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A rela????o entre perfis comportamentais e o desempenho eficaz em sistemas motivacionais voltados para gera????o de resultados : um estudo em ag??ncias banc??riasCestari, Rog??rio Vecchi 07 June 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-06-07 / This research identifies the relations between the variables behavior's profile, working performance and perception of factors that constitute the motivational strategy used by the researched institution. In order to achieve the proposed goals, 119 retail banking account managers has been researched. This way, by means of the performance background from this officials in the fulfillment of goals the institution established, behavior performance identification based on the work developed by Ricco (2004) and the evaluation of the perception of factors that the referred motivational strategy consists of through a questionnaire prepared by the researcher, it was possible to establish the proposed relations. The theoretical foundation that mainly supported this research is found in the works of Robbins (2002), DuBrin (2003), Fromm (1989), Coda (2000) and Ricco (2004). The datum analysis allowed identifying that, according to the motivational strategy used by the institution, there's a difference between the performance presented by the different behavior profiles, as has been noted, when comparing it with the other profiles, the conquering profile presents a better performance whereas the collaborator and expert profiles present lower performances. From the relation between the performance at work and the individuals perception before the factors constituting the referred motivational strategy, it can be seen that the individual with a lower performance highly care about service quality and group work, although this aren't prior factors in this motivational strategy. As a result, analyzing the relation between the behavior profiles and the individuals' perception before the factors that constitute the motivational strategy in question, it hasn't been noticed a statistically meaningful importance of a certain factor to the detriment of other factors, that is, statistically no factor has prevailed to another. However, even without a statistically significant difference among the factors, the importance given to them is different for each behavior's profile. / Esta pesquisa identifica as rela????es entre as vari??veis perfil comportamental, desempenho no trabalho e percep????o dos fatores que comp??em a estrat??gia motivacional utilizada pela institui????o pesquisada. Para atingir os objetivos propostos, foram pesquisados 119 gerentes de conta de um banco de varejo. Assim, por meio do hist??rico de desempenho destes funcion??rios no cumprimento das metas estabelecidas pela institui????o, da identifica????o do perfil comportamental com base no trabalho desenvolvido por Ricco (2004) e da avalia????o da percep????o dos fatores que comp??em a referida estrat??gia motivacional por interm??dio de question??rio elaborado pelo pesquisador, foi poss??vel estabelecer as rela????es propostas. O embasamento te??rico que predominantemente sustentou esta pesquisa encontra-se nas obras de Robbins (2002), DuBrin (2003), Fromm (1986), Coda (2000) e Ricco (2004). A an??lise dos dados permitiu identificar que, diante da estrat??gia motivacional utilizada pela institui????o, existe diferen??a entre o desempenho apresentado pelos diferentes perfis comportamentais, sendo que, quando comparado aos demais perfis, o perfil conquistador apresenta melhor desempenho enquanto os perfis colaborador e especialista apresentam piores desempenhos. Da rela????o entre o desempenho no trabalho e a percep????o dos indiv??duos perante os fatores que comp??em a referida estrat??gia motivacional, observa-se que os indiv??duos com baixo desempenho d??o mais import??ncia ?? qualidade do atendimento e ao trabalho em grupo, n??o sendo estes fatores priorit??rios nesta estrat??gia motivacional. Por fim, analisando-se a rela????o entre os perfis comportamentais e a percep????o dos indiv??duos perante os fatores que comp??em a estrat??gia motivacional em quest??o, para todos os perfis comportamentais n??o foi percebida a import??ncia estatisticamente significativa de determinado fator em detrimento a outro, ou seja, estatisticamente nenhum fator se sobressaiu a outro. Por??m, mesmo sem haver diferen??a estatisticamente significativa entre os fatores, a import??ncia atribu??da a eles ?? diferente para cada perfil comportamental.
