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Stress inom svenska medier : En kvantitativ studie om svenska nyhetsreportrars upplevelser av stress / Stress within Swedish media : A quantitative study of Swedish newsreporters’ experiences of stressSegerström, Jennie January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: Statistik visar på att allt fler i Sveriges befolkning upplever en ökad stress i så väl privat- som yrkesliv. Detta yttrar sig till exempel inom områden där digitaliseringen är avhängig för en fortsatt relevans på arbetsmarknaden och inom yrkesgrupper som redan tidigare haft höga krav på kunskap, effektivitet och hastighet. Tidigare forskning visar på ett samband mellan modernitetens framväxt samt de accelerationsprocesser som därigenom tagit fart. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka om svenska nyhetsreportrars bakgrund och deras upplevelser avseende stressrelaterade frågor går att påvisa i förhållande till modernitetsstudier. Metod: Undersökningen är en kvantitativstudie som utförts med hjälp av digitala enkäter med främst fasta svarsalternativ på en ordinalskalenivå. Enkätundersökningen genomfördes av 78 svenska nyhetsredaktioner varav 21 TV-, 26 radio- och 31 tidningsredaktioner där 118 respondenter deltagit i undersökningen. Urvalet var icke slumpmässigt vilket medför att studiens resultat utgörs av deskriptiv statistik. Bearbetning av resultaten gjordes i statistikprogrammet SPSS. Resultat: I resultatet framkommer att stressrelaterade utmaningar finns i yrkesgruppen och att dessa går att relatera till modernitetsstudier. Ytterligare resultat visar att yrkesgruppen identifierar sig i mycket hög grad med sitt yrke, att de inte får tid för reflektion mellan arbetsuppdragen och att de inte är oroliga för att inte hänga med i den tekniska utvecklingen. Konklusion: Bakomliggande variabler såsom kön, ålder, medium och utbildningsnivå har inte uppvisat någon påverkan för upplevd stress. Däremot påvisar modernitetsteorier att indikationer finns på att förhållanden inom yrket skulle behöva vara bättre. Nyhetsreportrars höga krav och positiva inställning till förändring och utveckling i kombination med brist på återhämtning och reflektion kan mot bakgrund till att denna studie vilar mot deskriptiv statistik sägas vara i linje med teorier om samhället som en juggernaut och social acceleration i enlighet med både Anthony Giddens och Hartmut Rosa. / Background: Statistics show that more and more of Sweden’s population is experiencing increased stress in both private and professional life. This manifests itself, for example, in areas where continues relevance on the labor market is dependent on digitization as well as in professional groups with high demands on speed, knowledge and efficiency. Previous research shows a connection between the rise of modernity and increasing acceleration processes. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to investigate whether Swedish news reporters’ background and their experiences regarding stress-related issues can be demonstrated in relation to modernity studies. Method: The survey is a quantitative study carried out using digital questionnaires with mainly fixed response options at an ordinal scale level. The survey was conducted at 78 Swedish newsrooms, of which 21 TV, 26 radio and 31 newspaper rooms, where 118 respondents participated in the survey. The selection was not random, which means that the results of the study consist of descriptive statistics. Processing of the results was done in the statistical program SPSS. Results: The results show that stress-related challenges do exist in the occupational group and that these can be related to modernity studies according to modernity studies. Further results show that the occupational group identifies to a very high degree with their profession, that they do not have enough time for reflection between work assignments and that they are not worried about not keeping up with technical developments. Conclusion: Underlying variables such as gender, age, medium and level of education have no effect on perceived stress. On the other hand, modernity theories can be emphasized that there are indications that conditions in the profession need to improve. News reporters' high demands and positive attitude to change and development in combined with a lack of recovery and reflection, in light of the fact that this study rests against descriptive statistics, can be said to be in line with theories of society as a juggernaut and social acceleration in accordance with both Anthony Giddens and Hartmut Rosa.
