the seat of many international organizations and NGOs in the time of research. It was also an attractive travel destination with many restaurants, hotels, and recreational and athletic facilities. At the same time, it is a destination for large numbers of poor internal migrants and returning refugees. Migration to the city is provoked by poor economic prospects in many rural areas of Afghanistan which also suffer from violence, threats, and insecurity. Once they reach this city, however, many of the mostly poor migrants face precarious living conditions, unemployment and legal insecurity, poverty, and a lack of support. Against this background, the interviews in this book show what people say about their relocation to town and how they say it, emphasizing the important function of narrating as one of several livelihood strategies in difficult surroundings.

Remont: the Social Production of Space in Central Asia

Sgibnev, Wladimir 26 September 2018 (has links)
Die Dissertation baut auf Henri Lefebvres Theorie einer sozialen Produktion des Raums auf und bietet eine ethnographisch fundierte Untersuchung der Komplexität urbaner Phänomene in der nordtadschikischen Stadt Khujand. Die drei Bestandteile einer sozialen Produktion des Raums – Konzeptualisierung, Wahrnehmung und Anpassung – stehen nicht isoliert voneinander, denn die Produktion von Raum erfolgt im Prozess ihres Zusammenwirkens. Die vorliegende Arbeit ist, vor diesem Hintergrund, die erste Monographie, welche die komplexen Zusammenhänge der Raumproduktion in einer peripheren zentralasiatischen Stadt zum zentralen Forschungsgegenstand nimmt. Nach einer Einführung in Theorie und Methoden wende ich mich der Produktion des mentalen Raums in Khujand zu. Ich erläutere unterschiedliche Ideologien von Raum und Urbanität, welche für Khujand relevant waren – etwa die „Islamisch-orientalische“, „sowjetische“ sowie „westliche“ – und untersuche ihre Bedeutung für aktuelle Raumproduktionsprozesse. Im zweiten Teil wende ich mich dem physischen Raum zu und arbeite zentrale Elemente der urbanen Topographie von Khujand heraus. Nach einer Analyse städtischer Mobilität präsentiere ich vier Fallstudien, welche einen Querschnitt von Khujands physischem Raum darstellen und eine breite Vielfalt urbaner Erfahrungen abdecken. Im dritten Teil zeige ich, wie die soziale Produktion des Raums durch einen Fokus auf Anpassungen des Raums erfasst werden kann. Ich analysiere Beispiele auf der Staats-, Nachbarschafts- und Haushalts-Ebene im Hinblick auf Lefebvres Konzept der Transduktion, also einer Praxis vor dem Hintergrund von Einschränkungen und Wünschen. In diesem Teil stelle ich die zentrale Rolle von remont und obodi heraus – zwei kulturell eingebetteten kreativen Konzepten, welche maßgeblich an der Produktion des sozialen Raums in Khujand mitwirken. / The dissertation builds upon Henri Lefebvre's theory of a social production of space in order to provide an anthropologically founded account, grasping the complexity of the urban phenomenon in the northern Tajik city of Khujand. The three parts of a social production of space – conceptions, perceptions, and adaptations of space – are not isolated from each other. In the process of their interaction, space is being produced. In this regard, the present work is the first monograph which explores the intertwined contemporary urban space in a regional city of Central Asia. After delving into theory and methodology, I address in a first part the production of mental space in Khujand. I present different ideologies of space and urbanity which were at work in Khujand: inter alia, the 'Islamic-Oriental', and the 'Soviet' and 'Western' ideologies of urbanity, and assess their relevance to Khujand today. In the second part, I work out the defining elements of Khujand's physical space. After an examination of urban mobility, I proceed to presenting four case studies which provide a cross-section of Khujand's physical space, covering a wide range of urban experiences. In the third part I show how the production of social space can be seen through the lens of adaptations. I analyse cases on the state, the neighbourhood and the household levels, with regard to Lefebvre's concept of transduction, that is, action taken within a framework of constraints and desire. In this part, I emphasise two crucial notions which permeate the social production of space in Khujand: remont and obodi, which stand out as culturally embedded creative concepts.

