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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo transversal sobre a exposição às tecnologias não-invasivas de cuidado de enfermagem obstétrica na atenção ao parto e sua repercussão na vitalidade do recém-nascido / Cross-sectional study on the exposure to non-invasive technologies of obstetric nursing care in the delivery and its impact on the vitality of newborn

Carlos Sérgio Corrêa dos Reis 30 March 2015 (has links)
Estudo cujo objeto foi o emprego de tecnologias não-invasivas de cuidado de enfermagem obstétrica (TNICEO) por enfermeiras obstétricas durante o acompanhamento do trabalho de parto e parto, e suas repercussões sobre a vitalidade do recém-nascido. A tese é: a disponibilização de TNICEO pelas enfermeiras obstétricas na atenção ao trabalho de parto, parto e nascimento está associada a recém-natos com índice de Apgar (IA) >8, quando comparado com o índice de Apgar de recém-nascidos cujas mães não puderam optar pelo uso destas tecnologias. Objetivou: a) descrever as características obstétricas das mulheres e de seu trabalho de parto e parto acompanhados por enfermeiras obstétricas; b) descrever as TNICEO disponibilizadas pelas enfermeiras obstétricas no cuidado à parturiente; c) medir e comparar a associação entre o IA de primeiro e quinto minutos de vida dos recém-nascidos cujas mães fizeram uso das TNICEO com: o IA do primeiro e quinto minutos de vida dos recém-nascidos cujas mães foram submetidas ao tratamento tradicional (intervenções); o IA do primeiro e quinto minutos de vida dos recém-nascidos cujas mães utilizaram tanto TNICEO e assistência tradicional (AT); o IA do primeiro e quinto minutos de vida dos recém-nascidos cujas mães e não foram submetidas a nenhum tipo de assistência (TNICEO ou AT) durante o trabalho de parto. Tratou-se de estudo observacional descritivo, transversal, retrospectivo. Realizado em Hospital Maternidade Municipal localizado na zona norte do Município do Rio de Janeiro. A amostra foi 6.790 parturientes, que tiveram parto vaginal acompanhado por enfermeiras obstétricas, entre setembro/2004 e dezembro/2011. A fonte de informações foi o Livro de Registros de Partos (LRP) da maternidade. Os resultados evidenciaram que: 91,9% utilizaram um ou mais recurso relacionado às TNICEO e 60,2% foram submetidas a uma ou mais intervenção da AT. Quanto ao IA no 1 e no 5 minuto de vida, com relação às variáveis relacionadas aos tipos de assistência que utilizaram, constatou-se que os neonatos cujas mães durante o trabalho de parto e parto utilizaram algum tipo de TNICEO apresentaram percentuais mais elevados de IA > 8, tanto no 1 minuto (93,4%) como no 5 minuto de vida (99,0%). Em contrapartida os neonatos cujas mães foram submetidas a algum procedimento relacionado à AT apresentaram os menores percentuais de IA (82,8%) no 1 minuto e (94,7%) no 5 minuto de vida. Confirmando a tese proposta, conclui-se que a razão de chance do IA ser > 8 no primeiro minuto de vida é aumentada (OR 4,564; IC95%: 1,887 11,038; p valor 0,0008) a favor do grupo de mulheres que utilizaram apenas as TNICEO durante TP e/ou P, comparado ao grupo de mulheres submetidas às intervenções da AT. Referente ao quinto minuto de vida, a razão de chance de um recém-nascido cuja mãe que teve seu TP e/ou P acompanhados pelas enfermeiras obstétricas e utilizaram as somente as TNICEO na assistência foi maior (OR = 4,927; IC95% 2,349 10,334 ; p valor 0,00020), quando comparado com o grupo de parturientes da AT. / El objeto del estudio fue el uso de tecnologías no invasivas de cuidado de enfermería obstétrica (TNICEO) por enfermeras obstétricas durante el parto, y su impacto en la vitalidad del recién nacido. La tesis es que la disponibilidad de TNICEO por enfermeras obstétricas en el parto se asocia con los recién nacidos con índice de Apgar mayor o igual a 8, en comparación con el índice de Apgar de los recién nacidos cuyas madres no podían optar por utilizar estas tecnologías. Los objetivos fueron: a) describir las características obstétricas de las mujeres y su parto acompañados por enfermeras obstétricas; b) describir las TNICEO proporcionadas por enfermeras obstétricas en el cuidado de la mujer durante el parto; c) medir y comparar la asociación entre el índice de Apgar en el primer y quinto minutos de vida para los recién nacidos cuyas madres usaron TNICEO, y el índice de Apgar del primer y quinto minutos de vida para los recién nacidos cuyas madres fueron sometidas a tratamiento tradicional (AT) (intervenciones). Este fue un estudio observacional descriptivo transversal retrospectivo, realizado en un hospital Maternidad Municipal ubicado en la parte norte de la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. La muestra fue de 6.790 mujeres que tuvieron su parto vaginal acompañado por enfermeras obstétricas, a partir de septiembre de 2004 hasta diciembre de 2011. La fuente de información fue el Libro registro de partos (PRL) de la sala de partos. Los resultados mostraron que: el 27,0% eran adolescentes, el 37,9% estaban embarazadas por primera vez y el 41,7% eran primíparas. 