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An??lise da cadeia de valor entre fabricantes, distribuidores e clientes industriais na ind??stria el??trica brasileiraWolf, Fernando Sergio Boscoli 14 December 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-12-14 / This research aimed to evaluate the perception of the industrial customers and distributors as regards to the inter-organizational relationship with three manufacturers of low voltage electrical equipment. The purpose was to identify the level of this relationship in terms of technical support, products and services and verify to which extent these companies of the electrical sector are improving or not their network inter-organizational relationship. After the literature review, a questionnaire was prepared in order to establish the variables representing the relationship among the companies and twenty one questions to be answered through a Likert??s scale of five alternatives were presented. The data were evaluated using the SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) software, release 12, through the Kruskal-Wallis test and the Factorial Analysis. As a result, it was verified that the service and the technical support provided by the manufacturers are not in the same level as the products, thus highlighting that the industrial customers give more importance to the characteristic and performance of the product than to the service and technical support provided by the manufacturer and characterizing the current demand for low voltage electrical equipment in the Brazilian market. / O presente trabalho de pesquisa teve como finalidade avaliar a vis??o dos clientes industriais e distribuidores a respeito do relacionamento inter-organizacional com tr??s fabricantes de equipamentos el??tricos de baixa tens??o. Objetivou-se identificar o grau desse relacionamento em termos de suporte t??cnico, produtos e servi??os, e em que dimens??es essas empresas integrantes do setor el??trico est??o tendo melhor ou pior desempenho no que se refere ao relacionamento inter-organizacional em rede. Ap??s elabora????o do referencial te??rico foi elaborado um instrumento de pesquisa (question??rio) para defini????o das vari??veis representativas do relacionamento entre as empresas e vinte e uma assertivas para serem respondidas mediante a escolha de cinco alternativas com a escala de Likert. Os dados resultantes foram analisados com o apoio do software SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences) base 12, atrav??s do teste de Kruskal-Wallis e de An??lise Fatorial. Como resultado da pesquisa foi observado que o servi??o e o suporte t??cnico dos fabricantes n??o est??o no mesmo patamar seus produtos. Em decorr??ncia fica ressaltado que os clientes industriais atribuem maior import??ncia ?? caracter??stica e desempenho do produto que o servi??o e suporte t??cnico do fabricante, caracterizando dessa forma, o est??gio atual da demanda no mercado brasileiro de equipamentos el??tricos de baixa tens??o.
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Gest??o estrat??gica nas organiza????es p??blicas de sa??de : um estudo de caso da consolida????o do SUS MunicipalSim??es, Adriana Rotger 25 August 2003 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2003-08-25 / The study, in its initial part, aims to relate aspects of the organizational theory and the main tools for administrative management. In sequence, it shows the complexity of the Brazilian Public Health system - SUS - and relates the main factors that permeate the management of the Public Health sector, emphasizing the issues of the three level government agents, which integrate it. As a basic element of this survey, it was developed a case study of a Health Public Organization at municipal level. In this case it was analyzed, with emphasis, the management actions related to the financial and administrative resources from the Municipal Health Fund, which allowed the effectuation of strategic actions for a Municipal Public Health Model consolidation. In the structuring of the case, the applied methodology embraced large documental and bibliographic survey, which was joined by the execution of openstructured interviews with administrators and managers who acted during different periods of the public management, between 1983 and 2000, towards the referred Health program. Those interviews provided subsidies for the identification and rating of the actions, which consolidated the adopted policies and strategies, and moreover, the formation of the reference basis for the data structuring necessary to the evaluation of the accomplished results by this Municipal Health System. All those elements based the historical evolution course study of the Municipal Health System, through constant growth of the physical and human basis, either under qualitative or quantitative criteria, the importance of the non-centralized establishment and operational management of the Municipal Health Fund and, finally, the different strategies implemented, characterized by the actions that allowed the increase in the offer of the Municipal SUS s services, main objective of the System. / O estudo, em sua parte inicial, busca relacionar aspectos da teoria organizacional e as principais ferramentas de gest??o administrativa. Em seguida, demonstra a complexidade do sistema de Sa??de P??blica brasileiro - SUS - e relaciona os principais fatores que permeiam o gerenciamento do setor de Sa??de P??blica, enfatizando as quest??es da integra????o de tr??s n??veis de agentes de governo que o integram. Como elemento b??sico da pesquisa, foi desenvolvido um estudo de caso de uma Organiza????o P??blica de Sa??de em n??vel municipal. Neste caso foram analisadas com ??nfase as a????es de gerenciamento, com respeito aos recursos administrativos e financeiros, do Fundo Municipal de Sa??de, ao que permitiu a efetiva????o de a????es estrat??gicas para consolida????o de um Modelo de Sa??de P??blica Municipal. Na estrutura????o do caso, a metodologia aplicada abrangeu amplo levantamento bibliogr??fico e documental, ?? qual se acoplou a realiza????o de entrevista estruturada aberta, junto a administradores que atuaram em diferentes per??odos da gest??o p??blica, entre 1983 a 2000, na dire????o do programa de Sa??de referido. Essas entrevistas ?? que forneceram subs??dios para a identifica????o e categoriza????o das a????es que consolidaram as pol??ticas e estrat??gias adotadas, e ainda, formar o referencial para estrutura????o de dados, necess??rios para avalia????o dos resultados alcan??ados por este Sistema Municipal de Sa??de. Todos estes elementos embasaram o estudo do curso hist??rico de evolu????o do Sistema de Sa??de Municipal, mediante uma constante amplia????o da base f??sica e humana, tanto sob o crit??rio qualitativo como quantitativo, a import??ncia da institucionaliza????o e operacionaliza????o descentralizada do Fundo Municipal de Sa??de, e finalmente, as diferentes estrat??gias implementadas, caracterizadas pelas categorias de a????es que permitiram a amplia????o da oferta de servi??os do SUS Municipal, principal objetivo do Sistema.