Making Minkaohan / An Ethnography of Young Uyghur Women in Urumchi, Xinjiang

Ernst, Lisa 06 October 2023 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist eine ethnografische Studie über uigurische Minkaohan Frauen, die in Urumchi, der Provinzhauptstadt des Uigurischen Autonomen Gebietes Xinjiang in Chinas Nordwesten leben. Der Fokus der Untersuchung liegt auf der dritten Generation von Minkaohan, die in den späten 1990er-Jahren bis in die frühen 2000er-Jahre an Han Schulen mit Chinesisch als Unterrichtssprache ausgebildet wurden. Über einen Zeitraum von neun Monaten wurden mit den Methoden der Teilnehmenden Beobachtung und der Durchführung von Interviews in Urumchi Daten gesammelt. Zu den Hauptthemen, die sich in der Analyse der Feldforschungsdaten herausbildeten, gehören die uigurische Sprachkompetenz, die Wahl von Heiratspartnern, das Erlernen von weiblichem Geschlechterrollen, das Verständnis von muslimischem Glauben und der Konsum von globaler Populärkultur als Versuch Unabhängigkeit und Selbstbestimmung zu erhalten. Dabei spielt die inneruigurische Vorstellung einer starren Minkaohan/Minkaomin Binarität, in der Minkaomin-Sein mit normativ- authentischem und Minkoahan-Sein mit anormalem Uigurischsein gleichsetzt wird, eine wichtige Rolle. Die Begriffe „Minkaohan“ und „Minkaomin“ sind als diskursive Kategorien zu verstehen, die in einen größeren sozio-ökonomischen und politischen Kontext von Uiguren als eine ethnische Minderheit in der Volksrepublik China eingebettet sind. Es wird untersucht, wie Minkaohan Frauen den Diskurs einer Minkaohan/Minkaomin Binarität wahrnehmen, hinterfragen und diesen in den staatlichen Mehrheitsdiskurs einordnen, um sich Selbst (Self) und den Anderen (Other) neu zu positionieren. Die vorliegende Studie zielt darauf ab die Diversität innerhalb der uigurischen Gesellschaft in China näher zu beleuchten. Diese wird nicht nur vom chinesischen Diskurs über Uiguren, sondern auch oft von der westlichen akademischen Wissenschaft, die sich auf die Beziehung zwischen Uiguren und Han Chinesen konzentriert, vernachlässigt. / The present work is an ethnographic study of young Uyghur minkaohan women living in Urumchi, the capital city of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) in China’s far northwest. The focus of this study lies on a third generation of minkaohan who were educated at Han Chinese schools (with Mandarin as the medium of instruction) around the turn of the new millennium. Participant observation and interviews were conducted over a nine-month period of fieldwork in Urumchi. The main themes that emerged from the analysis of the fieldwork data include: managing language competence; choosing a marriage partner; learning about normative female gender roles; defining a personal understanding of religious belief and practice, as well as consuming global popular culture in order to perform the ideal of an independent and self-determined woman. Inner-Uyghur notions of a fixed minkaohan/minkaomin binary, which equates being minkaomin with normative, authentic Uyghurness and being minkaohan with abnormal, exceptional Uyghurness, plays a crucial role here. The terms minkaohan and minkaomin need to be understood as discursive categories embedded in the broader socio-economic and political context of Uyghur people’s position as an ethnic minority group in the PR China. This study investigates how the women perceive, question, and utilize the idea of a minkaohan/minkaomin binary and frame it within the state’s majority/minority discourse in order to renegotiate, position, and redefine Self and Other. The broader purpose of this study is to highlight the diversity of Uyghur communities in China and focus on relations between different Uyghur communities in Urumchi – a topic, which is neglected not only by the Chinese state discourse on Uyghurs but often also by Western academic literature centered on Han-Uyghur relations.

