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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Essays in Empirical Labour Economics : Family Background, Gender and Earnings

Hirvonen, Lalaina January 2010 (has links)
All three essays in this thesis are concerned with the interrelation of family, gender and labour market outcomes. The first paper investigates family earnings mobility between parents and sons, and parents and daughters, highlighting the role of assortative mating. The results suggest that daughters are more mobile than sons. I also find that Sweden has a higher degree of mobility compared to the U.S., and that assortative mating is an important underlying channel for earnings transmission. The difference in mobility between the two countries does not inherently depend on factors affecting the marriage match. Moreover, adult economic outcomes are more dependent on family background for those at the lower end of the earnings distribution. The second study analyses the long-run effects of an increase in family size on the 1980-2005 labour market outcomes of Swedish men and women. The decision to have (more) children is dependent on current and future labour market prospects. I use the exogenous variations in the sex composition of the first two children to overcome this endogeneity problem. My findings suggest that having an additional child has a stronger negative impact on earnings than on participation. However, mothers experience a substantial but not complete long-term recovery in earnings. The third paper illustrates the difficulty in disentangling the underlying channels of intergenerational earnings persistence using a path analysis model. On closer examination, such a model has a potential shortcoming since the covariates are correlated to other unobserved factors. The results suggest that education is the most influential mechanism in the earnings transmission process, while IQ, mental ability and BMI are of secondary importance. However, education is sensitive to the inclusion of other covariates and the order in which these are entered into the equation. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript.

An analysis of learning barriers among deaf learners in the structured workplace component of a learnership programme.

van der Westhuizen, Gillian. January 2009 (has links)
<p>In this research paper, guided by Prof Z Groener, I explore the learning barriers experienced by deaf learners in the structured workplace component of a learnership programme. I focus on the learning barriers of deaf learners at work on an Information Technology learnership where the learning environment shapes and are shaped by deaf learners. Twenty deaf learners have entered during 2005 into an Information Technology: Technical Support NQF4 learnership, funded by the Information Systems (IT), Electronics and Telecommunications Technologies Sector Education Training Authority (ISETT Seta). I have determined how deaf learners are faring with work and learning in a technological environment that has experienced rapid and extensive restructuring during the past ten years. The specific difficulties which they experience during their structured workplace component of the learnerships have also been defined. I argue that when deaf learners form part of a community of practice, consisting of both deaf learners and hearing colleagues and who operate in the same area of knowledge and activity, they fare better than those who did not form part of such a community. I conclude this research paper with a link to the situated learning theory where I explain why the learner&rsquo / s situation contributed to their ability to learn.</p>

"Hur gångbar är du lille vän?" : Unga vuxnas syn på sin egen anställningsbarhet

Becirovic, Zemira, Jacobsson, Tina January 2010 (has links)
Det nya arbetslivet har blivit alltmer komplicerat och kravfyllt. Nya kunskapskrav har växt fram i takt med arbetsmarknadens strukturomvandling och samhällets individualisering (Allvin, 2006). Individer förväntas bli ’sin egen agent’ och ständigt sträva efter att hålla sig anställningsbara och ’anställningsbarhet’ har således blivit ett policybegrepp som används flitigt inom den politiska debatten kring utbildning och arbete (Berglund &amp; Fejes, 2009). Som blivande karriärvägledare är det relevant att förstå vad det innebär att vara anställningsbar för att på bästa sätt se till individens behov. Utifrån detta resonemang är syftet med studien att få en ökad förståelse för fenomenet anställningsbarhet utifrån unga vuxnas upplevelser av att vara anställningsbar. Med en kvalitativ ansats och semistrukturerade intervjuer intervjuades fem unga yrkesverksamma kvinnor mellan 25 och 29 år. Resultatet visar på att anställningsbarhet förutom utbildning, också handlar om individens sociala och kognitiva förmågor. Slutsatsen är att individer idag är medvetna om arbetslivets nya kunskapskrav och att de har utvecklat förmågor, färdigheter och egenskaper som står i relation till arbetsmarknadens krav. / The new working life has become increasingly complex and demands filled. New proficiency has grown in pace with social change and social individuation (Allvin, 2006). Individuals are expected to be ‘their own agents’ and constantly strive to remain employable and 'employability' has become a policy concept that is widely used in the political debate about education and work (Berglund &amp; Fejes, 2009). As a future career counselor, it is pertinent to understand what it means to be employable in order to best ensure the individual's needs. Based on this reasoning, the purpose of the study is to get a better understanding of the phenomenon on the basis of employability of young adults' experiences of being employable. With a qualitative approach and semi-structured interviews, we interviewed five young working women between 25 and 29. The result shows that employability, beyond education, is also about the individual's social and cognitive abilities. The conclusion is that individuals today are aware of the new knowledge requirements of working life and that they have developed abilities, skills and characteristics that are related to social demands.