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A ind??stria de servi??os de engenharia de projetos no Brasil : um estudo dos fatores estrat??gicos na evolu????o e desenvolvimento de uma empresaNiero, Nilson Roberto 05 August 2004 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2004-08-05 / This piece of work main objective is to investigate the dynamics of the engineering sector, inside the Brazilian competitive context, mainly focusing on the identification of different factors influencing the strategic repositioning of companies working with engineering and industrial project management. Under a systematic point of view, this work comprises the identification of changes, occurred over the past three decades, in the engineering and industrial project management services sector, as far as the management of complex operations of the companies and their respective adaptations to the competitive environment are concerned. In terms of methodology and during the period of analyses, the work has been based on explanatory, documentary and bibliographical historical research, and developed with one of the most representative companies of the sector. Semi-structured interviews with open questions have been carried out with those main businessmen who have lived the history and the changes of this company. The work has been divided into five parts. Objectives and methodology are in the first chapter. The second chapter presents the main characteristics and the evolution of the service industry in Brazil. Chapter 3 deals with competitive positioning concepts and its objective is to supply the fundamentals for the case study in chapter four. Finally, main conclusions and considerations are presented. / Este trabalho tem por objetivo realizar uma investiga????o a respeito da din??mica do setor de engenharia e gerenciamento de projetos no contexto competitivo brasileiro, procurando identificar os diferentes fatores que influem no re-posicionamento estrat??gico das organiza????es atuantes nessa ind??stria. O trabalho contempla, dentro de um enfoque sist??mico, a identifica????o das transforma????es ocorridas na presta????o de servi??os de engenharia e gerenciamento de empreendimentos industriais no Brasil, no per??odo de 1974 a 2000, quanto ?? gest??o de complexas opera????es dessas empresas e suas respectivas adequa????es ??s mudan??as no seu ambiente competitivo. Metodologicamente, o trabalho envolve pesquisa hist??rica de natureza explicativa, documental e bibliogr??fica realizada junto a uma das empresas mais representativas do setor no per??odo de an??lise. Foram realizadas tamb??m entrevistas semi-estruturadas de quest??es abertas com os principais executivos da empresa, que vivenciaram sua hist??ria e transforma????es. O trabalho est?? dividido em cinco partes. No primeiro cap??tulo, est??o apresentados os objetivos e a metodologia utilizada. O segundo cap??tulo trata das principais caracter??sticas e da evolu????o da ind??stria de servi??os no Brasil. O terceiro aborda os conceitos de posicionamento concorrencial com o objetivo de fundamentar o estudo de caso contemplado no quarto cap??tulo. E, ao final, est??o apresentadas as principais conclus??es e considera????es sobre a pesquisa realizada.