91,9% utiliza uno o más TNICEO y 60,2% experimentó uno o más intervención AT. El posicionamiento vertical fue lo más adoptada por las mujeres durante el parto. En cuanto al índice de Apgar de los recién nacidos en el primer y quinto minutos de vida, teniendo en cuenta las variables relacionadas con el modelo de asistencia, se encontró que los recién nacidos cuyas madres durante el parto recibieron algunas TNICEO tuvieran mayores porcentajes de índice de Apgar >8, tanto en el primero (93,4%) y en el quinto (99,0%). minutos de vida. Sin embargo los recién nacidos cuyas madres fueron sometidos a procedimientos relacionados con AT tuvieran los porcentajes más bajos de Apgar (82,8%) en el primero y (94,7%) en el quinto minutos de vida. Confirmando la tesis propuesta, se concluye que la razón de probabilidad de índice de Apgar mayor o igual a 8 en el primero minuto de vida se incrementa (OR 4,564; IC del 95%: 1,887 a 11,038; valor de p 0,0008) en favor del grupo de las mujeres que sólo recibieron TNICEO, en comparación con el grupo de mujeres sometidas a intervenciones de AT. En cuanto al quinto minuto, la razón de probabilidad de un recién nacido cuya madre tuve su parto asistido por enfermeras obstétricas utilizando sólo TNICEO fue mayor (OR = 4,927; IC del 95%: 2.349 - 10.334; valor p 0,00020) en comparación con el grupo de las madres AT.

Relação entre a cárie precoce da infância com o índice de Apgar e outros fatores de risco

Larquer, Ludiele Gonçalves Martins 26 February 2016 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo transversal foi investigar a associação da cárie precoce da infância (CPI) com o índice de Apgar (IA) e outras variáveis relacionadas à criança (condições no parto e história médica) e relacionadas à criança e aos pais e/ou responsáveis e à família (demográficas, socioeconômicas e comportamentais). Foram selecionadas 120 crianças saudáveis com idades entre três e cinco anos atendidas pela Área de Odontologia Pediátrica da Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade Federal de Uberlândia durante o ano de 2015. Para a obtenção das variáveis qualitativas e quantitativas foi aplicado um questionário em forma de entrevista aos pais e/ou responsáveis. O IA aos cinco minutos (exposição de interesse) foi obtido por meio do registro na Caderneta de Saúde da Criança. Para a avaliação da prevalência de cárie (variável dependente clínica), foi realizado o exame clínico por um único pesquisador previamente calibrado, de acordo com os critérios da Organização Mundial de Saúde. A experiência de cárie foi mensurada utilizando-se os índices ceo-d e ceo-s. As crianças foram classificadas em três grupos, de acordo com a idade e o índice ceo-s: sem cárie (SC), com CPI e com cárie precoce severa da infância (CPSI). Os dados foram tabulados e submetidos à análise estatística utilizando o software SPSS Statistics (IBM, Inc, Chicago, Illinois, EUA) versão 17. Foram realizados três modelos logísticos, tendo as seguintes classificações: SC e CPI, SC e CPSI, CPI e CPSI (p<0,05). A prevalência total de CPI, considerando as crianças com CPI e CPSI, foi de 55,8% (n= 67). O IA não foi uma variável estatisticamente significante. A idade da criança, a idade do desmame e a hospitalização recente foram variáveis associadas à prevalência de CPI. A idade de início da escovação e o grau de escolaridade da mãe foram variáveis associadas à prevalência de CPSI. Considerando-se os grupos com CPI e com CPSI, a idade da criança, a idade de início do uso de dentifrício fluoretado, a hospitalização recente, o grau de escolaridade da mãe e a renda do pai foram variáveis associadas com a prevalência de CPSI. Considerando-se a metodologia empregada e a análise dos resultados, foi possível concluir que não houve associação da CPI com o IA em crianças saudáveis. Entretanto, foi encontrada associação da CPI e da CPSI com algumas variáveis relacionadas ao nascimento e à história médica (hospitalização recente) da criança, demográficas (idade da criança), socioeconômicas (grau de escolaridade da mãe e renda paterna) e comportamentais (idade de início da higiene bucal, idade do desmame e uso de dentifrício fluoretado) relacionadas à criança e aos pais e/ou responsáveis. / The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the association of early childhood caries (ECC) with the Apgar score (AS) and other variables related to the child (conditions at birth and medical history) and related to the