Operation Tonga : En studie av förberedelsernas och förövningens betydelse utifrån de grundläggande förmågorna och de taktiska grundprinciperna

Melz, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
Operation Tonga var en del av de allierades invasion av Hitlers Fort Europa. Syftet med operationen var att skydda de landstigande styrkorna vid Normandies östra flank. Operationen genomfördes av major John Howard och hans glidflygplansburna trupper från Oxford and Buckinghamshires lätta infanteriregemente. Denna enhet genomförde en operation utan understöd eller underhåll från egna förband och hade en begränsad möjlighet att fysiskt kunna medföra utrustning, likt den svenska luftburna bataljonen. Syftet med uppsatsen var att undersöka om förberedelser och förövning är nyckeln till framgång när en enhet skall anfalla en starkare försvarsgrupperad enhet. Uppsatsen innehåller en analys av de förberedelser som gjordes inför operation Tonga utifrån de grundläggande förmågorna. Utifrån den analysen förs en diskussion över dessa förberedelsers betydelse utifrån de taktiska grundprinciperna för markarenan. Analysen och diskussionen visar att förberedelserna och förövningen ledde till att chefen fick en större handlingsfrihet och att enheten fick ett högre stridstempo och genom det höga stridstempot kunde upprätthålla sin överraskning som skapats genom en coup de main operation. Det höga stridstempot och överraskningen gjorde att major Howard kunde ta initiativet i striden och nå lokal överlägsenhet och på så vis slå den försvarsgrupperade fienden vid bron Pegasus bridge. Det höga stridstempot uppnåddes tack vare förbandets förövning och förberedelser samt de goda underrättelser som major John Howard hade tillgång till vid framtagandet av sin stridsplan. / Operation Tonga served a bigger purpose than to take control over Pegasus bridge. The purpose of the operation was to protect the flank of the allied troops at Normandy. The operation was carried out by Major John Howard and his troops from the Oxford and Buckinghamshire light infantry regiment. This unit had no support or supply assistance from other units and had limited capability to bring equipment, just like the Swedish air assault battalion. The purpose of this essay was to examine if preparations is the key to success when one unit is about to bring out an assault against a stronger, dug in unit. This essay contains an analysis of the preparations on the basis of the basic abilities. Those preparations are later discussed based on the principals of ground tactics in order to see the effects of the preparations in the operation. The analysis and the discussion show that the unit gained a higher tempo of combat and achieved a surprise element. The high tempo of combat and the surprise made it possible for Major Howard to take the initiative in the battle and achieve local superiority. That made it possible for Major Howard to defeat the dug in enemy at Pegasus bridge. The high tempo of combat was possible because of the units’ preparations and the intelligence reports Major John Howard got as support when planning for combat.

Artistic Frames: An Arts-Based Study of Teachers’ Experiences with Arts-Integrated English Language Arts for Students with Dis/abilities

White, Alisha M. 11 May 2012 (has links)
This arts-based, qualitative investigation focused on high school English teachers of students with learning dis/abilities (Baglieri & Knopf, 2004) who used visual arts integration (Eisner, 2002) to find out how teachers experience using visual arts in English and what their experiences mean (Zoss & White, 2011) in order to understand why certain experiences stood out for the teachers as being important. I framed the study theoretically with complexity theories of teaching and learning (Davis, Sumara, & Luce-Kapler, 2008), while combining aspects of sociocultural theory (Smagorinsky, 2001; Vygotsky, 1978; Wertsch, 1991), cognitive pluralism (John-Steiner, 1997) and Dewey’s notion of experience (1934/1980). The teacher participants were three high school English teachers employed at an independent school for students with learning dis/abilities. A/r/tography (Irwin & Springgay, 2008; Springgay, Irwin, & Kind, 2005, 2008) influenced my methodology in that I created visual art to theorize the data and my experiences conducting the study. I collected data during spring and summer 2011. Data sources included participant observation and field notes (Dewalt & Dewalt, 2002), photography (Coover, 2004; Harper 2000, 2002), teachers’ visual texts (La Jevic & Springgay, 2008), artifacts (Prior, 2003), and interviews (Smagorinsky, 2008; Smagorinsky & Coppock, 1994). I used qualitative methods of coding analysis (Charmaz, 2006; Ezzy, 2002; Saldaña, 2009) and visual analysis (Riessman, 2008; Rose, 2001), as well as arts-based methods for educational research (Cahnmann-Taylor & Siegesmund, 2008). This study fills a gap in empirical research in both English education and special education by examining English teachers integrating art in classes for students with dis/abilities. Furthermore, understanding how teachers experience visual arts integration can inform methods courses for teaching secondary English educators.