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Estrat??gia competitiva com o surgimento de novos concorrentes : um estudo explorat??rio em industrias t??xteisGon??alves, Wagner Alves 02 August 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-08-02 / This dissertation aims at analysing the relations of the Brazilian Textile Industry in the presence of the intensification of the globalization process and the arising of new competitors as a consequence of the market opening to importation, which took place in the 1990s. The focus of this work will be placed on analysing the strategic planning carried out by the companies which survived the crisis and the implementation of more competitive performance models. To achieve such a purpose, taking into account a survey on the strategy models which are known for their efficiency, the situation of the Textile Industry prior to the 1990s as well as nowadays is described. The case study containing the application of interviews with the planners in charge of the development and the implementation of the strategy is adopted as a research methodology in exploratory character. / Esta disserta????o tem como objetivo verificar quais as rea????es da Ind??stria T??xtil brasileira perante a intensifica????o do processo de globaliza????o e a entrada de novos concorrentes, conseq????ncia da abertura ??s importa????es ocorrida no in??cio da d??cada de 90. O interesse est?? em analisar o planejamento estrat??gico desenvolvido pelas empresas sobreviventes ?? crise e a implementa????o de modelos de atua????o mais competitivos. Para isso, ap??s o levantamento dos modelos de estrat??gias conhecidos pela efici??ncia, s??o descritas tanto a situa????o da Ind??stria T??xtil anterior a 1990 quanto a situa????o recente. Como metodologia de pesquisa, de car??ter explorat??rio, ?? adotado o estudo de caso com a aplica????o de entrevistas com os planejadores respons??veis pela elabora????o e implanta????o da estrat??gia.
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Memoria organizacional e reutiliza????o do conhecimento t??cnico : estudo de caso em uma ind??stria multinacional eletroeletr??nica no BrasilSpiller, Arnaldo Ribeiro 24 October 2005 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2005-10-24 / Over time, the experience of an organization, accumulated through its people, culture, processes and documents, collectively constitutes its organizational memory. However, the pressure for innovation, dictated by the world economy, leads organizations to believe that past experience hinders improvement, rather than providing the lessons learned to achieve higher levels of excellence. Management that neglects institutionalization of past experience is subject to involuntary and continuous reinvention of the wheel, as opposed to focusing on continuous improvement. This case study research aimed to investigate the existence of practices that foster and promote explicit technological organizational memory, i.e., documented knowledge, as well as those practices related to the reuse of this knowledge for problem solving. The company investigated was a multinational company from the electroelectronic segment. Several sites were included in the study. For each site, employees belonging to the company's technical departments were surveyed by means of a Likert-scale questionnaire for the quantitative analysis. The survey also included a free-text field to enable a qualitative analysis. The methodology attempted to identify the difference between two groups: those employees who work most of their time in the case-company premises (named internal group), and those who work most of their time at the customer's premises (external group). A total of 936 people were surveyed, out of which 408 responded (i.e., 43%, a nonprobabilistic sample). The overall results indicated that although the employees recognize the importance to grow the explicit technological organizational memory, and valorize the memory processes, such processes do not occur in an effective way in the company. Furthermore, though the company showed some incentive towards developing organizational memory processes, such incentive was not clearly perceived by all employees. Additionally it was observed that the processes most valued by the company were the ones most practiced by the employees. Within the internal and external groups the results were similar, with the major difference being that certain factors that were justified in one group were not justified in the other group. / As experi??ncias pelas quais passa uma organiza????o s??o acumuladas, ao longo dos anos, nas suas pessoas, cultura, processos e em seus documentos, e este conjunto de conhecimentos forma a sua mem??ria. Entretanto, a press??o por inova????es, ditada pela economia mundial, faz com que o passado seja visto como uma ??ncora, ao inv??s de um aprendizado e uma etapa j?? superada para se alcan??ar v??os ainda mais altos. A gest??o que subjuga a institucionaliza????o de tais experi??ncias est?? sujeita a re-inventar a roda involunt??ria e sucessivamente, onde haveria espa??o para melhoria cont??nua. Neste cen??rio a preserva????o do conhecimento d?? lugar ?? perda de conhecimento valioso, resultando em descontinuidades e repeti????o de erros do passado. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar, atrav??s do m??todo de estudo de caso, a exist??ncia de pr??ticas voltadas ?? forma????o de uma mem??ria organizacional expl??cita para a preserva????o do conhecimento t??cnico, bem como a exist??ncia de pr??ticas de reutiliza????o deste conhecimento na resolu????o de problemas t??cnicos em uma empresa multinacional do setor eletroeletr??nico, nas suas unidades brasileiras. Para tanto, foram pesquisados os funcion??rios que comp??em o corpo t??cnico da empresa, tendo sido utilizado um question??rio com escala Likert para a an??lise quantitativa, incluindo tamb??m um campo para opini??es livres para a an??lise qualitativa. Na metodologia adotada se prop??s a distin????o entre os funcion??rios que trabalham a maior parte do tempo nas instala????es da empresa-caso (denominado grupo interno) e funcion??rios que trabalham a maior parte do tempo nos clientes da empresa-caso (grupo externo), e a partir da?? tamb??m se buscou identificar a exist??ncia de diferen??as entre os dois grupos. Levando-se em conta que os respondentes representaram uma amostra n??oprobabil??stica, os resultados indicam que, apesar dos funcion??rios reconhecerem a import??ncia da mem??ria organizacional tecnol??gica expl??cita e valorizarem os processos que a comp??e, tais processos n??o ocorrem de forma efetiva na empresa. Embora a empresa apresente algum incentivo a alguns dos processos de mem??ria organizacional, os mesmos n??o s??o percebidos claramente por todos os funcion??rios, e justamente os processos que a empresa mais valoriza s??o tamb??m os processos mais praticados pelos funcion??rios. Os grupos interno e externo apresentaram posicionamentos similares, sendo que a maior diferen??a est?? nos fatores que se justificaram para um grupo e n??o se justificaram para outro.