child and parents and / or guardians and family (demographic, socioeconomic and behavioral). One hundred and twenty healthy children aged between 3-5 years-old treated by Pediatric Dentistry Area of Dentistry College of the Federal University of Uberlandia during 2015 were selected. To obtain qualitative and quantitative variables a questionnaire was applied as an interview to the parents and/or guardians. The 5-minute AS (interest exposure) was obtained through the record in the Child Health Handbook. To assess the prevalence of caries (clinical dependent variable), a single calibrated researcher conducted the clinical examination, according to the criteria of the World Health Organization. Caries experience was measured using the indexes dmft and dmfs. The children were classified into three groups, according to age and dmfs index: no caries (NC), with ECC and with severe early childhood caries (S-ECC). Data were tabulated and submitted to statistical analysis using the SPSS software (IBM, Inc, Chicago, Illinois, USA) 17th version. Three logistics models were carried out having the following classifications: NC and ECC, NC and S-ECC, ECC and S-ECC (p<0.05). The overall ECC prevalence, considering children with ECC and S-ECC, was 55,8% (n= 67). The AS was not a statistically significant variable. The child’s age, weaning age and recent hospitalization were variables associated with the ECC prevalence. The age of brush start and the educational level of the mother were variables associated with the S-ECC prevalence. Considering the ECC and the S-ECC groups, the child's age and the beginning of the use of fluoride toothpaste, recent hospitalization, the educational level of the mother and the father's income were associated with the S-ECC prevalence. Considering the methodology employed and the analysis of results, it was concluded that there was no association between the ECC with the AS in healthy children. However, an association was found of ECC and S-ECC with some variables related to birth and to medical history of the child (recent hospitalization), demographic (child’s age), socioeconomic (educational level of the mother and father's income) and behavioral (age of brush start, weaning age and use of fluoride toothpaste) related to children and to the parents and/or guardians. / Dissertação (Mestrado)

Tratamento homeopático em gestantes com sobrepeso ou obesidade e transtorno mental comum: ensaio clínico duplo-cego controlado / Homeopathic treatment in overweight or obese pregnant women with mental disorder: a controlled double blind clinical trial

Edgard Costa de Vilhena 17 December 2012 (has links)
Introdução: Além de problemas a curto prazo para a mãe e o recém-nascido, o sobrepeso e a obesidade na gestação levam a inúmeros problemas da saúde materna de longo prazo e no desenvolvimento da criança. O não tratamento de gestantes com transtorno mental comum e sobrepeso pode aumentar a frequência de depressão perinatal com riscos diretos ao concepto. Tem sido observado na literatura o uso da homeopatia na obesidade, na gestação e nos transtornos mentais comuns. Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia do tratamento homeopático em gestantes com sobrepeso ou obesidade I ou II, sem comorbidades, suspeitas de transtorno mental comum, na prevenção do ganho excessivo de massa corporal durante a gestação. Método: Foram estudadas gestantes com sobrepeso ou obesidade I/II e suspeitas de transtorno mental comum, sem doenças concomitantes. No grupo teste (62) receberam tratamento homeopático e no controle (72) placebo. Foram avaliados o ganho de peso na gestação por meio da diferença entre os índices inicial e final de massa corporal corrigida pela idade gestacional, APGAR, peso do recém-nascido, auto percepção de saúde materna, complicações maternas, entre outras condições. Resultados: A média da diferença entre o índice de massa corporal inicial e final corrigidos pela idade gestacional foi de 4,95 kg/ m2 no grupo homeopatia e de 5,05 kg/m2 no grupo controle. A diferença entre as médias não foi significante com valor de p = 0,815 e ICdif 95% (-0,916 a 0,722). O índice de APGAR no quinto minuto foi estatísticamente significante com valor de p = 0,040. Não se observaram diferenças significativas nos demais desfechos. Conclusão: A homeopatia não contribuiu para a prevenção do ganho excessivo de massa corporal em gestantes com sobrepeso ou obesidade. A homeopatia desempenhou um papel regulador melhorando a vitalidade dos RN no quinto minuto de vida. / Introduction: Aside from short-term problems related to the mother and newborn, overweight and obesity in gestation leads to countless long-term health problems for the mother\'s and childs development. The lack of treatment for pregnant women whom are overweight and have a common mental disorder may increase the frequency of prenatal depression with direct risks to conception. It has been observed in literature the use of homeopathy in cases of obesity, gestation, and common mental disorders. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the homeopathic treatment in pregnant women whom either are overweight or have a case of obesity I or II, with no comorbidities, suspect of common mental disorder, in the prevention of excessive bodily mass gain throughout gestation. Method: Pregnant women whom were overweight or had a case of obesity I/II, suspect of common mental disorder, with no concomitant diseases, were studied. One group (62) received homeopathical treatment, while the control group (72) received a placebo. Weight gain throughout gestation was evaluated through the difference between initial and final rating of bodily mass, with adjustments to the period of gestation, APGAR, weight of the newborn, self-perception of the mothers own health, maternal complications, amongst other conditions. Results: The average of the difference between the ratings of initial and final bodily mass, with adjustments to the period of gestation, was 4.95 kg/m2 in the homeopathic group, and 5.05 kg/m2 in the control group. The difference between the averages was not significant, with a p = 0,815 e ICdif 95% (-0,916 a 0,722). The rating of APGAR on the 5th minute was statistically significant, with a value of p value = 0.040. Significant differences on other results were not observed. Conclusion: Homeopathic medicine did not contribute to the prevention of excessive bodily mass gain in pregnant women whom are overweight or have a case of obesity. Homeopathy acted through a modulating role, bettering the vitality of the newborn on the 5th minute of life

Competence of midwives regarding prevention of low Apgar score among neonates

Mulonda, Seani Adrinah 08 1900 (has links)
MCur / Department of Advanced Nursing Science / See the attached abstract below

Impact de la mise en place d'un Centre d'Epidémiologie Périnatale en Wallonie et à Bruxelles sur les données en santé périnatale et analyse des nouvelles données sur la santé périnatale des immigrants et sur l'impact de l'indice de masse corporelle maternel / Evaluation of the creation of a Centre of perinatal epidemiology in Wallonia and Brussels and analysis of collected data regarding immigration status and maternal obesity

Minsart, Anne-Frédérique 18 June 2013 (has links)
La Communauté française décide en concertation avec la Région bruxelloise et la Région wallonne, de financer un Centre d’Epidémiologie Périnatale (CEpiP). Les Communautés et Régions chargent le CEpiP de les assister dans la vérification, le remplissage et la correction des certificats concernant les naissances à partir du 1er janvier 2008. Le CEpiP est également chargé d’encoder les certificats bruxellois, les certificats wallons étant toujours encodés par un sous-traitant.<p>Un problème souvent rencontré dans l’analyse des certificats de naissance est la présence de données manquantes. Des informations manquaient sur 64.0% des certificats bruxellois de janvier 2008 (situation de base). Le renforcement de l’enregistrement par le CEpiP durant l’année 2008 est lié à une diminution des informations manquantes sur les certificats initiaux (à la sortie des maternités et services d’état civil) après la première et la deuxième année d’enregistrement :20,8% et 19,5% des naissances en décembre 2008 et 2009 respectivement. Le taux résiduel de données manquantes après correction grâce aux listes envoyées aux maternités et services d’Etat civil est faible. En particulier, la nationalité d’origine des parents était souvent manquante, jusqu’à 35% à Bruxelles (données non publiées), et ce taux est passé à 2.6% en 2008 et 0.1% en 2009. Certaines données manquantes ne sont pas distribuées de façon équivalente selon la nationalité de la mère, même après correction. Les mères d’origine sub-saharienne ont les taux de remplissage les moins élevés. Enfin, le taux de mort-nés a augmenté par rapport aux données de 2007, au profit des mort-nés avant l’âge de 28 semaines, et suggère une amélioration de l’enregistrement suite au renforcement de l’information.<p>Les données concernant l’indice de masse corporelle des patientes sont donc relevées depuis 2009 pour l’ensemble des mères qui accouchent en Belgique. L’obésité maternelle et l’immigration sont en augmentation en Belgique, et ont été rarement étudiées au travers d’études de population sur les certificats de naissance. Des études ont pourtant montré que ces mères étaient à risque de complications périnatales, comme la césarienne ou la mortalité périnatale. L’obésité et l’immigration ont en commun le fait qu’elles recouvrent des réalités médicales, sociales et relationnelles face au personnel soignant, qui les mettent à risque de complications périnatales.