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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lietuvos krepšinio centro krepšininkių (16-17 metų) varžybinės veiklos, atletinio, techninio parengtumo varžybų laikotarpio metu kaitos ypatumai / Alteration of physical, technical fitness and sport performance in competition period of Lithuanian basketball center youth (aged 16-17) female basketball players

Valinskaitė, Šarūnė 14 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos krepšinio centro jaunųjų krepšininkių atletinio, techninio parengtumo ir varžybinės veiklos rodiklių kaita. Tyrimo problema – ar krepšininkėms rungtyniaujant aštuonis mėnesius jų varžybinės veiklos rodikliai išlieka stabilūs, ar kinta adekvačiai techninio bei atletinio parengtumo kaitai? Hipotezė: specifiniai atletinio ir techninio 16–17 metų krepšininkių parengtumą įvertinantys testų rodikliai sudaro prielaidas prognozuoti varžybinę veiklą. Tikslas – nustatyti jaunųjų (16–17 metų) LKC krepšininkių atletinio, techninio parengtumo ir varžybinės veiklos varžybų laikotarpio metu kaitą bei sąveikos tarp parengtumo ir rungtyniavimo ypatumus. Uždaviniai : 1. Nustatyti ir įvertinti 16–17 metų LKC krepšininkių techninio ir atletinio parengtumo kaitą bei sąveiką. 2. Nustatyti ir įvertinti 16–17 metų LKC krepšininkių varžybinės veiklos rodiklių kaitą. 3. Nustatyti 16–17 metų LKC krepšininkių techninio parengtumo ir rungtyniavimo ypatumus. 4. Nustatyti ir įvertinti 16–17 metų LKC krepšininkių metimų į krepšį įtaką rungtynių rezultatui priklausomai nuo rungtynių etapo ir žaidėjų amplua. Tiriamosios: Lietuvos krepšinio centro 16–17 metų amžiaus krepšininkės, kurios rungtyniavo Lietuvos moterų krepšinio „A“ lygoje (2010–2011 metais) ir nacionalinėje moterų krepšinio lygoje (2011–2012 metais). Išvados: krepšininkių techninis parengtumas atliekant metimus į krepšį standartinėmis sąlygomis gerėjo ir atkrintamųjų varžybų etapo metu buvo stabilus, tačiau... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Subject of study – alteration of physical, technical fitness and sport performance of Lithuanian Basketball Center youth basketball female players in competitive period. Problem of study – does sport performance indicators remain stabil in eight months duration of competitve period or alterats adequate to technical and physical fitness in youth female basketball? Hypothesis: testing assessing indicators of specific athletic and technical fitness make assumptions to predict sport performance. The aim – to assess alteration of physical, technical fitness and sport performance in youth (aged 16–17) girls basketball players during the competition period and the interaction between testing performance and sport performance. Objectives: 1. To assess and evaluate technical, physical fitness and interaction between them in youth (16–17 years old) Lithuanian Basketball Center female basketball players. 2. To assess and evaluate alteration of sport performance in youth (16–17 years old) Lithuanian Basketball Center female basketball players of game indicators. 3. To assess features of playing and technical performance in youth (16–17 years old) Lithuanian Basketball Center female basketball players. 4. To assess and evaluate shooting diversity according rank of competition level and playing position in youth (16–17 years old) Lithuanian Basketball Center female basketball players. Participants: female basketball players from Lithuanian basketball center (16–17 years old)... [to full text]

Gesellschafterkompetenz in mittelständischen Familienunternehmen

Neuvians, Nicola 19 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die Corporate Governance Diskussion der letzten Jahre hat die Verantwortung der Unternehmensführung in den Mittelpunkt gestellt. Für mittelständische Familienunternehmen bedeutet dies, dass sie sich nicht nur ihrer Management-, sondern auch ihrer Eigentümerverantwortung bewusst werden müssen. Mit der Entwicklung von Gesellschafterkompetenz könnten sie ihrer Eigentümerverantwortung gezielt nachkommen. In der Praxis lässt sich dahingehend jedoch eine kaum systematische Vorgehensweise beobachten. Die Kompetenz der operativ tätigen Gesellschafter wird zwar wahrgenommen, spezifische Maßnahmen zur Entwicklung von Gesellschafterkompetenz werden jedoch kaum ergriffen. Dies gilt insbesondere für die nicht-operativ tätigen Gesellschafter und die Familienmitglieder, die ihre Gesellschafterrolle erst zukünftig wahrnehmen werden. Diese sollten nach der hier vertretenen Ansicht ebenfalls vorbereitet werden, indem sie in eine systematische Entwicklung von Gesellschafterkompetenz einbezogen werden. Neben den üblichen betriebswirtschaftlichen und rechtlichen Kompetenzen sollten auch Kenntnisse vermittelt werden, die der Komplexität des Familienunternehmens gerecht werden.