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Servi??os de infra-estrutura de tecnologia de informa????o e o alinhamento estrat??gico com o neg??cio em bancos do setor privado no BrasilRauscher, Beatriz Woiler 11 October 2006 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2006-10-11 / The financial sector is a great Information Technology (IT) consumer and developer, since the investments are not modest and are part of the strategy of the financial institutions, the strategic alignment between IT and Business is basic for this sector, therefore it serves as base for adaptation to the constant transformations, changes and attendance to the high regulations demand controls. As foundation and sustentation of this alignment, the IT infrastructure services become essential and must be analyzed its IT strategic alignment maturity level with the Business needs. Ahead of the presented above, this research with qualitative and quantitative phases, identifies the IT and Business strategic alignment maturity level, the differences of strategic alignment in the infrastructure services of IT with Business in the biggest private banks in Brazil, the main involved variables in the strategic alignment of IT and Business for the banks of this study and which factors demand greater focus in the implementation or improvement strategy of IT infrastructure services for increasing the strategic alignment maturity level between IT and Business. / O setor financeiro ?? um grande consumidor e desenvolvedor de Tecnologia de Informa????o (TI), visto que os investimentos realizados n??o s??o modestos e fazem parte da estrat??gia das institui????es financeiras, o alinhamento estrat??gico entre TI e o Neg??cio ?? fundamental para este setor, pois serve de base para adapta????o ??s constantes transforma????es, mudan??as e atendimento ?? alta demanda de controles regulat??rios. Como alicerce e sustenta????o desse alinhamento, os servi??os de infra-estrutura de TI tornam-se essenciais e devem ser analisados quanto ao seu n??vel de maturidade no alinhamento estrat??gico de TI com as necessidades do Neg??cio. Diante do exposto, esta pesquisa com abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa, identifica o n??vel de maturidade do alinhamento estrat??gico de TI e Neg??cio, as diferen??as de alinhamento estrat??gico com o Neg??cio nos servi??os de infra-estrutura de TI nos maiores bancos privados no Brasil, as principais vari??veis envolvidas no alinhamento estrat??gico de TI e Neg??cio para os bancos deste estudo e quais fatores demandam maior foco na estrat??gia de implementa????o ou melhoria de servi??os de infra-estrutura de TI para aumentar o n??vel de maturidade do alinhamento estrat??gico entre TI e Neg??cio.