Ledarskapets roll i produktionsprocessen

Ringö, Carolin, Svensson, Sofia January 2011 (has links)
Forskare skriver om att ledarskap grundar sig i de egenskaper en person besitter, situationer en person befinner sig i och roller en person tar sig an. Ledarskapsfenomenet i ett tillverkande företag har en intressant angreppsvinkel. Med en snabb teknisk utveckling, är det lättare att byta ut mänsklig arbetskraft och med expansionen av självstyrande team är ledarpositionen i tillverkande företag ifrågasatt. Trots dessa aspekter har den humanitära aspekten i företag idag fått en allt större roll. Idag läggs ett större fokus på att tillfredställa personalen och se till deras välmående. De anställda i tillverkande företag är av större betydelse idag då de är bland de viktigaste tillgångarna i en effektiv produktionsprocess. Detta leder till ett större ansvar för en produktionsledare som ansvarar för produktionsprocessen samt personalen. Större fokus måste läggas på den sociala aspekten hos en ledare för att få de anställdas respekt och förtroende. Rätt kompetens och rätt egenskaper är viktiga hos en ledare för att kunna leda sina anställda till en bättre organisation. En annan viktig aspekt för ett företags framgång är de roller en ledare tar sig an vilka kan leda till en effektivare process. Produktionsledarens allt mer viktiga roll i tillverkande företag har lett till den här studiens forskningsfråga: Hur påverkar produktionsledarens ledarskap produktionsprocessen i ett medelstort företag? En fallstudie har skett på Kalmar Lantmäns med en avgränsning mot deras produktionsprocess. I denna studie har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ forskningsdesign. Fokus har legat på semistrukturerade intervjuer som primär datainsamling. 15 intervjuer med ledare och personal i Kalmar Lantmäns produktionsprocess hölls. Teorin har sammanställts av vetenskapliga artiklar och litteratur med fokus på egenskaper, roller samt effektivitet inom ledarskap. Studiens slutsats visar att produktionsledaren påverkar produktionsprocessen genom de egenskaper denne besitter, vilka roller denne tar sig an samt vilka beslut han eller hon fattar. Hur en produktionsledare agerar i vissa situationer kan vara avgörande för hur denne påverkar processen. En produktionsledare skall vara bestämd och rättvis samt ha en hög social kompetens. Studien visar att en produktionsledare inte skall ha en för privat relation till sina anställda, personalen vill ha en ledare, inte en vän. / The problem with not being able to define what good leadership really is, makes the phenomenon so much more interesting. Scientist writes that leadership is formed in the abilities, situations and roles a person takes on. The phenomenon of leadership in a producing company is an even more interesting angle. With a fast moving technology market, the handcraft of human resources is easily replaced and with an expansion in self-managed teams the leader position is questionable. Although one might think that the people of organizations could be replaced in today’s producing organizations, the reality tells us something different. Human resources today have gained an increased attention towards the wellbeing of organizations employees. The people of a producing organization are of greater importance today, them being one of the keystones to an effective production process. This leads to a greater responsibility for the leader, being responsible for the production process and the people within it. A greater emphasize has to be put on the social skills of the leader to gain the trust and respect of the employees. The right competences and abilities of a leader are vital in order to be able to lead the employees to a greater organization. The roles which a leader chooses can lead to a better process. The importance of the production leader has lead to our research question: How does the leadership style of a production leader affect the production process in a middle-sized company? A case study was made at Kalmar Lantmän limited to the production process. In this study a qualitative research design has been used. Focus has been on semi-structured interviews as a primary soruce of data. 15 interviews with leaders and personnel in the production process were made. The theoretical framework has been collected from scientific articles and literature with a focus on attributes, roles and efficiency in the leadership area. The result of this study shows that a production leader can affect the production process through the attributes he or she has, through the roles he or she chooses to take and through the decisions the leader makes. How a production leaders acts in different situations can be vital in how he or she affect the process. A production leader should be firm and fair and have a high level of social competence. This study shows that a production leader should not have a too private relationship with his or hers employees, the personnel wants a leader, not a friend.