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Evaluation of IMO second-generation intact stability criteria and examination of different fishing vessel designs to dead ship condition and excessive acceleration failure mode / Utvärdering av IMOs andra generationens intaktstabilitetskriterier genom en undersökning av olika fiskefartygsskrovs känslighetLiatsis, Pavlos January 2023 (has links)
The main objective of this project is to investigate the applicability of the IMO second-generation intact stability criteria in enhancing the process of designing fishing vessels, which often face stability challenges due to their narrow hulls and harsh operating environments. The study involves analyzing the impact of these criteria, specifically focusing on dead ship conditions and Level 1 and Level 2 excessive acceleration criteria, on the design of three fishing vessels. Through thorough theoretical examination and practical assessment, the research seeks to provide naval architects with valuable insights into designing safer and more stable fishing vessels. The investigation also explores the potential benefits of incorporating bilge keels to mitigate lateral acceleration effects, aiming to enhance crew safety. Finally, a discussion of the computation results is held, followed by a conclusion. / Huvudsyftet med detta projekt är att undersöka tillämpbarheten av IMO:s andra generationens kriterier för intaktstabilitet för att förbättra processen med att designa fiskefartyg. Denna typ av fartyg har ofta flera stabilitetsutmaningar på grund av deras smala skrov och krävande driftsmiljöer. Studien innefattar att analysera effekterna av dessa kriterier, med särskild fokus på "dead ship" villkor samt nivå 1- och nivå 2-kriterierna för kraftiga acceleration, på designen av tre fiskefartyg. Genom teoretisk granskning och praktisk bedömning ämnar forskningen ge fartygskonstruktörer insikter för att designa säkrare och mer stabila fiskefartyg. Undersökningen utforskar också de potentiella fördelarna med att inkludera slingerkölar för att mildra effekterna av lateral acceleration och därmed öka besättningens säkerhet. Rapporten avslutas med en diskussion kring beräkningsresultaten, följt av en slutsats.
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Design and Implementation of the Heterogeneous Computing Device Management ArchitectureSchultek, Brian Robert January 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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Particle-in-Cell Simulations of the Acceleration of Electrons from the Interaction of a Relativistic Laser Reflecting from Solid Density TargetsNgirmang, Gregory Kodeb 01 June 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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HEDGEMON: A HEDGEHOG-INSPIRED HELMET LINERSwift, Nathan Butler, IV 01 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Studying the interaction of ultrashort, intense laser pulses with solid targetsMetzkes, Josefine 20 April 2016 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis experimentally investigates laser-driven proton acceleration in the regime of target normal sheath acceleration (TNSA) using ultrashort (pulse duration τL = 30 fs), high power (∼100TW) laser pulses. The work focuses on how the temporal intensity profile of the ultrashort laser pulse influences the plasma formation during the laser-target interaction and the subsequent acceleration process. The corresponding experiments are performed at the Draco laser facility at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden – Rossendorf.
The main result of the thesis is the experimental observation of transverse spatial modulations in the laser-driven proton distribution. The onset of the modulations occurs above a target-dependent laser energy threshold and is found to correlate with parasitic laser emission preceding the ultrashort laser pulse.
The analysis of the underlying plasma dynamics by using numerical simulations indicates that plasma instabilities lead to the filamentation of the laser-accelerated electron distribution. The resulting spatial pattern in the electron distribution is then transferred to the proton distribution during the acceleration process. The plasma instabilities, which the electron current is subjected to, are a surface-ripple-seeded Rayleigh-Taylor or a Weibel instability.
Regarding their occurrence, both instabilities show a strong dependence on the initial plasma conditions at the target. This supports the experimentally observed connection between the temporal intensity profile of the laser pulse and the development of spatial modulations in the proton distribution.
The study is considered the first observation of (regular) proton beam modulations for TNSA in the regime of ultrashort laser pulses and micrometer thick target foils. The experiments emphasize the requirement for TNSA laser power scaling studies under the consideration of realistic laser-plasma interaction conditions. In that way, the potential of the upcoming generation of Petawatt power lasers for laser-driven proton acceleration can be assessed and fully exploited.
In the second part of the thesis, experimental pump-probe techniques are investigated. With an imaging method termed high depth-of-field time-resolved microscopy in a reflective probing setup, micrometer-size local features of the near-critical density plasma as well as the global topography of the plasma can be resolved. The spatio-temporal resolution of the target ionization and heating dynamics is achieved by probing the target reflectivity, whereas the angular distribution of the reflected probe beam carries signatures of the plasma expansion. The presented probing technique avails to correlate the temporal intensity profile of a laser pulse with the spatio-temporal plasma evolution triggered upon laser-target interaction.