O exame socrático (ἐξέτασις) da temperança (σωφροσύνη) no Carmides de Platão / The Socratic examination (ἐξέτασις) of temperance (σωφροσύνη) in Platos Charmides

Paula Neto, Otavino Candido de 18 February 2014 (has links)
O que é e como é a σωφροσύνη (ό τι ἐστι καὶ ὁποȋόν τι ἡ σωφροσύνη)? Esta é a questão que Sócrates propõe a seus interlocutores, Carmides e Critias, examinarem juntos no diálogo de juventude de Platão, o Carmides, diálogo tentativo ou de exame (πϵιραστικός). Σωφροσύνη é fazer todas as coisas ordenada e calmamente (τò κοσμίως πάυτα πράττϵιν καὶ ἡσυxῇ)? É um sentimento como pudor ou reserva (άἰδως)? É cuidar de suas próprias coisas (τὸ τὰ αὑτοῡ πράττϵιν)? Σωφροσύνη seria fazer coisas boas (τῶν ἀγαθῶν πρᾱξιν)? Ou, ainda, conhecer-se a si mesmo (τὸ γιγνώσκϵιν ἑαυτόν)? Seria ciência das outras ciências e ciência de si mesma (ἐπιστημῶυ ἐπιστήμη ἐστὶ καὶ αὐτὴ ἑαυτῆς)? Ou seria, finalmente, o conhecimento do bem e do mal (τὸ ἀγαθόν καὶ τὸ κακόν)? Como em outros propriamente chamados diálogos socráticos de Platão (no Laques é a coragem, no Eutífron é a piedade) nos quais se examina se uma virtude particular é conhecimento, no Carmides trata-se de examinar se a σωφροσύνη é conhecimento. Se é, é conhecimento de quê? E qual é, para nós, o benefício desta virtude, concebida como conhecimento? Estas são algumas das questões examinadas por Sócrates neste diálogo. Este trabalho pretende acompanhar passo a passo esta que é a primeira investigação (ἐξέτασις) socrática acerca da σωφροσύνη nos diálogos de Platão. Ou, dito de outro modo, este trabalho pretende acompanhar o passo a passo do filosofar socrático no diálogo Carmides. / What is it and how is σωφροσύνη (ό τι ἐστι καὶ ὁποȋόν τι ἡ σωφροσύνη)? This is the question that Socrates proposes to his interlocutors, Critias and Charmides, examine together in the dialogue of youth of Plato, the Charmides, tentative dialogue or examination (πϵιραστικός). Σωφροσύνη is make all things orderly and quietly (τò κοσμίως πάυτα πράττϵιν καὶ ἡσυxῇ)? Its a feeling like modesty or reserve (άἰδως)? You take care of your own things (τὸ τὰ αὑτοῡ πράττϵιν)? Σωφροσύνη would do good things (τῶν ἀγαθῶν πρᾱξιν)? Or even know himself (τὸ γιγνώσκϵιν ἑαυτόν)? Would be science of other sciences and science of herself (ἐπιστημῶυ ἐπιστήμη ἐστὶ καὶ αὐτὴ ἑαυτῆς)? Or would it be finally the knowledge of good and evil (τὸ ἀγαθόν καὶ τὸ κακόν)? Like in others properly called Socratic dialogues of Plato (in the Laches is the courage, in the Euthyphro is the piety) in which examines whether a particular virtue is knowledge, in the Charmides it is examining whether σωφροσύνη is knowledge. If it is, is knowledge of what? And what is, for us, the benefit of this virtue, conceived as knowledge? These are some of the issues examined by Socrates in this dialogue. This work intends to follow step by step this is that the first Socratic investigation (ἐξέτασις) about σωφροσύνη in the dialogues of Plato. Or, put another way, this work intends to follow step by step the Socratic philosophy in dialogue Charmides.