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Avalia????o da escolha de um sistema de Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) por empres??rios de empresas de m??dio porte do segmento de distribui????o na grande S??o PauloFernandes, Marcelo Eloy 03 October 2002 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2002-10-03 / Management Integrated Systems or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) has been widely used for the companies whom intend to integrate the diverse information systems, to bring up to date its technological park and to get competitive advantage. The factors that can take a company to adopt an ERP are most diverse possible, but it is common that these factors are been associated to the reduction of costs, integration and processes optimization, magnifying the businesses, or even though, for being a natural trend between the competitors, suppliers and customers. In a global form, the involved costs with implantation and the deep changes at the organization structure of the company, determine that this process of election would have to be made in an isolated environment of imperfections and unreliabilities. The process of election of an ERP system must have, as main objective to find a solution which better adapt itself to the business requirements, functional necessities and investment capacity of each company, attempting against the most diverse haracteristics of prices and services of each software supplier s. The process of election of an ERP system must be minute and sufficiently rigorous, to prevent a chose that would be made in a precipitated form, preventing the use of this technology in total inadequate processes to the company cultures and operations. The midrange companies, when compared to the great corporations, they tend to be more informal in its processes of business and not to carry through great investments in TI. In this direction, the objective of this study was to analyze the keys factors whish take the entrepreneurs to choose for a solution of integrated management in midrange companies. For this objective was adopted as method the qualitative form of multiple cases, which was accomplished with 17 entrepreneurs in the distribution sector, located in the great S??o Paulo. The results reached in this research come to corroborate the previous affirmation that mentions the cost and factors like integration as motivated elements in the election of the ERP system. / Sistemas Integrados de Gest??o ou Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) t??m sido amplamente utilizados pelas empresas que pretendem integrar os diversos sistemas de informa????es, atualizar seu parque tecnol??gico e obter vantagem competitiva. Os fatores que podem levar uma empresa a adotar um ERP s??o os mais diversos poss??veis, mas ?? comum que estes estejam associados ?? redu????o de custos, integra????o e otimiza????o de processos, amplia????o dos neg??cios, ou at?? mesmo, por ser uma tend??ncia natural entre os concorrentes, fornecedores e clientes. De forma geral, os custos envolvidos com implanta????o e as profundas mudan??as organizacionais causadas na empresa, determinam que esse processo de sele????o deveria ser feito em um ambiente isolado de falhas e inseguran??as. O processo de sele????o de um sistema ERP, deve ter, como principal objetivo, encontrar uma solu????o que melhor se adapte aos requisitos de neg??cios, necessidades funcionais e capacidade de investimento de cada empresa, atentando para as mais diversas caracter??sticas de pre??os e servi??os de cada fornecedor de software. O processo de sele????o de um sistema ERP deve ser minucioso e rigoroso o suficiente, para evitar que uma escolha desse tipo seja feita de forma atabalhoada, evitando o uso dessa tecnologia em processos totalmente inadequados ?? cultura e opera????o da empresa. As empresas de m??dio porte, quando comparadas as grandes corpora????es, tendem a ser mais informais em seus processos de neg??cio e a n??o realizar grandes investimentos em TI. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi analisar os fatores chaves que levam os empres??rios a escolher por uma solu????o de gest??o integrada em empresas de m??dio porte. Para isso, utilizou-se como m??todo o qualitativo na forma de casos m??ltiplos, aplicada a 17 empres??rios do setor de distribui????o, localizados na Grande S??o Paulo. Os resultados alcan??ados nesta pesquisa v??m a corroborar a afirma????o anterior, a qual menciona o custo e fatores como integra????o como elementos motivados na sele????o dos ERPs.
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Mudancas com a introdu????o da "automated teller machine" : um estudo de caso num grande banco nacionalSouza, Sandra Regina Silva dos Santos 30 November 2001 (has links)
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Sandra_Regina_Silva_dos_Santos_Souza.pdf: 1386805 bytes, checksum: d13f76892ad0d12e8a0709642ba09ba6 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2001-11-30 / The Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) are a successful product of the bank and a financial organization around the world. This research means investigate the changes in a Brazilian state bank, when the Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), were utilized in client services. To realized the research, we interview the employers that participated of the implemented project of ATMs. We made an choice of persons that started the procedures to introduce the equipment. We use a exploratory qualitative methodology by clinical interview and applied a semi-structured questionnaire. To explained the process, we analyzed the ATMs and automation history, the bank history and aspect of the information systems, indicate the facilities and problems for introduce the ATMs. In the early days of ATMs implementation, two other banks had the equipment and the technology to use these. The cause for our bank had implemented the ATMs in yours current services, was to offer more modern technological resources. To realized the ATM project, the employers were inexperienced and the bank no had the necessary structure to do. Problems of hardware, software, installation and system administration had in the role of the vulgar works. Also, the project generate problems with the union. Today, the ATMs are synonymous of successful, but we verify, in this research the difficulties and problems to implementation development. / As Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) ou caixas eletr??nicos s??o reconhecidos como um produto de sucesso dos Bancos e das organiza????es financeiras em todo o mundo. Para estudar a sua implanta????o, n??s realizamos um estudo sobre as mudan??as que ocorreram em um Banco brasileiro de grande porte, onde as ATMs passaram a ser utilizadas em servi??os oferecidos aos clientes. Para realizar esta pesquisa, n??s entrevistamos os empregados que participaram da implanta????o do projeto das ATMs e aqueles que iniciaram a implanta????o dos primeiros equipamento e usamos uma metodologia qualitativa de entrevistas cl??nicas semi- estruturadas. Al??m da an??lise dos dados obtidos, n??s apresentamos algumas caracter??sticas da hist??ria da automa????o, dos sistemas de informa????o, para indicar as facilidades e problemas para introduzir as ATMs na organiza????o em estudo. Observamos, nesta pesquisa, que no in??cio da implementa????o, dois outros bancos j?? possu??am esses equipamentos e a tecnologia para o seu uso. Assim uma das causas principais dessa implanta????o foi oferecer equipamentos mais modernos. Tamb??m observamos que no projeto das ATMs, os participantes n??o tinham experi??ncia anterior e a infra-estrutura necess??ria para tal. Problemas com os hardwares, com os softwares, as instala????es e os sistemas administrativos aconteceram, al??m de problemas com a equipe. Assim, apesar do sucesso alcan??ado, n??s iremos apresentar nesta pesquisa as mudan??as, dificuldades e os problemas apresentados no processo.