'n Geletterdheidsgereedmakingsprogram en die implikasies daarvan vir skoolgereedheid: 'n sielkundig-opvoedkundige perpektief

Pretorius, Ursula 01 January 2002 (has links)
See file

Activational effects of exogenous steroid hormones on cognitive performance: A study of anabolic-androgenic steroids in men

Mish, Sandra J. 01 May 2008 (has links)
Objective: Despite widespread drug testing in sports and warnings about the potential risks of using anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS), non-medical use is prevalent among athletes, non-athletes, and disturbingly among adolescents. To date, most research has focused on the anabolic properties and short-term health risks of AAS use. In contrast, studies investigating the effects on cognitive function in men using high doses of multiple exogenous steroids are lacking. The primary purpose of this naturalistic study was to examine the effects of non-medical steroid use on sex-related cognitive abilities in male bodybuilders. The secondary purpose of the study was to evaluate the psychological functioning of male bodybuilders who use AASs. Methods: Eight male bodybuilders who used high doses of AASs were matched with bodybuilding and aerobic controls who had never used AASs, according to age, education, and estimated verbal intelligence. AAS use of the bodybuilders appeared similar to reports in the literature of self-administered AASs regimens used by strength athletes. All groups underwent a battery of cognitive tests and self-report psychological inventories, and had serum total testosterone and binding proteins measured immediately after testing. Cognitive measures selected were those that have previously shown sex differences. The study examined four psychological domains: aggression, personality, body image, and eating-disordered attitudes/behaviours. Results: Male bodybuilders who used AASs scored significantly lower than controls on mental rotations and on the WAIS-III Digit-Symbol Coding subtest. There were no other significant group differences on the cognitive tasks. A curvilinear (inverted U) relationship was identified between spatial ability and total testosterone in men who did not use AASs. As there were only a few AAS users in the current study, there was little power to demonstrate a linear or nonlinear relationship. Overall, there were no significant differences between groups on the psychological variables. AAS users exhibited elevated levels of antisocial personality traits, with 38% scoring in the clinically significant range. Bodybuilders reported some body weight concerns, specifically a drive for muscularity combined with a drive for a well-toned body, with no difference between AAS users and bodybuilding controls. Three AAS users and one bodybuilding control exhibited psychological disturbances, as evidenced by elevated scores on multiple psychological measures. Conclusions: The results of this preliminary study provide some evidence that high doses of AASs in men might influence certain aspects of cognition, specifically reducing complex visuospatial skills and perceptual speed. The data also suggests that endogenous testosterone influences spatial ability in healthy men in a curvilinear fashion. Further research with larger samples of AAS users is required to quantify the cognitive effects of non-medical AAS regimens. The study also contributes to the growing literature on the psychological effects of bodybuilding and AAS use. Although many AAS users and bodybuilders might display minimal psychopathology, there is likely a subgroup of individuals who exhibit clinically significant psychological disturbances. Further research is necessary to identity the nature and severity of psychological symptomatology in this population, and effective modes of treatment.

Exploring Relationships Among Students

Yenilmez, Ayse 01 January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to identify the relative predictive influences of prior knowledge, meaningful learning orientation, formal reasoning ability and mode of instruction on understanding in photosynthesis and respiration in plants concepts. Two hundred thirty three 8th grade students from six classes of one elementary school in Ankara participated in this study. The study was carried out during the 2004-2005 Fall semester. Students in the experimental group (N=117) received conceptual change instruction, and the students in the control group (N=116) received traditional instruction. Two-tier multiple choice diagnostic test, &ldquo / Photosynthesis and Respiration in Plants Concept Test&rdquo / developed by Haslam and Treagust (1987), was used to determine students&rsquo / understanding of photosynthesis and respiration in plants concepts. The test was administered to the sample prior to the treatment as pre-test, and after the treatment as post-test. The pre-test scores were used as prior knowledge of students. Students&rsquo / reasoning abilities were measured by the &ldquo / Test of Logical Thinking&rdquo / and their learning orientations were measured by &ldquo / Learning Approach Questionnaire&rdquo / . The results of the study indicated that students held several misconceptions concerning photosynthesis and respiration in plants concepts. Significant differences between the experimental group and control group with respect to understanding of the concept were found in favor of experimental group. The main predictor of achievement in the experimental group was students&rsquo / prior knowledge, while it was reasoning ability in the control group. Meaningful learning orientation accounted for a small amount of variance in the experimental group but it did not contribute to understanding on post-test scores in traditional group.