O exame socrático (ἐξέτασις) da temperança (σωφροσύνη) no Carmides de Platão / The Socratic examination (ἐξέτασις) of temperance (σωφροσύνη) in Platos Charmides

Otavino Candido de Paula Neto 18 February 2014 (has links)
O que é e como é a σωφροσύνη (ό τι ἐστι καὶ ὁποȋόν τι ἡ σωφροσύνη)? Esta é a questão que Sócrates propõe a seus interlocutores, Carmides e Critias, examinarem juntos no diálogo de juventude de Platão, o Carmides, diálogo tentativo ou de exame (πϵιραστικός). Σωφροσύνη é fazer todas as coisas ordenada e calmamente (τò κοσμίως πάυτα πράττϵιν καὶ ἡσυxῇ)? É um sentimento como pudor ou reserva (άἰδως)? É cuidar de suas próprias coisas (τὸ τὰ αὑτοῡ πράττϵιν)? Σωφροσύνη seria fazer coisas boas (τῶν ἀγαθῶν πρᾱξιν)? Ou, ainda, conhecer-se a si mesmo (τὸ γιγνώσκϵιν ἑαυτόν)? Seria ciência das outras ciências e ciência de si mesma (ἐπιστημῶυ ἐπιστήμη ἐστὶ καὶ αὐτὴ ἑαυτῆς)? Ou seria, finalmente, o conhecimento do bem e do mal (τὸ ἀγαθόν καὶ τὸ κακόν)? Como em outros propriamente chamados diálogos socráticos de Platão (no Laques é a coragem, no Eutífron é a piedade) nos quais se examina se uma virtude particular é conhecimento, no Carmides trata-se de examinar se a σωφροσύνη é conhecimento. Se é, é conhecimento de quê? E qual é, para nós, o benefício desta virtude, concebida como conhecimento? Estas são algumas das questões examinadas por Sócrates neste diálogo. Este trabalho pretende acompanhar passo a passo esta que é a primeira investigação (ἐξέτασις) socrática acerca da σωφροσύνη nos diálogos de Platão. Ou, dito de outro modo, este trabalho pretende acompanhar o passo a passo do filosofar socrático no diálogo Carmides. / What is it and how is σωφροσύνη (ό τι ἐστι καὶ ὁποȋόν τι ἡ σωφροσύνη)? This is the question that Socrates proposes to his interlocutors, Critias and Charmides, examine together in the dialogue of youth of Plato, the Charmides, tentative dialogue or examination (πϵιραστικός). Σωφροσύνη is make all things orderly and quietly (τò κοσμίως πάυτα πράττϵιν καὶ ἡσυxῇ)? Its a feeling like modesty or reserve (άἰδως)? You take care of your own things (τὸ τὰ αὑτοῡ πράττϵιν)? Σωφροσύνη would do good things (τῶν ἀγαθῶν πρᾱξιν)? Or even know himself (τὸ γιγνώσκϵιν ἑαυτόν)? Would be science of other sciences and science of herself (ἐπιστημῶυ ἐπιστήμη ἐστὶ καὶ αὐτὴ ἑαυτῆς)? Or would it be finally the knowledge of good and evil (τὸ ἀγαθόν καὶ τὸ κακόν)? Like in others properly called Socratic dialogues of Plato (in the Laches is the courage, in the Euthyphro is the piety) in which examines whether a particular virtue is knowledge, in the Charmides it is examining whether σωφροσύνη is knowledge. If it is, is knowledge of what? And what is, for us, the benefit of this virtue, conceived as knowledge? These are some of the issues examined by Socrates in this dialogue. This work intends to follow step by step this is that the first Socratic investigation (ἐξέτασις) about σωφροσύνη in the dialogues of Plato. Or, put another way, this work intends to follow step by step the Socratic philosophy in dialogue Charmides.