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Ta tid ute : En studie av hur natur, friluftsliv och människor konstituerats på omslagen av Utemagasinet 1980-2015Larsson, Erik January 2016 (has links)
Studien visar att natur, friluftsliv och människor på omslaget av Utemagasinet konstituerats över tid på olika vis. En markant tilltagande poseringstendens framställer sedan millenniumskiftet individen allt oftare ensam centralt i bild, tillgängligt leende, aptitligt ung och vacker, viril och fertil, och vit. Samtidigt som helbilder alltmer känns som halvbilder, och halvbilder som närbilder. En utveckling påverkad av hur textpuffar ramar in människor och ansikten. De sista 5 åren har även naturen drastiskt försvunnit eller kraftfullt reducerats från nästan hälften av omslagen. Skärpedjupet sätter fokus på individen, den metrosexuella och leende sfinxen, och lösgör henne därmed ur landskapet genom att bakgrunden suddas ut. På så vis avlägsnas friluftsmänniskan allt mer naturen och friluftslivet friställs sitt ursprung. Liksom individen som självexploaterande prestationssubjekt tycks utlämnad åt en situativ senmodern tillvaro präglad av en eroderande kontext. Utvecklingen indikerar starkt att Utemagasinet väljer en känslosfär på omslagen som mer påminner om reklambilder för exempelvis bindor, deodoranter och hårschampon. Något som ger oss skäl att begrunda vart naturen som sakralt eller sekulärt kontemplativt betydelsespelrum tar vägen och ifall förpackningen (omslagen) i någon mening är på väg att tillintetgöra sina egna rötter (naturen).
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On Certain Non-linear and Relativistic Effects in Plasma-based Particle AccelerationSahai, Aakash Ajit January 2015 (has links)
<p>Plasma-based particle acceleration holds the promise to make the applications that revolve around accelerators more affordable. The central unifying theme of this dissertation is the modeling of certain non-linear and relativistic phenomena in plasma dynamics to devise mechanisms that benefit plasma-accelerators. Plasma acceleration presented here has two distinct flavors depending upon the accelerated particle mass which dictates the acceleration structure velocity and potential. The first deals with ion acceleration, where acceleration structure velocities are a significant fraction of the speed of light, with major applications in medicine. The second focusses on the acceleration of electrons and positrons for light-sources and colliders where the acceleration structures are wakefields with phase-velocities near the speed of light.</p>
<p>The increasing Lorentz factor of the laser-driven electron quiver momentum forms the basis of Relativistically Induced Transparency Acceleration (RITA) scheme of ion acceleration. Lighter ions are accelerated by reflecting off a propagating acceleration structure, referred to as a snowplow, formed by the compression of ponderomotively driven critical layer electrons excited in front of a high intensity laser pulse in a fixed-ion plasma. Its velocity is controlled by tailoring the laser pulse rise-time and rising density gradient scale-length. We analytically model its induced transparency driven propagation with a 1-D model based on the linearized dispersion relation. The model is shown to be in good agreement with the weakly non-linear simulations. As the density compression rises into the strongly non-linear regime, the scaling law predictions remain accurate but the model does not exactly predict the RITA velocity or the accelerated ion-energy. Multi-dimensional plasma effects modify the laser radial envelope by self-focussing in the rising density gradient which can be integrated into our model and filamentation which is mitigated by a matched laser focal spot-size. We show that the critical layer motion in RITA compares favorably to the bulk-plasma motion driven by radiation pressure or collision-less shocks.</p>
<p>Non-linear mixing of the laser, incident on and reflected off the propagating critical layer modulates its envelope affecting the acceleration structure velocity and potential, in the process setting up a feedback loop. For long pulses the envelope distortion grows with time, disrupting the accelerated ion-beam spectral shape. We model the Chirp Induced Transparency Acceleration (ChITA) mechanism that over- comes this effect by introducing decoherence through a frequency chirp in the laser. </p>
<p>In a rising density gradient, the non-linearity of electron trajectories leads to the phase-mixing self-injection of electrons into high phase-velocity plasma wakefields. The onset of trapping depends upon the wake amplitude and the density gradient scale-length. This self-injection mechanism is also applicable to controlling the spuriously accelerated electrons that affect the beam-quality. </p>
<p>Non-linear ion dynamics behind a train of asymmetric electron-wake excites a cylindrical ion-soliton similar to the solution of the cylindrical Korteweg-de Vries (cKdV) equation. This non-linear ion-wake establishes an upper limit on the repetition rate of the future plasma colliders. The soliton is excited at the non-linear electron wake radius due to the time-asymmetry of its radial fields. In a non-equilibrium wake heated plasma the radial electron temperature gradient drives the soliton. Its radially outwards propagation leaves behind a partially-filled ion-wake channel. </p>
<p>We show positron-beam driven wakefield acceleration in the ion-wake channel. Optimal positron-wakefield acceleration with linear focussing fields is shown to require a matched hollow-plasma channel of a radius that depends upon the beam properties. </p> / Dissertation
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Beam diagnostics for the Texas Petawatt Laser Wakefield Acceleration ProjectBedacht, Stefan 20 September 2010 (has links)
An overview of the beam diagnostics for the laser wakefield acceleration project at the Texas Petawatt Laser facility is presented. In this experiment, short and intense laser pulses of 165 fs and up to 190 J will be used to accelerate electrons up to the GeV energy range using laser wakefield acceleration.