An innovative model for developing critical thinking skills through mathematical education

Aizikovitsh, Einav, Amit, Miriam 11 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
In a challenging and constantly changing world, students are required to develop advanced thinking skills such as critical systematic thinking, decision making and problem solving. This challenge requires developing critical thinking abilities which are essential in unfamiliar situations. A central component in current reforms in mathematics and science studies worldwide is the transition from the traditional dominant instruction which focuses on algorithmic cognitive skills towards higher order cognitive skills. The transition includes, a component of scientific inquiry, learning science from the student's personal, environmental and social contexts and the integration of critical thinking. The planning and implementation of learning strategies that encourage first order thinking among students is not a simple task. In an attempt to put the importance of this transition in mathematical education to a test, we propose a new method for mathematical instruction based on the infusion approach put forward by Swartz in 1992. In fact, the model is derived from two additional theories., that of Ennis (1989) and of Libermann and Tversky (2001). Union of the two latter is suggested by the infusion theory. The model consists of a learning unit (30h hours) that focuses primarily on statistics every day life situations, and implemented in an interactive and supportive environment. It was applied to mathematically gifted youth of the Kidumatica project at Ben Gurion University. Among the instructed subjects were bidimensional charts, Bayes law and conditional probability; Critical thinking skills such as raising questions, seeking for alternatives and doubting were evaluated. We used Cornell tests (Ennis 1985) to confirm that our students developed critical thinking skills.

In what case is it possible to speak about Mathematical capability among pre-school children?

Beloshistaya, Anna V. 12 April 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Most of people have fatal attitude to Mathematics: some of them are capable to learn it form nature, but the others are not. So is their fate – to suffer from it for the whole of life… But it is a rude though natural mistake, as it results from means of mathematical education and its content. Most of parents and teachers are directed on these aspects both in kindergarten and at primary school. Of course, parents are different. Nevertheless so many parents can’t possibly but speak about achievements of their children. Some start making their own children learn better by the example of success of the others. They make their children learn long chains of figures with no understanding. It is even more sad to see how a mom asks her 4-year old son: “How much is two plus three?..’ But he replies just because he learned the answer but not calculated. Not only parents but also kindergarten tutors don’t want to understand that drilling for arithmetic has no sense. For a specialist it would take two days only…But teach him how to think logically – is a goal demanding from him, reached by different means.

Development and assessment of computer-game-like tests of human cognitive abilities.

McPherson, Jason January 2008 (has links)
The present thesis describes the development and assessment of two computer-game-like tests designed to measure two cognitive abilities currently of considerable interest to many researchers: processing speed (Gs) and working memory (WM). It is hoped that such tests could provide a unique and important addition to the range of tests currently employed by researchers interested in these constructs. The results of five separate studies are presented across three published papers. In Paper 1-Study 1 (N = 49) a speeded computerized coding test (Symbol Digit) using the mouse as the response device was assessed. Because speeded tests are thought to be highly sensitive to response methods (Mead & Drasgow, 1994) it was deemed important to first assess how a mouse response method might affect the underlying construct validity of a speeded coding test independently of whether it was game-like. Factor analytic results indicated that the computerized coding test loaded strongly on the same factor as paper-andpencil measures of Gs. For Paper 2-Study 1 (N = 68) a more computer-game-like version of Symbol Digit was developed, Space Code. Development of Space Code involved the provision of a cover story, the replacing of code symbols with ‘spaceship’ graphics, the situating of the test within an overall ‘spaceship cockpit’, and numerous other graphical and aural embellishments to the task. Factor analytic results indicated that Space Code loaded strongly on a Gs factor but also on a factor comprised of visuo-spatial (Gv) ability tests. This finding was further investigated in the subsequent study. Paper 2-Study 2 (N = 74) involved a larger battery of ability marker tests and a range of additional computer-game-like elements were added to Space Code. Space Code included a scoring system, a timer with additional voice synthesized countdowns, aversive feedback for errors, and background music. Factor analysis indicated that after a general factor was extracted Space Code loaded on the same factor as paper-and-pencil measures of Gs and did not load on a factor comprised of non-speeded Gv tests. Paper 3-Study 1 (N = 74) was aimed at assessing a computer-game-like test of WM (Space Matrix) and further assessing Space Code within a broader network of tests. Space Matrix used a dual task format combining a simple version of Space Code with a visually presented memory task based on the Dot Matrix test (Miyake, Friedman, Rettinger, Shah, & Hegarty, 2001). The cover story and scoring system for Space Code was expanded to incorporate this additional memory element. Factor analysis indicated that Space Matrix was loaded on the same first order factor as standard WM tests and the Raven’s Advanced Progressive Matrices (Gf). Space Code was substantially loaded on the second order factor but was weakly loaded on each of two first order factors interpreted as Gs and WM/Gf. A final study is presented (Paper 3-Study2) in which Space Code and Space Matrix was administered to a school aged sample (N=94). Space Matrix exhibited construct validity as well as predictive validity (as a predictor of school grades), while results for Space Code were less encouraging. Space Matrix and Raven’s Progressive Matrices showed comparable relationships to school grades for Mathematics, English and Science subjects. It is concluded that the development of computer-game-like tests represents a promising new format for research and applied assessment of known cognitive abilities. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1342350 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Psychology, 2008