<p>Des différences en termes de complications obstétricales et néonatales entre populations immigrantes et autochtones ont été observées en Belgique et dans d’autres pays, mais elles sont encore mal comprises. <p>Dans un premier travail d’analyse, nous avons évalué les taux de mortalité périnatale chez les mères immigrantes, en fonction du fait qu’elles étaient naturalisées ou non.<p>Le taux de mortalité périnatale est globalement plus élevé chez les mères immigrantes (8.6‰) que non-immigrantes (6.4‰).<p>Le taux de mortalité périnatale est globalement plus élevé chez les mères non naturalisées (10.3‰) que chez les mères naturalisées (6.1‰).<p>Le taux de mortalité périnatale varie selon l’origine des mères, mais dans chaque sous-groupe étudié, les mères non naturalisées ont un taux plus élevé de mortalité périnatale.<p><p>Des études ont successivement montré davantage, ou moins de césariennes chez les mères immigrantes. Peu de facteurs confondants étaient généralement pris en compte. Dans un second travail d’analyse, nous avons comparé les taux de césarienne dans plusieurs sous-groupes de nationalités.<p>Les taux de césarienne varient selon les sous-groupes de nationalités. Les mères originaires d’Afrique sub-saharienne ont un odds ratio ajusté pour la césarienne de 2.06 (1.62-2.63) en comparaison aux mères belges. L’odds ratio ajusté n’est plus statistiquement significatif après introduction des variables anthropométriques dans le modèle multivariable pour les mères d’Europe de l’Est, et après introduction des interventions médicales pour les mères du Maghreb.<p><p>Peu d’études ont analysé la relation entre l’obésité maternelle et les complications néonatales, et la plupart de ces études n’ont pas ajusté leurs résultats pour plusieurs variables confondantes. Nous avons eu pour but dans un troisième travail d’analyse d’étudier la relation entre l’obésité maternelle et les paramètres néonatals, en tenant compte du type de travail (induit ou spontané) et du type d’accouchement (césarienne ou voie basse). Les enfants de mères obèses ont un excès de 38% d’admission en centre néonatal après ajustement pour toutes les caractéristiques du modèle multivariable (intervalle de confiance à 95% :1.22-1.56) ;les enfants de mères obèses en travail spontané et induit ont également un excès de risque de 45% (1.21-1.73) et 34% (1.10-1.63) respectivement, alors qu’après une césarienne programmée l’excès de risque est de 18% (0.86-1.63) et non statistiquement significatif.<p>Les enfants de mères obèses ont un excès de 31% de taux d’Apgar à 1 minute inférieur à 7, après ajustement pour toutes les caractéristiques du modèle mutivariable (1.15-1.49) ;les enfants de mères obèses en travail spontané et induit ont également un excès de risque de 26% (1.04-1.52) et 38% (1.12-1.69) respectivement, alors qu’après une césarienne programmée l’excès de risque est de 50% (0.96-2.36) et non statistiquement significatif.<p><p>In 2008, a Centre for Perinatal Epidemiology was created inter alia to assist the Health Departments of Brussels-Capital City Region and the French Community to check birth certificates. A problem repeatedly reported in birth certificate data is the presence of missing data. The purpose of this study is to assess the changes brought by the Centre in terms of completeness of data registration for the entire population and according to immigration status. Reinforcement of data collection was associated with a decrease of missing information. The residual missing data rate was very low. Education level and employment status were missing more often in immigrant mothers compared to Belgian natives both in 2008 and 2009. Mothers from Sub-Saharan Africa had the highest missing rate of socio-economic data. The stillbirth rate increased from 4.6‰ in 2007 to 8.2‰ in 2009. All twin pairs were identified, but early loss of a co-twin before 22 weeks was rarely reported.<p>Differences in neonatal mortality among immigrants have been documented in Belgium and elsewhere, and these disparities are poorly understood. Our objective was to compare perinatal mortality rates in immigrant mothers according to citizenship status. Perinatal mortality rate varied according to the origin of the mother and her naturalization status: among immigrants, non-naturalized immigrants had a higher incidence of perinatal mortality (10.3‰) than their naturalized counterparts (6.1‰). In a country with a high frequency of naturalization, and universal access to health care, naturalized immigrant mothers experience less perinatal mortality than their not naturalized counterparts. <p>Our second objective was to provide insight into the differential effect of immigration on cesarean section rates, using Robson classification. Cesarean section rates currently vary between Robson categories in immigrant subgroups. Immigrant mothers from Sub-Saharan Africa with a term, singleton infant in cephalic position, without previous cesarean section, appear to carry the highest burden.