The density variation of the plasma generated in a helium gas cell will be measured with different optical detection systems such as frequency domain holography. Spectra of the transmitted laser beam and optical transition radiation will yield information about the energy transfer to the plasma and the energy of the electrons, respectively. In addition, a calorimeter will measure accelerated electron energies.
Prior to the final experiment, preliminary frequency shift measurements and simulations on optical transition radiation were performed. / text
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Effects of Turbulent Magnetic Fields on the Transport and Acceleration of Energetic Charged Particles: Numerical Simulations with Application to Heliospheric PhysicsGuo, Fan January 2012 (has links)
Turbulent magnetic fields are ubiquitous in space physics and astrophysics. The influence of magnetic turbulence on the motions of charged particles contains the essential physics of the transport and acceleration of energetic charged particles in the heliosphere, which is to be explored in this thesis. After a brief introduction on the energetic charged particles and magnetic fields in the heliosphere, the rest of this dissertation focuses on three specific topics: 1. the transport of energetic charged particles in the inner heliosphere, 2. the acceleration of ions at collisionless shocks, and 3. the acceleration of electrons at collisionless shocks. We utilize various numerical techniques to study these topics. In Chapter 2 we study the propagation of charged particles in turbulent magnetic fields similar to the propagation of solar energetic particles in the inner heliosphere. The trajectories of energetic charged particles in the turbulent magnetic field are numerically integrated. The turbulence model includes a Kolmogorov-like magnetic field power spectrum containing a broad range of scales from those that lead to large-scale field-line random walk to small scales leading to resonant pitch-angle scattering of energetic particles. We show that small-scale variations in particle intensities (the so-called "dropouts") and velocity dispersions observed by spacecraft can be reproduced using this method. Our study gives a new constraint on the error of "onset analysis", which is a technique commonly used to infer information about the initial release of energetic particles. We also find that the dropouts are rarely produced in the simulations using the so-called "two-component" magnetic turbulence model (Matthaeus et al., 1990). The result questions the validity of this model in studying particle transport. In the first part of Chapter 3 we study the acceleration of ions in the existence of turbulent magnetic fields. We use 3-D self-consistent hybrid simulations (kinetic ions and fluid electrons) to investigate the acceleration of low-energy particles (often termed as "injection problem") at parallel shocks. We find that the accelerated particles always gain the first amount of energy by reflection and acceleration at the shock layer. The protons can move off their original field lines in the 3-D electric and magnetic fields. The results are consistent with the acceleration mechanism found in previous 1-D and 2-D simulations. In the second part of Chapter 3, we use a stochastic integration method to study diffusive shock acceleration in the existence of large-scale magnetic variations. We show that the 1-D steady state solution of diffusive shock acceleration can be significantly modified in this situation. The results suggest that the observations of anomalous cosmic rays by Voyager spacecraft can be explained by a 2-D shock that includes the large-scale magnetic field variations. In Chapter 4 we study electron acceleration at a shock passing into a turbulent magnetic field by using a combination of hybrid simulations and test-particle electron simulations. We find that the acceleration of electrons is greatly enhanced by including the effect of large-scale magnetic turbulence. Since the electrons mainly follow along the magnetic lines of force, the large-scale braiding of field lines in space allows the fast-moving electrons interacting with the shock front multiple times. Ripples in the shock front occurring at various scales also contribute to the acceleration by mirroring the electrons. Our calculation shows that this process favors electron acceleration at perpendicular shocks. We discuss the application of this process in interplanetary shocks and flare termination shocks. We also discuss the implication of this study to solar energetic particles (SEPs) by comparing the acceleration of electrons with that of protons. The intensity correlation of electrons and ions in SEP events indicates that perpendicular or quasi-perpendicular shocks play an important role in accelerating charged particles. In Chapter 5 we summarize the results of this thesis and discuss possible future work.
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