Experiences of the phenomenon of Internet use for information sharing on construction projects and skills set identification for effective project participation

Magub, Andrew Timothy January 2006 (has links)
The use of Information Technology in construction is below best practice when compared to other industries. The construction industry is now, however, on the verge of widespread acceptance of internet technology and the communications benefits this can bring. Construction collaboration technology, where project teams use the internet as an interface for project communications, have emerged as a potentially valuable tool. Little research has been focused in this area, particularly on how this phenomenon is being experienced. The aim of this research is to develop a better understanding of the way people experience the use of the internet for information sharing on construction projects and the preliminary identification of the skills set (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities - KSAs) required for industry members to effectively participate. Phenomenography was selected as an appropriate research methodology to provide an empirical, representative and descriptive research approach and to provide a qualitative based study in a field dominated by quantitative studies. This is a 'second-order approach' which focuses on the experiences of the participants as described by them. A pilot and three major case studies were selected to identify research participants for interviews. A total of nineteen interviews were conducted and transcribed during 2003 in Australia, the United States of America and the United Kingdom, which formed the research data. A phenomenographic analysis was performed on the research data revealing seven 'categories of description' which describe the limited number of qualitatively different ways that the phenomenon is being experienced. A relationship exists between the different categories which can be structured in a logical framework called the outcome space. The preliminary identification of the skills set is then proposed from the research data and the phenomenographic outcomes to provide construction project participants and the industry a first pass on what Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) may be required for effective participation.

Predicting support needs for people with psychiatric and intellectual disabilities.

Thomson, Stacey T. January 2008 (has links)
Over the last 30 years there has been a paradigmatic shift in the field of disabilities towards assessing individual support needs in relation to social and environmental context rather than individual deficits. The capacity of existing assessment instruments to assess support needs is limited because most were designed to assess individual deficits and thereby determine eligibility for funding and/or services. Some instruments have been designed to assess support needs but there are several problems associated with these instruments including, suitability for use in only one disability type, susceptibility to rater bias, and failure to account for variations in support needs over time. This thesis attempted to contribute to addressing these deficiencies by examining the characteristics that are most predictive of support needs for people with psychiatric and intellectual disabilities and the methods by which changes in such support needs could be predicted. Two studies were used to address these aims. The first considered samples of people with primary psychiatric disabilities (N= 561) and intellectual disabilities (N =168), who lived in Supported Residential Facilities. These participants were assessed in regards not only to standard demographic and disability characteristics, and also personal characteristics, including functional abilities, and support needs. The data were analysed using ordinal logistic regression to determine which better predicted support needs and, accordingly, which characteristics were most important to include in the assessment of support needs. Analysis showed that personal characteristics, such as functional abilities such as showering/bathing and budgeting explained much more variance in support needs than either demographics or disability characteristics. This suggests that, for support needs assessments to be accurately assessed, they should include evaluations of these personal characteristics even though they may require more time and resources to obtain than demographic and disability data. The second study in this thesis aimed to investigate whether caregivers could predict changes in support needs over six-month periods accurately. Residents in supported accommodation with a primary psychiatric disability (N = 60; although some attrition among those with psychiatric disabilities), or primary intellectual disability (N = 57) and their caregivers were involved in this study. Caregivers were interviewed on three occasions at six-monthly intervals and asked to estimate any changes that they expected to occur in the next six months or that they believed had occurred in the preceding six months. Caregivers were also asked to complete two functional assessments for each resident at the three points in time. The functional assessments were used as the benchmark against which the accuracy of caregivers’ estimates was examined. Analysis found that caregivers were unable to predict accurately prospective changes in overall or specific support needs, nor were they able to report accurately such changes retrospectively. The results of this thesis contribute to the body of knowledge in the relatively new area of support needs assessment in terms of possible predictors of support needs and the assessment of changes in support needs. Recommendations for further research include; investigating some of the personal characteristics found to be predictors of support needs in greater detail and among other disability types, replication of these findings in other samples, and investigating ways to improve caregivers’ capacity to predict changes in support needs accurately. / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Psychology, 2008

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