Academic Affairs Officers: An Application of the American Association of Community Colleges Competencies for Community College Leaders

Price, Misty Renee 01 January 2012 (has links)
Over the last two decades, several studies have confirmed that there is a leadership crisis among the nation's community colleges. In response to this leadership crisis, the American Association of Community Colleges [AACC] commissioned the development of a leadership competency framework consisting of six leadership competency areas deemed "either `very' or `extremely' essential to the effective performance of community college leaders." Since the release of this framework, limited research has been conducted on the importance of and the preparation in the identified competencies. The majority of research that has been conducted has focused on the position of president, even though there are several leadership positions within community colleges that are facing a leadership crisis. One such position is that of academic affairs officer. This study had two purposes. The first was to extend the research that has been conducted on the AACC leadership competencies by examining how community college academic affairs officers perceived the importance of and their own level of professional preparation in the identified competencies. The second was to examine the leadership development experiences that academic affairs officers identified as the most beneficial to their professional development as academic affairs officers. This study was a quantitative, descriptive, correlational design and used a questionnaire to collect data. The population for this study was academic affairs officers at public community colleges in the United States. The academic affairs officers that were included in the population were identified from the membership directory of the AACC. The survey instrument used for this study was based on the AACC leadership competency framework, as modified by Duree, which included 45 leadership competencies summarized into six leadership competency areas: organizational strategy, resource management, communication, collaboration, community college advocacy, and professionalism. Using two four-point scales, academic affairs officers (n=102) were asked to rate the importance of and their own level of professional preparation in the identified competencies. The survey instrument also asked academic affairs officers to rank the top five leadership development experiences that they feel have been the most beneficial to their professional development as academic affairs officers. In general, academic affairs officers believe that the AACC leadership competency areas are important for effective leadership in leading academic affairs. The most important leadership competency area was communication, followed by organizational strategy, community college advocacy, collaboration, professionalism, and resource management. In addition, academic affairs officers perceive that they are moderately or very well-prepared to perform many but not all of the identified competencies. For those identified competencies that academic affairs officers did not feel as prepared to perform, several were rated as important for effective leadership. Academic affairs officers ranked progressive job responsibilities as the leadership development experience felt to be the most beneficial to their professional development as academic affairs officers. Academic affairs officers then ranked challenging job assignments; participation in institutional task forces, committees, and commissions; and networking as the second, third, and fourth most beneficial leadership development experiences, respectively. The fifth most beneficial leadership development experience was networking, followed by attendance at conferences and specialized workshops. Based upon frequency totals, university-based degree programs and mentoring (role as mentee, not mentor) were also considered beneficial leadership development experiences. The significance of this study is that it provides practical, relevant, and timely information for both current practicing academic affairs officers and those who aspire to lead public community colleges in the position of academic affairs officer. The results of this study have several implications for practice. These implications include: to inform those persons seeking academic affairs officer positions of the relative importance of the AACC leadership competencies and the leadership development experiences deemed to be the most beneficial by a sample of incumbents; to inform leaders of higher education and professional development programs of the leadership competencies that should perhaps be included in the curricula of their programs; and to provide resources to be used by search committees in formulating desired qualifications and, later, in interviewing candidates for the position of academic affairs officer.

Åtgärdsprogram i matematik : Vägen mot kunskapskraven? / Education Plans in Mathematics : The Path to the Knowledge Requirements?