Lineage Portraiture in Tibetan Buddhist Art

Klohe, Hans-Werner 09 December 2022 (has links)
Im Fokus dieser Studie stehen mehrere Gruppen von tragbaren Skulpturen unterschiedlicher Größe und aus unterschiedlichem Material gefertigt (Bronze bzw. Papiermaché), die eine bestimmte Überlieferungslinie von Lehrern der Lamdre-Tradition darstellen. Lamdre („Der Weg und das Resultat“) bildet das zentrale religiöse Lehrsystem der Sakya-Schule des tibetischen Buddhismus und ihrer wichtigsten Zweigschule, der Ngor-Schule. Diese wenig bekannten oder weitgehend unerforschten Skulpturen und Skulpturengruppen befinden sich in der Sammlung des Klosters Namgyal in Mustang (Nepal), dem ehemaligen Königreich von Lowo (Glo bo), an der Grenze zu Tibet gelegen. Sie stammen aus dem späten 15. bis frühen 16. Jahrhundert, einer höchst innovativen Phase buddhistischer Kunstproduktion in Tibet und dem Himalaya, in der sich regionale Stile entwickelten und neue künstlerische Gestaltungsformen erprobt wurden, einschließlich verschiedener Arten des Porträts. Hierzu zählen idealisierte, typisierte, und gelegentlich hoch-expressive, Darstellungen von Lehrern innerhalb einer Überlieferungslinie ebenso wie individualisierte, realistische Einzelporträts von bedeutenden buddhistischen Meistern, die offensichtlich nach dem lebenden Modell geschaffen wurden. Basierend auf einer vergleichenden kunsthistorischen Analyse zeigt die Arbeit, dass der Repräsentation der Überlieferungslinie als Ganzes eine höhere Stellung beigemessen wurde als der Schaffung von Ähnlichkeit mit den einzelnen Figuren innerhalb einer Skulpturengruppe. Die Bildwerke reflektieren außerdem die religiösen, historischen und künstlerischen Verbindungen zwischen Mustang und angrenzenden Königreichen in West-Tibet, der Provinz Tsang und dem Kathmandu-Tal. Sie zeigen, dass die lokalen Klöster auf ein etabliertes Netzwerk von buddhistischen Klostergemeinschaften, machtvollen und wohlhabenden Stiftern und künstlerischen Traditionen aufbauen konnten, und dass sich die Region als ein Zentrum skulpturaler Produktion von höchster Qualität und Innovation etablierte. / This two-volume dissertation on lineage portraiture in Tibetan Buddhist art investigates in its core a body of portable sculpture preserved in a monastery in Mustang, Nepal. Most of these sculptures were originally part of sets documenting the person-to-person transmission of the most important teaching of the Ngor tradition, the Lamdre or “Path with the Result.” The Ngor tradition is a sub-tradition of the Sakya school of Tibetan Buddhism to which this teaching traces back. Accordingly, most Sakyapa and Ngorpa monasteries may have had one or more Lamdre lineage sets in painting and/or sculpture. The focus of the study is on the iconographic and overall visual conceptions of different sets representing the same teacher lineage produced for or within the same regional context (Mustang in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries). A comparative analysis of the different sets shows that depicting the lineage teachers as a collective entity was deemed more important than creating physical likenesses of the individual teachers. This is reflected in the variation of the depiction of individual teachers from one set to another in terms of facial features, hand gestures, and even the type of practice a teacher may be associated with. The study also considers the emergence and evolution of teacher lineages within the Sakya school, introducing lineage representations on monumental backrest arches in repoussé work at the Sakya Lhakhang Chenmo in south-western Tibet. It also discusses teacher portraits produced outside the Lamdre lineage to reflect on questions of individuality, realism and likeness in Tibetan portraiture. A special focus is on portraits of two princely monks from the ruling house of Mustang, Lowo Khenchen and Lodrö Gyaltsen Pelzangpo. Overall, the lineage depictions and individual portraits are analyzed in relation to art history research on portraiture, Tibetan religious and political history, as well as their religious significance and ritual use.

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