<p>If it is well known that obesity increases morbidity for both mother and fetus and is associated with a variety of adverse reproductive outcomes, few studies have assessed the relation between obesity and neonatal outcomes. This is the aim of the last study, after taking into account type of labor and delivery, as well as social, medical and hospital characteristics in a population-based analysis. Neonatal admission to intensive care and low Apgar scores were more likely to occur in infants from obese mothers, both after spontaneous and <p> / Doctorat en Sciences médicales / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Review of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tefera Girma Negash 20 November 2014 (has links)
This study aimed to identify factors affecting women’s utilisation of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV, evaluate the quality of PMTCT services, describe health outcomes of mothers and infants and to identify factors that influence mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV. Structured interviews were conducted with 384 women who had utilised PMTCT services. Information was also obtained from the health records of these women and of their infants. Better educated women, who had male partners and were self-employed were more likely to use PMTCT services. Being unmarried, poor and feeling stigmatised made it difficult for women to use these services. Respondents were satisfied with PMTCT services except that clinics sometimes had no medications. The health care workers followed the Ethiopian guidelines during HIV testing and counseling but not when prescribing treatment. Although the respondents’ CD4 cell counts improved, their clinical conditions did not improve. The MTCT rate was significantly higher if infants did not receive ARVs, had APGAR scores below seven, weighed less than 2.5kg at birth, were born prematurely, and if their mothers had nipple fissures. PMTCT services could be improved if more women used these services, health care workers followed the national guidelines when prescribing ARVs, clinics had adequate supplies of medicines, all infants received ARVs, and mothers’ nipple fissures could be prevented. Antenatal care should help to avoid premature births of infants weighing less than 2.5kg and having APGAR scores below 7. Future research should compare formula feeding versus breastfeeding of infants with HIV-positive mothers / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Review of prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Tefera Girma Negash 20 November 2014 (has links)
This study aimed to identify factors affecting women’s utilisation of the prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV, evaluate the quality of PMTCT services, describe health outcomes of mothers and infants and to identify factors that influence mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV. Structured interviews were conducted with 384 women who had utilised PMTCT services. Information was also obtained from the health records of these women and of their infants. Better educated women, who had male partners and were self-employed were more likely to use PMTCT services. Being unmarried, poor and feeling stigmatised made it difficult for women to use these services. Respondents were satisfied with PMTCT services except that clinics sometimes had no medications. The health care workers followed the Ethiopian guidelines during HIV testing and counseling but not when prescribing treatment. Although the respondents’ CD4 cell counts improved, their clinical conditions did not improve. The MTCT rate was significantly higher if infants did not receive ARVs, had APGAR scores below seven, weighed less than 2.5kg at birth, were born prematurely, and if their mothers had nipple fissures. PMTCT services could be improved if more women used these services, health care workers followed the national guidelines when prescribing ARVs, clinics had adequate supplies of medicines, all infants received ARVs, and mothers’ nipple fissures could be prevented. Antenatal care should help to avoid premature births of infants weighing less than 2.5kg and having APGAR scores below 7. Future research should compare formula feeding versus breastfeeding of infants with HIV-positive mothers / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

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