Andersson, Oskar January 2015 (has links)
Läsåret 2013/2014 saknar nästan var tionde elev i årskurs 6 godkänt betyg i matematik. Matematik är ett av tre ämnen som en elev behöver godkänt i för att senare under sin skolgång kunna få gymnasiebehörighet. Skolan har ett lagstadgat uppdrag att ge alla elever förutsättningar att nå godtagbara kunskapskrav och om så inte sker ska ett särskilt stöd sättas in och dokumenteras i åtgärdsprogram. Åtgärdsprogram får kontinuerligt utstå en hel del kritik för att de alltför ofta brister i kvalitet. Genom en kvalitativ textanalys granskas 15 åtgärdsprogram med syfte att utveckla kunskapen kring hur arbetet med särskilt stöd i matematik skrivs fram och bearbetas. Studien visar att det finns en koppling mellan åtgärdsprogram och kunskapskrav i 22 av 29 behovsbeskrivningar i 11 av 15 åtgärdsprogram. Det saknas i fyra av 15 åtgärdsprogram helt en beskrivning av elevens behov av särskilt stöd utifrån kursplanen i matematiks centrala innehållsområden och angivna förmågor. Av 38 åtgärder i åtgärdsprogrammen är sex av tydlig karaktär och resterande 32 av diffus karaktär. En klar majoritet av åtgärderna uppfyller inte kriterier om utvärderingsbarhet och konkretion som anges i Skolverkets allmänna råd. Studien visar att 26 av 38 åtgärder har en anknytning till aktuell forskning kring vad som är att betrakta som gynnsamma åtgärder för elever i matematiksvårigheter. Enbart i två av 15 åtgärdsprogram syns ett tydligt samband mellan elevens framskrivna behov och de inskrivna åtgärderna. / Academic year 2013/2014 almost every tenth student in grades 6 lacks passing grade in mathematics. Mathematics is one of the three subjects that a student needs to pass in order to later in their schooling get high school eligibility. The school has a statutory mandate to provide all students with opportunities to achieve acceptable knowledge requirements and if this is not done, a special support should be deployed and documented in an education plan. Education plans must constantly endure a lot of criticism because they do often lack in quality. Through a qualitative text analysis 15 education plans will be reviewed for the purpose of developing knowledge about how the work with special support in math are projected and processed. The study shows that there is a link between education plan and knowledge requirement in 22 of the 29 necessary descriptions in 11 of the 15 education plans. In four of the 15 education plans a description of the student's special needs based on the Mathematical Syllabuses core content and given abilities is missing entirely. Of the 38 measures in the education plans there are six with distinct character and the remaining 32 are of a diffuse character. A clear majority of the measures do not fulfill the criteria of evaluability and concreteness specified in Skolverkets general advice. The study shows that 26 of the 38 measures are related to current research on what is considered to be favorable measures for students in mathematics difficulties. Only two of the 15 education plans shows a clear connection between the students written needs and measures.


Huizinga, Raleigh James, 1938- January 1971 (has links)
No description available.

Vad avgjorde utgången vid slagen vid Narva och Poltava : Fältherrens styrning eller andra faktorer?

Johansson, Rick Peter January 2010 (has links)
Tesen att en fältherre hade små möjligheter att styra ett slag när det väl hade börjat har framförts av författaren Peter Englund. Denna tes delar forskare i två läger där det andra lägret menar att fältherren hade mycket stor betydelse för utgången av ett slag.   Syftet med denna uppsats är tvådelat. Den första delen i syftet är att undersöka om det fanns faktorer andra än fältherrens styrning som kunde avgöra ett dåtida slag och den andra delen i syftet är att se om det går att applicera moderna doktriner i analysen av dåtida fall.   Resultatet av undersökningen visar att fältherren hade små möjligheter att styra slaget men det fanns med ett energiskt och karismatiskt föregångsmannaskap möjlighet att påverka slaget. Det framgår tydligt faktorer i slagen som fältherren inte kunde styra över. Svaret är att en kombination av fältherrens påverkan och andra faktorer avgör ett slag, ingendera står ensam. Syftet uppfylls med att det finns andra faktorer identifierade och en modern doktrin går att använda vid analysen. / The thesis that a military commander had little opportunity to guide a battle when it had started has been proposed by the Author Peter Englund. This thesis divides researchers into two sides where the second side means that the Commander had a very big significance to the outcome of a battle.   The purpose of this essay is two-fold. The first part of the purpose is to examine whether there were factors other than the Commanders guidance that could determine a contemporary battle and the second part of the purpose is to see if it is possible to apply modern doctrines in the analysis of contemporary cases.The results of the study show that the Commander had little opportunity to control the battle but there was a possibility with an energetic and charismatic example to influence the battle. There are clearly factors in the battles that the Commander could not affect. The answer is that a combination of the Commanders influence and other factors determine a battle, neither stands alone. The purpose was met by that there are other factors identified and a modern doctrine can be used in the analysis.

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