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Sistemas de informa????es - SIG como ferramenta de apoio a gest??o do setor de vendas de empresas clientes de uma "Software House" nacionalXavier, Wagner 23 June 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T18:32:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Wagner_Xavier.pdf: 1543722 bytes, checksum: 1b13c015233e32ca6816325902c0071e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2003-06-23 / The science advancement on last thirty years caused a dramatic growth on products based in new techonology information relationated with computation, telecommunication, automation and robotic. These technologies, in whole world, are introducing important transformations in companies atmosphere, affecting directly on formulation of their business strategy. In a interval of few decades, the technology of information transformed our culture, defining the paradigms for a new era organized around by the big media. On this scene, the System Information Management (SIM), became important tools for the management process organization, providing the necessary information for the decisions and collaborating, in this way, for the companies to keep competitives in relation of the market that they participate. Considering the kind of system and his foolscap on management of the organizations, this study had as an objective to ckeck the perception of the companies in relation of the results obtained after the introduction of the system. More specifically, the objective was relacionate the introduction of SIM with the acquisition of better results, increasing the productivity or profitability and practical results of the companies??s commercial process. Delimiting the study, the focus of the SIM analysis was concentred on the sales area, having as a sample a joint of companies that use the same management system of sales. It was expected that the result of this research could indicate the available resources and utilizated by the organizations on utilizing of the SIM, the characteristics of the system introducing and how effectively the executives realize the financial results obtained. / Os avan??os da ci??ncia intensificados nos ??ltimos 30 anos provocaram um dram??tico crescimento de produtos baseados em novas tecnologias de informa????o relacionadas com a computa????o, telecomunica????o, automa????o e rob??tica. Essas tecnologias, no mundo inteiro, est??o induzindo importantes transforma????es no ambiente organizacional das empresas, afetando diretamente na formula????o das suas estrat??gias de neg??cios. Num intervalo de poucas d??cadas, a tecnologia de informa????o transformou a nossa cultura, definindo os paradigmas para uma nova era organizada em torno dos grandes meios de comunica????o de massa. Neste cen??rio, os Sistemas de Informa????es Gerenciais (SIG) t??m se tornado ferramentas importantes para a gest??o de processos nas organiza????es, fornecendo as informa????es necess??rias para as tomadas de decis??es e colaborando, desta forma, para que as empresas se mantenham competitivas em rela????o ao mercado em que atuam. Considerando-se esse tipo de sistema e seu papel no gerenciamento das organiza????es, este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a percep????o das empresas em rela????o aos resultados obtidos ap??s a implanta????o do sistema. Mais especificamente, objetivou-se relacionar a implanta????o do SIG com a obten????o de melhores resultados, aumento de produtividade ou lucratividade e resultados pr??ticos no processo comercial das empresas. Delimitando o estudo realizado, o foco de an??lise do SIG concentrou-se na ??rea de vendas das empresas, tendo-se como amostra um conjunto de empresas usu??rias de um mesmo sistema de gest??o de vendas. Esperou-se que o resultado da pesquisa pudesse indicar os recursos dispon??veis e utilizados pelas organiza????es na utiliza????o do SIG, as caracter??sticas da implanta????o do sistema e o quanto efetivamente os executivos percebem os resultados financeiros obtidos.
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